The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, September 01, 1860, Image 2

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t ljt lalethig atariettian.
" ImpartielJ--but not Neutral."
,iticueiefia, Oa.
8 4 1 n 0 440 1 EPTEMBER 1, 1860.
net P.II*.IDEMT,
IriiiflllBAl...#l. - firf,lN, of Maine.
rJosErn HOOD, Part 2inonshir,
- MICHAEL GILES,. West Donegal,
lt, t r Shelf, •
SOin, Fulton.
For Prothonotary,
' PETER EMAiiirt, , Ephrata. •
• 4 .F0r% Rigister,
,p. HILM,TMORN, 4ft7L07 . 4
Por ItecTrder,
Gronor Firsirrsori,, Sadsbury.
For OA. AY' &sifter' geisions,
Itizrz4 Sitrasen, Strasburg.
For Clerk of Orphans' Court, .
SmAirri*. MYERS, Mount
• For Clopti Coiantissioner,
JIMEN Dortzn, Manor.
• 'For IXrectors of the Four,
WILLIAM S. MARTIN, Coleraine, •.
A4 31 A 11 .. r . li n MET2aAE, Conestoga,
ISRAEL iARTMAEr, Elizabeth. .
For Prison Inspectors,
ButtuAttsu, Illditntjoy Twyr.,
PutLir' W. HOUSEKEEPER, Drvrmore.
For Vermin:,
MittkiAr. 141,*zu, Elizabethtown:
'Fur, Auditor,
B ck o k
RA, re
1144Eirogns !CASE, KENVICKY. -- On
Wilde is Allan; =Med ,Seller, was kil
led tat 4hiti Sterling, , Ky., ,by` another,
nametdeThemaa Thomas had: suspected
anlinProper intimacy between his wife
audoNeller, ;eaul-,on „Tuesday :he, found
theinittogether in the woods uearthe , town
atetioStint lipon:tha , ground holding Kel
lersdiehdin- her; lap; and combing his
hair. • , TWaasuirew knife,and rushing
upottSoliev Wed. him. on the spot.
iiiroe...loliiiiieirtiairp`iiien holding
thipir rawhide oorymos in North Vtirilbra
hiuni Wlaa: now numbers 50,
QOO in'the United Stalks and the Cana
ptlienin camp meetings
Mertnistrit bvery Aste In the Unteili—
iiii)Ottiore of the= brathern look for the
nitileneixon‘,befoie the last of March,
18t1 oitherwarircitsfedent that the world
Wit•ten :years and two months lon
ihibrothdis still predict' a univer
sal overthroW in about sixteen Weeks.
lf.M.r. D, V. Martin, the gentleman
'rho-left iNstcn, some . two weeks ago, in
a littl,n twn,oareg ‘Therry,, arrived safely
ia New:York, ,. on Thuraday evening last,
he 1p v ng necceßlished his extraordi
nary feat inntinnt eti hours of actual row
ing, averaging over - flue miles per hour.
Hiiiiihelited,ahnost wholly iti)on berries
aid other fntitlArinking no !water ; the
latit dity'S pillion a place ten miles east
nfiltuide c roint, was accomplished after
elite bieikfast, a portion of one water.
nielim drily seiving 'for his refreshment.
Hatotdiandgings":with Mr. Darling, at .
No i iso4/13lietiff Street; • . N.,T;ort Wednesday
a r ripl man named Taneck died of mll
- ia.atateA that during the
eix months previous he had grown four
teen inches in height, by actial,measure
ment. He went to the Rogers Locomo
tive wbrks as an apprentice, early in the
year, when he ladited" something of 6ve
feet. At the time ..of! his decease he
nietuntra over' sin feet.:
Goiernoi flan a, of Massachusetts,
deelinen , a renomination, and announces
hie intention of retiring from political
gt) has accepted a position as Res
'sl,rect-or Orthe Illinois Central
lithagriM , li,,.at , a, salary of about $7,500 a
It is stated that his 'principle mo
tive for this step has been the necessity
of making better provision for his family
thed:tke , amolumeots of political office
Atilt' enable him to do, .
. tirE-award,R. Poopei, a Man of more
than tiire'e score years, has been sen
tenced at Richmond, Va„ to the Peni
tistf#ary for : ftv,e years, for . attempting to
kill his wife.
ertiotitterfeit' 4 "Fives" , an the liar;
risliterg on the Farmer's' Babk
lirairiteOurg are shoat; find' done ;so'
finely as- to almost deeiive the best
ill llmi{ ton (N: - C.) Journal
aSireitVrbflik l eir:ieiron Families being poi:.
rioned State' zby. drinking butter•
otitis saiOrt#lolie Empress Eui&ertio'
is abouVto preuegt toe yiupos:or with
new token of conjugal iove,
Professor ,a . e.ddbi,..and the Temperance Cause.
MR. B..katEß : '.ln looking over a late
number or. the Harrisburg Patriot.and
'Unit:4l;l4o6d 'the following :
TEMPERANCE LECTURE.—Ii all said that Prof.
Caddis, who has lectured on temperance with
great satisfaction to the friends of the cause, in
various towns of this State, will shortly visit
Harrisbmg for.that purpose. His lectures are
favorably noticed by many of our exchanges.
Harrisburg Telegraph.
We hope not—for the sake of a good cause.
We do not eicactly like to slyle Gaddis an itin
erating•lfumbug, who manages to make a good,
easy living out of a cause whi4h he nas evi
dently espoused for That purpose, but we Will
say that fifty orators may be found in Harris
burg to-day who are able to deliver a better
lecture on temperance than Gaddis can, and
who Will do it if the temperance men wish'
witholit a small collection. Professor Gaddis,
eh? Professor of what? Abolitionism and ma
king money, we suppose? What has became
of Ttiley—he Who Mixes up, Republican,ism
and' Temperance ?—Patrfot. '
- Upon inquiry. at the most reliable
sources I learn that Professor Gaddis,
who is here pronounced . a humbug, &c,
is a gentleman of irreprOachabbi charac
ter,and learning; being a graduate, of
the Delaware College ; a professor
Natural Sciences in one of the Cincin
nati colleges ; a clergyman in the M. E.
Church, and a son of Rev. Dr. Gaddis of
Cincinnati. Prof. G. is employed two ,
months in. the year, during his vacation
in Cincinnati, by , the Grand Division of
the Sons of , Temperance of the State of
Pennsylvania, through their Secretary,
. William Nicholson, Esq-, and came to
this place under the direction of that or
He has never been ntoxi
cated—is no reformed drunkard—but
solely acting a 13enevolent part in the
good cause of temperance. This was his
first lecture on the Sabbath—and it was
in consequence of his time having nearly
expired. He has since returned to his
usual duties in the "Queen City."
Beaton Traveller, of the 13th instant,
saYs that Mr. Thomas Dascomb, residing
;in Zeigler street, Roxbury, died Sunday
noon of hydrophobia. He kept a dum
ber of doge, and about.a week ago two
of them, a female and one of her puppies,
were playing rather roughly together,
and he attempted .to separate them.—
The mother of the puppy' bit his wrist
slightly, but he took me:notice of itmitil
Friday. might last, when he woke up with
a burning tbirst,and endeavored to drink
some water, when he was seized with a
violent spasm. He spoke to his wife in
relation to the, dog biting him, and said
he was sure he had been poisoned in
some way, and thought he had the hy
drophobia. He continued to grow worse,
and barked like a dog, turtle& summer
saults in his bed with a strength which
two men were.oinable . to restrain, and
after math Buffering died yesterday noon.
The dog that , bit •him died a few days
after giving the bite.. . •
centpostage stamp has just" been issued.
The centre of the stamp has the figure Of
Washington, taken from a portrait paint
ed at the time of his resigning his corn
mand of the. army. The; color of ,the
ground is blue. The denomination of
the stamps now in general use consist
of one', three, ten, twelve; twenty-four
thirty and ninety• cents. The postage,
for the most part, on foreign letters not
covered by the _above rates,' are fifteen,
twenty-seven and fifty-four, cents. A
combination of the stninps notvlurnished
will answer this necessity.
since Governor Packer had occasion to
visit his cellar, and to his dismay discov
ered that some perspnhad stolen his en
tire stock' of liquors. Suspicion rested
on a confidential young man who was
chief butler to the Governor, and being
tracednp, he recovered, about one hun
dred dollars' worth of liquors, and about
twenty-five dollars ofmoney, the receipts
for the portion sold. This is the story
in general . cfrenlitio'
GrA new daily has made its appear
ance in Harrisburg, called the State
Sentinel, Wm. D. Earnest & Ob., pro
prietors. It looks - Well, is fierce for
Douglas, and uncompromisingly hostile
to fusion with the Ereekiinidge rdisor
garrizers. The Capital 'City of the old
Keystone State min' now boast more
daily papers than any other place of the
same poptilation in the Union.
arm a meeting of some sixty Amer-,
jeans in,Baffalo, a few evenings since,
called to give an expression of their
views in,regard to the propriety of pas
sing themselves Douglas, as ar
ranged by Hunt, Broods .& Co., fifty-one
concluded to vote for Lincoln.
ifirA Wide Awake General Commit
tee for the City and county of NOW irork
was organied on Monday night, for'the
purpose of having_hereafter all the Wide.
Awake companies in the, city act with
more perfect unanimity on the occasion
of parades, and otherwise.
g l ir The Albany Journal says that in a
town that neighborhood every man who
ever acted with the. is
mit, for' Lincoln; Lincoln's majority in
that town will be double' the Republican
rote 'lBsEn''
The hay crop .throughout North
eastern Pennsylvania has been abundant
this season. Many -farmers believe it
14 re hirteilt ever gitthered,
da - In New Yell, city 3007 degs have
tmea kbis setwal,prptiett pp au d
by the, city, capen4e ,of
John Wilson, pinety l one years of age,
died recently at Zaliesville, Ohio. He
vias born d subject of the British govern
ment in Philadelphia, December 23rd,
1767, and was consequently an eye wit
ness of, and to some extent an actor in,
the stirring scenes which soon after agi
tated his native city and aided in the war
of the Revulotion. Mr:Wilson remem
bers With great distinctness' and took
much pleasure ill narrating the early
local history of Philadelphia and its
_neighborhood. He went West in 1806,
and first settled in Pittsburg, but re
moved to Zanesville in 1817, and en ,
gaged at once in his business—that of a
carpenter and house - joiner—which'he
.continued to pursue with remarkable in
dustry and energy until a few years ago.
He was four times married—his last wife
surviving him. Mr. Wilson had been a
member of the First Presbyterian Church
in Zanesville for forty-three years, was a
liberal and well-wisher of every religious.
moral and benevolent movement.
arThe Boston Daily • Advertiser, of
the 14th, of February, 1829, says that a
young gentleman of Boston walked to
Charleston, South Carolina, eleven hun
dred and fifty miles, in thirty-six days ;
from Niagara Falls to Rochester in two
days, accomplishing the first day forty
nine miles, although he was detained
three hours in Lockport ; from Saratoga
Springs to Boston in four successive days;
from Providence (Blake's Hotel) to Cam
bridge Street, Boston, in less than ten
hours, including stops ; besides other ex
cursions to Ticonderoga, Flatrusb, New
York, Burlington, Vermont, and Mount
Washington, New Hampshire.
Grit is announced in the morning
journals that Governor Banks has been
offered and has accepted the office of Vice
President and Resident Director of the
Illinois Central Railroad, and will re
move to Chicago on the Ist of January
next to enter upon its duties. in ad
dition to.this, says the Bosto'n Post, we
are enabled to state that the salary vot
ed to Governor Banks is $7,000 per an
num—a fait not: yet published.. A man
who can reduce the government expenses
of a State $1,000,000 per annum, as Gov
ernor Bankashas done inMassachusetts,
is precisely the man to manage a mam
moth concern like the Illinois Central.
The New York Times thus denies a
very foolish story which has been circu
lating through the mails
"Mr. Henry J. Raymond, editor of the
New York Times, in a recent speech,
told his audiende that when he visited
Mr. Lincoln, shortly after the latter's
nomination,. he head a vbide from an
upper room crying out,"Abraham Abra
ham I come and put this child to bed!"
We beg the Boston Courier, from
Which we clip the above, to take note
that Mr. Raymond
,never told any audi
ence any such thing —N. Y. Times.
_There is much excitement in Boa.
`ton on account of the mysterious death
of Mips,Atary A.,Harwood,•,a girl of re
spectable parents. She left hoine under
pretence of going to see a sick friend,
and was not heard of for two weeks after,
when she was found at the house of a
female in a dying condition. She lived
long enough to relate all the circum
stances of her shame, aad to 'tell that
shelves suffering from the ends of au
abortion. Several parties , are suspected,
but no arrests made. She was eighteen
years of age, of a fine figure and inter
esting appearance.
lgr Au infant daughter' of Mr. Eli
Sperry, of Woodbury, Conn., lately died
in consequence of being fed on milk from
a. cow supposed to have been poisoned.
After the illness of the cow was discov
ered, the was given to a pig and
some fowls; all were 'taker. ill, and two
of the latter died. •
ar e e e'n tly, a drunken wretch was
taken before an Alderman of Pittsburg,
Pa., and swore roundly, upon which the
magistrate fined the fellow $38.86,"f0r
cursing and swearing fifty-eight profane
oaths flin default , of payment.the Alder
man committed him for fifty-eight days,
• !Er Alfred Hobbs,. the famous lock
manufacturer and picker of other people's
locks, has disposed of his establishment
to a company, and will return to Boston
with his laurels and his gold in the au
a - Two little boys, brotheri, in Bo
vine, Miss., luarrelled at dinner about, a
piece of peach pie, and soon got to blows,
when the elder of theboys stabbed his
brother with a `carving knife, killing him
Or Col. Colt is said to be the gainer
by Garibaldi's successes. His agent' in
London, at last accounts, was busily en
gagedsin dispatching invoices addressed
to "His Excellency Guiseppe Garibaldi,
Palermo. • -
liirligssuth and K Lipka,
.and . a large
body ,of Hungarian• raugees, the latter
militarily organized, are, it is reported,
at Bucharest, prepared to invade• the
country and get up a revolution.
lED - Johit H. Conoway,,of.Carroll co.,
Md., was,bit four times, last week, by his
own dog, which, it isfeared, : was mad.
Mrs. Teresa (Bakioli) Biekles, says
a New York letter, is is rapidly
ing health.
The intimate friends of Buchanan fear
that the ha'rressinkcontroversies which
thurst upon him from every side will wear
him_out physically before the expiration
of his term of office. Ile is troubled
with night sweats, and is obliged to con
fine himself to a most severely rigorous
system of diet.
The London. Times says that 1;1.14E4-
esty hai graciously signified to bliss Em=
ily Faithful her approval of the estab
lishment of the Victoria Press,at 9 Great
Coram street, for the employment of fe
male compoktors, adding, that all such
useful and practical steps for opening
new branches of' industry to edudited
women must meet with her'entire appro
Dr. Small, of Dundalk, Scotland, a vet
erinary surgeon .of consierable exper
ion* states that sand is not only 'an ex
cellent substitute for straw for horses'
bedding, but superior to straw, as the
sand does not heat, and saves the hoofs
of the horses. He states that sand is ex
clusively used for horses' beds in his
. Volk, the sculptor, is winning golden
opinions and receiving golden orders
from the patrons of art . in the West.--
Among other works which he has now in
hand is a monument for the child of Mrs.
Senator Douglas. The design repre
sents a beautiful babe entreating an an
gel to bear it away to heaven,
A Portland paper says that Gen, Tom
Thumb is to take a wife froni •that city,
not only "one of Portland's fairest daugh
ters," but "the handsome and accom
plished daughter of one of our oldest
and most esteemed citizens." She is
said to be "pretty, below the ordinary
height, and heiress' to- quite a large es
tate." •
The body of Mr. R. Cracker, of Nor
wich, Ct., was recovered from the wreck
of the ill-fated Hungarian steamship on
last Thursday. Papers of some value,
by which the' body was identified, and
some money, was found in the pockets.
Hon. J. Scott Harrison, son of the
hero of . Tippecanoe, and Col. W. H. H.
Taylor, his son-in-law (both formerly ar
dent Whigs), are now laboring with all
their zeal and energy to .beat Lincoln.
Mr. Harrison. supports Bell and Everett,
and Col. Taylor,, Douglas and Johnson.
A Mrs. John Brown, says the . Ports
month (N. H.) Chronicle, duting a thun
der stoim was killed by lightning, while
on her knees at prayer. She had jest
before made the remark that if the
Lord wished to take them she knew of
nothing bate': to be doing than to be at
prayer. , „
,Summerffeld Slaughter, a young
mark of brilliant attainments, and forsew
eral years connected with the press of
Alabama and Georgia, committed sui
cide in Atlanta on the 9th. He was the
recipient of the celebrated "scarlet" let
ter of Hon. Wm. L. Yansey, of which
there is much said at the present time.
A man named Wilson, of South Bend s
Ind„ recently horribly murdered his fa.
ther-in-law, named Pierson, in the pres
ence of his (Wilson's) wife, because the
latter refused to live with.him, and, had
obtained a divorce on account .of
The census-takers have discovered a
number of antkpiated individuals in va
rious parts of the country. Among
others, a deputy marshal in Cherokee
county, Ga.; found a white man who had
attained the respectable age 6f 136 years.
ar The Zouave mania has spread to
Charleston, South Carolina. A meeting
of the young men of -that ,city was held
last week, which resolved to immediately
organize a Zouave corps.
The N. Y.Tierald recently stated that
if Brechinridge is not elected; he is' to be
inaugurated at Richmond as President
of a Southern Confederacy.
Garibaldi was fifty-three years, old on
the 10th of last July. On that night
there was a general illuniination in Na
ples in honor of the event.
Daniel Davis, of Burlington, Vermont,
an old gentleman of seventy-nine years,
committed suicide by drowning himself.
lie was an opium eater. •
A few nights ago a mob forced open
the jail at Selbyville, 111., took out a horse
thief named Butterfield, and hung him
on a limb of a tree.
The alterations in the House of Rep
resentatives Cliamber have been comple
ted, and the chairs and desks restored.
Rogers, the sculptor, is in Munich. su•
perintending the bronze doors for the
Capitol at Washington. •
Marshfield, the former residence of
Daniel Webster, is rapidly going to
The marriage of Mlle. Piccolomici with
the. Duke' of G aetani has taken place at
Garibaldi was fifty-three years old on
the 19th 'of last July.
lir Major Butler Goodrich, or Pitts
field, Mass., now in
,hia 93rd year, one
clay last week walked from'his houselo
his danghter's, in Lenox, a distance of 7
miles, in tA , ,,0 and,one fourth hours.
• WA Philadelphia, Grocer has gone
thirty days' to MoYamensing prison for
using false:weights. Served him. right..
Dinscrous' CAA:L.—The luxurious rail
road car spoken of in our columns some
time ago as having been built at Altoona.
for the use of the officers and Directors
of the Pennsylvania railroad company,
passed through this city Saturday, on its
way east. J. Edgar Thomson, the Pres
ident of the road, two of the Directors,
and a number of officers were the passen
gers. They were on a tour of inspection,
and stopped at all the shops between
this place and Altoona. The car attract
ed considerable attention, more espe
cially as a rumor was current that it was
to be used for transporting the Prince of
Wales to the west.—Harrisburg MM.
graph. .
delphia Ledger says Professor Lowe has
been in that city for some
,time past,
making an:angements for attempting to
cross the Atlantic in his mammoth bal
loon, he has secured sufficient funds to
pay the . expenses of the experiment, and
some time during the, present week the
trial will be made. The life boat, dres
ses and other arrangements for the com
fort of passengers (?) arrived in this city
on Saturday. The balloon has been
thoroughly varnished and fiat in com
plete order.
elle Chicago Zouaves gave an ex
hibition drill in Chicago on the 21st in
stant, in the presence of a large concourse
of citizens. They were frequently and
rapturously applauded, and on the con
clusion of the drill the audience arose
and gave three cheers for the United
States Zouaves. The Zouaves returned
the compliment with their " ti-gaar " and
their "hi ljhi l hi 1" salutations. Col.
Ellsworth, their commander, has resign
ed, and has commenced the study of law
with " Old Uncle Abe."
figrThe' correspondent of the World
thus telegraphs the tribulations of Gov
ernor Wise to the world "Ex-Governor
Wise is still in doubt whether be shall
support Breckinridge, although his name
is on the Charlottesville Seceders' elec
toral ticket." -
'Levi Capp , of EastA nover, re
cently found a nest with sixteen partridge
eggs in his father's field. He took the
eggs home in his hat, and laid them on a
stove, and the next morning found them
all hatched, and sixteen young partridges
running about the kitchen.
eirqt is quite true that Isaac V. Fow
ler has been, dangerously ill in Ilayanna.
Re was only able,. when the steamer
sailed, to write a single line, which be
did to his faithful friend Cranston, say
ing "I am getting better."
llt is . said that when Mr. Douglas
was at Rutland, Vt., and just as he was
entering the hotel, a large Irish woman
rushed up and grabbed him in her arms,
and kissed him. • has been estab
lished on the Harrisburg and Lebanon
Valley Railroad, which is said to pay
well. •
a-Profaue language is to conversation
wbat ten inch npikes would be to veneer
ing—iplitting, shivering and defacing
er Many a sweet fashioned month has
been disfigured and made hideous by the
fiery tongue within it.
To CONsumerry ES : The advertiser having
been restored to health in a few weeks, by a
verrsiinple remedy, after having suffered sev
eral years with a severe Lung affection, and
that dread disease, Consumption, is anxious to
make known to• his fellow sufferers the mewls
of cure. To all who desire it he will send a
copy of the prescription used, [free of .chargel
with directions for preparing. and using the
same, which they will find a sure cure fOr Con
sumption, Bronchitis, &c. The only object of
advertiser in sending the presbriptien is to ben
efit the• afflicted, and he hopes every sufferer
will try his remedy, as it will cost them noth-,
ing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wish
ing the prescription will please address
REV. EDWARD A. Wilson,
Williamsburg, rings co., N. Y. pm
WILLIAM COSCHLOVE, while laboring as a mis
sionary in Japan, was cured of Consumption,
when all other means had failed, by a recipe
obtained from a learned physician residing in
the great city of Jeddo. This recipe has cured
great numbers who were suffering from Con
sumption, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs and
Colds, and the debility and nervous depression
caused by these disorders.
.Desirous of benefitting others, I will send
'this recipe, which I have brought home with
me,.to all who need it, free of charge.
Address REV. Wer. Criscßovm,
• 439 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
MENG—The subscriber will send (free of charge)
to all who desire it, the Recipe and directions
for makiag a simple Vegetable Bah% that will,
in from two to eight days, remove Pimples,
Blotches, Tan, Frerb• es, Sallowness, and all
impurities and roughness of the Skin, leaving
the same—as Nature intended it should be
-soft, clear, smooth, and beauttikt.. Those de
siring the Recipe, with full instructions, direc
tions, and advice, will please call on or address
(with return postage,)
JAs. T. MARSHALL, Practical Chemist,
- No. 32 City 'Buildings, New York.
_ .
BEWARE or QUACKS !—This AdvertiseMent
is address to both Males and Fearales
ing from Writ causes. I have practiced many
years, and having made a 'fortune, profession
ally desire now te serve my fellow creatures.
Inclose a polar to pay inCidental charges, and
a sure remedy will be afforded you. Let no
false delicacy prevent, as'strict 'secrecy is 'pin
served. 1 '
Ds,: ,'SCALA PUS Kiwi, 4 RpS,
Dux 910 f Btatitifore,
Opposite the Cross Keys Hold,
TIIE undersigned would rospectfully inform.
the public that he still continues, at the
old stand, corner of Second and Walnut streets,
directly opposite the Cross Keys Hotel, to keep
on hand and for sale, all kinds of cigars from
Half Spanish up, in prices from $6, $7 $2O v,
SSO per thousand. Tonacco.—Natural Leaf,
Excelsior Cavendish, Oranoko Virginia, Con
gress Pine Spun Ladies Twist, Coarse Spun
Twist, Eldorado, Jewel of Ophir tobacco, An
derson's best Fine-cut. All kinds of fine Ci
gars manufactured of imported stock. Sixes
HALF Srarrisrr. Rappee sniiff aSil all kinds
Fine-cut Smoking Tobacco. Scented snuffs.
Fancy Pipes, Cigar Tubes, ke. [Jan. 30;58.
Having cry recently added a /arsu.unt l fash
ionable assortment of Types and Printtng ma
- terials, which watenabk us to do- all-kinds of
Such as Cards, Ball Tickets,
Circulars, Programmes, Blitaks,
Handbills, Posters, Sale Bills) &c.
Everything in the Jae PRINTING line neatly
and cheaply executed and at - short notice.
(LOCKS, WA Tar.gqi if a) I f a
j tie
The undersigned` would take this jorg,
method of informing the pUblic that he ,
is still engaged in the Jewelry business, in
Market street, next door to Jas. M. Anderson's
Confectionary, were everything in his line will
he carefully and promptly attended to at very
reasonable prices. lie has the celebrated
Thirty-day Equalizing Clock,
Clocks of all kinds,Watches, Jewelry, Musi
cal Instruments, ancy Articles, &c.
Marietta, July 28-3ms*
T 0 PERSONS Out. of Employment !
Agents wanted to sell the Erie Seiciv
Machine : we will give a commission, or wages
at from $25 to $6O per month, and expenses
paid. This is a new Machine, and so simple
in its construction that a child of ten years can
learn to operate it by half an hour's instruction.
It is eagual to any Family Sewing Machine in
use, and the price is but Fifteen Dollars.
Persong wishing an Agency will address
J. N. BOYLAN, Secretary,
Erie Sewing Machin; Co., MILAN,O.
Aug. 25-5 t
JEIVELRY.—A large and selected stock of
tJ fine jewelry of Orb latest patterns from the
best factories in the country can be found at
H. L. 8a ZAHM'S.
Cor. North Queen st.. and Centre Square, Lan
caster, Pa. Our prises are moderate and all
goods warranted to be tin represented.
opposite the Court 'House, where he will at
tend to the practice of his profession in all its
various branches. [Nov.4,
.1 ear Spangler 4- Patt . ersvm.s Store, Market-st.,
where Photographs, mbrotypes and Melain
eotypes are taken at *try reasonable prices.
lErCull and see specimens.
OFFICE: Front street, fourth door
from Locust, over Saylor &c McDon-it #####
ald's Book Store. Columbia. Entrance be
tween the Drug and Book Stores. [3-ly
Christopher Hatter,
Who is determined that his work shall be well
done and at moderate prices. Givelbim a trial.
i J. GROSIi & SON, Lumber Dealers,
ard at the Eastern part of. Marietta.
3 Please call attheir office, adjoining the
THREE-STORY brick house at the CANAL.
SPECIAL NOTICE : Now opening, the
largest and most complete assortment of
Men's Wear \IV' have ever offered, consisting
of Super English, French, American and Ger
man, Black and Fancy Twilled and Plain
Cloths and Casstraeres, Fancy, Silk, Plain and
Figured_ Silk Velvet and Plush Yestings, &c.
We MI ite partieular attention to the above
goods. HALDEMAN'S Cheap Cash Store.
AT HIT A :—Pbr the instant relief
and permanent cure or this distress
ing complaint use FEND7'S 111 l 7NCILIAL
C. B. SEYhIORE St CO., 107 Nassau's!., N. Y.
Price, $1 per box; sent free by post.
it For sale by all Druggists.
Laguira Coffee; Crushed, Pulverized and
town Sugar 3. Superior Green and Black Tea ;
Rice, Cheese and Spices; Syrup and prime ba
king Molasses; Excellent Pearl Barley at
t,UST RECEIVED at Anderson's Confec
tionary and Variety Store, in Market-st,
tine assortment of children's gigs" basket
wagons, perambulators, wheelbarrows, toy
wagons, candidates flags, druto s, rocking
horses, &c., at Anderson's.
ENRY WOLFE, Agent for the sale of
Li S. M. Griswald's• celebrated Gold Pens:
Just received; a large stock of the above pens
—all warranted. Old warn-out pens re-poin
ted by St M. Griswold, No. F 77 Broadway,
New-York. Send your pens to H. Wolfe,
Market-st., Makietur, Pa.,
. ,
T j ADZES AND GENTS Anderson has just
.1 received'an elegant assortment of Perfu
mery; consisting of Toiliet Soaps, Hair Oils,
Extracts and Colognes at prices much below
the usual Mei, also'some very handsome Canes
for gentlemen, Portmonies, &c.
C)IDER VINEGAR: Ten barrels Pure
. home made Cider Vinegar for sale at six
cents a quart at WoLre's, made of the pure
juice of the'apple; a single trial will convince
youlof that fact. Wolfe's Variety Store.
W S— B go il o S d S Time
Keepers, for One Dollar.
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry carefully re
paired and charges moderate, at WOLFE'S
RACHES : Caned peaches, from Richards
& Ribbins, Dover, the following varieties:
ld Mixen Free,
Ward's late Free & Smock, very fine,
For Sale at WOLFE'S.
perior sceection of French and German
C oths, and Cassimers, and a variety of beauti
ful Ventings, selling very cheap at
N)OI!92IOEWFIS x :—Mackerel
Nos. 1, 2 and 3, in various
package s ; Herring and Cod Fish, at
MO LANDLORDS! Just received, Scotch
and Irish IV II IS K I-E S,. warran
ed pure, at H. D. Benjarnain's.
THE best stock of Sagars and Tobacco in
. town ; kept at WOLFE'S.
T INE OIL and FLUID, at Grove If Roth's
FRESH Lemonsand Oranges just receive .,
and for sale cheap at J. M. .4114108 On?
PURE SPICES from the Washington Spice
Mills, A Wolfe's.
brand " 'wafted tob e
engine. Benjamin Co.
ScitOiti)OkS of all kinds , very chew
at (:rove gt &ties 'Market4 •