- 4 .14144 N t.l". ... Nei ~ f .7: :0 :a. c v ' L 2 ,, , • Wm qily Oibtiard. I f. : .,; . o. le.v . ' a all Forms. HAry 5.. 4iin, 111. D. El low to attend upon the sick, and how to cook for them ; how to prepare thinks, Poultices, &c, and how to guard against in fection from Contagious Dia- cases. '' 'Prtlf the various diseases of Chil i, , simplest mode es of fte treatmentbesad , '"'during Teething;Convulsions, Vaccination, Whooping-cough " Measles, Sic. The symptons of Croup, Cholera Infantum, Colic, Mantic% •• 1, -• Worms, Scalled head, Ring warrsi, Chickert-pos, &c., and giies you the hest remedierrior their Cure. 'ei • You The symptoms of Fever a:nd Ague, and Bilious, Yellow, Typhus, f I Scarlet and other Fevers, and • . gtyes you the best and simplest .., remedies for their cure. i 4 This The symptorna of Influenza, Con , sumption, Dyspepsia, Asthma, `I Y ' JAI) pay; Go., Rheumatism, Ltittbpg6,krySipelas, &c,, and • . . giltirtlou the best remedies for ' - their cure. ' a rats The'symptoms of Cholera Mor bus, Malignant. Choiera, Small , • 'I pox. Dysentary, Cramp, Dili eases of the Bladder, Kidneys and Liver, and the best reme dies for their cure. ells You The symptoms of Pleurisy, Neu ' ralgia,•Mumps t Apoploxy, Par alysis, the venous Diseases of the Throat, Teeth, Ear and Eye, and the best remedies for their cure. I +. - You The best and simplest treatment i for Wounds / Broken Bones and Dislocation, Sprains, Fe ver Sores, Lockjaw, White Swellings, Ulcers, Whitlows, Boils, Scuivy, Burns and ScrOf ula. s You Of the various diseates peculiar to Woriien, and gives the best and simplest remedies for their 1 _ . cure, together with many val- - '' liable hints for the preservation of the health. c work is written in plain language, free • medical terms,io as to be easily under .,, while Its simple recipes may soon save hany'tinies the cost of the Book. It is ted in a clear and open type; is illustrated appropriate engravings, and will be for ed to your address, neatly bound and post 6. idon receipt of *1 00. _ l AR can be iwz made men 'e rywhere, in selling the oUr inducements to all such are lot.of the Book, or for terms to r information, apply to or ad - I.'POTTER, PUBLISHER, 'ansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. s Alreitdq Sold ODY'S LAWYER ncellor in Business. BY, of the Philadelphia Bar of to thaw up Partnership pers and gives general forms Agreements of all kinds, f Sale Leases and Peti ns. 'to dra 118: A it zp Mortgages and . Powers•of torney v Notes and Bills of hange, Receipts and Re- IMI for the Collection of h the Statues of Lim iunt and kinds mot from Es.- State. . •Dtl3, l ! ‘‘l ~. f, ottt,) t 0 eel` c ci l 03 9 .1 3 10 1.1) ue 1 ( 1 difi til tit' :ii ,,,, Eli tip , II ,Olze /.Zancasie,- X-healL BOOK ST - ORE., North Queen Street, near the Exam- r Ell Proprietor of Tn.r. LANCASTER Cllzar BOOK STORE hus availed himself of the opportunity to pur chase a large stock of the most varied assort ment of valuable books of every class and de scription. He now offers to the public the same at proportionably and unusually iow rates. Those in want of valuable standard works, for the improving of a well selected library, will find it to their great advantage to call and examine the extensive stock on hand. My ob ject and wish is, as it always was, to supply the wants of the community with anything in my line on the most reastmable terms possible. This we find the betterand most advantageous course for all parties. - The Political Econo mist tells us, "cheaper an article is, the more it can and will be used.'? Then the conclusion is, that when we buy cheap, we must sell cheap, simply allowing ourselves a reasona ble profit. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS. I would call especial attention to my large assortment of Sunday School Books on. hand, of every variety wanted for the use of Sunday Schools and sell all at Sunday School Union prices. I have the agencies for the publica tions of. the American Sunday School Union, American Tract Society, Methodist Book and !Tract Sotiety. AlsO, 'the Lutheran,Presbyte rian Episcopal and other denominations are kept band. Those in want of a neat and cheap (bait) Family Bible, will find it to their advantage to call and examine at THE CHEAP. BOOR STORE, the largest stock on hand, ranging form One, to Twenty-five Dollars. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and exam ine the large and cheap stock of JOHN SHEAFFER, Successor to Murray, Young & Co DR. ESENWEIN4 TAR AND WOOD NAPTHA PECTORAL. IS THE BEST MEDICINE IN THE. WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Coughs and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, Palpitation of • • The Heart, Diptheria, and for The relietof patients IN THE ADVANCED STAGES OF CORSUMPTION, together with all Diseases of the Throat and Chest, and which predispose to Consumption. It is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure of Asthma. Beinginepared by a practical-phys ician and druggist, and one of great experience in the cure of the Various diseases to which the human frame is liable. It is offered the afflicted with the great est confidence. TRY XT and be convinced that it is invaluable in the cure of Bronchial affec tions. 11-PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE. Prepared only by Dit. A. ESENWEIN Sr. DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS ) N. W. Cur. 9th St Poplar Streets, Philadelphia. Mr Sold by every respectable Druggist and Dealer in Medicines throughout the State. April 7, 1860-Iy. Merchant Sailor, Draper and Clothier, LANCASTER, PA. PAILS himself of this opportuni!y of an nouncing to the citizens of Marietta and vicinity, and his friends and the public in gen eral, that he has taken the old stand of the late F. J. Kramph, where he has been employed for the last ten years, and intends continuing the Merchant Tailoring Clothing business in all its various branches, and hopes that a , i course of itrict . fidelity to his patrons may t. • merit a reasonable share of their eonfi deuce and support. In addition to a complete Gentlemons Furnishing Goods, He will constantly endeavor to provide a good niVottinoizt - ..of....E.v.nr.l4r,erman and Americak Cloths, Cassimirei - which will be promptly made 'to order in a sub stantial and fashionable manner, or according to such styles as to his patrOns ma.be most desirable. The Foreign and American Fall and Winter Fashions received, in addition to the monthly reports which come to hand regu larly throughout the year. ' • The agency for the order_ on sale of James W. Scott's (formerly Winchester & Scott's) celebrated Patent Shoulder-seath Shirts still continued and properly attended to. S. S. R. would be doing violence to his own feelings and to the just deserts of his friends in Marietta, were he here to omit returning his sincere thanks for the many acts of kindness they)iave extended towards him during a long. series of years, and hopes his future efforts may not render him unworthy a .continuance of the, same. [vl-I.y ditors, and ws of.every, ns existin be an and Watd i Apprentice, and, Tenant. ces Libel and Sian- Law as to Maui the Wife's Right Divorce and Al- ' o 4anicr.! Liens Id the II atur this country, • With the nstons .t ie tc 1221 Fashionable Tailors & Drapers, Opposite A. Cassel's stare, Market street, MARIETTA, PA. szign- ill, and .11 an Es d the re et cry MHE undersigned having associated them ' selves into a co-partnership, would here by inform their old patrons and the pulite generally, that they will continue the w Fashionable Tailoring Business 11 at the old stand, adjoining Dr.' Hinkle'a Drug store, Market street. Having a fine stock of BEM r sins to cutive both .Vern- etof43, & aintißOS, which they,will dispose of and "make up" on reasonable terms. Being determined to give satisfaction, they would respectfully* a con tinuation of past fay.ors._ v, by busi vast xa ely i. 6 * N.L O , k,O s OV 011 \ l ese . 0 , 1 3‘ o °. " - i k ' o o' ON Christian Plumb, Nathan Dyer. Ca - Gutting done at short notice. Marietta, Sep. 10, 1859.-tf • TfyIHE undersigned having leased the above named old establshed Ferry and Hotel, in Hollam Township, York county, opposite the borough of Marietta, where he is prepared to entertain the public, at his bar end,table with the best the market affords. He would very respectfully inform the traveling public that having obtained FIRST CLASS FERRY BOATS, and efficient ferrymen, and is now fully prepa red to accommodate persona wishing to cross the Susquehauna with vehicles gr otherwise without delay or detention. . JOHN NOEL. October 1, 1859. ly VVTALL PAPERS.—We have received our second supply from the New York and Philadelphia manufactories. Purchasers can rely upon the' newest styles, which will be t old unusually low, at 1. R. Diffenbach's T ADIES REMEMBER.--That a large lot JUSplenclid Shawls and' Dress Goods, of every grade to suit the grave and gay, have just been placed upon the countess of SPANGLES & PAT rznsolt, No. 66 Market-st. ()DOTS AND SHOES.—Agreatvariejl os „ 1 . 31 - V of fashionable Boots and Shoes ofjpsZ— kinds and styles; which will be sold if city prices by I R. Dijenbeich. lIINN ELS Glycerine Soap, • • Frangipani xtract, and an assortment of Soaps, new perfumery, &e ust received 'at DR. HINKLPS. ail G c010r.% ,rRESH Oranges and Lemons: 500 Fresh It'ocen Vats; 8' Prails New Datei: F4 . ennt: Choeholate, sweet; and Prunes, at WoVe's. CIFIAIVIPAG - Nr. and .otber Table, L7 l guarranteed to be poreoind sold e• can be bought in Philadelphia or Ne) ? RE Ns !) - o Whiskey. Sherry and at the ,t;1 , 41' tt Cti , • . , T. Ch ,„4 o li.y . v ~.41, i 171 foe ci _ - CO. latlL D. 1, ----...V/ 1: (Z ...., . " . LAc - i&THE WEEKLY MARIETTIA_N-.&c-lk- iner & Herald Office =I FAMILY BIBLES. S. S.. Ratkpon, IiOCCESSOR TO F. T. KICA4PHI STOCK OF CLOTHING /ND PLUMB &-DYER, THE GLATZ FERRY. FORMERLY KEESEYIS. NEW SPRING GOODS AT HALDEMAN'S CHEAP CAW STORE, COLUMBIA. N ow Opening, a full assortmeitt of NEW SPRING GOODS, to which we invite tife attention of our many friends and customers, confidently believing, that for variety,qtality,style and cheapness ,will give the fullest satisfaction to our customers. LADIES DRESS GOODS. Traveling dress goods, in great variety, Fancy dress silks, newest Spring styles, • Black' glossy dress silks, best brands imported, at,,75c to $1.50, • Foulard silks, newest designs, ,- Brocade silks, Plaid Ottoman Poplins, Striped Grenadim Satin, Lustre Poplins, and other new sty-leg of dress goods, embracing every novelty of the season. _ English and French yard wide Chintzes,, 200 ps English and Merrimack Printh, Beautiful new style Scotch Dress Ginghams, Calicoes, 6,8, 10, very- good. SHAWLS. Stella, Broeha, Long & 'Square, Black Thibe Long and. Square, Crape, Blanket, Long & Square, and other new Spring styles in great variety.. , . . EM BROIDERIES. French Worked Collars, " Sleeves, _ IC CC c u ff s , " Collars and Sleeves {n SOLI, " Chimezetts and SleeVes, Jackonet and Swiss Edgings and Insertings, Bands and Flouncings, Handkerchiefs, Embroidered, Hemstich, and Printed Bordered Hhdfs,. - • Irish Linens and Shirtfronts, A large Stock of , Itichardson's Superior Irish Linens, Handmade Linen Shirt Fronts, HOUSE KEEPING GOODS. _ - Blankets, Marseille, Lancaster and Allendale Quilts, Woolen Coverlets, Comfortables, • Bleached and Brown Linen - Table - Cloths from 2 yds. to 4 yds. wide, Bleached and Brown Domes tic Table Cloths, Woolen Table Covers, Work. Stand Weolen • Covers, Sacking Bottoms, Table Oil Clothes, Stair Oil Cloths, Crash for Stairs, Brown- and Bleached Sheetings I yd. to 3 yds, wide, Pillow Case Muslins, Tickena, Furniture Chintzes And Checks, Towelings, Bureau Covers, &c., &e., Looking Glasses. a large stock, Prime Geese Feathers--300 pounds, • Window Shades, a new and full assortment, Window Shades with Fixtures, Embroidered Muslin Window Curtains, China, Glass & Queensware. China Tea Setts, gold band; White Granite wale, in new shapes, in r Dinner and Tea setts; Pitchers, Soup Tureens, Gravies, &c. ; Chamber 'and Toilet setts; Table and Bar Tumblers, Wine & Champagne Glasses, Egg and Cellery ' Glasses, Goblets, Preserve Dishes, Fruit Stands, Cake Stands; &e., &c. CARPETINGS We invite particular attention to our new and large stock of Carpetings, comprising over ten thousand yards: Super Brussels, Imperial Threeply, Superfine Ingrain, Fine and Medium Ingrain, Smith's New York Patent Ingrain, Plain and Twilled Venetian 1-2, i-8, 3-4, 7-8 and 1 yard wide, Superior Domestic Listing', " Rag, Scotch Hemp, Floor Woolen Druggets„ from 1 to 3-yds. wide, Velvet Rugs; Door Matts, Foor Oil Cloth from 1 yd, to 4 yds. Wide, the latter cut in one piece to fit a hall, Mattittgs, checked and plain from I yd. to 2 yds. wide. A full line of Hoisery and Gloves, Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings ' Black and Fancy Super French and English Cloths, Black and Fancy Super French, and English 'Cassimeres, The very latest style Vestings. Cloths, Cassimeres, and every variety ofgoods for boys wear. Dr. bIISIOWS eorpotiltea ilehneOieS. FOR DELICATE DISEASES. NO. 1. THE atm./LT REvrvxß.—Speedily eradicates all the evil eifecte of self abuse, seams of memory, shortness of breath, giddi ness, palpitation of the heart, dimness of vis ion, or any constitutional derangement of the system brought on by the unrestrained indul gence of the passions. Acts alike on either sex. Price one dollar. No. 2. THE BALH.—WiII tureln' from two to eight days, any case of Gonorrhoea,(clap)is without taste or smell and requires no restnc. tian of action or diet; for either sex ; price $l. NO. 3. THE TEREn will cure Gleet in the shortest possible time, and I can show certifi ;ides of cures effected by this remedy, whet* all others have failed. No, taste or smell.— Price one dollar. NO. 4. THE PtTicZTER is the only known remedy that will positively cure strictures of the urethra, no matter of how longstanding or neglected the case may be. Mace one dollar. NO. 6. THE SOLUTOI!. will cure any case t Gravel permanently and speedily remove all diseases' from the bladder and kidneys.— Price one dollar. ' No. 6. THE PREVENTOR is. a sure preven tion against the contraction of any diseate, less expensive and far preferable to anything in use, Adapted to either sex. Price $l. NO 7. THE ARARIR will cure the whites radically and in less time than they can be ef fectually removed by any- other treatment ; in fact this is the only remedy that will really cure this disease ' • pleasant to take. Price $l. NO. 8. Tax ORIENTAL PASTILS are ' cer tain, safe and speedy in producing menstrua tion or correcting any irregularities of the monthly periods. Price two dollars. No. 9. THE FEMALE SAFEGUARD, or Off spring Regulator will last a lifetime. Price $5. Either of the Remedies will be sent free by mail on receipt of the price annexed. Circu lars containing,valuaNe information with full description of each Remedy, may be obtained by enclosing one post stamp. Address DR. FELIX BRUNON, Box 99, These Remedies are sold in ,Mari . etta only by OfiN JAY LIIIIIART, where circulars con - taining a full description of each case can be oblesirted gratis, on Application. General Depot, North East Corner of York Avenue and Callowhill street,Philadelphia,Pa. E 1 In complicated cases I canoe consulted by letter ; or - peisodally at my office . entrance, No. 401 york Avenue. Da. F. Bannon . . August 27, 1859.-ly. CHEAP READY-MADE oLOTIIING ! Having just returned from the city with a nicely selected lot of Beady-made Clothing, which the undersigned is prepared to furnish at reduced prices; havinglaid in a general assort ment "of men and boys' clothing, which he is determined to sell LOW, rou casa. His stock consists of OVER-COATS_,_ DRESS, FROCK AND SACK COATS, PANTS, VESTS, PEA3AtRETS, ROUNDBOUTS, (knit) OVERHAD LS, CRAVATS, DRAWERS, SHIRTS, HO/SERY, UNDERSHIRTS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, SEC. Everythinginthe Furnishing Goods line.. Call and examine be fore purchasing elsemberq, Everything sold at prices to suit the times. JOirk _BELL. Corner of Elbow Lane and Market St., next door to ,Cassel's. Store. Marietta, October 29, 1856. PECTA.CLES to suit all:who„ilalla' la.Eitn be aided with 'glasses, . • can be bought at H. L. 4 E. J. ZAHM'S, Cor ner '6l North Queen-st., and Center Square, Laiicaster. - Nreiv glaski refitted in old fra:rnesi at short notice. [v6 -1y- SALE CHEAP: One Night Hawk thtee setts of Boat Harness: _lnquire IL Diffenbael. .470 'A AlOl itt OTAt 0 NU= HODGES, DAVIS & CO'S ' LOTTERTES Consolidated Lotteries of Georgia. Authorized by the Legislature for Me BENEFIT OF ACADEMIES. CLASS B DRAWS EVERY TUESDAY, IN TILE CITY OF MACON, GEORGIA. CAPITAL PRIZE, 78 NUMBERS. ' 14 DRAWN BALLOTS. 1 Prize of 8100,000 is $lOO,OOO 2 Prizes 91 .50 000 are - 100,000 ' 2. -do 25,000 " 50,000 2 do 20,000 " 40,000 2 , do 5,000 " 10,000 2 do 3,000 " 6,000 2 do 2,000 " 4,000 1 do 1,000 is 1,000 350 do • 200 are 70,000 64 do 100 " 6,400 64 do• 30 " 5,120 64 do 60 " 3,840 123 do 50 " 6,400 5,504 do 32 " 176,000 23,224 do 16 " 451,000 34,412 Prizes, amounting to $1,030,472 Troxars, sl6—Halves, s.2—Quartes, $4 Eighths, $2. . Certificates of 26 Wholes, $550; of 26 Halves, sl2s y ; of 26 is, $62.50; Of 26 Lighths, $31.50. THE HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY MORE. PRIZES TRAN BLANKS.] Is drawn every Saturday. Capital Prize, $70;000. Tickets, $3.. Halves, $4. Quarters, $2. CITY PLAN LOTTERIES Dravm every day, in which you can select yotir own numbers. Tickets from $1 to any price, and prizes in proportion. EVERY PRIZE IS DRAWN. Circulars containing full explanations of our Schemes, etc., will be forwarded by mail to any one sending us their name. All communications strictly confidential. In ordering- Tickets or Certificates enclose the money to our address for the tickets order ed, on receipt of which they will be forwarded by the first malf. The list of drawn numbers and prizes will be sent to purchasers immedi ately after the drawing. The official drawings are published in the New York Herald. . Orders received and prizes cashed at No. 55S Broadway, New-York. Direct your orders to L. A. HODGES, AGENT, N. Y. CITY, OR, HODGES, DAVIN CO., MA NA GERS, MACON, GEORGIA. April 7, 1860.-IY. DR. lIINKLE'S t Family Drug Store, it Market Street, Marietta, Pennsylvania. THE subscriber having just returned from the city with the most complete and beauti ful assortment of everything in his line ever offered in this Borough. He has purchased another supply of PURE ASCU FRESH DRUGS, which can be depended on for what they are ,represented, having received his personal attention in the selection,. In addition to his Drugs will- be found a nicely selected lot of all kinds of TOILET AND FANCY ARTICIES, of every kind and every -price, consisting in pait of German, French and Eng lish perfumery, Shaving Soaps and Creams, Tooth. and Nail Brushes, Buffalo and other Hair 0 COMBS, Hair Oils, Pomades, etc., etc. Port Monnaies, and Pocket Books, Pen Knives, Puff Boxes and Powder, Miller's Water-proof pa: to Blacking, for preserving the eather,.etc., etc. FLUID AND PINE OIL, always fresh and for sale very cheap. LAMPS. L-AIdPS.—A large assortment of all kinds of LAMPS. Dyott's Patent Safety Fluid Lamps and Cans, for which Dr. H. is Buie agent. These Lamps and Cans should be in every family that use burning fluid. Old Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines - and Brandies for medical purposes. . _ The justly celebrated Batchelor's HAIR. Dye. DeCosta's and other Tooth Washes, India Cola gogue, Barrv , a Tricoperous, fox the hair, Bay Rum, Arnold's Ink, large and.sruall sized bot tles, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Flour of Rice, Corn Starch, Hecker's Farina, all kinds of pure Ground Spices, Compound Syrup of Phosphate, or Chemical food, an excellent ar tical for cronic dyspepsia and a tonic in Con sumptive cases, Rennet, for coagulating milk, an excellent preperation for the table ; Table Oil—very fine—bottles in two sizes. Pure Cod Liver Oil. All of•Hael's perfumery, pomades, soaps, &c. His Xathairon or Hair Restorative :s now everywhere acknowledged tire best, Particular attention will be paid and Feat caution observed in compounding Physicans preicriptions with accuracy. Dr. H. will al mays be found in the Store unless professionally wngaged eliewhere. lAN 'FRONT STREET, No. 101, has con k," stantly on hand a superior quality of Groceries, Sugars, Coffees, Syrups, Molasses, Teas, Spices, Candles, Soaps, Queensware, Crockery-ware, Nails, Spikes, Brooms, Buckets; Brushes, Fish, Bacon, Lard, Buckwheat and Wheat • Flour, Cornmeal &c. &c. Persons wishing fresh GROCERIES can re]y on getting them cheap for cash. N. kinds of Country produce taken in exchange for goods. Marietta, October 30,1858 25. THE American Watches are among the best timekeepers now in use, and for durability - strength and simplicity far surpass any other watch made in the world. L. 4r E. J. Z A HIII Corner of North Queen-st., and Centre Square Lancaster, Pa., have them for sale at the very lowest rates—every watch accompanied with the manufacrureroguarrantee to ensure its gen uineness. NOTICE. Letters of Administration upon the Estate of Jacob Kline, late of the bo= rough of Marietta, deceased, having been gran ted to the undersigned, he hereby requests all ,persons indebted to said estate to make imme diate payment; and those having claims upon the same to present them duly authenticated to April 14, 1860-6t] CONRAD R. MARKS. Philadelphia,, Pa. ATTENTION! Housekeepers. Anderson has just receivaApples, Oranges, Lem ons, Figs, Dates, Pruens, Citron, Resins, Cur rants, &c., &c., Fresh and fine—cheap, and cheaper than the cheapest at Anderson's. UPERIOR COAL OIL. Just- received ar k Dr. Hinkle's Drug Store, a very superio article Of .Xerosene, or• Coal Oil, which is wars ranted pure, and is as clear.and transparent at burning fluid, and free from sm• eor smell. COAL OIL LAMPS : Just received a near and large assortment of new-style Cbal Oil Lamps—superior to anything now in use, andcheaper than they can be bought in town. GROVE 4 , ROTH. . FT4 TAMPS ! LAMPS ! SHADES, &C. The I undersigned has received another lot of 'and 'Coal Oil Lamps, and Lamp Shades of every variety and pricer Call and - see them at 'Dr. Hinkle 's Drug Store. , MO LANDLORDS! Suet received, Scotch and Irish WE - IBA - Ifs, warran ted pureolt H. 1). Benjamain's. RO CE FES : A lot of prime Grocerimi kis just received and for sale cheap at DIFFENBACIPS Cheap Store•• AELLANI SCHOTTISCHE, composed for tile Piano, by Miss Annie E. - Houneal, at Grove 4 Roth's, Niarket-st. EA and Dinner Setts.—Several crates - o T new style Qneensware, beautiful in the design, in full Dinner or Te, • 1 4. i: and at re duced prices at y4o 3774 , ; • 38 , 44.4• ' • INT=R GEO. MUNDORFIo, THE AMERICAN WATCH. I=4=l MAGNIFICENT ENGRAVING of Chris topher Co/inntrus and his Crew. This Beautful Engraving was designed by RUBEN; one of the most celebrated artists that ever lived ; the cost of the original design and plate being over $BOOO, size 22 by 29 in ches. The Philadelphia Daily News, .ays, "the mere nominal sum asked for the engraving, is a sufficient inducement for persons to purchase without the additional Gift" SCHEDULE OF GIFT'S To be given to the purchasers. For full par ticulars, send for a Bill. ' I Cash, $5,000 , 5 Cash, $ 3OO 1 Cash, $3,000 10 Cash, $3OO 1 Cash, $2,000 10 Cash, $250 1 cash, $1,500 10 cash, $2OO 1 cash, $l,OOO 10 cash, $lOO I cash, $5OO 10 cash, $5O 1 cash, ' - $5OO 1000 cash, $5OOO 4 cash, ' $3OO 2000 cash, $5OOO Together with.a great variety of other val uable Gifts, varying in value from 50 cents to 25 dollars. '4100,000 Any person enelosing in a letter $1 and five 3 cent Postage Stamps jto pay for postage and Roller) shall receive, by return of mail, the magnificent Engraving of Christopher Colum bus, (and one of these valuable Gifts as per Bill.) Address all orders for Bills or. Engravings to P. S. BEELINE &SO., Box 1812, Philadelphia, Pa. Non's the Time, to buy Very Cheap at THE WALNUT HALL CLOTHING STORE, Market Street, Marietta, Pa.' MLLE.R. &SNYDER having just received a large assortment of all kinds of new and Fashionable Clothing, And Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods generally, all of which they will sell at prices to suit the times. Walnut Hall can now offer the largest and best assortment of- READY-MADE CLOTHING this side of Philadelphia, and being thankful for past favors from our numerous friends and customers, would respectfully ask a continua tion of the same. All kinds of clothing manufactured in any style desired—fashionable or plain. 113 — A11 kinds of Cutting done at short notice. SAMUEL D. MILLER, ANDREW SNYDER. April 14, 1860. - 110 OUKS ! BOOKS ! ! AND `STATIONARY at. I• it V. VERY CHEAP AT DR. HINKLE'S. DR. F. H I.N KL E having just returned from Philadelphia where he selected a very fine assortment of all kinds of MISCELLANEOUS AND SCHOOL B OORS, to which he would respectfully invite the atten tion of School Directors, Teachers, Parents, Scholars and all others is want of any kind of BOOKS, Magazines, Mammoth Weeklies, the Dailies, Stationary of every kind and price, and in fact everything in the Book and Stationary line. A nice collection of Music on .hand and a catalogue of all the music published, - from which selettiOns can be made and &dared. • Anything in his line not on hand will liehr dared and obtained in a few days. AOWARD ASSOCIATION, Philadelphia. A Benevolent Institution established by special endowment, for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed; afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the cure of Diseases of the Sexual organs. Medical advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, &c.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, medicines furnished free of charge. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhcea, and other Diseases of the Sexual. Organs, and on the New 'llemedies.employed in the Dispensary sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three postage stamps will be acceptable to pre-pay postage. Address, Da. J. Syclx.raw HouonTorr, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South 9th St., Philadelphia. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, President. GEORGE FAIRCHILD, Secretary Looking Glass and Picture Frame MANUFACTORY. THE SUBSCRIBER respectfully informs the Citizens of Marietta and vicinity, that he has opened an establishment for the mann acture of every description of Pier, Mantel, Oval and Square Mirror. Frames, Portrait and Photograph Square and Oval Frames, of all sizes, plain and ornamental, wholesale and retail. 'Pictures 'and Looking Glasses framed to order in Gilt, Lacquered, Rosewood and Mahogany moulding. A large assertment of plain and colored Engravings, Pictures and Vattlikh for Grecian, Florentine, Potiehomania and Diaphanic painting—Oil and Water colors, Canvass, Drawing papers, Pastal Crayons and Boards; Sabel and Camel hair Brushes ; Cray ons and Drawing pencils, with every other ar ticle used. in Drawing and Painting. Agency for the American Company's Stereo scopes and Steoscopic views—plain and colored. Old 'Frames regilt; rendering them equal to new, at less than Philadelphia prices. WM. E. HEINITSH I KRAMPH 9 S Row, URANGE-5T., mar the 'Corner of North Queen, LANCASTER, PA. April 23, 1859. 50-ly DR. G. W. WOARALL, SURGEON DENTIST, MARKET STREET, ADJOINING CASSEL'S STORE MARIETTA, RA. OFFERS his professional services to the public and will be happy to wait on all who may patronize him. Dentistry in all see' its branches carried on. see' its inserted on the most ap proved principles of Dental science. All oper ations on the mouth performed in a skillful and workmanlike manner—on fair principles and reasonable terms. Having determined upon a permanent location in this borough, at the old stand, would ask a contipuance of the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him ; having studied under a celebrated graduate of the Philadelphia College of Dental Surgeona. feels confident to be able to.render satisfaction in all branches of the profession. Refers to DT,R. L. McClellan, D. D: S. Dr. H. B. Dunhill, D.' D. S. F. Hinkle, M. D. • J. H. Grove, M. D. Smith Armor, M. D. - rir Ether administered to proper persons. New Family Coal Yard. _ • EAR thnn ever offered .in coin- GEE The subscriber' having having determined to give his attention exclusively to the COAL trade is prepared to otter great indiicemente to persons wishing .to secure their winter fuel. Ills stock is made up of the following varieties of FA/IfELY COAL: Shamokin, red ash, Shamokin, white ash, Treve#on, gray, ash,- Baltimore company . , Locust Mountain, all of which he will sell at the ycry lowest figures for cash. He is also prepared to sell by the tioatload, at first Cost, and will, M all ga ses, guarmatee gross. weight. .lameliainers and others buying coal by the cargo will find it to their advantage give him a call before purchasing elsewhere.: . 'THOMASIELL. Marietta, Sep. 10, 1859-18tf - - Saw Mill and Lumber Yard' MARIETTA, ONSTANTLY onhanq a full assortment 91 all kinds of Seasoned Lumber, which he 0 ersat reasonable puce& Boards, Plank, Joist, Scant - lin& 1 Rafters Laths, Shingles, Pails, 6-c., 4-e., to: OAK, PINE 4- HEMLOCK TIMBER, orders attended to with di karietta, A Artriirl— 9(17 ' Walla:4lA rg, .k4l, =I ~....,-"'" ,-" / V."' 1.111 1 1"..... -_= - Lt::______----.-,-- - - • r 7"! i ,',, r Goods 8.. ' 1 . . t . ,T THE ST( L . , ' . 1 , ritti.trlii bee! :: Nt,,airi ,ed a b : 1 and be• f the Gl° '4 „ E s F.N'S I'ttri.islne! 141:14) :: 011 1 Ii i I I I C : S a lms 1 : 1 . 1 1 : c l a i( -A i n; , b.."inbr &c. • leoulin. ' cassia' ... ~. tonadr . "`' Suspe - s ' - '-' • .nts, '". .. 43I!''' ISIII ' 13 I . dSh • - lest --..- ' , sot: - ,i - i 1 ...:-... Al' g . P: • 4* in • ''' .r :1 :IL ,ig .. , Itrs. RAT • het' 1 w. . RA -' ' o to. , loin k A .td- •able -;- '•, •,- : . (.111 shOrt , RR I • 1r 1.. -, - • • ~ IN • 1 - - Wee; '' : g . - ' ' ' of • ' 15 •.'";! t ...,.., • '. . , !a ' ....',.. DU _ •.- ' / . VP -,• S • I ..t to ., ~ - itled, ' f ., • . i t, I M.ls of A : 1. . 5 , 'L. 4 i: cial - ..., , in cases of this description; : Evil,.. • . Scrofula, in its worst formt,-Yieldit : the.- ,• [-", yet powerful action of these - - icines. Night Sweats, Nentiktut I' , .ility t Af- % , vous Complaints of 11 kinthis f- f l' it3 ton the Heart, Painters' Colie,, Milt, ..•k.,„:, .ily-1,. - :' 111.ERCURIAL DISEASR.t . ;+ , z:" 7 ,,,,, ,/ , o, :i ri l - ' .i • ,- 1 ' i,- - -imiii4 ,t,--. - • : \\. . ..... 1 . .. , T i OCATED AT Pl l ' , ,''''. .0- . : ,-N 1 „ . YORK, BUFFALO -::' ~” . R 4 : LE I ; S S. -- ~ s c e AND, DETROIT A '.,,, ..- CH r 7 . ... Philadelp ,". • ,4 .. ~.., S.E. CORNER SEVEN - • *Die r .re:. • .--REFS JOHN B. MYERS, I • 'A; • 41, ;. LOL . ~.. _ , PROF. J.-S. HART, ; 01-,: . ., iT J. R. LI , • IN:- - ' , COUNTING ',..'17 -..:i. ' 4 s - COmprises Book-Keep :-. fe -- . r- ill*. • ' ins Railroad, and : ..a . -.''. , guess with Pennianship,,, lc , .- . . _5l open- • 0. dence, lice.. &c., fu ' -.1 .. , .71 bident w • for actual - basin- • ' N. ? , - 't .: indi vidual instruction. , "- I' , ~ ." ," t ied to ' 1 , „ graduates. T HI. :i , Y , .. : • ~ ,- ,L,411g , Pays for Life Sch r .ip -: . ,':-., - .1 Cab e . • i' -) : ges ; Twenty- . ' , olla fo'.':- - - course. KT For .catalo,.ad a. ' , writing address, includi !' to 8 - . r.,t1 ,-., 7 lIYAIIPT - ;lON, , July 30, I&s' ' ...~. , ..- 4. . . ~,,,.... WA '-.a:, ' : -- p ea k,. i i • P .. . • - .A - ey,;-„5.„ e-:- Nos. 103, 10 :. 107 . ,, - 4,r '- 071,2'80 iT ' " • ] - 1/5 - - •.' cd, . - ..,., . . We are now - ing our :',` •• ock, iitij a h will comp_ri . rge suit, .... tow - '.....-..-. _.. : of all _kind . . .. -- .- - .uuent .. , ~. , tut. - t. • .-. i.o. t . papally]. -, ,season would inv ite befor e junki n g .-k. P - L '''' espeCial". , nto tha t - ,Ple d .exa ~- -. Nos. 10 6- ''' . it'll 7; .:'''..'' 4111P8OehnAgilt.all14. your pa w - . . . ,-.......- -kv Alto, , Ir.`, -.. •- - -•,- ...,., QIL .... ARE .. ~,, 14,E, J . . . „p , Atik Q:,‘,. ,- , ' .11 Cen t el I LO . • i _ _„. -.•-.,..,. .LRIIC , - ' S..' -- r , i I .:::7-41N . , i• "Z. r ea, Fo ilk •' ' .- 1 " lets, in g..to - . .4, Ladea, Ike 11 to ou ' der u' . ' ''-, ited to b e silver. '...le .. ' . , .., . _ Ord ' tomers.'• " er talc'. , i der to • ‘ 11 _,., . . . .. ~... r 44Ange *pm. ,-. ' ~, "OIL n ~ . ; • - —.- • • ,i. ~ „.. . r -..e ........... _:., • -...;410 -.... ' • •,‘ , ...-ro • ERTSMXHIS MOFFt , LIFE PILLS &PH I% o m HESE MEDI CI NES n 1. the public for a peri t n i cre during that time have mai i acter in almost every par I their extraordinary and i t restoring perfect health to 1.. ender nearly every kind of the human frame is liable. The following are among hare. riety of human diseases in w the VEGETABLE. LIFE IC U Are well known to be infall ib DYSPEPSIA, by thoro first and second stomachs, an tit% of pure; healthy bile, instead .•the OW acrid kind; FLATULENCY, s a of Cite, Heartburn, Headache, R ease Temper, Anxiety, Languor, andt Mr which are the general symptoms of will vanish, as a natural conseqi cure. COSTIVENESS, by cleansing leuth of the intestines with a solve and without violence ; all violent pi the bowels costive within two days. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring to a regular circulation, through the prespiration in such cases, and the solution of all intestinal obstruction i The Life Medicines have been knout RHEUMATISM permanently in thrill and GOUT in half that time, by remo cal inflammation from the muscles in ments of the joints. DROPSIL'S of all kinds, by freer strengthening the kidneys and bladdel operate most delightfully on these sir organs, and hence have ever been four fain remedy for the worst cases of a Also WORMS, by dislodging from • rags of the bowels the slimy matter to these creatures adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS. and INVETRI SORES, by the perfect purity which Medicines give to the blood, and *lithe hn SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BA plezions, by their alterative effect up' fluids that feed the skin, and the mo* of which occasions al l eruptive co* sallow, cloudy, and other disagree plexions. The use of these Pills for a ye will effect an entire cure of SAL and a striking improvement in the the skin* COMMON COLDS am ENZA will always be cured by enni two in the worst cases. ';' PILES.—The original proprietor, Medicines, was cured of Piles, .07 t standing by the use of the Life Medicine FEVER AND AGUE.—For this act the Western country, these Medgfines found a safe, speedy, and ceriiiis rem Other medicines have the sygeut..aubje return of the disease—a cure by tines is permanent—try them, be apse be cured. BILIOUS FEVERS AND WEB .PLAINTS.—General Debilitr t yss tite, and Diseases of Fernal' have been used with the moitherk II:' 1 i ilk El