The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, October 06, 1860, Image 2

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    gke teidg Earittliart.
" - LmniTthil---bv - zrW• Neutral.,
sAfstriDAirActoßEß if, 1880
• N ASRAIriat isrlfCrOthf: df Illinois.
49W1L4 1.11 41 4 Z1N, Of Maine,
'Annum Cr: CU ATI*. oi-CiNTRFCtro*Ir
't • .
4 0 . 01114TY''TI(lIKET,
A.:'/IfESTAieD, City.
lostir'ii Tolintship,
;:,ft West Donegal,
f,a,:-.lJoun. Ehrksaitare, Penni .
„WarrE).' o o.V.
,_For Sheriffs
Vir. P. Boyn, Julien.
TOT PretKenoter#,,
n Ephrata.
: •B l igi s t e i;
- . A* Recorder,
010.1111Z i WEITSAIN, 81144tiTy. •
Clerk ~o . , ;. l 2 wtrler Sessions,
' " Court,
tritiVikAll.qtri*Wouitt Joy. •
i.,tiL05. 1 .1114: 0 9.0.14)Matt0r.. •
.4524 M ii,Litor : 1 2 4 kectql.T. ikkPoorp
S BI.NITIN Coleraine,
igi►aAa H MI TZAR , v tw,7); i)1.! •
Ott 4 46t, 'l4)eCtorB,
lat. ~fAtO3~BItBRUB
'Moinitjoy TirETP.,
HabSEKEEPER 3 Drunwre.
.11 .At, .F.9r,conmer,
,„ *talass .. l Elizabethtown.
fer , 4 ll lfewt
witarea :Pori NEIDA, Brecknock.
On-' next 1 TUeaday every, voter
iiiioniietie 6n 4 tle)tiobid early and fear
figg*id!ftilkePendejitly exercis% the
*tad right 'Oreciiry'Freeman ! that of
iiirtat hie; AOlCii. We would eau_
„ifiiilaCoieti:s'oiijie P'iopin'a party to
CiiiiriZsi r their iicVet's no matter from
toVnin'obbilned, before they vote and`Fee
, ,
iiitt it corresponds with the one at the
liiio:oi . tids column . The supporters of
tn . ib-salted "inerep i ndent ticket have
filed liti'4iad ly ariall kinds of mixed
ki' *V •
Johnld.'Botts made an ad.
dreeete -Tuesday evening;! at Richmond,
litaorev Audience four or five thou
gleitdope9ple, ins Which...he rebuked the
Ildifficellegerdiennion in the most decided
;The.bbject of the .followers: of
Metaitrackinridge; heideolared; to be the
Ileepeninipof the slaysitrade. Mr. Botts,
tbadghlpreferriavthe. eleetion of. Bell
dielliverhtt; would consider the success
eflf,r.isinooleias , anithiirg but a calam
itkyddoh, watila call for a disruption of
the Confederacy. '
eta lu ... .11.: •
AillrGeo , A•lf. Ward, the Grand•lgar
-004101, N A gipai Wi!lit Awake ,Con
rOPP:sidchifissamble4 a few days since
pew,Torlc pity,.says it was the lar
savt,,rikiryandifst tprchlight: parade ever
3vitneesedrin t4iititentintry. declares
VPAS4l?,llToßefaieslynr peyen . hours pas,.-
w ~sivp,?plat a n iid,ths the leading
files were quietly' asleep in their beds
before the rear left,the parade ground.
"1111"11 A i Ag e r i Pg , uOPe among the
friends. of Wollter of that chieftain's es
esee,froin execution will be dispelled by
the, le4st news from liavanna, detailing
tint:iiitnner of his death.. .As was ex-
Reeted, lie died with fortitude.. He also
the Catholic religion. The
shlgilinAstatennut is.made that lincon
rolthMintid on Hontinras to be.wrong,
and that he,alimo .was, to, blame, accept
ing death with resignation.
„.,! -
rAt i Aigistrs, opposite New, Orleans,
409 a Alan fell , tif.FP and' was
Atiqgght 4 4 bei11,e9,4. The coroner was
Britt < aPi • arrgagctneats were being
xnAdlin.h t ity9 au invest, when the man
ze. , *(l4 : , 4n=got, np, and wNlked off, re
saOsing4hat-hntaras not quite ready for
alliallue.l4- Omura meet with aston
ish ng things sometimes. •
,iiirT4B4phsepud,Bnqnirer grows :se.
Nraph q upon Porgies. Referring -to his
NqrplicApaech e it toys that when he un
deritilsss to come the- sovereign- states
°Ur ppn,tl4, t4e allows of Zahn Brown
kop 0110,041,414A11i1c..D..1 may , find
himself pendent thereon. •
IMMO qteraw..(S. (o.t) (gazette `gives
.clunzier thata wed
diltgasitY of r.0.0y-ctight. , perso as were
14180.4140.0 ear .0011,,,abary, in.that State,
a taakdok. 140% ,o(whomforty.are dead.
The Gazette expresses thebelier,in the
01137igtiNSYPPIWA r o. tllat'l-w%l l not
more than fifty miles of nOlToaii { in 111 f4 iii k
nippi • now r it it .said, there are about
welities gvecusetil l eqiiiiitioif,
rasa ii;fnibericr files
ofit?ed 4440 coarse t , • Jeanstiikotio' tr.
Ilighness: : and 4niite arrived at
Ifarrishikon Tnesdainight net. - The
Prince and suite were well pleased with
the trip over the Pennsylvania Railroad.
The Prince rode on the locomotive when
the train -passed over the Allegheny
mountains, and was delighted with the
ride and the splendid scenery. On ar
riving at. Harrisburg a large crowd , greet
ed the royal visitors. They were driven
rapidly to the Jones house, where an ele
gant suite of rooms were prepared for
On Wednesday morning the distin
,guished•cortege left the Jones House for
their reception.
Capitol Hill. The.• Prince, Mayor Kep
ner of Harrisburg, Duke of Newcastle,
and Lord'tioni - Were seated "Mr.
'Michael Bark's open carriage, drawn by
'four greys and were driven
along Front streei r on the banks of the
majestic Susquehanna to the capitol fol
lowed by other carriages containing the
committee. There they alighted and
. paid a visit to the Governor in his pri
vate 'apartments. Ttie Governor receiv
ed them in hiEi private chamber, and ad
dressed his grace as follows : Lard Ren
frew, it affords me infinite pleasure to
welcorne four Lordship to the capitol of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, one
of the old thirteen colonies that origi
nally acknowledged allegiance to the
Crown of Great Britain, and, notwith
stand* the allegiance has been severed
your Lordship will perceive, by a glance
at that long line of Colonial and State
Gevernors (pointing . to the • portraits
which adorn the Executive Chambers),
that we still have a very great veneration
and regard for our ancient rulers: That
line of portraits is almost a perfect type
of these of our American families.
We cannot follow our ancestry more
than a few # generations back, without
tracing the line to a British red coat.--
'Aga:in Welcoming Lord Renfrew and his
- suite to Pennsylvania, the Governor ex
pressed an . ardent desire' that their pro
gress through the United. States might
increase in interest and pleasure to his
lordship, and be, hereafter, productive of
Fasting, benefits to both nations.
The Prince briefly replied, expressing
his sincere sense of the'high honor con
ferred upon him in 'this, the, Capitol of
the great State of Pennsylvania. In
the Governor's, department were .assein
ble'd alsollie other heads of departments :
Thomas E. Cochran, Auditor General
Eli Slifer, State Treasurer, W. H. Keini,
Surveyor General. After 'introducing
the Prince to the other dignitaries; the
Prince and suite with the GOveinor then
visited the Capitol Building, Library,
Saprethe Court RoOm, Educational De
partment, &c., and'the Dome. They all
expressed themselves exceedingly grati
fied with the view from the dome. The
Prince's party left for Washington at
ten o'clock on Wednesday morning.
'The hymeneal alter was surprised a
few days ago by the appearance of Wal
ter Williams,n Esq., of Larne county,
Kentucky, aged eighty-four years, who
was accompanied by a lady not over forty
years old, and demanded to have the
rites of matrimony solemnized at 11
o'clock at night. Mr. Williams has
been married three times; once when
young, once at seventy-seven, and now
again at eighty-four. He is grandfather
and great-grandfather to more than one
hundred children, several of them older
than his wife.
Ifir It is said that a fine lady in
avenue has ordered a dress, to be worn
at the Renfrew Ball, which will cost
three theusand dollars. Surely she must
be the first partner. Talking of this
subject the Evening Post starts the
following terrible story : " It is rumored
that in order to'silence all cavil, and set
tle the great question, " Who shall open
the ball with the Prince'?" the commit
tee have properly awarded that much
coveted honor to the oldest lady, in the
Among the attractions that Dan Rice
presented in his.:..ircus, in days past, was
Mademoiselle White, a graceful and
dashing equestrienne. A few days since
she :was before, Justice Remington, of
Troy, N. T.-for intoxication and disor
derly conduct. The Troy Times says
the star of her . , glory, having set, she took
to the canal as cook, and now brings up
before the justice ass desperately-wicked
and unruly termagant.'
fir Franklin, Tennessee, has been
plunged into a painful state of excite
tneut, by,the discovery that one of its
most respectable
„citizens, Mr. R. H.
Beale, had of late been lining forged pa
rier`fre,ely for the pur . pose of raising mon
ey. Over : ss,ooo of it has been found.
ififfb_!'he Milwaukee People's Press,
from ,conversatione bad with several -of
the survivors, is confirmed in the belief
that, there were fully 500 souls on board
the ill-fated Lady Elgin, and consequent
ly nearly 400 were lost.
. grlt is said that.there is such a tre
mendous crop of oats in Cuinberland
conuty Illinois, that they are selling
• I
then for ten cents a bushel.
AIWA, sohool-teacher, named, Orsin
Carpenter, in Allegheny county, Pa.,
fell tad rbcoutly w,hipping a pupil.
lear'ache .roof of'4Westrainster Hall,
edbti, - Cantirtioted'ot sweet eheitnst
1 0/11DIDOCIIMIrdllOOrAlltailDigolOW14110.423
A NEW CHARGE: The Harrisburg
Telegraph of Saturday, brings the fol
lowing novel and somewhat extraordina
ry charges againstollenry 1). Foster, the
Democratic candidate for Governor :
Ist. That Henry D. Foster is sup
ported by the Pennsylvania Railroad
company with the understanding that he
will use his official influence and power,
if elected, to procure the repeal of the
tonnage tax.
2d. That Henry D. Foster, as the
solicitor of the Pennsylvania Railroad
company, was its paid borer before the
Legislature for the passage of acts of
special legislation, and that he is pledged
to work for the exclusive interests of
that road should he be elected Governor
of Pennsylvania.
3d. That Wm. A. Stokes, the promp
tet and traveling companion of Henry
D. Foster, is also a solicitor of the Penn
sylvailia Railroad, and is to be made
Secretary of State should• Foster be
elected Governor.
4th. That these two solicitors of the
Penn'a Railroad, Foster and Stokes, are
bound by pay and pledged by solemn
promise-to maintain and uphold the in
terests of this mammoth corporation, to
make • it • the monopoly of freight and
travel, and grant every special privilege
for the consolidation of its power.
ENGLAND.-It appears that the . Prince
of Wales is under a promise to be back
in England by the end of October, and
has therefore, been pompalled to give up
his contemplated trip to Bermuda. He
has also, for the same reason, declined an
invitation of the Hon. W. -W. Hillard,
and other Southern ; gentlemen, to visit
the extreme southern section of our
country. He will, however, go ps far as
Richmond, Virginia.
war steamer Gladiator brings to New
Orleans some 'further accounts respect
ing Walker's fate. - Ten shots were fired
at him; amid the cheers of the natives,
who afterwards refused to bury him,
leaving that duty to foreigners. Col.
Radler has been sentenced to four years
imprisonment. The remains of Walker's
army .reached New Orleans on Friday,
having come on board of the Gladiator.
eir'ln Boston it is proposed, on the
visit of the Prince of Wales, to, hive all
the Little Giants, Union Minute Men,
Everett Guards, Wide-Awalisall the
torch-bearing associations oeall parties
without banners, transparencies, mottoes,
or any emblems of a party character,
unite in a monster torch-light prodession,
showing him, how Americans can agree
to differ, and carry on a war of opinions
with mutual respect.
Georgia is frequenty" called the
Empire State of the South, and not with- ,
ont reason. One secret of its growts
and development is to be found in the
fact that it is one of the States leas
taxed. This year, taking all the taxes,
State, county, and city, and in no part
of the State will they be higher, than
one-eighth of one per cent.
. Wm. Godfrey Youngman Was ex
ecuted on the top of Horsenionger Lane
Goal, London, on the morning of the 3rd
ult. He was convicted of the murder
of his mother, sweetheart, and two broth
ers. Upwards of 20;000 people were
present,and riot rawriot until the wretch
was taken down dead: He died protest
ing his innocence.
ifilr Fourteen dead bodies have been
recovered from the ruins of the terrible
fire which occured in New Orleans, the
21st ultimo. The deceased were neatly
all members of the Fire Department, and
were' killed while in the dischirge of
their duties. The bodies were interred
last Sunday with appropriate public 0-
'Santa Anna's splendid residence
at St. Thomas, West Indies, which had
cost hid probably $150,000 to $200,000,
was burned down by incendiaries a few
days before the departure of the last
steamer. He does not intend to rebuild,
and will probably' leave the island.
Gen. Walker, it seems still lives.
A despatch from New Orleans says that
the "gray-eyed man of destiny was not
only not shot, but that he will return
home very shortly. What a ,pleasant
time he will have reading his obituary
notice ! and what a pity they were not
more cornplimontary!
The will of the late Rev. Win. Neill,
of Philadelphia; contains a bequest of
$2OOO to the Trustees•of the College of
New'Jersey, at Princeton, to aid indi
gent students who may be preparing for
the •Gospel ministry.
The ConstitutiOn cOncludei that
the election of Lincoln would not dis
solve the Union, but might excite to an
unprecedented , degree the apprehensions
and indignation of the South.
ErA waggish ,friend. of ours, informs
us that all the ladies are in favor of the
Republicans. )1e says they .are all for
Linkin'—to a man.
erChewin g - g um enough jto give a
"csd"! to twenty-eight million people,
was manufactured . by one establishment
in. Jefferson-co., N. Y., in six months.
ow E. L.'Snow, the original hero of
he story of the man who struck " Billy
'atterson," has just died in Yaw York,
Mr. John G'Off, a citizen of Newport,
L, was buried recently, after lying 13
days, during which time no perceptible
change took place in the body.
As the mail train from Norfolk was
nearing Petersburg, Va., and a dvancing,
with lightning speed, recently, a negro
man was struck by the `•cow-catcher,"
and thrown a distance of one hundred
and fifty yards. On examination it was
found that the negro was only stunned.
We suppose the "cow catcher" must
have struck him on the head.
Some boys in a school in Kentucky,
recently in a fit of mischief, persuaded
otilii)f their nurnbernat a' school-fellow,
named Sebree, intended to kill him.—
The boy was so worked upon that, with . -
out consulting any one, he procured a
loaded pistol, and walking up to young
Sebree, shot him dead. What a power
ful-argument against practical joking !
The English people, as a body, are
wofully ignoiant of "matters and things"
as they exist in America, but we, don't
believe everything that is told of them.
A story is afloat to the effect that a spec
ulating Philadelphian has just realized
about thirty thousand dollars by exhib
iting a large.sized halibut as the "Amer
ican flounder." This may be true, but it
sounds to us like a fish story.
Some thieves entered a Female Sem
inary at Wheeling, Va., a few nights
since, administered chloroform to the
Pupils. and then deliberately carried off
all their jewels, money and• apparel.
There are said to be 1,537,000, spiritu
alists in the United States and 63,000 in
the Canadian provinces, Cuba and South
America. More than a million and a
half of spiritualists in Ametiba alone I
Our exchanges tell a miraculous story
of a deaf and dumb man, named Joseph
Wells, who was instantly \restored to
hearing, in New Orleans, bYolie report
of a cannon. Wonderful, if true.
Silas Muncey, aged 85 years, and his
wife Sarah, aged 83 years, recently died
near New Babylon, L. T., bd the same
day.- They had 'lived and loved togeth
er" for sixty-three years, and in death
they were not separated.
A hope express is to be started be
tween St.. Joseph, Missouri, and. Sacra
mento, California, carrying, letters and
despatches at the rate of $5 each.
it is expected, will diminish the time be
tween New York and San FranoiscoAo
about ten days.
The California Legislature is com
posed of 34 lawyers, 10 farmers, 5 Aock
raisers,' 4 rancheros, 2 put themselves
down "mudsills," 21. miners, and It hair
dresser. The oldest member is 68.
Only 6 of the number are naturalized cit.,'
Thire are four brothers in Wisconsin,
named Ruble, whose weight ranges from
290 -to 308 pounds each, and they all
stand over six feet in height. They own
one of the largest farms, raise the biggest
cattle,. bring to market the fittest hogs,
,raise more wheat to the acre than
any other farmer in Wieconsin.
Bloudin has expressed his intention of
amusing the Quebeckers next season by
crossing on a rope below the Falls of
Mon tmorence, at a height of 250 feet.—
Mr, Blondin, it is greatly to be feared,
will meet with an ugly tumble "one of
these days."
An actor in Paris recently found a
lady's slipper, aad fell desperately in
love with its, owner without having seen
her. He afterwards, singularly enough,
met; the lady, proposed and was married.
Here is excellent material for a fine
_ .
It is stated that when the twelve hun
dred clerks employed in the Bank of
England leave the building in the even
ing, a detachment of troops march in to
guard it during the night, although burg
lars could not penetrate the solid vaults
in six weeks.
A wedding took place in Oxford, Wis
consin, a few days since, and 'soon after
the knot was tied the bride was taken off
by a neighbor to sit up with a sick per
son. The bridegroom next morning ap
plied to the Justice to have himself un
married, but the functionary informed
him the thing could , not be did.
Mary Duffer, a woman 28 years of age,
employed at the house of Mrs. Sullivan,
Winchester-st., M.emphis, Tenn., while
recently engaged in washing ; made a're
mark to some person_ present, that "if
she.was going• to die, •she wanted to go
quick," and in less than five minutes from
that time. she was a corpse.
• A man named Theodore Reugiot, died
recently; in the town of Rome, who had
lain in his bed for eighteen years, per
fectly stiff, and with only, one joint (that
of the thumb) that he could move. Be'
could talk, but that was all the physical
power he possessed, and‘ hei was forced
to take his fo'ocl by suction.
A boa-constrictor, on exhibition% in
Boston, attacked his keeper, a man nam
ed Bemis, a few days since, and would
have crushed him to death by coiling
around him, hid'not help - been at hind.
His rescuers' were obliged to kill the
reptile before they could
,make him let
go his hold,
AGE & DEBILITY.-As - aid age comes creep
ing on, it brings with it many attendant infirm
ities. Loss of appetite and weakness impair
the health, and want of activity makes the
mind discontented and unhappy: in cases where
old age adds its influence, it is almost impossi
ble to add vigor and health, and although many
remedies have been tried, all have failed., until
Brerhave's Holland Billers were known and
used. In every case where they have been em
ployed, they have invariably given strength and
restored the appetite. They have become an
agent for this alone, and are used by many peo
ple who are suffering from loss of appetite and
general debility. In cases of long standing
chronic diseases, they act as a charm, invigorat
ing the system, thus giving nature another op
portunity to repair physical injuries. See ad
vertisment in another column.
11See advertisment of Prof. L. Miner's
Bair Invigorotor, and Liquid Hair Dye, iN an
other column.
LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the post
office, at Marietta, Penn., Sept. 30, 1860.
Persons enquiritig for letters will please men
tion they are advertised. .
' B Jacob Kriener
Morgan L Bahn, Michall M Kreider
A B Brock 2 Sarah Keller
Christain Brantz
James Brooks 3 Rev A P Leach
*James Burns John G Lingle
peter Ball Harriet Loli
John W Brenneman
Daniel Brose Elizabeth Merkle
Edwin J. Bullock 3 M H Moore 2
C William A McDurmit
.Tohn E Close 2 Joseph Musser
David Cshare •N •
David Coble 2 Christian Nisser
Henty Coble
Miss L Campbell H Preacher
Sarah Clinton W Pearson
-D Henrich Perscher
Martin Dombach Jane Parker
Elias Deivert Allen S Purby
David Dennison .
Henry Decherty J Rumbach
Peter Risser
Daniel Easton Jahn Rheard
C H Edwards E D Rauch
F Rev E H Reichel
Rosinna Ficandt
James Field M Signora
G Matilda B Saylor
Rev John Gish Elizzia Stutenrolh
Jacob Gebhart, Jr. Valentine Schnell
Jno. D. Gorges. Mrs Stone
S. Graves. Christain Snyder
Louisa Gowan. Edward Singer 2
H Joseph Swertzer
Joseph Hiessy.
John Hocum Aenry Tieco
Sarah J Howard William Walker 2
Messrs Haguet &Co Robert Wilson
JasGllumes H Weber & Co 2
Messrs J B Hovey & Co Martin Wessley
J Gotlieb Weible
Thos Johnson James White
lagal & Bro K Winchester
K Andrew Watson
Or, Disease with its Agonies
What is more fearful than the breaking
Mown of the nervous system? To be excitea
ble or nervous in a small degree is most dis
tressing, for where can a remedy be found ?
There is one:—drink but little wine, beer, or
spirits, or far better, none; take no coffee,—
weak tea being preferable; get all the fresh
air you can ; take tree or four Pills every night;
eat plenty of solids, avoiding the use of slops ;
and if these goldon rules are followed, you
will be happy in mind and strong in body, and
forget you have any nerves.
If there is one thing more than another for
wl.ich these . Pills are so famous it is their puri
fying properties, especially their power of
cleansing the blood from air impurities, and
removing dangerous and suspended secretions.
Universally adopted as the one grand remedy
for female complaints, they never fail, never
weaken the system, and always bring about
what is required..
These feelings which so sadden us, most fre
quently arise from annoyances or trouble, from
obstructed perspiration, or from eating and
"drinking what is unfit for us, thus disordering
the liver and stomach. These organs must be
regulated if you wish to be well. The Pills, if
taken according to the printed instructions,
will quickly restore a healthy action to both
liver and stomach, whence follow- as a natural
consequence, a good appetite and a clear head.
In the East and West Indies scarcely any other
medicine is ever used for these disorders.
In all diseases affecting these organs, wheth
er they secrete too much or too little water;
or whethor they be afflicted with stone or gravel
or with aches and pains settled in the loins
over the regions of the kidneys, these Pills
should be taken according to the printed direc
tions, and the Ointment should be well rubbed
into the small of the back at bed time. This
treatment will give almost immediate rebel
when all other means have failed.
No medicine will so effectually improve the
tone of the stomach as these Pills • they remove
all acidity, occasioned either by intemperance
or improper diet. They reach the liver
and reduce it to a healthy action ; they are
wonderfully efficacious in case of spasm,—in
fact they never fail in curing all disorders of
the liver and Stomach.
Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known
in the world for the following diseases.
Ague, Dropsy, inflammation,
Asthma. Dysentery, Jaundir
_ _ . .
Bilious Complaints, erysipelas,3 Ace
Liver Com-
Blotches on the Female Ir- plaints,
Skin, regularities; Lumbago,
Bowel Complaints, Fevers of all Piles,
Colics, kinds • Rheumatism
Constipation of the Fits, Retention of
'Bowels, Gout, Urine,
Consumption, Head-ache, Scrofula, or
Debility, Indigestion, King's Evil,
Stone and Gravel, Tumours, Sore Throats,
Secondary Symp- Ulcers, Venereal A
toms, Worms of all fections,
Tic-Douloureux, kinds, Weakness,&c.
Caurrow :—None are genuine unless the
DON," are discernible as a Water-mark in every
leaf of the book of directions around each pot
or box ; the same may be plainly seen by hold -
ing the leaf to. the light. A handsome reward
will be given to any one rendering such infor
mation as may lead to the detection of any
party or , parties counterfeiting the medicines or
vending the same, knowing them to be spu
Sold at the Manufactory of Professor liox-
LOWAY s 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by
all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medi
cine, throughout the civilized world, in boxes
at 25 cents, 62 cents and $1 each.
l - There is considerable saving by taking
the laiger sizes.
N. B.—Directions for the guidance of patients
in every disorder are affixed to each box.
Tr & FORKS, Britainia and Silver
i% plated Spoons, Brass,-Copper, Plain and
Enameled Iron Kettles, and Housekeeping
goods generally. Sterrett CIS.
DR_ MO - TT's
eitAilibeet liestohatibe 'fills o f irop
AN aperient and Stomachic preparation
Iron purified of Oxygen and Carbon b,
combustion in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the
highest Medical Authorities, both in Europe
and the United States, and prescribed in their
The experience of thousands daily proves
that no preparation of Iron can be compared
with it. Impurities of the blood, depres.p ui
of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly
complexions, indicate its necessity in almo s t
every conceivable case.
Innoxious in all maladies in which it hag
been tried, it has proved absolutely curative u,
each of the following cbmplaints, viz :
In Debility, Nervous Affections, Emaciation,
Dyspepsia, Constipation,'Dierrrhaa , Dys
entery, Incipient Consumption , &rofu -
taus 'Prilturmelosis, Salt Rheum,
Mistnenstruation, Chlorosi.s,
Whites, Use Complaints,
Chronic Headaches,
Rheumatism, In
termittent Pe
tiers, Pim
. pies on the.
face, tc..
In cases of General lebility, whether the re
sult of acute disease, or of the continued dim
inution of nervous and muscular energy from
chronic complaint's, one trial of this restorativ e
has proved successful to an extent which, nq
description nor writteriattestation would rend
er credible. Invalids so long bed-ridden as to
have become forgotten in their own neighbor
hoods, have suddenly re-appeared in the besv
world as if just returned from protracted travel
in a distant land. Some very signal instances
of this kind are attested of female Sufferers,
emaciated victims of apparent marasm us, sail
guineous exhaustion, crittical changes, and
that complication of nervous and dyspeptic
aversion to air and exercise for which the phy
sician has no name.
In Nervous Affections of all kinds, and for
reasons familiar to medical men, the operation
of this preparation of iron must necessarily be
salutary, lor, unlike the old oxides, it is vie,-
musty tonic, without being exciting . and over
heating; and gently, iegularlY aperient, even
in the most obstinate cases of costiveness with
out ever being a gaatric purgative, or inflicting
a disagreeable sensation.
It is this latter property, among others,
which makes it so remarkably effectual an t
permanent a remedy for Piles, upon which it
also appears to exert a distinct and specific
action, by dispersing the local tendency which
forms them.
lo Dopepria, innumerable as are its causes,
a single box of these Chalybeate Pills MIS often
sufficed for the most habitual cases, Including
the attendant Costiveness.
In unchecked Diarthea l even when ad
vanced to Dysentaryi cOnnrmed, emaciating,
and apparently malignant, the effects have
been equally decisive and astonishing.
in the local pains, loss of flesh and strength,
debilitating cough, and rernitten hectic, which
generally indicate Incipient-Consumption, this
reined) has allayed the alarm of friends and
physicians, in several very gratifying and in
teresting instances.
In Scrofulous Tuberculosis, this medicated
iron has had far mere, than the good elfect of
the most cautiously balanced preparations i.l
iodine, without any of their well known lia
The attention of females cannot be tno con
fidently invited to this remedy and restorative,
in the cases peculiarly erecting them.
In Rheumatism, both chronic and inflamma
tory—in the latter, however, more decidedly—
it has been invariably well reported, both al
alleviating pain and reducing the,
and stillness of the joints and muscles.
In Intermittent!. evers it mutt necessarily he
a great remedy and energetic restorative and
its progress in the new settlements of the %Vest,
will probably be one of high renown and use
No remedy has ever been discOvered in the
whole history of medicine, which exerts such
prompt; happy, and fully restorative effects.—
I ood appetite, complete'di,gestion, rapid acqui
sition of strength, with in unusual disposition
for active and cheerful exercise, immediately
follow its use.
Put up in neat flat metal boxes contain;nc.
50 pills, price 50 cents per box; for sale by
druggists and dealers. - Will be sent free to
any address on receipt of the price. All let
ters, orders, etc., should be addressed to
R. B. LUCKE & CO, General Agents,
20 Cedar-st„ N. Y
And the varies affection ennsequent, npoa a &Area
Such as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky
Pains, heartburn, loss of Appetite, Despondency,
Costiveness, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Ner
vous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affections, it has in
numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in
others effected a decided cure.
This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared• on
strictly scientific principles, alter the manner of the
celebrated Holland Framer, Bcerbave. Its reputation
at home produced its introduction here, the demand
commencing with those of the Fatherland scattered
over the face of this mighty country, many of whom
brought with them and banded down the tradition
of its value. It is nom offered to Use American public,
knowing that VA truly wonderful medicinal virhas
must be acknowledged.
It is particularly recommended to those persons
whose constitutions may have been impaired by the
continuous use of ardent spirits, or other forms of
dissipation. Generally u3tantaneous in effect, it finds
its way directly to the seat of life, thrilling and quick
ening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and,
in fact, infusing new health and vigor in the system.
NOTICE: Whoever expects to find this a beverage
will be disappointed; but to the sick, Weak and low
spirited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, pos
sessed of singular *medial properties..
The Genuine highly concentrated.licerhava's Hol
land Bitters is put up in half-Out bottles only, and
retailed at Oez Dories per bottie, or six bottles' for
'Styr DOLLARS. The great demand for this truly eele-
Mated Medicine has induced many imitations, which
the public should guard against Pulnlett iansk
Ala - Beware of Imposition. See th at an
the label of every bottle you buy.
Sold by Druggists generally.. It can be for
warded'by Payout to moat points.
Fhannargebb and44MbitS l
For sale at GROVE ROTWB, Marietta
Itfi . Market Street Maar); Philadelphia. .
Have constantly on hand an.assortnsent of
Viz: Mackerel, Shad, Salmon, Blue Fish,
Herrings, Codfish, Beef, Pork, Lard,
Shoulders, Hams, Sides, Beans,
Rice, &c., &c., &c.
Sept. 29-3 m.)
—The partnership heretofore existing be
tween Geo. Killing and Wm. Rutledge trading
as Killing Rutledge has this day been dis
solved by mutual couseut, all business matters
relating to the late Firm will be settled by
Marietta, August 29th 1660.