The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, September 08, 1860, Image 1

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    1(,(t. J4llOlll 70a/ft-Walt,.
VOL. 7.
'Cy iatithigSuit ttiatt'
S/-etic) , LlZ .gateeS.,
OFFICE In the second sto
jry of CAVIL'S Row, on Front Street, five
, doat a East of Mrs. Flury's Hotel,.M.QuErre,
Rf suiscriptions be not paid within six months,
$1.25 will be charged, and if delayed until the
expiration of the year, $1.50 will be charged.
Any person sending us FIVE new subscribers
shall have a sixth copy for his trouble.
Die subscription received for a less period than
six months, and no paper will be discontin
ued until all artearages are paid, unless at
the option of the publisher. A failure to no
tify a discontinuance at the expiration of the
term subscribed for, will be considered a new
ADVERTISING RATES: One square (12 lines,
or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and 25
cents for each subsequent insertion: Profes
sional and Business cards, of six lines or less
at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading
columns, five cents a-line. Marriages and
Deaths, the simple announcement, FREE ;
but for any additional lines, five cents a-line.
Having recently added a large lot of new JOE
AND CARD TYPE, we are prepared to do all
mro, at short notice and reasonable prices.
A liberal discount made to quarterly, half-year
ly or yearly advertisers.
Xjtabs of Pepartntents.
President, James Buchanan, of Pennsylvania.
Vice President, John C. Breckinridge, of Ken
Speaker of the House, Wm. Pennington, New
Secretary of State. Lewis Cass, of. Michigan.
Secretary of the Treasury, Howell Cobb, of Ga.
Secretary of the Nary, Isaac Toucey, of Conn.
Secretary of War, John B. Floyd
,of Va.
Secrs'tary of Interior, Jacob Thompson, Miss.
PoStmaster General, Joseph Holt, of Ky. .
Attorney General, Jeremiah S. Black, of Pa.
Chief Justice, Roger 13. Taney.
Associate Justices, John M'Lcan,.Jas. Wayne,
John Caftan, Peter V. Daniel, barn') Nelson,
Robert C. Grier, John A. Campbell, and Na
than Clifford.
Governor, 'Wm. F. Packer, of Lycoming co.
Secretary of State, Wm. M. Hiester, of Berks.
Attorney General, John C. Knox, Tioga.
Surveyor General, Wm. H. - Kelm, of.Berks.
Auditor General, Thos. Ti. Cochran, of York.
State Treasurer, Eli Slifer, of littion.
Superintendent of Public Schools, Thomas H.
Burro yes, priLtikagfir. .
Judges of the Suyreme Cow t, Walter H. Lowrie,
Chief Justice, Geo. W. Woodward, James
Thompson, Wm. Strong, John M. Reed.
President Judge, Henry G. Long.
Assistant Judges, Alexander L.Hayes, Ferree
Bri nton.
District Attcrrno, Emlen Franklin.
Yrothemotary, William Carpenter.
Recorder, Anthony Good.
Register, John Johns.
County Treasurer, Michael H. Shirk.
.Vheri,/, Benjamin F. Rowe.
Clerk of Quarter Sessions Court, Sam'l Evans.
Clerk of Orphans' Court, C. L. Stoner.
Coroner, Levi Summy.
County Commissioners, Daniel Good, Joseph
Boyer, Levi S. Rei.,t, Solicitor, Ed. Reilley.
Clerk, Peter G. Eberman.
Directors of Me Poor, Robert Byers, Lewis
Sprecher, Daniel Overholtzer, John Huber,
Simon Groh. David Styer Solicitor, James
K. Alexander. Clerk, Wm. Taylor.
Prison Inspectors, R. J. Houston, Day. Brandt,
John Long, Jacob Seitz, Hiram Evans, H.
S. Gera. Solicitor, Dan'! G. Baker. Keep
er, Jay Cadwell.
Auditors, Thomas S. Collins, James .B. Lytle,
John Mecartney.
County Surveyor, John C. Lewis.
Chief Burgess, Samuel D. Miller,
Assistant Burgess, Peter Baker,
Town Council, Barr Spangler, (President),
John Crull, Thomas Stance, Ed. P. Trainer,
Henry S. Libhart.
Town Clerk, Theo: Hiestand.
Treasurer, John A uxer.
Assessor of Taxes, William Child, Jun.,
Collector of Taxes, Frederick L. Baker.
Justice of Me Peace, Emanuel D. Routh.
High Constable, Absalem Emswiler.
Assistant Constable. Franklin K. Mosey.
Regulators, John H. Goodman, E. D: Roath.
Supervisor, Samuel. Hippie, Sen.
School Directors, John Jay Libhart, Presi
dent, E.'D. Reath, Treasurer, C. A. Schaffner,
Secretary, John K. Fidler, Aaron B. Grosh,
Jonathan M. Larzelere.
Post Office Hews The Post Office .will
be open from 6 o'clock in the running until
half-past 7in the evening. The Eastern mail
via Silver Spring and Ilempfield will close at
.2 p. m., and arrive at 11 a. in. every Tuesday
Thursday and Saturday.
The Eastern mails will close at 7a. M. and
4.1 b p. m., and return at 11.21 o'clock, a.
and at 6 28 p. m.
The Western mails will close at 10.50 a. m.,
and arrive at 4.56 p. in.
Railroad Time Table: The mail train for
Philadelphia will leave this station at 7.56 in
the morning, The mail train west will leave
at 11.21 in the morning. The Harrisburg ac
commodation east, passes at 4.56 p. m, and
returns, going west, at 6 28 p. mr
Religious Exercises: Service will be had on
every Sabbath at 10 o'clock in the morning and
at before 8 o'clock in the evening, irethe Pres
byterian church. Rev. P. J. Timlow, pastor.
Every Sabbath at 10 o'clock in the morning
and at 1-4 before 8 o'clock in the evening
there will be service in the Methodist church.
Rev. T. W. Martin, pastor.
Beneficial Societies: THE HARMONY,
Cassel, President; 'John Jay Libhart, Treasur
er •, Barr Spangler, Secretary. Tun PIONEER,
John Jay Libbart, President; Abrm Cassel
Treasurer ; Wm. Child, jr., Secretary.
OFFICE: Front street, fourth door 0T:-=--
from Locust, over Saylor & folcDon-troar;;;
ald's Book Store, Columbia. Entrance be
tween the Drug and Book Stores. (3-ly
opposite the Court House, where he will at
tend to the practice of his profession in all its
various branches. [Nov.4 2 '69.-ly
.Near Spangler Patterson's Store, Ittarket-st.,
where Photographs, AtnhrOtypes aid, Melain
ootypes are taken at very reasonable prices.'
JCall und.sce:yecimens.
glebnith ta OltttcS, c fittraturt, l A,gtittilturt,
.I'jortittilitirt, 'gilt Arts, Otntrai Retllo At 174, Notal nformatign, 44.
My days pass pleasantly away;
My nights are blest with sweetest sleep,
I feel no symptoms of decay—
I have no cause to mourn or weep ;
My foes are impotent and shy,
My friends are neither false nor cold,
And yet, of fate, I often sigh—
I am growing old.
My growing talk of olden times ;
My growing thirst for early news ;
My growing apathy to rhymes :
My.growing love of easy shoes;
My growing hate of crowds and noise ;
My growing fear of taking cold.
All whisper in the plainest voice— .
I am growing old.
I'm growing fonder of my stair;
I'm growing dimmer in the eyes;
I'm growing fainter in my laugh ;
I'm growing deeper in my sighs;
I'm growing careless of my dress;
I'm growing frugal of my gold ;
I'm growing wise ; I'm growing—yes---
I'm growing old.
I see it in my changing taste;
I see it in my, changing hair;
I see it in my growing waist;
I see it in my growing heir;
A thousand signs proclaim the truth,
As plain us truth was ever told,
That even in my vaunted youth,
Pm growing old.
Ah, me ! my very laurels breathe
The tale in my reluctant ears,
And every boon the hours bequeath.
But makes me debtor to the years.
Even flattery's honeyed words declare
The secret she would fain withhold,
And tell me in, “Ilow young you are PI
I'm growing old.
Thanks for the years ! whose rapid flight
My somber mese too sadly sings;
Thanks for the - gleams of golden light
That tint the darkness of their wings;
The light that beams from out the sky,
Those heavenly mansions to unfold,
Where all are blest and none may sigh,
growing old P,
Under this title, Whittier, "the Quaker poet,"
supplied the following clever copy of verses for
an agricultural association, at its annual fair,
somewhere in New England :
One morning of the lirst sad Fall,
Poor Adam and his bride
Sat in the shade of Eden's xvall—
. But OA the outer side.
She blushing in her fig-leaf suit
For the chaste garb of old ;
He sighing o'er his bitter fruit
For Eden's dupes of gold.
Behind them smiling in the morn,
Their forfeit garden lay; '
Before them wild with rock and thorn,
The desert stretched away.
They heard the uir above them fanned,
A light step on the sward,
And lo! they saw before them stand s
The Angel of the Lord !
"Arise !" he said. "Why look behind
When.hope,is all before,
A patient mind and willing hand
Yoiir loss may yet restore ?
"I leave with yore* spell whose power
Can make the desert glad,
And call around you fruit and flower
As fair as Eden had.
"I clothe your hands with power to lift
The curse from off your soul t
Your very doom shall seem a gift,
Your less a gain through toil.
"Go, cheerfully as yon humming.bees,
To labor as to play ;"
While glimmering over Eden's trees,
The angel passed away.
The pilgrim+ of the world went forth,
Obedient to the word,
And found,'where'er they tilled the earth•
A garden of the Lord.
And thorn trees cast their evil fruit,
And blushed with plum and pear ;
And seeded grass and'trodden root
Grew sweet beneath their care.
We share our primal parent's late,
And in our turn and day
Look back on Eden's sworded gate,
As sad and lost as they.
Enchaating&l! thy form so fair /
In playful &earns around me dances ;•
Thy smile so bright), so free from care,
Thy dimpled cheeky-thy jet black hair,
My heatt entrances.
But oh ! those eyes, thoselovely eyes,
With joy and innocence gleaming-
The winged light scarce swifter flies
Than do the glances from those eyes,
With pleasure' beaming.
Pa woo thee, maiden, were•it not
That wooing thee might prove bewilderin'
Pd won.thee, maiden, were it not
For this one thing—a wife I've got,
And six small children;
A MID • Am.
' k Of•
' ar
But still for us his native skies.
The pitying angel leaves,
And leads.through Toil to Paradise
New Adams and new Eves..
F. L. Bakery Editor and Proprietors
An Awful Case of Itydrophobia.
We published recently an account of a
case of this horrible disease in Roxbury,
Mass. The following statement will be
read with interest. It is from the pen
of Dr. Windehip, the father of the young
American "Samson," Dr, Geo. B. Wind
ship :
"The disease termed hydrophobia," is .
of so rare occurrence and so appalling a,
nature, that I have deemed it proper to
comply with your request, and that of
many others, to .submit to the press a
brief account of the case which has so
recently occurred in Roxbury.
"Mr. Thomas Dascomb, well known
to our citizens as the proprietor of the
hat and bonnet bleachery in Webster
Block, was bitten Jane the Bth by a fa
vorite pointer. On the day following he
sent for me, not, as he expressed himself
that he had any idea that the dog was
rabid, but because the region of the
wound (his wrist) was painful. The dog
he said, was cross, the effect of a recent
severe whipping, and had that very day
bitten a young man who had previously
inflicted punishment. The friends of
Mr. Dascomb were very anxious to have
the dog killed immediately. To this I
remonstrated, unless he and his friends
were fully satisfied that the dog was not
mad, he and :they in a fearful
state of apprehension for a long period.
"My advice to him was ,to put the dog
into a secure place where he could have
food and water passed to him , without
danger, and keep and watch him a suffici
ent length of thne to be satisfied as to
his freedom from hydrophobia. This
course was adopted, but the place of con
finement—a dark cellar—was improper,
both in regard to the health of the ani
mal and for means of convenient obser
vation. Within ten days the dog died,
and, as Mr. Dascomb said to me subse
quently, he lad no doubt from poison
secretly administered, or else from the
effects 'of the severe beating and subse
quent cellar confinement
"The wounds upon his wrist healed
gradually under,the treatment indicated,
and to me he expressed himself in no.
fear of hydrophobia.
"On the 11th instant, at G a. m., about
eight weeks subsequent to the day on
which he was bitten, I was summoned to
visit Mr. Dascomb. I found him upon
the bed in a half reclining position, his
eyes protuberant and glaring, counte
nance anxious, voice husky and tremu
lous, pulse ene hundred and thirty,
tongue dry, but not much furred. A first,
glance convinced me that my patient's
doom was sealed. To my inquiry re
specting his case, he quickly pointed to
the scar upon his left wrist, and said with
emphasis, 'This, doctor, will end me.' I
endeavored to modify his prediction by
encouraging words and manner, and pro
ceeded to interrogate him as to his symp
tons. . He stated that the previous night
, he felt some pain and stiffness in the
wrist, and darting pains from the wound,
extending up the arm to the chest 'I
have now, also,' said he, 'a dizzy pain in
the head, and, doctor, I have been per
fectly unable to swallow since two o'clock
this morning.
"Wishing to discover how far the ex
isting symptoms as described by him
might be ascribed to what is termed ner
vous excitement; the result of long ap
prehensions, I said t'o him, 'My dear sir,
I can hardly believe that you have really
lost the ability to swallow. Supposing
you should sit up in bed and take a lit
tle of this tea.' Come now, said I, 'sit
up and try with a will, and I have'
doubt but you will snceeed.'
"He did as I desired, seemed to sum
mon all his resolution, and in quite an
audible voice exclaimed, 'Now, Doctor,
give me the'tea..- He received the cup,
passed it rapidly to his, lips, made' a vig
orous attempt to swallow, failed, the
liquid was ejected,. and he sank back ex
"I was now fully confirmed in. my, pri,
mary opinion, and this immediately I im-
parted to his family.
"It seems unnecessary, and would be
still more painful to the reader; to de
scribe minutely the distressing sham:
teristics of this awful malady.' Let i
suffice, then, to state that- the progress
of the disease was marked by the alter
nation of drowsiness, spasms,. starting,
shuddering at the sound or motion of
liquids, frothy mucous expectoration,
spasmodic groaning, not unlike the half
suppressed bark of a dog, traversing the
bed upon the hands and knees, accom
panied with. a pawing motion of the
hands• at the bed-clothing,, and hiding
the face in. them. The expression of
the countenance was such as I have never
witnessed• before, nor can- language. por
"On Sunday morning at half-past
eleven a violent convulsion occurred,
which, at twelve M.—thirty-six hours
from the primary attack—terminated in
a happy release by death.
"The treatment consisted mainly in
administering anodynes by enema and
subcutaneously, and with decided al•
though temporary relief. The smell, or
sight even, of ether or chloroform would
instantly induce a spasm."
"0, M. WIKDSHIP, M. D."
"Daum HILL PARK."—Baltimore is to
have a grand city Part in time, having
purchased "Druid Hill" at a cost of
8500.000 for that purpose. The grounds
have been for nearly 150 years in the
Rogers family, and were occupied at one
time by Col. Nicholas . Rogers of the 11.
S. army, during the Revolution, an aid
to General Du Condray and afterwards
to Baron De Kalb: He was a man of
great taste, and had a passion for land
scape gardening, which has ,been pre
served on the place and in the family.—
Druid Hill is famous for its fruit trees,
and especially for its pears. There are
forty thousand trees, of which ten thou
sand are dwarfs and all in bearing, and
more than six hundred varieties of pears,
costing twenty-five years of labor and an
investment of $50,000. This old family
homestead is to be preserved in its in
tegrity as a:public park, and to be known
forever as the "Druid Hill Park."
A.ND Ho* IT is Mgt.
Inquiry is lifter. made, "what means are
adopted by counterfeiters to produce
such perfect file similes of bank notes ?''
The modus operandi is this a new note
of the kind to be imitated is procured
and saturated with sweet oil. This is
laid face downwards upon a steel plate,
which has previously received a very
thin coat of wax. The oil renders the
note so transparent that itis easy to go ov
er every line with a very fine needle ; this
of course produces a faint tracing upon
the wax. The wax beneath every line is
then removed with a graving tool, and
acid poured over the plate, which only
takes effect upon those parts from Which
the wax has been removed, thus trans
ferring the tracing from the wax to the
steel beneath. The plate is then-clean
ed, and the engraving finished as in or
dinary steel engravings.
TRULY A GREAT MAN : None of our
great men have held so many,offices, nor
enjoyed such a long and uninterrupted
official career as John Quincy Adhms. •
He was minister to the icetherlands, un
der Washington, 1794-96; minister to
Portugal, 1796-97 ; minister to Prussia
daring the administration of his father,
1797-1803; Senator, 1803=8; minister
to Russia under Ma dison, 1809-13 ; com
misioner to Ghent, 1813-14; minister
to England,lBl6-17 ; Secretary of State
under Monroe, 1817-24 ; President,lB24-
29, and member of Congress from 1831
to 1847, the date of his deaths Thus, in
a period of fifty-three years, the in tervals
between the laying down of one office
and the assumption of another, amount,
when added together, to less than twa
are getting shorter—perceptibly so—not
only by tho' ordinary coarse• of nature,
but the cool mornings make sleeping so
exceedingly comfortable that nearly ev
ery person feels disposed to lose half an
hour in a comfortable snooze. Bles
sed be the man that invented sleep, says
Sanche Penn, for it is a glorious insti
tution, and blessed be the man ; say we,
who invented cool mornings,. for they
enable ns to take a decoction of sleep
worth nine hundred and ninety-nine
times more than the dirty worm which
the early bird is supposed to catch.
steam on the Erie Canal, this season;
demonstrates still further the practibil•
'ity of employing this new agent in , jnland
navigation to a large extent. Steam
towing has already become a business of
:erne importance.
P STORM IN. LOUISIANA.--A violent storm
on Saturday has causedimmense danang,l
Louisiana. Froctoraville, the . termi
nus of the Mexican Gulf Railroad„was
'entirely submerged. 'The water. rose
'over twelve ,feet, carrying away all the
houses but one. Nearly forty livess were
A MILITARY Oancu The officer of a
rifle cOmpany, out North,. Was guilty of
an unheard-of piece of pleasantry, orr one
very hot day repently. actually
marched his men tothe very:brink of the
canal, and thomeopily.eonmaxide&them
to "fall in."
I NEW-YORK IN 1856 AND 1860.—The
following are some of the most import
ant changes that have taken place in New
York politics since 1966
Mr. E. R. Jewett, publisher of The
Buffalo Commercial, President of Fill ,
more State Committee, and chief mana
ger of the,Fillmore campain in 1856, and
till very recently member of Mr. Crit
tenden's National Union Committee, now
supports Lincoln, with all the influence
of The Commercial .which has ever been
an able advocate of Whig and American
The Hon. N. S. Benton, appointed
Canal Auditor by the . American State
officers in 1856, an earnest supporter of
Fillmore, and, the American candidate
for Controller in 1857, now supports
The Hon. George R. Babcock of Buf.
falo, late State Senator ; a leading CI&
Line Whig and American, a close per
sonal friend and Supporter of Fillmore,
is stumping Western Now York in sup
port of Lincoln.
The Hon. Daniel Ullmann, the Amer
ican candidate for Governor in 1854,
supporter of Fillmore in 1856, now sup
ports Lincoln.
Gen. G. A. Scroggs, President ;of the
American State Council, candidate for
Lieut. Governor on the American ticket
with Ullmann in 1854, a supporter of.
Fillmore in'lBs6„,delegate to, the Con-
vention that nominated Bell and.Bver
ett, delegate to the late State Conven
tion at which Hunt, Duet., and Brooks,.
proclaimeil the Donis§ coalitiee, now
supports Lincoln.
Goldsmith Demister', late itti Alter
jean member of the Legislature and
Anierican candidate for Canal Commis
sioner in 1857, a warm supporter of Fill
more in 1856, now supports Lincoln.
Shepherd Knapp; a distinguished Old_
Line Whig of. New-York city, and a
supporter of Fillmore in 1856; now sup
ports Lincoln.
Jas. C. Putnam, late 'American State
Senator, and the eloquent advocate of
the principles and candidates of the
American party, the personal friend and
neighbor of Mr. Fillmore, and the can
didate of the American party for sundry
important State and local offices, now
supports Lincoln.
In 1856, there were upward of fifty
journals in New York that supported
Fillmore. The number of those that
support Bell and Everett does not ex
ceed six. '
POISONED PAPER.—The Philadelphia
Inquirer mentions the case of a young
lady in that city, who
_for years had a
painful and loathsome disease which
threatened to be fatal. Suspecting ac
cumulative poison, her food and drink
were frequently analyzed, without de
tecting any. At last it was discovered
that the paper on the walls of her room
was colored tint% with the aid of arsenic;
and that. the vapor from this was the
cause of her illness. , This important
scientific developement in relation to
green paper was made known years ago
in France and has been published every
whefe ; yet 'many of our citizens still
persist in its rise, regardless of its poison
ous attributes, when the trims breath is
notmore deadly in its effects.
There are, about thirty species of
tobacco, all posessing nearly the same
prperties. It is said the plant was first
found in iroucatan. It was taken to
Spain, and from there to Portugal •; from
;Portugal it was carried to different Ea
ropean kingdoms. Snuff-taking com
mented in Paris, Catheriiae De Medicii,
whose natio' has in unpletisant 'hietory
from its c'onnection'icith the massacre of
Pretestants,heing its first patron. Soon
after ties Settlement of this countrs it
became inlnaportant article of commeree,
and one hundred and twenty pounds was
he stipend paid for a wife by somas . of
the early settlers of Virginia.
V'. W. Eleline Was walking thrbrigh
a street in Montreal with a girl, 'when
three men reified out upon= hire; one of
them thnrst a bowie-knife irr his abdo
men; twisting it wboli after it was bur
ied, and inflicting htlatiaWminit' Before
he died he swore he did not know his
sailants and coil-idiot suspect who should'
thus, ciPs#949 hiP% t'o4 SuPPossii
the murderer' was•ajealotis admirer ofllle
girl, in his, company.
There will be a meeting of tho mil
lets and diitillera of Ohio, Indlamv, 111-
inois, New York, Pennsylvania; Mary
land, Missnuri;,tncky, ; at,-the Ohio
White Sulpher Spvingtrien this 30th inst.,
for the purpose of Aensalting together,
and to adopt such measures as would
seem most beneficial to the* : inlarnots.—,
A large gathering is anticipated/
MC>. S.
of the United States of America, struck
in the year 1784, and soon after the tree=
ty of peace, is a very rare copper coin,
and is the 'original Washington penny.
The deCice on this coin is a iatireated
head of Washington. Inscription: Wash
ington and independenee,l7Bs. Reverse,
a wreath inelosing the words, "One Cent."
Inscription : United Steles tg. America ;
1-10 1 0. By a reference to the Journal
of Congress, when Hof. gat/ McKeon
was a met:Ober, atm% will be found a re•; .
port df the United States Mint up to
that titan, and it Is stated therein that
theta Vete bat fourteen of the Washing
ton cents lashed from the Mint. The
rest were melted by order of his Rica
leney George Washington. A token
made of brass, and closely foseMbling
the Washington Coin, *as duttutfacttited
in England shortly after by a private'
speettlation i and sent to America. This
token has often been confounded With
the genuine coin.
FROM ins 'PATE&T OFFWE : The old
lime stone sarcophagus, which has so
long been en exhibition hi the basement
story of the patent office building, sti ob
ject alike of curiosity and national inter:
est to all Americans visiting that insti
-1 tution, is abont being reirioved to the
Smithsonian gronads, - to be placed a
mong the 'many other collections thete of
a somewhat sitallar chatacter: This Ber
-1 etipilagiss was tile tepogitory of the Bor
e t Alexander S'etetlisi waives
br,onght to
,the United Mates in 1839, on
board the frigate Constittttion, by Com
modore Jesse D, Elliott, who intended
it as a resting place for the remains of
General Andrew Jackson. This distin
guished inditidual, however, it will be
recollected ; while eApressing his appre
ciation of the kindness of Com. Elliott,
. and acknowledging the bonot intended
to he conferred upon him, declined its
acceptance,as being inconsistent with his
ideas of republican simplicity.- - -sVash:
ivied Stdr.
A FArrni.tss WIPE. —A matt Mid lett
this vicinity for California some twa
years ago; returned one day last week
tolerably well supplied with lucre and
hoping to find, ajoving and a faithful
wife and the happy home he had koft—
instoad of - all this, hoWever, He fotrnd
that his wife had moVed into the city
and was liting in open
.infidelity with
another man. The Californian remained
a day qt two *4 his friends, aft'dreturn
ed again, it is said, to the land of gold.
Wheeling Intelligencer.
physician named _Friedlawder i cited at
his residence in Obioagcr i Ill. ; last week,
after, a most distressing illness, camed i as
was believed, from, being bitten in'. tire
face by, a fly that brought poison 'corn-
munieated from the carcass of it poison.-
ed dog. No medical remedies availed
anything, and so fearful were the effects
of the disease that claw hours after the
breath had ,left his body the friends were
forced to hurry his remains into the
ground... •
gressman Hamilton, of Texas; said in a
recent speech that Douglas men of that
State are prepared to submit to tie aloe:
tion of tinter; or anybody- elim who'
may be cliosenb,y a majority of dee peo
ple and - to haag all who awdirriako' treas.
on btseac(se Utak'candidieter ate 'iiot'stro - -
sir eccentric gentletrare, Mewed
kartitr, is gettingup a neW. aeneat on for`
New York, Ile left 'Boston' lant 7 week :
ronr-boat, alone, and determined' to
tiaw elf the way to Gotham. Mr. Martino
is a vegetarian, not having eaten any .
meat but. once for three yearn. His
weight isl4o pounds ; his diet is berries
and fruit.- he carries no water : the
berries answer all purposes for quench
ing thirst. His outfit onleaving Hostou
was two pairs of ptakt a, two. Ihreo shirts,
two undershiyts for rowing s • st„lshawl,
India-rubber coat; _four quarts whortle
berries, sour° apples, coast chartepookst
iCoMpass, note book-, pencil, Watch, and
tiatches. Of court°, whew Will-rives iit`
"the metropolis" there
reception and teed.
W '1 I T •
Oor. G4iwaril •era* to *se e
mu:actin' fWet'in tits hdESibeistopj,
have- bi.en attended '4.i.ev titer3tai 41.
=pliant succeset_ Some of the
and costliest vessels pule been receverei
uninjured ;.iagkor,s -tine been blown up
and it-is thouFlill,ll4lbefore cold weath
itir-onsues tlie-bay will be 4it4z•ely fret
from obstructions,