The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, September 01, 1860, Image 4

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N OW Opening, a full assortment of
to which we invite the attention, of our many
friends and customers, confidently believing,
that for varietyminlity,aityle apd cAsupncss,will
give the fullest patisfacteinto our customers.
Traveling dress goods, in great variety,
Fancy dress Sillts,tewest Spring styles, •
Black glossy dress silks, beat brands imported,
at 75c to $1.50,
Foulard silks,'newest designs,
Brocade silks, '
Plaid Ottoman Poplins,
Striped Greniditn'Poplins,
Satin Lutttre Poplins, and other new' styles of
• dress goods, embracing every itoirelty of
the season,
Eaglish and French yard wide ChiritzeS;
201YpiEnglish and Merrimack prints,
Itettutlfhl nevi:llWe Scorch Dress Ginghams,
Calicoes, 6,8, 10, very Rood.
Stella, bum* 3.cing &Square, Black Thibe
Long and Squire, Crape; Blanket, Lon g &
Square, and other new Spring styles in
great variety.
French Worked Collars,
it cc Sleeves,
u cc • can,
ci Collars and Sleeve in 'Setts,
cc tt Chimevetts and Sleeves,
.lackonetand Swiss Edgings and Inieitings,
Bands and Flouncings,
Embroidered, Hemstieb, and Vririted Bordered
z. ' Hhdf,s„
Insh Linens and Shirtfronts,
A Ngtock. of Richardson's Superior Irish
Ftirridritide Linea Shirt Fronts, ' .„
Blankets, Marseille, Lancaster and Allendale
Quilts, Woolen Coverlets, Comfortables,
Bleached and Brown Linen Table
Cloths from 2 yds. to 4 yds. wide,
Bleekhed and Brown Domes
- 4 tic Table Cloths, Woolen A'
Table Covers, Work
Stand Woolen
Sacking Bottoms, Table Oil Clothes, Stair Oil
Cloths, Crash for Stairs Brown and Bleached
Sheeting. Ilyd. to 3 yds,. wide,
yilloir Case
Muslins,_ Tiekens, Furniture Chintzes and
Cheeks, Towelingh, Bureau Coveii, Bte.,
Looking, Glasols, ajtirge stock„,
Prime Beebe Feathers-300 pounds,
Window Sbade4 a new an:l'Ni assortment,
Window Shades with - Fixture!. '
Embroidered Muslin Window Curtains,.
China, Giese lk queensivare.
China Tea ffetti; gold band; "White Granite
wine, in. new shapes, in Atlf Dinner rind
TearWtsi Pltchdrs, Dishes, Soup
its,, Grades, &c.'; Chamber
d Toilet setts; Table and
..lkir Tunibleis,,,Wige 3r.
Allei-Cliimptigne °Uwe, •
. „Au; snit Cellery •
cA ss a,,
Gobletsi-Pitairfewf Didifes :Fruit Stands, .Cake
Stands, & c., &c.
We inyite, paiticultty A f tlennon to our new
and large stock of Carridino comprising over
ten thoueind yards: '+
Super Brusgls Imperikl,"Threeply,
superfirr fpgrettn,Fino and Medium Ingrain,
eah Ifew Yorkrrateiirinkr
Ear 4r44ll4lsllseitetillh 1.2, 691 f, 3 7 4 3 74
and. t i rd wider
Supeci4De 'es* *Wing,
4( Scotch
Floor Woolen Drumets, from 1 to 3 yds. wide,
Velvet Rugo, Mier Matti,
Foor Oil Cloth , from 1 •yd, to rho ivide, the
latter cut in one,piece to lit a hall,
MatthlPslthedic_. ed and. plain ffoni T 2
• t• . •
A fall ntrliolleagsAll..Glovest
Cloths; 66aWittinnd - Vaitings,
Black alidAkiny laimellench and English
Black ants'AgicrithiperoFLench'itnd Engrg%
The ve ky 41
qty e
Cloths, ,
eV r -lartity of goods
bopos wv4 - • '• • -
: . *.A.A. lot. e F. G 'up E.
. Being' a
_private instrector-for
--.- m ed persona, or those about to be
___ m edx, both male and .female, in ,
. -
~e ng cohcfraing the physiology, , '
lationsof ouraexual sysierti,and ,
thiPptodultiOlt orptiventio. of offspring in
cluding all the new discoveries, never before
given , the Englildi language, by AVM.
'YOUNG& IC D. This , is really .8 valuable
analtitererthig work. It is written M plain
language for the general reader, and is illus
trated with.aumerousengravings. All young
married peopleegr those , contemplating mur
rise, and haying the least irfipedlment4o mar
lied' ilfir;sheuld read 'this book. It , discloses
secrets that every i .pne should be acquainted
with : still it is aliebk that must be locked uPi
and:nettle aboutthe house.*. It will be sent
to 'my one on , ttie:recbipt ef twenty-five cents,
in specie ori stago-litanVs. Addre s s Dr. 1 , 174
YOUNG, d. 416 SpruCe st. above 4th Phil
ad9khias v , ' as. ,, , ,:,;
64Ft/eters AND vittar‘, rt ATE : No mat
ter What "nisibe your disease beforefou plate
yobtseif under the,cani of any . one b the , no
turipilts,quae,ks--:native gr, foreign—who adver
tise In, ibid. orally 'Ott* *Or get i cOpy of
either of 'Di'. Younes'Books, :ad read it care
fully It may be, the mea d 's of saving you
many a dollar, Your Itialthi and a
possibly your
life, . ' . ..,.
Da. YOUNCr canbe Consulted on any of the
diseases described in his publications, at his
office, No. 416 above Fourth. •
' 1 4040 1 1 - 60; '4P l 3lO' ZOO
liyecl tie Town Marietta,
Pitt tindersigne& keying made arreOnrienta
Witit4l. Vermont Marble quarry to get his
'lo:ACk'directitill, be' bttabicet to 410 Kmile of
workin hit linetat verpreasonahle rates.;,,
will keep constantly on hand, or ma de
erderakeditiet atotice, alltki ads of
Maptips, ./119ristmenfs,
I _ l4 itti Grave Mines
"rand. Window Sills, Steps
anti his line of, business mann
factured ~the. Mei& Italian and American
marbles, Whielt4e ;will sell at such prices as ,
c a wai t et fall,to midiet satisfaction, tol 'only asks
fa trial of theAublic
purchasing elac
where, t •
Letter Bitting, Of all kinds done at the abort
est motice and on the mostkreasonahle terms. ;
kj• 4 •Naitini just lattinted Trom the city with'
a nicely selected lot of Ready-made Ctothtitgr
which the ulidersigne4 is prepared to furnish it
red" d prieesi havinglaid in a general assort-
meitt,Ml-mecr and boys' clothing, which he is 1 1
detennined to sell sow, FOR CASH. His stock
cone* OVElaCoVra,_ DIiESS,'FROCK AND
BourtpuotiTh (knit) OVERHAVLS, CRAVATS
GtovEs,,SuarErrasas, &c. Everything in the,:
Furnishing Goods line. Call ti,nd examine be
fore putchaidng elsewhere. Everything sold at
prices to suit the times. JOHN BELL.
Garner of Elboo - Lane to Market 4 St.,
*4,stoor, Ga s sers Store. '
Marian', October s 23,1&.56.
kx . s uit all w'hoiejottfa—
ale aided with gleans,
can,hts.bpvight, at. H. 4. ZAAVS, Cur -
ner of North Queen-st-,, an 4 canter Square,
Lancaster. New 'glasses re f i tted in old frames,
at short notice. [v6-iy
1111 RI k„1 Feathera:- 4 Bales excellent 'live'.
inFiredetttlient for sale in large or small
quantities 1 Apgstgler Patterson.
FOR SALE titEAP : One Night Hawk
and three setta,at Boat Harness. Triv:ire'
at the tore of . J. R. Diffenbach.
STEWART , S New-York Candies, for'sale
at Wotres.
augiqg and Side Lamps,
For &id*
UPERIOR'• CiCiti.t:' . oll4-25 cents a quart
50,000 Copies AlT . 9a.dy Sold!
And Oouncellor in Business.
By FRANK CROSBY, of the Philadetp* B4r
It Tells You How to draw up Partnership
Papers and gives general forms
' for Agreements of all kinds,
Bills of Sale, Leases and Peti
It Tells You Hoy/ to draw up Mortgages and
Bends, Affidavit!, Powers of
Athirney, Notes and Bills of
Exchange, Receipts and Re
It Tells You The Laws for the Collection of
Debts, with the Statues of Lim
itation, and aniount and kinds
of Property Exempt , from Ex
ecution in every State.
It Tells You How to make an Assignment
properly, with forms for COM
position with' Creditor), and
the Insolvent, Laws of every
It Tells You Thp Legal:relktlons exititing be
tiveen Guardian and Ward,
Master and Apprentice, and .
A , Landlord and Tenant:
It Tells You 'What constitutes Libel and.Slan-.
- der; and the Law as tdllatti
age Dower, the wife(' Right
in Property, Divorce and :Al
' mony.
It Tells You The Law `for Mechanics' Liens
in every State, and the Natur
alization Laws of this countr3r,
andohow to comply with'the,
ft . Tells You The Law Concerning Pensions
andhowto obtain one, and the
Pre-Rhaption Laws to Public
R Tells You The Law of Patents, with mode
of prodedure in obtaining one, ,
with Interferences, Assign
ments and Table of Fees'.
It Tells You 'BM to make your Will,,and
• how to Administbr on an Es
fate, with the law and the re
quirements thereof in every
• State.
It Tells" You The meaning of% Law Terms in
general use" and, explains to
you the Legislative, Executive
and Judicial Powers of both
the General and State,Govern
It Tells You How to-keep out of. Lair, by '
"gowing-how to do your busi
, • 'less legally, thus saying a vast
amount of property and vexa
tious litigation, by its timely
Sihgle copies will be sent by mail, postage
paid, to Every Farmer, Every Mechanic, Eve
ry Man' of BusinesS, atid-Every body in Every
State, on receipt of $l.OO, or in law style ,of
binding at $1.25.
1000 A YEAR can bd
bperitermising men every where, in selling the
'above work, as our inducements to all such are
,Very liberal- • • • •
For single copies of the Book, or for terms to
agents with other information, apply to or ad
No. 617 Sansom•Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
,Containing Simple ReneedieS; easily oignined,
For the Cure of Diseases in ali Forma.
By Prof Henry- S. Taylor, ,1
It Tells You Bow to stteadmpon the sick, and
liow to cook for them • how to
prepare. Drinks, Poultices, &c.,-
and-hew to guard against in-..
fection. from Contagious. Dis
It Tells You .Of. the various diseases of Chß
_ dre% and gives the best and
simplest .mode _ of treatment
during Teething,•ConvAlsions,
Vaccination, Whooping-cough
-• Measles, &e.
4lt Tells You 'The synciPtons of Croup, Cholera
Ipfantum, C o Diarrhoea,
Worm's ' Scalledtead;' Ringt
worm, Chicken-pox, tkc,, and.
Sty” you the best remedies for
their Cure.
11 Tells you , The BymptomagFoyekaud
Yellow, Typhus,
• *Scarlet arid other •Fevers, and
. • • gives yowthe beat and simplest
remedies for their cure.
It Tells You The symptoms of Influenza, Con
sumption, Dyspepsia, Asthma,
Dropsy, Gout, Rheumatism,
Lumbago, Erysipelas, &c., and
• • gives you the best remedies for
their. cure.
It Tells Yost 4 l'lie simploms of Cholera Mor-
Vas, Malignant Cholera, Small
pox Dysentary, tramp, Dis-,
erikes Of .the Bladder, Kidneys
and Liver, and the best reme
dies for' their cure.
It Tells You The ityriaptomrs of Pleurisy, Neu
. , .
Taiga. Mumps Apoplexy, Par
• 2 - t
alysi „a the various Diseases of
the Throat, Teeth, Ear and
Eye, and the best remedies for
their cure. - ,
Tells" You The best and simplest treatment
for Waids, - Broken Bones
CX°.tindfDialbcation, Sprawl, fife.•
vet Sores,, Lockjaw, White
Swellings, Ulcers, Whitlows,
toils, Scurvy,•Burns and Scrof
• ula.
It Tells You Of the various diseases peculiar
• • to-Women, and givirethet best
and simplest remedies fortheir.
cure, together with many val
; • iiable hints for the preservation
'of the health.:; A
The Work is written in plain language, free
from medical terms, sous to be easily under
stood, whilelts simple recipes may . soon save
you many times the _cost of the. Book. It is
printed in a clear and open typb • is illustrated
with a'ppropr '
iate engravings, and Will be for
warded to your addreSs,neatly bound and past,
lien paid, on receipt of 11l 00.
$lOOO A YEAR M t i n s
by enterprising men evetywhete=in selling - The
above work ' as onfinducemetits ' to all such are
very liberal.. Forilingleceplea of the Book, or foT terms to
agehts with other Information, apply to or ad
dress JOHN E. POTTER, PuuLfsara,
No. 617 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa.
CO M E TO ANDERSON'S where will be
found the largest and best nssortment of
Confectionaries, Fruits, Toys & Fancy Articles
eyy,r offered in this place, consisting in part of
New Raisins,Cranberries,Currants,Figs, Dates,
Prunes, Iceland'Moss Paste, Gum Drops,Hour
bound & Flaxseed Clindh Cough proPs:
pepper Ca.ndy, Preserved. Fruit,Gum Fruit, Fig
Oriental Pressed Pigs,. Cream Bonbons,
Jolly Lumps, Fine Vanilla Almonds, Cream
Strawberries, Jujulie PasteOtook Candy,, Wis
tar's Cough Candy, Walnut Candy, Maple,
Strawberry and -Gum Taffy, Fruit Candy and
candies of every quality and price. Dates,
Almonds; Apples, Citron, Cranberries, Lemons,
Mince Meat, Sugar Toys, Cocoa Nuts, French
Walnuts,Hazel and. Peanuts, Water, Sugar,Fa,
rine, Soda, Fennel and Butter Crackers,Tea
Biscuit.andllumbles. ICrWoodett, Tin, ead,
Chloe and -Paper Toys, , Dolls of every sage
and material Black and White. Animals of
every description, Tea setts, Furniture setts,
Villages, Trumpets, Violins, Guitars, Drums,
&c.,. &c., &c.,.&c., .Velocipedes, Hobby
Horses, Wheel Barrows, Sleighs, Children's
&c.. Also,' a good assurtmentrof Writing'
Paper, Cards, Foolscap, Letter, Note and GiltA
edged pater, Tissue - paper of assorted colors,-
Envelopes, &c.,.&c., for sale cheap at
' J. M. ANDERSON'S, No.sBMarket-st.,
Superior Old Brandy, Old Rye Whiskey,
nd Gin, Old Maderia, Lisbon, Sherry and
Port Wines. •
Pittsburg' Whiskey always• on hand at the
lowest market prices. J. R. DIFFENBACH
BOHLEN'S long celebrated GIN,
GREEN APF/ . .ES, - from-the South, _
at Wolfe's
®THE I, r • VAs
THESE MEDICINES have now been before
the public for a period of thirty years, and
during that time have maintained a high char
acter in almost every part of the Globe, for
their extraordinary and immediate power of
restoring perfect "health to persons suffering
tinder 'nearly every kind of disease to which
the human fraine is liable.
The following are among the distressing va
riety tf Miman diseases in which the
Are well known to be infallible
DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the
first and second stomachs, and creating a Row
ofpure, healthy bile, instead of the stale and
Acrid kind; FLATULENCY, Loss of Appe
tite, Heartburn, Headache, Restlessness, 11l-
Temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy,
which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia,
Will vanish, as a natural consequence of its
OOSTIVENESS, by cleansini the whole
lenth of the intestines with a solyent process,
and withmit violence; all Violent-purges leave
the bowels costive within two days.
FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood
to a regular circulation, through the process of
prespiration in such cases, and the thorough
solution of all intestinal obstntetiOn in others.
The Life Medicines have been known to cure
RHEUMATISM permanently in three weeks,
and GOUT in -half that time, by removing lo
cal inflammation from the muscles and . liga
ments of the joints.
• DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing and
strengthening the kidneys and bladder; they
operate most delightfully on these important
organs, and hence have ever been found a cer
tain remedy for the worst cases of GRAVEL.
Also WORMS, by dislodging from the turn
ings of the bowels the slimy matter to which
these creatures adhere.
„ .
SORES, by the.perfect purity which these Life
Medicines give tothe blood, and all the humors.
plexions, by their alterative effect upon the
fluids that feed the skin and the morbid state
of which occasions all eruptive complaints,
sallow, cloudy, and other disagreeable com
The use of these Pills for a very 'short time
will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM,
and a striking improvement in the clearness of
the skin- COMMON COLDS and INFLU
ENZA will always be cured by one dose, or by
two in the worst cases.
PILES.—The original proprietor of these
Medicines, was cured of Piles, of 35 years.
Standing,by the use of the Life Medicines alone.
FEVER AND AGUE.—FOr this scourge of
the Westem-countryg these Medicines•willlte
found a safe, speedy, and certain remedy.—
Other medicines have the system subject to a
return of the disease—a cure - by these Medi
cines is permarient-,-,trY them, be satisfied, and
be cured.*
PLAlNTS.—GenerarDebility, Loss of Appe
tite, and Diseases of Females—the Medicines
have been used with the most beneficial results
in cases of this descripiion :—Kings 'Evil, and
Scrofula, in its worst forms, yields to the mild
yet powerfullaction of thestremarkable Med
icines. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Ner
vous Complaints of - all kinds, Palpitation of
the Heart, Painters'' Colic, Eire speedily cured.
constitutions have bdeomtiMpaiied by the in
judicious use of Mircury, will And these Med
icines a perfect cure, as they neverfail to erad
icate from the system, all the effects of. Med
cury, infinitely sooner than the most peiverful
preparations of Sarsaparilla. Prepared and
sold by W. B. MOFFAT,
' ' -335 Broadway, New York.
most elaborate and noted work of Art ever
painted by an gmerican Artist is the "Coma
OF. DEavnt," by REmmtaNzer' PEALE. This
painting oovers 312 square feet of-eanvass
contains 23 Life Size Figures, end has never
been valued at less than
25,006 DOLLARS.
It has been gazed ulion with admiration and
delight by tens of, thousands. The subsaiber
has ptirchased thipninting, and issued a splen
did ' .
Of it, presenting a perfect Facsiinile Copy of the
original painling, with all its beautiful colors.
The size of the Engraving is 23 by 31 inches,
and the price (sl : yfor which it is offered, is
only one-fifth the usual price of similar works
—lOO,OOO being issued instead of 5,000, the
usual nuMber.• • The home of every fabily in
theoland, should be adorned with this picture,,
as besides its r hauty as an ornament, the ;mason
it teaches, illustrating the evils of Intemperance
and War, and the end:of a goqd—a Christian
Life, are invaluable. Mr. PEALE says of the
Engraving: "I can certify that it is an accu
rate and admirable copy of the Original Pant
ing." Testimonials without number, have
been received from distinguished Clergymen
in praise of the Engraving. Many who receive
it, say they would not part with it for ten times
its cost, ifthey could not procure linother.
Clergymen and Church Societies •supplied in
quantities of not less than 20 copies at a time,
on very liberal terms. '
Terms for 1 copy, $1 and , f letter stamps; or'
5 copies for $4 without stamps, '.Fora letter
of Agency stating special terms, and 1 copy,.
$1 and 6 letter stamps,. sent in Strong rolls by
return mail, with a description. IF$4 or more
is sent in a letter, get a draft, or have the letter
registered. Write the Name, Town, County
and State. plainly. Address
. . G. Q. COLTON:, -
Box 3391. No. 37 Park Row, New-Yorks
No. 3-13 t.
I have a recipe for making Sugar from the
uice of the Chinese Sugar tane, which I will
send'poet paid, to apy part of the United States
on-receipt of $l 'm coin or pilstage stamps..,
I obtained this recipe front China, .(at a cost ;
of $25) in ISSS, and have tried it fortwo years
and find-that it is all that was claimed for it.-
• Box 418 Clarksburgh, Harrison Go:, W.'
s3' Any newspaper publishing this 3 monits
and sending me ,a marked copy with the bill
enclosed, I will, remit- the amount. I wish to
advertise in all the.papers in the Union.
Jan. 81-3 ml JONATHAN S. KIDD.
subscriber, for several years a resident of Ase
discovered whilethere 3 a simple vegetabl
remedy—a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma
Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and Nervou,s,debility
For the benefit of Consumptives and Nervous
sufferers, he is willing to make the same public.
To those who desire it, he will send the pre
scription, with full directions, free of charge,
Plso a sample of the medicine, which they will
find a beautiful combination of Nature's sim
ple herbs. Those desiring the remedy can ob
tain it by return mail, by addressing
J. E. CUTHBERT, Botanic Physician.
April 14-3m] No. 429 Broadway, N. Y
WARD; Manufacturer and Dealer - in
STRAW' Go(nls,,
103, 105 and. 107 North Second Street,
We are now receiving our. Spring stock r which.
will comprise a large and desirable assortment
of all kinds of
Our stock 'of Flowers and _Ruches will bemn
nsuallylarge this season, and wc-woulainyite
especial attention to that department.
Please call and examine them 'before making
your parchases. H. WARD,
Nos. 103, 105 and 107 N. 2d-st•, Philadelphia.
SILVERWARE at H. L. 4r E. J. Zaion , s
Corner Nortlr Center Square.
Lancaster, Pa. . Spoons, Knives, Forks,, Gob-Ml,
iets, Napkin Rings, Chains,, &c., made
to our own order and warranted-tb be standard
silver. 'Any. article made to order suit cus
tomers. Old silver taken in exchange for goods
or purchased for cash.
MITE Largest and best assortment of - Fancy
Cloth & Cassimerea and vesting ever offered
in this market and will be sold at prices which
defy competition by J. R. Piffenbach. ,
CO N STA NTLI on handAionSiilgahela rec
tified Whiskey. . Benjamin t¢ Co.
FOOD'S Liait Restorativelst
MOFFA - 1 -7 8
S. S. Rathvon,.
Merchant 7ailor, Draper and Clothier,
AVAILS himself of this opportunity of an
nouncing to the citizens of Marietta and
vicinity, and his friends and the public in gen
eral, that he has taken the old stand of the late
F. J. Kramph, where he has been employed
for the last ten years, and intends continuing
the Merchant Tailoring Clothing business in all
lits various branches, and hopes that a
course of strict fidelity to his patrons m'ay
merit a reasonable share of their confi-t
dente and support. In addition to a complete
Gentlemens Furnishing Goods,
He will constantly endeavor to provide a good
assortment of French, German and American
Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings,
which will be promptly made to order in a sub
etantial and fashionable manner, or according
to such styles as to his patrons may be most
.desirable. The Foreign and American Fall
and Winter Fashions received, in addition to
the monthly reports which come to hand reg,a
larly throughout the year.
The agency for the order on sale of Tames
W. Scott's (formerly Winchester Sc Scott's)
celebrated Patent Shoulder-seam Shirts still
continued and properly attended to.
S. S. B. would be doing violence to his own
feelings and to the just deserts of his friends in
Marietta, were he here to omit returning . his
sincere thanks for the many acts of kindness
they have extended towards him during a long
series of years, and hopes his future efforts
may not render him unworthy a continuance
of the same. [v7-1:
,Olze ,Tan_ca_atei heaft
North Queen Street, near the EXEIId-
incr. & Herald Office.
B 0 0 K , STORE
has availed himself of the opportunity to pur
chase a large stock of the most varied assort
ment of valuable books of every class and de
scription. He now offers to the public the same
at"proportionably and unusually Low rates.
Those in want of valuable standard works,
for ;the improving of a well' selected library,
will find it to their great advantage to call and
examine the extensive stock on hand. My ob
ject and wish is, as it always was, to supply
the wants of the community with anything in
my line on the most reasonable terms possible.
This we find the better and most advantageous
course far all 'parties: The Political Econo
mist tells us, "cheaper an article is, the more
it can and will be used:" Then the conclusion
is; that when we buy cheap, we must sell
cheap', simply allowing ourselves a reasona
ble profit. -
I would call especial attention to my large
assortment of Sunday School Books on hand,
pf every variety wanted for the use of Sunday
Schools and sell all at Sunday School Union
prices. 'I :have the agenciesfor the publica
tions of the American Sunday School Union;
American Tract Society, Methodist Book and
Tract Society. Also, the Lutheran, Presbyte
rian,,Episcopal and other denominations are
kept On hand.
Those .irs want 9f a neat and cheat Quarto
Family Bible, will find it to their advantage
to call and examine at
the largest stock on hand, ranging form One,
to Twenty-five Dollars.
I Before purchasing elsewhere, call and exam
ine the large and cheap stock of
. Successor to Murray, Young & Co
• 4 4
Coughs and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma,
Difficulty in Breathing, Palpitation of_
The Heart, Diptheria, and for
The relief of patients
together with all 'Diseases of the Throat and.
Chest, and which predispose to Consumption.
It is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure of
Asthma. Being prepared hy a practical phys
ician and druggist, and one of great experience
in the cure of the various diseases to which the
human,frame is liable.
It is offered tile afflicted with the great
est confidence. TRY IT and be, convinced that
it is invaluable in'the cure of - Broncliial aim
tions. lia•Priter. FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE.
Prepared only by Da. A. ESENWEIN 3t CO._,
Poplar Streets, Philadelphia.
icr Sold by every respectable Druggist and
Dealer in Medicines thrliughout the State.
April 7, 1860-Iv.
Tir. undersigned having leased the, above
named old establshed Ferry and Hotel, in
Hallam: Township, York county, opposite the .
borough of Marietta, where he is prepared to
entertain the, public at his bar and table with
the best the market affords. He, would very
respectfully inform the traVeling imblic that
having obtained
and efficient ferrymen, and is now fully prepi •
red to accommodate persons wishing to cross
the Susquehanna with vehicles or otherwise
without delay or detention. JOHN NOEL.
October l, 18d9. ly
Fashionable Tailors & Drivers,
Opposite A. Ca.ssePs store, Market street,
THE undersigned having associated them
selves into a co-partnership, would here
by, inform their old patrons and the piibic
generally, that they will continue the
Fashionable Tailoring Business
at the old stand, adjoining Dr. Hinkle's Drug
Store;Ma r ket street. Having a fine stock of
"Cloths, ensihoes &Deslipp,
whieh they will dispose of and "make up" on
reasonable terms. Being determined to give
satisfaction, they would respeCtfally ask a con
tinuation of past favors.
Christian Plumb,
Nathan. Dyer.
.63'.Gutting done at short notice.
Marietta, Sep. 10; 1859.-tf
NITALL PAPEAS.—We have received our
V I V second supply froni the New York and
Philadelphia manufactories. .Purchasers can
rely upon the newest styles, which will be
told unusually low. at I. R. Diffenbach's
ADIES REMEMBER.—That a large lot
LgSpiendid Shawls and Dress• Goods, of every
grade to suit the grave and - gay f have just been
placed upon th - e counters of SPANGLER & Par=
PERSON, No. 66 Market-st.
BOOTS AND SHOES—Agreatvariell is ... l
ty of fashionable -Boottioand , Shoes ofilli,
kinds and styles, which will be sold at nity
prices by J R. Diffenbach.
.. ,
RINN ELS Glycerine Soap,
• . Frangipani Exttact,
and an assortment of Soaps, nevi perfumery, tire.
Ust received DR. lIINKLE'S.
RESH Oranges and teroonh: 500' ,„
E.Cocoa Nuts; 3 Frails New Dates- French
Chocholate, sweet, and Prunes, at Wolfe's.
CHAMPAGNIE. and other Table
j guarranteed to be pure, and sold aglow as
can be bought in Philadelphia or New-York.
for. culinary purposes, warranted genuine
at H. .D.. Benjamin er Co's.
TATIONARY—the largest assortment in
0 town' at•Grone 84.
Family Drag Store, It
Market Street, Marietta, Pennsylvania.
THE subscriber having just returned from
the city with the most complete and beauti
ful assortment of everything in his line ever
offered in this Borough. He has purchased
another supply of PURE AICD FRESH DRUGS,
which can be.depended on for what they are
represented, having received his personali
attention in the selection. In addition to
his Drugs will be found a nicely selected
lot of all kinds of TOILET AND FANCY
ARTICLES, of every kind and every price,
consisting impart of German, French and Eng
lish perfumery, Shaving Soaps and Creams,
Tooth and Nail Brushes, Buffalo and other Hair
COMBS, Nair Oils, Pomades, etc., etc.
Port Monnaies, and Pocket Books, Pen
Knives, Puff Boxes and Powder, filler's
Water-proof , pat tallacking, for preserving the
eather, etc., etc. FLUID AID PINE OIL,
always fresh and for sale very - cheap.
LAMPS., LAMPS.—A large assortment of
all kinds of LAMPS. Dyott's Patent Salety
Fluid Lamps and Cans, for which Dr. H. is sole
agent. These Lamps and Cans should be in
every family that use burning fluid.
' Old Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines and
Brandies for.medical purposes. 1
The justly celebrated Batchelor's HAIR Dye.
DeCosta's and other Tooth Washes, India Cola
gogue, Barry's Tncoperoni, for the hair, Biy
Rum, Arnold's Inks large and small sized bot
tles, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Flour of
Rice, Corn Starch, Hecker's Farina, all kinds,
of pure 'Ground Spices, Compound Syrup, of
Phosphate, or Chemical fond, an excellent ar
tical for cronic dyspepsia- and a tonic in Con
sumptive cases, Rennet, fOr coagulating milk,
an excellent preperation for the table; Table
Oil—v,ery fine—bottles in two sizes. Pure. Cod
Liver Oil. All of Hael's perfumery, pomades,
soaps, &c. His Kathaikon or Hair Restorative
s now everywhere acknowledged the best.
Partidular attention will be paid and great
caution observed in compounding Physicans
prescriptions with accuracy. Dr. IL, will al
ways be found in the Store unlessprofessionally
wngaged elsewhere. '
The Hermitage Hotel,
Lower Railroad Station Marietta Pa.
HE undersigned would most respectful* ,
inform his friends and the public that he
has leased the above named old and. well
known hotel, and is now prepared to accom
modate all who may feel disposed to patronize
him, being determined to leave nothing undone
on lis part to merit, and hopes to receive, a
Mare of public patronage. -•
Good Stabling attached. •
March 10;1860
WODM,.respeetfully inform. the citizens of- this
'borough and neighborhood that he has just re
turned from the city, where he purchased ti.first
rate stock of BOOTS & SHOES, of great vari'
ety of style and fashion, for. Ladies, Gentlemen.
and Childrens , wear, which he is determined
to sell at very low prices.
Z. also makes to order, at short notice,
everything in - the Boot and Shod line: ' , His
shop is on Front street, nearthe f , Lower.Rtiilr
road Station," and nearly opposite Cassel's
Hotel. [March 31-30' '
XECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters Testa.
mentaty on the Estate .if WM. DIY,
Late of the, Borough of Marietta, deceased,
jiave been panted to the subscriber, all per
sons indebted to Baia estate are requested to
make immediate ,payment, and those having
claims or demands against the said estate will
make known the lame without delay. '
March 24-6 t.
Marietta. Lancaster Co., Pa,
THOMAS C. CHILI?, Aar., has constantly
on baud, or to order, au
kinds of SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Shutters,
ete. All orders addressed to MEM%
Hourz'llz Co., for any Of the above articles, or,
for Bill Stuff, Timlier Girders, Lath, Pickets,
Pales Shingling Lath, Floor Boards, Weather
Boarding, - White' Pine Shingles, or Lumber will
ohm's meet with prompt attention, and be sup
plied on as favorable terms as from any other
astablishment in the courigY• • ' •
.liberal discount off for cash.
THE' . 11111P.RICAN WATCH.. •-•
THE American Watches are among the best
timekeepers now in use, and for durability
strength and, simplicity far surpass any other
watch made in the world.' '
H. L. t E. .T. Z A HM
Corner of North Queen-st., , and Centre. Square
Lancaster, , Pa., have them for sale at the hers,
lowest rates—every watch accompanied with
the manufacturert guattatitee to-ensure itb Sell
' AGEO. - •
,O N
FRONT ST,B.EET, ,No. 101, Itas con
k.) stand). on hand a superior quality of
Gro'ceries, Stigardr, Coffees, Syrups; Molasses,
Teas, Spices, Candles ` , Soaps, Qpeensvare,
Crockeryware; Nails, Spikes, Brooms,
Buckets Brushes Fish, ..13.pc0n,.
Lard, Buckwheat and Wheatx
• - Flour, Cornmeal, Iftc.,F i sc. •
Persons wishing fresh GROCERIES cap rely
on getting them Cheap • for cash.
N. B.—All kipds of • Country produce taken
in exchange for goods. . '
Marietta, October 30;1858 25. '
' ARTIVRSHIP.—George M. Steinman &
• Chas: F. Reng ier, being the' firm of GEO.
M. STEINMAN & CO., have this Gay, Mken
into partnership ISAAC DILLER, who has
beer engaged with them more than I 2 years.
Thankful for the very liberal - patronage they
have heretofore received from their friend.s and
the public, they trust by this change to merit a
continuance of the same.
July 23,.3t.
NOTICE. Letters of Administration upon
the Estate of Jacob Kline, late of the bo
rough o`f Marietta;deeeased, having been gran
ted to the undersigned, he hereby requeatt-all
persons indebted to said estate to make imme
diate payment, and those havitig claims upon
the same to present limn duly autheriticatiutto
April 14, 1860-6t] CONRAD IL MARKS.
SUVERIOR. COAL OIL. lust 'received sr
Dr. Hinkle's Drug Store, a yery stmerio
article of Kerosene, or Coal Oil, winch is wars
ranted pure, and is as clear and transparent at
burning fluid, and free from smoke or smell.
COAL OIL LAMPS: Just received a, new
and large' siortment of neW-stile 'OW
OiLLampk-,—superionto Anything nowiguse,
andcheaper than they can be bought in town.
AMPS! LAMPS! SHADES, &C. L undersigned- has received another lot of
Fluid. and Coal Oil ramps, and Lamp Shades
of every variety and'price. t'-Call and see them
at Dr. ilinkle's Drug Store. „ .
ATTNTION! HoUsekeepers. Anderson
'has just reediVed Apples,' Oranges', &ik
ons, Figs, Dates,•Pzuens i Citron, BA/01W Cur
rants, &c., &c., Fresh and fide—cheap, and
cheaper than the cheapest at Anderson's.
' Something Entirely New!
AT VERY Low ,?iijaF., •
Warranted to give satisfogionh,
Oct. 15.
„ •
TEA and Dinner Setts.—Severab crateep
new style Queensware, beautiful in 4 the
design, in full Dinner or Tea Setts, and at re
duced prices Spangler If Patterson's,
GROCERIES: A lot of prime Groceries
just received and for sale cheap. at
BUGGY and Sleigh BLANKETS of various
styles and at much lower prices than the
same grades were sold last fall..
Spongier al- Patterson.
LEMONS—New Crop kebob Lemons jest'
received •and for sale at WOLFE'S.,
Looking Glass and Picture Frame
THE.SUBSCR It 188 respectfully informs the
Citizens of Marietta and vicinity, that he
has opened an eitablisliiiient 'for the anti
suture of every description of
Pier, Mantel, Oval and
Square Mirror Fraines,
Portrait , and PholograpA
Square and Oval Frames,
n t
of all sizes, plain and orroktoe at, 'wholesale
and retail. Pictures and' Looking Glasses
framed to.order in Gilt, Lacquered, Rosewood
and Mahogany moulding- A. large assprtment
of plain and colored 'Engravingi; Pictures and
Varnish for Grecias, Borontista Potiehomenia
and Diaphania painting—Oil and Water colors,
Canvass, Drawing papers, Pistil' Crayons and
Boards; Sabel and Caniel hairArlialtes; Cray
ons and Drawing pencils, with every,other ar
ticle used in Driewing and . Painting: -
Agency for the American , Companea Stereo
scopes and Steoscopic viewsr7plain an co,lored.
Old Frames regilt, reidderimg"themkAtial to
new, at less than Philadelphia:prices.'
WM. A. .114INITUt,
near the Colter of North Quem,
April 23, 1859
3SALTLIETEA,^iii. , :•" %- "
FFERS his profespiofutteeryces to the
IL/ public and will be bliPpy`to wallim all who
may patronizerhim: -Dentistry in all
is fa Z 6 ;- its .o
branchesuarried n.
TEETIS inserted on the most ap
proved principles of Dental science. All oper
ations on the mouth, performed in a skillful
and workmanlike manner—on fair principles
and reasonable terms. ; Having . determined
upon a permanent location in this borough, at
the old stand, would ask a continuance of the
liberal patronage heretofdreMutended to him ;
having studied under a celplputed graduate of
the Philadelphia Collegef - Derital Surgeons,
feels confident to be able to render satisfaction
in all branches of the profession.
Refers to Dr. R. L. McClellan, D. D. S.
Dr. H. B. Dunlap, D.: D. S.
F. Hinkle,,M, D. -
3. H. Grant," AV D.
Smith Armor, M. D.
113" Ether administeredito proper persons.
topher Columbus Amid, h i.Crew.
This Beautful Engraiing 'Was designed by
MIMICS, one• of the-mtlatocelebrated artists
that ever lived ; the.cost of 4 the original design
and plate being over 'sBooo, size 22 by 29 in
ches. k.I
. The Philadelphia Daily News,..ays t "the
mere 'nominal sum asked for the engraving, is
a suilleient. indueementfor OVrionsto ph rehase
without the additionstgift„?,
To be given to the purchasers. For full par
ticulars, send for a 8i11...
1 Cash, $5,000 e 5 Cash, $3OO
1 Calehi $3,00'0 - 11) $3OO
1 Casb, • s2,ooCre $250
1 cash,, $1,500,- 10 cash,, $2OO
Asti, 'sl,ooo''' "10 $lOO
casb, $5OO 10 . cashi $5O
1 cash, $5OO 100O,cash, $5OOO
'4 cash, s3oo' - 2000 ail]; $5OOO
Together with a great variety :o5 other-val
uable Gifts, varying ma value from 50 cents to
25 dollars.
Any person eneloain ;is' &letter $1 and five
3 cent Postage Stamps . 1.0 pay for postage and
Roller) Shall receive; rend'r of mail, the
magiiiticbist Engraiing-of - -C.bristoptier Colum
tins, f and one of tbese valuable Gifts as per
Bill.) '
Address all orders for Billmortßogravings to
P,. S, 1 - I.ERL4 DI E ,Sc CO.,
' ' lloit"181 - 2, Philaderphia, Pa.
N_ s the Tints to ,logy. ifery
. Cheap at
Markel :Street Marietta Pa
. .
AirmLEß . sr. SNAMERAkivingjustreceived
large assortinept l of all kings of new and
Fashio - nable Chithing.
-; , •
And Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods
generally, all of wbich they will sell at prices
to suit the times."Walribt Hall can'now offer
the,largest and best assortnient of.„
this side of Philadelphia ; and belig . thankful
faipait favOrifroriNkir numerous fnends and
customers, would respectfully ask a Continua
tion of the same.
AA kinds ,of clething manufactured in any
style desired-L-fashionabte 'or *in::
. rrtmi kinds.of. Cutting done at shortnotice.
.." 4 '..I s IZI ,47. D.,Mtf iI L E E R IZ . ,
April 14, 1360.. - '
A BeneWeAtiriirtifutioit attgblUhed by
sPeca.alsna°°, 4 .491:(4e.Reliefpf,lhet5ick and
Distressed, ajl 4 cted with Virulent Oa Epidemic
Diseases and' estrecialli thrtifre of Diseases
of. the„Se:riwil4rsas.,, Madinat, advice given
gratis,'by the Acting Surgeon, to,all who apply
by letter, with g)deleriptioir of Weircondition ,
.(age, occupatigo vz,lifpi,Ae.,) and in
'cases of extreme poverty. medic furnished
free of char,g e.
'Valuable Repoits on SPeirilatiifilicea and
other Diseases:rof,flie .Sexual - Organs, and on
the New Remedies etn_ppyed in _the Dispensary
sent to the aflffetect-ifi sealed letter envelopes,
free of charge.mifto or three- postage stamps
will be accetal:Oe to pre-pay postage.
Address, DA: E.SkiLLIN IfotroliTott,'"Acting
Surgeon, How - di r Association, :No. ,2 South 9th
St., Philadelphia.. By order of tbe,Ditectors.
EZRA WilEAß:TWP.LL,'Preircient.
Sew f lanilly Veal Yarci.
c kEkVER*Itti f n
e 'I ..
'vier 'offered in this com
munity! - -'
Thelsubscriberlittiing hairinoletermined . to
give, his, attentlon „xclusively to the is - prepared`to ofiey_FreatOducements to
persons , iVithltilito secure their winter fuel.
His stock,is,inede,up,of thefolOwing varieties
of FAMILY liaflL:
Sham° re.d Mb; Shamcrkini , white ash,
Treverton, gimy , ash, .11a1timoro company,
- Locust . Mduntain, •
all ofrwhichttie; will sell" aP-the'vci3 - lowest
figures for cash. Ile if, alsovtepared to sell by
the - boat load; at fir4Ccoltp . and will, in an ea
ses, guarranteef•grosii weight Limebumers
and others , buying coalby.the cargo will find it
to their.. adytu)tage. to,give! him a call before
purchasing , elaewhere. THOMAS ZELL.
• Marietta; Nil. 10, 1859-IBtf
B poics. BOOKS ! ! AND
IVkirreltEllP AT DR. HINKLE'S.
Dl l l F. P./ NKLE having just returned
fronl.PhiladVplas where he selected a
ver'y ate Asortident of all kinds - of
to which he would respectfully-invite the atten
tion 'of School' Directors, Teachers, Parents,
Schularsrand{ Ohara it want of any kind of
gOaltS, Magazines, Mammoth Weeklies, the .
Darlies,_ , Stationary of every kind, and price,
and is 9ictpecTthing in the
Book and Stationary line.
A nice colicction of Music on hand, .and a
catalogue of 'all the music published, from
which sereCtilina can be ifiade affd - oidered. -
Anything hisline not on hand will be-or
dered, and-044w in a few days.
SawlAtilbtand Lumber Yard,
ONSTANTLY on hand a full assortment
of, all, kinds of. Seaspned Lumber, which he
0 b ra at reasonable prices.
- BOards,'Plank, Joist, Scantling,
''• -- , Hafters, , Laths, Shingles,
. ! :Paiit, tc., 6-C. 2 . 6i*C-
All orders attended to with dispatch.
Marietta, April 11, 1854.-tf. ' . '
NFiGS; Raisins and Currant% at Jas
M. AitelenarPs, Market-st.