The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, September 01, 1860, Image 3

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    gije Yatal
aLucclatt, ,I'eliternitee- 1, 18"60
LiNcoLN Cum : A meeting of the
friends of Lincoln, Hamlin and Curtin
was held in the Town Hall on Wednes•
day evening last for the purpose of form
ing a "Lixcomi CM," at which the Rev.
A. B. Grosh was called to the chair and
Capt. Samuel D. Miller, Levi Boughter,
S. S. Nagle, James Mehaffey and B. F.
Hiest and were chosen Vice Presidents
and F. L. Baker, Abraham Sammy and
A. H. Musselman, Secretaries, where
upon motion, the following committee
was appointed to report permanent offi
cers : Levi Boughter, C. C. P t . Grog',
James Mehaffey, G. H. Ettla and ]avid
During the absence of the committee
the president entertained the meeting
with a few desultory ren:!arks Upon_ the
work necessary to be performeil and the
duty of every friend of the cause during
the coming campaign, upon the conclu.
sion of which the committee•on_perma.
nent organitation made the folloWing
Vice Presidents,
Levi Boughter i
Samuel G. ?Cher i
Simon Groh.
Recording Secretaries,'
F. L. Baker„
Abraham &rainy:
Corresponding Secretary,.
Geo. H. Ettla.
James Mehaffey
After the appointment of a committee,
consisting of F. L. Baker, Gen:H. 'Ettla
and James AI ehafrey, to draw iip a Con
stitution and By-LaWs to be submitted
to the Club at its next meeting on. Sat
urday evening, geptembst 1, the meeting
We learn that the People's State Own-
Mittee have determifted,to Sall a Grand
State Mass Meeting of the friends of
Lincoln, Hamlin and Cuistin, at LaIICII9-
ter, on Wednesday, the 19th of-Septem
boa, at which a number of th4i Most dis
tinguished speakers of this, and other
States will deliver Addrekies. Col. Cur
tin will eertaittly be there, and Bon.
Hannibal LYirtan'' Triiin.
bull, Hon. Themes Corwin, son. Sohn
Sherman, and others, are - confidently ex
pected. Mr. McClure, the, Chairman of
the State Committee, la nei`vieceirespond.
ing with the gentlomert is t xtrtid: to at
tend, and in a foiti , days AO ofeidiat an
nouncement will be madge The Wide .
Awakes aro expected Co titteCtd.from evz
ery part of the State, atid'tbeY *ill have
a torchlight protesslon in :the e rening.
Itscursion tickets will be isarced on all
the railroads. Altogether, ibis- demon.
stration promises to be the :gitind meet
ing of the friends of Free Labor ,iti ant.
Urtion. Daniel lallman, t.lO, Aufeti
can candidate for GoVernor in bleittork
in 1854, and one of the leading Fillmore
men in 1856, will speak in favor of Lin
coln, Hamlin and Curtin at AltnOtia, on
Monday evening, September ffel
lidayaborg ma eVetiing, Septem
bet-4, in Lancaster city on .VirednesdaYi
September D, at Norrisicron on•Thtfraday
evening, September 6, and Slttv
ovgli on Friday evening neat.
61-Don't forget the meeting ,of the
"Lincoln Club" at the Town Hall this
evening. Arrangements aive to be pet- .
rented for the ""ellinwn Dernotistratioo. i '
Let every fried of ptoteetfon
groond. Let nothfag be lefttahlone to
give lifr. Iffttnatt a fitting reception,
which he will amply repay in a speech
of great force and argument. ;Come one
—come aft to the Town Ilan, to-night.
lerlf you want gond Cigars and 'rci
bacco, go to Harty Wolfe's, .ffr. Wis
ner's, or Jas. I. Artderson's, for they are
the only places that are advertised 'add
hence the only places worthy of patron
age. Wisner's opposite the Cr' Bs hag's
Hotel, Wolfe's Notion goose, d
Anderson's Confectionary, are on Mar
ket street. See advertisements.
Or 'We were shown on Friday of fast
week some very fine, large aniiripe '"la
abella" and " Early Blue " grapes grown
in the garden of Mr. John Doppler of.this
borough; also, -three - monster tomatoes
from Mr. John Fulka' garden, said, to
weigh over a pound a piece. Who can
beat that?
The Lancaster County Agricultural
and Mechanical Society will hold their
Pair, at their grounds in Lancaster city,
from the 25th to the 28th of-September
inclusive. They offer premiums to the
amount of three thousand dollars.
~Tha Susquehanna has been quite
high for more than a week past, and over
fifty hemlock rafts are now being drawn
at this pert. A. large number passed
through on to Fort Deposit.
if ir The People's Party have nomina
ted Frederick Sultzbach,—a former ex
coheir nymber— r and Win. C. Bradley,
for the legislature. Mr. B. resided. for,
merly in Columbia.
far Dr. Thomas W. Evans, dentist, of
the Imperial House,hold of France, re•.
tamed to Paris by the Adriatic,
The Locust Grove Temperance Meeting.
The Temperance Meeting held in the
Grove on last Sunday afternoon was well
attended from town and the surrounding
country; and much interest was mani
fested in the discources delivered. The
meeting was opened with prayer by Rev.
Mr. Martin, and singing by the Temper..
ance Choir ; Rev. G. M. Clawges presi
ding. James Black, Esq., delivered the
opening address in which he pOttraYed
the fearful destruction of human life
that Intemperance is causing in our 0 1 0/11
State, and the stolid indifference &
subject so important to the well being of
society as that of the Temperance Re
form ; he displayed a number of Charts
in which was shown the various stages of
disease, and disorganization that occur .
in the human stomach before death by
In temperance.
Professor Gaddis followed with one of
those thrillingly eloquent and heart stir
ring discources, that give him that high
repntatiou as an orator and reasoner;
his speech was replete with vivid pictures
of the phases of intemperance, and argu
ment after argument was scattered
abroad until every hearer must have felt
a deep conviction of their duty to aid
the cause of Sobriety. After Piofessor
Qaddis concluded, Rev. Mr. Dehl, of
California, spoke a few minutes and hay.
ing announced that he - Would preach a
Temperance Sermon in .the evening in
the Methodist Church; after singing by
the choir the benediction was pronounc
ed and the meeting adjourned. In the
evening Rev. Mr: beta preached a serz
mon to a large and deeply interested
congregation. Mr. D. has been a mis
sionary in California and has collected a
large fund of fitcts in relation to the ruin
that rum has, scattered over that land;
and has the ability ' to impart it to his
hearers in an effective manner.
'Col. Hugh Lindsay, well known al
a showman of puppets, etc., died at his
residence, in LoWer Heidelberg twp.,
Berks county, on the 22d ultimo, aged
56 years. The Harrisburg Patriot re=
feiring to his death says : "He must
have commenced , his career as a show
man :at least forty years ago. We re
member Miller and 'Lindsay as the. two
shining lights of the first circus within our
iecollection,' and that traveled through
Pennsylvania'not less' than thirty years
ago. In after! years he went it on his
own hook, traveling through the country
with exhibitions of various kinds.—
.A:rdong his Pupils in the show business,
'are S. S. Sanford, (his nephew) Shower
iski, who broke` his neck by falling from
a rope in the 'Frrint Stieet Theatre, in
Baltiinore, Stoat, Nagle and Shindel, the
equeittians. 'About a year since he pub
lished a life of himself. He was in this
place playing in May last.
tia'The Lancaster Union in speaking
of the proposed independent ticket
movement—*hich is to assemble in that
city to-day; says : A set of sofezbeaded
individuals will meet in this city on Sat
for the purpose of forming an in-.
dependent county, congressional and
legislative ticket.. The programMe tias
not been sufficiently matured for uS fip
take any special notice of it, and there
fore, we shall Merely remark that the
whole affair Will prove a grand farne in
which the principal actors will be • ex
posed to the ridicule and contempt of
their fellow-citizens: When the ticket
is fairly brought before the public, we
shall take great pleasure in ventilating it.
ri3 9 Military Encatnpment - York,
Pa., begins on Monday next. Between
twenty-five and thittiinifitary coinpanies
are expected to be in attendance. Got.
Packer, of Pa., Gov. Hicks, of gagsted
retary Floyd and Lt. Gen. Scott, it is
stated, will probably visit York during
the encarapment.
GrlVe are happy to learn that :qrs.
Sarah Haines has just returned from a
visit to Kansits, quite recuperated in
health tftrd spirits ; she loots as though
the trip, instead of having headlong and
wearisome had an invigorating eine:L—
W - a weltome her to he home aatolfee
eir.figen, the,Lancaster Razor pnlvdef
humbug Who was reported to have been
drowned, has "turned.up" at Norristown t .
where he'was arrested for selling without
a license:
cfrAn excursion of over one hundred
"Wide Awakes" left Lancaster for York
on Monday evening to hear Hon'. John
The members of the County Com
mittee will bear in mind that a meeting
will be held on Wednesday next, the sth
of September. •
dar Unr neighbors of Columbia are to
have a balloon assension this afternoon
at four o'clock:
AormsUPERAOIi COOK S'TOVE, eery 'plain
style, each one warranted to per-
to the entire satiSfactioa of the -•'-'-''''
purchaser. STERKETT 8s•CO.
()A General Assortment of all kinds of
Hinges ' Screws, Bolts, Cellar Grates,
Paints; Oils, Glass and Putty, veioheap:
TNIVES & FORKS, Britainia and Silver==-:
X_ . plated-Spoons; Brass, Copper, Pliant an&
arneled Iron Kettles, and. 'Housekeeping
goods generally. Sterrett - 4 Co;
AU ll S - , Spokes, : Felloos; Wagon Boalcs;
JOL Oil Cloth, Varnishes, &c..
WOOD'S Hair Restorative, at
Die jAirofel• Cottiyhj
Veciwie4l soeizty.,
hull their Fourth Annual Exhibition,
City of Lancaster, Penn'a.,
bn Tuesday, ViTednesdzty, Thursday and
Friday, the 25th, 26th, 27th, and 28th
Days of September, 1860.
AMPLE arrangements are being madf to
accommodate and exhibit td the Vest ad
vantage every kind of Stock, and all Artibtes
thdt are tlgeftil or interesting in Agrichitifitc
the Mechanics, the Manufactures and the
Fine Arts.
The citizens of Lancaitet connty and the
adjoining counties, are respectfully invited to
bring their animals and articles for competition:
For particulars sce hand bills and premium
Er Further information will he fufnished
by the Managers, or by the •undersigned.
D. G. ESHLEMAN, &creamy.
September 1, 1860.-td.
litalss• 1-`k
Graduate of the Baltimore
College of Dental Surgery, and an assistant
operator and partner of Dr. Waylan, , offers hus
professional services to the citizens of Mari
etta and vicinity. Persons desiring to have
their attended to are invited to call at
his office, adjoining Spangler & Plittersou , s
store, 2nd stoty;entrance from Market street.
I hereby reedmmend to the people of Mari
etta and vicinity, Dr. E. W. SWENTZEL, grad
uate of the Baltimore College of Dental Surge
ry, as a competent and skillful Opefetor, hav
ing. had ample opportunities of seeirk his epec
rations—having long been an assistant opera
tor of mine. JOIIN WAYLANy D. D. S.
SMOKERS THIS WAY! We have just
received another invoice of thosefP#dip,
Havana &gars, the Fire fly Srand
we have also on hand, ten thousand Spotted
German Siies, and a full supply of German
Smoking Tobacco. ,
A general assortment of the best Tobacco
and Segura always .an hand, at
EA.LED proposals will be received by the
13 undersigned, Secretary of the yarietta
and Maytown Turnpike Road Company, until
the evening of the 12th of September, for the
erection of a 'tali House at "Boggs? Hill."—
Plans and specifications can be seen by calling_
on J. W. CLARK, Se&y.
Sep. 1, "S6O-2t
'Hammered and Rolled Iron, 11.
. Bars, Norway. Nail Rods, Amerioan
and German Spring and Cast Steel, Wagon
BO:es, iron Axles,, Springs, &c., for smiths.
(9011 biseobekg luohfhy of . 40 eopfi-
Oeriee foh ilegfohiiig fife 8.48 aVkj.
Many, since the great diScoyerY of Prof:
'Wood, have attemp ted'ntlt onlv to Mutate trig
restorative, but protest to have, disco+ared
something that would prcalude resultSidentical ;
but they . tolVe all dome and gone, being • car
ried away by the wonderful results of Prof.
Wood's preparation, and have been forced to
leave the field td its resistless sway. Read
the following:.— < • •
Batt, Atiin6ii April-18th, .1859,
Prior. 0. J. Mot< Sr Co.:-The letter I wrote
you'll) 1856 concerning , your valuable Hair Se;
storative, and which you haVe published
this vicinity and elsewhere, has given rise to
numerous enquiries touching , the factslralre•
case:. The enquiries are, first, is it a fact of MY .
habitation and-name; 'as stated in the commu
nication; second, is it true of all therein con 7
tained ; third, does my hair still continua to be
in good order and of , natural color? TS all I
can and do answer invariably yes. My hair;
is even better thin 'in any stage of Myhre: for'
40 years past, more soft,, thrifty, and -better
colored; the same is true of my whiskers, and
the only cause why it is not generally tile, is
that the substance ,is washed off .by frequent
ablution ,o 1 the face, when if Care were used by
wiping the face in chiSe connection wialc'the
whiskers, the sane result *1)1 'folio* as the
hair._l.have been in the receipt of a,great
numbr of letters from all parts of New Eng
land; asking me if my hair
.still continues to"
be good ; as there is so much timid in the man
ufacture and sale of various compounds as,
well asthis, it has, no doubt been basely imi
.and been Used, not Only - , without any
good effect, but triabSoluteihjivy. I haVe dot
used any of your Restorative of any account
for some months, and yet my hair is as good as
ever, and hundreds have exanfineffit with sur-
Oise; as 1 ani n6W 61 Yiars Old and not a gray
hair in my head* or on my fade ; and to prove
this fact, I send you a lock of my tali taken
off the pita week: I received yoUr fi&or of
two quart bottles last summer, for which I am
vet* gratailil. gave . it td My friends and in
duced fliem to try it, many were skeptical un
til after trial, and then purchased a'nd' used it
with universal success. I will ask as a favdf,
that you. send me a test by .WhiChrean
cover fraud in the Restorative, sold by many,
I fear, without .authority, from < A litre
article will insure success, and I believe where
good effects - do Kot,,,folloW, the failure`is caused
by' the impUrearticle, which curses - the
tor Of the . §Ocid. I deem it my duty as hereto"
ibre,,th keep ymilipfiriseffof the continued ef
fect on My hair; as I assure all who enquires'
of Inc of:INF unshaked opinion e itsVatuable
renite. I remain, dear sir, 3iatird,
A. C: *afoul% •
• Aaron's Run, Ky.; Nov. 30,4858.
Prior. O. J. Woon: Dear Six.—l whOld cer
tainly be doing you a great injustice not to make
known to' the world,, the wonderful, as well as
the unexpected insult I have experienced from
using one bottle of your Hair Restorative. Af
ter using every kind of Restoratives extant,
but without success, and finding my head nearly
destitute 6( . l:Mir, I was finally,
,indirced to .try
a bottle Of your Hair Restorative. , Nuiv, Can
dor and justice compel me to announce CO .whp
ever may read this, that I now possess a new
and beautiful growth of tisk, Which I pro
Bounce richer and handsoiner than the original
was. I will' therefore take occasion to rccom
menallits inValiiable renter to all who' iday
feg the neeeseiV of it.
Respe.ctfully youYs, RAV. S. ALLEd MOCK.
P. S.—This testimonial of my approbatibn
for your valuable medicine . (as you are aware
of) is unsolicited:—but if you think it worthy
a place among the iest, insert if you wish ; if
not destroy and say nothing.
THE ILESTOR'ATIiE is put up in bottles of
three sizes; viz : large, medium, and small ; the
small holds 1-a -pint, and retells for $1 &bottle;
the Medium holds at least twenty per cent more
in proportion, han the small, retails for $2 per
bottle tife' farge holds a Oen, 40 pet cent
more in proportion, and retails for $3.
0. T. WOOD. & CO., Pnipriiterli,.
No: 444 Broadway, New-York, and
114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo.
11ZrAnd add by all good druggists and fancy
goods dealers. [v7-7-. z.
It o t i t iv r e C . lL - l a C . 7 a lat fro s l .
30 000 Y feu A e
yard. Now is the time to make quilts when a„
first rate print can be had for S cents and good
qality at &cents; at. Spaniler Patterson's.
_This book, whichhas been sciextensiVely
advertised in the. Halls of Congress, "can, now
lid for 50 cents per,eopy4 at HINKLE'S.
Vanilla ' Strawberry, • ') Pine ApplApple; Almond,, 'Rose Lemon, /
Just received and for hie at ,Grove,4 Roth's.
IG, ,
lAustreceived and will be soldkolowthe.
old prices, by J. S. DIFFERBACH. '
LIQUID Gum Drops, Cankics, Fruits, Nuts,
Toys, &c., wholesalemod retail by
SGARS 'and Chewing Tobacco. A large
and good variety at J. M. Anderson's:-
T A I XCELLENT Cooking and- Eating 4 Apple.
1 -1 ,4 always on haild ,at- Anderson's. .
UM,DROPS : Stewart's,Now-York Guth
Ur Drops, 8 varieties, at Woof 's.
IC - I"_f3- =his
Consolidated Lotteries of. Georgia
Authorized by the Legislature for the'
• BEiggiv r ACAti6ITEg.
1 Prize of iiloo,ooo is $lOO l 6OO
2 Prizes of 50 oop are 100,000
2 do 25,000 40,000
o 20,000 4Q,000
2 d 5 000 ." , 10,000
2 3,000 " 6,000
2 do 2,,000 ." 4,000
' 1 l,gop is , .1,000
• .150 • db 200 are 70,000
64 do . 100' "! , , -0,400
64, .do , SO ", 5,120
do:60 "
12.§ 4o .50 " 6,400
605,04 do , 776,000
28,224 do ,; l6 " 451,000
34 ) 414 Prizes, diiiountial to $1,000,472
TICKETS, sl6—Halves ' 478—Quartds,14
Certificates of% Wholes, $550; of 26 Halves
$125; of 26 is, $62.50; of 26 Ilighthd,,
Is drawn every Saturday. Capital Prize,
$70,000.' Tickets, $B. Halves, $4.
Drawn every day, in which you can select
,your, own -numbers. Tickets:frail. $1 to'
any price, and prices in proportion.
Lirculars containing full explanationa•cif our
Schemes; etc., will he forwarded by mail to any
one.sending us their name.
, All communications strictly confidential. -
In ordering Tickets or Certificates encloSe
the money to our address for the tickets order
ed, on receipt of which they will be, forwarded
by the first mail. The list of drawn numbers
and prizes will be sent to purchasers immedi
ately after the drawing: ,
The official drawings are published in the
New • York Herald. , . •
Orders:received and prizes cashed at No: 655
Broadway, New-York.. Direct your .orders to
April, 7, 1860.-11'.
New Summer Goods
JUST opening, the largest and best stock of
„ -
. .
Black Silks, Foplard,,Silks; Pliunand Figured
D4Lainei, Shawls, ,Gingb,ams, ,Challies,
Calicoes, Tickings,Muslins Checks,-
Table. Linen, Diaper, 'Embroi
deries , Sic &a. Sze.
Black and Fancy ,Ctoths and Cassitneres, Silk
, and, , Marsallins Vestigg, ; CothinadeS, Ken-,,
Lucky Jeans, Holsery, Suspenders,
Gloved; .Cravats, Shirt Fronts, &c.
very yarietl ,-,..Slieeting and,Shirtipg
Muslins, Table audlrish Linen, Towelling,
Ticking, &c., Pc. t
Allendaie and Mar.ssiileS Counterianee,, •,
Flannels all prices and colors,
Linen and WoblenVable cover's . : , ,
Plain, Oimamental Oiled`,VtlindOW .15lindh
and Fatent Ft Lures,
Wall Picperg, Carpe4sr Floor O.ff ClOthd:
Umbrellas and Farasolla l
Glass, QueenSwire'in. Codirware. •
Ildrits and. Shots,
AlLkinct.t of Lii!Orstvholesiile Or rethil
Rio Coffee at 12 cents, and other goods at cor- . -,
respondingly low rates. ,
The highest price given: for Cudahy produce:
very fine Syrup . at 50 calf& a gallon`.
Dettheen Spcingler 4 4 Patterson's Stoic;
and Woffe's gouge,
AfailTet Sired.
- -
U,L•D 'nod respectfully inform, the
..public that be continues the above bus , -
nen in. all its branches.. Anything' not on
hand will, be manufatured at short notice and give satisfaction in workmanilhip
and price. He will always endeavor to keep
on hand an , a,ssortment of . .
Wagon, Carnage itn4 Whips,_tiy 7 n ts,
fiord aves I, oolicers, Vunis Valieces
Cirpet Mega !inditnlfact everything: in hiti Hide
of business, of *III be of- the beet •
material and workmanship, and at. prices in
keeping with thertanes.. +Come and see.
Marietta, August 25, 1860. _ ,56;
Geo. Mockley,
Easifioßabk Rai le .ettp"
TTot.v..rNa purchased of Mi. Crull the stock
Jusood. will and futttnes of this' well known
establishment, I hereby: inform my numerous
friends, anti the .public generally that It ain pre
pared their wants iwthe.HAT frND
CAP line at all tinies - Vvitlf promptness; And at
as-reasonable rates as any establishment in the-
Union. Having had :5 Teait experience as s
praticaPhatter, witYboing in the receipt of the:
latest " Reports of Fashions? and having fa
forobtaining goods direct.fromithe4,ast
in 48 holirs r , bY strict attention to'businest and
a desire to please; I hope to merit and receive
a liberaLshare of public patronage.'
P. S.—Having disposed of my establishment
to George L. Mackley ; I cheerfully. return
mend him to the favorable noticemf all who
desire a "comfortable covering for•the,ltecule ,
In retiring from business .I extend my un
feigned thanks to my friends for the patronage
so liberally- bestowed twrim and hope , the,same
may, be extended to my, worthyffifccesies.
Marietta; August 98, ISES_
tFORXEW!' E4.13 , LE 1671 EL.) •
No; 227 .Nikrth 'third Street ,
rISHIS hoimeis situated in the most business
part of the city, has one hundred and thirty
rooms; large Parlors and eveiy - Mom is newly
furnished and is considered one of the finest
Hotels. Of its class in Philadelphia; it had erect
ed a large obserVatory where-personscari have
a:fine:view of he City,-Delaware river, &e ,&c;;
it is also suPPlied • with hot and cold water
Bathes, which- will: be - free of charge , for the
guests of the House ; City Cars will take you
to the Revere House, - lOtir charge
ate; $1:25 per day ; persons visithig , the ""ci e
will please come and try the Revere Houser avadt
we pletlge - ourselves .that we will endeavdr
uke -dur best efforts tomake it appear like home. ,
-CriviaLEs J. FAILER,' of Reading, will have
charge_ of the. Office. G. W. HINKLE;
formerly of the States'Union Hotel and latterly
of the United States Hotel, Atlantic City, N.
A - TTOTNEY - 44; i tA . W, _
rRELour ~ v , A i.teur
P LA D.E . UR-1
I. 7 . — Cultections promptly attraecrta:
= „
From -New-York.
AT OW opening the•most bewutifyl assoftniehi
11 of .Pew. Spring Goods we ever offered
Orgaillaie*Robes=2, 5, 7;9; 11 flounced forage
A nMis Robes, I; 5,7; 9 and 11 flounced
Satin Plaid Berege Von ble.s kirt
Satin Plaid forego Robes, Solid
Plain Colors; Satin' Plaid 11-
ege Rubes, Poi de Cherie Satpi Plaid Bereges
Robes, gay anti neat Bereges and (it - an:4loes ;
new style Spring Silks, Black Silks,'best tirabdit
imported ; oit"—in Pinks, Blues,
&c. ;13erege Artglaia.
New Spring Cloaks,
Mantillas and Dusters ' ; ,
Lace' Boninous,' Lace:ol, „ 9nag,
Lace Mantles, Late yointes,
Maki, light "String styles,
GRtheted and Malted. 1
Sit. , ill' c tyles and colors..
'MEN'S WE r kil.,4itheili Cishiliteres
' and 1 7:eating's:
• CArtiErproi„--,./kriatillitional supply, among
*Met ale thd'handsbilleg Threeply,
and Smith's New York Pateilt;we cyer offered.;
R. J. frAn n.*Arkts •
CHEAP. CA .411 STCitt E.
aiii .. PAV ID nO'X-1 - 1, , ,
• Dealer in sT : v dw E ar s; e, Lt e c e:arwae ;
Paints I. Glasi, Oili,;-rarnishes, Itddp
find liar Iran, Sleet, Spikes , Nails,
I - ' Park?, Office, 'Hail and awk ',
AKES this means of.inforrning the: eitiieng
I oflVlarietti„and vicinity,
in his
he is dory
pared to
_furnish anything n his tine tif
nesS;cbniiisting in part; of Table Cutlery of all
kinds ; Building 8n d 'Hotisekeeoieg Hard
ware, in all style's; Yitleiy, Top Painta, 011 s,
Glass, Variushos, Cedarware, „nibs, Bucketi,
Churns,.Knives, Spdons, Shovels, Po
kers, Tongs, Candlesticks, Pang, , Waiters, Cop
per and Brass Kettles, Dbor, Desk, Pttd nhd
all "other kind of Lock. 4, Nails, Spikas rind
in fact i everything usually kefit in a well rigida
tedHardwhre establishment:... ,
btalleet Sireet,"ltariettla, Pitt
.17$ NiffE-S '& . M0.110i15
H D.
Wine 67 Liquor! 'Dime'', Picot Buiidin/J;
I ont Streel , Arietttr, Pa.
TIEGS leave Asi inform the pidhdic that he
XI will Continue the WINE'Sa •LiquOßliial
ness, in all its brancheii. He will &find:fitly
keep on hand all kinds of
Brandies, Wines, Gins, IrishtiHfL.Scoli'ee
4C'prlidts, .4atets,
'am, ated ROSE
ZIL" S /US r r-
KEY always on . . .
A very superior OL D RYE WHISKEY
=fist received, which. is•'Warranted pure. .
All now asks of the. rifibli,e=
is a careful exarniiirition'af r lfid stockand :prts-•
Ces, *fil, twit confident; result Ho
iel. keepers and others-finding it to -their ad-
Nraniage Ad'ORP 11iqr,1 )1 .. 1 010. 6 4 TrAq
FT4 w .74 ...
. ' 4 ,
E-4 t
E 4 t... 4 a A tzt
)frl ::4
,sfa - 1 q 1A4, 5 7, ?;
01E4 ,7 4 • Wk n i, (•ra
C 1,11 Zs A *.- 44
'621 ?P 2 ;76 °
?rq t 42- r. •kti:'
- - - • C° - AZ I
' 4 4 , • 1. 1.: gi t C 11.411,,,t4
A F-1 —„„ a t Hit
0 0 '
Qiiitk: sdu inYd. smyit .pzofits.'2
, Z TINI:I3I,Etit,
criffib* '4O . OW 0010101) Nattii4ol
- Marsetta,, Tiancastf 0 r , :Coltrity,: . Pal -,1
DaX-ARD on the-Rivkr.Bankj npposite DM did
, - and yveit i kncovp "Rntrny , s RoTi.L."
ing opened a Yard forAttellansaenon of a
Oompaissicat .
T *Mild respeC:tc4y solicit` c9n s ignmenti, and
pledki Mysel.cto U. 46 my : lititioA exertions for
the, best interest 'otift..patrcins.; 1 feel assured
of my . ability , to obtain thp, market rates
andeffect sates' of All 'articles ;that may be
trusted to My car. 1911;:he rgndp , at 'ail
times to Make purchases or attend tto*3) bu
siness, the . public may ; reel' disposed to place in
my Charge, aid.all'instrnatinitßpunctually tar
ried out:. Advaoeg midi *consignments.
Jpittiofir 21, 1.86(1.-Ii4
~_, -.- 4pr,..
.mbeeioNl9J ~, ,, ! :!':.;%7 ,Stave . . . _
- ' w - 0 .- illt' s
11BBOTT & NOBLFOkranuf.acturers the
. most approved stgie of ‘STOVES of Iceig ,
description. ta.S . AMPE AND SALES ROOMS:
Ne: 238 Water Street; +NeW..York.
No. 410 Brown Street, Philadel phia.
Er 13.--Send for, a Catalogue.' 13ni,'
• JOHN BELlii Mitaant
Cfr. of Matket 7 st, dui Elbow ',pane, Marietta.
/TA wail favors, woidd return,
UrinithailatiCi t y numerousfriends and Att
trons and: informdiemthat I still continue flie
old byednets at the phi st4nd, 'There,'
pleased to set tilem:d all'iames, add 4 1 iialrifig: a"
full i'ciff tipleftdfdaso l iuriertt of
I .
which will be made up , to order at die'sho'rtest
notice by the best of workmen and on reasona
ble terms; I woiddbe pleasedAherPfore, to wait
upon no , old custonters and all who'rke proper
to patronize' me hereafter : tOCt.29-,56.
. . ... ,
petflt - NETT'S' Conoaine'.' A
,`compoundd nfq
Cocoa - nut Oil; &c.; fOr dresbing the'Hair.)
'lk efficadY mid. agreeableness, it is without
an equal: It prevents theliair 'from falliiig off._
=lt `primibtes it healthy and y•lgeteiiserblvth.
•It is not glitaby or sticky. ' '. ' • •'.
II leaves' no disagieeable odor,' ,'. t • .
It' softens the hair when hand, and' dry. • ,
It sootheithe irritated. scalli'skiti. . •
It affords the lickest'lustte.• ' ' ~, ; .'.
It remains Ringeet in effect. For sale at
Drug 4 Perfinnet t y•Store;•lllitiket street.
TOWN MILL—We have iiddedlci oar Store
Room a large Flour and Feed.'.ifednr i we
cau furnish Flotu , by the single vollial,•tiy the`
barrel, , or fifty ? barrels ; Chop Feed,. Celt+ and-
Oats by the bushel, at mill prioee,..lsran, Stiorts,
Corn, Oats," ShipstUff' an it irll kindli of teed,al
- on tor • eaah.
Also Cracked Wheat an Grahem
WOLFE,' Marker-st.;
9geniffor JecoblE. Kreybill
QAT/IL or, F p t
j, edit be•had of .13. .1..1 , 1tt E. .P. ZAi er,,-Coi.
rtlultneen,st.9 and Center Sqtilsre,-Laneas=
ter, Pa., in .the shape of Equilibfiunt Leisii-s-4
the best:atticleltifSwisslAvers now in.tlid mai--
ket. They arellower in' price than: anyocateh
of equal quality and just as true for timekeeping.
BA` 11 : ( Nell1b,:-71-41RGAINS!), The underi'
signed:jeAtk eeiip,gAt gootlq_at grenily
reile - cea. primes in order to mike roomitig, a
• -
„Awl) ,SE
J . 1t.1147.F.k.N13AC.11.,
Marietta, August 4,
A i.rAjtq
.1 3 1 31 ? " 11:,, a 't . 'Via ets'
; alf_kin.a.i;aize ann pluscriPtign, just
eu and fpr sake at loamtableinices at
, . -
Main atrelii-Rount ..Toy; Lpncasrer ed.; Pa.
. -
iti f kindri ofAand tAcvgy),Dg4nd difiding
pkwater couittpiroad;e'*&,
curare lie/401;1p and' On:kir:nigh Mdy,.."4"
and OT Ithins fifid
tate4, 46: Mecliiiniii? x Qlkfrtets , &Of Fifth
waif meititinioi Oa f eatqitedDecAida
sea,,PoweTi of ittdriel 'the&
iikro neatly and accurately 'tie&
44niuiiistiito.rgA#4 81 000L gAit
dians accountigiiiied. • •
' 4 ,4 40 3 .40 .74 f?Cthe
te A &Di ax 6 LAND C ou rn.101 7 8 4 1a . .c.urc e
Ftl.; Cpmmuiiitations. bsi.St;Fprovif:
y attendant,'
} yr ':
. • 11. .f:Zeillft
RESPECT inform fflelf
friends it , hti c tbfklltAitilliey
.' still c
ontinue the WAT
'AthWIEWEL:MY &Alegi it die' ad
Nortti-west Cornet AtMatt'
, nee'p streertmiLeenter Square, I.lCnoiatoo f Pa;
Aloll'assertrfient of gobde. in•-otklift
ness ohs/ilia eittauflalict for Me tife
cash rate 6. ,
sl:3 B o ring attaidid to
proplet s. , .
11-I.A alty T.,0 , 0114 . fig,ow!,
11 1 . 'ANIYEIVSOti toitplietfitlly an
't,nouneeitct tite citizens o'l' ,ant!vr
einith that he has pal ] feeeiveo diVedtirdtre•the
eastern Markets one 'of 00 lastliatl' best ttiv
sorted stocks of Cdrifeabtutrf etti offeted' in
this tortdigh,'etibsittiig of Cattltek Foreign
"Lits, and Nuts, Tays., ddd Hotiday Presiarde
ari eittitesdi3aridy. Mita id& sY AnPtie 'doh
vineedt of the Rhe atikdrtnibist aiitt the looryti
eea at whieh everything in Ma' 'hate hymning.
5 ,
• : mßßOlThealisu liet-re44lVed ti,e,.4llost,
8114.1ROlit doeirige lot of Viiibl'aidenes,eve
o red foi sale. hire, conaiating iVpii 0f 1 141431
kik! French , Worked Oollete, lhaleisfigree,
Bpence4SwiBB and Jackemitt Roi g im g , : ang p
settint„Fibuabirks., Btc., which will, lkie-, Re* at
Meal flit cab trot fail to'give sails:
.0 it; ' • ''..
I) . ._ „ .
eiIiVALE LUMPS. .4. new ainFritist.
convenient and'Verfeety: safe lamp, - *ted
' t id . ‘'llditaftle-Ciill Oil tan*f 2 7 ' firr-saie chtiiit,
at Grove , 4 , Roth's Drug Store. - • ' ' r
SOHN A. sHtILTi.] fF ENAY 11. 81111LTi
The PeoilleA'aio aad Cap §iore !
• SHULTZ it. 4Rap
N 0.20 NORT#'QUE*lit , ptimkt;
• I.4.NOAST-E:#, .
it . A 19ili'ACiiiktVig,
WE have NT ,. in afore a : splendid assort
ment of Han We of ail tliiritew
est Spring styles.
.gllk Hats in all shaped
A Gratrate New-style Silk H atirir. S -
A Afull assortment of CASSnii Hits, Style taps is endleis farietir. splen
did assottrneut of
Tni NEWNST OUT , Zottsi , k,
" the ot4er styles of
From the finest to the cheapest dualities.
We keeps large a r slor , t !Int ilf..iltiave Eats ~
ell styles forinetikyou shildien's
We return our •ai.toa liberal
and trust by strict * ittentlai to business add
fair dcalidg to aft, i 6 Merit a Continuance of
their puironage. `. . '
HMS and Cups to Ali All and at prices, Cu
suit the i tialeti. _Goods s oil to dealers at
small adVaitea for cash.
; pui4,.lithight and the highest price
4aili in casii
Nritt I, Ue STOlitip •
1?R. J. H. GROVE aid Haitaxitii
Rorti haiing ftititteliA etportgif-
Vfor the •purpoge.of,,efthpluctiag the t r:
,hu.iiness, andel. ilie Oat bf •
&ROVE . 4t "Rdt.El4,
Jleteby annauriee.l9 the eitiietre of Mcßtif{{ii
,and vicinity thatttey. have just coVapheted thfir
pitrchase.4; whicli , therthey no w offer fot isle;
;Ming a complete asasarttattat of
Drtqt , Medfairlq, chethicak Mines;
(NM 1 7 ,:ahzielies:; Dye-Stuffs. Masi;
'Whittltittri,grao, , e . d . of attigi,
anti evc in tial;ia kepf by
r e ' ')A
Apddieanes: • •
An assortinent ill kind of. id(l4"ot,rdt
'burning FliOd, Pine p 41,, or Cog bilf.:,,kariip'
!Toff, Wicks arid, bill conitaatly 6. band.
A Hicehr ielealed kit of atl STA:
,TIONIVRt Peril, - Pen-liiilderi,
1nk,4 4 859.;' of atlentidga and at all prices,.
Pe futgery; Pon4des; *44 Tooth and 'Wnd 1 esi Vanett et; Fatilot add tofilit
:tides; 13 4 3v36 ill'l . lola it I:4obable
'pribes. •. {an ,B=3b-1y
. , .
NEW EI:10;0.4',1430,0D8,
SP A NGLE.II. /3tr ikee'."fTERSCO;
NA:O'66-P Mtukti4T,-STL,TMA.sxratA s i
TIL paned, , AVE just °pe itaiimmgnse stocit of
1 ,
0 -r g ni rhOlies, i , Vakilo44i .
Mous de fna, abighams' ,‘ q Calietes iperes , : egimtxWreneh ClottfiNevstyfe tiititigi,Afitpage
sYouth's Cissuneis,,ppring
Pit t
,lieekiTieg titivaLq j qi iivii 'iliOtteti,
Shirt rdn ts, P Colliii i s„, er4k, 1 1 4 c„. '
Sheptingisi Shirtaitglil les;
i , . Y .1 4 1 4;k9. 4 , 1 7 1 0ilefs ,Diger
;Riga ta, Stair, Rag, Ltbred,itsi eollon Capits;.
'Hi' ; Wall.:thtd I Wildiatb , -.E2Oe, a . , T
i , , 1 ...Transparent Muria. I ',' "
1 ' GRaCtINONS: Itatnt , tute - ,8 7148.; -fame
}Rio Coffee, choice Black and GiOnaTeas; Yel
iow laid white gtiktilep Omit aide, sat; Oi
ces, Ike., all of at Mely.a7lll be deddrabeht imbed
ftnerfrei Mee; itn-tairlyAall braralitited: ,
i 'l' .i !, AleraliderjAyindit*ja
• li i ill if EA* litti
,Would`: Albeit testfeetfulliitifOrraa
of ihil Irtir AO and heightiOtiooias
:the larpst assortiVelit-lif - W Way% • w,u,
Veins* tlis
adg it ttr96titiil 130 1 1 , itntrrstiotA.
hittigelf,iii enabled tti deiett VP it drei
thSii too tiwlfokreitldtrisz2!onitrite f fto
ufachtie iv the- vett bet manger: Viering
in: the Poor AND I w Eh he
tall Vkiiraist ittistik etis tihd , 6o4l4it. ;•• t
icp*.Cigt and eitaighle . his stock b'e:foNO:ingr 7
'eliftiiieetk . . • - .
'J: HO rtki,
• • • <- • .
Civil En . lieedr; guri , eyor,- Corideyitiec
' and lirizuPhisifiart.
.rATED MNL_RE e 4 i.a.ig4 ilsd ,iftock
of Plated' wa're at H. .1.... & F... 1. 'Lanai%
rner of North' queen, stferit,Bl. Center SquaTe,
taneastar, Po.. 'Pea Set% hi iiriety,.,Coffee
1J rna. ,Pitchet_ i s` Goblets] siOr , fitaksflli,&e
BaAlrAo ) „Card Basiketa,.,,Spooars; Pikii i , NT *
Casters; &c., fka.., at raiknutalui,
~..eirkik, e s
Rart.ariab• attended to a mode te ates.
, ~
o t
Cf.APOPTIFIER.--10 Ca - sea gputtitte .iElya . ttt '
Lye, fOt 'soap malt*,
article. extensively'titetil'bfalt. ttou9ek
who deaittr,. to p ay. " . 4faiint!Apriolic, '
filitkitie oripti' arakedo . e*fteitfe •"' • 7kr
IV; JO ' N.ft r i s mk r o'..pitterho4nr; 2.1
C' t
12 • ...AWDERSON 3 3 t• - ;. ' •
and Hattskieper.S.' . • flaVing
our famed SPICES; 1 tallies iotetti, • tr-%`'
tinue to, keep a constant eupplyorarinfig.
per.' 6Ound Corii‘eide7; . , 04 0 Sioled Matylaa:
r SCHOTTOOSErdoinpoSed for
the Piano, by illiAArrnitEi 110115 Cal, at
G, 7y Roth's, Market f`- ,