Ete Yocal, Mariettiatt. 4",gepienitto t 14,787/0: WIDE AWAKES From present ap pearances we Will haVe a uniformed club of nearly two hundred Wide Awakes by Wednesday morning next, in time:to at tend the Great Mass Meeting at Lan caster. At a regular meeting of the "Lincoln Club" in the Town nail, on Tuesday evening, it was ithanimonsly re solved to change the orgabization to that of a Wide Awake Club, to be styled Trig MARIETTA WIDE AWAKES, and immediately completed the organi zation by electing the following addi tional officers ; Captain, Jeremiah Shaffner. Lieutenants, Henry S. Libhart, Henry H. Sawyer, William Johnstin, Sergeants, J.M. Erism an, John Kane, John McCall, Henry Wolf, J. li. Miller. After the completion of the organize• lion, a committee was appointed to go •through the borough and solicit mem- Ibers, and up to Friday evening one hun •dred and eighty had enrolled their names. Rev. A. B. Grosh, the President, having tad occasion to go to Philadelphia on Friday morning, took an order along for the equipments. The Club will meet this . evening at what is known as the "irishtown school House." turln passing down Market street on \Wednesday afternoon we ebserved quite .a hustle in front of Diffenbach's store, .and found upon inquiry that a lot of new goods had just arrived. Go and see the new styles WThe "Ullman" meeting on Friday °evening of last week, In the 'town Hall Park, was, notwithstanding the bad weather, a very large dad 'enthusiastic one. A large delegation'pE ide Awakes from Columbia, headedtby Cols. Green, Kauffman and Fisher rrived on the ground about 9 o'clock and' made the welkin ring. The meeting was kept up until nearly midnight, IVe ,have•hdard but one opinion of Mr. lllman's speech —which was that it was Masterly and unanswerable one, lED - L couple of weeks of E. Ilaldeman, of Chi kil into and pillaged; on Saul Cassel's tavern, at the iota borough was also robbed at night the boatmen's grocerl any, adjoining Cassel's tavern and robbed and on Tuesdi Cabinet shop of Mr. Basti Lane, was broken in and large lot of tools. As Mr. George 11. Eft .uel G. Miller of this borougl sing the Columbia Bridge Wednesday, Sept. sth, they smoke arising from the toy some distance from therm. reaching the spot found 6rer , tween the plank of the t' bridge; they at once extin_, Wolf has just reattiv 13ond's celebrated Boston,' Graham Crackers. An excel for the sick. sr Brenneman, of Lancast scale of prices this week. ' vertisement. THE PLEDGES : We states that Messrs. DILLER, SHICNCIC t sox, who have allowed "I3ILLI "TER" to use them on his "Ind ticket, had pledged themselves to support the ticket nominal People's County Convention. lists the pledges as they were i to that body : The undersigned, a candidat- i r State Senator, hereby pledges himsel .o stand by and support the ticket nom * , ted by this convention. ' Sothi Fit,LEIL. Lancaster, Aug. 16,1860. to - , Lancaster, Aug. 11,100. We will support - the ticket. t., .I.lEnav S. Stavix, . G. CLARKS ; . , ' ' 0, L. HUNSECKER, Esq., of ishUim, is placed upon the mongrel coisern for Senator, in place of Dr. J. L. 4 :eigle'r; declined. Mr. H. was a fore the People's County Con4ntion, and so determined was he to we the nominees of that Convention his iiiciport, that he was not satisfied with givlg one pledge, but gave two, as follows ( Lancaster, Aug. 15,460. i We will give our support tb thOicket I settled this day by the "People's;camitv . Convention." Jottx M. &Elba.% v C. L. HUNSECIR L SENATOR.—I pledge myself to tort the Ticket as settled by this cony ion. C. L. HIJNSEC R , arThere's the record. Let il e n. t tlemen who pledged themselves io,nch 1 unmistakable terms make their c l ' net square with it if they can. It should also he recollected tha 'oh of the gentlemen. announced them 68 as =Leaden, "sgbject to the deeisi ' o f the Peoples' County Convention." o _ caster Union.. 04 iliriawlies' &Want plow is to bet: to Cuba, for the purpose of • introda it into that island. Col. Wooksh: hibitor, is haviug . two coostritote Philadelphia; which he intends -to out with him: MORE DECLINATIONS : Mr. Samuel A. Worth says in a note to the Examiner : My name having oeen placed on the In= dependent ticket for Assembly, is a mat ter of much surprise to me, as it was un aVthorized. I am not a candidate for any office at this time, and do therefore, most respectfully decline the nomination. Jr, J. K. Raub also declines the honor of a defeat, as the "Independent" candi date for Register. Di. S. M. Shaeffer, of Elizabeth town ship., also wishes us to state that the use of his name was unauthorized. Mr. Abraham B. Greybill, of West Earl, deaths us to say that his name was used on a 'committee at the late County meeting of "sore heads," without his knowledge or consent. He was not present in the city on that day, and if he had been, he would not have partieipa in the movement, and simply-because he had no s:ytaPithy with it; or its conduc tors. On Sunday evening last, by Rev. George,M. Clawges, Mr. MARTIN SHIELbs, to MistuCE cv.tts. DEPI'LER 3 all of this Borough. , On Tuesday evening, Sep. ith,, at. the house of Jacob R. Hoffer, Esq.i Mount Joy, by 4ev. James Smith, M. E. Mum ESOtiiSHADE of Paradise, Lancaster dbtinty, to:Misi :FANNIE R. LONGENECKER of Mount Joy. . On the 13th inst., in St: James Church, by the Rt. Rev. Samuel Bowman, D.. D., THOMAS W. HENDERSON, of Pequa to MARY, eld est daughter of the late Gerardus Clarkson, of Lancaster city. On the 9th instant, Miss Stith M. CHILD, daughtei of William Child, Esquire, of this Borough, aged 59 years. She stretched out her hand to the'poor; yea, she reached forth her hands to the needy.- - PROV. XXXI. 520. I heard a voice from heaven; saying unto me, Write, From henceforth . blessed are the dead who die in the Lord_; even so saith the Spirit, for they rest from their labours.— , F.Ev. xrv. 13. [sr. B. On Wednesday morning last. Mr. Geoß PETERS, of this borough, aged 66 years, 10 months and 28 da) e. Boonc County Mo. papers please copy._ lb Wrightstilles on Sunday, September 2d, 1860, FRANCIS SCRIMINGER, formerly of this Borough, aged 56 years. BRENNEMANNiI To his MARIETTA 'Fiiends ! !! Pg. nee the store NE has romoved from Centre Square, to WEST 'KING-ST., LANCASTER, Op posite Cooper's 'Hotel; where he has the finest BOOT AND SHOE STORE IN LANCASTER CITY. He makes fine calfskin Boots (the best) for $4; Calfskin •WalkiiieStioes, $2,2b Ladies Half Gaiters, (double soles) $2,00 Ladies -Morocco. Boots, (heels) $1 ,t,24. He has concluded to make the best work at somewhict redueed'priees,and hopes by so doing to enlarge and inthease his buSiness. rr Mending of every kind neatly done. Citizens of Marietta:—When you come to Lanaaster, give BRENNEMAN a call and you will surely be pleased with his work. - September 15,1860, • 9-tf „was broken 'ay night last ir and of this on Monday of Mr. Sum twas entered night the 1, in Elbow bbed of a and Sam. were crop, „ge-eak j ar& & flifjytter- Sew./ jU.ST RECEIVED BY DIFFENBACki, No. 6/ MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PA. flood on liscovered g path at Ind upon crated be lug path , shed it. S now placing on his shelves and ready for I examination and sale, the largest and best twlected stock of FALL AND WINTER Goo DS ever offered in this borcingh, to' which he now invites the attention of the public. New Styles' I:l*ss Goods, Superior. rrialg'esDf Sake, ' A. large 'assortment of Calicos Extra quality IVluslins, all prices, Best make of Flannels, do A large stock of Shawls - Plain and 'faired Saelth Flannels. Purchasers examine. onr stock, as we are confident we can show them the best styles at the lowest prices, in connection with the largest stock. of domestic goods. Satinetts and Caisimeres; Bleached and Unbleadhed Iguanas. Delaines, Calicos and Gingbania, Drillings, Sheetings and Cheek's, Pant Stuff, Hickory and Tickings,„ Best makes of Canton Flannels, Splendid Cilieos for six cerite ' • .. Good quality Muslin, six cents', Plain and Figured Detains, .12i 'cents, Heavy Unbleached Muslius, six cents. ALL Kruns OF HOUSE FURISISIIIIidGOODS. ' Linen and Woolen 7"able 'cotter's: Plain, Ornamental and Oiled Window Blinds and Patent Fixtures, . • Wall Papersaarpets, Floor Oil Cloths. Wall - End Window Paper, Transparent Blinds. Glass,'Queensware Cedarware. Gaiters, Slippers, Boots, Shoes, Brogans, &c. illl — frery superior Syrup at . 6o cents a gallon. All kinds of Liquors wholesale or, retail A, LARGE, STOCK of CHEAP GROCERIES. Rio Coffee at 15 cents, and other goods at cor respondingly low rates. The highest price given for Country produce. OIFFENBACIL a lot of and at article , gives a e. his ad- est week d Cr.AEF , A.B.PFAr endent. " • • writing thy the We pub rided in TIN'E AND LIQUORS. VV Superior Old Bmndy,*Old Rye Whiskey, Holland Gin, Old Madcria, Lisbon, Sherry and 'Port 'Wincs. 'Pittsburg Whiskey always on hand at the market prices. Very Fine Brandy at a very low figure, by the barrel. J. R. DIFFENBACH. Market-4. HE'Largest and best assortment of Fancy Cloth & Cassimeres and vesting ever offered in this market and will be sold, at prices which defy competition by J. R. Diffenbach. li-v‘ SACKS OF GROUND ALUM SALT LlViust received and will be sold below the old - prices, by I. it. DIFFENBACIL T, D. BOND'S BOSTON, GRAHAM AND • -, MILK. 'CRACKERS. An excalent 'ar cle for the sick. For sale at WOLFS S. BAGATE L L E:—An excellent Bagatelle Table for sale cheap ; inquire at this office . -IpRIME G It Co CERIES ;---Eio, Jaya and -"Leguira "Coffee ; Crushed, l'illverized and WWII Sugar; Superior Green and Black Teal RiO.e Cheese and• Spices i Syrup and prime ba kineMSPANGLFY24 P olassesj iFfx- ATTERSONc elle a t Pearl Parley at S YARDS or CALICOES at from 30 five to twelve-and-a-half cents a yard. Now is the time to make quilts when a first rate print can be had for S cents and good tiality at 5 cents, at Spangler er Patterson's. SAPONIFI ER.-10 Cases xenuine Keystone r Consentrated I t ye,- for soap making, an article extensively used by all housekeepers who desire to have first rate soap, none-but the genuine original article kept at Spangler Patterson's. riIEA and Dinner Setta...-SeYerat crates o new style queenswerei beautiful hi the design,in fel! Dinner or Tea Setts, and at re= heed prices di Spangler 4. Patterson's, LAc -- c&TIIE WE 11:1_L•Y MARRItD. DIED. BCERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTE:tig CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR graPI , PSIA.s. DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVEt 0 DI PLAIN T, WEAKNESS OP ANY KIND,' FEVER. AND ACUE, And the rations ideation • conoteittlik tiOn a diserdered STOMACH !9IVEit, Such as Indigestiotl, Acidity. of the Stomach, Colicky Pains, Heartburn, Loss ,of; Appetite, .02lespondency, Costiveness, Blind and 'Bleeding Piles: In all ,Her, vons, Rheumatic, and Neuillgie Affections, it bas,, ih numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. This is a purely vegetable compotind, prepared oii strictly scientific principles, sit t er the manner of, this celebrated Holland Professor, Bcerhave. Its reptitatien at hothe produced its introduCtion here, the deinand commencing with thoie of the Fatherland scattered over the-face of this mighty country, many,o; whom brought with them end 'handed dawn 'the tradition of its Milne. It it now 'offeiville the American pubHc,'. knowing that its truly 'wonderful medicinal virtues mat be Ix/mete/edged. ' ' - It 'is particularly recommended tb those-' perms whale constitutions may have been impaired by-the continuous use of ardent spirite, or other fortes of dissipation. Generally instanteneoukin effect, it finds . its way directly to the seat of life, thrilling and quick= every'rierve, raising up the drooping spititaid, in fact, rinfnaing new health and vigor, in the system. NOTICE--Whoever 'Jived& tolled this a beverage will be disappointed; but to the sick; weak and low spirited, itraill - prove a grateful aromatic cordial, pos sessed of Singular remedial Propelties.. READ CAREFULLY! The Genuine biddy, conceyitrated_Boerhaire'a Hole laud ..11itters is put up in half-pint betties only,.and retailed at On DOLLAR per bottle, or six bottles for .FrazDotialui. The 'great deniand for this truly cal& brated Medicine has induced wily:imitations, which the public should , guard against purchasing. . . Atirterare of Tinposition. Eree that our name is on the label of every bottle you buy. ". Bold by Dniggiste generally. - It can be for warded by Depress to most yoronts.•' SOLE PitOPMETORS, BENJAMIN PACE, JR. & CO. MAIIIIFACTIIitItiO harmargutists. and qiumists, PITTISOURGIIi PA. For sale at GROVE,& ROTH'S Drug Store Market street, Marietta, Pa. S. S. Rettlivoit, " [uce..ssop. TO F. J. Kiuutpg Merchant lailor, Draper. and Clothier -LANCASTER, PA. • AVAILS himself of this opportunity of an nouneing to the citizens of Marietta and vicinity, and his friepds and the public in gen eral, thathe has taken the old stand of the late F. J. Kramph, where he has been employed for the last ten years, and intends continuing the Merchant Tailoring Clothing business irt all • t its various branches, and hopes that u I I ) course of strict fidelity to his patrons may It merit a reasonable share of their confi dence and support. In addition to a complete STOCK OF CLOTHING AND Gentlemens Furnishing Goods, He will tonetantly endeavor to provide a good assortment of rrench. German and American Cloths . , dassimeres and Veitinge, which will be promptly made to order in a sub stantial and fashionable manner, or according to such styles as to his patrons may be most desirable. .Ihe . Foreign - and - : American Fall and Winter Fashions received, in - the monthly. reports which come to hand regu larly_throughout the year.. The The agency for the order on sale of James W. Scott's (formerly Winchester & Scott's) celebrated Patent Shoulder-seam Shirts still continued and properly attended. to. Si 5..8..w0u1d be doing violence to his own feelings arid'to the just deserts of liis - fri6ds in Marietta, were he here to. omit returning his sincere thanks for the. many. acts of kindness they have-extended tower& him ditring - a long series Of years, and• hopes lila .firture efforts may not render him unworthy a continuance of the'saine. ' ' ,[V7-1V i , Alexander Lyndsay. FASHIONABLE BOOT 4 ',N/10.E MANUFACTURER,' NaltkET STREET, MARIETTA, PENN „ . . . -Would most oespectfolly.infonn the citizens f. this liorough And neigttborhood that he has the largest assorpnent of .City: made, ,work in bus-line of business in this .Borough,and .be.• ing a practical BOOT. AND . SHOE. MAKER. hinnself,is enabled to selectwithmore lodgment than those who are not. Be. continues:to man ufacture- in the very best -manner-everything in the BOOT AND SHOE LINE, which he will • warrant for neatness and good fit. - - 11:rCall and examine his stock : beifire pur chasing else*here. BARRELS, Prune New-York AppleS, a'fiom the Orc.hardsjUst received and for sale at W,Ol. 'S. 'A.pnles alwayk _hand. We have contracted with "one of-the most extensive Fruit dealers,.in Philadelphia, for our Fall.sup . ply. of Apples 'and Peaches,, so . theie will be - difficulty in obtaini4 a nice juicy apple, or a myeet melting peach, by call ing at WOLFE'S. FRESH HOME GRQIIND SPICES AT AA' DERSON , 5' ! Attention Butc7ters and Houslccepirs. Having r a great demand for our famed 'SP/C.ES, I have concluded to con tinue to keep a constant supply of Ground .peß per, .Gra.und Corrimuier; and ,ppeid IlfArjorgnz. • TIORTABLE LAMP S: A new and most r convenient.and' perfectly Safe lamp, called the "Portable Coal Oil La.4,'"Ter sale cheap at Grove Rbth's Drug Store. O PECT,A.CLES to suit all who can be aided with glasies, 4o "ab can be bought at H. L. If E.T.ZAHM'S, Cor ner of North Queen-st., and tenter Square, Larcaster. Netv glasses refitted oldfmiles, at short notice. F.LAYOURING EXTRACTS.: Vanilla,Strawberry, Pine Apple, Almon, Rose . Lemon, Just received and for s ale at Grove •3 Roth's. ALARGE assoTtrnent of Fancy . Baskets of all kinds, size and description, Just receiv ed and for sale at reasonable prices at J. M. Ander.son's. CI !DER VINEGAR: Ten barrels Pure home made Cider Vinegitr`ftiilale at six cents a. quart at Wot.F.E's, • made of the pure juice of the 'apple; a shigla . tri s al4jll convino you of that fact. -Wo(fes--Yiricry'Store. T IQUID Gum Drops, Candies, Fruits, Nuts , Toys, &c., 'wholesale and retail by. T. M. ANDERSON. TO LANDLORDS! Just received, Scotch and Irish W. E S warran ed pure, at H. D. Benjamin's. SEGARS and Chewing Tobacco: A large and good variety at J. M. Anderson's. EXCELLENT Cooking and Eating: Apples always on hand at Anderson's. . - GUM DROPS c Stewartds , durit Drops, S varieties, at Wolfe's. INE OIL and FLUID, at Grove 4- Roth's 444 4 4 4 DR. ESENWEIN'S TAR AND WOOD N AP THA PECTORAL. IS THE BEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Coughs and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthmai Difficulty in preathing, Palpitation of The Heart, Diptheria, and for The relief of patients IN TUE ADVANCED STAGES OP OONstlmriTrOgi together with all Diseases of the Throat and Chest, and which predispose to Consunitnion. It is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure of Asthma. Being prepared by a practical:phys ician and druggist, and one of great experience in the cure of the - verb:Ms diseases to which the human frame is liable. It is offered the afflicted with the great est confidence. TRY IT and be convinced that it is ihvaluable in the cure of Bronchial affec tions. iri'Paten FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE. Prepared only by Da. A. ESENWEIN & CO., DRUGGISTS AND Cirriums, N. IN4 CPI. Stir& Poplar Streets, Philadelphia. 11:3 - every respectable Druggist and Dealer in Medicines throughout the lState. April 7, 1860-11/: g o 8 ,„ a. 1:4 cn V, - § z ■ t3 - `4'.=. c. st . E. 4 E.' 41 .2 _ Ff ' 44l `, `"P o . . 7 0 B '44 14. z r c v „B et . , , 11 Or! 444 . . 7. •r ) e ' 4 k 3 •. C.) ) 4 0 g 0 7'5 2- , z ot 0 „, 6..1 at co 'CS . E-1 ^ A 1'2 7 41 1- a Ito 1.1 . w C4 -3 0 c.) `r'.l -4 § , 0 0 e.) • 0 0 1 V. .141. re, 4 0 - 0113 Having very recently added a /arre and fash ionable assortment of Types and Printing ma terials, which will enable us to do all kinds of PLAIN AND PAtiCY Such as Cards, Ball Tickets, Circulars, Programmes, Blanks; Poiteve, Sale Bills, Bib. Everything in the Jed Pritiviisd line and cheaply executed and at Ehoii, odd!. FKLID'K. L. BAKER, C 'thz Weekly Matietticm s, lkifice:' • OLD 'PENS' 11E-POINTED: '1 1 .11.1:CT, Cram. Enclose• the Pen in a letter, with cash or postage stamps. The re turn mail will bring the pen as good . ai'new. Editors giving this advelfiAementuarr inser tions during the year 1860, rind 'send the copy, shall receive a superiox Gold Pen in payment. Address, STONE & BALL. Syracuse. N. Y. icrWe will vouch for the fulfilment of the above on the part of Messrs Stone & Ball: ' J. .C. K. TRUAIR & CO, Proprietors of Syracuse Journal. September'B, 1860-6 t. . _Libeety'tV.,;!'i;-,,-D. stove - WORKS AND HOLLOW-WARE FOUNDRY, P HIL ADELPRIA. ABflott & NOBLE, Manufacturers of the mostapproved style of STOVES; of every description. ..SAlkirr. AND SALES ROOMS: No. 238 Water Street, New-Pik. No ; 419 srdwn Street,.Philadelphia. B.—Send for" a Cataltigue. [3m . • . . . H. 874 I. J. Z413.1V1, RESPECtVITLLY ;inform their rrlendi and the pbblic that they still continue the ; riTATCII, CLOCK: ,ty AND JErrEißir businesi at the old stand, North-west Corner of North Queen street and Center Square, Lancaster, A full assOrtrnent of goods in our line Of bust ness always on hand and for sale at the lowest cash rates.. • l Repairing Wendell id personally by the proprietors. • HARRY L. gamma EEnw: J. 'GAHM jowrrmlLL.—We have added to our,Store Romp a large Floor and Feed robin, we can furnish Flour by the single pound, by the barrel, or. fifty barrels, Chop Feed, Corn, and Oats by, the bushel, at rat piicei, Bran, Sho',ita,, Corn, Oats, Shipstuff and all - kinds of feed al- Ways On 'hand for cash., Also Cracked Wheat and Graham Flour. 13. WOLFE; Market:at., Agent fur Jacob A..Kreybill. O PERSONS - .. Out 'of Employment!' Aats wanted to sell the Erie Sewing Machine i6e Will coannissionor wages at from.s2.s to $6O per raonth, and. expenses paid.. This is a new •Matthine, and so,eitaple in its construction that a child of ten.years can learn - to operate•it by half an houesrinstruction. It is eaqual to any FurnilylSetiring:Afachine in use, 'and the price is but-litteen...Dollars.• . - Persong wishing an Ageney.will•address -- , J. N. BOYLAN,.Secretary, Erie Sewing Machine Co., MILAN, 0. " . . •• • Au'g.l'2u4t . • • • QOAL REGULAB. TINIEKEEPE.RA ,E,4 can be had of IL L. & E. J: Zraird, Cot. NOrth Queen-st., and denier Square, Lancas ter,_ Pa., in the shape of Equilibrium Leieri— thb best, 'article of Snip leversnoWinthe mar= Yet. They are lower-in price titan any watch of equal quality and MU as true for timekeeiting: A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF ,Hammered, and „Rolled Iron, if- S. "Airs: isfor*iy, Rail goas; • Arrieriein and German Spring. and . _East steel; 'Wagon $o es, Irian Axles, •Springs, &e., for smiths. STERRETT 8; CO. SUPERIOR COOK STOVE, very plain style, each. one -warranted .to per- ...„. orm to the entire^stitinaction of the Parehaser.. - , STErIitRETT & CO. ..-,-.. 4 , , .. A General - Assortment of all kinds of BUILDING WADDWARE, LOCkSj - .. -Binges ' Screws, -Bolts, Cellar Glutei, Paint S, Oils, Glass and Putty r very- cheap, . • - . STERRETT Sr.' CO. . . . , , A...1.._t C NEW 131t.A.SS, --yam.7 % ,.. • 4 • I. 0 C-K S—Goed..Tlme ••=:•---------',-,-. Keepersifor One Dollar.. divas, Watches and Jewelry carefully ro flaire.dand charges thoderate, at WO,LFEIS, . pEA.CiIES: Carted Petiches;floinlilChar& Kibitzes, Dover, the - following Vanetkes: Old Iklixen Free,' Wzird , s late Free Sr. Smock, very fine,' For Sale at WOLFE'S. CILOTFIS AND CA SSIMERS.--A penorselection of *Preach • and Gergian "Cloths, and'Oassimers, and a variety of beauti ful Vestbags, Selling very cheap it :SPANGI..RE & PATTERSON'S. T UMBER YARD. g. - GROSH & SON, Limper Dealers, Yard at the Eastern part of Marietta. la- Please call 'Adieu' office adjoining the e ' THREE-STORT brick liouee ti the cAnx. e. •• NIVES & FORKS, .Brititinia and Silver- . plated Spoons, Brass, Copper; Plain and - 'meled Iron Kettles, and Housekeeping goods generally.. 'Sterrett 4 Co., E W !' I S 11 :—Maokerel 1 1 4 Nos. 1, 2 and 3,in various packages . ; Herring and Cod Fish, at SPANGLER 4 , PATTERSON'S: TIRLME Feathers.-3 Bales excellent live ptcked. Feathers for sale .in large or small quautitiestiy Spongier If Pdttaido. layliAlkEdElS=4llf fo'be TO, genuine: Benianrin 4 co. TT Er'.l3S , Spokes, Felloes, Wagon Bi4s; IT Oil Cloth, irannshes; &c. Ikl STERRETT 4S• CO. VALUABLE SCHOOL BOOKS, ,PUBLISHED BY E. BIDDLE it CO., Zro. 508 Minor Street, Philadeiphia, Catalgucs furnished gratuitous/y,on application ENGLISH ETYMOLOGY. THE FIRST BOOK OF ETYMOLOGY. By Jos. Thomas; M. D. [Price, by mail, post-paid, 42 cents,] In use in the Public Schoolsof Philadelphia, New York, Brooklyn, lie.; State Normal Schools of Mass., Ikc. For the study of Etymology the following idvantages are claimed :-- 1. -It imparts to the pupil a more .thorough and precise knowledge of the meaning of the vlortlS of the English Itingnage than can be ob tained by any other process in the same period of time. 2. It trains the mind of the pupil to habits of analysis and generalization,—a desideratum, in all systems of education, which is dUrfplied mathematical studies to the collegiate student, and bjr this study, 1k is believed, better than by any Other. to the common-school pupil. Alsoitiblished- 7 for higher classes.f=- 141uPs ClaSs-Dook of Etymology: 1 - 54Cfs.) Oswald's Etymological Dictionary. [sl 12.] BOOK_-SEEPa G. Art ELEMENTARY - T REATISE ON HOOK- KEEP ING.,-TOR.COMMON SCHRFLS. "By S. M: Crit tenden, forinekly Principilof "Crittenilenfs Commeicial College." [Price s.] 45 dent . ' This treatise was prepared with reference to the capacity of the advanced pupils of the qeollimentrot "Grammar" &hot& otduteoltri= try, of from'twelveto.sixteen years of age ; and elucidates the principles.of,thascience, and the application of those principles to the more sim ple modes. ot keeping accounts, so that they may, it is believed, be fully understood by the class:of pupils referredrto.: ' . the. f‘Counting-Douse. , Pdition" of Critten- Ileres .Book-Keeping. (of ,wliich the above is virtually a .part).isliighly commended by many of the bestpractieal accountants of the principal cities of the country. • .(ForAheir opinion at length, see'Deseriptive•Catalogiie.)!d : ELEMENTARY ARITHMETIC. THE . :ELZMENTS OF PRJACTIPAI ARITHMETIC : being an explanation f tlie fundamental pro cesses of arithm'etki With their application to „ Compound nurribers. Comprising copious ex ercises. fly Wm, Vogdes, LL. 1.),, and .Sain Alitm. [Price 10 et.S4 the Public , , A.texkbeok in the Public Schools of Phila delphia, . - "The authors „of thid bobk , have succeeded well in the very .difficult- task of vreparing a really , good. • fext.bOoki for tile , inEttiedion of young pppils.• The clearness "of its definition and explanations; and .the natural Sind easy dzollictions 'Of ita , riilesfrontthosetifplainctions, Osir. hattlylaino attract 66 attChliOirOttoathi , ers, and inalie'for -them .thormign , and eorreet studerits."-z-Publie.Ledger, Phi Pa. 11:trA lilferat,diactiuntlrom , the abotie pikes te , Schoola ; tion. Sample copies futnisbedi . piiiit , paid 3 tit one-half the prices :mined. • ,ire EBOOK STOR E, North ! q u ee n . Streot, near tho:*.,Nqu iv finer 8i Nerold Once. o__ _ T FIE Proprietpr of .. /11El LANCASTER CHEAP BOOR. STORE has availed himself of the epportueity to •put- C:hale a large stock' of the most varied asioft:- ment of valuable books of every ‘ class nd de scription. He netir offerato the nubile the sane at praportionably Mid unusually Low rates. Those in want of vfiluable 'standard works, ter the improving of a well selected library, will find it to their great adiantage.tocall and examine the extensive stack an hand: 'Wog jeer and wish is, as it always was, to - supply the wants of the corainunify with anything in my line on the most reasonable terms possible. This we find the better and most advantageous course for all parties. The Political tells us, "cheaPer an article is, the more it can and will be used." Then the conclusion is, that when we .buy.chesip, we must sell cheap, simply alloWing ourselves a reasona ble profit. SUNDAY SC looL.BOOXS: -- - . I especial attention to my large assortment of Sundaj Sc*kit., Books on hand, of every varisty, wanted for use.of Sunday Schools and sell all iit:SUndly School Onion piiEes. 1 have the agencies for the publics tions'br the American Suiday School Union, American TMct Society.,,llrethodist Buok-,and Tract SoCioty. Also, the Lutheran, Prizabi , te. rian, Episcopal and other - denominations are kept on hand.. AMILY' BIBLES. Those in want of a neat and cheap Quarto Family Bible, will find. it, to their advantage to call and examine at . • Tito Gorda. Boost :STORE, the largest stock on hand, ranging form One, to Tyrenty-fiva • --.. ; Define purchisifur elia*here, call andVitam ine the large , and cheap, stock of • JOHN SHEAFFER, Successor, to Mnirat, YcAng,OL:CRI •► . _ee , iArieuleir .oolionj tootiogi AO. bfflonieqi Soeietn i Will liold 'the& Fotirth Annual Exhiiition .l • AT TIKEIR GEO/INDS, IN Tilt city orLancaCtbi,- Pennia., On Tuiesday, Wedp6Sduy,:Thursday and Friday, the•2sth., 26th, 27th, and :26th Days of Sep,tellibei 4 1860.. 4. MPLE atrangemente*6 - being made to .. - accoinmOdSte *id "exhibit to the best ad , vantage every kind of Stock,,and all Articles 444 axe useful or interesting in Agriculture, the — Mechanick, the ;idajiufuctures and the The"eitiZens . of Lineluiter county and the adjoiningcounties, are respectfully milted _to bring:their aninuils and a • Xtfelegior competition. • • For ',"pditecuttirk"lie•Adnef bills ' and premium lists. , 1 • , . Fuither,. infokmt4ion fbrilished 'by - the 4anageis p or by the'undeisigned. :7). G. ESHLEMAN,, Sesretai y. Septerntief 1860:-td. • 4 C . . . LK.g.p.„.wArp.FrEq, !rd., e. The 'undersigned Would take this 4,10 , - methcid of informing the inib li c that he, \`,W is 'still engaged fit the. Je'welry Market street, next door to Jas. 111: ArdeeSo7l;B Confectionary, were everything in will be carefully:and -promptly attended to. at very fehliisnable prices. He has the Celebrated Tiri. l 4-day 'Equalizing Clock, oeall' kinds, Watches, JeWeliy, Musi all'AlWinents; Fancy Articles,,, • JOHNS. 817011,F.12. EAELRY. , —A large Istot seracted stock of attire jewelry of the latest Pattetins Vein 'the best fact(!!ilds'in!threinintry catilieXoun'd ai H 65-E J. ZAHNE'S Cor. North Queen st. and Centre Square, Lan. caster, Pa. Our prices are:- moderate •'and all goods warranted to be . as•represented. • JAMES N. KING, ATTORN'EY .A.`T LAW, N9,..2Q7 Socrx7,Bl/.7u STREET / [BELO* WAlatirr] PHILABAL'PHI4, Calictions prifritotkratt!iod 14 •CIAL NOTlCE.'Rowopening, the S largesi-and most nom'ple'r . e assortment of Mait 3 's - Wear vie have ever offetafkreonsisting' of Super English, French, American - ' , lfiad - Ger- Min; °Blacic rind randy 1 , 14`1 Cloths and CassinlertuOrlneypSilki-Plitlir - Figured Silk Velvet - sad - Plustf e: r tiilgg i _&e. We invitkpairtiFulli'attOtioll goods' glArtlilllll4loB Cheap' Cash Stihw •• PA:Rea - HANO-BU NEAR;Tarr. LOWER; STATionylifiextETTK, Who is determined that his wcitkshall-ba wel done and at moderate prices. Give him a trial MOFFA - 177.6.., LIFE PILLS & PH(EgIX. BITTERS) THESE MEDICINES heveiloyebeen !fedi* the NW& for a period of May yogi' grid during Unit tilde liittf tuttilththsedvpingh &at acter m dirtiest , eterylset , dt th e ifdobei tot their extredrdinity power df restoring perfect IMO anifeeciarg under nearly every ,Ind df draelute to' which the human frail*. ittßable: The following see among the dietressiog va riety of human didemies in which the VEGETABIA lillit .151.hifihretrig . Are well known to be infallible: ' i il DYSPEPSIA, by ti blk crania*" th e first and second Mon:racks; id crew aged* of pure, healthy bile, inste p 'of 'of ilielttile thiti acrid kind; FLATULENCY toss of APO : tite, Heartburn, Headache; Heitlk.aidessi; Hi:- Temper, Anxiety, Languor, add ikeltricholy; ithieh ate the general syrinotortid of stag *in yddihh; as a natural Caltieild , r dillS COSTITrENES; by . eleabsing the tenth of the intestines ;with a solVerit prtkietsit end without tlefencei all viiilent Thirges the boweld boatrite kfflffißS of iiU tilidkity-letttoting the bltiqd to a regultit'elfenliiiithi; tbrotigh ttie process df prestoratied - iri such eadies; and !the thbrough solution of gll nbatritctitni iii others. The Life Medicines havebeen known to cure RHE UMATISiIt jiefitlienentfiill 'Mee' lkes t AtA . and GOUTiff , half that thaa r liy)reniglitignil Cal inflaMmatlorivirota the - miiSclat and Via; nients of the joints. • DROPSIES of all Minds, free* Alin strerigtheiiing• the, kidneys and Waddell' they operate most delightfully on these important, organs, hendd haiireeveilteehdratifol steer eau remedy for the !moist cases:of:OßA VET.: Also WURdtS;•by didodgingtfroni the tub ings of the bowelt the Shirty mateitto sihich these creatures adtfilia.. • 6(7671 VT, ÜbeilitSetintl/1/111/7 1 11VMTE SORES, by the perfectintrity crkibhlheas-htfk Mfrificincs give to the blood, IMAM the hifmors. seoRBUTTCJIRUPTIOSSrand Baaktchti iilCtions, by their alterative effect updn the &Ws that feed the skin, Mid the morbid state of ‘whiel occasions all dispute comßlitietsi sallow, cloudy;otheb ditagreeable cutm pleXions. The use of these Pills Mai very shokt time *ill effect an entire etirelftSAlLTlßlEßErilt L and at striking itherdvement iikthe eldsithotoot the Akin- COMMON COLDS *Ad.:VIEW ENZAp.ohII alwltya be vital - by meddle; dr by two in the *tint CANS: PILES.=Tbe orighial proprietor 'Of these Metticines i Was cureth Of Pileer - oh hh aeon studding by theuse.of theltifeldedieitiettlqdhei FEVER AND AGUE.—For this scouqe of the Western ecuiritibr, , theseithriffeinesAtin Ilion& a sufej . spee - d$ hertain remedy:— Otter teedieirteg hive the syttem subject to a reitirn of the disesue—s - cure , by •these-Medi tintti tielatiatitedi and be cured. BILIOUS FIiVERS AXEL tiVAR "(VW. PLAINTS.--7-Generalleetfilitti Loss :ofMite tite,-and Diseases Of4ertudeuZ-the Medichtes have bedn, Rae& 'with the tharberseficiaTesuttas in eases' of this desetiption.l-4fidgsteil; Semites, in its ivoistfonne4-34,91413 in the Wild yet pon erfulatc.tion:of ths,lod.remnritabld 4,Nd _nines., Night Sweats, .Nervoiiii Ner +ous .Cdmplailits of: alf kinds; Psilpitsfron• of the lienrt, Painters'. Win, nye npeedilpeurn4. MERCURIAL DISEASES,-4tersonewinilie thnstinitions have beconieimpikired by the fin- lid/chum use of Mercury, wilt find these 'Med icines a pbtfeet core; AS' IheyriVVOr fafttp,oxsd 16itte from OA t(ttquirri all the efeeterpf bled tury, ittlitittely sootier theiiytke 100,1 nyorful. proparptions of ',40 . 4.5ti and poi by W. B; go t , 335 Bioadvdr, lark, Few SA LE is ALL Elitraisitt. (901 y hiscoB6ll ittortis of mcdortfi : 6itito itefloVioffitmblii* littlny, since the great dietctiitik at trot., Vutidi•have attempted not pilv to imitate his restorative, but profess tp %howlbsonnol something that would, results'rwduce dentibal but they have all coose and: goneit&gr,car ried away by the wandesfol results of Prof.. Wood', preparation., and have beete.) leave the field to its. resistless iwvtay.. llsai the following :..., Bath, Maine, hillil - d8th) . : 1859 - Pito F. O. J. Worm & Co. 1- 7 .The.letter 1 - itiote you in 1856 concerning youtlaludblAlP kli.** l storatire, and which you have littblished tri this vicinity and elsewhere, bas given Vise to numerous emplirldlouching -tlfe %gig lh the case. Theonqilfridare, Maki' irefddt army habitation and namei att stated in the. ,lininitrz oication • Malta; is It, kite of all. . . t 1 7 Ofti tained ; thirdj.ddesriy fiajr.stqW T.O 4afe in' good rioter lind..of ,pit - . col* 1 if• sill I can Snit& nliSiter inraria ~ye l. `, ' hair U is even better tbild in any .d f tffy, / & for 40 years past, more soft, ~ , a ftd better colored ; the same is gille-of 3 , ,V05 . ,. Islrers,ind the only moist' Wily It iaribtleilitaltf Tyne, is that ifIE "substarick is oitiThdir 6frifffregamit ablution bf the fate, WheitifdaleWertell6adlitt ivipinglhe fate in those banntletidd Wfih 'the whiskers, the intrild result tfili 011thsefillThe hair. I have • beet' in ilid , rfdeß.,itit art humbet of totters fr h)fom 'pate' of 'i • *- kind, asking me if my, hair still contint* ttp tie go, d ; an there'is ari• muclilfrand iii theXao u facture and sale of various gbnipbuffa- at Wall as this, it tras,,ne douhrheetrbottlrimi tated and been used, not •onty vittilont any goodieitect. but ibigiiiblutehij 1 fialetot used arty of ?dui , titietttonattve of allpife.dimit for some months, sod yet mytaltrisewLoollis orbit, and Itttitdreddhaveliiihrilintiddtitilla air- Otlse, as tit& rid* 41 yearstard'afid iiiit &gray hair in my head dr on mrfoce ; "anittb prava this fact, I kenif-ydif-tletir of my bids taken oft the past Week. I received ydiu favor of two quart past lilt. summer, .f*Whict - rath, 'rely grateful. I.gade it to my.friuseds rind in i Need them to try it; many Satere idreptikal un til after trial, and thew purehised and Wed :ft with universal siteifeie. I will' ttiktii it.faiin, that you send me a test by which I can dis cover fraud iii the Itestoritive,-ablit liylisity; 1 fear, without ourliorit , p fronli , yosc. 4 A .piffe ' w i ll'success, • anti T , ipbta articl e i nsur e m good' effects do tioe.follow, thwfallibrialatanadi byt the iniphre article, which.ndbletuthodatvdir, tor Of the gried. I deem it mllltity att hereto idre; tbzlitep Yea apprised tlf•thainilthinitedef fectOn my hair,. as I Sastre itlt Aihdienteires of me of my , unshalted ophlifth of-ileocalnafile . reiiits. .I tetifilitl; ddaidirj yodrs,.... A. C..lhAikOtfh• ARTO'H'S Run, 14 , 4 Nov. 304 18.086. Pifer: 04. wieb: mogii.—Pirithileth: ininly be d alai-Yoh rigreat injustlee nottd untie lcrl O wn to the writibilhe vitindartful,aa well'its the unexpected tesult 1 have 4aMerieneed.•frolit itAinglone bdttle oryciutfliiit'.Mkterittivt. Al lOr Using 'every 'kind' of Ikestorktirrea extant, 'but Without succeilsouidfinding ittyihilted nearly destitute of hair; I Was fidaily Induced: o , try fi bottle of your Hair Restarative: Now, sem dor. and justice compeinit-torinndurtodtawhii eter May Teta lids, 4st I now pidible* , a, , new grid' lleatitiftll kroorrtl of heir; - 4iiiieft -1' -pro nounce richer and ba„ndsomer than tire itilknosi 'Was. I Will therefore take occasion to retom mend thig invaluable 'km+) talterho - may feel the - necessity elf it. Respectfully yams, ILO*. S. Attrie Rusitc. P. S.—This tesfintoisi* of my sPPr°b!tlit.'ll for your vilbablelpedickno (airy& ark 'awaro of) is unsolicited ;—but if Vat think it vrortby a - plate among the rein, insert if yell wish ; if .nett destroy and say nOtlifiti: THE RErrottaTivs ii Olt Li ii ill beaks. al thtce sizes, viz : large; niedinni; ad /3411 I the small holds i-a•pint, and retaila for sllrirottlo the medium bolds - at letiSt twetitypet 4nOt Omni inproptirtion than the slap, ,'tittle fat sikpri W iti e ; the larie billds a tins* dil Orrice& more in 'proportidn; ifia Atolls fdr itl3l. O. J. WOOD 8: CO. ; Praprieffrsj ' No. 444,..1hclildwat, NW:V . -rota "axid . 1 ' ' li4Vitk6t Str` det; St. Litiffirbio. ' 'And sold try RD. goad drugkiats &Alibi* goods dedleta. it 7-- hat. ..' 1- Ilvrtittlig THIS WAY 'teheitaiiiitidet invoke Havant! 't4e !NO - 7AL1044, we have sisookehtivat. QVMol l 'Sizes, an a , Mk PIY Of - Smoking Trib.ueo. A general ..assertraettt , of She best Totsbeeo and.Segarit always oti • WOLFFAI NOTION Heim. • sppliffP.. best stock of Segacs and . Tobacco An I 1, _town, kept at Weir 's.