The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, September 01, 1860, Image 1

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    tit 77:Itthili .7):,,,,ar.+.itt.11:
VOL. 7.
'612 . t tattlik Earigitian
fiitedcolelr 4akeA,
ÜBLICATION OFFICE in the second g o .
Pry of CRIILL'S Row, 071 Front ...Street, five
flow East of Mrs. Flury's Hotel, MARIETTA,
If su'oseriptions be not paid within six months,
$1.25 will be eharged, and if delayed until the
expiration of the year, $1.50 will be charged.
Any person sending us FIVE new subscribers
shall have a sixth copy for his trouble.
No subscription received for a less period than
Six months, and no paper will tie discontin
ued until all arrearages are paid, unless at
the option of the publisher. A failure to no
• tify a discontinuance at the expiration of the
term subscribed for, will be considered a new
ADVERTISING RATES : One square (12 lines,
or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and 25
vents for each subsequent insertion. Profes
sional and Business curds, of six lines or less
at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading
columns, five cents a-line. Marriages and
Deaths, the simple announcement, FREE;
but for any additional lines, five cents a-line.
Having recently added a large lot of new Jon
AND CARD TYPE, we are prepared to do all
ING, at short notice and reasonable priees.
A liberal discount made to quarterly, half-year
ly or yearly advertisers.
Nabs of Pgariments.
President, James Buchanan, of Pennsylvania
Vice President) John C. Breckinridge, of Ken
tucky. • •
spealeer of the House, Win, Pennington, New
',Secretary of State, Levels Cass, of Michigan.
Secretary of tke Treasury, Howell Cobb, of Ga.
Secretary of tke Nary, Isaac Toucey, of Conn.
Secretary of War, John B. Floyd of Va.
Secretary of Interior, Jacob Thompson, Miss.
Postmaster General, Joseph Roll, of Ky.
Attorney General, Jeremiah S. Black, of Pa.
Chief Justice, Roger B. Taney..
Assomate Justices, John MlLean, Jas. Wayne,
John Catron, Peter V. Daniel i .Saran Nelson,
Robert C. Grier, John A. Campbell, and Na
than Clifford
Governor, Wm. F. Packer, of Lycoming co,
Secretary of State, Wm. M..1-liester,,iif Berks.
Attorney General, John C:Knox, Tioga.
Surveyor General, Win. H. Keim,pf Berks.
Auditor General, Thos. E: Coehian,Of York - .
State Treasurer, Eli Slifer,
of Uhion.
Supirintendent of Public Schools, Thomas H.
Burrowee, of Lancaster.
Judges of the Supreme Caul t, Walter H.: Lowrie,
Chief Justice, Geo. W. Woodward, James
Thompson, Wm. Strong, John'lll.
President Judge, Henry G. Long.
A'siistant Judges, Alexander L. ilit3iesi Ferree
• Brinton.
District Attorney ? Emlen Franklin. •
Prothonotary, William Carpenter.
.Recorder, Anthony Good.
Register, John Johns.
County Treasurer, Michael H. Shirk.
Sheriff, Benjamin F. Rowe.
Clerk of Quarter Sessions Court, Sam l l Evans.
Clerk of Orphans' Court, C. L. Stoner.
Coroner, Levi Summy.
County Commissioners, Daniel {lOO. Joseph
Boyer, Levi S. Reist, Solicitor, Ed. Reilley.
Clerk, Peter G. Eberrnun. -
Directors of the Poor, Robert Byers, Lewis
Sprecher, Daniel Overholtzer, John Huber,
Simon Grob, David Myer Solicitor, James
K. Alexander. Clerk, Wm, Taylor.
Prison Inspectors, R. J. Houston, Day. Brandt,
John Long, Jacob Seitz, Hiram Evans, N.
S. Gard. Solicitor, Dan'l G. Baker. Keep
er, Jay Cadwell.
Auditors, Thomas S. Collins, James B: Lytle,
John Mecartney.
County Surveyor, John C. Lewis.
Chief Burgess, Samuel D. Miller, '
Assistant Burgess, Peter Baker,.
Town Council, Barr Spangler,- (President)
Jblin Civil; Thomas Stence,
Henry S. Libhart. • '
ToPam. Clerk, Theo; Thestand.
Treasurer, John Auxer.
Assessor of Taxes, William
Collector of Taxes, Frederick L. Baker.
Justice of the Peace, Emanuel D. Roath.
Itightonstable, Absalem Emswiler.
Assistant Constable, Franklin K. Mosey.
Regulators, John 11. Geedrnan,E..D. Roach.
Supervisor, Samuel 'Hippie, Sen.
School. Directors, Jean Jay Ltbhart, Presi7
dent, E. D. Roath, Treasurer, C. A. Schaffner,
Secretary, John .K. Fidler, Aaron B. Grab,
Jonathan M. Larzelere.
• Post Office Hours: . The Post Office will
be open from 6 o'clock in the morning, until
half-past 7in the evening.- The Eastern mail
is Silver Spring. and liempfield twill cloge•att
2 p. m., and arrive at 11. a. m. every Tuesday
Thursday and Saturday.
The Eastern mails will close at 7a. in. and
4.15 p. m., and return at 11.21 o'clock, a. in.,
and at 6 28 p. m.
The Western mails will close at 10.50 a. tn.,
and arrive at 4.56 p. m.
Railroad Time Table: The mail trairefor
Philadelphia will lea* this station at 7.56 in
the morning, The:mail train west will leave
at 11,21 in the morning. The Harrisburg ac
commodation east, passes ,at 4.56 p. m. and
returns, going west, at 6 2S p. m.
Religious Exercises: Service will be had on .
every Sabbath at 10 o'clock in the morning and
at before S o'clock in the evening, in the Pres
byterian church. Rev. P. J. Timlow, pastor.
Every Sabbath at 10 o'clock in the morning .
and at 1-4 before S o'clock in the evening.
: :there will be service,in the Methodist church...
74tev. T. W. Martin, pastor.
Beneficial Societiis: THE HARMONY, A. N.
Cassel, President; John; Jay Libhart, Treasui:
ar ; Barr Spangler, Secretary.- Tut: Frowzy.*
- John Jay Libbarti President; Abrm Cassel
'Treasurer; Win, Child, jr,, Secretary.
R ECEIVEDby Dr. 1 - linirr,
Comstock's Fresh. Garden Seeds,
Parker's tt
Landreth's " " cc
Lage assoitmentpf Fresh Flower Seeds.
4 , r cc . Ger man Flower .Seedir.
Genuine Ke3 stone Saponafier.
New-Books, Music &c.
Blairs & Coxes Gelatin.
Blair's Pure Chocolate..
Commission Lumber .131erchant, -
West Falls Avenue, Baltimore, Md.
AremsEfitIECTFULLY offers his services for the
ale of Lvst a z a of every description
' his knowledge of the business he feel
confident of being able to obtain tho highest
market Wei fos- all consignments' entrusted. to
gdocri6 to Volitits, yittutturt, Aglitutture,* Nortitulturt, lint lies, &mai Nan of fly gi q , Itztal 3nformation,, it, it,
axmLimirmr/I_, PA., Euvrt.T3Ftx) - V, Ailm - E 3 •ig=rwimmpri.s., ise<›.
Why, lady, should'st thou vainly sigh
For beauty's magic spell?
Or let, perchance, within thine eye
The tear of envy swell?
Why should'st thou idly, thus regret
A simple gilded toY.
And on its lustre; childlike, set
Thy dreams Of sweetest joy?
Hath partial Nature from thy doWer
Withhold each better part? .
Bestows she neither spell nor power
To win up 6 the heart?
Save the mete etodel of the face -
The eye of brilliancy—
The beau idea form of gracei
And perfect symmetry?
Are there no other gems then these
Comprised within her store,
And boasts as true a charm to please=
That you their lack deplore?
Is there no beauty of the minds
Nor loveliness of soul?
Possessing magic pow'r to bind,
Within their sweet control,
All that the heart may sigh to win.;
The bosom yearn to share 7
111-favoured shells oft yield within,
Rich pearls beyond compare.
Dwells there no fascinating wile
In smiles that kindly wreathe?
No syron sweetness to beguile, -
On tones that gently breathe? •
Is,there no magic in the glance
Of fondly-beaming eyes?
Or in the gushing tear, perchance,
When tender pity sighs?
May not the worth of these aspire
To rank with beauty's sheen, -
And kindling oft a purer• fire,
Remain forever green?
Andlorm they not the magic zone—
The cestus Venus wore
To bind with beauty not their own,
The charms that you deplore ?
Then why - , aweet lady, idly sigh,
For hues that Soon decay?
The joys they win full surely die,
When berinty fades away ;
The flow'ret WitOring in its time,
No more attracts the bee,
That fondly sought its fragrant prime,
And banquetted in glee.
RIVAL MADMEN.- The famous Blondin
has a rival at Niagara in the penal' of
Signor Farini, who will open his mad
performances. on the 10th. He has se
lected a place near the outlet of the Hy
draulic Canal, a short distance below the
Niagara House. where the river is about
200 feet wide-=the widest place between
the Falls and Lewistown—and where
the banks are also very high. His:bills
state that he will walk from the Ameri
can side and on returning he will draw a
rope up from the steamer Maid of the
Mist, fasten it to his cable, and descend
it head foremost to the deck of the
steamer, (t-little distance of perhaps 150
feet.) He will return to his cable by
the same route. This is a performance
never before undertaken by Blondin .or
any one else.
YrOI4ALS IN HATTI.— , An official Hayti- ;
en document, giving the number of
births, deaths, marriages, and divorces,
in various villages -in different parts of
the empire, during three months, sho ' .
that the whole number of childeen irn
in these months were 1,900, of orn'
1,740 were born out of wedlock. In Port
an Prince, the capital, out of 420 chil
dren born only 30 were legitimate. If
any other country on. the face of the
earth—where the marriage institution is
recognized—can exhibit such a mon
strous disproportion between the legiti
mate and illegitimate births, we know
not where it is to be found. Freedom
in the Hayti islands is rather the unbri
dled license of the wild animal than the
rational liberty of a man.
NEGRO 00.NSPUI.ACY.—The Richmond
(Vs.) Dispatch says on Wednesday or
Thursday, last, as the overseer of Mr.
Samuel Hairston, a wealthy farmer of
Halifax, in that State, was in his office,
six negroes came in and told him that oth
er negroes were plotting an insurrection
in the woods, and offered to take hip to
'the place. They led him into the woods,
until they came to a newly dug pit, 1 hen
one of the negroes told theoverseer hat
that was his grave, and offered him -
teen minutes to prepare for death. The
overseer, however, had a revolver, which
he drew and shot four of them dead,
wounding a fifth in the abodomen, when
the sixth "cleared out." The wounded
man is dangerously , injured.
recent season of the Alexandria dotiuty
Court, two mea of mixed blood appeared
before the Court,- and, having proved ,
themselves to be octoroons, or possessing
one-eighth negro blood,. asked• the C ourt
to certify that they were not negroes..—
The Court, having heard the evidence;
granted the certificate asked for. The
object of the process was to release the
parties applying from the obligations
and penalties attached - to free negroes
by the laws of Virginia.
L. Baker, Editor and Proprietor.
Baltimore correspondent of the Times
writes : "A matter rather singular, for
cibly impressed itself upon me some
weeks ago, but I' neglected noticing it
up to the present time. Passing along
our streets the next day after the an
nouncement of the death of Prince Je
rome Bonaparte, I saw his wife—Miss
Patterson—now near her eightieth year,
walking out, in her usual costume, un
concerned as if nothing had happened.
She certainly knew the fact ; but know
ing her eccentricities, I was not surprised.
It is no uncommon thing to see this ven
erable lady in the public marts attend
ing personally to business. She often
collects her own rents, and takes a flirt
at stock speculations when the fever is
up. At all times an elegant crown jewel,
glittering with diamonds of the purest
water, is displayed upon her forehead,
whilst her arms are white, skin, smooth
and tender as a maiden of sixteen. She
is really a remarkable woman. There is
a deep stoicism and unbending philoso
phy, coupled with independence, in her
compositions which one out of a thqu
sand, male or female, does not possess.
Her every thought is replete witla•favor
itism for royalty: Republics she esteems
commons ungrateful ; and now, though a
citizen of our domain, and without, any
thing special to plume herself upon
touching lmperial favors; she lives in the
ideal of to belle France. Her greatest
ambition is to -hear of her grandson—
young Jerome—now in the French army,
rising to honor and imperial distinction.
A large portion of her annual Ilieciine,
which is very large, is appropriated to
his service. At her demise it is pre
sumed, he will inherit her entire for
tune, as she is not on terms of intimacy
with her son here."
charming maiden, in Indiana, the fortu
nate possessor of a considerable proper
ty, became engaged for marriage to a
green, unattractive, clnmsey boy, of 18
years. The day for the wedding was fix
ed, and the course'of rustic love running
smoothly enough. One day, the groom
expectant appeared before his mistress
with wrinkled brow, quivering chin, eyes
filled with ' tears. "My father says 1
shan't marry, unless I first pay him for
my time." This was all he said. The
woman at once sent him to the sharp
parent, with instructions to leatn the
lowest rate of exChange at which the
time could be transmuted into money.—
" I will sell you;" said the fathet, " for
$2OO, and not.,a cent less." . " And 1 will
buy you," returned the damsel, when the
offer was communicated- to her. She
paid the money, married the property,
and has since so assiduously cultivated
it, that a great improvement, personally,
morally, and intellectually has ,• en
The editor of the Washington Evening
Star, writing from Harper's Ferry,speaks
as follows of some of the evidences of the
manner in which the work of surveying
was done by Washington in his early
days: " When engaged in engineering
lower down the river—that is, between
Harper's Ferry and Georgetown—l have
not unfrequently hunted up and found
"beach marks' made by the hand of
Washington himself, their position being
so distinctly and accurately indicated in
his notes of his surveys (still preservad)
as that there was rto mistaking their pa
ternity. In all, hundreds, it may be, of
civil engineers have labored over the
route of Washington's original survey , of
the Potomac in• the last thirty-three or
four years, and one and all,they will tes
tify that the evidences remaining of his
professional labors prove his remarkable
method in all things as unerringly as his
subsequent glorious military and civil
fifiguished little Frenchman cafe at
the office of the N. Y. Tribune a few
days since and is thus described ; Re
is a little, fair-hatred,'wiry fellow,_with
keen blue eye, as bright and piercing as
an eagle's. His grip is vice-like in As
firmness., and altogether he looks as the
Roman might who knows no fear, On
the 10th or 12th of September Ike will
commence his exploits at ;Tones' Woods,-
walking over a 2,000 feet rope,.stretched
from masts 200 feet. above the ground.
On the 29th inst., at the Falls he will
cross over his roils' at 4 6'clock, with a
Woman on his back; and at 9 m., in a
blaze 'of fireworks: On' th'e'ocU6 3 sion of
the visit of the Prince of Wales to the
Cataract, Blondin will cross the rope on
stilts four feet high. He looks none the
worse for his recent roasting. •
THE CICiAlt STEAMER.--Tlie Baltitore
eorrespdrldent of the Charlestown Cour
ier writes i "I learn that Thomas Winans
our opulent; enterprising, fellow-eitiken,
is determined to e*liibit; for a brief per
iod, his novel drift Alongside the Great
Eastern, during her anchorage at Annap
ohs Roads,which will constitute a double
attraction. The (tiger) steamer is one
of the funiest-looking things imaginable.
It resembles some*hat a huge whale
with its back out of water. Each end
comes to a . point sharp as a needle. It
is deSigned to plunge through waves,
storm, and tempest, going under, if nec
essary, all Safe the pilot's house or plat-;
form, which is elevated many feet above
the upper deck. Mr. Winans is still
sanguine, more than ever, that his plan
of ocean steam navigation will be a suc
cess. He has, on trial trips, made twen
ty tiles per hour; and, it is said, has
the full knowledge within himself, from
private experiments, that his boat can
be put np to an average of thirty, or per
haps thirty-five miles per hour. So con
fident is he that the invention will even
tually succeed that, in due'time, he pro
poses to build another vessel; of similar
construction, on a much more extensive
scale. The one now built has cost hilt(
about $200,000.
THAT SWINDLE.-A correspondent
writing to the New York Post, says of
the Japanese swindle : A lady, who ex
amined the forty Japanese apartments
before the guests arrived, says such
splendor and extravagance h - ad never
before been seen in this country. All
this, let it be remembered, for people, of
simple habits, and who knew nothing of
otir American extravagances. She stat
ed that the beds of the Japanese were
costly beyond estimate, and that they
were curtained around with the richest
and most expensive laces. These apart
ments were all newly furnithed, and pro •
bably the Lelands have di:landed the
original cost of those ariticles in their
bills. They not only charge for enter
taining the Japanese, but for maga&
ciently furnishing the rooms they occu
pied! A. bill of particulars will settle
this question.
A few days since a case unparalleled in
the . hiStory of surgical operations upon
one's self took place
. in Memphis, Ten
nessee. A man named Patrick Dugan,
who for some time had been under med
ical treatment at the city hospital, left
that institution and went to a neighbor.;
ing house, where he procured an exe:;=--
Dugan returned to the hospital after get
ting the axe, and went to the rear ofthe
building, where, placing his leg upon
a stump, with a stmeal insensibility of
real or pretended indifference'to paini
he actually hacked the member off near
the - ankle. When discovered a • short
time afterwards, he was still standing
by the stump, steadying himself by one
hand, and swinging the injured leg, the
oot being still attached by a portion of
he skin, as gaily as though he was the
most delightful posturer known.
are daily railing the President, or some
member of his Cabinet, find themselves
likely to exhaust their stock of invec-,
tives, they can renew their supply by the
study of certain,productions of their pre
deeessors in the same vile business. In
a publigation now before us; issued in
1800, we find Washington charged with
having " embezzled 'the public money,
being " knowingly
_prejured," being ".a
hypocrite " and with having "sacrificed
the dearest rights of his country;" While
the incumbent President was assailed
for "having completed the scene of ig
nomiay Which Washington began."
upp.the authority of Mr. Leis Welain,
.f Brandywine Hundred, himself, that
the story published in the Delaware Ga
zette, of last Tuesday_ week, that a col
ored' domestic in his family had been 4e
tected in making a little child of his swal
low pins, is a sheer tabricatioD from be
ginning to end, nothing of the kinsl hav
ing ever occurred. The very - pretty ac
count as to the plan adopted by the
mother to detect the wretch, said the
means resorted to = by , ;the phYsieian,
Whereby ten or iv dozes pins were dis
lodged from the stomach of the "little
sufferer," is all spoiled.
RELICS OF THE WAR' OF 18121-1 n mak
ing an excavation new. .the old fort at
Toronto; Canada, the' 'Other day; &tear
bodies of British and Ahdrican soldiers,
who fell durh3g . the' s war Of:,181:13, were
found. A button Was also found, having
on it the initial's of the Pennsyfvanid ,
Jotirdal says : " Ahd-elKader, 'Whose e±-
ploits are histories but who, during late
years, has beeti alinost yst sight of, is
probably about to return to salve life;
under the guidance of;the Emperor Na
poleon. Abdzel-Kader was the cheif
who for fifteen years, frodlB3 tb 1847,
Maintained a Struggle against the French
at Algeria. He and his Moors were only
overcome at last by an alliance between
Louis Philippe and the Emperor of Itlo
rocco. Defeated and taken prisoner, he
was held captive Fra.nee as long as the
French Kingdom lasted. Napoleon, aff=
ter his accession to the Imperial throne,
liberated Abd-el-Kader, treated him
with kindness and sent him to the East.
It is now•announced in the Paris jour
nals that the Emperor has sent him the
grand cordon of the Legeon of Honor, in
recompense for his conduct in favor of
the Christians in Syria, and that Abd-el-
Kader manifests his gratitude by proffer
ing his services for the suppression of the
otrocites in Mount Lebanon, asking only
a force of 3,060 troops, with which he en
gages to restore order in a very short
THE HERMITAGE.--WO were shown yes;
terday the hat worn by General Jackson
on the occasion of his inauguration as
President of the United States for a sec
ond term: This hat is the property •of
our fellow citizen, Robert Gibson, Esq:,
and was •presented to-him by--the old
Hero himself several years previous to
his death. It was subsequently loaned
to Gen. V. A. Healy; the eminent artist;
in whose possession it has been for
twelve or fourteen years. The hat is in
an excellent state of preservation, and
though in its style forcibly reminding us
of its distinguished wearer, it would
hardly pass for fashionable: It is white;
ery broad brimed, and has a wide crape
on . it. -The tip.bears the iMprint Of the
maker; " Orlando Fisk, Broadway 137
New York- - -mannfactnred especially for
his excellency General Andre* jack
son."—Nashville Bantier.
INTERESTIG FAME Some interesting
facts about the City of London have
been recently; published. The present.
British metropolis equal to three Lon
dons 0f4800.. >lt increases at the rate
of about 1,000 a week, half by births
(their excess :'over deaths) and half by
immigration (their excess over emigra
tion.) •In the same ways New York,
&ming the past ten years„has intreased
at the xate ,of about ;i3O per, week. The
present American metropolis; however,
is equal to - fifteen - New-Yorks of-1800.—
It is 'remarkable that, in Lcindoi4 on in
six of those who lestve the•wbrldi , dies in
one cif . the . pUbliC institutions—a work-
house, hospital; asylum; ot prison.—
Nearly one in eleiren'of the deaths is in
a work-honta. The'pfoirortion of deaths
under such' eit;titerttEitiebs' in New York
is fiery sinall—noi at all tolb'e'ootnpared
with the 'deaths in-London.,
„LArrntraos.--Sir Sohn
Bowring, at a recent tract Society meet
ing said : The. Chinese are a proud na
tion, and naturally enough;. ,Their-kan
guage has existed four , thousand five
hundred years and everybody , reads, it
Our language ia,alangnaggi of yegterday.
&parson who lived in the island of Great
Britain eight hundred years. WY? could
not understandlone of tis; and we could
not make ourselves t understood by him.
But Confucius wrote• six or se'ten. hun-;
dred years before l ions Christ; and his
lanmge •is read not by fifty or sixty
.millions who" Understand the kinglith
language, but by five 'hundred millions
of the, human race. What a Wonderful
poWer ! •
. ,
itiff:Mri 'Moses: Y.Beachy ad long eon
nected with the publication of the New
York Sun, has disposed of his interest to
Mr. W. C Chnrch, formerly of the 'Exan
iner. Mr. Beach, gave a supper' to his as
sociates in journalism at his residence on
Brooklyn Ilpighti, on tile etening of the
Bth inst.' About forty erellzknowernein
hers of 'the . .e it were
„Present . ; and par
took of the good cheer which Mr. Beach
had provided.
~,The. evening , was spent
in ; conversation' eating, .drinking, tcast--
ing,and syteakinge, A noticeable feature
v,as,,thart bauque.ts,tocle the pla,ce of wine
`is the glasses of the guests. it is under
stood that Mr. Beach will for the pres
ent be engaged in perfecting a new print
ing press, which it is expected will s'ur
pass anything yet produced. • .
Wale Poet inland ,Argue of
`the 15th inst. -says Some fifteen or
twinti'OWS and othni eittle bin+ reegn:
fly'lleeir, killed near this plate, ''which'
were supposed to-have the
Rd* ON TON Gann EvrErtx.--Clorti
plainths have been lodged against several
of the officers of the, Great Eastern, oh
account of the rudeness •displayed, and
the watt of that proper retepect for the
feelings of ladies '*high eirery gentleman
should possess. On Thitredajoilti of the
°Mills took the-liberty of insulting a
gentlethan residing in South Baltinlore,
when he was , taught beller,maners by a
well-directed blow from a loaded cane,
which felled him to the Zeck. , Yester
day afternoon a like affair took place oh
board the ship, between Washington
Goodrich and one of the officers, in
which the latter was roughly handled.—
It appears that GTOodrich observed the
officer practice rudeness toter& two la
dies, and reproved him forsuoh condi:Mt,
when the officer repliato hith in an Iti;
solent manner, Goodrich knocked him
down and administered a few
The affray created quite an efetteMent,
'which, however; soon quieted down.
A FAMILY OF CLERGYMEN ! --- 1 1110, seat
lered members of the family, Of. Rev. Dr.
Emerson, of Salem, Mass., some thirty
in number; were reunited at the old fain
tly home, on Saturday and Sunday week.
On Sunday Dr. Enierson'e - oldestnon oc
cupied the deslt in the Morning, the fa
ther, the secopd eon and %he son in-law,
who is a clergymen, being; elan the
In the afternoon the son-in-law
preached'; whilehoth morning atditfter
noon, the father Indthe other son Offici
ated in the devotional services.
ea - The Jordith Transcript state:ls:that
James Martin who -has3
town of Elbridge f in one acid. tie same
locality, for more than fifty yoariarithose •
age, as near as can be escartetintd;is 109 t,
I , ears, last Saturday. Morning biada a
pilgrimage on foot some three-fourths of
fi mile to Weed'a'steid itt thst village,
and back -again fafter *flag it-fe* hours.
He tetaine memory, :events •
that transpired sonic eighty or; more ,
years ago, but, forget! - what passed the
previous hour: "Some eighty yettisago;'
he says, "seats but a shOrt spice of
t' fie—then I ima'strZini'
• ....A h ap py."
girliirs. Elizabeth- Litzenberget die&
at- the Stark: OottntylObio) Infirmary,
on the Ist instant; aged, 102 , yearei 10
months, and 201.daym tWhen a girl she
was , a great faitorite' of. General.WaSh
ington; for tirhom:she.tooked daring his
visits tcfrLittle • York, I'm; whieb ,so
pleased him that he offered her, ttperrea.
neat sitttation in his family; which she
declined; During whololife 05 - 0-
ceased was a haralkesilini For
the test quarter o f century _ :she has
struggled with Abject Uot:
knowing *here she'shottld finds itheitef
arid a, bed for her worn-oat body:' •
(Ole Monmouth, ,N: ;; J., Inquirer
states that the lrodrof-Miss Tan Brunt,
of vithorti there were. suspicions of her
having been mtr,rdered about e-year Edifoo,
was found on Sunday afternoon,last, by .
M. J. ReedoWho was walking - throUgh
a swampi about a hundred audfifty yards
from the cabin where-Cottrell , and the,,
woman lived: She was the- m:istress of
Cottrell. At the `tirioi'iatgiiid
Cottrell and a man named tution were
arrested, upon suspicion drhaling dis
posed of her, lint ss her body Could not
be found, they Were released.
erWelave two-Erinces,orttbkAmer
isan Continent. Albert Eclwarliamak
ing his triumphal. march through Can—
,ada; the recipient - of endlss, ora,tiotts,
'and, the prey of Jkidericarr and - English
journalists. His brother Alfr=ed, a yith
of fewer years, and with less rnyisr h‘ipes,.
is at Brazil; ilia inids l hipmaa's.iirii&4l.
The second prince had ohtibied it din
from the EuiperOr, Don 'Pearl), blip
fUrther than this he created no MA;
sensation than beardless midshipniair
usually recerre.
/ • • ,
Sothe days ago-a, man named. Her--'
ton was killed by his 'own sett in Ole
•county, Indiana, in : a , quarrel about.a
Pistol whichlhe father tot lace
froni ; his sonito prevent his
body, 'with it: 'rhe 'pirrielde ha at
%. in jail ; and in the sake Atifiri:4l2.Wi t -;'
ot , his brothers--oqe ; of . them '
'tfqr theft ? and,the other two for obetragt
`,legal propos, ; Vutir brothers KO L
atstUO. ,l3 art4e-Air,nft , Aferent.:FgWVlAV.
a spectacle s no t o(tert witncsmd.„
cr terrible tragedyisreporteitiraii.
Council 9.reve, Y•44usa 7 A-,r4 Piinipatußd
Jojah 17aYlcnAiii!EL." 0 ,Ye B'mth," who,
has been, marriattorily,:a ponlih lire&
innhappily with his wife, shot her with a
i - i'stel, but nut fat,ally7 then eseaked,
j lint was purstiet l 'ind when his Vunienirs
were alfichlt Capturing him, he "abet
•self through - the head, dying instantly.