g4e Maliktaricitian. " Impartial---but not Ffeutsral." ~/tEctoletia, Oa - -41 1 / 6 1r41. LINCOLN; of Illinois. ca. PREIRD.wr, , rIIB & L idiVilabf, of Maine. f • Fait Go vv. ago% . ANDREW O. , EDETIN,OF CENTRE COUNTY OCPTJ'NsTY , TICKET. - t. FOR-CONGRESS. • TiTADDEUS STEVENS, City. , FOR STATE SENATOR. t iVint.i..zass HAMILTON, Paradise, 'Alb( HIESTA ND, City. 4 Pon THE LEGISLATURE. .TossirM • noon ; Bart Township, • • 4 ,MICKA EL -.OBER, West. Donegal, JOHN M. STEIIIIA,R, Penn, HENRY M. WHITT., City. Air Sheriff, • 'S. W. P. Btvn;Puiton. • ' -`• For ProtlunfOtary, PETER MARTIN, Ephrata, For- Register, ' • , GEORGE C. tlawirisonte r Manor. , ger Recorder, . , , • esnsas Wasoori t Radsbury. For Clef of (jWailer Sessions, MiDiER, Strasburg. • 'PM. (Atilt Of &Aims' Court, S'Astutt AVE Minsits, Mount Joy. • • Irer Ckninty Commissioner, 30IIN HONER, Manor. , .For; Director,-of the , Poor, Coleraine, WUHAN, H. • METZGAR s Conestoga, leRAiL ' ZlNTNAN:klizabeth. 'For Tifion Inspectors, • `JiAttu! B:BRIMAKER, Illountjoy Twp., AW:tiIoISEKEEPER, DrUMOTC. ~-.for Coroner, DANIEL BALM, Elizabethtown ;For- Auditor., 'WILLIAM VON NEI DA Brecknock The Adriatic arrived at New York on the-24tiriastant, with Inter news from `Eardfid:"J"Thr;ifitelligerree; though ex itnticirtant,- has evidently been ifilibiplifild in the minds or our readers ideektfetiissary 'consequen . ce or preceding VranCis II has fled from Italy, sad'Utiribaldi is Dictator of Naples.— The . Liberator 'entered the capital of Naileffen the Bth of September, accorn ptiniad'66l, 'by tis stiit'amid the mani festatioditUthemostliitense enthusiasm. Garibaldi transferred the fleet and ar- renal of Naplecinto the hands of the 'de tlin 'Sardinian fleet, and pro .' alltidietilriitor EmmaniteyK jug of 'ltaly. ICing, in his atidiiiition, was ace:om 'hinted by the'll'aptd Nuncio, and many Bfiiieoabinet. „Arßed i n the fashionable - color now ~,jkappng.thn,,lallito of Paris. We see, VAri 1 4. let4A4r, , black rnosquetaire hats, berdered.wjtb red, and, decorated with a ,FA4,*l4ll,ftri thejed flannel under-skirt is displayed by the dress being tucked up ala Pompadourin festoons; t h e red stocktrigst set off.to , advantage the pretty tutted ankle, and Parisian bled; bottine. Mihtfrodb etume: law beeome the vogue froarbkviat been adopted by the Em gees' n her roSings on the sea-side at Siarsita. The'brilliant dolor is peculi -4:1-7 adaPted for displaying to advantage the beautifully fair complexion of her Mejeetv. • One of the. Marshals taring the census in Rush township, Northumber land county, called at the house ofFred ariakflimiemsuokad found the old gen tleman, who-is . just one hundred years old, busy mending a rake, to take up sonie4outs , which he bad cradled a few dayspre.fions. is wife, 'who is ninety years of age, was sitting by his side, en gaged !ft. 3 1,1143 ,o d fashioned employment of "knitting." • erJames Sutton .an alleged defaulter in, : aud fugitine from England, whoa° case gave rise to some litigation in the courts in New Yerk about twelve mouth ago died in that city a few days Bum, in,,great,peaury. Be was iu the cuatot otthe stearin' at the time of his ie'Within foTt-thiles of Williamsport, Pd., therd Fare twenty-five steam saw mains, cbutaining irr the aggregate about one thouband saws, with a eapar;ity . for crittimf at least one , hundred thousand feet of !limber in five days. r 'Old Abe's claims to distinction re founded on the sth verse of the 74th 'Bala: "A mtur 'was famous according uB hif lifted up axes against thick truce' Airßev. Win. C. Doane, son of the lat 9 Bishop Doane, has received a call' to the rectorship of St. Mary's Church, Burlington, N. J. _ ern.. Thos. Butts, or Southampton,' recently, has direCted'irt his wriTillitt all his servants ` lO5 in unix . • . her,' tihaWb t e freed. ' sr A. J. Glosobrenner of York, has aceeptA. Yd.:the - President's teniiii4e':'be come'his private secretary. Fayette county (Pa.) jail ie now, without an occupant. ' COLONEL Evans, of Baltimore, said to be connected with theßaltimore Patriot addressed a Iterptiblican meeting in New York, on Friday night. In the course of his speech he informed the audience that Mr. IPTabish, the gram dson of Chas. Carroll of Carrolton, who resides near Baltimore and owns more than sixty slaves, is a devoted advocate of the elec tion of .Lincoln. Col: Evans declared there were thousands of such'in the south; many of them were deterred from ex pressing their opinions, but if Lincoln is elected, he said, "the waters will flow over the dam and we will be brothers again-?' As-to the threatened attempt to resist the inauguration of Lincoln, in case of his election, Mr: Evans said all they asked'vras.that- it-should be left -to the people of the South themselves, who would see that the President elect had his rights. NUB 29,1860 TILE I . RINCE'S CAL—The car to be used by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, in carrying Baron Renfrew and his suite from Cincinnati to Baltimore, via Crestline, Pittsburg, and Harrisburg, was sent westward, to meet the distin• guished party for whose use it is intended. The car is arranged in compartments, with' sitting-room, sleeping couches, di ning -room, closets, foc„ and at one end is an open verandah, which Will accom modate a dozen persons with seats, af fording a fine opportunity to view the road and surrounding country. It is said to be the most beautiful car on any of the roads in the States, and for this reason it has been tendered and accepted for the use of the Prince and his suite. HORRIBLE MURDER.-A cool blooded murder was committed on Thursday, at Dennisville, N. J., which has thrown the whole place into an intense excitement. A man, known as old Abe Garrison, while under the influence of liquor, de manded some money of his wife, which she refusing, he seized an axe and knock ed her brains out, killing her instantly. He then jumped upon her body, causing the entrails to protrude,and so disfiguring the poor woman that she could hardly be recognized by her friends. The inhu man wretch was arrested and locked up in the jail. A PLEASING INCIDENT.— An incitlent of a very pleasant character occurred in Greensburg, during the recent Republi can Convention held in that borough:— After Col. Curtin had concluded his ad dress, he was introduced by a friend to the accomplished wife and family of his opponent, General Foster, and tendered his respects, with au assurance of his personal esteem for the husband and father.—Harrisburg Telegraph. arA negro woman was executed a few days ago, at Frankfort, Ky., for an attempt to poison one Hiram Berry.— This is the only case of hhnging that has occnred at Frankfort for a period of over twenty-five years, although murders, committed with impunity by "respecta ble" revolver-bearing citizens, are among the commonest things in that part of the country. wir An old man, aged ninety-three years,living in Maryland, in one"day dur ing the late harvest, ci with a sickle thirteen and a half dozen sheaves of wheat, and bound and shocked them.— The last was the eightieth harvest in which he bad successfully labored, and he is still in posession of much mental'as well as physical vigor. cia-So many conflicting reports have been received in regard to the fusion in New York, that we . are at a loss what to believe. It is now reported, how ever, that an electoral ticket has been arranged which stands as follows : Donglas men, 18 ; Bell and Everett, 10 and Brdckinridge 7. ea-Two of the oldest and most respect ed citizens of Lebanon county, departed this life on Monday a week—John Kil linger, father of J. W. Killinger, mem ber of Congress ; and Wm. Lehman, for many years prominently identified with the management of the Union Canal. 'The Philadelphia North American, an entirely reliable paper, states that filen& of Gen. Foster have been in New York i portuning British iron masters and dealers for assistance, promising that if they can carry Pennsylvania, the Tariff shall not be changed. The total amount of, salaries to city officers paid yearly from the Phila delphia treasury is $973,869,60. The police department alone costs $370,009 ; school teachers' salaries, $336.050. ifirThere are'lools everywhere.— Some dirty water left by the Prince of Wales in a basin in his apartments at Quebec, was bottled and sold for four shillings a vial, to some of his toadying admirers. erThe Japanese steamer Candinmur. rah ; June 25; from San ,'Francisco. The commander gives a highly colore4 report of the brilliant manner in which they were entertainet•here. WALL% Gowan, writing from Sebas topol, says that the graves of.those who fell at the Crimean war occupy: twelve square miles of Territory. IMO . i' Twenty- three hundred barrels of oil were received at Erie, in August, from the Pennsylvania oil region. .t? E W LA 4 IFITTI_A_N.gc---s--- CLIPPINGS FROM OUR EXCHANGES. Five editors in Michigan have been nominated for the Legislature this year. The number of acres of new lands in troduced to market by proclamation of the President, during the past year, is 164 millions. The Bureau or Napoleon I, recently advertised for sale, way sold, iu Paris on the lath, for 5,000 E, to. AL Bineau, a fur- niture dealer Twelaer thousand and twenty-one dol lars were subscribed in Newport in aid of Garibaldi and his friends. A South Carolina paper announces that""Afr. Douglas will visit the grave of his wife's mother," in that State. The sale of photographs of Garibaldi is prohibited . in Vienna. The San Francisco papers state that Col. Fremont refuses to take any part in the Presidential canvass. The wishes of Baron Renfrew as re gards the privacy of his reception at Cambridge are to be implicitly regarded. The students, hoivever, will have an op portunity of personally paying their re spects to the distinguished visitor, in one of the halls belonging to the corpor ation, of the University. Yancey and Caleb Cushing are to 'ad dress the Breckinridge folks at Bangor, Me., on the 2d of October. They were not quite so near together, in politics, twenty years ago. Gen. Lane is now on a visit to his brother, in Indiana. It is rumored, that he will visit Georgia, on invitation, early in October. George Law has recently purchased the villa of Mr. Cazet, on the hill adja-. cent to Stapleton, Staten Island, for fifty thousand dollars. By the arrival of the steamer Francisco the report is furnished that Gen. Walker and Col. Radler have been shot by the Honduras Government, Walker's men were allowed to depart unmolested. Mr. Hackett, the actor, has just pur chased a small but beautiful residence on the heights of Yonkers, New York. President. Buchanan declines to be present at the ball to be given in New York, in boner of the Prince of Wales. Three songs, two of them written by Acton Bell and one of them by Ellis Bell, the sisters of Charlotte Bronte, have been set to music in England, are highly praised by the London critics. A couple of rare half-pennies have been sold in Hartford for $l6, a rare Vermont penny for $6 50, a United States penny of 1799 for $9, and a very full cabinet of half-pennies, with a few colonials, for $lOO. Fisher's Island, in Long Island Sound, has recently been sold to a gentleman of New York, for the sum of $50,000. The Island is some • six miles long, and is estimated to contain 5.060 acres. Frank Hughes, of New Haven, Conn., only 12 years of age, has been sent to the poor-house, on application of his father, for being a common drunkard. -Henry Winter Davis, of Maryland, was written to by some of the managers of the Bell meeting in Easton, this State, and requested to favor them with a speech. His reply was the effect that he would be happy to make any number of speeches for them—but hereafter his speeches would favor the election of Lincoln ! Near Media, Delaware county, on Sat urday morning, an armed band of five ruffians went to the house of Mrs. Sarah Miller, and made a vain attempt to ab duct a little colored servant girl. But she eluded them, and while they were struggling with the family, the girl got on horseback and aroused the neighbors, who pursued and captured the villains. La Mountain, the aeronaut, during his recent ascension at Albany. was caught in a tornado when over East Lanesboro, Mass., and in attempting to land was dashed against a stone wall. He was dragged until lie came in contact with a tree, tearing the netting of his balloon. Hd was then carried forward to another tree, where h,is baloon was burst, and he knocked senseless. He was rescued by some farmers, and reached Lansingberg safely. Orestes A. Brownson, the editor of a well known Quarterly Review, published in the interests of the Catholic Church, and who was heretofore a radical Dem ocrat, has come out for the Republicans. He made a thorough going Republican speech at Elizabethport, N. J., on Thurs day evening last. He not only recom mended the policy of the party in regard to the freedom of the Territories, but he eulogized the honest backwoodsman of Illinois. An mronaut, Wells by name, succeed ed in making an ascension at Riehinou.d, Virginia, in a caloric balloon a few days ago. Be• ascended quite easily. to a height -of.four hundred feet, and came down a little more rapidly,than he went up, as soon as the heated air cooled and lost its aseensive power. He made a voyage of about half a mile. • The ascen sion, it majnbewas well to state, Was made with the intent of'drawing an audience for a Bell Ind Everett meeting. = THE STATE DEBT: The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund have made report to the Governor that they have redeem ed, during the year ending Sep. 3rd,1860, $502,264 36 of the State Debt, and Gov ernor Packer has issued his proclama- tion declaring so much of the debt "paid, cancelled, extinguished and finally dis charged." Thus Pennsylvania goes on steadily in the work of reducing the bur den of debt under which she has so long labored. Every year witnesses a reduc tion of the debt. The revenue of the State, from sources other than canal and railroad tolls, is abundant, and the rapid reduction of the debt makes it reason able to expect, before a great while a de cided reduction in the rate of State tax ation. A TALL TICKET.—The standard bearers of the Republican party are all large and fine looking men. Abraham Lincoln is six feet four inches in height. Hanibal liamlin is six feet three inches in height. Andrew G. Curtin is six feet two inches in height. Making a total of eighteen feet nine inches of candidates of the People for President and Vice: Presi dent, and Governor of Pennsylvania. If a taller ticket can be "seared up," trot it out. EATING ON TUE CARS.—One of the lat est public conveniences is the establish ment of sleeping cars on all the great railroads in the country. The smoking car has long been a recognized institu tion. Something beyond all this has just been commenced on the line of travel between Harrisburg and New York, via Reading, Allentown, and Easton. A restaurant car is attached to each thor ough train, where travellers may procure things to eat and drink even more com fortably than they could at the stations along the road. eir Gov. Brown (A. G. Brown,) of Mississippi has been speaking in Copiah county, in that state. He is reported to have ventured on a critique of the char acters of the several presidential candi dates, from which we learn that, in Gov. B.'s opinion. Mr. Douglas is the most intellectual man in the Senate, Mr. Lin coln "bold, fearless, and determined," with considerable ability; Mr. Bell wiser and honester than either; and Mr. Breckinridge, " a young man of great ability, but very modest." The Barnstable (Mass.) 'Patriot states that a young man named Kleith, who was terribly maimed some time ago, by the premature discharge of a cannon, at Hyannis, has been enabled by means of artificial hands and forearms, to write, send messages as a telegraph . operator, drive a horse and carriage, and perform many other acts requiring muscular agil ity and skill. tar Rev. Dr. Abel McEwen, of the First Congregational Church of New London, Coon., of which he had been pastor for ovar fifty years, died in that city on the ith inst., aged SO years. He graduated at Yale in HOS, a classmate of John C. Calhoun, and took the vale dictory away from him. He was a dis tinguished theologian, and one of the corporation of Yale College. 14Ir. E. W. Carpenter, of Milwankie, last week found a basket in one of the streets of that city, in which were seven thousand one hundred and ten dollars, in American eagles ! A family of Ger mans, just arrived, proved to be the own ers. It had been set down and foregot ten, while something about their baggage required adjustment in the street. ogr A. good Sewing Machine in a fam ils is a treasure. . Rave you seen the ma chine called the "Erie"? If not, we ad vise some of oar readers who may not have all the work.they_ean attend to, to write to Mr. J. N. Boylan, at Milan, Ohio, and get the Company's confiden tial terms to agents. itEr Among those who rsndered valua ble assistance, along the beach of the lake, in recovering the bodies of the lost passengers of the Lady Elgin, was a no ble Newfoundland dog, who utterly re fused tiny reward in the shape of caresses from bystanders, snapping and snarling at them when they offered them. win Troy, recently, a large rat in cautiously put his foot into the mouth of an oyster. No sooner had he done so, however, than the oyster closed upon him, and held him so tightly that atten tion was attracted by the noise, and the unlucky vermin quickly dispatched. 0 - Washington City contains 61,400 inhabitants,_ which is an increase since 1850 of 21,399. The whole of the Dis trict of Columbia contains a population of 75,365, against 51,687 in 1859. The number of slaves is 3231, against 3687 in 1850—a decrease of 456. itir Gov. Banks will go to Chicago in a few' days; to" make arrangements for the removal of his family, and for the as sumption of his new duties. His family will remove thither early this fall, and the Governor will join them at the close of his official duties. arA Huntington (Conn.) farmer, who visited Springfield last week, niade a nearly fatal leap from the express train, at Huntington. One side of his body was completely undressed and §kinned. Ile explained the matter by saying he "had cows' to milk." garA Washington writer says that the accounts of Brigham Young, as Stt• perintendent of Indian affairs at Utah, have undergone a searching investigation at Washington, and it is ascertained that he is a defaulter to a considerable amount. An agent has been sent to 'Utah to collect the money. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT.-sUC cess the attribute of merit. Erysipelas and cu taneous diseases. If popularity be the test of a medicine, Holloway's Pills and Ointment ale assuredly the greatest remedies of this or any other age as they are unconfined to nations or people, being as familiar to the denizens of the backwoods as to the citizens of New York, London, Paris, Vienna, Berlin, St. Petersburg, &c. Their universabity is howeverr the least of +heir merit. Their safe and speedy cures of Erysipelas, Salt-Rheum, King's Evil, Scrofula and all skin diseases are their chief recommen dation. Persons afflicted with any of the above disorders should have immediate re course to them. AGE & DEBILITY.—As old age comes creep ing on, it brings with it many attendant infirm ities. Loss of appetite and weakness impair the health, and want of activity makes the mind discontented and unhappy: in cases where old age adds its influence, it is almost impossi ble to add vigor and health, and although many remedies have been tried, all have failed, until Berltave's Holland Bitters were known and used. In every case where they have been em ployed, they have invariably given strength and restored the, appetite. They have become an agent for this alone, and are used by many peo ple who are suffering from loss of appetite and general debility. In cases .of long standing chronic diseases, they act as a charm, invigorat ing the system, thus giving nature another op - portunity, to repair physical injuries. See ad vertisment in another column. To CONSUMPTIVES : The advertiser having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very sitiple remedy, after having suffered sev eral years with a severe Lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it he will send a copy of the prescription used, [free of charge . ' with directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure'cure for Con sumption, Bronchitis, Cc. The only object of advertiser in sending the prescription is to ben efit the afflicted, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them noth ing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wish ing the prescription will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings co., N. Y. [3m A CARD TO THE SUFFEILINC.—The Rev. WILLIAM Cost:ROVE., while laboring as a mis sionary in Japan, was cured of Consumption, when all other means had failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned physician residing in the great city of Jeddo. This recipe has cured great numbers who were suffering from Con sumption, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds, and the debility and nervous depression caused by these disorders. Desirous of benefitting others; I will send this recipe, which I have brought home with de, to all who need it. free of charge. Address REV. W➢[. COSGROVE, 439 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. A CARD TO YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLE MEN.—The subscriber will send (free of charge) to all who desire it, the Recipe and directions for mak iag a simple Vegetable Balm, that will, in from two to eight days, remove Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, Sallowness, and all impurities and roughness of the Skin, leaving tho same—as ?Nature intended it should be -soft, clear, smooth, and beautiful. Those de siring the Recipe, with full instructions, direc tions, and advice, will please call on or address (with return postage,) JAS. T. MARSHALL, Practical Chemist, No. 32 City Buildings, New York. See advertisment of Prof. L. Miller's Hair Invigorotor 3 and Liquid Hair Dye, in an other column. FALL CAMPAIGN ! spAngiel' & 11)10iief-st. 0 ARE now supplied with a general ASSORTMENT OF FALL .4:: WINTER GOODS, EMU CVcrything desirable in their line. MEN AND BOY'S WEAR. Superior Silk Velvet, Granadine and Woolen Vestings, French Silk-mixed Doeskin and Plain Cussirueres, Cloths of all grades, for Coats, Over-coats and Business suits, Union Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Plaid and Plain Jeans, Lamb's-wool, Silk and Cotton Shirts and Drawers, Gloves, Wool atm cotton Hosiery, Suspenders, Cravats, Neck-ties, Shirt breasts and collars, Boy's and Men's Shawls, Cricket Jackets, children's, youth's and men's Cap and Soft Hats. LADIES DEPARTMENT. Black Bayadare and Fancy Plaid Silks, Figured and plain Merinoes, in.all colors, French Wool DeLames, in beautiful designs, Manchester and Pacific Cashmeres and De. LaMes, Rep Nepolitans, Mourning Thibit . Cloths, Cuburgs, Bombazines, Alpacas, Lovellas, English and American 4-4 Chintz, Gingham, Boque• anc other new style Prints, Rich Plaids and neat fig'd Merinos for misses. SHAWLS. Stella and Merino bordered, Bonella, Ombray Jacquard, superior Gay and Plain 4 and 8 Quarters Heavy Shawls, a variety of Children's Shawls, Opera Caps, Zephyr shawls and Capes. CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! Cloth Tahues and Dusters several styles of both, for claoks and talmas, Sacking and Skirting Flannels, Beaver, Kid and Kid-silk Gloves and Gauntletts, Embroidered Sleeves, and collars, Chenele, Braid and Bead Head Nets, Diamond Ruffling of all widths, all of the new styles of dress trimming,Split Ze phyr, Shetland Wool, Crochet Brai, Ste., &c. HOUSE FURNISHING .GOODS. While and Grey, linen and cotton table cloths, Cotton Diaper and crash- Toweling, Sheeting, Checks and Ticking, Cradle, Crib and Bed Blankets, Marseilles Quilts and Counterpanes, Bureau Covers, Embossed Table Covers , 4, 6 and 16 quarters Floor Oil Cloths, Prime Live picked Feathers. CARPETS. 40 pieces of Carpet in various qualities, from common to medium and Extra Three Ply. DECORATIVE. PAPER. As full an assortment as can be found in the county, of the choicest Gilt, Glazed and com mon Wall Paper for Parlors, Chambers, Haas, Offices, &c., with Panne/s, Columns& Borders. 7, - GROCERIES. 61., Best Refined • White and Brown • Sugars ; Choice Green and Black Teas ; Extra Fine Orleans Molasses;. Layering and other Syrups; '.: Rio, Java and Iguira COFFEES; • Farina . ; Tuproca and Corn Starch ; Split Peas; Soup Beans ; Cheese ; Rice and Spices ; new Dried Peaches and Apples , ; Mackerel li )ifeegfto Shad and ehing, all of 'winch have been bought soh CASH, and will be sold at a very small advance on cost prices. Cull and make your purchases or send in your or ders, early._ MARrETTA, September 22, 1860. ,1107iLics ,„,cr, JUST RECEIVED BY DIFFENI3AC 171 No. 61 MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, P.A. S now placing on his shelves and readyl examination and sale, the largest am; best selected stork of FALL AND WINTER. 10,,r, ever offered in this borough, to which he invites the attention of the public. New Styles Dress Goods Superior makes of Silk; A large assortment oeCalicos Extra quality Muslins, all prices, Best make of Flannels, do A large stock of Shawls, Plain and Barred Sack'd Flannel:. Purchasers are invited to examine onr stork, as we are confident we can show them the be t styles at the lowest prices, in connection with the largest stock of domestic goods. Satinetts and Cassimeres, Bleached and Unbleached Muslins. De'sines, Calicos and Ginghams, Drillings, Sheetings and Checks, Pant Stuff, Hickory and Tickings, Best makes of Canton Flannels, Splendid Calicos for six cents, Good quality Muslin, six cents, Plain and Figured Delains, 121 cents, Heavy Unbleached Muslins, six cents. ALL KINDS OF HOUSE FURNISHING Goopc. Linen and Woolen Table covers. Plain, Ornamental and Oiled Window Blinds and Patent Fixtures, Wall Papers,rarpets, Floor OilJloths. Wall and Window Paper, Transparent Blinds. Glass, Queensware and Cedarware. Gaiters, slippers, Boots, Shoes, Brogans. &.e. Very superior Syrup at 50 cents a gallon. All kinds of Liquors wholesale or retail Itr A LARGE STOCK OF CHEAP GROCERIES. Rio Coffee at 15 cents, and other goods at cor respondingly low rates. The highest price given for Country produce. J. R. DIFFENBACH. tuotfiV of any for -"Restot.iog fita 2.* and rah,. Many, since the great discovery of Prof. Wood, have attempted not only to imitate his restorative, but profess to have discovered something that would produce results identical ; but they have all come and gone, being car ried away by the wonderful results of Prof. Wood', preparation, and have been forted to leave the field to its resistless sway. Read the following : Bath, Maine, April ISth, 1659. PRO r. 0. J. WOOD & CO. :—Tbe letter I wrote you in ISM concerning your valuable Hair Re storative, and which you have published in this vicinity and elsewhere, has given rise to numerous enquiries touching the facts in the case. The enquiries are, first, is it a Net of my habitation and name,-ns stated in the commu nication ; second, is it true of all therein con tained ; third, does my hair still continue to he in good order and of natural color f To all can and du answer invariably yes. My hair is even better than in any stage of my life for 40 years past, more soft, thrifty, and better colored ; the same is true of my whiskers, and the only cause why it is not generally true, is that the substance is washed off by frequent ablution of the face, when if care were used by wiping the face in • close connection wkli tho whiskers, the same result will follow as Ito hair. 1 -have been in the receipt of a great number of letters from all parts of New Eng land, asking me if my hair still continues to be gold ; as there is so much fraud in the mat.- . ufucture and sale of various compounds as well as this, it has, no doubt been basely imi tated and been used, not only without any I good effect, but to absolute injury. 1 have nos used any of your Restorative cf any account for, some months, and yet my hail is as good as ever, and hundreds have examined it with bur prise, as I am now 6l years old and not a gray hair in my head or on my face ; and to prov, this fact, I send you a lock of my hair take: , oil the past week. I received your favor of two quart bottles last summer, for which I am very grateful . 1 gave it to my friends and in ducedthein to try it, many were skeptical un til after trial, and then purchased and used it with universal success. I will ask as a favor, that you send one a test by which I can dis cover fraud in the Restorative, sold by many, I fear, without authority from you. A pare article will insure success : and I believe where good effects do not follow, the failure is caused by the impure article, which curses the inven tor of the good. I deem it my duty as hereto fore, to keep you apprised of the continued ef fect on my hair, as I assure all who enquires of me of my unshaked opinion of its valuable results. I remain, dear sir, yours, A. C. RAYMOND. Aaron's Run, Ky., Nov. 3U, ISiS. PROF. 0. J. Wow): ear :4.-1 would cer tainly be doingyou a great injustice notto make known to the world, the wonderful, as well as the unexpected result I have experienced front using one bottle of your Hait Restorative. Af ter using every kind of Restoratives extant, but without success, and finding my head nearly destitute of hair, I was finally induced to try a,bottle of your Hair Restorative. Now, can dor and justice compel me to announce to who ever may read this, that I now possess a new and beautiful growth of hair, which I pro nounce richer sod handsomer than the original was. 1 will therefore take occasion to recom mend this invaluable remedy to all who may feel the necessity of it. Respectfully yours, Ray. S. ALLEN BROCK. P. S.—This testimonial of my appiobation for your valuable medicine (as you are aware of) is unsolicited i—diut if you think it worthy a place among the rest, insert if you wish ; if not destroy and say nothing. THE RESTORATIVE is put up in bettles'of three sizes, viz : large, medium, and small ; the small holds ! ; -a pint, and retails for $1 a bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent more in proportion than the small;retails fur $2 per bottle; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent Inure in proportion, and retails for $3. O. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, No. 444 Broadway, New-York, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. 11:3='And sold by all good druggists and fancy goods dealers. BRENNEMAN fe . To his MARIETTA Friends !!‘ TT E has romoved from Centre Square,to fl WEST. KING-ST., LANCASTER, Op posite Cooper's Hotel, where he has the finest BOOT AND SHOE STORE IN LANCASTER CITY. He makes fine calfskin Boots (the best) for Calfskin Walking Shoes, $2,20 Ladies Half Gaiters, (double soles) $2,00 Ladies Morocco Boots, (heels) $1,(2!-t He has concluded to make the best work at somewhat reduced prices,and hopes by so doing to enlarge and increase his business. 1"'• Mending of every kind neatly done. Citizens of Marietta :—When you come to Eanaaster,. give BItENNEMAN a call and you will sureiy be pleased with his work. epStember 15,1860, 9-tf Notice. OT ICE is Hereby Given, that the second 111 instalment of the Capital Stock of " The Marietta and Maytown Turnpike Road Com pany," amounting to FIVE DOLLARS per share, is required to be paid to the. Treasurer,_ at his residence, on or before the 15th day of October next; and the third instalment of like amount, at the same place, on or before the Ist day of November next. . BY ORDER OF THE BOARD Marietta, September 22, 1860-3 t. . • For the Building of a Toll. House. , SEALED proposals will be received up to October Ist., by the undersiffned, for the building of a Toll house, etc., in accordance With another plan and specifications, which can be seen by calling at the residence of Sep. 22, 1860. J. W. CLARK, Sec'y. 15BARRELS Prime New-York Apples, fresh from the orchards just received and for sale at WO L FE' S. Apples always on hand. We have contracted with, one of the most ex tensive Fruit dealers, in Philadelphia, for our Fall supply of Apples and Peaches, so there will be- difficulty in obtaining a nice juicy apple, or sheet melting peach , by call ing at WOLFE'S.