The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, August 25, 1860, Image 3

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    Yo cal allarittfian.
& f latuycLait, Jl:agitsi 2 ' 6 ; 18'1'0
'A Temperance . Mae'B Meeting will
be held in the Locust Grove of Col. J.
'W. Clark ; just back of tbwis; on to-mor
row afternoon at 1 1-2 o'clock, The
speakers are Prof. Gaddis, of Cincinnati,
one of the ablest champions of the cause
in this country ; James Black and G.
W. McElroy, Esqrs., of Lancaster ; com
fortable seats have been made to accom
modate the largo audience that is expect
ed will assemble. Prof. G. we have un
derstood has delivered one hundred and
seven speeches in the last ninety days,
and his engagements are such that he
can remain here but a few hours ; he. is
to speak in Mount Joy in the evening.
If the weather should be unfavorable,
the meeting will be held in the, Metho
dist Church at the same hour.
FAMILY FIGUT Tb e Democratic
County Committee met on Saturday last,
and had an unusually anirnatid session.
lliram B. Swarr, Esq., declining a re
election as Chairman, Fred'k S. Pyfer,
Esq., was elected in his place, and P.
Martin Miller, Esq., Secretary. Dr.
Parker, East Ilempfield, offered ..a reso
lution declaring Deuglas and Johnson
the regular nominees of - the National
Democracy, which was voted down by a
vote of 27 to 10, wherenpon-Dr. Parker,
James 11. Barnes, city, and J. El. Hull,
Earl, s'.atled from the Committee. A
resolution was then adopted by a vote
of 31 to 2, endorsing the action of the
State Central Committee at Orbseen,—
The Committee also resolve.] it to be in
expedient to settle a county ticket this
fall—thus leaving the field open to in
dependent candidates, or an independent
Union ticket, which it is said will be
placed in the field before long.
The Committee also adopted a resolu
tion highly commending Gen. Foster;
one recommending the formation of Bo
rough and Township Clubs ; arid one au
thorizing the Chairman to call a Masa
Meeting at such time as will suit the
convenience of Gen. Foster to attend
and address the same. _The committee
adkaitvned to meet at the call of the
ChaPinan. .
compliance with theta) instructions
the Bell 8r Everett wing haVe a call fctr
Elie formation of a "Foster Clirb" at the
Perry lions*. in this borough, thifieven
ink, Speaking of the determination of
the Democracy not to nominate a ticket,
the Lancaster Union, says : "This is well
understood. Efforts have been making
for several days to get up a conglomera
iion of disappointed caacliciate:s at the
late .Convention, followera .of "Little
Doug" and "Brock," and BelVEverett
Union-Savers. What a beautiful mix
ture that would make, to be sure ! If
any of our weak-kneed brethren who fail
ed in our last Convention, c a n be pre
veiled upon, why let them try it on, that's
all. They will meet with such a rebuke
as they will not forget for a life time."
girThere was quite a Bell and Ever
ett demonstration in Lancaster on Tues
day night last. A special train came to
this place and took a small delegation
down. The Lancaster Expiess Aays
there were over one hundred lantern
torches carried in the procession, made
in the form of a Bell, some of them va
riegated with colors of rid, whittol. and
blue, which presented a realty , handsome
appearance. There were-aleo a number
of transparences, with, variatie• itiedfip
tions, and several larger 15ell-huAerns.—
A large bell and some smaller ones were
kept constantly ringing, and altogether
the parade was a creditable affair,
OWThe editor of the. Lancaster Church
Advocate, who has been on: a visit to
Cumberland county, speaking of the
Rev. John Winebrenner, says : We vis
ited Elder Winebrenner both on our way
to and from Newville last weekt and
found him sinking_rapidly, and,our judg
ment is, that his work on eartii Ss done,
and his end near-at - hand. 'We found
him, however, firm in. faith, and joyful in
thelope and consolations of the Gospel.
IWO= friends at Maytown intend
forming a "Liac.ola Olub" in that village
Ilia-evening. Whilst on this subject
we are requested
. to state that a Olgb,,
ya k iignin be attempted in this borough
en Wednesday evening, at 7i
in lip Town Ball. Don't fail, friends of
the cause, to turn out.
erWe learn that-Peter M. Haldeman;
f o merly. of Washington, in this county,
died;in , Jamestown, Oalifornia, somerout
during the Month of June. Poor Peter,
no better man ever 'lived. Every body
knevi him here as "big Pete" and it was
always said' that be .had a big heart and
a big soul. His lot was a chequered oue.
t%+& grand Temperance Mass Meet
inewili be heleet Mountville, below
Columbia to-day, which will be address
ed. by, Gaddis, James Blacic,
Esq., * Dr. Orr, G. W. hicElroy and
Our young_ friends are about get
tint up a Cotillion party at Miller's Don
egel Mouse on Thursday evening next:
Something veryince may belooked for.
owlh:ackenmill* is about again with ,
tow' poems, on the ,Republican eandi
dotes ;•-he promises to be here at 'the
grand' ratty on the 7th of Septembei,
ing are the gentlemen composing the
permanent organization :
President—ll. H. FRY
Tice Presidents—E. Hershey, jr., J.
M. Cowden, Wm. Lloyd, Jacob Auwer
ter, Davis Murphy, and H. M. Boyd.
Recording Secretaries—Dr. S. Atleo
Bockins and M. D. Wilson.
Corresponding Secretary—Joseph W
Treasurer—A. S. Green.
Captain—J.. D. Wright.
Lieutenants—Jacob Auwerter, Wm
Simpson, 11. Pfahlor, H. M. Boyd.
Ensign—Henry Griffith.
Surgeon—B. Rohrer, M. D.
The Club then adjourned to meet on
Saturday evening., 18th inst for the pur
pose of parading in uniform.
authority of several gentlemen who had
witnessed the exhibition of this unrivall
ed work of art in other eitied, we prom
ised that the citizens of Lancaster would
see something far superior to anything
in the exhibition line which had ever
been presented in this city. It is grati
fying for us to know that in all ourpros
pective praise, we did not exaggerate.
What was seen at Fulton Hall last even
ing, and will be seen every evening next
week, cannot be exaggerated. We are
pleased also to see unerring indications
Mo. so .fine a work of art, one in which
so much time, labor and money have
been invested, not only by the ingenious
projector and proprietor, but by the en
terprising lessees of this city, will meet
with that substantial appreciation from
our citizens which will justify them in
continuing its exhibition here for some
The" opening last night may be written
a complete success. The audience was
large and embraced a large number of
those who can appreciate the mechanic
arts in their highest development ; and
yet we did not meet with any one in the
audience who was not only pleased and
delighted, but really astonished. The
programme gives nothing like an ade
quate idea of the various scenes in the
exhibition. To see the rocky coasts of
Gibraltar, with its harbor covered with
shipping, the sails spread, and the ves
sels moving gracefully through the un
dulating ocean, a war steamer heroically
breasting the waves; her side-wheels
plashing 'through the water, the smoke
issuing from her funnel, minietnie ma
rifles now and then firing a salute, the
boom of the cannon following at a proper
interval' upon the vivid flash, is a me
chanical result well calculated to tax
the credulity of any one who has never
seen it. And'yet .this is but one of a
hundred of the mechanical marvels which
Constitute the programme of the evening.
If possible, the "Storm at Sea'" is more
sublimely beautiful, The clouds lower,
the billows, roll and dash upon the beach,
a light house appears in the distance,
the lightnings flash and the thunders roll,
the noble ship,labors and strains through
the storm, until, struck by lightning, she
reels like a drunken man, and goes down
—automaten men sink and rise, the
wreckers, from an overhanging cliff come
to the rescue, a rope it thrown and the
last man is hauled up to shore in safety ;
the storm subsides, the light froma clear
sky obscures the light of thelight-house,
and the angry ocean is seen to subside
as naturally as we have seen it at Cape
or Long Island,
The Automaton Rope Vaulter, is with
al, the great feature , of the programme,
and may well - be lined in the bills as the
" wonder of the World "—but we must
pay oqr respects to this - little fellow on
another occasion--merely remarking
that it is hard to conceive why he has not
brains, and muscles, and - nerves, like
Blondin bimself—L-seeing,, that hettis got
more sense than the daring Frenchman.
Most persons supposed that the fig
ures in this , exhibition would merely
move not walk; but the walking is
the wonder of the mechanism. In the
view of Rome, "a fine old. English gen
tleman " liftis his pedals with the meas 4
nred dignity of Johnny Bull ; Brother
Jonathan slides along like 'a New York
note-shaver on his, way to Wall street;
while ladies vigorously ply thei; fans,
beggars' take Off, their hats and ask for
alms, and the donkey illustrates his char
aster by stubbornly moving backwards
milder - -the spur of his vallient rider.
Altogether, the like of this was never
seen by our citizens, and if any one says
it is not worth " a quarter," we will set
him-down as the second curiosity.
The lessees, ware-pressed for time to
get-ready fOr the exhibition last night,
and the carpenters could only get one
stairway completed. This evening there
will be anothei on the south side of the
Hall,when the audience will have great
er facility for entrance and exit. The
arrangement for ventilation will also be
improved, and several other comforts for
the audience-attended to. We are pleas
ed to notice that the lessees have taken
the precautions to exclude all improper`
characters: from the Hall, and if asy
shmild elude the vigilance of the door
keepei. they will be promptly ejected.—
Lancaster - Epress, August 22d.
ogirMr: Sterrett sell at, ,Funk's
tavern, on the 31st tastant,,several car
riages, Ste. See advertisement.
'Hon. John Covode addressed the
Republicans of Lancaster and vicinity
on yesterday evening 41-usust 24th.
c -- 19-1 - &TII. W 1 - 411KLY" MA.RIETTIA.N.&--tc4"l
SAFE HARBOR CLUB: The following
persons compose the of of the Lin
coln Club:
Presilent—Sd3ll7EL M. WRIGHT.
Vice Presidents—Dy. P. S. Clinger,
Henry D. Good, David F. Young, Eman
uel 13renner, Addin Bortsfield, Jacob P.
Frey, B. F. Lantz and Jesse U. Erb.
Recording Secretaries—M. E. Melling
er and Casper Hiller.
Corresponding Secretary—Mß:l'l Ben
Treasurer—Benjamin F. Urban.
Finance Committee—J. M. Hess,'John
Clark, G. C. Hawthorne, A. H. Witmer,
Jacob Hebble.
Executive Committee—Geo. H. Hess,
J. M. Purcell, Urias Warfel, Reuben
Sourbeer, and Harrison Rowe.
ISD'We were shown a few days since a
lot of very fine ripe Isabella grapes,
grown in the garden of Col. John 'A .
Clark, of this borough. This is about a
month in advance of the usual ripening
of these grapes and speaks well for the
Colonel's go'od husbandry.
On Monday morning, 20th inst., at the
residence of Mr. John Folks, in this
Borough, by the Rev. G. M. Clawges,
Mr. D. A. Ftsn, of Cedar Run, Lycom
ing county, to Miss M. A. ORT, of this
To CONSUMPTIVES : The'advertiser having
been restored to health in a few weeks, by a
very simple remedy, after having suffered sev
eral years with a severe Lung affection, and
that dread diSease, Consumption, is anxious to
make known to his fellow sufferers the means
of cure. To all who desire it he will send a
copy of the prescription used, [free of charge]
with directions for preparing and using the
same, which they will find a sure cure for Con
sumption, Briinchitis, &c. The only object of
advertiser in sending the presiription is to ben
efit the afflicted, and he hopes every sufferer
willtry his remedy, as it will cost them noth
ing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wish
ing the prescription will please address
amsburg, Kings co., N. Y. [3m
BEWARE or QUACKS !—This Advertisement
is, addressed to both Males and Females sriffer‘ , .
ing from secret causes. I have practiced many
years, and having made a fortune, profession
ally deiire now to serve my fellow creatures.
Inclese a Dollar to pay incidental charges, and
a sure remedy will be atTo i rded you. Let no
false delicacy prevent, as strict secrecy is pre:-
Having very recently added a large and fash
ionable assortment of Types and Printing ma
terials, which will enable us to do all kinds of
Such as Cards, Ball Tickets,
Circulars, Programmes, Blanks,
Handbill, Posters, Sale Bills, &c.
Everything in the Jon PRINTING line neatly
and cheaply executed and at short notice.
E S ,
At Public Sale,
On Friday, August 31st, at the public house of
Jacob Funk, in the 'Borough`of Marietta:
One Top Buggy, One Tfting Buggy, One
Sulky, One Spring Wagon, One Dray,
Single and Amble Carriage Harness, -
Boat Harness for Mules and
Horses, Saddles, Bridles,
Collars, Eames, Pads,
Boat Couplings,
Spreads, &c. :
Sale to commence at 2 o'clock on said day,
when conditions will be made known by
~ D and .A.:T ar : ron D :it :O sites i-I ,N , ails,
V - Dealer in Hardware, Cedarware,
) Paints, Glass, Oils, 1 7 a; nishes, -Hoop
- - Parlor, Office, Hall and Cook
rir AXES this means of informing the citizens
- 1. dalarietta and.vicinity,thnt he is now pre-.
pared to furnish anythingin -, his line of busi
ness; consisting in 'part, of Table Cutlery,
all kinds of ISOilffing- and , Housekeeping
Hardware, Cutlery, Tools, Paints, Oils,-
Glass, Varnishes, Cedarware, - Ntiils, Spikes and
in fact everything usually kept in a well regula
tedffardware establishment. . .
July 21, 1660
New Summer Goods.
JUST opening, the largest and best stock of
Black Silks, Foulard Silks, Plain and Figured
DeLaines, Shawls, Ginghams,
Calicoes, Tickings, Muslins, Checks,
Table. Linen, Diaper, Embroi
deries, &c., &e., &c. . .
Black and Fancy Clothe and Cass . i' mares, Silk
and Marsallies Vesting, Cottonades, Hen
• lucky Jeaus, Tioisery, . Suspenders, -
Gloves, Cravats, Shirt Fronts, &c.
Every variety of Sheeting and Shirting
Muslins, Table and Irish Linen, Towelling,
Ticking, &c., &c.
Allendale and Marsailes Counterpanes,
Flannels all prices and colors,
Linen and Woolen Table covers.
Plan, Ornamental and Oiled Window Blinds
and Patent. Fixtures,
Wall Papers, Caipets, Floor Oil Cloths.
Umbrellas and Parasolls, .
Glass, Queensware and Cedarware.
Boots and Shoes,
All kinds of Liciaors wholesale or retail
Rio Coffee at 121 cents, and other goods at co;.-
respondingly low rates. :
The leigitest price given for Country'produce:
Very fine Syrup at 50 ants a:gallon.
-UST RECEIVED at Anderson's Confec
tionary and Variety Store; in Market-st.,ti
ne assortment of children's gigs,, basket
Wagoll9, perambulators, wheelbarrows, toy
wagons candidates flap, dr u ms , :' rocking
boraes:lkc" at Andersonis. •
OST: A-six-bladed ivory Aandled Pocket,
_LAKnife- was loSt between.Centre ikaare and
my Lumber Yard, for the return of which a.
liberal reward will be paid. Theicnife is val
uable as a keep%ake. -W-EITTLA.
Box '9lO, Baltimore, Md
Market Street, Marletta, Pa.
.. lLfferzhadt,
0.338 LE, HARNESS, SE la
Trunk jilanUfaelOrg
Between Spangler 6. Patterson's
and Wolfe's Notion 'louse,
- Market Street.
WO U L D most respectfully informthe
public that he continues the above buss
ness in all its branches. Anything not on
hand will be manufactured at short notice and
warranted to give satisfaction in Workmanship
and price. He will always endeavor to keep
on hand an assortment of
Wagon, Carriage and Riding Whips, Ply-nets,
horse Cove9s, Co//rani, Trunks, Valieces,
Carpet Bags and-in fact everything in his line
of business, all of which will be of the best
material and workmanship, and,at prices in
keeping with the times. Come and see.
Marietta, August2s, 1860. [ju 11'56
From New-York.
Olropening the most beautiful assortment
1 1 V of ' Piew Spring Gooils we ever offered
Organdie Robes-2, 5,7, 9, 11 flounced Berage
Anglais Robes, 2,5, 7, 9 and 11 flounced
Satin Plaid Berege Robes,Double.skirt
Satin Plaid Berege Robes, Solid -
Plain Colors, Satin Plaid Be
ep Robes, Poi de Chevre Satin Plaid Bereges
gay and neat Etereges and Grenadines ;
new style Spring Silks, Black Silks, best brands
imported ; Plain Mous' a oit'—in Pinks, Blues,
&c..;. Berege
New Spring Cloaks,
Mantillas .and Dusters,
Lace Bourrious, Lace - Sultanas,
Lace Mantles, Lace Pointes,
Cloth Cloaks, light Spring styles,
Gathered and plaited.
Su.s.wEs.—Stella,_ in all styles and colors.
MEN'S WEAL—Superb. Cloths, Cassimeres
and Vestings.
CAREETIDTGS.—An additional supply, among
which are the-handsomest Brussels, Threeply,
.and Smith's New York Patent,we ever offered.
- 1111 - AVE just opened an immense stock of
I — ll SUMMER 9 0 ops,
Shanks, Fancy Silks, Debages,
Mous de lanes, Ging:hams, Chintzes,
Calicoes, Cassirneres, Vestings,
French Cloths, Newstyle Coaling, Cottonades,
Youth's Ctiss.imms,lpring Shawls, Mantillas,
Neck Ties, Cravats, Gloves, Suspenders,
Shirt 'Fronts, Collars, Cuffs, &c.,. &e.
Sheetings, Shirtings, Cheeks,
Tidings, Flannels, Diaper,
Ingrain, Stair, Rag., Linen,' and Cotton Carpets,
Wa2l and Window Paper,
Transparent Blinds.
GROCERIES: Extra fine Syrups, prime
Rio. Coffee, choice Black and Green Teas, Yel
low and White Sugars, Fish, Rice, Salt, Spi
ces, &c., all of-which will be sold at the lowest
market rates. An early call is solicited.
e.M.. 1 STERRETT S. Co., Maur ETTA ~
have perfected arrangements with .Philadel- -
phia foundries by which they are enabled to
sell all the latest and best improved COOK
STOVES at foiindry prices;freight only added.
Air-tight Gas burner PARLOR!
They desire to call special attention to this
very superior and handsonie "Gas Burner , ' as
being the Most complete and economical ever
ollered-to the public. They have'also a large
variety of Gas burner Room, Fancy Canon,
Radiators, Air-tight'and Nine-plate wood and
extra heavy obi style CA ttiON STOVES, for
School Rooms, Stores, Shops, &c.
'Coal Hods, Screens — , Shovels, Pokers, 6.c.
Odd Castings; Grates, Fire Brick; 4.c.,
arnisheel at short notice.
i Alexander Lyndsay,
Would most respectfully inform the citizens
of this Borough and neighborhood that he has
the largest assortment of City made work in
his line of business in - this Borough, and be
ing a practi'dal BOOT. AND SHOE MAKER
litinself,is enabled to select with more judgment
than those who are net. He continue's to raan"-
ufacture iti the very best manner everything
in the BOOT AND SHOE LINE, which he
will warrant for neatness and good fit.
lt:f—Call and examine his stock before pur
chasing elsewhere.
Geo. L. alackley,
ffqf •qnB eqp
yr .g AVING purchased of Mr. Crull thp.stock
and_fixtures of:this well knOwn
establishment, I hereby inform my.numermis
friends,-and-the public generally that 1 am pre-:
pared to supply their wants in the HAT AND
CAP line at all times with promptness, and at
as reasonable rates as any establishment in the
Union.' Having had a years experience its a
practical hatter, and being in the receipt of- the
latest "Reports of Fashions," and having fa
cilities for obtaining godds direct from the East
in 48 hours; by strict attentiorkto business-and
a desire to lils*te, I to merit and receive
a liberal share-of-public patronage. "
• P. S.-13aving disposed of say establishment
to- George L.-__Mackley, I cheerfully recom
mend him to the favorable notice of *fill'Who
desire a ”carafortable. covering for the hga4."
In retiring from businesS I extend my un
feigned thanksto
_my friendafor the patronage
BO liberally bestowed to me and hope the same
may be extended to my worthy successor.
Marietta, August 28, 1858. -
• P 1 - 14.4iA13gi;P HI A.
IrrCollecticms promptly attended to.
opposite the Court House, where he will at
tend to 'the 'Practice of his profession in all its
various branches. [Nov. 4, '69.-ly
MOWN MILL.—We have added to =Store
Room. a large Flour and Feed room, we
men 'furnish Flour by the single pound, by the
barrel,' or fifty barrels, Chop Feed, Corn and
Oats by the bushel, at mill prices, Bran, shorts,
Corn, Oats,_Shipstuff and all kinds of iced al
ways on hand for cash.
Also - Cracked Wheat and Graham Flour.
H. WOLFE, Allorket-st.,
Agent for'Jacob Kreybill
can be had of H. L. & E. J. ZkHM,
North queen-st., and Center Square, Lances,-
ter,, Pa., in the shape of Equilibrium Levers:-
the best grticlu of Swiss levers-now in tho mar
ket. „ They are lower in price than any_ watch
of equal quality and just as true for tirriekeeeing.
BARGAINS! BARGAlNS!fr :Tite ; trn r
signed is now satin oit. goods at giemay
reduced prices in order to make - ,roons tor :s
Marietta, August 4, 1860.
THE Largest and` best asSertaiekkrcif Valley
Cloth Weaseireeres and .vestieg 6:0 offered
iwthis-market and will-be sold at-prigit*w4ieb
defy conweliliolt by 1.16 15/j/erifieek.F.
MO PERSONS put of Employment !
j r Agents wanted to sell the Erie Sewing
MarAine : we will give a commission, or wages
at from $25 to $6O per month, and expenses
paid. This is a new Machine, and so simple
in its construction that a child of ten years can
learn to operate it by half an hour's instruction.
It is eaqual to any Family &wing Machine in
use, and the price is but Fifteen Dollars.
Persong wishing an Agency will address
J. .Pl.. 130 LAN ; Secretary,
Erie Sewing Machine Co., MILAN, 0
Aug. 25-5 t -
Marietta, Lancaster Co., Pa
THOMAS C. CHILD, ACT., has constantly
on hand, or Manufactured to order, all
kinds of SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, - Shutters,
src., 4T. All orders addressed to AURA rrev ,
Hourz & Co., for any of the above articles, or
for Bill Stuff, Timber Girders, Lath, Pickets,
. - Shingling Lath, Floor Boards, Weather
Boarding, White Pine Shingles, or Lumber will
elways meet with prompt atterition, and be sup
plied on as favorable terms as from any other
establishment in the
. country.
A liberal discount offfor cash.
iffiellB4l Vi of
Near the' Town Hall, liiiirietta, Pa;
HE undersigned.having made arragements
with a Vermont Marble Quarry to get his
stock direct will be enabled to do all kinds of
'work in his line at very reasonable rates. He
will keep constantly on hand, or made to
order at short notice, all kinds of
Enclosures, Grave Stones
Door and Window Sills, Steps
aad everything in his line of business manu
factured of the finest Italian and American
marbles, which he will -sell at such.prices as
cannot fail to render satisfaction, and only asks
a fair trial of the public before purchasing else
Letter Cutting of all kinds done at the short
est notice and on the most reasonable terms.
No. 227 North Third Street. Phila.
THIS house is situated in the most trasiness
part of the city, has one hundred and thirty
rooms; large Parlors and every room is newly
furnished and is considered one of the finest
Hotels of its class in Philadelphia; it has erect
ed a large observatory where persons can have
a fine view of the City, Delaware river, &c., &c.;
if is also supplied With hot and cold water
Bathes, which will be free of charge for the
guests of the House ; City Cars will take you
to the Revere House. Our charge' is moder
ate, $1."2.5 per day ; persons visiting • tile city
will please come and try the Revere House and
we pledge ourselves that we will endeavor to
use OUT best efforts to make it appear like home.
CHARLES J. FABER, of Reading, will have
charge of the Office, G. W. HINKLE,
formerly of the States Union Hotel and latterly
of the United States Hotel, Atlantic City, N.
Libertil'ariv-n-W Stove
ABBOTT. tiz NOBLE, Manufacturers of
. the
most approved style of Sl'ol 7 ES of every
description. t'SA.BII , E AND . SALES ROOMS:
No. 233 Water Street, New-York.
No. 410, Brown Street, Philadelphia.
Pl.' N.' B.—Send for a Catalogue. [3m
" The undersigned would take this
method of informmt; the public that he,M/,
is still engaged in the Jeivelry business, in
Market street, next door to Jas. M. Anderson's
Confectionary, were-everything in hie line wilt
be carefully and promptly attended to - at very
reasonable prices. - lie his' the celebrated.
Thirty-day Equalizing clock, .
Clocks of all kinds, Witches, Jewelry, Musi
cal Instruments, - Fancy Articles, 8 7 - - c.
Marietta. July 28-3ms* ; .
%Abs.. •jj Graduate of the Baltimore
Collegauf Dental. Surgery, and an assistant
operator and partnerof Dr. Waylan, offers his
professional . services to the citizens of Mari
etta and vicinity. Persons desiring to have
their TEETH attended to are invited to call at
.his office, -adjoining Spangler .& Patterson's
store, 2nd story, entrance from Market street.
I hereby recommend to • the peoPle of Mari
etta and vicinity, Dr. , F...W. Stv EN rz EL, grad
uate of the Baltimore. College of Dental Surge
ry, as a competent and skillful operator ; hay
ing.htul ample opportunitiei of. seeing his ope
rations—having-long been an assistant opera
tor of mine. JOHN WAY LAN, D. D. S.
Commission Lumber Merchant,
West Falls Avenue, Baltimore, Md.
Arom ss
ESPECTFULLY offers his services for the
le of Lvx. n x a of every description
. his knowledge of the business he feel
corifrdeht ofbeing ible — tO obtain the highest
market rates for all consignnieuts entrusted to
ECEtVED by Dr. Hinkle.
Comstock's Fresh Carden Seeds,
Parker's ‘c c. cc
Landreth's " cc Ec
Large assortment of Fresh Flower Seeds.
Ec cc German Flower Seeds
Genuine gel stone SapOnafier.
New Books, Music
liLairs & Coxes Gelatin.
Pure Chocolate.
IoroLATED WARE:• A Large and, fine stock
of Plated waie at 11.1: & E. J. Zairst's,
ner of North Queen street &. Center'Sq"uirve,
Lancaster, Pa. Tea Setts, in variety, Coffee
Urns, Pitchers;Goblets, 'Salt Stands, Cake
Baskets, Card Baskets; Spoons, Forks, Knives';
Casters,l&c., &c., at inanitfacturers prices.
ItercaTtrin attended. te at moderate rates.
TEWELRY. me and selected stock of
fthejeivielry7of 4 t l e latest patterns front the
best factories in the'country can be found at
11. L. Sr. E.
Cot. North Queen st. and - Centre Spare, Lan
caster; Pa., Our prices are — moderate and all
goods - warrante&to be as represented.
HENRY WOLFE-, - Agent - for the sale of
,s. M. Griawald's cerebrated Golds Pen 4
Just received, a large stock of the above pens
—all warranted. Old worn-out-pens re-poin
ted by S. Mr Griswold, No. 177 Broadway !
New-York. Send your. pens to IL Wolfe,
Market-st. , , Marietta, Pa.;
T ADIEd - AND GENTS . Anderson- has jest
received, an elegant assortment of: Perfu
mery, consisting of Toilet Soaps, flair Oils,
Extracts and Colognes at, prices mien below.
the usual rates, also some very handsome Ganes
for gentlemen, Poen:lonics, Fce:
IDER VINEGAR.: -Ten barrels Pine :
homemade" Cider Vinegar for sale at six.
cents' a quAtrt at VioLPE'd; made of Mire
juice of the appM; d range' trial tiracOnvitice
you of that fact. - Wolfe's '.Variety Start
vs, - NEW REASg
L 0 C S=tood Time
eepers,-for One Niter.
Clock s Wateliet'and-' Jewelry carefully re=
pairedFana - e.hititekderate, at WGLRE'S;;.‘
tfielt-Tkarg--412141 P-S. A new and most
.cdnvenienf and Nifectly safe lamp, called
e "Portable Cal Lamp," for sale cheap
at Grove 8 j : Roth's DiudAtore.
FULLSIIPPLY of Jer:.. Pe aches and
,11„,atiVect,rotatoesi in alolsrogveaksy
at WOLFVS£ ,-; -
yow smKs from the;tr .
4itikajt l on SOW
.21t: wawe's.
13 At GROVE &
The Only Preparation
confidence and- iidironage.
For Statesnien, JUdgel, Clergynlan, Ladie?
and Gentleinen, is all traits -Of the world
testify to the efficacy ol" ,
and gentledierf of the Prelim tintininioUs iii
its pirdie. A fect teStintioniale only ein be here
given ; see circular fer be fir:-
possible fOr you to ddub't. '
47 WiLL-fi., R. Y., Dec. 2 0 ,
Gentlemen: Your note ol the Isth instant;
has been received, saying that you had heard
that I had been benefitted by the use of Wood'.4
Hair Restorative, and requesting my cettificatt
of the fact if I had no objection to give it': I
ward it to yOu cheerfully,tecause I think
if due. My age is about offyears ; the colot
of rrfir hair auburn; and inclined to curl. Some
five or six yearti since it-began to turn grefi
and the scalp on the' crown of my hesiotter
lose its sensibility grid -dandruff to - forth upr i
it. Each of these disagreeabilities increase r
with thilgi and - stout folir rdobtlfs since a 4tti
was added to them; by the Walt felting off thW
top of my head and threatening baldnesi.
In this unpleasant predicament, I was indu%
ced to try Wood's •Hair Restorative, mainly to'
arrest the falling off of my hair, for I had really
no expectation that grey hair could ever be re-
Stored to its original calor eiteept frodidygii: ,
was, however, greatly surphsed to find after
the use of two bottles only, that - not only wge
the felling off arrested, b'ut the toter tvelrestX
red to the gray hairs and ,sensibility to the
scalp and dandruff rattled to fortn on my fiCadi
very much to the gratificatio' filmy wife, at
whose solicitation I was induced to try it.
For this, among many obligations I dwe 1
her sex, I strongly recommend all husbaiiliti
who value the admiration of their wives td
profit by my example, and Use it if growing
gray or getting bald. Very respectfully;
To 0.1. Tad Sr Co., Btu', A. LAvutriitit:
444 Broadiraji N. Y. f
ShisTas,Tosi duly 20,1259,
To Professor 0.1. Wood. Dear Sir ; Your
" Hair Restorative" has dooe'dit hair so mu;
good since I commenced the. use of it, that
wish to make known to DitiniNic of its effee
on the hair, which are Est:' A man or wo
man may be nearly depriy,ed of hair, and by it
resort to your "Hair Restorative" the hair will
return more beautiful than ever; at least thW
is my experience. Believe it all -
Yours, Truly, Wm. IL Karrani.:
P. S. ton can publiSitthe above if you like:
Hy publishing it in Southern rapes yaTi will.
get more patronage South. I see several of
your certifiestes in the Mobile Mercury, IC
strong Southern , paper: - W. H. It:
J. Wood, Dear Sir : Having had the misforz
tune to lose the best portion of my hair, from
the effects of they ellowlever, in 1851, in Heti'
Orleans. I was induced to make-a trial of
yotir pieparatien dud fmfnd it to answer as the
very thing needed. My hair iff new thiek - ant
glossy, and no words can express ntyMbligac
lions to yon in giving to the alltieteff telt a ,
trees-tut' Frar.rsiTaii*!ler.
TILE RESTORATIVE is put uriribisifWes of
thiee sizes, htigeinrediuto;ztu&siolall" tlts
small holds 1--a-pint, and retailgint.s a bottler .
the medidin' holds at lead twenVier cent more
in propoition thitt if& *TAU, - for - $1 per
bbttle ; the large holds a quirt; 40 per cedf
more in proportion, 'mill retails for 93.
0. J. WOOD Or CO., Propriitors a
No. 444 Broadway, New-York, and
114 Market Stieet, SC. Louis,
ll:And sold by all good drumlins and burl
goods dealers. j -47-1Y
..,....:___,,,..,.. MA R RIAGE GUIDE.
Being a private instructor lot
,---J 1 married persons, orthose about to he
Yi. married, rode MVO age feniitle, iijf
7,7 everything Concerning the physiology
- Th • " and relations otoursexualsystem,an
the production or
prevention of offspring in
all the new discoveries never befo . g
given in the English language,.. by W
YOUNG, M. D. This ti really a valutib
and interesting work. It is writteiiii . phr
language for the general reader, and is illu
ttated with numerous engravings: All you , .
married people, or those contemplating m
'rise, and haying the least impedimentito mar
lied life, should read this book. It disclos ,, ‘
secrets that every one should be acquainte - , ~..,.
witk : still it is a book that utast be locked up; .
and not lie about the house. It will,be seat.
to any one on the receipt of twenty-five cents ; ~ :
in`specie or postage stamps- Address Dr. tiNI:
YOUNG, No. 116 Spruce at. above4th Phil=
adelphia, Pa. '
ter what may be your disease before you plii.e . -,
yourself under the care of any one of the no
torious Quacks — native or foreign—who adver
tise in this or any other paper, get a copy of
either of Dr. Young's Books, and read it care=
fully. It may be the means of saving yott ..
many a dollar, your health, and possibly your
Da. YOUNG can be consulted on eny Of itt•
diseases described in his parfilications, at hia
office, No. 416 Sprtice-st. above ninth.
15 BARRELR Fritrte New-Yolk Applett,
fresh from the orchards just received ani
- - -
time fa keep a eon ant supply of GhAnn4 Per
per. Ground Corriander, and s'ved
30 000 St front .
yard. Now is the time to make quilfilliihen
first rate print can be had for 8 cents and R oo
grility - at 5 cents, at Spangler jr Pedterson e.-
FITSE GREAT ROOK. licapaa's Cigars' -
book,which has been so erfeissivelf
advertise'd in the Halls of Congress, can now'
be had for 50 cents fter copy,
,g 0 SINKLP.T.
_LI Vanilla, Strawberry,- ,Rine Apples
Robe,. •
Just ?defeat and for sale at ( GolveirßoWs•
I.oo;et_e el l O e/isti . + l l ,lL. ?# l 4ll t yty ra 4 betloi{ t 1
old oy
T BalEf Glatt Vittpsi Ctsodtitalititirl44.,
1j Toys' ) Ir.c. 3 wholextle ond-ratigit by
J. M•
EG,A.RB and Chewing Tobacco. A.Jaige:
0 and good variety at- J.-24.- Mateyo:lo: •
"EIICCM.4.B_,#T Coetkitig
.F_At always'on hand at Attartpie "Ar.
grA UM DROPS : StowsteliNhioil'Yo*-7,0:61*
kT, Drops; 8 varieties,„o._WAVS.-..15-
OCHOOL BOOtS , of .ialfititf ay -
)3 at Grew ef Be i% Afaticd-al.
T EidON&- , Nelr Crbp'di, •
Li received amid for saltii" , Ax
Tlii belt 'frock'
. 6t Sege s.
'toWu, kept rit..
B EST -tobacco - -
INE OIL and .r - -!! 4 • -et .• • -Rttlefe
LARIM - alasorttnOtttTigoff.Bigaceti) el
aU kinditi"eizratiitretkriptioNittsi receiv:e
istitiblotait'd prwel! at•
•. • ' J. M. Anderautev: