The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, October 06, 1860, Image 3

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    Cly Yotal Parititial
ar a i w id aa ., Oda/tee 6, 18'60.
Wide Awake Torch -light Procession!
The Lincoln Club and Wide Awakes
of this place, augmented in numbers by
the attendance of numerous citizens of
the District, and Wide Awakes from
Silver Springs, Mountjoy and Columbia,
held a highly interesting demonstration
on last Thursday evening, in connection
with the Pole-raising noticed in another
article. The afternoon and early even
ing were rainy, misty and lowering ; but
about the time of meeting, the clouds
began to' clear away, and finally gave us
a good evening. The meeting, w hi c h
had been adjourned to the Town Hall
on account of the weather, was therefore
recalled to the Lower Station; and in
due season was called to order by A. B.
Grosh, whereupon E. D. Roath, Esq.
nominated, and the meeting elected the
following officers to preside.
President—JonN J. COCHRAN, Lan-
Vice Presidents—Col. William Brady,
Mountjoy ; Col. J. W. 'Fisher, Columbia;
Esaias Billingsfelt, Esq., Adamstown ;
Jacob Stahl, Marietta; Henry Copen
heffer, Hempfield ; Levi Boughter, Chic
ques ; Simon Groh, East Donegal ; H.
S. Book, Maytown ; Dr. P. Hinkle, Hen
ry Sultzbach, and others, Marietta.
Secretaries—A. N. Cassel, A. rt. Mas-
Belmar', and S. C. Hiestand.
The nominations were confirmed with
hearty cheers ; after which the President
made some very spirited and ap
propriate remarks on the issues of the
day and duties of voters, and concluded
by introducing Francis W. Christ. Esq.,
of Litiz, the candidate of this County on
the Republican Electoral Ticket.
Mr. Christ's address was in what sound
ed to us like a very pure German, yet
plain, simple and clear; and was devoted
to a serious, candid and convincing ex
amination of the principles of the two
parties, It was listened*, with an eager
ness that was more complimentary than
even the loud applause with which the
speaker was greeted.
A recess was then taken until the
dose of the Torchlight procession, which
in all this time had been drawing its bril
Hunt length through the various streets o
our town, filling them not only with light
but music also by the Mount Joy and
Silver Spring Bandstand the martial
music of our own performers. At the
close of the procession, speaking was re
sumed by the introduction of David
Al 'mina, Esq., of Harrisburg, also a can
didate on our electoral ticket.
M r. Mumma, after referring to the very
late hour, proposed speaking in 14.:nglish
and intersperse his remarks with an oc
casional explanation and illustration in
German. Ile then launched vigorously
into a discussion of the tariff, the home
stead, the niggerisms" of the democratic
platforms, &c.; interspercing various racy
dutch anecdotes in illustration, that con
vulsed his hearers with peals of laughter
and applause that made the welkinring.
At the close, calls were made for Mr.
Christ, (who, however, deblin4 as it was
now near midnight,) and cheers were
given with lusty "tigers" for the candi
datee, the speakers, the President of our
Club, the good cause, &c.. &v.
Had the afternoon and early evening
been pleasant, larger delegations would
have been present from those places
represented, beside some from other pla
ces. But even under all the disadvanta
ges of weeping skies and muddy roads,
the meeting, procession, &c., was a great
success, that is haying its due effect on
onr citizens. Many documents were dis
tributed, and will undoubtedly be read
and circulated, having their effect like
wise in giving light to some who yet sit
in darkness.
lit - The Lancaster Union speaking of
the late County Fair says the attend
ance was not so great as in former years.
The unpleasant and wet weather of
Thursday and the Firemen's procession
on Friday interfered materially to pre
vent as large an attendance as was desi
rable and expected. The display also
was small in comparison with former ex
hibitions. Some of the departments,
hoWever, were quite full. The stalls set
apart for stock were well filled and the
display was very creditable,
'Ferdinand Zech has removed his
boot and shoe store from his former
place to the building adjoining "The
Hermitage" hotel. Mr. Z. has more
room here to display Nis ample stock of
City made work, of which he has just re
ceived a new and beautiful lot., lie con
tinues to make all kinds of work his
far Mr. Alexander Lyndsay, not to be
behind his neighbors, has just had a beau
tiful coat of lead color given his house
and store room front ; Mr. L.'s residence
iswow one of the handsomest on Market
street. Mr. Garman should "go and do
rrir of Mr. Whitehill's farm
will take place on Thursday nest. Here
is an opportunity to purchase one of the
finest farms in this township, and that is
saying a vast deal. On Saturday fbl..
lowing, Mr. W. will sell his personal
Notwithstanding the very unfavorable
weather on Thursday afternoon last, a
Liberty Pole, 94 feet long, was success
fully raised by the friends of Lincoln,
Hamlin and Curtin, at the Lower Sta
tion in this borough. The banner is in
scribed on one side "Lincoln Hamlin
and Curtin"— on the other " Protection
for free Labor." Above that is a beau
tiful national flag, bearing the thirteen
original stars. This flag is the work of
many fair hands whose skilful fingers
wrought together its mingled hoes of red,
white and blue.
"Flag of the free heart's hope and home I
By angel hands to valor given ;
Thy stars have lit the welkin dome,
And all thy hues were born in heaven."
Above the flag, in the crotch of the
pole, is an elegant wreath, presented by
Mrs. Dr. Hinkle, of this borough—and in
the centre of the wreath the patriotic la
dy has wrought the names "Lincoln—
Hamlin-Curtin." Names so honored
deserve to be, and will be, elected.
Capt. S. D. Miller has mounted a fine
Lantern on the top of the pole, which
gives no " doubtful light ;" and Mr. Er-
Ismail has mounted, between the banner
and the ground, an enormous maul—em
blematic of that which splits and rives
the enemies of our Union, and mauls the
plunderers of the people's treasures.
The pole itself was a gift from James
L. Shultz, Esq., from his farm, adjoining
town, known as the Major Haines farm.
For an account of the meetings held
after the raising of this " Liberty Tree,"
we refer to another article.
A number of patriotic ladies, (and no
less skilful in housewifely arts than in
showing forth their love of country and
of freedom,) met on Wednesday last, and
engaged in the much needed work of
preparing a national flag for the Repub
licans. By. Thursday noon it was bung
in Centre Square, on a rope stretched
from the residence of Samuel Bailey,
Esq., diagonally across to the "Donegal
House" of S. G. Miller. And shortly
after noontide, it was elegantly wreathed
and festooned by the same fair hands.—
The Republicans of Marietta and sur
rounding district have certainly great
reason to be proud of - this noble flag,
which is 24 feet long and 12 wide—and
no less proud and grateful to the ladies
who decorated it. It is an elegant flag
and is well calculated to inspire the sen
timent of the gifted Dr. Drake--
"Forever float that- standard sheet ! -
Where breathes the foe but falls before us,
With Freedom's soil beneath our feet
Add Freedom's banner streaming o'er us!,
We hope that every Republican voter
in the district, or who may cast his eyes
on that flag, will do his devoirs to the
fair hands that wreathed it, by voting, on
next Tuesday, for Curtin and the whole
ticket—and in November next, for . Lin
coln and Hamlin. He best honors them
and proves his gratitude by carrying out
their wishes—and the Ladies, all, (God
bless them !) are for the Union, the Con
stitution as expounded by its framers
and administered by our fathers, for Lib
erty increased and increasing, and for
free homes, on free soil, for free men.
The Pioneer Fire Company of this
borough, attended the great Firemen's
Parade at Lancaster on Friday last, and
whilst there on Saturday, we were quite
flattered to hear the encomiums passed
upon the good appearance and good be
havior of our efficient and energetic fire
men. This parade has been pronounced
the finest had in the "Inland City" within
the recollection of the "oldest inhabi
tant." "The Old Soldier"—Captain S.
D. Miller—was, during the marching of
the procession, placed on the Pioneer
Hose Carriage, with musket in hand,
looking as defiant as Mars, the God of
illigrA German named Henry Walfen,
living in the alley near S. & B. Hies
tand's 1-amber yard, at the lower end of
town, died very suddenly on Wednesday
evening last. He had just finished a
hearty supper at Cassel's tavern and on
leaving the bar room door fall over upon
the porch dead. He was a man of very
intemperate habits.
int'On the 29th ult. a farm belonging
to Mr. B. B. Gonder, near Strasburg
bor., containing one hundred acres, was
sold to Mr. Jacob Herr, of West Lam
peter, for one hundred and seventy-one
dollars per acre.
garOn the 28th ult. the farm of Joseph
Nissley in East Donegal-twp., adjoining
the Donegal Meeting , house property,
containing 122 acres, was sold at public
sale. Jonas Mumma (whose land ad
joins) was the purchaser, at $174.87 per
di'The "Bell-Everett Foster" Club
held a meeting at their Head Quarters,
in this borough on Saturday night last.
Samitel IL Reynolds, Esq., of Lancaster,
Dr. Kline from Chestnut Hill and a Mr.
Blitz of Columbia, delivered addresses.
Dr. K. in German.
WA. slight smash np occurred on Fri-
Jay evening last, by a freight train, run
ning; into the slow line whilst it was de
tained at the lower-station, unloading
the Fioneerliose Carriage from a truck.
No damage, save the breaking of several
bumpers and considerable fright to the
c --4, - 7 &TI - IE WEEKLY - MA.RIETTIAN.g\-34--)
Owing to a previous engagement of the
Town Hall, (of which we were ignorant
at our last business meeting,) the meet
ing for Monday evening next will be held
at Heckrothe's White Swan Hotel, on
It is our last meeting before the State
Election, and hence important business
requires your immediate attention. Re
member therefore to attend next Monday
evening at 7 o'clock.
Dr. Swentzel will be in this place
on Tuesday next, the 9th instant. The
Doctor's increasing practice at Lancas
ter prevents his visits from being as fre
quent to this place as heretofore. He
is rising fast in his profession.
The Marietta Wide Awakes, to
the number of 216, attended the Repub
lican meeting at Columbia, on Tuesday
At Kramer's Hotel, Columbia, on the 2nd
instant, by Thomas Welsh, Esq., Mr. MARKO
ILHEEM, of Marietta, to Miss MAiteitnri.
COICZELMAN, of York County.
1860 !J
.......... ~,,,
NT 0 W EXHIBITING, the largest, most
desirable and cheapest goods tVe have
ever offered, selected in New-York and Phil
adelphia. OUr friends and customers are invi
ted to inspect our goods, confidently believing
that all will be pleased, as to the variety, qual
ity and cheapness.
Entirely new styles of Fall Dress Silks, best
make of black dress silks, Lupin's French Me
rinoes, in black, and in all colors, Lupin's
French Merinoes, printed in vines, baguets,
polka spots and medalions ; Lupin's all wool
printed Mouslies, in Vines boquets and polka
spots and medallions ; double width Irish pop
lins, new style, all wool printed Cashmeres
black ground Foulards, Velour Ottomans, all
wool Plaids, Satin a Soie, Garabaldi , s ; Defer
ab7s, children's bright Plaid. 100 pieces Pa
cific de Laties,lBi cents; 100 pieces Hamilton
de lanes, 12.1- cents ; Frenth and English 4-4
Chintzes; 50 pieces Coburgs, all qualities, in
black and'all colors.
Tagus, Victoria, Arabian, light Cloth and
Highland Cloaks, Light Cloaking
Cloths, all shades; Mantle
Silks and Velvets.
Stella, Long and Square Brocha ; long and
square plain Black and plaid Blanket Shawls,
Misses and children's Woolen Shawls, L 0
priced shawls.
Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings.
The largest and most complete assortment we
ever of and at unusually low prices ; we
invite particular attention to our Cloth De
partment, Boy's Cassimeres, &c.
Black and Fancy Super French and English
Black and Fancy Super French and English
The very latest style Vestings.
Cloths, Cassimeres, and every variety of goods
for boy's wear.
Blankets, Marsaille, Lancaster and Allendale
Quilts, Woolen Coverlets, Comfortables,
Bleached and Brown Linen Table
Cloths from 2 yds. to 4 yds. wide,
Bleached and lirown Domes
tic Table Cloths, Woolen
Table Covers, Work
Stand Woolen
Sacking Bottoms, Table Oil Clothes, Stair Oil
Cloths, Crash for Stairs, Brown and Bleached
Sheetings 1 yd. to 3 yds, wide, Pillow Case
Muslins, Tickens, Furniture- Chintzes and
Checks, Towelings, Bureau Covers,
Looking Glasses. a large stock,
Prime Live-picked Geese Feathers.
Window Shades, a new and full assortment,
Window Shades with Bailey's Fixtures,
Embroidered Muslin Window Curtains,
A very large lot of Calpetings, new styles,
selling at reduced prices ; Carpet Chain, wool
en, linen and cotton.
China, Glass & Queensware.
China Tea Setts, gold band ; . White Granite
write, in new shapes, in full Dinner and
Tea setts ; Pitchers, Dishes, Soup
Tureens, Gravies, Bfc. ; Chamber
and Toilet setts; Table and
Bar Tumblers, Wine &
Champagne Glasses,
Egg and Cellery
Goblets, Preserve Dishes, Fruit Stands, Cake
Stands, &c., &c.
Floor Woolen Druggets, from 1 to 3 yds. wide,
Velvet Rugs, Door Matts,
Foor Oil Cloth from 1 yd, to 4 yds. wide, the
latter cut in one piece to fit a hall,
Mattings, checked and plain from 1 yd. to 2
yds. wide.
A full line of Hoisery and Gloves,
The above comprise only a small portion
of our new goods. ' RALDEMAN'S
Cheap Cash Store, Columbia.
Sept. 29.]
I ing a private instructor for mar-
Ile persons, or those about to be mar
ried, both male and female, in every
thing concerning the physiology and
relations of our sexual system, and
the production or prevention of offspring in
cluding all the new discoveries never before
given in the English language, by WILLIAM
YOUNG, M. 33. This is realy a valuableand•
interesting work. It is written in plain lan
guage for the general reader, and is illustrated
with numerous engravings. All young mar
ried people, or those contemplating marriage,
and having the least impediment to married
life, should read this book. It discloses secrets
that every one should be acquainted with ; still
it is a book that must be locked up, and not
lie about the house. It will be sent to any one
on the receipt of twenty-five cents, in specie or
postage stamps. Address Dr. WM.. YOUNG,
No. 416 Spruce st. above 4th, Philadelphia,
1 Pa.
LINCON CLUE---Attention!
A. B. GROSEI, President
Cloalcs,—very newest Styles
ter what may be your disease before you place
yourself under the care of any one of the no
torious quacks--native or foreign—Who adver
tise in this or any other paper, get a copy of
either of Dr. Young's Books, and read it care
fully. It may be the means of saving you
many I.lollar, your health, and possibly your
Dr. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the
diseases described in his publications, at his
office, No. 416 Spruce-A., above Fourth.
Vaper Dapgiq Vaßtifadill'eN•
1:1 OWELL & BOURKE, having re-moved
to their new store, Corner of Fourth and
arket, are now prepared , to offer to the trade
a large and elegant assortment of
Borders, Fire Screenes, Window Curtain Goods,
&c., all of the newest and best designs,
from the lowest priced article to the finest
Gold and Velvet Decorations.
E Purchasers will do- well to visit the es
tablishment of HOWELL & BOURKE,
Aortheant Corner Fourth & Market-sts.,
Sept. 2S -3m.]
EW FIGS, Raisins and Currants, at Yas. T ATIONA.RY —the largest assortment in
M. Anderson's, Market-st. 0 town at Grove 4 - Roth's.
~..g'iLesh / gall (V: 'Winter , ,Szz' cis,
YS now placing on his shelves and ready for
examination and sale, the largest and best
elected stock of FALL AND WINTER Goons
ever offered in this borongh, to which he now
invites the attention of the public.
New Styles Dress Goode,
Superior makes of Silks,
A large assortment of Calicos
Extra quality 14Iustins, all prices,
Best make of Flannels, do
A large stock of Shawls,
Plain and Barred Sack'd Flannels,
Purchasers are Intrited to examine onrstoCk,
as we are confident 'Fe can show them the beat
styles at the lowest prices, in connection with
the largest stock of domestic goods.
Satinetts and Cassimeres,
Bleached and Unbleached Muslin,
Delaines, Calicos and Ginghams,
Drillings, Sheetings and Checks,
Pant Stuff, Hickory and Tickings,
Best makes of Canton Flannels,
Splendid Calicos for six cents,
Good quality Muslin, six cents,
Plain and Figured Delains, 12 cents,
Heavy Unbleached Muslim, six cents.
Linen and Woolen Table covers.
Plain, Ornamental and Oiled Window Blinds
and Patent Fixtures,
Wall Papers, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths.
Wall and Window Paper,
Transparent Blinds.
Glass, Queensware and Cedarware.
Gaiters, Slippers, Boots, Shoes, Brogans ; &c.
n= Very superior Syrup at 50 cents a gallon.
All kinds of Liquors wholesale or retail
Rio Coffee at 15 cents, and other goods at cor
respondingly low. rates.
The highest price givenfor Country produce.
[ 1860
An Effective, Safe and Economical Compound,
For miming Gray Hair to its original color
without dyeing, and preventing the hair from
turning gray.
For Preventing Baldness, and curing it, when
there is the least particle of vitality or recuper
ative energy remaining.
For Removing Scurf and Dandruff; and all
cutaneous affections of the Scalp.
. . .
For Beautifying the Hair, imparting to it an
unequalled gloss and brillancy, making it roft
and silky in its texture and causing it to curl
The great celebrity and the increasing de
mand for this unequalled preparation, convinc e
the proprietor that one trial is only necessary
to satisfy a discerning public of its superior
qualities over another preparation at present in
use. It cleanses the head and scalp from dand-.
ruff and other cutaneous diseases. Causes the
hair to grow luxuriantly, and gives it a rich,
soft, glossy and flexible appearance, and also
where the hair is loosening and thinning, it will
give strength and vigor to the roots, and restore
the growth to those parts which have become
bald, causing it to yield a fresh covering of hair.
There are hundreds of ladies and gentlemen
in New York who have had their hair restored
by the use of this Invigorator, when all other
preparations had failed. L. has in his pos
session letters innumerable testifying to the
above facts, from persons of the highest respec
tibility. It will effectually prevent the hair
from turning gray until the latest period o t life ;
and in cases where the hair has already changed
its color, the use of the Invigorator will, with
certainty restore to its original hue, giving it a
dark, glossy appearance. As a perfume toilet
and a Hair Restorative it is paiticularly rec
ommended, having an agreeable fragrance;
and the great facilities it affords in dressing
the hair, which, when moist with the Invigo
rator can be dressed in any 'required feria so as
to preserve its place, whether plain or in curls
—hence the great demand for it by the ladies
as a standard toilet article which none ought to .
be without, as the price places it within the
reach of all, being
Only Twenty-five Cents
per bottle, to be had at all respectable druggists
and perfumers.
L. Miller would call the attention of Parents
and Guardians to the use of his Invigorator, in
cases where the childrens' Hair inclines to be
weak. The use of it lays the foundation for a
good head of hair, as it removes any impurities
that may have become connected with the
scalp, the removal of which Is necessary both
for the health of the child, and the future ap
pearance of its Hair.
CauTrorr.—None genuine without the fire
simile Lours Mitt ea being on the outer wrap
N. Y. blown in the glass.
Wholesale Depot, 56 Dey St., and sold by all
the principaLMerchants and Druggists through
out the world.
Liberal discount to purchasers by the quantity.
I also desire to present to the American
Public my
New and Improved Instantaneous
which after years of scientific experimenting I
have brought to perfection. It dyes Black or
Brown instantly without injury to the liair,or
Skie, warranted the best article of the kind in
Depot, 56 Dey Street, New York
SHERIFFS SALE: On Thursday, the 11th
day of October, A. D., 1860, at .3 o'clock,
P., M. by virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facies,
'Venditioni Exponas and Levari Facias, issued
out of the Court of Common Pleas, of Lancas
ter Co., and to me directed, I will expose to
public sale or outcry, at the Court House, in
the city of Lancaster, the following Real Es
tate, viz 1
A Lot of ground in the village of Maytown,
fronting on the Marietta road 50 feet, more or
less, and extending in dept h 250 feet, more or
„- less, with a two-story frame DWELLING
a story frame back building, hog pen, bake
oven, fruit trees and other improvements there
on, adjoining property of John Rumbach,
Jacob Longenecker and others.
No. 2, A piece of improved land in East
Donegal township, containing 0 ACRES, more
or less, with a frame grain shed and other im
provements thereon, adjoining property of Geo.
Terry, Henry Jacobs. John Peck and others.
No. 3, A corner lot of ground in the village
of Maytown, Lancaster county, containing2oo
feet front (more or less,) on Queen street, and
621 feet, (mole or less,) on Jacob street, with
two 1 story frame DWELLING HOUSES,
with kitchen attached to one of the dwelling
houses, a 2i -story frame coverlet factory, sta
ble, hog pen, 2 bake ovens, 2 wells of water,
,with pumps therein, fruit trees, and other im
provements thereon, adjoining property of F.
Rightlinger on the southwest and fronting on
Jacob-st., Queen-st., and an alley.
As the property of J no. F. Gebhart and intl.
R. Gebhart.
All of which are seized and taken in execu
tion, and will be sold by
BENJ. F. ROWE, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Lancaster, Sept. 17, 1860.
ir UST RECEIVED at Anderson's Conran
tionary and Variety Store, in Market-st„ a
fine assortment of children's gigs„ baskets
wagons, perambulators, wheelbarrows, toys
wagons, candidates flags, dr um s, rocking
horses, Bze., at Anderson's.
ERSOI 4 PS' Attention Butchers
and Houskeepers. Having a great demand for
our famed SPICES, I have concluded to con
tinue to keep a constant supply of Ground Pep
per. Ground Corriander, and, So l ed Marjoram.
R INN ELS Glycerine Soap,
Frangipani Extract,
saidan assortment of Soaps, new perfumery, &c
ust received at DR. HINKLE'S.
FOR SALE. Eight of ten Barrels pure
der Vinegar, also a lot of second hand
stoves, which can be seen by calling upon the
subscriber. GEO. H. ETTLA-
50 . B 4RiIiELS Monongahela Whiskey
Which will be sold at the, lowest
market rates by the barrel or gallon.
T. R.Difeiabrich.
sp4ogier & Vattersoki, 66.1 YOket-sf.
ARE now supplied with a general
and everything desirable in their line.
Superior Silk Velvet, Grenadine and Woolen
Vestings, French Silk-mixed Doeskin and
Plain Cassimeres, Cloths of all grades,
for Coats, Over-coats and
Business suits, Union Cassimeres, Sattinetts /
Plaid and Plain Jeans, Lamb's-wool, Silk
and Cotton Shirts• and Drawers, Gloves,
Wool ana cotton Hosiery, Suspenders,
Cravats, Neck-ties, Shirt breasts and
collars, Boy's and Men's Shawls,
Cricket Jackets, children's,
youth's and men's Cap and Soft Hats.
Black Bayadare and Fancy Plaid Silks,
Figured and plain Merinoes, in all colors,
French Wool DeLames, in beautiful designs, •
Manchester and Pacific Cashmeres and De
Lames, Rep Nepolitans, Mourning Thibit
Cloths, Coburgs, Bombazines, Alpacas,
Luvellas, English and American. 4-4 Chintz,
Ginghams, Bogue* an other new style Prints,
Rich Plaids and neat fig'd Merinos for misses.
Stella and. Merino bordered, Sonata, Ombray
Jacquard, superior Gay and P lain,4 and S
Quarters Heavy Shawls, a variety of
Children's Shawls, Opera Caps,
Zephyr Shawls and Capes.
Cloth Talmes and Dusters, several styles of
both, for olaoks and talinas, Sacking and
Skirting Flannels, Beaver, Kid and Kid-silk
Gloves and Gauntletts, Embroidered Sleeves,
and collars, Chenele, Braid and Bead Heud
Nets, Diamond Ruffling of all widths, all of
the new styles of dress trimming, Split 'Ze
phyr, Shetland Wool, Crochet Braid, &c.,
White and Grey linen and cotton tablecloths,
Cotton Diaper and crash Toweling; Sheeting,
Checks and Ticking, Cradle, Crib and Bed
Blankets, Marseilles Quilts and Cdunterpanes,
Bureau Covers, Embossed Table Covers, 4, 6
and 16 quarters Floor Oil Cloths s , Prime. Live
picked Feathers. CARPETS. 40 piecea of
Carpet in various qualities, from common to
medium and Extra Three. Ply.
As full an assortment as can , be found in the
county, of the choicest Gilt, Glazed and com
mon Wall Paper for Parlors, Chambers. Fla:ls,
Offices, &c. with Pannels ) Colininal& Borders.
`MI Best Refined ..Whit and Brown
Sugars; Choice Green and Black Teas;
Extra Fine Orleans Mdlasses:;
Loviiing and other Syrups;
Rio, Java and Laguira CGFFEES; Farina;
Teproca and Corn Starch. Split Peas; Soup
Beans; Cheese ; Rice and Spices; new Dried
Peaches and Apples ; Mackerel' ) 01gibi a
Shad and Herring, all of which
have been bought FOR CASH, and will be sold
at a very small advance on cost prices. Call
and snake your purchases or send in your or
ders, early.
141,tarczza/September 22; ISGO.
THE American Watches are among the best
timekeepers now in use, and for durability
strength and simplicity far surpass any other
watch made in the world.
H. L. 8f E. T. Z A HM
Corner of North Queen-st., and Centre 'Square
Lancaster, Pa., have them for sale at the very
lowest rates—every watch accompanied with
the manufacturers guarrantee to ensure its gen
H. L. & J. ZAHM
1101 ESPECTFULLY inforM their
t kia friends and the public that they
s i7!:`,/ still continue the WATC', CLOCK
AND JEWELRY business at the old
- stand, North-west Corner of North
Queen street and Center Square, Lancaster, Pa
A full assortment of goods in our line of busi
ness always en hand and for sale at the lowest
cash rates.
Repairing attended to personally by the
'lenity L. 'ZAHN.] ftDW: S. ZAHM
SPECTACLES to suitall whoiaost9i
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Literary notices from the Press throti,ghout
the Country.
THE SUNNY SOUTH—"This book is corn
posed of a series of letters, written in an inter•
eating style of a narrative, embodying the
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mony, from our own perselal observation of
similar scenes in the South, to their truthfulness
as here depicted. They are portrayed in a
vivid, interesting style, and we would like to
see the book in the hands of thousands of de
ceived people, who have no personal know!.
edge either of Southerners or Southern life,
except what they. have gained from partizan
journals, or those who intentionally have writ
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New York.
THE SUNNY SOUTH.—"This volume is in
the form of letters. They give, so far as we
can judge, faithful pictures of Southern life,
and are ,penned without prejudice. Theypre
sent scenes quite different from an "Uncle
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flatly Bee. •
THE SUNNY SOUTH.—" We nave rarely
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THE SUNNY SOUTH-.-"The enterprising pub
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terest, and spreading them over the country,
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We commend this book to alt."—[Daily News.
THE SUNNY SOUTH.—"This is a captivating
volume, strongly illustrative of Southern lite.
The heart of the authofess is with her theme,
and she carries the interest of the reader along
with her ? and she', in her amusing off hand
style, delinates the peculiarities of a Southern
THE SUNNY Sotirrt.--"Whatever bears the
name of Professor Ingraham is sure to involve
the. elements. of striking
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ular currency : and this is jest the case with
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It-is vivid in style, keenly ,observatiteintsmt
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viously springs from a warm heart, and Will
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Rebellion of Prince Absalom.
Being an illustration of the Splendor, Power,
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"This is the third Volume, and the Comple
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of David,) while the decline of Hebrew power
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uable. as handbooks of information relative ro
the scenery, geography and manners of the
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"This work is designed tosketoh the Hebraic
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interest."—{Philadelphia Eitening.Bullettn.
OF TH.r.
OH -
Ihrre Years in 'the gay City
Ina series'of letters . relaing as if Sy an eye
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From his Baptimit iti Jordan., to his Ciucifixion
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"In this work the author has s'ucce '
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monials, are spirited and comprehensive. The
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and Evangelist.
Copies of either Of the above book% with a
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XTOT ICE is Hereby Given, that the second
instalment of the Capital Stock of a. The
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pany," amounting to FiVE 191014 t ARS .per
share, is required to be Raid to the Trews r,
at his residence, on or before the 15tkilar of
October pelt; and,the third instaluieiit%pflite
amount, at the same , place, on or befoan
Ist day of NoVeniber next. . . 4
Marietta, September "22,a 1 0..". '
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