The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, October 06, 1860, Image 1

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    (I4t qlnt.tli -- , -c Varit I.+o,
'F'„ Editor an_cl Proprietor_
VOL. 7.
EttWhip . lariettin
c gitecler , i_clz. 0. akele,
1001.1BLICATION OFFICE in the second sto
ry of Contd.'s Row, on Front Street, five
dm a East of Mrs. Flury's Hotel, MARIETTA,
If su'escriptions be not paid within SiX months,
$1.25 will be eharged, and if delayed until the
" expiration of the year, 91.50 will be charged.
Any person sending 119 FIVE new subscribers
shall have a sixth copy for his trouble.
No subscription received for a less period than
six months, and no paper will be discontin
ued until all arrearages are paid, Unless at
the option of the publisher. A failure to no
tify a discontinuance at the expiration of the
term subscribed for, will be considered a new
ADVERTISING RATES: One square (12 lines,
or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and 25
cents for each subsequent insertion. Profes
sional and Business cards, of six lines or less
at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading
columns, fire cents a-line. Marriages and
Deaths, the simple announcement, FREE;
but for any additional lines, five cents a-line.
Having recently added a large lot of new Jon
AND CARD TYPE, we are prepared to do all
ING, at short notice and reasonable priees.
A. liberal discount made to quarterly, half-year
ly or yearly advertisers.
Ntabs of pgartintuts.
President, James Buchanan, of Pennsylvania.
Vice President, John C. Breckinridge, of Ken
speaker of the House, Wm: Pennington, New
Secretary of State. Lewis Cass, of Michigan.
Secretary of the Treasury, Dowell Cobb, of Ga.
Secretary of the Nary, Isaac Toucey,of Conn.
Secretary of War, John B. Floyd' of Ara.
secretar, Interior, Jacob. Thompson, Miss.
.Postmaster General, Joseph Holt, of Ky.
Attorney General, Jeremiah S. Slack, of Pa.
Chief Justice, Roger B. Taney.
Associate Justices, John M'Leap,pts. Wayne,
John Catron, Peter V. Daniel, boffin Nelson,
Robert C. Crier, John A. Campbell, and Na
than Clifford.
Governor, Wm. F. Packer, of I.3icoming Co.
Secretary of &ate, Win..M..Hiester, of Berks.
Attorney General, John Knox, Tioga.
Surveyor General, Wm. H. Keim,:of Berks.
Auditor General Thos. E. Cochran of York.
State Treasurer, Eli Slifer, of Union.
Superintendent of Public SchoOrs Thomas H
Burrowes, of Lancaster.
Judges of the Supreme Coutt, Wafter. H. Lowrie,
Chief Justice, Geo. W. Woodw'ard, James
Thompson, Wm. Strong, John M. Reed.
COUNTY. '''"
President Judge, Henry G. tong.
Assistant Judges, Alexanderl. Hayes, Ferree
District Attorney, Emlen Franklin. : , •
Prothonotary, William , Parpe)4r..'
Ilecorser, Anthony Good.
.Register, John Johns.
County Treasurer, ,MichaellftAhirk.. -
Sheriff, Benjamin F. Rowe.
Clerk of Quarter Sessions Court, Skin , l, Evans.
Cleric of Orphans , Court, C. L. Stonca;
Coroner, Levi Summy..
County. Commissioners, Daniel - , Good, Joseph
Boyer, Levi S. Relst,.Solieitcir,-Ed.lßeilley.
' Clerk, Pete; G. Eborman. .
Directors of the Poor; ~.10beit Dyers, Lewis
Sprecher, Daniel Ovektieltzetc`Ohn . .Hilber,
Simon Groh, David Sly erio 'Spligitor,•james
K. Alexander. Clerk, Wm. TitylOr.
Prison Inspectors, R. I. Houston, Day. Brandt,
John Long, Jacob Seitz, Hiram Evans, H.
S. Cara. Solicitor, Dan'l G. Baker. Keep
- er; Jay Cadwell.
Auditors, Thomas S. Collins, James B. Lytle,
John Mecartney.
County Surveyor, John C. Lewis.
Chief Burgess, amuel-D.Miller,
Assistant Burgess, Peter Baker,
Town Council, Barr Spangler, (President)
John Crull, Thomas Stence Ed. P. Trainer,
Henry S. Libhart.
Town Clerk, Theo: Hiestaud.
. Treasurer, John Auxer.
Assessor of Taxes, William Child, Sun.,
Collector of Taxes Frederreli t. Baker-.
Justice of the PetUe, Emanuel D. Roath.
High Constable, Absalom Emswiler.
Assistant Constable, Franklin K. Mosey.
Regulators, John 11. Goodman, E. D. Rosati.
Supervisor, Samuel 'Hippie, Sen.
&hoot Directors, John Jay Libhart,
dent, E. D. Reath, Treasurer, C. A. Schaffner,
Secretary, John K. Fidler, Aaron B. Grosh,
Jonathan M. Larzelere.
Post Ogee Roars: The Post Office will
be open from 6 o'clock in the morning until
half-past 7in the evening. The Eastern mail
via Silver Spring and Herripfield will close at
2 p. m., and arrive at 11 a. in. every Tuesday
Thursday and Saturday..
The Eastern mails will close at 7a. m. and
4.15 p. in., and return at 11.21 o'clock, a. m.,
and at 6 28 p. in.
The Western mails will close at 10.50 a. in.,
and arrive at 4.56 p. m.
Railroad Time Table: The mail train for
Philadelphia will leave this station at 7.56 in
the morning,. The mail train west will leave
at 11.21 in the morning. The Harrisburg ac
commodation east, passes at 4.66 p. in. and
returns,: going west, at 628 p. m.
.Religious Exercises: Service will be had on
every. Sabbath at 10 o'clock in the morning and
at i before gi o'clock in the evening, in the Pres
byterian.•church. Rev. P. J. Timlow, pastor.
Riery Sabbath at 10 o'clock in the morning
and at 1-4 befoie 8 o'clock in the evening
there will be service in the Methodist church.
Rev. T. W. Martin, pastor.
Beneficial Societies: THE HARMONY, A. N.
Cassel, .president; John, Jay Libhart, Treasur
er`;Barl-Spangleri Secrtary. Tirn PIONEER,
John Jay Libhart, President; Abrm Cassel
Treasurer; Wm. Child, jr., Secretary.
/taring very recently added a large and lash
ionable assortment of Types and Printing ma
terials, which will enable us to do all kinds of
Such al-Cards, Ball Tickets,
Circulars, Programmes , Blanks,
Poiters, Sale Bills, &c.
Everythihg in the JOB PRINTING line neatly
and cheaply executed and at short notice.
"The Weekly Ma rietticin" Office.
GREEN APPLES, from the South,
' - at Wo
/THE best stock of &gars and Tobacco in
rtlivorkept at WoLFE's•
petiotO fly ' lolifzcs, gittraturt, Agriculture, Narticulfort, lint Axis, 6entral Ittios of fly Pap', yam' ilforination., it., it.
1 4 1 4 LI
Coughs and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma,
Difficulty in Breathing, Palpitation of
The Reart, Diptheria, and for
The relief of patients
together with all Diseases of the Throat and
Chest, and which predispose to Consumption.
It is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure of
Asthma. Being prepared by a practical phys
ician and druggist, and one of great experiencein the cure of the various diseases to which the
human frame is liable.
It is offlared the afflicted with the great
est confidence. TRY IT and be convinced that
it is invaluable in the cure of Bronchial affec
Prepared only by Da. A. ESENWEIN & CO.,
Poplar Streets, Philadelphia. ;
Sold by every respectable Druggist and
Dealer in Medicines throughout the State.
April 7, 1860-Iv.
Dealer in Hardware, Cedarware,
Paints, Glass, Oils, Varnishes, Hoop
and Bar Iron, Sill, Spikes, Nails,
Parlor, Office, Hall and Cook
r AKES this means of informing the citizens
ofMarietta and
i vicinity anything that he is now pre
pared to furnish anything his line- of busi
consisting in part, of Table Cutlery of all
kinds ; Building an d Housekeeping Hard
ware, in all styles, Cutlery, Tools, Paints, Oils,
Glass, Varnishes, Cedarware, Tubs, Buckets,
Churns, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Shovels, Po
kers, Tongs, Candlesticks, Pans, Waiters, Cop
per and Brass Kettles, Door, Desk, Pad and
all other kind of Locks, Nails, Spikes and
in fact everything usually kept in a well regula
tedllardware establishment.
Market Street., Marietta, Pa.
July 21, 1860.
RAW DAILY; in public, under the
perintendence of SWORN commissioNEßS.
The Managers' offices are located at Wilming
ton,,Delaware, and Saint Louis, MiSSORII.
PRIZES, VARY Fnom s2i TO $100,000.1
11 - -Circulars, giving full explanations and
the SCHEME ' S lobe drawn, will be sent, free of ex
pense, by addressing
Wilmington, Delaware,
OR, WOOD, EDD Y 4 CO., ST. Louis, Mo.
TAR. J. H. GROVE and Haaarsim
Itorn having formed a co-portncr
ship for the purpose ofconducting the
business, under the firm of
hereby announce to the citizens of Marietta
and vicinity that the3shave just completed their
purchases, which they they now oiler for sale,
being a complete asssortment of
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints,
Oils, Varnishes, Dye-Stiiff's Glass,
Whitelead, Brushes' of all kinds,
and everything usually kept by druggists and
An assortment of all kind of LAMPS, for
burning Fluid, Pine Oil or Coal Oil. Lamp
Tops, Wicks and Oils constantly on hand.
A nicely selected lot of all kinds of STA
TIONARY, Envelopes, Pens, Pen-holders,
Inks, &c., of all grades and at all prices.
Perfumery, Pomades, Soaps, Tooth Washes
and an endless variety of Fancy and Toilet ar
ticles, all of which will be sold at reasonable
prices. • [Jan S-35-ly
OFFICE: Front street, fourth door
from Locust, over Saylor &McDon- 11 11•• • •
.aid's Book Store. Columbia. .Entrance be
tween the Drug arid Book Stores. [3-ly
opposite the Court House, where he will at
tend to the practice of his profession in all its
various branches. [Nov. 4, '59.-1y
jr . )ELLI NGER , S
Near Spangler4 Patterson , s Store, Market-st.;
where Photographs, Ambrotypes and Melain
eotypes are taken at very reasonable prices.
3:1•Call and see specimens.
Hammered and Rolled Hon, H-
S. Bars, Norway, Nail Rods, American
and German Spring and Cast Steel. Wagon
Boxes, Iron Axles, Springs, &c., for smiths.
style, each one warranted to per
form to the entire satisfaction of thea - m -- 1,
purchaser. STERRE'T'T & CO.
A General Assortment of all kinds of
Hinges, Screws, Bolts, Cellar Grates,
Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, very cheap.
R ECEIVED by Dr. Hinkle.
- Genuine Ke3 stone Saponafier.
New Books, Music &c.
Blairs Sr Coxes Gelatin.
Blair's Pure Chocolate. -
.. ''err, CLO C K S—Good Time
' , -. - - -- --=-..- 4- t.:Z• Keepers, for One Dollar.
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry carefully re
paired and charges moderate, at WOLFE'S.
UB S , Spokes, Felloes, Wagon Bows,
Oil Cloth, Varnishes, &c.
W OOD'S Hair Res t ! , o i ria ( t ) :ir al
B OHLEN'S long celebrated GIN,
P INE OIL and FLUID, at Grave 4- Roth.,B
SCHOOL BOOKS of all kinds, very cheat'
at Grove 4 - Beth's, Markel-et.
Marietta, Pa., Saturday Morning, October 6, 1860.
Thou'rt bearing hence thy roses,
Glad Summer, fare thee-well!
Thou art singing thy last melodies
In every wood and dell.
But ere the golden sunset
Of thy latest lingering day,
Oh tell me, o'er this chequered earth,
How hast thou passed away ?
Brightly, siamet Summer! brightly
Thine hours ha 4 floated by,
To the joyous birds of the woodland boughs,
The rangers of the sky,
And brightly in the forests,
To the wild deer wandering free ;
And, brightly 'midst the garden flowers,
Is the happy murmuring bee.
Bitt how to human bosoms;
With all their hopes and fears 3 •
And thoughts that make them eagle wings,
l'o pierce the unborn years?
Sweet Summer! to the captive
Thou has flown in burning dreams
Of the woods,with all their whispering leaVes,
And the blue rejoicing streams;
To the wasted and the weary
On the bed of sickness bound,
In swift delirious fantasies,
That changed , with every sound ;
To the sailor on the billows,
In longings, wild and vain,
For the gushing founts and breezy hills,
And the homes of earth again !
And unto me, glad Summer!
How bast thou flown to me?
My chaOless footstep* naught hath kept
From thy flaunts of song and glee.
Thou bast flown in way-ward visions,
In memories of the dead—
In shadows, from a troubled heart,
O'eithy sunny pathway shed.
In brall'and'sudden strivings,
To 4ing a weight-aside
,lVlids/ these thy melodies have ceased
An all thy roses died.
But, Oh ! thou gentle Summer !
If I greet thy flowers once more,
Brim me again the buoyancy !
Wherewith my soul should soar!
Giye me to hail thy sunshine,
With song and spirit free ;
Orin a purer air than this
May that next meeting be !
From New-York Life Illustrated
Up, up! why should we sadly dream
Of days that time may not restore?
Let's cast our cares on EareVitream,
And gird our armor on once more.
We have been idle dreamers long,
Henceforth let us be workers true,
And do with willing hearts and strong,
' Whatever good we find to do.
Let's nerve our feeble souls to cope
With useless grief and dark despair,
And know ?tis but deficient hope
That lets the shadows, gather there.
Drown sorrow With the voice of song
And let the sunshine glisten through,
And do with willing hearts, and strong,
Whatever good we find to do.
Why should we suffer envious men
To crush our talents in the dust?
If God bath given us one or ten,
Qurselves must answer for the trust.
Then, up ! we have been dreamers long
Henceforth let us be workers true,
And do, with willing hearts and strong;
Whatever good we find to do.
Tell me, my heart, what love is?
It giveth but to rob—
Two souls and One idea,
Two hearts and one throb.
And tell me how love cometh ?
It comes—and ah, 'tis here ;
And whether, pray, it fleethl
'Twas not—'twas fancy mere
And when is love the purest?
When•its own self it shuns.
And when is love the" deepest?
When love the stillest runs.
And when is love the richest?
It hoardeth when it gives ;
And tell me how love speaketh?
It speaketh not—it lives.
the Prince, who is en route for the 111i
rtfois prairies, on a brief gunning expedi
tion, laid over at the residence of J. C.
Spencer, at Dwight Station, 111. On
the arrival of the Prince at Marshall,
Mich., a band played "God Save the
Queen," and the royal party stood up,
as usual, inside the car while the band
was playing. The Prince's baggage was
shown to some ladies who could not see
the Prince, and they lifted itp with
great effort, in order to say that they
had touched the Prince's baggage, put
tin'g their fingers reverently on the initi
'als R. R. H. Tommy will be outdone
certainly. "
WA pet' lap-dog having bit a piece
out of a man's leg, the heartless mistress
exclaimed: "Poor Ponto ! I hope it
*met make him sick
=A letter from New York thus speaks
of a celebrated female :
Lola Montez is stopping at Astoria,
,With a kind friend, but alas ! in what a
condition of body and mind ! She is not
exactly imbecile, and yet what, term, will'
more clearly express her mental help
lessness? Physically she is an invalid
of a melancholy description. A female
friend of mine saw her a day or two ago,
and it was enough to make one's heart
bleed to note her picturesque 'innings
of the wonderfully changed woman.—
Lola was costumed in a half night and
half morning robe, and she sat in a pretty
garden, her hollow cheeks,'sunken eyes,
and cadevorous complexion forming a
remarkable contrast to the gay flowers.
She was unable to utter an intelligible
word, , except spasmodically,' and after
repeated efforts. Her mouth was froth
ing like that of one in partial convul
sions, and she was unconsciously wiping
it as little boys do, by drawing it across
the sleeve ahem dress, In fact; she had
the strange, wild appearance and be
havior of a quiet idiot, and is evidently
lost to All further interest in the world
aroi - indlher, and its affairs. And so ends
her eventful history ? What a study for
the brilliant and thoughtless ! What a
sermon on human vanity !
Cr Mrs. Harney, wife of General Har
ney of the United States Army, says a
Paris correspondent of the New York
Herald, died at her residence, No. 20
Rae de BerH, on Monday Sept'r 27th..
The funeral services over her remains
took place at the church of St. Philippe,
Fauburg St. Ft onore, with all the solemn
and imposing ceremonials of the Roman
Catholic Church, of which she, was•a
member. Amongst those who did honor
to her remains I observed her son, son
in-law, and nephew ; Mr. Faulkner, the
American Minister; Mr. Calhoun, a
planter from Louisiana"; Col. Stewart,
son of Corn. Stewart; and many others.
The services of the church occupied
more than an hour, and were very grand
and impressive.
arThe bridegroom of an hour was
Mr. Denning, of Harrisburg, who w
injured on the Pennsylvania Railroad.
He had, for some time, been betrothed
to an estimable young lady, Miss Gray,
and both looked forward to a speedy and
happy union.. When it was ascertained
that Mr. Denning could not possibly
survive, at the mutual request of him
and his betrothed, and with the consent
of the parents of both, they „were mar
rieq, the , minister performing the solemn
and impressive ceremony by the bedside
of the dying man. The bridegroom pas
sed from the altar to the tomb, and the
devoted bride of an hour changed her
wedding garments for the habiliments of
ifirThe New York. Herald thus con
cludes a long article on Edwin Forrest :
"So Mr. Forrest has given us the fresh
est and most agreable sensation of the
day. It is not likely to die out very
soon, either. We understand that he is
engaged three hundred nights, and re
ceives five hundred dollars per night.—
This engagement will be finished in about
a year and a half, so that Mr. Forrest
will enjoy a clear income of one hundred
thousand dollars per annum--a pleasant
admixture of the bank note and the lau
rel. And when he finally retires from
the scene of his present triumphs, we
should not be at all surprised if some
sensation constituency in the city of
.Philadelphia should take him up and
sendhim to Congress.
sIEFA Texas Judge concluded the trial
of a man for murder by sentencing him
to be hting that very day. A petition
was immediately signed by the bar, jury,
ann ;people, praying that longer time
might be granted the. poor prisoner.—
'The judge replied to the petition that
"the man bad been found guilty, the jail
was very unsafe, and besides, it was, so
very uncomfortable, he did not think any
man ought to be required to stay in i
longer than was necessary." The man
was hung.
iler Prentice, of the Louisville Journa,
is a queer fish, truly. A Democrat'
lady wrote to him that he might kiss her,
and half a dozen of her pretty `frienda, if
he would support Donglas, Whereupo6
he says : "If we were to swallow the Li
tle Giant, we shouldn't have the imp
deuce to kiss a lady for six months:l
Our breath would smell worse than if w,fe
had eaten raw onions."
ikgrA, friend', Viiitilig ‘Atlatiti6 'U'i h
was asked how he spent Sunday:
"Well," said he;" among the Sabbat
breakers." ' , . : .
:ays that the destiny of, the world often
hi angs on the smallest trifles. A little
miff between Charles Bonaparte and his
love, Letitia, might have broken off a
marriage which gave birth to. Napoleon
and the Battle of Walerloo. To which
we say," yes : that is a fact. Suppose a
"little miff" had taken place, between
Adam and Eve—what then ?
A clergyman while engaged in catechiz
ing, a!umber of, boys, asked one of them
for a definition of matrimoney. The re
ply was; " A place ofpunislpent, where
some folks suffer a long time before they
go to Heaven.'l,'
A writer called at his printers and ac
cused the compositor of not having pune
uated his poem, when the typo earnest
ly replied, " I am not a pointer—l am a
When you see a. man on a moonlight
night trying to convince his shadow that
it is improper to follow a. gentleman, you
may be sure it, is high time fot him to
join a temperance society.
The man who read a newspaperto the en
tire satisfaction of another who was wait
ing -for it, talks of going on to the stags.
"A Fn gold lad'y's breastpin" is ad
vertised as lost A..bachelor makes the
inquiy if she is a single "gold lady," and
is willing to be changed.
"I do not think, madam,,that any man
of the least sense would approve of your
conduct," said an indignant husband.—
" Se retorted his better half, "how can
you judge what any,man of the least sense
'would do."
An architect proposes to build a "Bach
elor's Hail," which will differ from most
houses in having no Eves.
The lady who took everybody's eye, must
have quite a lot of em.
There are a great many beams in the
eyes of the ladies, bat they are all sun
A lover remarked that, it a great pleas
ure 'to be alone;' especially when your
sweetheart is with you.
DOBi3S says tailors would make splendid
dragoons; they charge so.
Go' without your dinner, and see if you
don't feel.happy when it is sub per-time.
gold dollar coins are rapidly disappear
ing. There is now at the mint in Phila
delphia three million of them to be melt
ed and recoined into double eagles—in
pursuance of an order froni the Secretary
of the Treasury. There is also a scarcity
of silver coin in most of the cities. A.
New York paper says that "new Amer
igen quarters are difficult to be had at
par in exchange for gold. Dimes and
half dimes are not to 'be got short of a
premium, as the mint are not coining sil
ver at present.
Catholics of Boston have just purchased
a lot, corner of Washington and Maiden
streets, on which to erect a new cathe
dral. The amount to be paid for the
lot is $57,000. The cost of the Cathe
dral will be between $400,000 and $5OO
- and the time of construction three
to four years.
X 11• snip of money had been be
queathed by a benevolent gentleman of
Milan to be distributed to the best work
of charity, and testamentary executors
could devise no better course than to
send it to Garibaldi in favor of the in
surrection in Sicily . and Naples.
iIErA philosopher who hadfitudied ont
almost everything, says he is satisfied
that the reason why girls pout ont their
lips is because• they are always willing
that theirs should meet yours-half way.
plir The Dowager Countess of.Drayen
has recently died at her residence in
Berkshire, England. Half a century
ago she was known as Miss Louisa Brun
ton, and was one of the most popialar fa
vorites on the London stage.
ifirWas . it the egg or the, chicken that
first, made its appearance on this terres
trial globe ? In other words did the first
chicken-come out of an-egg, or aid Ahe
first egg come out of - wcr
Post. •
The original cost of' the Orent
Eastern was 54;590;00the stands
charged, to the pieseat owners ans.2,=
150,000. OE this amoarW $500;890; is
preferred stock.
tfir A man's mouth is to talk aneat
with, yet he often harts himself dread
fally,by talking and.kills himsentypetat.
crime re4,*atejito blge--tlie red
cheeks, white:zteerh,: and blue,eyes„gf a
lovely ,girl- r are stszood ,t,t flag as,a.youag
soldier, iu the ba,ttje of life need , fight for,
Terms, Dine Dollar a 7Y-ear.,
. .
Swann-la. 4Ran.p.cion CA ; w.: A. worn
: n recently left Camden, Ittd., by the
:altimore and Ohio Railroadilor the
West. She was in compauy with a po
liceman, at the station, and ~seemed in
high spirits. ,Shortly. after the train
started the conductor fotindAtur dead.—
Upon the person ofthe , deceased was dis
covered a four ounce vial of laudanum,
nearly one half of *bleb 'bad been ex
tracted. It was labelled H. A. Elliott
& Brothers, apothecaries, Baltintore.—
Also portraits of the ,deceased ; -and her
husband enclosed , in a. gold. locket, and
other articles. A. lettoW wsw4ound,
which was doubtless Written Wihe hus
band, of which the following, was the
purport: Thai be ragretted Circumstan
ces compelled him to.,uditerakiplauch a
way, that he was compelled to leave Bal
timore in order to get'out , ofitheAvay.—
In doing this lurnitiiit needs sacrifice a
good many things; bet he had' ane so
and did not regret it; besides;
that she would take care of herself, as
they had led . a-horrid Wafer soon) time.
He would not blame her for what was
past; but believed that his Only alterna
tive was to'leave Baltiniers. He states
that he has enclosed a bilttipon
gas fitting dim for the epic , of SRN which
he had worked bird for,mal concludes as
follows " Good bye, Fanny ; and God
bless you. This is the .sincere wish of
your unfortunate husband, W. H. Byrne.
When you receive this - Y Shall' , be far
away from Baltimore." The letter is da
ted Sep. 11, 1860.
A Carr Lass.—Two young ladies of
the city were lately, spending the Sum
mer in northeastern New York. During
their visit they took several long rides
with the daughter of their host about the
country. On one of tbese opeaSioris as
they had been travelling some distance,
and a trough of running water stood in
vainly by the roadiide—they - concluded
to give the pony a drink. , One of the
city ladles agreed to get out andnrrange
matters for this purpose. The others
remained in the carriage and deeply en
gaged in conversation; for• sometime
•id no attention to the proceeding' 3 - of
their companion. Wien at - length anr
prised by the long delay they turned
to ascertain the cause, they /dist:ovate('
her endeavoring to unbeckle the 'crup
per,(the name of the 'strap: which passes
round the horses tail.) In amazement
they enquired, " What •in the world are
you doing that for'? • She naively replied,
" Why, I'mnnbncklingthie•strap to let
the horse's head down so he can drink !'
Gr Give a man the necessaries of life
and he wants the: conveniences. Give
him the conveniences and' he craves for
the luxuries. Grant hint the
and he sighs for the elegancles: Let
him have the elegancies and he yearns
for the follies. Give him all' together
and he complains that he ha* been cheat
ed both in price and quality of the arti
John Remy Price, a lad eleven
years of age, has been convicted
slaughter in'the fourth' degree, in causing
the death of James 'Cox, aged eight
years, at Wilton, Saratoga cOunty, NO*
York, on the nat of Anglia last The
little murderer deliberately`shot Oox, at
the request of his sister, because he hid
cut a hole in 'her dress, and threw' sionee
and clubs arbor. Re' will"be' sent to
the House of Refuge at Abelestei.
'Oliver Wendell Holmes vividly
describes death thus :—:"Bithe'litifflAsss
of the sharpened features; bftlii
ness of the teseless eye, by the ifiedneis
of the smileleis triotith;lo
tints, by the cOntrekted• brkov;.irlihe
!sting nostril, we icabw -thati the° tint`
is soon to leave its nitittiitteiseinithig,liind
is already closing itsiviindows-:niidlntt
ting out its fires." • ; -.1
VJenny Lind 'Groldschtitidthighlien
enthusiastically received
city of Stockholm: where abeis•atiiiies-
eat. staying with hai-110111y:
erstOod to be her' intention
Anglemd her peimenenti place
Fi resi
PP77:We are too oTtatCaii ofioiletfiget
that warning , which.:Williath l'ealfrifo
strongly gave us,= aizatnir theront4f
putting-our faith- hi - *go laws, 41111iskifb
trust their, adrainiitritian ti) bsi4Pdali.
ierltrilat is the diffelw
,i.slstAmiNi i it
$4O note and-a wife*of- forty? 2l/ne Ott
can thanFo”- - -ior -tve ItsiatitiW e
otheiiiiia 'aril .° - ' ' - ' ' -- 4, at t..-1 -
, , ~
„ 91444 what the word,Vig wholsized
kcipti the initialq of the,lptatimott
" VA,49P,tu..00."
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