The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, September 22, 1860, Image 2

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    4% e iu ethig Utarittiian.
- - - - - -
Invirtial—but not Neutral."
JOSEPH HOOD, Bart Township,
MICHAEL OR ER, West Donegal,
JOHN M. STrauditzt, Penn,
‘HErrair".M. WHITE, Otty.
For Sheriff,
S. W. P. BoirD,'Futten.
For Register,
On' Recorder,
•GcbuOn' Wtirrsoti, Stidsbury.
For Clerk of Quarter Sessions,
HENRY blivsept, Strasburg.
For Clerk of. Orphans' Court,
SnarivEL blvens, Mount Joy.
for Gaudy Commissioner,
Jonrr DertEn, /Siemer.
For 'Director's of the Poor,
WfigirtiTia S. MARTIN, Coleraine,
ZARTMAN, Elizabeth.
For Prison Inspectors,
BausattEn, Mounijoy Twp.,
' - "PitiLtP W.HbNol
Foy; Coroner,
DANIEL BALMER, Elizabethtown.
For Auditor,
• OV/Lat;.AM , VON NEIDA, Brecknock
~ T it y ,`lgasevillmsM,Erinrq...,The grand
repOblican rally at Lancaster on Wed
nesility bait may , truly be said to have
been a revival of the spirit o f "Tippeca
_ ,n9t 3 P 4 Tyler too" of '4O. The crowd
ha* an
variously estimated at from 15
*?0,000. The procession headed by
Chief Marshal, col. D. W. Patterson,
pfroceeded through the principal streets
to the ;; grounds of the Locomotive works,
wliere i n. alvexal stands had been erected.
.A.lier.a little delay, the following officers
were announced
Presi4na—lion. Thaddeus Stevens.
Vise ..Presidenfe—H.op. John , Stroh m,
Hop. Jos. Konigmacher, David Walden,
Eaq.,„,C9l. Jas. Myers, Joseph Clinton,
H. H. Kurtz, John Neihouser, Dr. J. B.
OtolAs, Cornelius Collins, Dr. Samuel
Efe neagy, Dr. J. M. Dunlap and Daniel
Biown, of Lancaster county; Henry S.
Evans, Esq, Dr, Frank Taylor, of Ches
ter-c 0 ..; Aaron B, Bougliter, of Lebanon
Co.; Lloyd, Jones, of Montgomery-co.;
Philip Irwin and Capt. J. Al. Eyster, of
Dauphin; Dr. Barton Evans, of York;
John Willtimson, 'of Huntingdon, and
many others..
Secretaries—Henry W. Hager, Lan
caster; H. H. Eqqrly, M. M. Strickler,
James Mehaffey, Jac. E. Cassel ? of Lan
Mr, Stevens, on taking - the chi& made
a few remarks and then introduced lion.
Andrei G. Curtin, whin complained 'of
being "worn out" and after a short speech
gave way to what Mr. Stevens called
the "Homestead Bill," Hon. G. A. Grow,
who was followed by Hon. David Wil
mot. .t this time)tpeeches were being
listened tqo. at two other stands from
Hon:. A. H. • Reeder, ex-Governor of
Kansas, Morton McMichael, Lemueal
Reese, Joseph Casey, tc.
The torchlight procession in the even
ing is admitted on all sides to have been
tub grandest sight ever witnessed in the
once "only Democratic city." Carl
glihrz, during the marching of the pro
cession in the evening, addressed the
Germans in Fulton Hall—the hall being
nearly tilled with Germans. Trains were
leaving the new depot almost every half
hour from after dark until midnight with
returning delegations,
Remember that all who desire to
vote on the 9th of October, must be as
wised. by Saturday the 29th of September
--,-ten days before the election. If you
bawl any doubts about your name being
on the assessors list; go and see to it with
out:delay. It is often the case that even
the names of old residents are Inadvert
ently left off the list.
A woman in Portland, Mo., stood
upon a barrel toset a better view of the
Wide-Awakes. The head fell in, coca-
aitigier in a double set of hoops. She
was helped out by an accommodating
garylary Ann Peat, less than 16 years
of 'AgO, was , arrested the . other day, in
einciiiinati, on a charge of drawing her
=Aerie savings, $3OO, from the bank, in
Rochester, by a forged check.
s tilt°`Duke of Newcastle has written
a lanai.' to ex-President` Pilltriere that
the Prince of Wales will be unc le to
visit 'ffaffalO.
A. FIENDISH °mut:ln—Poisoning of
Horses : Considerable excitement was
caused this morning by the death of two
valuable horses belonging to the livery
stable of Mr. Shober, in West Orange
street, under circumstances which leave
no doubt that the animals were poisoned.
The circumstances connected with the
matter indicate that the poison was ad
ministered on Saturday night, as some
of the horses were out yesterday, when
their sickness was first noticed. One of
them died this morning about three
o'clock, and another at an early hour in
the day, and while we write a third is
expected to die momentarily, and a fourth
is seriously affected. As the matter is
now undergoing an investigation we re
frain from giving any of the details of
the circumstances which lead to the sus
picion of foul play—expecting that by
to-morrow the real cause of the death of
the animals will be satisfactorily demon
strated. We sincerely hope, however,
that the author of such an outrage, if the
present impression is confirmed, will be
identified and brought to justice. The
villian that would be guilty of such a
deed would not hesitate at arson and
murder itself to gratify his fiendish ma
Since the above was written the fifth
horse has died, and a sixth is not ex
pected to live. Two others which were
out yesterday have not yet returned, and
it is feared they are also among the vic
tims to this diabolical outrage.—Lan
caster Express.
Mr. S. appears to have all the " bad
luck" on a heap ; in addition to the loss
of five horses, his bar room drawer was
robbed on Wednesday last, during the
temporary absence of Mr. S. and his bar
keeper at the front door looking at the
great Republican procession. passing.
wir. Mr. Richard Campbell, shipping
and receiving Clerk at the Safe Harbor
Iron Works, proceeded to the banks of
the Conestoga, a short distance below
Hess' Mansion House, on Wednesday of
last week; about dusk, says the Lancas
ter Express, for the purpose of bathing.
Having laid his clothes on the bank of
the stream, he went in, as is supposed,
and being attacked,with the cramp was
drowned. His clothing was found next
morning, and the stream for some dis
tance down was dragged with the hope
of recovering his body, but without suc
cess. Mr. Campbell was alone at the
time, but being an excellent swimmer
his supposed drowning can only be ac
counted for under the belief that he was
seized with cramp. Mr. Campbell leaves
behind a wife and five small children who
are greatly distressed at his •unknown
gar Mr. Jacob F. Kautz, well-known
in this city as a contractor, started on
Monday morning for California, to re
sume the post to- which he has recently
been appointed by the President in Cal
ifornia and Utah. He will go to St.
Louis, and from thence, in Company with
Capt. Mowry, Commissioner, proceed to
San Francisco by the Pony Overland
Express. Alderman Kautz carries with
him the heartfelt wishes of hosts of friends
fora safe and pleasant journey over the
Plains. We hope to see him return
home safe and sound both in a physical
and pecuniary point of view.—Lancaster
Itar Col. Lander's wagon-road expedi
tion has completed its labors, and had
returned to the valley. Colonel Lander
had also an interview with the principal
war chief of the Pahaute Indians, who
desire peace, and has promised to keep
his warriors quiet for one year, to give
opportunity to have cause of trouble ex
plained at Washington. This probably
puts an end to farther danger to the
pony express and overland emigration.
The American Agriculturist, one
of the most instructive and entertaining
of American agricultural publications,
makes the following very liberal propo
sition ,—" Every new subscriber for '6l
(vol. XX,) received after Sep. Ist, will be
furnished, free of charge, with the re
maining numbers of this year." The sub
scription price is $1 peeyear. Published
by Orange Judd, A. M., 189 Water st.,
New York.
Stephen McEnroe, now in jail at
Chicago, awaiting his trial upon an in
dictment for the murder of Mr. Brown,
formerly of Baltimore, made a violent
attack, a few days ago, on Mr. Petrie,
the turnkey, and injured him severely.
The_prisoner affects insanity, tears off
his clothing, and keeps up a constant
pay'The father of Hon. John W. Kil.
linger, died a few days since, at Annville,
Lebanon county. The illness of the old
gentleman will accoznt for Mr. Killing
errs failure to meet political appoint
'Prentice of the Louisville Journal,
quoting from a contemporary who says
that ABB is a dead letter, remarks, Yes,
and like all dead letters, he will be sent
to Washington.
ft - Charles Whitoomb, a brother-in
law of John B. Gough, committed sui
cide near the residence of the latter, at
Boylston, Mass., on Sunday.
In Lynn, Massachusetts, boots are
now,:chiefly heeled •by, machinery, One
establishment has sold in four months
about 50,000 turned , heels.
During the sham naval battle at Cleve
land, Ohio, last Monday, Thomas Joice,
butcher of that city, jumped into the lake
to recover his hat, which had been blown
overboard, and was drowned.
A number of gentlemen of Frederick
city, Maryland, are about to form a joint
stock company for the purpose of erect
ing a first. class hotel in that place.
05D-The Captain General of Cuba has
issued an order for the regulation of the
slave trade. He gives the strictest or
ders to all the public functionaries to
use their utmost efforts hereafter to pre
vent the landing of African slaves on
the island.
The Lynchburg (Va.) Agriculturist
Society offer a premium of $lOO for the
best drilled company of soldiers thatmsy
exhibit at the coming fair of the society.
The company must belong to that State.
Prof. Shotts, the reronaut, made a bal
loon ascention at Marietta, Ohio, on
Wednesday evening, about 5 o'clock.—
When he had reached a height of about
one hundred feet, the balloon burst.—
He came doWn standing in his basket,
alighting on the levee. Singular as it
may seem, the only injury he sustained
was a badly mashed ancle.
Some of the Foster men at Harris
burg, sought to induce Mr. Douglas to
declare in favor of Foster, but the Judge
was too cunning for them. He said,
that Foster must first declare for Douglas.
Hon. Henry M. Fuller, Chairman of
the Union State Executive Committee,
bas called a meeting of the Committee
at Harrisburg, on the 26th inst., for the
purpose of completing the electoral tick
et, and selecting a candidate for Gov
The ,Baltimore Patriot, speaking in
relation to Douglas' speech in that city,
says that hereafter instead of being known
as the "Little Giant," the appellation of
the "Artful Dodger" would be more ap
propriate for that gentleman.
The savans of Paris are experimenting
upon toads, which are to be encased. in
plaster of Paris for a series of years, in
order to prove beyond a doubt their ten
acity of life. Not so particularly pleas
ant to the toads as interesting to the
President Buchanan has written a let
ter to Win. H. Smith, in which he denies
the reported assertion of Mr. Douglas,
that he (Buchanan) . threatened him
(Douglas) that if he did not support the
Lecompton Constitution, he would re
move all of his friends from office.
It is stated that among the last items
of intelligence from England, that the
Great Eastern, after being gridironed at
Milford Haven, will leave that .port for
New York on the 17th of October.
The Hamburg ship, Donau, from Ham
burg, arrived at port recently, and re
ports that August 25, off St. George's
Shoal, she saw a large balloon going
east . ; the wind at the time was light,
and from the westward.
Gerrit Smith is in Oswego, to relieve
himself of a great load, by dividing prop
erty to the value of $200,000 among five
devoted relatives.
Judge Douglas has' been welcomed by
large and enthusiastic audiences during
his recent tour through Virginia. fle
is now in New York, and spoke at Jane's
Woods on Wednesday, as did also Her
shel V. Johnsoc. Au ox was roasted
on the occasion,
Gov. Seward's tour through the West
is described by the telegraph as a "con
tinual ovation" Forty thousand people
welcomed him at Detroit.
Hon. - Wm. Pennington, Speaker of
the House of Representatives, will be a
candidate for re-election to Congress,
having reconsidered his letter declining
the nomination, at the earnest solicita
tion of his friends.
Two colored preachers from Baltimore
were not permitted by the citizens to
land at St. Leonard's, Calvert county,
Maryland, last week.
A bald-headed gentleman in England
has realized a beautiful crop of (limn,
which bids fair to become hair, if it con
tinues to grow, from the application of
plaster of Paris, for the purpose of tak
ing a cast of his features. The artist, a
well:known maker of busts, vouches for
the fact. •
The coronation of the King and Queen
of Sweden, took place August 5, 1860,
at the Cathedral of • Drontheim; accord
to the Constitution, which provides that
it must be celebrated in that ancient
The city of Cologne is now holding a
a meeting of prize shooters. The high
est prize will be a castle on the Rhine.
Germans, English, Swiss, Belgians, and
Dutchm'an are invited to attend. The
castle is a magnificent edifice, just oppo
site Coblenfz.
Hon. Thomas Parsons, a well known
leading Democrat of Rochester, has
written a letter declaring his intention
to support Lincoln and Hamlin. He
says he can not support Douglas, who
was the author of the repeal of the Mis
souri Compromise, and whom he conse
quently'regarEis as' the author of all the
the slavery agitation. He is also op
pbsed to the fusion of the Bell men.
DEAD.- Elder John Winebrenner, of
this city, died last night, after a linger
ing sickness. For years past the de
ceased has been prominently connected
with the " Church of God," in various
capacities. As the founder of this
branch of the Christian church,he accom
plished much good, and was honored and
esteemed by the entire membership, em
bracing many thousands in the different
States of the Union. The deceased was
a man of considerable ability and indom
itable energy, and triumphed over ob
staeles that would have proved impass
able barriers to many men of less deter
mined will similarly situated. He enjoy
ed the respect of Or citizens generally,
and his death will be sincerely lament
ed,--Harrisburg Sentinel.
SUSPENSION : Mrs. Bailey,- widow of
the publisher of, the National Era, at
Washington, announces in a circular
that the journal in question is perma
nently suspended. It had latterly run
seriously into debt, and the proprietor
found it impossible to put it on a sound
basis again. During, many years the
poet. Whittier, Mrs. H. B. Stowe, and
other distinguished writers, made the
Era their medium with the public. It
will be recollected that the first half of
"Uncle Tom's Cabin" appeared in its
columns, the publication of the remaind
er being forestalled by its issue in book
THE "BLACK SwAx."—The "Black
Swan" is now a resident of Philadelphia,
and has amassed a handsome competence
by her exhibitions. Elizabeth Green
field was originally a slave in one of the
Southwestern States. She was pur•
chased or , manumitted at an early age,
when she at once exhibited much vocal
capacity and flexibility. For some time
she tutored herself, mastered the ele
ments of music, and, attracting some at
tention from benevolent parties, was as
sisted in the prosecution of her studies.
have received the Cosmopolitan Art
Journal for the current quarter. This is
the most artistically illustrated periodi
cal published in our country. It is pub
lished by the Cosmopolitan Art Asso
ciation of New York, which annually
distributes a large number of valuable
works of Art among its subscribers.—
The literary charaeler of the journal is
high, its articles original and selected be
ing of first-rate merit. The, engravings
of the present number are, as usual, very
"NOTHING TO WEAR."—The executors
of a lady named Desmond, who died at
Brompton, England, iu last May, sold
the extraordinary number. of 1,800 silk
dresses, 'lOO velvet mantles, 200 bonnets,
and upwards of 100 pairs of shoes, with
innumerable kerchiefs and scarfs of all
colors of the rainbow, which had been
purchased by the deceased lady within
ten years of her demise.
CAMP MEETING.—A. - camp meeting
comprising thirty family tents, of the
German' Methodists (Albright's) was
held last week at Seitz's Meeting House
ground, in York county, Pa , three miles
northeast of Shrewsbury, and was at
tended by seventeen ministers and nu
merous congregations during its contin
beruumber of this sterling publication is
before us. It is an abely edited publi
cation, and is esteemed by our farming
friends, reliable and trust worthy. Pub
lished at $1 per annum; by Spangler
Sanders, 19 North Sixth street, Phila
ear It is stated that T. D. Rice, famil
iarly known to two generations of play
goers as "Jim Crow," has become so far
prostrated by old age as to be incapaci
tated from pursuing the labors of his vo
cation. Mr. Rice has been connected
with the American stage during the last
thirty years, and may be fairly consid
ered as the father of the colored opera.
We notice that a benefit in his aid is,
about to be given in New York.
ifirln Cumberland county last week
two women were convicted of keeping
houses of ill-fame, and each sentenced by
the Judge to one year's imprisonment.—
An example or two of this kind might
have a tendency to close some of the
"rookeries " that abound in our town.
grirA shocking railroad catastrophe
happened on Friday night at Delavan,
Wisconsin, "by the collision of a freight
and a passenger train. From the brief
telegraphic account, of the disaster that
has reached us, we learn that five per
"sons were killed and twenty-five wound
ed, several of them seriously.
erMr. Shaw, the rich old bachelor at
St. Lonis, against whom Effie "Carstrang
brought that famous breach of promise
case, is assessed $480,000 for real estate,
and $43,500 personal property. Effie is
still living at St. Louis. .
The Desert News of August 15th
gives the names of about 1600 persons
who are on their way to Salt Lake City.
Their travelling stock consisted of near
ly 300 wagons and carts, 700 oxen, 186
cows and a large number of tents.
gar Edtpund Badger, the father of Wm.
Badger, Esq., P.hiladelphia navy agent,
died at Bristol, Pa., on the 18th inst., in
the eighty- third year of his age.
Schurz is a native of Bonn, in Germany.
He received a collegiate education un
der Professor Tinkle, passing much of
his earlier life in Dusseldorf. In the
revolutionary movements of 1848 Mr.
Schurz took an active part, and, in 1849,
was sentenced to death for treason to
the State. His escape from the pursuit
of the Prussian troops was quite remark
Professor Kinkel became obnoxious to
the Prussian government, and was im
prisoned as a common felon, in the Span
dau prison, near Berlin. Schurz deter
mined to reltase him, and, with forged
passports, proceeded to Berlin. Six
weeks were occupied in the vicinity of
Spandua, and at last, having bribed the
jailor, Schurz succeeded in carrying off
Kinkel. They hastened to the sea-shore,
and embarked for England.: •
In 1851 Mr. Schurz came to this
country, and took up his abode in Phil
adelphia. He was, at that time, almost
ignorant of the English language. The
necessity of learning our language be
came at once obvious, and the German
exile set to work reading nothing but
English. To his constant perusal of the
daily papers, Mr. Schurz attributes much
of his success in learning our language.
He now speaks it with perfect fluency,
correctness of pronunciation, and a fa
miliarity with phraseology, With the
exception of Euffini, the Italian writer,
and Kossuth, no foreigner has more corn.;
pletely mastered the English.
After remaining in Philadelphia three
or four years, Mr.. Schurz removed to
Wisconsin, and commenced the practice
of the law at M ilwaukee. His residence
is, however,at Watertown, some distance
in the interior of the State. .It is only
two or three years since Mr. Schurz
made his first political speech in English,
in one of the Western towns. He was
successful, and since that time has spok- .
en frequently, in all parts of the country:
His speech delivered at the Cooper In
stitute was written on a Lake Erie steam
boat, daring a day's detention at Detroit
by a storm.
gir An accident, truly an aural one,
happened near the Gap, on the Pennsyl
vania Railroad on Friday of last week.
Just after the mail train west had passed
the station two small boys were observed
ahead, one of them walking between the
track, and the•other outside, and before
they could be warned off the locomotive
thundered down upon them, the cow
catcher striking the boy upon the track
and throwing him off and striking the
brother, almost instantly killing both.
The boys were named Baldwin and re
side at Betlienia, two miles this side the
Gap. The eldest was between nine and
ten years of age, and the other between
six and eight. The eldest boy had his
brains knocked out and was otherwise in
jured, while the younger was injured by
being • struck by the body of his broth
er as it flew from the track..
Marietta, Lancaster Co., Pa.
THOMAS C. CHUM, ACT., has constantly
on hand, or Manufactured to order, all
kinds of SASH, ,Dot)ltS, BLINDS, Shutters,
4c. All orders 41dressed to MEI-Olt - Fey,
Hot= & Co., for any , ,of the above articles, or
for Bill Stuff, Timber Girders, Lath, Pickets,
Pales, Shingling Lath, Floclr Boards, Weather
Boarding, White Pine Shingles, or Lumber will
elways meet with prompt attention, and be sup
plied on as favorable terms as from any other
astablishment in the country.
A liberal discount of for cash
THE AlHEitiEr .
TE American WWI
timekeepers now in
strength and simplicity
watch made in the wed
H. L. 4, E. 1
Corner of North Queen-s ,
Lancaster, Pa., have thei
lowest rates—every wutcl
the manufacturers guarran,
The Ilermitat.
Lower Railroad Stab:.
THE undersigned would
inform his friends an,
has leased the above nez
known hotel, and is now
modate all who may feel di
him, being determined to le:
on his part to merit, and
share of public patronage..
Good Stabling attached.
March 10, 1860
ft, flounces to the citizens o
cinity, that he has Just recei
eastern markets one of the 1
sorted stocks of Confection ,
this borough, consisting of '
Fruits, and Nuts, Toys, an
sn endless variety. Come an
vinced of the fine assortmen
ces at which everything in h 4
r of Plated ware at H. L.
Corner of North Queen street
Lancaster, Pa. Tea Setts, i
Urns. Pitchets Goblets, S:
Baskets,Card iaskets, Spoo
Casters&c., Szc., at tnanufact
REPLATI tca attended to at
S. M. GriswaliPs celebi
Just received, a large stock o 1
—all warranted. Old wgrn-o
ted by 'S. Griswald, No
New-York. Send your pens
Markest.t, Marietta, Pa.,
Splendid Shawls and Dress , s
grade to suit the grave and gay,l
placed upon the counters of SPA
PERSON, No. 66 Market-at.
Vi parlor selectidn of French n
Cloths, and Cassimers, and a var
fulVestinga, a new and faahio
arrived at Diffenbach's Cheap S
aguira Coffee ; Crushed, P
lawn Sugar; Superior Green an
Rice, Cheese and Spices ; Syrup
king Molasses; Excellent Pearl
BA G ATE L L E:—An excell
Table for sale cheap ; inquire
the 001 0014 of qip.l zeo f;_
for estoling fig Bata '4llO
Many, since the great discovery of Prof.
Wood, have attempted not only to imitate his
restorative, but profess to have discovered
something that would produce results identical ;
but they have all come and gone, being car
ried away by the wonderful results of Prof.
Wood's preparation, and have been forced to
leave the field to its resistless sway. Read
the following :
Bath, Maine, April 18th, 1859.
Paor. 0. J. Woon & Co.:—The letter I wrote
you in 1856 concerning your valuable Hair Re
storative, and which you have published in
this vicinity and elsewhere, has given rise to
numerous enquiries touching the facts in the
case. The enquiries are, first, is it a factor my
habitation and name, as stated in the comma.
alication ; second, is it true of all therein con
tained ; third, does my hair still continue to be
in good order and of natural color ? To all I
can and do answer invariably yes. My h a i r
is even better than iwany stage ofmy life for
40 years past, more soft, thrifty, and better
colored ; the same is true of my whiskers, and
the only cause why it is not generally true, is
that the substance is washed off by frequent
ablution of the face, when if care were used by
wiping the face in close connection wnh the
whiskers, the same result will follow as the
hair. I have been in the receipt of a great
number of letters from all parts of New Eng
land, asking me if my hair still continues to
be good ; as there is so much fraud in the man
ufacture and sale of various comtfounds as
well as this, it has, no doubt been basely imi
tated and been used, not only without any
good effect, but to absolute injury. 'I have not
used any of your Restorative of any account
for some months, and yet my hair is as good as
ever, and hundreds have examined itwith sur
prise, as I am now 61 years old and not a gray
hair in my head or on my face ; and to prove
this fact, I send you a lock of my hair taken
off the past week. I received your favor of
two quart bottles last summer, f'r which I am
very grateful. I gave it to my friends and in
duced them to try it, many were skeptical un
til after trial, and then purchased and used it
with universal success. I will ask as a favor,
that you send me a test by which I can dis
cover fraud in the Restorative, sold by many,
I fear, without authority from yon. A pure
article will insure success, and I believe where
good effects do not follow, the failure is caused
by the impure article, which curses the inven
tor of the good'. I deem it my duty as hereto
fore, to keep you apprised of the continued ef
fect on my hair, as I assure all who enquires
of me of my unshalted opinion of its valuable
results. I remain, dear sir, yours,
Aaron's Run,_ Ky., Nov. 30, 1558.
Paor. 0..1. WOOO : Dear would cer
tainly be doing you a great injustice not to make
known to the world, the wonderful, as well no
the unexpected result I have experienced front
using one bottle of your flail Restorative. Af
ter using every kind of Restoratives extant,
but without success, and finding my head nearly .
destitute of hair, 1 was finally induced to try
a bottle of your Hair Restorative. Now, can
dor and justice compel Inc to announce to who
ever may read this, that 1 now possess a new
and beautiful growth of hair, which I pro•
pounce richer and bandsoinerthan the original,
was. I will therefore take occasion to recom
mend this invaluable remedy to all who may
feel the necessity of it.
Respectfully puns, REV. S. ALLEN naocE.
P. S.—This testimonial of my approbation
for your valuable medicine (as you are aware
of) is unsolicited :—but if you think it worthy
a place amour , the rest, inset t if you wish; if
not destroy a nd say nothing.
TILE RESTORATIVE is put up in bottles of
three sizes, viz : large, medium, and smut I ; the
small holds i-a Mk - , and retails for $1 a bottle;
the medium holds at least twenty per cent more
lit proportion than the small, retails for $l.l per
bottle; the large holds a quart, 40 pea cent
more in proportion,
and retails for $3.
0. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors,
No. 444 Broadway, New-York, and
114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo.
;P•And sold by all good druggists and fancy
goods dealers. [v7-7 ast.
The undersigned would take thin
method of informing the public that be
is still engaged in the Jewelry busint..,
Market street, next door to Jas. M. Anderso'
Confectionary, were everything in his line will
be carefully and promptly attended to ut very
reasonable prices. fie has the celebrated
Thirty-duy_ Equalizing, Clock,
Clocks of all kinds, 'Watches, Jewelry, 'Musi
cal Instruments, Fancy Articles, &c.
Marietta, J aty 2S•3ms'
SPECIAL NOTICE: Now opening, the
largest and most complete assortment of
Men's Wear we have ever caned, consisting
of Super English, French, American silt! Ger
man, Slack and Fancy Twilled and Plain
Cloths and Cassimeres, Fancy, Silk, Plain and
Figured Silk Velvet and Plush Vestings,
We in; ite particular attention to the above
goods. HAL DEMAIWS Cheap Gish Store.
Commission Lumber Aferckant,
West Rats Avenue, Baltimore, .11/(/..
jftsESPEGTI.:ULLY offers his services for the
ale of Lti ler az a of every description
rom his .knowledge of the business he feel
confident of being able to obtain the highebt
market rates for all consignments entrusted to
his cure.
s are among the best
'se, and for durability
l i r surpass any other
Superior Old Brandy, Old Rye Whiskey,
Holland Gin, Old Maderia, Lisbon, Sherry and
Port Wines.
~and Centre Square
for sale at the yen,
accompanied with
to.ensure its gen
. Pittsburg Whiskey always on hand at the
lowest market prices. Very Fine Brandy at
a very low figure, by the barrel.
J. 11. DIFFENBACH. Market-et.
In, Marietta, Pa
I:most respectfully
, the public that he
ed .old and well
repared ,to accom
.osed to patronize
e nothing undone
, open to receive, a
can be had of IL L. & E. J. ZAHM, Cm.
North Queen-st., and Center Square, Lancas
ter, Pa., in the shape of Equilibrium Levers—
the best article of Swiss levers now in the mar
ket. They are lower in price than any watch
of equal quality and just as true for timekeeping.
TAMES AND GENTS Anderson has just
J received an elegant assortment of . Perfu
mery, consisting of Toiliet Soaps, Hair Ode,
Extracts and Colognes at prices much below
the usual rates, also some very handsome Canes
for gentlemen, Portmonies, tkc.
respectfully an-
Marietta and vi
ed direct from the
rgest and best as
,ever offered in
wadies, Foreign
Holiday Presents
I see and be con
and the low pri
line is selling. ,
SA PONI Fl ER.-10 Cases genuine Keystone
Consentmted Lye, for soap making, an
article extensively used by all housekeepers
who desire to have first rate soap, none but the
genuine original article kept at
Spangler 4 , Patterson's.
Hammerefi and. Rolled Iron, H
S. ars, Norway, Nail Rods,American
and German Spring and st Steel, Wagon
Boxes, Iron Axles, Springs,&c., for smiths.
e and fine stock
It E. J. Zanar's,
Center Square,
variety, Coffee
t Stands, Cake
Forks, Knives,
rers prices.
oderate rates.
style . , each s one warranted to per-
to the
,entire satisfaction of the . --- 1 - `
purchaser. . STE'RRETT & CO. ....II
for the sale of
,ted. Gold Pensf
the above pens
pens re-poin
. 177 Broadway,
to H. Wolfe,
... 0 A. General Assortment of all kinds of
Hinges, Screws, Bolts, Cellar Grates,
Paints; Oils, Glass and Putty, very, cheap.
j-L 0C K S—Goo.l Time
Keepers, for One Dollar.
CloCks, Watches and Jewelry carefully re
paired and charges moderate, at WOLFE'S.
at a large lot
oods, of every
ave just been
PEACHES: Caned' Peaches, from Richards
& Ribbma, Dover, the following varieties:
Old Mixen Free, - •
Ward's late Free & Smock, very fine,
For Sale at WOLFE'S.
—A very su
and German
• ety of beauti
) able lot, just
NEW FIGS, Raisins and Currants, at Jas.
M. Anderson's 2 Market-st.
'O, Java and
werized and
Black Tea;
d prime ba
; ley at
CHOOL BOOKS of all kinds, very cheap
13 at Grove Fr Roth's, Market-st.
LEMONS --New Crop French Lemons just
received and for WOLFE'S.
t this office
UPERIOR COAL ()IL-25 cents a quit
0 at GROVE & ROTH'S.