The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, September 15, 1860, Image 4

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    CIO M E TO ANDERSON'S where will be
found the largest and best assortment of
Confectionaries, Fruits, Toys st. Fancy Articles
ever offered In this place, consisting<in part of
New:Raisins,Cranberzies,Carrants, Figs, Dates,
Prnneaidoelartil Moss Paste, Gum Drops,Hour
houridlciFlethCough..Candy, Cough Drops,
PeppetriOandyi.Preserved Fruit,Gum Fruit, Fig
Pastel Oriental PressedTigs, Cream Bonbons,
Jolly Lumps, Fine Vanilla Almonds, Cream
Strawberries, Jujube Paste, Rock Candy, Wis
tar's Cough Candy, Walnut Candy, Maple,
Strawberry and Gum-Taffy, Fruit Candy and
candies of every - quality .and price. Dates,
Almonds,,Apples, Citron, Cranberries, Lemons,
Mince. Meat, Sugar Toys, Cocoa Nuts, French
Walnishyllazel and Peanuts, Water, Sugar,Fa
rina. Soda, . Fennel and Butter Crackers, Tea
Biscuit and Jumbles. lE3-Wooden, Tin, Lead,
China and <Paper Toys, Dolls of . every size
and. material Black apd White. Animals of
eery . dedcrigticn, * Tea . setts, Furniture setts,
Villages, Trumpets, Violins, Guitars, Drums,
Sze. &c., &c., &c., &c. Velocipedes,. Hobby
Homes, Wheel Barrows, Sleighs, Children's
Gigs, Is.: ..Am, a gond assortment of. Writing
Paper, Cards, Foolscap, Letter, Note and Gilt
eilged 4 paper, Tissue paper of assorted colors,
Envelopelyke.f &cc., for sale, cheap at
J. M. A N DERSON'S, No. 58 Market-st.,
toldur*Caumbtra and his Grew. •
his Beautful Engraving was._ designed by
RUzErns, one of the most. celebrated .artists
thitevetiliged; thc cost of the original design
andplatelming over $BOOO, size 22 by 29 in-
A . 4 Philadelphia Daily News, .ays, "the
mere- netilitfal eum asked for the engraving, is
alitifficient Inducement for persons to purchase
aiithiruttlre.adddiortal Gift."
TOlialriren to the pu,rchaSers. For full par-
Ifoittlartr, den 4 for a Bill. ,
14Cashi, 4 .$5,000- 4 5 Cash, $3OO
1 .ok:hi-A • $3,000. •s. 10 Cash, $3OO
IL • Cash,,r , $2,000 10 Cash, $250
I , cash, ' $1,500 10 cash, $2OO
I cash, , $l,OOO L ., 10 cash, $lOO
I :cash,. •-$500• 10 cash, -4 $5O
1 cash, $5OO 1000 cash, 0000
kcaSh, $3OO " • 2000 cash, $5OOO
Together veith, variety of other val
uable Gifts, vaiyinguimaluo from b 0 cents to
25 deltas. ..%-s • -
;Any ;person. enelosng in a letter $1 and five
3 cent Postage Stamp' [to pay,for postage and
Roller) shalloeceive, b3r. return of mail, the
magnificent Engraving of 'Christopher Colum
bnCland Vie: of these valuable. Gifts us per
AddreSS *ll orlers for Bills or Engravings to
# 'Box 1812, Philadelphia, Pa.
Clf.14:1 ) READY-MADE .PLOTHING !! !
Having just icturtied from the city with
a'ticelfiaelected lot of •fleadielmatte Clothing,
which' the undersigned is prepared to furnish at
retinced;prices; balinglpid in a general assort-
Iffent'at'nfeli . and. boYs' clothing, which he is
getermitieidto sell LONV,VTOR CASH. Ilia stock
Rcrunnaotrrs, (knit) OVERHAULS, CRAVATS,
Qt.olins‘Suplextrnvas, &C.; . -Everything in the
Efirnisking 0:oods line.. Call and examine be
fore pnrehasusgelsesvhere. Everything sold at
prides to , suitthe times. JOHN BELL.
Lorne,' 'of ..Elhoto Lane and illarket Si.,
'nett door to Cassel's Store. '
e, - Marietta, October 29;1.856.
_ N , 43' ir. iramil3i..qoal Yard.
CIIEAPEIt thnp. evpr:.cifrered in this com
munity 4 '
- The subscribcrlaMg having determined lip
gide.ihik,gtintioir. exclusively . to , tea.
. 0
~I 4
trader rpiepared to Otter great induce Cnts tri
pp eOodi "AV 4, ing•• tonst.eurci thistr wint 1:
His stock ' ls made up of the following varictrig
of , PAMITiI r. COAL: •
ShaiT i tin, redit i Sharrfolcin,••white ash,
ITreft Cin, gray alh, BattiMiire comininy,
''' •-•' ' ' Locust iltotiffteln, , v
. ..„.
alLof• 'which he irl, sell , at "the very lowest
1110468 A ). ecish. " eis ills° prbpa red to sell by
the bnatload, at•firist 'cat, and -, will, in all ea
stis"iguarratitee giisei•Weight. Limeburners
and others buying Foal by the cargo OW fib d4t
to thetr adVanfte 4o give him a call hafore
purchasing elserthere. THOMAS ZELL
-41arilitts, Sep. 10, 1859-IStf
s fr'• , .
ffiel)64l .etole4tlpia..4o- '1411§0i? " -
. i
''ti• T _
. Nett" e vein Halt,l2l.larietta, ]'a.
PiLilOileraigned having made. arragements
&• watiVisVermont Marble Quarry to het his
4 dirk iitiill'be enabled to 'do all kinds of
work lillhis seasonable ratds. •He
Win seep const ' tly on -. band; or inane to
order 'at ishort it ti.oo , ' all ki dill 3 of
'' Mantles, _ it f ilaments,
. 3
Enclosures Graue Stones
.. 0 .1500 r and Window S4IS;" Steps,
And , everything in .his line of business mann-
Motu* of the finest Italian.and
marbles, which, he will sell at such prices as
canyg i ll taxmatier sistisfe.stion, and, only, arks
a fidr of the public before purchasing:else
whets. ~ . ' ~•.f .. •
.Letter Cutting oiolli kinds done at the short
pifiietice 01,on the most reasonable terms.
G Q. MIJNI)( )R1- ,
WN FRONT STRERTA , No. 101, has con
tstantly, on han4a•sufferios quality of.
dkciceries,,Sugars Coffees, Syrups, Molasses,
Spides, Candles, Soaps, Q,ueensware,
..;Grociceryware, Nails,.Spikes, Brooms,
^:.:•"'• Buckets' Brushes, Fish,. Bacon,
• • ,Lard,Buckwheat and „Wheat. ,
Floure Cornmeal, &c., &c.
Persons:wising :fresh GROCERIES can rely
• -. on•letting them cheap font, h.
N,,.13.-A/1 kinds of
,Country produce taken
in egg/F*Bi for , goods—
Marietta, October 30, 185 S Z.
.- r
rARTNGISIIII!.-Goorge M. Steinman &
7 - Cho& F. istsogierOming the firm of GEO.
KTEINMAN & COorhave this ouy -taken
into , parbamship-ISAAC ,DIL LER, who has
been:engaged with them more than 12 years..
Thsmkful for the very liberal patronage they
have heratofore-received.from their fiends and
gie•rtubhc, they trust by this change to merit a
k4lolilance pf bDe same.
F J'u)y 232 gt
IWOTACE., Letters.of. Administration upon
; IA the Estate of Jacipb Kline, jute of the bo
nugh of MariVira, decesteed, having been gran
ted to pie undersigned, he hereby requesti
persons indebted` to. Said estaffto make imme
diate payment, apd those having elaimaupo n
trie.samit to present theratjuly authenticated to
.11;.186074t]. Cori RAD R. MAP.KS.
Superior ; Old BnuOyeOld Rye Whiskey,
JAaddha r tisbon, Sherry and
Pert Wines.. •
Pit4buig Whifikey,alvial7s pp hancl at, the
Is*est psarkr. t pric'es. J. IL DIFFENBACI-1
1-$1N1441.S Glycerine Soap,
Erangipa4 Extract,
n a ast i t o Ft ant °Maps, new perfumery, &c
uat receivoci 1i)12.117110KU,5..
Ell DOTS A ND 4gOgs.—A great varie-11
.01ty of fashionable Boots and. Shoes of d fir
Atifuls and styles r arhich will be sold at city
)stlees by J R. Difenbash.
rho Orange- and Lemons : . 00 Fresh
'Coon* Nuts;Fraija Now Dates • French
eliolato, sWeet i awl:Prunes, at Wolle's.
„,„ -
‘II3.4.MPA.GNE al?d other Table' Wines,
kj,gaarianteed to be pure, add'. sold us low as
cap be bought in Philad,elphiaor New-York.
• ltEtwastra & Co
ir,-,,,,0042c A y , n) NEW FATGLAND RUM
0 1 . 4,4 ,nvtinna.liurposesovnronted genuine
Benjamin 45- co's.
PAPERS.--We have received our
.tiecond siipplyAroni the New York and
Ailakelphia manufactories. .Purehasem can
trille4on the newest sfyles, which will be
told unusually low at J. R. Diffenbachls
ADIES REMEMBER.—That .a large let
el-jSplitidaShatols and Dress Goods, of every
grade to suit the grave arutgay, have plat been
plarv,i upon the r , 0 , n.( r , 1 , 1 St.A:.cri.t.o
ContaininK Simple Remedies, easily obtained,
For the Cure of Diseases in all Forms.
By Prof. Henry S., Taylo7, M. D.
It Tells You How to attend upon the sick, and
how to cook for them ; how to
prepare Drinks, Poultices, &c.,
and how to guard against in
fection from Contagious Dis
It Tells You Of the various diseases of Chil
dren, and gives the best and
simplest mode of treatment
during Teething, Convulsions,
Vaccination, Whooping-cough
Measles, &c.
It Tells You The symptons of Croup, Cholera
Infantuns, Colic, Diarrhcea,
Worms ' Scalled head, Ring
worm, Chicken-pox, Sze.,'and
gives you the best remedies lor
their Cure.
It Tells. You The symptoms of Fever and Ague,
„and Bilious, Yellow, Typhus,
Scarlet and other Fevers, and
gives you the best and simplest
remedies for their cure.
It Tell§ You The symptojns of Influenza, Con
suinption,Dyspepsia, Asthma,
Dropsy, Gout, Rheumatism,
Lumbago, Erysipelas, &c., and
gives you the best remedies for
'their cure:
It Tells You 'The symptoms of Cholera Mor
bus, Malignant Cholera, Small
. pox, Dysentery, Cramp, Dis
. eases of the Bladder, Kidneys
• and Liver, and the best reme
. dies for their cure.
It Tells You The symptoms of Pleurisy, Neu
ralgia, Mumps, Apoplexy, Par
alysis, the various Diseases of
the Throat, Teeth, Ear and
Eye, and the best rtimedie) for
their cure.
It Tells You The beg and simplest treatment
for ,Weunds, Breken Bones
and Dislocation, Sprains, Fe
: fer Sores, Lockjaw, White
Swellings, Ulcers Whitlows,
1308-9, Scurvy, Burns and Scrof
It Tells You Of the various diseases peculiar
to Women, and gives the best
and simplest remedies for their
cure, together with many val
uable hints for the preservation
of the health.
The svgik is written in plain language, free
from. me seal terms, so as to be easily under
stood, while its simple recipes may soon save
you _many times the cost of the Book. It is
printed in a clear and open type ; is Illustrated
with appropriate engravings, and will be for
warded to your address, neatly bound and pcist
age paid, on receipt of $1 00.
$lOOO, A YEAR can be e
by enterprising men everywhere,
in selling the
above work, as our inducementsto all such are
very liberal.
For single copies of the Boqk, or for terms to
agents with other information, apply to or ad
No. 617 Sarisom St., Philadelphia, Pa.
5066 Copies Alieady Soldl -
And Councellor in Business..
By FRANK CROSBY, a * f the Philadelphia Bar
It Ta t tlitu' How to. draw up Partnership
papers and gives general forms
• for Agfeements of all kindd,
Bills of Sale, Leases and' Peti
It Tells You How to draw up Mortgages and
Bonds, Affidavits, Powers of
4w* Attorney, Notes and Bills of
Eitchange, Receipts •and Re
' leases.
It . Tells You The Laws for the Collection of
' Debts, with the Statues of Lim
- Ration, and amount arih kinds
of Property Exempt from Ex
ecution in every State.
It Tells You How to make an Assignment
properly, with forms for Com
, position with Creditors, and
the Insolvent Laws of every
State. •
It Tells You The Legal relations existingbe
-tween Guardian and Ward
' Maitei and Apprentice, and
Landlord and Tenant.
It Tells You VPtat constitutes Libel ant
der, and the Law as to Marrl
'• age Dower; the Wife's. Right
in Property, Divorce and Al
It Tells You The Law for Meebaipc tens
in eveiy State, and the Natur
alization LaWs of this country,
and how to gomply with the
t Tells You The Law Concerning Pensions
and hoWto obtain one, and the
Pre-Emption Laws' to Public
It Tells You The Lftw of Patents, with mode
, procedur„e in obtaining one,
Interferences; Assign
' inerifs and Table of Fees.
It Tells .you • How to make .our Will, and
' how to Administer on an Es
tate, with the law and the re
quirements thereof in every
It Tells You - The meaning of Liiiff Terms in
general use, and explains to
you the Legislative, Executive
and Judicial Powers of both
the General and State. Gover
It Tells You How to keep out of Law, by
• showing how to do . your busi
ness legally, thus saving a vast
amount of property and vexti,
tiou a litigation, by its, timely
Single copies will be sent by mail, postage
pisid, to Every Farmer, Every Mechanic, Eve
ry Man of Business ; and Every body in Every
State, on receipt of $l.OO, or in law style of
binding at $1.25. •
$lOOO A YEAR can
by enterprising Men every where, in - selling the
above wol k, as our inducementa to all such are
very liberal.
For single copies of the Book, or for terms to
agents with other information;Apply to or ad
-No. 617 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
rpm New-York.
- kr TO openinpthe miost.beautif!ff assortment
1\ of Pgetv Spring Goods we ever offered
OrAndie Robes-4 5,7, 9,11 Bounced Berage
Anglais Robes, 2,5, 7, 9 and 11 flOunced
"Satin Plaid Berege Robes,Double.skirt
Satin Plaid Berege Robes, Solid
Plain Colors, Satin Plaid Be
ege Robes, Poi de Chevre Satin Plaid Bereges
Robes, gay andmeat 13ereges and Grenadines;
new style Spring Silys, Black Silks, best brands
importcd ; Plaid Mous' amits—in Pinks, Blues,
&c. ; Berege Anglais.
New Spring Cloaks,
Mantillas and Dusters, •
Lace Bournous, Lace Sultanas,
Lace Mantles, Lace Pointes,
Cloth Cloaks,,light Spring styles,
Gathered and plaited.
SHAWLS.—SteIIa, in all styles and colors.
MEN'S NEAR.—Superb Cloths, Cassimeres
'and .Vestings.
CA RPE.TINGS.—An edditional supply, among
which are the handsomest Brussels, Threeply,
and Smith's New York P,atent,we ever offered.
, Car.4".i. CASH STORE.
TATIONARY—the e largest assortment in
town itt.,Grove & Rotles-. •
I)OII.LEWS long celebrated GIN,
NEW FIGS.,. Raisins and Currants, at Jas
M. Anderson's,. Market-at. ,
OCHOOL BOOKS of all kinds, very cheap
1,77 at Grove .Roth's; Market-st.
EMONS--1 , 1 ,, w Crll , French 1/9nons lust
it.tty,Ld and rut at IVOLEE'S.
N OW Opening, a full assortment of
to which we invite the attention of our many
friends and customers, confidently believing,
that for variety,quality,style and cheapness,will
give the fullest satisfaction to our customers.
Traveling dress goods, in great variety,
Fancy dress silks, newest Spring styles,
Blackglossy dress silks, best brands imported,
at 75e to $1.50,
Foulard silks, newest designs,
Brocade silks,
Plaid Ottoman Pciplins,
Striped Grenadim Poplins,
Satin Lustre Poplins, and other new styles of
dress goods, embracing every novelty of
the season, •
English and French yard wide Chintzes,
200 ps English and Merriniack prints,
Beautiful new style Scotch Dress Ginghams,
Calicoes, 6, S, 10, very good.
Stella, Brocha, Long & Square, Black Thibe
Long and Square, Crape, Blanket, Long &
Square, and other new Spring styles in
' great variety.
French Worked Collars,
if ce Sleeves,
tc " Cuffs,
Collars and Sleeves in Setts,
ao c [ Chimezetts and Sleeves,
Jackonet and Swiss Edgings and Insertings,
Bands and Flouncings, -
Embroidered, Hemstich, and Printed Bordered
Irish Linens and Shirtfronts,
A large Stock of Richardson's Superior Irish
Handmade Linen Shirt Fronts,
Blankets, Marseille, Lancaster and Allendale
Quilts, Woolen Civerlets, Comfortables,
Bleached and Brown Linen Table
Cloths from 2 yds. to 4 yds. wide,
Bleached and Brown Domes
tic Table Cloths, Woolen
Table Covers, Work .
Stand Woolen •
Sacking Bottoms, Table Oil Clothes, Stair Oil
Cloths. Crash for Stairs, Brown and Bleached
Sheetings I yd. to 3 yds, wide, Pillow Case
Muslins, Tickens, Furniture Chintzes, and
Checks, Towelings, Bureau Covers, &c"
Looking Glasses, a large stock,
Prime Geese Feathers-300 pounds,
WiladoW Shades, a new and full assortment,
Window Shades with Fixtures.
Embroidered. Muslin Window Curtains,
China, Glass & Queensware.
China Tea Setts, gold band; White Granite
wale, in new shapes, in full Dinner and
Tea setts; Pitchers, Dishes, Sou?
Tureens, Gravies, &c. ; Chgmber
and Toilet setts; Table and
Bar Tumblers Wine &
Champagne Glasses,
.Egg and Cellery
Goblets, Preserve Dishes, Fruit Stands, Cake
'Stands, &c.,&c.
We invite particular attention to our new
and large stock of Carpetings, comprising over
ten thousand yards: •
Super Brussels,,.lmpefial Threeply,
Superfine Ingram, Fine and. Medium Ingrain,
Smith's New York Patent Ingrain,
Plain and Twilled Venetian 1-2, 5-8, 3-4, 7-8
and 1 yard wide,
Superior Domestic Listing,
cc " Rag, Scotch Hemp,
Floor Woolen Druggets, from 1 to 3 yds. wide,
Velvet Rugs, Door Matts,
Poor Oil Cloth from 1 yd, to 4 yds. wide, the
latter cut' in one piece to fit a hall,
Mattings, checked ,and plain from 1 yd. to 2
yds. wide;
A full line at Hoisery and Gloves,
Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings,
Black and Fancy . Super French and 'English
Black andnltitcy Super French and English
The very latest style Vestings.
Cloths, gassimeres, and every variety of goods
for boy's wear.
gji — z 4 & .110
Wine (3• Ligiior •Dealer, Picot Building,
Front Street, Marietta, Pa.
SEGS leave to inform the public that he
will continue the WINE & LIQUOR busi
ness, in all its branches. Ho will constantly
keep on hand all kinds of
Brandies, Wines, Gins, frisk and Scotch
Whiskey, Cordials, Bitters, §•c.,
Benjamin's justly celebrated ROSE WHIS
KEY always on hand.
A very superior OLD RYE WHISKEY
ust received*,.which is warranted mire.
All H. D. B. now asks of the public
is a careful examination of his stock and pri
which will, he is confident, result in Ho
tel keepers and others finding it to their ad
vantage to make their purchases froni I im.
Civil Enyieeer, Surveyor, Conveyancer
and Draughtsman.
Main Street, Mount Joy, Lancaster Co., Pa.
kinds of land surveying and dividing ;
1- - ilevelling of watercourses, roads, &c. Ac
curate and neat plain and ornamental Mapping
and draughting of town plans, large landed es
tates, &c. Mechanics', Quarriers and Earth
work measured and estimated. Deeds, Relea
see, Powers of attorney and other legal instru
menu neatly and accurately drawn. Execs
tors', Administrators', Assignees' and Gtfai
diand accounts stated.
Also, agent for the sale of the RIDGE:NAY
Connty, Pa. Communications by letter prompt
y attended to
Family Drug Store,
THE subscriber having just returned from
the city with the most complete and 114mill
ful assortment of everything - in his line ever
offered in this Borough. lie has purchased
another supply of PURE AND FRESH DRUGS,
which can be depended on. for what -they are
represented, having received ,liii pe.rso - ualti
attention in the selection. Imadditionio. •
his Drugs will be found a nicely selected ,
lot of all' kinds of . TOILET AND FANCY
ARTICLES, of evpry kind and every price,
consisting in part of ' German, French and Eng
lish perfutnery, Shaving Soaps and Creams,
Tooth and Nail Brushes, Buffalo and other Hair
UCOMBS, Hair Oils, Pomades, etc., etc.
_Port Monnaies, and Pocket Books Pen
Knives, Puff Boxes and Powder, Miller's
Water-proof pas to'Blacking, for preserving the
caller, etc., etc. FLUID AND PINE OIL,
always fresh and for sale very cheap.
LAMPS. LADIPS..4 large assortment of
all kinds of .LAMPS. Dyott's" Patent Safety
Fluid Lamps and Cans, for which Dr. H. is sole
agent. These Lumps and Cans should be Jn
every family that use burning fluid.
plst Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines, and
Brandiesfor medical purpose i.
The justly celebrated Batchelor's HAIR Dye.
DeCosta's and other ToOth Washes, India Cola
gogue,,Barty's Tricoperous, for the hair, Bay
Rum ' Arnold's Ink, large and small sized bot
tles, Balm' of a Thousand Flowers, Flour-of
Rice, Corn Starch, Hecker's Farina, all kinds
of pure Ground Spices, Compound Syrup of'
, Phosphate, or Chemical food, an eicellent at
tical for cronic dyspepsia and a tonic in Con
sumptive cases, Rennet, for coagulating milk,
an excellent preperation for the table ; Table
Oil—very fine—bottles in two sizes. Pure Cod
Liver Oil. All of Hael's perfumery, pomades,
soaps, &c. His Kathairon er Hair Restorative'
s now everywhere acknowledged the best.
Particular attention will be paid and great
caution observed in compounding Physicaus
prescriptions with accuracy. Dr. H. will al
ieays be found in the Store unless professionally
wngaged elsewhere.
J. B. 110.1TFER,
Market Street, Marietta, Pennsylvania
FRESH Lemons and Oranges just receive('
and lit aide cheap at J. M.
A Benevolent Institution - established by
special endowment, for the Relief of the Sick and
Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic
Diseases, and especially for the cure of Diseases
of the Sexual organs. Metrical advice given
gratis, by the. Acting Surgeon, to all who apply
by letter, with'a description of their condition,
(age, occupation, habits of life, &c.,) and in
cases of extreme po,vertj, medicines furnished
free of cArge. - •
Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhcea, and
other Diseases-of.the Sexual .Organs, and on
the New Remedies employed in the Dispensary
sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes,
free of charge. Two or three postage stamps
will be acceptable:to pre-pay postage. -
Address, Da. J. Skit in . HOUGHTON, AFting
Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South 9th
St., Philadelphia. By order of the Directchs.
Trunk Mann/ice-tory,
Between Spangler
.4. Patterson's Store
and Wolfe's Notion House,
Market Street.
WO.O L D most respectfully inform the
public that he continues the above bust
ness in all its branches. Anything not on
hand will be manufactured at short notice and
warranted to give satisfaction in workmanship
and .price. He will always endeavor to keep
on hand an assortment of
Wagon, Carriage and Riding Whips, Fly-nets,
Horse Cove 8, Collars, Trunks, Vannes,
Carpet Bags and in fact everything in his line
of business, all of which be of the best
material and workmanship, and at prices in
keeping with the times. Come and see.
Marietta, August 25, 1860. [ju 11156
Geo. Zr. allackley,
tashionabio oaf - ARO ea.
HAVING purchased of Mr. Crull the stock
good will and fixtures of this well known
establishment, I hereby inform my numerous
friends, and the public generally that I am pre
pared to supply their wants in the HAT AND
CAP line at all times with promptness, and at
as reasonable rates as any establishment in the
Union. Having had 5 years experience as a
practical hatter, and being in the receipt of the
latest " Repbrts of Fashions," and having fa
cilities for obtaining goods direct from the East
in 48 hours; by strict attention to business and
a desire to please, I hope to merit and receive
a liberal share of public patronage.
P. S.—Having disposed of my establishment
to George L. Mackley, I cheerfully recom
mend him to the favorable notice of all who
de . sire a "comfortable covering for the head."
In retiring from business I extend my un l
feigned thanks to my friends for the patronage
so liberally bestowed to me and hope the same
may be extended to my worthy successor.
Marietta, August 28, 1858.
No. 227 North Third Street, Phila.
THIS house is situated in the most business
part of the city, has one hundred and thirty
rooms; large Parlors and every room is 'newly
furnished and is considered one of the finest
Hotels of its class in Philadelphia; it has erect
ed a large observatory where persons can have
a fine view of the City, Delaware river,
it is also supplied with hot and cold water
Bathes, which will be free of charge for the
guests of the House ; City Cars will take you
to the Revere House. Our charge is moder
ate, $1.25 per day; persons visiting the city
will please come and try the Revere Mouse and
we pledge ourselves that we will endeavor to
use our best efforts to make it appear like home.
CHARLES'J. FABER, of Reading, will have
charge 'of the Office. G. W. HINKLE,
formerly of the States Union Hotel and latterly
of the United States Hotel, Atlantic City, N.
“Quick sales and small profits.”
iitober anb Coal eoiniiji3sioß 'ferel)4o
Marietta, Lancaster County, Pa.
ATARD on the River Rank, opposite the old
_I and well known " FLURY'S HOTEL."
Having opened a Yard for the transaction of a
. Commission Business,
I would respectfully solicit consignments, and
pledge myself to use my utmost exertions for
the hest interest of my patrons. 1 feel assured
of my ability to obtain the highest market rates
and effect sales of all articles that maybe en
trusted to' my care. I will be ready at all
times to make purchases or Attend to any bu
siness the public may feel disposed to place in
my charge ' and all instructions punctually car
ried out. Advances made on consignments.
January 21, 1860.-ly •
PFERS his professional services to the
klpublic and will be happy to wait on all who
may patronize him. Dentistry in all
- its branches carried on.
- TEETH inserted on the most ap
proved principles of Dental science. All oper
ations on the mouth performed iri a skillful
and workmanlike manner—on fair principles
and reasonable terms. Having determined
upon a permanent location in this borough, at
the old stand, would 'ask a continuance of the
liberal patronage heretofore extended to him ;
hiving studied under a celebrated graduate of
the Philadelphia College of Dental Surgeons.
feels confident to be able to tender satisfaction
in all branches of the professiOn.
Refers to Dr. 8.. L. McClellan, D. D. S.
Dr. B. Dunlap, D. D. S.
' Hinkle, M. D. •
J. 'H. Grove, M. D.
Smith Armor, M. D.
rP. Ether administered to proper persons
T ' undersigned having leased the above
named old establshed Perry and Hotel, in
Helium Township, York county, opposite the
borough of Marietta, where he is prepared to
entertain the public at his bar and table with
the best the market affords. He would very
respectfully inform the traveling public that
having obtained
and efficient ferrymen, and is now fully prepa
red to accommodate persons wishing to cross
the Suiquehanna with vehicles or otherwise
without delay or detention. JOHN NOEL.
October 1, 18159. ly
Fashionable Tailors &Drapers,
Opposite A. Cassel's store, Market street,
THE undersigned having associated
selves into a co-partnership, would here
by inform their old patrons and the pubic
generally ? that they will continue the .
Fashionable Tailoring Business
at the old stand, adjoining Dr. Hinkle's Drug
*ore, Market street. Having a fine stock of
eiOths, & Iksl
which they will dispose of and "make up" on
reasonable terms. Being determined to give
satisfaction; they would respectfully ask a con
tinuation. of past favors.
Christian Plumb,
Nathan Dyer.
wir Gutting done at shortr notice.
Marietta, Sep. IV, 16.39.4 f
sAbe, iOd CoOlpoplueqll f?.
For the General Election for 1860.
IN Pursuance of the duties imposed by the
Election Laws of the State of Pennsylva
nia, I, BENJAMIN F. ROWE, High Shentf
of Lancaster county, do hereby publish and
give notice to the qualified citizens, electors of
the several Wards, Townships, Districts and
Boroughs of the city and county of Lancaster,
that a General Electitni will he held on TUES
DAY, the 9th day of OCTOBER next, IS6O, at
the several places hereinafter designated, to
elect by ballot,
One Person duly qualified for Member of the
Thirty-Seventh Congress, of the United States.
Two Persons duly qualified for Meath ers of
the Senate of Pennsylvania.
Four Persons duly qualified for Members of
the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania.
One Person duly qualified for Sheriff:
One Person duly qualified for Prothonotary.
One Person duly qualified for Register.
One Person duly qualified for Recorder.
One Person duly qualified for Clerk of Quar
ter Sessions.
One Per son duly qualified for Clerk of Or
phans' Court.
One Person duly qualified for County Com
Two Persons duly qualified for Directors of
the Poor, to serve fur three years, and
One Person'duly qualified for Director of
the Poor, to serve for one year.
Two Persons duly qualified for Prison In
One Person duly qualified for Coroner.
One Person duly qualified for Auditor.
Ist District—Composed of the four Wards of
Lancaster city. The qualified voters of the
North East Ward will hold their election at
the public House of Anthony Lechler in East
King street those of the . North WeseWard. at
the public house occupied by Adam Trout;
those of the South East Ward at the public
house occupied by Rupp & Wilson, in-Emit
King street; those of the South West Ward at
the public house of Martha Urban.
District—Drumore township, at the No.
2 school-house in the village of Chestnut Level.
3d District—Composed of the township of
West Donegal, including the Borough of Eliz
abethtown, at the public house now occupied
by George W. Boyer, in the Borough of Eliza
4th District—Earl township, at the public
hall in the village of New Holland, in said
sth District—Elizabeth township, at the pub
lic house now occupied by Franklin & Elias
Bentz, in Brickersville, in said township.
Gth District—Borough of Strasburg, at the
public house now occupied by Henry Bear, in
said borough.
ith District—Rapho township, including the
Borough of Manheim, at the public house oc
cupied by Michael White, in said bdrough.
oth District—Salisbury township, at the pub
lic house now occupied by John Mason, White
Horse tavern, in said township.
9th District—East Cocalico township, at the
public house now occupied by Widow Fulmer,
in the village of Reamstown, in said township.
10th District—being a part of the township
of East Donegal, at the public school house in
the village of Maytown, in said township. •
11th District—Cprnarvon township, at the
public house now occupied by John Myers, in
the vilage of Churchtown, in said township.
12th District—Mattie township, at the house
now occupied , by George Robinson, in said
13th,District--Part township, at the public
house now occupied by Edwin Garrett, in said
1 th District—Colerain township, at the pub
lic. house now occupied by James G. Hilder
band, in said township.
1. th District--Fulton township, at the public
house now occupied by Joseph Phillips, in said
16th District—Warwick township, at the
public house now occupied by Samuel Lich
tenthaler, in the village, of Litiz, in said town
17th District—Composed of the Borough of
Marietta, and part of East Donegal township,.
at the public school-house in the Boiough of
Marietta, in said township.
18th District—Columbia Borough at, the
Town Hall, in said, borough.
19th District—Sadsbury township, at the
public house now occupied by Abraham Roop,
in said township.
20th District—Leti6ock township, at the pub
lic house nosy occupied by George Diller, in
said township.
21st District—Brecknock township, at the
public house now occupied by lsatic Messner,
in said township.
22nd District—Composed of parts of town
ships of Raplio, Mount Joy and East Donegal,
at the public school house in the Borough of
Mount Joy.
23rd District—Being part of East Hempfield
township, at the public house now occupied
by Jacob Stuart', in the village of Petersburg,
in said township.
24th District—West Lampeter township, at
the public house now occdpied by Henry Mil
ler, in the village of Lampeter Square, in said
25th District—Conestoga township, at the
public house now occupied by John G. Preis,
in said township.
26th District—Being part of Manor township,
at the upper school house in the Borough of
Washington, in said township. District—Ephrata township, at the pub
lic house now occupied by John W. Gross, in
said township.
28th District—Conoy township, at the public
school house in the village of Bainbridge, in
said township. .
2 th District—Manhtim township, at the
public house now occupied by Charles H. Kry
der, in the village of Nelfsville, in said town
30th District—Being part of Manor township,
at the public house now occupied by George
Hornberger, in Milleistown, in said township.
31st District—West Earl township, at the
publie house now occupied by Graybill B. For
ney, in Earlville, in said township.
32d District—West liempfield township, at
the public house now occupied by John Kendig,
in said township.
33d District—Strasburg township, at the pub
lic house now occupied by - James Curran, in
the borough of Strasburg. '
3,th District—Being part of Manor township,
commonly called Indiantown district, at the
public house of Bernard Stoner, in said town
. .
35th District-West Cocalico township,' at
the public house now occupied by John W.
Mentzer, in the village of Shoeneek, in said
36th District—East Earl township, at the
public house now occupied by Henry , Yundt,
Blue Ball, in said township.
37th District—Paradise township, at the pub-
lic house now occupied by James Frew,iii said
38th District—Being a part of East Hemp
field township, at the public school house in
the village of Hempheld, in said township
39th District—Lancaster township, at the
public house now occupied by Daniel Haiti:AA,
in said township.
40th District—East Lampeter township, at
the now occupied by Henry KA- .
eagy, in said township. •
41st District—Little Britain township, at the
house of Aaron Brogan & Co.
42d District—Upper Leacock towliship, at
the public house of Michael Bender, in said
43d District—Penn township, at the public
house of C. Hershey, in said townsqlp.
49th DistriCt—Borough of Adamstown, at the
school-house in said borough.
45th District—Clay township at the house of
George W. Steinmetz, (formerly John Erbs,)
in said township.
46th District—Pequea township, at, the puhr
lie house of Benjamin Rowe, in said township.
47th District—Providence township, at the
house occupied by Mary Miller, in said town
48th District—Ellen township, at the public
house of William J. Hess, in said township.
49th District—Being that part of Mount Joy
township heretofore included in the 3d district,
at Lehman's school-house, in said township.
The General Election polls, in all the Wards,
Townships, Districts and Boroughs of the
county, are to be opened between the hourspf
eight and ten o'clock in the forenoon, antishall
continue without interruption or adjournment
until seven o'clock in .the evening,-when. all
the polls shall be closed.
Every person, excepting Justices of the
Peace who shall hold any office or appointment
of profit or trust under the Government of the
United States, or of this State, or of any city
or incorporated district, whether a commission
ed officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or
agent, who is or shall be employed under the
Legislative, Executive or Judiciary department
of the State or the United States, or of any
city or incorporated district, and also that
every Member of Congress, or of the State
Legislature, and of the Select and Common
Councils of any city, or Commissioner
incorporated District, is, by law, incapable of
holding or exercising at the same time the of
fice or appointment of judge, inspector or clerk
of any election of this Commonwealth, and no
inspector, judge or other officer of any such
election shall be eligible there to be voted for.
The Inspectors and Judges of the elections
shall meet at the respective places appointed
for holding the election in the district to which
they respectively belong, before nine o'clock
in the morning, and each of said Inspectors
shall appoint one Clerk, who shall be a quali
fied voter of such district.
In case the person who shall have received
the second highest number of votes for inspec
tor, shall not attend on.tbe day of any election,
then the person who shall have received the
second highest number of votes for judge at the
next preceding election shall act as inspector
in his place. And in case the person who
shall have received the highest number of
votes for inspector shall notattend, the person
elected judge shall appoint an inspector a
in his
place—and in case the pen eld judge
shall not attend, then the inspector who re
ceived the highest number of votes shall ap
point a judge in his place—or if any vacancy
shall continue in the board for the space of one
hour after the time fixed byelaw for the open
ing of the election the .qualified voters of the
township, ward or district for which such offi
cers shall have been elected present at such
election, shall elect one.of their number to nll
such vacancy.
The Judges are to make their returns for
the county of Lancaster, at the. Court ouse,
in the City of Lancaster, on Friday, tffe /2th
day of October, A. DON% at 10 o'clock. A. M.
DENJ. F. ROVE, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Lancaster,' Aug., 29, IS6O.
Consolidated Lotteries of Georgia.
Authorized by }the Legislature for the
EsDA,y, IN THE City OF
14 DRAWN BAI.1.011:,
8100,000 is $100,001)
.50 000 are 100,000
25,000 " 50,000
20,000 2 " 40,011)
5,000 " 10,000
3,000 2 ' 6,000
2,000 " 4,00 0
1,000 is 1,000
200 are 70,000
100 6,4011
80 ' 2 5,1^0
60 " 3,5411
50 " 6,400
32 " 176,000
. . 16 " 451,0011
1 Prize of
2 Prizes o
2 do
2 do
2 do
2 do
2 do
1 do
350 do
64 do
64 do
64 do
128 do
5,.504 do
22. 3 224 do
• 3 amounting to $1,030 3 17 - 2
sS—Quartes, $4
Eighths, $2.
31,412 Priz
6 Wholes, $550; of 26 Halves,
$62.50; of 26 Eighths, $31.50.
Certificates of
$125; of 26
Is drawn
ery Saturday. Capital Prize,
Tickets, $B. 'Halves, $4.
quarters,' $2.
Fday, in 'which you can select
numbers. Tickets from $1 to
c, and prizes in proportion.
Drawn eve
your owl
any p
ontaining full explanations of our
, will be - forwarded by mail to any
us their name.
Schemes, el
one send in.
.tuications'strictly confidential.
lig Tickets or Certificates enclose
our address for the tickets order
t of which they' will be forwarded
ad. The:list of drawn numbers
ill be sent to purchasers itninedi
e drawing.
al drawings are published in the
ived and prizes cashed at No. 55S
New-York. Direct your callers to
April 71.9.80.-4 v.
All corn
In• orde
the money
ed, on rece
by the first
and prizes
ately after
The o
New Yor
Orders 1
OR, HO f
itm's 6o9emtvote,o 3letveo;4%
THE. -GREAT 11EVIVER:.—Speedily
II the evil effects of self a use,
ieraory, shortness of breath, ' ~i'ddit
ation of the heart, dimness of vis
constitutional derangement of the
ght on by the unrestrained indul
- Acts alike on either sex.
THE BALM.—WiII cure in from two
ys, any case of Gonorrhoea,(clap)is
Iste or smell and requires no restric
iou or diet; for either sex; price $l.
THE TERED will cure leet in the
issible time, and I can sfiew certitl
:ures effected by this remedy, wher
have failed. No taste or smell.—
THE 'PIFNITER is the only known
3at will positively cure strictures of
111, no matter of how longstanding or
the case may be. Price one dollar.
THE SOLUTOR will Cure any case
.l permanently and speedily remove
ses from the bladder and kidneys.—
e dollar.
THE PREYENTOR is a sure preven
nst the contraction of any disease, is
msive and far preferable to anything
Adapted to either sex. Price $l.
THE Amami will cure the whites
, and in less time than they can be ef
, removed by any other treatment ; in
is the only remedy that will really
i disease ; pleasant to take. Price $l.
ie and speedy in producing inenstrua
correcting any irregularities of the
, periods: Price two dollars.
tegFlator will last a lifetime. Price $5.
rof the Remedies will be sent free by
receipt of the price annexed. Circa
tabling valua ' ile information with full
tion of each Remedy, may be obtained
using one post stamp. Address
DR- ; FELIX ,BRUNON, Box 99,
Philadelphia , Pa.
se Reinedies are sold in Marietta only by
I' JAY LIBHART, where circulars con
; a full descriptiim of each case can be
,ed gratis, ou application.
eral Depot, North East Corner. of, York
le and t alloWhill street,PhiMdelpfda,Pa.
In complicated cases lean be confirmed
ter or peisonally at my office ; entrance,
01 York Avenue. Da. F. Baunox.
gust 27,,1859.-IY.
Di% B
NO. 1J
as loss of
ness, pal
ion, or al
system b
gence of
Price on
No. 2
to eight
tian of a
cates 0
all othe
Price o
the ur
of Gr.
all di
tion a„,
less ex
in use
fact U
cure t
by .e
Coinmission Dimber • Merchant,
est Falls Avenue, Baltimore, Md.
ESPECTFULLY offers his services for the
ale, of Luat a a a ; of every description
his knowledge of the business' he feel
ident of being able to' obtain the highest
Itet rates for all consignments entrusted to
are. .
AMES AND GENTS Anderson has just
received an elegant assortment of Rerfu
ry, consisting of Toiliet Soaps, littir
tracts and . Colognes at Prices much below
usual rates, also some+ery handsOme Canes
gentlemen, Portmonies, &c:
Vjust received toad will be sold below the
prices, by J. it. DIFF.E.'NIiACI4.