The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, August 18, 1860, Image 3

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4u3.ust it, Isla.
ddens Stevens was *re
ongress on Wednesday
•TE FARCE : The delegate
in this place on Saturday
/was, beyond all pero.dven
;t indecent and outrageous
ism ever witnessed in our
drove quite a number df
pectable and peaceable cite=
ie ground without voting, re
al— danorous i t i O life and limb
fight Moir way to the window. Rev.
IU. ' , h was chosen President and
.@a ' Mouston and 0. E Nagle In
slitori d Rev. G. M. Clawges and
e : and, Clerks. From the open
f polls at '7 o'clock, until the
O there was a dense crowd in
0 '4, d the Town Hall Park ;"'close
e ' 'e
raid window make
ao attempt w as so
O ft-the ground. The contest was
b to ois v t o e t r :
s evy that timid end aged voters
le n the Nagle and anti-Nagle del
g al friendly or unfriendly to the
limo': S. Nagle for the
I vote stood as follows :
B. Spangler, on both.
). A. N. Cassel, 215.
Simon Grob, 211.
IS. F. L. Baker t 2o9.
It to Lancaster arLd pro
other delegates ketting
rention, but the commit
disputants were refer
admit the Nagle dele
.ers, a list of the dela
lot settled will be found
N, of New York, will
Izens of Lancaster, on
ling, September sth.
ak at Marietta on Friday
York on Saturday • eve
r Bth. Mr. 'Ullman is
eloquent speakers in the
85G was an ardent sup
re. H o is now laboring
success of Lincoln and
to hope that such a dem
be gotten-up on the oc
ilman's coming that will
credit of the patriotism
A member of the Co
.wakes has promised to
rer two hundred to visit
:casion and we hope to sec
itizens turn out en masse.
‘ our °vial
p Boggs, Esq., an old and at
QUO of the most influential mer-
Baltimore, died i 8 that city on
l ,last week. Mr. B. was over
gage and had left this place
ple of weeks since in apparent
1.14 Mr. B. was bob on one
ins adjourning this borough,
'fifty years since removed to
I .44 engage in business, where
ided ever since, paying occas
its‘to his old homestead. Ho
.12 elor.
ifirS ,
one UM ,
70 years
but a co
)od be
the f
t abo
a b
e death of Peter Livergood, of
rn, Oitmbria county, Pa., for
14>sidant of Columbia, in this
eon:Once& Mr. L. was an
an located in Johnstown
time it ceased to be an Indian
Iron* He occupied several
trust tyld prominence, amongst
thatiof Canal Commissioner
1, of Got• Ititner's administra-
J. Geuther Stehtnan, of Lan-
In e r r)? Of this borough, has been
by Brig. Gen. Witwer Snr-
Second Brigade, Third Di
ins3qaula Yelanteers, with
.or We. congratulate
lon his prornot4ott.
'eprietnie::of - tlie Reading
Stage llue . lost three hur
ley vratiiiek, from the
st, one oTithe Litiz Turnpike,
44eAselei,.104:Fthe'-other nefir
ar I.
,1046"LincolnClap have
1 ;
/1. 4
K I LLED 081 T lIE RAti.noan.—Simon
Fisher, a conductor on a freight train
was killed near Parkesburg on Friday of
last week. Ho was on n train going to-
wards Philadelphia, and from some cause,
fell from the train, between the Gap and
Parkesburg. He was uninjured by the
train. Be was put on the train and car
ried to Parkesburg, where he died a few
hours afterwards. A medical examina-
tion showed that he had probably been
attacked with sunstroke before be fell.
He was a single man and lived with his
mother at Columbia.
On Friday night of last week, says the
Lancaster Union, a man named Ebersole,
a resident of Conoy township, was killed
by the cars on the railroad, between
Bainbridge and Falmouth, in this county.
It is supposed that ho was either laying
or walktfig, on the track, when he was
killed by passing trains. His remains
were horribly mutilated, and it is proba
ble that several trains had passed over
Mil. The first that was known of the
accident was the discovery of his remains
on Saturday morning.
tThe following named gentlemen of
this county have been placed upon the
Douglas State Committee, recently ap
pointed by Hon. Hendrick B. Wright,
the President of the recent State Con
vention held at Harrisburg : George M.
Kline; Thomas Welsh, John S. Dough
erty and Nathan Worley. Gen. Room
fort, of Harrisburg, is the chairman o
the committee.
On Saturday evening last the dead
body of William Miley, of Monntjoy
township, this county, aged about 40 yrs.,
was found in a field about a mile from
Elizabethtown, and half a mile from his
residence. He was an intemperate man
and that was the cause of his death.
Air Wein Felt, formerly of the
"North Pennsylvanian," and the "Belle
fonte Watchman," both democratic pa
pers, has become con acted with the
"Harrisburg Telegraph" a strong-repub
lican organ.
jThe Susquehanna has taken an
other rise ; this is truly a God-send ;
driving off dead grass and rubbish which
has been accumulating on the bars in
the river. Our town was never more
healthy this season - of the year.
-arThe Union Fire Company had
their centennial anniversary in Lancas
ter on Tuesday last, by a parade during
the day, and a supper in the evening
and a ball on the night following.
aritev. Mr. Dorsey will preach in
Zions Church on Sunday afternoon at 2
o'clock, in the English language.
iter The confessions of icks,the pirate
and Harden, the wife murderer, for sale
at Hinkle's.
JAS. T. MARSHALL, Practical Chemist,
No. 32 City Buildings, New York,
WILLIAM COSGROVE, while laboring as a this.
sionary in Japan, was cured of Consumption,
when all other means had failed, by - a recipe
obtainea from a learned physician residing in
the great city of l'eddo. This recipe has cured
great numbers who were suffering from Con-
Sumption, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs and
Coltls, and the debility and nervous depression
Caused by these disorders.
Desirotis of benehtting other's; I will send
this recipe, which I have brought home with
me, to all who need it: free of charge.
Addresis REV. Wm.. COSGROVE,
439 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y .
iitstk.—The subscriber will send (free of charge)
to all who desire it, the Recipe and directions
for making a simple Vegetable Balm, that will,
in from two to eight days, remove Pimples,
Blotches, Tan, Freckles, Sallowness, and all
impurities and reaghness.of the Skin,leaving
the same—as Nature - intended it should be
-soft, clear, smooth, and beautiful. Those der
siring the fieci pe, with full instructions, direc
lions, and advice, will please call on or address
(with return postage,) •
Bewetur. OP QuActis !—This AdVertisement
is addressed to both Males and Females suffer
ing from secret causes. I have practiced many
years, and having made a fortune, profession
ally desire•now to serve mrfellow creatures.
Inclose a Dollar to pay incidental charges, and
a side remedy will be afforded .you... Let no
false delicacy prevent, as strict secrecy is pre-
VacAtaritis tErWAIIDS.
Box 910, Baltimore, Md
EIVIONS-:-New Crop French Lemons just
received and for sale at WOLFE'S.
4 Vanillie, Strawbertyf Pine Apple,
- Almond, Rose Lemon,
us/ received "and for Side at Grade 8 3 , Roth's,
AL of Plated ware
D WARE: A Large and fine stock
ware at .L. &-E. J. Zama's,
inter of North Queer. street & Center Square,
Jancast Pa. Tea Setts, In varietyi Coffee
i n s,
Goblets, Salt Stands, Cake
Card Baskets; Spoons,-Forks, Knives,
gaiters, lzc., &c:, at manufacturers prices.
•Rzecavirm attended to at modefate rates.
r,CHES: Caned Peaches, from Richards
8r Itiblitias,,Dover, the following varieties;
Id Mizell Free, •
W,41.111N. late •Free & Smock, verrfine,
gor ,Sale VOLFE'S:
FORTABLF. LAMP S. A: newan caost
'convenient and. perfectly safe lamp,led
t 4 ,, ikegfeibbie ,Coal 021 Law," for sale cheap
piive Lfug Store. •
tarept -sAnd best assortment of Fancy
TiirZtl7 ** ^• area andweating e.ver Offered
"ri this-niati-74re Dsourlde!,kata_perhic. es which
i ‘efy comPetitY,
HF ii
best'Aiteek at &gars attd Tobacco
town, kept at Weise's.
c, l l-1091. , ave 5,./..tairet-5t.800%,0f k_IP as, very c'
c''v--/ - &1 1 11E WEETKITAY-
Author of Life of Col. David Crockett, Col,
Daniel Boone, etc" etc.
With a Splendid Portrait on Steel.
One volume, 12 mo., cloth, 337 pages. Pike
One Dollar; and upon the receipt of the
Price, with 21 cents additional for Postage,
a ropy of the book, together with a hand
some present, worth from 50 cents to $lOO 3
will be sent to any address in the United
From the PI eface.
The Empress Josephine was one of the most
remarkable of all the extraordinaiy characters
who rose into conspicuous public position in
consequence of the French Revolution. Won
derful were the events of her life. With the
kindest and most affectionate. of human
hearts, she united the sternest ptinciples of
rectitude and a comprehensive genius.
In pohtioal foresight, her soperidrity to Na-
Wien is now universally recognized. Had
he listened to her admonitions, his empire
might have been averted. It is Worthy of no
tice that this political foresight and ability has
been inherited by her descendents—two of
whom, Napoleon 111. and Pedro 11. resped-
Direly the present EMperigrS of France and of
of Brazil, are among the ablest soverigns now
reigning in the world
The events of Josephine's life, and remark
able traits of character which she displayed
amidst the most amazing vicissitudes of fortune,
afford' not only an exceedingly interesting - but
a highly instructive lesson to all who read her
biography. In this respect her career, taken
as 'a whole, - may challenge comparison with
that of any other historical personages in his
Josephine constantly looked to the glory
of France and the fame of her husband as the
two most desirable objects. When Napoleon
desired to perpetuate his dynasty by a second
Marriage which might yield him a male heir to
his throne; Josephine nobly sacrificed her own
feelings to - what she Was told might eventuate
to the advantage of France. In his adversity
this true woman forgot all but their happy
years of wedded love—remembered not that
she had been repudiated, but that he was un
We have freely drawn upon various authors,
who have recorded anecdotes and traits of Jos
ephine, as related to them, with the tender re,
gret of affection ' which, too late, recognized
her full. value, by Napoleon himself, in his
closing years ' and it is to be hoped that the
book will be found reliable as well as enter
taining. Full of truth, yet it is the very Ro
mance of Biography.
Copies of either of the above books, with a
handsome Gift, worth from 50 cents to $lOO,
are' sent to any person in the United States upon
receipt of $l,OO, and 21 cents to pay postage,
by addressing the publisher, who is desirous of
calling your attention to his liberal method
of transacting business, viz :
With each book that is bought at his Estab
lishment a present is given—worth from fifty
cents to one hundred dollars.
The presents are of good quality and of the
best Manufacture, and comprise a large assort
ment of Gold and Silver Watches, Silver Plat
ed Ware, Silk Dress Patterns, Jewelry, etc, etc,
etc, too numerous to mention.
Send for a complete classified catalogue of
books, which will be mailed to you're° of ex
pense, and one trial will assure you that the
best place in the country to buy books, is at the
large and reliable gift book eStablishment of
GEO. G. EVANS, Publisher,
Originator of the Gift Book Business,
No. 439 Chestnut-st., Philadelphia.
Just Published
Wife of Napoleon L
Liberty ~LtssW't Stove
ABBOTT & NOBLE, Manufacturers of the
most approved style of STOVES of every
deseriplion. fErSAMPE AND SALES ROOMS:
No. 23S Water Streets New-York.
No. 410 Brown Street, Philadelphia.
PZ' N. B.—Send for a Catalogue,
H. L: Ez. E. J. ZAHM
ESPECTFULLY inform their
i t friends and the public that they
mr . still continue the WATCH, CLOCK
AND JEWELRY business at the old
stand, North-west Corner of North
Queen street and Center Square, Lancaster, Pa
A full assortment of goods in our line of busi
ness always en hand and for sale at the lowest
cash rates.
fi:3 — Repairing attended to personally by the
Tobacco and Cigars.
THE undersigned would rospectfally inform
the• public that he still continues, at the
old stand, corner of Second and Walnut streets,
directly opposite the Cross Keys Hotel, to keep
on hand and for sale, all kinds of cigars from
Half Spanish up, in prices from $O, $7 OD to
$BO per thousand. TOBACCO.—Natural Leaf,
Excelsior Cavendish, Oranoko Virginia, Con
gress Fine Spun Lathes Twist, Coarse Spun
Twist, Eldorado, Jewel of Ophir tobacco, An
derstm's best Fine-cut. All kinds of fine Ci
gars manufactured of imported stook. SIXES
HALF SPANISH. Rappee Snuff and all kiilds
Fine-cut Smoking Tobacco. Scented snuffs.
Fancy Pipes, Cigar Tubes, 4.e.
Jau. 30, 1858.] J. A. WISNER.
P'orUIIIVETT'S Cocoaine. A compound of
- Cocoa-nut Oil, &c., for dressing the Hair..
efficacy and agreeableness, it is without
an equal. It prevents the hair from falling oft
It prornotes its healthy and vigerouegrowth.
It is not greasy or *sticky.
It leaves no disagreeable odor'.'
It softens the hair when hard and dry.
It soothes the irritated scalp skin.
It affords the richest lustre.
It remains longe s GROVE ROTH
tin effect. For sale at
& 'S.
Drug ef Perfumery store, Market street.
BARRELS Prime New-York Apples,
10 fresh from the orchards just received and
for sale at WOLFE' S. Apples always on
hands We, have contracted with one of the
most extensive Fruit dealers, in Philadelphia,
for our Fall supply of Apples and Peaches,
so there will be difficulty - in obtaining a nice
juicy apple, or a sweet melting peach, by call
ing at' WOLFE'S.
IThItOPOSALS will be received for the erec
tion of a Frame School House (for colored
pupils) of East Donegal and Marietta until
the 18th day of August. Plan and specifica
tions can be seen at the office of
Chairman of the Committee.
August 11, 1860.
t)UST RECEIVED at Anderson's Confec
tionary and Variety Store, in Market-st., a
fine assortment of children% gigs,, basket
wagons, perambulatOts, wheelbarrows, toy
wagons, candidates flags, dummies, rocking
horses, &c., at AnderSon's.
signed is now selling oft goods at greatly
reduced prices in order to make room for a
FALL Srock •
J. .Comn AND SEE.
Marietta, August 4,.1360.
*en - Spongler4 .rattersoWs Store; Market-st.,
where Photographs, Ambrotypes and IVlelain•
eotypes are taken at very reasonable prices.
pat—Call and see specimens.
LIQUID Gum Drops Candies, Fruits, Nuts,
Toys, &c., wholesale and retail by
EGAIbS and Chewing Tobacco. A large
and good variety at J. M.-Anderson's.
1 CELLENT Cooking and Eating Apples
alwayS on hand at Anderson's.
mewed a NNW no 030111!00 •
Grand Military- Encampment
gricah)pnt ot tirlifohtTO
Commencing on ,MOnday, September 3, 1860,
and ending on Saturday the Bth, dill be
,ffeld a aaek,
Maj. Gan WM. H. KEIM.
THE ENCAMPMENT will be, beyond qucs
tion, one of the very largest ever held in
Pennsylvania, inasmuch as every arrangement
has been made to ensure.its success.
Thursday, September 0,
Invitations have been extended to Lieuten
ant General WINFIELD SCOTT, to Secretery of
War. Jonx B. FLOVD, Adj. General Wl'sox,
Major General PATTERSON, to their Excelton
dos, Governors PACKER' and Hiexs, of Penn
sylvania and Maryland; and they are all ex
pected to be present.
The strictest discipline and duties will be en
forced throughout the Encampment.
la-Arrangements have been made with Rail
Road companies to issue round trip tickets to
soldiers and citizens, at reduced prices.
WM. H. _WEIN, Major General, sth
B. A. Shaeffer, Maj. Gen'l 3d
Edward M. Biddle, Maj. Gen't 15th Division.
George Hay, Maj.Gen'l ith Division.
Charles C. Egerton, Brigadier Gael Balt
William F. Walter, Br2g. Gen'l 2nd Brigade,
4th Division..
A . Hiesiand Glatz, Brig. Gen'l Ist Brigade, 4th
Brigade Insp.lst Brigade, 4th
Thos. A. Ziegle, Captain Worth Infantry.
John W. &hall, First Lieutenant York Rifle.
D. A. Stillinger
fra aigias &g.lo.ttoilsl isnk.
Vine 6- LiquoPDealer, Picot Building,
Front Street, Marietta, Pu.
BEGS leave to inform the public that he
will continue the WINE & LIQUOR busi
ness, in all its branches. He will constantly
keep on hand all kinds of
Brandies, Wines, Gins, Irish and Scotch
Whiskey, Cordials, Bitters, .
Benjamin's justly celebrated ROSE WHIS
KEY always on hand.
A very superior OLD, RYE WHISKEY
ust received, which is, warranted pure.
Da' All H. D. 8.-now asks of the public
is a careful examination of his stock and pri
ces, ichich will, lie is confident, result in Ho
tel keepers and others finding it to their
vantage to make their purchases from 1
. C
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4, r 4 c:2 1 P, a, 1,7 CO CO
Paints, Glass, Oils, Varnishes, Hoop and Bar
Iron, Steel, Cedarware, Nails, Spikes,
Parlor, Office and Cook Stoves, 4c.
Takes this method of informing the citizens of
Marietta and vicinity, that he is now pre
pared to furnish, anything in his line of
business, consisting in part, of Table Cut
lery, all kinds of Building and Housekeeping
Hardware, Cultery, Tools ' Paints, Oils, Glass,
Varnishes, Cedarware, Nails, Spikes and in
fact everything usually kept in a well regulated
Hardware establishment.
Market Street, Marietta, Pa.
No. 227 North Third. Street. Phila.
THIS house is situated in the most business
1.--Part of the city, has one hundred and thirty
rooms; large Parlors and every room is newly
furnished and is considered one of the finest
Efotels'of its class in Philadelphia; it has erect
ed a large observatory where persons can have
a fide view of the City, Delawate river, Szc., &c.;
it is also supplied with hot and cold water
Bathes,- which' will be-free of charge for the.
guests of the House l City Cars will take you
to the Revere House. Our charge is =der
, ate, $1.25' per day ; persons visiting the city
will please come and try the Revere House and
•we pledge ourselves that we will endeavor to
use our besCeffortato make it appear like home.
CHAytIiES FARE.% of Reading, hale
charge of the Office. G., W. HINKLE,
formerly of the States Union Hotel and latterly
of the United States Hotel, Atlantic CitfrN.
CLOCKS, WATCHES, 410., B,C. 4:-
The undersigned would take this
method of infOtniing the public that he,.
is still engaged in the' Jewelry business, in
Mailed street, next do'o'r to Jag". M. Anilerhon'S
Confectionary, were everything in his line will
be carefully and promptly attended to at very
reasonable prices. lie has the celebrated
Thirfy-day Equalizing Clock,
Clocks of all kinds, •Watches, Jewelry, Musi
cal Instruments, F JOHN
Articles &c.
Marietfa, July 22-3ms*"
EWELRY.—KIarge and selected stock of
cf fine jewelry of the latest patterns from the
best factories in the country can be found at
H. L. & E. J. ZAHM'S.
Cor. Noith Queen st. and Centre Square, Lan
easter', Pa. Our prices are moderate andlel
goods wdrranted to be as tepieserited.
CP E R VINEGAR: Ten barrels Pure
home made Cider Tiriegiit for sate. at six
cents a quart at WoLtr.'s, made of the pure
juice of the apple ; a singe trial will convince
yoil.of that fact. tfro(fe's Variety Store.
f j
Ti L 0 LS--Good tme
Keepers, for One ljollar.
ClockV Watcliak.sai,
m d, Jewelry carefully re
paired and climes moderate, at WOLFE'S.
. . _
lierisooNFi . 1. ; , 10 I.:—Mackerel.. 11,
5052 and 3 7 in various
packages; Herrineaud,Cod Fish, at
• the
M -
Being a private instructor for
SO .
married persons, or those about to be
married, both male and female, in
nn everythinrconcerning the physiology
1 -7 211 " and relations of our sexual system,and
the production or prevention of offspring in
cluding all the new discoveries never before
given in the English language, by WM.
YOUNG, M. D. Thls is really a valuable
and interesting work. It is Written in plain
language for the general reader, and is illus
trated with numerous engravings. All young
married people, or those contemplating mar
riage, and having the least impediment to mar
ried life, should read this book. It discloses
secrets that every one should be acquainted.
with : still it is a book that must be loeked up,
and not lie abut he house. It will be sent
to any one on o the t receipt of twenty- five cents,
in specie or postage stamps Address Dr. W3l.
YOUNG, No. 416 Spruce st. above 4th Phil
adelphia, Pa.
ter what may be your disease before you place
yourself under the care of any one of the no
torious quacks—native or foreign—who adver
tise in this or any other paper, get a copy of
either of - Dr. Young's Books, and read it care
fully. It may be the means of saving you
many a dollar, your health, and possibly your
Da. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the
diseases described in his publications, at his
office, No. 416 Sprute-st. above Fourth.
NTNT OW opening the most beautiful assortment
of brew spring Goods we ever offered
Organdie Robes-2, 5,7, 9, 11 Minced Berege
Anglais Robes, 2,5, 7, 9 and 11 flounced
Satin Plaid Berege Robes,Double.skirt
Satin Plaid Berege Robes, Solid
Plain Colors, Satin Plaid Be
ege Robes, Poi de Chevre Satin Plaid Bereges
Robes, gay and neat Bereges and Grenadines;
new style Spring Silks, Black Silks, best brands
imported; Plain Mous' a oit'—in Pinks, Blues,
&c. ; Berege Anglais.
New Spring Cloaks, a
Mantillas and Dusters,
Lace Bournous, Lace Sultanas,
Lace Mantles, Lace Pointes,
Cloth Cloaks, light Spring stiles,
Gathered and plaited.
Straw cs.—Stella l in all styles and colors.
MEN'S WEAR.—Superb Cloths, Cassimems
and V estings.
CA RPETINGS. — An additional supply, among
which are the handsomest Brussels, Threeply,
and &lint's NewJ. York
HALDE Paten t, MAN'S we ever offered.
- 0 —
No 66 1 1' MARKET Sr., MARIETTA,
H AVE just opened an immense stock of
Shallies, Fancy Silks, DebageS,
Mous de lanes, Ginglianis, Chintzes,
Calicoes, • Casstmeresi Vestings,
French Cloths, Netvstyle Coating, Cottontides,
Youthls Ctissimeis, Spring Shawls, Mantillas,
Nedr Ties, Cravats, Gloves Suspenders,
Shirt Fronts, Collars; Olds, &c.,
gheetings, Shirtings, Checks,
Tickings, Flannels, Diaper, •
Stair, Rag, Linen, and dalton Carpets,
Wall and Window Paper,
Transparent Blinds.
GROCERlEgtextra fine Syrups, prime
Rio Coffee, chef. lack and Green Teas, Yel
low and White:' ars, Fish, Rice,
Salt, Spi
ces, &c., all of which will be sold at the lowest
market rates. An early call is solicited.
TT AVE on hand a large and general assort-
It I meat of
Boards, Joists, Plank, Scantling;
Rafter's," Shingles, and Laths,
Planed :toMte s pio.afr..shelniK:
Prooring AntA-cifiling;
Shingle and Plaster Lath.,
Pales, $-c; also Pine and Oak
stuff, constantly on hand
and sawed to order.
ll'Orders attended to at the shortest noticei
and delivered at any point on the railroad by
JOHN BELL, Merchant Tailor,
Cor. of Market-st•, and Elbow Lane, Marietta
QItATEFUL for past favors I would return
my thanks to my numerous friends and pa
trons and inform them that I still continue the
old business at the old stand, where I will be
pleased 'to see them at all times, and having a
full and splendid assortment of
which will be made up to order at the shortest
notice by the best of workmen, and on reasona
ble terms; I would be pleased - , therefore, td Wait
upon my Old customers slid all who see proper
to patronize me hereafter. fOct.29-'56.
Marietta, Lancaster Co., Pa.
T HOMAS C. CHILD, Aor.,, has constantly
on hand, or Manufactured to order, all
kinds of SASH, DOORS, BLIND'S, Shutters,
trc., Vic. All orders addregsed to DlEfflirrkir,
Hourz,fr Co., far any of the above article's, or
for Bill Stuff, Timber Girders, Lath, Pickets,
Pales,Shingling Lath, floor Beards, Weatheg
Boarding, White Pine Shiriglo, or Lumber will,
etways meet - with prompt attention, and be sup
plied on as favorable terms as from any Wier
astabllshnient in the country.
A' liberal discount olf for, cash.
_ From NewATOrk.
Xehaftey, Houtz & Co.
/514 W GAble, NAtbtr-rasop,
Near the Town hall, .3tarietisk Pa.
THE undersigned havinrn'aitcariagenients
with a. TeX/goat IVISMCAttfty to get his
stock direct will be ertadiidAied.n•all. kinds of his line at verylitre
safes. Hr
miff keep constantly on
order at short notice, all kitidi'of ".'
Mantles, Monuments,
Enclosures, Grave Stones
Door and Window Sills, Steps
and everything in his line of businessmanu•
factured of the finest Italian and Anst•ricat
marbles, which he will sell at such prices a.
cannot fail to render satisfaction, and only asia
a fair trial of the, public before purchasing else,
Letter Cutting of all kinds done at the short
est notice and on the most reasonable terms. _
I have a recipe for msking.Sugar, from ,
nice 'of the Chinese Saga" Cane, which I• W I
send post paid, to any part of the United Stat
on receipt "of coin.or postage stamps-
I obtained this recipe fibril China, (at a ci
of $25) in IBsg, and have tried it for two yei
and find tlfat it is all that was claimed. for it.
Ifox Clarksburgh, Ilarrition , Co:, Va,
MAny newspaper_publisiiing this 3 maul
and:Sending me a marked copy isritlirthe-b
enclosed, I will remit the amount. '1 wish
ail+ertise is the Unions.
Jan. 2,1-3ro JONATHIO? q: xtzp,
. for which the highest,. market , price wi
e_paidfi.t the store of 3: R. DIMEN B 4 C
A Flll,l, SUPR.LY,ofJetsefr P e etch
SweetPtilltoed, in a feV vreeke,
131111 E. SPIMS froneifie Wasiiingtsebpite
Mills,.. At Wale's.
i;ls.,.cents a qua_ it
SGR - 01 ReST, .1:..--1W,"7„
The Only Preparati
Universal confidence and pa7i,
FOR Statesmen, Judges, Clergyman , -0,
and Gentlemen, in all parts of ti
testify to the . elficacy.of • '''.. ' -
PROF.:WOOD'S HAIR REST ,'f t.., , '
.- . -
and gentlemen the, Press are
„..,.......i4, ;
its praise. A few testimonials or:
given ; see circular for more, and .. .. ~I
.• . .
possible for you to doubt.
47 WALL-ST., N. Y., Dec. .2‘, .
Gentlemen: Your note of the 15th in 5,......... . _...... '
has been received, saying that you,,,liad lea_ ,_
that I had been benefited by the slik Uriii . ooc . , 2 4 . .. . ,
: Arm k II, t
1-liiif Restorative, and requesting my certih - .maaaan... . 4
of the fact if I had no objection to give it ~, , ,o,„ -.-,,,,,,,,,, ,,, , , ,30, -t ,
I award it to you cheerfully,because It ti!Vommof
it dirt. iify age is about 50 years; the c . ~.... " .
of tny hair auburn, and inclined to curl. S ii' f *lmam g
five or six years since it began to turn g f
and the scalp on the drown of my-li at/strongest man
, 1 / 4
,)i,. ..,.... n r
1 iA)Mtkqui - d al
hide its sensibility and dandruff' to forA
it. Each of these disigreeabilities itfere ~, ', ii*ciiiis exam: ,
with time. find about four months since a 4tli - .
t . .. Or art&
was added to them, by the hair falling o the
top of my head and threatening baldness. ' ' ; 7. ,er tO' be
In this unpleasant predicament, I was ido '
il l
cod to try Wood's Hair RestOrative, m - 1 1-.12 . - ~
arrest the falling - off of my hair;for I h " . ‘7.` a.
' 1 * ith °ll tt l e ‘
, ..
no expeetation that grey hair could ~ ' -
stored to its original color except fro , 1.3 Ctidners
,\. .' 0 ,
was, however, greatly surprised t, c oVe. - , ) s :
,"Never rise
the use of two bottlds only, that n 00, ''' tailo ' Be sure
the falling ran . 4- e• Inittlie col „N D r` . . '.' -' - e , .., . , •
red to the gray halt , iil sei- ~ „t0 , tigh.'-'1 It is certain that
scalp and dandruffcease , ' .' . ..,,
very much to the gratification of my
...' ,•0„ do not go to' bed
whose solicitation I Was induced ta . try it.. "eV : - consumption by
For this, among many obligations I owe- toi o
allk i o
her sex, I strongly reccanniend all husbands --'1: at dafbreak;
who value the admiration of 'Bair wivg:to rifting theory; a
profit by my example, Mid Ilse it if growing. ~.„." • , ' 7 , an
gray or getting bald. Very respectfully*}, V-,,. wealth'*
TO O. J. Wood 4- Co., i IlL&J. A-LAVE:Nona.- ." nerally, th •
444 Broadway, N.Y. 5
14.1. f .To:pra
-Sr Alas July 20,1339) -• .
To Professor (7.. f. Mod. Dear Sir; to r With bens
" Hair Restorative" has done my hair so Tn . Jr - Nt ic il i e r
good since I commenced the use of it, AO , ,
wish to make known to the public of itanfloctf -,, ity of s l eep s , a
on the hair, which are great. A mart 04 -Ni/-
4 1
man may be nearly deprived of hair, and by aore g , t i .
resort to your "Hair BeitoratiVe" the hair will txtteted. ," if
return more beautiful than ever; at least this ---- -
is my experience. Believe it all ! 4-....-- .
~ ~.,
Yours, Truly, Was. H. KemEmy. opts.-ooure .of the
P.S. You can piiblisli the above ifYo i k like- that the Prince of
By publishing it in Southern papers you wil i g,,-
get more patronage &anti.. I see several - IA Ill'ur
your 'certifidittes in the Mebile - Mer , i -- idilf ever visited:
apparent fo the
strong Rotithtiii paper. `W' .K. :.,......, ,A ; .r 4 „,,,,
WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE . prof or 0 . . fliKa Is a IMAI-----,
J. Mod, Dear Sit i Having had.the - isfor,-. ' 's
are familiar
tune to lose the best portion of my la . . from ,` ,--
the effecta of the 3 ellow felPer, in 1851,4 New .In IV., lrefcire
Orleans. I was induced to make a- 14 Of
your preparation and found it to answer as.the ' ' ''' ' ' 'l l7t , bef°llbilag
very thieg needed. id,„y hair is no* , Back iffid elrora the Prince
glossy, arid no words Ivan express my 'obi* ,
tions to , p-•••• .g to the afflicted 'such ,I la
Was ' , •
i 4-11-: to be shaved.
treasure ' \„ 1 - 7i,- tit = y'Jokuszsol e .,.. conrpleted he •
sin T a l l ' i E b : . a
jeo o v r, e;::: . ,i
0d ' ' to a.. arbor's pretty: wife,
. .
be present; and, givrg
three siz ... Arc . - ^„...,, Work :,.., r
the me ; ag el „' , okie
itiss,remarked, "There, tow you
in prep,;'' dre ss With .. o ,
bottle;e JO '7;"you have been kissed by 'one of
more i • - No. 6 ,
3_3.A) 5 0.0:17.2.Th
~ : n a c l e f , am an il d y h e' el '151:
g e I b i
j a r b o ai t , c c,
f h no
N ‘s.,. " ''' u CO' 4eceive this as an insult, seized
goods de ':"; ..1,4,11-„, Ar.' ith the- foot, exclaimed, '- . There;
The I" ''.- ;
ji l stoit
.p .tiviejn , ti can say that yotitaile receive
I ' lo kick from a freenuire' '
._ .
'.: . ..._./"..°troi. •-------04.-----------.... .
NO. 20 NOR T H. pi,lites-RW ox RECORD-IN A •
LANCAS t., f ?- 1 /,. - 1
(Ark.) Fress so
PRACTIC? - .-'. TTEnt -
~...„ , _ ~,
9f C hicot colt '
MAN Orktit2 041#4 .. ,1 , t .d,ge 9rilfatiA,
WHOLESALi. - "ado trirt,,
vN i.,,Ers : .4XT3.. r , . - io''l, hia._,lllagaifice •
,---- .. land,' sitxate
OF EVERY DES9I ' • •‘ , tit% an ,
f ,t'icroirldigiko . which!
Otrv4tioN.tiiecoll.*ince in,
, Pi!.iso his. negroes to the,..gum
,r C 163, old , and •yeungr-120*.ing
'orking hands-60 head , •ot , ggri and,
entire stock of farming implements;
'tll far the snot of four hundred thou ,
‘dollars. in addition to this, Mr.
'oserves the present year's crop of
id corn, and eleven family,. SSC-
WE have now in store
ment of Hats and cffi,t
est Spring styles.
Silk Hats in all ahajf
- castrate New
A full assor
in Style - At )*
did assorr
Frem the flnei
We keep a large
all styles for men
We return
and trust by
fair dealing
their patronage.
. Ham and Cap
suit the tintert
small advamer
ra " ri tig Beg,
46- „ wit. ,
.ship for
busineSs, un
GI „
hereby sum
and vicinity t
being, a comp
Drugs, Di
Oils, Va.)
and evcrythin,
An essortrnt
burning Fluid,
Tops, Wicks a
. •
A nicelST
Shermmi M. Boob
other day rescued from
waukee, was addressing
Ripon, Wisconsin, on Sr
uty-marshal attempted ,
and there was an itallltt ,.
The crowd hustled th!el
_way, drew mantrevokyel
`rnittee of safe:4 7 a the si
Booth until hackles° to
141 if a martyr is not mile
er November we mistake
° 0 his friends.
‘st-i-WObeti hiveuter-trf-lhe eel
•elarate4 Reaping ta-achine, was fired-
m k _ 'by J. S. Marsh & 06:i of I.neristi*g - , was
ar,.. killed, reoelitle, Frx'eter,
.14 -
will was 4i4ent. of •Baltimcre, - a wortby
au- memberA4 the" t4oeiety of Friend?, ar,c ,
Laosiyv., ,
ufacture ni the very
- ell.
in the HOOT.O4A.
will V. drat f,„ n rf
ted tot) e
July, was the eighty-sedo. '
'the gallant Steuart; who
service of his country sixt
He has fought in over fort
will live in history ate
;or of the 'British utert-pf-war:
and tenant; when in the Fri
; tution, Pebenory 241 ; 1815.
enjoyment of good; health,
de farm at BordentowU, to,
morning; until time for tli
boat to leave, When he cm.
the Ildladelphia Navy rat.
Is to all the tit:winces apps
his position as Conttnatider l -
My. May he enjoy health
;core of year , - ' •
_ -„
•on AGUE.—The following is go=
Inds of the press'
i for fever sld:
ing, We dead it
lijaso r ti to pnblisie the foil
forits cure. wltich has be(
resorted to within, the cii
quaintonce with invariabh
is simply to pound up, fol
son, say four ounces of
sew it up in a bfack silk bi
torn by the patient next I
pit of the stomach. We
flicted to try this simple