The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, August 18, 1860, Image 2

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gly taltehlg Varicttian.
" Impartial-.-but not Neutral."
BRAIL&M L/NOOLIt, of Illinois. '
MArili/BAL HAMLIN; of Maine. .-
Fon pavtßion,
. _
WrI.LIAM‘TIAMILTON, Paradise, \ 14
p.M.E ... k. : HTESTA NM, City. '' r --,..
1 t.
. I ....t. N
SESII Hoop, Bart Township,
I HAEL OBER, West Donegal,
A '' .„` * .
h , Y au. W HITE City.
•'' # , For Sheriff, *
. .
u C. - 4 1
i P. BOY D, Fu l ton.
Ail l itt
at Wtarsopt, S'adsbury.
~.% For Prothonotary,
EM MARTIN, Ephrata.
I ' •: For Register,
F*, , , RGE C. HAWTHORN, Manor.
. For Recorder,
Clerk of Quarter Sessions,
ESSER, Strasburg.
:. t 1, •
t .
of Orphans , Court,
‘P. 4 ,. ' r. myEas, Morint Joy.
,i t ' .• : • : I` t my Commissioner,
rs ' ER, MaGOT:
I N ' _;./, etors of the Poor,
;t lo r a 'l'm, " S. MARTIN, CO/SITU/44
it lgne • __
11. METZGAR, Conestoga,
11,, A nd Celle
x... - woes, '; IRTHAN, Elizabeth.
4 ' Prison Inspectors,
JACOB B. BRUBAKER, Mountjoy Twp.,
Pulsar W. HOUSEKEEPER, Drumorc.
For . Coroner,
DANIEL BALtazu, Elizabethtown.
For Auditor,
This Convention of the Peoples' Party
of Lancaster County met at Pulton Hall,
master, on Wednesday morning last
was called to order at 10 o'clock, by
!man of the County Committee,
liogfelt, when the following officers
chosen :
OOD GREIST, of Saulsbury
F , . 7
#. 4
' 0
• A R.
rnd Mount Joy.
own—Sebastian Miller, J. M.
ook—Wm. Von Neida, Levi
oon--josepti Itertnler, David
ohs Valentine.
Hiram , Erb, Samuel Eberley,
Cocalic9 East-- = henry H. Shirk, .Tao
iipo West—Michael IL shirk, J.
104 J. S. Sitults.
• \-7Ylenklin Sutton, James
N. tipper Warth—Dr..Boh
Lowe 114.4 ( IL Bachman, H. F.
I:runuer, M. S. Shuisiie George l3ogle.
Cenesioga--George ShsErfrn s.
Clinger, Samuel 061, S. N. Wright.
Conoy—M. W. Smith, Samuel Shroff;
IL F. Ebersole.
Drumore—Nathentel 'liayer, P. W.
Housekeeper, W. S. Long. •
"-...,_Donegal West—John B. Gisk, Henry
Donegal East, Maytoton—Lewis Z
CI • ntb, Benjamin Grovp.:
- i -.Gt.,
A n ,eNiew... '
1 .- A
0 -----.
~,,..• _ • A.I. a
i,A) '
1, * ed
;Pit-- •f: . t- -"'"ft zatrg ,
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~ --'4,,1 1 / : 1.• 4" , 7t,v
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• _ , k,;t: . :
I . t\ - 5, ':% V
, , - ..
:i, 't:. , '1, , .. - 0-,
• l Siokom u eora
inted on contest
ppointed Samuel
. S. S. Hartman,
'ere, Manhelm
. • ;
Leacock ; Day
until 2 o'clock,
k bled at 2 o'clock.
ntested Seats
*regularly elected
ortkk West Ward,
rowlag, 6reorge Heidel-
K. Snyder, ChFjstian
wer, Ifynry
g George W.
Elizabethtown—Abraham Keller, Isra
el B. Balmer.
. .
. i
Iltnri Bicker. - - ...,'
Fulton—Day Wood, W. F. Neal,-T.
Ilempfield West—C. M. Greider, Dr
Amos K. `ltoltrer, Isaac Heinanian, A
IL Witmer, Dr. S. P. Williams.
inction!olpn,---jacob F. :Frey, David I`
Young, Henry Loyer. . •
Lampeter West—M. Kreider, jr., M.
H. Rreider, Abraham Snavely.
Lampeter East—Peter Johns, Abra
ham Espenshade, Henry Loyman, jr.-..
Little Britain—James Wood, Thomas
Furness, James Retzer.
Leacock:—Jonathan Trotter, John Cur
ley, Mahlon Ruth.
Leacock. Upper 7 —lssac,Bushong, Jac
urtz, Abraham Eaby.
North, East TVcrcl—nobt. A. Evans,
:John D. Skijes, 'T'eter 'Hensel, Jacob;
North TV - sst Wth•d—Preorge Prubalrer,
Conrad Gast, John: K : ahl, John I Hart
man, R. F. Rauch. •
South Ease Warti—Samuel B. Cos, C
J. Plitt, W. G. Evans. •
South West Ward—B. F. Rowe, Wm
Lttlz, M. L. Brosins, George Nagle,
Lancaster, • twp.—Georgo C. Levan,
Ephraim Hoover. .
Mankeim, twp.—Dr. IL B. Bowman,
Jacob Myers, S. S. Geist.
Martic—Joseph Armstrong, David G.
Illarietta—Barr Spangler, Levi Bough
ter, James Mehaffy, Williscn Johnson.
Millei•stown—Dr, S. B. Hartman, Jae
Pickle, A. Brubaker.
Mount Joy—C. H. Nissley, John H.
Zellers, D. K. Burkholder, Henry Hies
tand, jr.. J. G. Good, S. L. BrUbaher.
Mount Joy "Itop.—S. H. Brubaker,
Abm. Herr.
Paradise—John M. Slaymaker, M. D
Hess, George Harsh.
Penn—B. D. Danner, Gabriel Ging
Pequea—l3enj. M. Bear, Isaac Hoak.
Petersburg—Anlirew S. Miller, Jacob
Providence—Jno, Strohm, jr., Stephen
Wiggins. •
Rsolto—Dr. J. AL Dunlap, Alfred D
Grosb, Henry Raul Nan. . •
Rohrerstown—lsaac Evans, Henry
Sadsbury—Elwood Greist, Jacob T.
Whitson, Samuel Stokom.
Salisbury—John Nenhauser, Solomon
Wanner, Jacob Umble, Samuel Kur
R. W. Morton.
Strasburg borough—Jno. V. Hies Land,
Henry Diffenbaugh.
Strasburg township—,Dr. Mich'l With
ers, H. N. Breneman, David Hoover.
Warwick—Levi B. _Brubaker, Sinion
Eichler, Christian Baker, Simon Ho
stetter. _
Washington-3. K. Manning, Amos
B. Shuman.
of the St. Cloud (Minn.) Democrat, says :
Wanted—ln St. Cloud, a large Supply of
raw material for the manufacture of
brides. None in the market and press
ing demand. Those having a small sur
plus to dispose of, would do well to put
up small packages, carefully,. in straw
bonnets, barege yells, 'crinoline and silk
flounces, and Consign them to 'the care
of any of our commission:merhants.
, I W - ALKING Hos.sui:--Lewis B. Browri;
of Boston; has given" the managers of
the great national horse show, to be held
September 4th, at Springfield, Mass.,
the sum of $3O, to be offered as a special
premium for the "best walking horse un
der the saddle or in harness," This is
verrpropir way of calling the attention
of the public to the Corinideration . "of the
fact that a . good walk is the most useful
gait that a horse can have. It has hera
tofore been wholly overlooked in making
up prise lists.
CANnon SHIPPED.—The'A Natant Gen
eral has forwarded from the state Arlen
e to York the . two br es cannons Cap
tured from thiMexicans at-the battle
of Cerro Gorde, to be used_ for the ap
proaching military enCampment, which
promises to be the largest ever held in
the State. -
Va learn fronohe Clearfield Jour.
nal that. Gen. John Patton will, be, the
candidate of the People's party of that
district for, Congress and that Judge
Leonard will, most likely, be his oppo
nent. Both goad men, bukif Go Gen
eral does , not distance him sadly we are
very mach mistaken in his activity and
larPrentice -says at the funeral of the
venerable Jo'selit Gales, Mr. Buchanan
eat at the head 'of the comma. We ;tend
er if anyiazirig'at the sabileca . n
Wye helped thinking liow much bettei
it 402141' have been . for the country if the
situakipns of the two had been reversed:
Ifiritthere is any citizen who does
net understand importance of the
, exercise of the right -of
_suffrage, hant
him up and tryto make .a wise and, a bet
ter maw of hini4, 'roach, him, that' the
man who doesn't vote , is governed by
hipi who does.
onus Corwia—VDom, the Wagon
ki .Leetv: nominated accieEna.
Lady Jane ‘ Fransklin, the widow of Sir
John Freida o caw a a passe nge r in
the Adriatie, is thgurit of Mr. Henry
Grinnel. She designsto travel through
the United State - iiii4Canada, and may
extend her tour to`California, where she
will pass the winter. She will remain
for a week at Mr. Grinners country
plate on the North River, and then:go
to Montreal, to be present at the inaugu
ration of the Victoria Bridge.
A man in Bridgeport, Conn., named
WM. Pierce, says the Farnier, some time
ago seduced a woman named Mary Burns.
He was arrested, and agreed to marry
his victim ;" hut on heirrg, released made
' for parts unknown. Mary followed him
as far as Baltimore, but was forced to
return without him. Deceived, forsaken,
and heart:broken, she took her infant
and jumped off the dock at Norwalk,
Wednesday night, 25th, and they were
drowned together. • • - •
The, gifted though eccentric "Torn
Marshall," ha's been delighting the''peo,
ple of Peughkeepsie and Milton, N. Y.,
with his lectures on Henry Clay and
Temperance. Mr. Marshall, at the close
of one of his temperance diacourses, an
nounced his intention of out-witting the
Alms House and Insane Asylum, by sign
ing the pledge, which he then and there
proceeded to do.
A woman, disguised in MAWS clothes,
gained admittance to the Sons of Malta
lodge room in Hartford the other even
ing, and passed all the several degrees of
initiation succeSsfally until the worship
ful commander came to apply the em
blem., Then the trick was discovered.
the candidate being found unworthy to
receive it. The affair has caused consid
erable excitement.
The census taker in Jonesville, Mich
igan, put down a man's age at 300 years,
instead of 300 acres of land, which was
intended. He was beaten, however, by
the census man in the town of Allegan,
who put down a man as having 160 chil
dren, instead of 160 acres of Laud.
Berkley Woodward, a native of Penn
sylvania, aged 26, was torn to death by
a grizzly bear in Monterey County, Cal
ifornia, on the 26th of June last.
The Saturday Review speaks of a story
that the ladies of the congregation of
fashionable preacher in London, are sub
scribing a fund to procure him a divorce.
"Lincoln is a dead letteriin this court
y," said The Eastern Argus. To which
Groton Mercury retorted ; ."Like
other 'dead letters,' he • will be sent to
Hon. Edward Archibald, of Monroe
COunty, 'Ohio, *foimerly . a Democratic
State Senatitir, and a member of the Con
vention which framed the Constitution
of Ohio, has taken his stand for Lino°ln.
It is said that the candidates on the
Breckinridge ticket , in the South are
obliged to answer the following queitiOn:
"Are you for resisting, by force, the in
auguration of Mr. Lincoln, should he' be
elected President ?" . '
Friends of Gen. (Jess say that the
state of his health is such that it is ex
tremely doubtful whether he again re
sumes the toils and cares.of his official
position. The venerable_ statesmau : is
sojouring at Detroit.
Postmastei General Bolt has refused
to ccintrilinte a single cent to the Breck
inridge eieetion fund at 'Washington city.
We presume he shares the political sym
pathies of his father-in-law, Ex-Post
master General Wickliffe, who is very
determined in his support of Douglas.
Governor Ramsey, of Minnesota, of
fers a reward of $2OO for the, arrest and
conviction of Jacob Raider, who mur
dered two women in Brownsville, Hous
ton county, on the 10th
Three weeks ago, Corcoran
the rich, brokers of Washington: City;
sent4loo,ooo to LexingOn", SI., to be
need in - the election.
Rev. Mr. Spurgeon at latest dates was
traveling in Switzerland, ands few weeks
since preached. in Geneva. .
Phe Nevi York cortespondent of
the 'Chicago Press and Tribune, speak
ing of the recent failure of Mr. 'Jacob
Little, says that "Mk. Little; fortunately,
has quite extensive piivate Means; and
his wife's fortunes, he has never
jeopardized in speculation, is ample for
the fattrie wants of his; family. Mrs, L•
is much lounger:than her husband, and
is a fascinating and fashionable woman."
eir Miss Ilariet llosmer, the Ameri
can sculptress, has returned friim . her
artistic labors ;in Europe: to comfort a
sick and aged father. She is spoken Of
as a fine, dashing, black-eyed girl of
twenty-nine; who 'bears her. world-wide
fame with the happy, careless spirit of a
child. • She returns to Italy next autumn.
The Opposition are making con
siderable headway in the little State of
'Delaware: The Statesman, the leepuli 7
Jinn:and News, three influential jeur.
`mils, support. Lincoln and flatolin, and
express a strong faith in t6ielelettiOri:,
'The old First Church in North
.lon- of which Jonathan Edwards
co its
. I ', in -,
FOUND DEAD.—Oa Monday evening of
last week,,the dead body of a stranger,
was found, on the farm of Riter Boyer,
Esq., in the bushes. on the east side of
the road, between the "Grove" and Oak
land, about four miles north of West
Chester. The body was discovered by
Thomas Covington, about five o'clock in
the evening. The corpse was that of a
stranger, who had evidently committed
suicide. He had perforated his neck,
apparently with a pen knife ; but the
knife could not be found. A post mortent
examination was made by . Dr. W. H.
Gunkle, after - which the Coroilefs jury,
'which had been summoned, rendered the
following verdict : "That the decpased
came to his death by an . extensive or
ganic decease.",
_The body was not rec
ognized. No money was found on his
person. He was supposed to be about
forty years of age, and looked frayel
woin: The remains were. decently in
tions Are to, be held in the following
States at the•time named : -
California, first Wednesday in September
Florida, first Monday in October.
Georgia, first Monday in October. .
Indiana, second Tuesday in October.
lowa, second Tuesday in October.
Maine, second Tuesday in September.
Minnesota, second Tuesday in October.
Mississippi, first Monday in October..•
Ohio, second Tuesday in October.
Pennsylvania, second Tuesday in Oct.
South Carolina, second Monday in . Oct.
Vermont, first Tuesday in September.
Petersonsi Counterfeit Detector
for August, is' puplisbed with its usual
contents, including a list of eighty-eight
new counterfeits, put into circulatiou
since the July number. On the first
page is a facsimile of the new five dollar
note issue of the Commonwealth Bank
of Philadelphia instead of that which
was lately so successfully counterfeited.
The Detector cautions its readers against
another new fraud as "follows " Look
outl There are in circulation in the
Western part of the country, notes pur
porting to be issued by the City Bank of
Trenton, N. No'such bank, so refuse
ittirWe desire to congratulate Rev.
Mr.. Sheehan, who is the reported bride
groom to whose fortunes are now allied
the fame, name and reputation of Mrs.
Emtha Cunningham Burdell. Mr. Shee
han is a 'Universalist preacher of more
than ordinary talent. • Let us hope he is
happily located and may live an enviable
life for many long and blissful years:—
UV: Y. Times:
The Universalist is wise,
And proves his doctrine's worth.;
No risk to him - of future
He'll have it all on earth.
gir Gov. Reeder is so fortunate es to
own a farm—a fartu of 640 aeres—of
choice land, lying a few miles north of
Leavenworth City. Recently he visited
that' section of the oountry, and made
arrangements to have the farm fenced,
stocked, and put under immediate cul
tivation. It is said that it will prove
one of the most productive pieces of
property in the country, and that Gov.
Reeder's fortune is secure and large
enough to satisfy any modest man. from
this possession alone.. . .
Mr." incolh'S appearance on the•
rounds where the great Republican
emonstration was made at Sioringireld,
111., last Wednesday was the occasion of
so much enthusiasm, even after he• had .
twice addressed the crowd, that he was
obliged to exclaim_ with characteristic
humour : I came here, fellow-citizens,
expecting quiet, but as it seems I am a
great disturber of the peace,. I wish' you
would allow me to ,dep.tirt."
eir Garibaldi was fifty-three yeaas old
on the 19th of last July. thatOn . night
there was a general Na
ples in honor of the event. The minis
ter; of Gov,ernment Made a funny xrils-,
take.. They. thought the movement ex
pressive of confidence in the Govern
ment;and illuminated their own houses,
while the Papal Nuncio, in his enthusi
asm, illurdinated with three eolors,
Er Mr. Bennett; of the Herald, has
received two dogs from Nelformdland:
The modest 'editor thereaPoOrushes'info•
print With an argument' to Owl that as
the Prince of .:WitleS 'received bet, one
dog, while the editor was doubly royal.
- ar Among the curiosities discovered
by the : census taker is a prettylittle.girl
of fifteen, in the south part of Monson,
, .
Afass., who hs. husbands fifty-seven
years of age. , . - - -..-
the -Demoarati have organized "Little
'Giant" Olubs ; and - now the New Or
leans Gominercial Bulletin proposes the
formation of "Everett , Rangers."
ga - Baron, Alphonse de Rothschild
has been , appointed CcAisul : General. of
Prussia. He is the first Jew who has
exercised such functions - for that king-
*lanies never looked plumper
than they de this. season, and yet every
one of these near creatures is reduced'to
a sOleton.
ne of the Baptist Qhtirghes in
District, Virginia, has excofn•
.44 t
TIIE CAMEL Exrsaixsxr.—The exper
iment of the introduction of camels to
perform some of the labor of the South
ern States, has been quite successful in
Texas. At first, it was only supposed
that they could only be rendered useful
in the transportation of goods over our
sterile deserts, for they can travel a hun
dred miles without drinking, Lieut.
Beale very successfully showed how use
ful they could be made in this particular.
In addition to this use, it has been as
certained that they are very valuable on
the plantations. They are vastly super
ior in strength to either the horse or the
mule. In Texas, the camel has been
employed for draft, and will work easily
and kindly whin hitarid tO - a plow or
wagon. It can carry on its back as much
grain as can be packed in a two-horse
wagon. Those who have tried the cam
el for the impose of ascertaining its
value on the plantation, say that he does
well on - a
sandy, or firm soil, where he
can get a good footing. Ile moves very
cautiously and slowly on muddy, moist
soil, and feels unwilling in snub situa
tions, to carry even a moderate load.—
The camel can plow, draw wagons, gin
cotton, and carry it to market. It thrives
on the poorest food, and can be easily
raised. Its present high price prevents
its general introduction.
r - RESCUE OF Bootu,—The rescue of
Booth from:the Itilwaukie custom house
has been announced. At the dinner
hour fivo of his personal friendS made
their appearanCe at the door of the cus
tom house,- nacb armed with a revolver.
While the guard was examining what
purported to be a pass from the United
States marshal, he was seized and a pis
tol placed at his head. lie was taken to
the prisoner's aeor, the personal friends
unlocked with a key they had, Booth was
popped out, the guard was popped in,
and locked in. From the custom house
the party marched, pisols iu band, to
Booth's house, whence he was driven in
a carriage. Hundreds saw him as he pas
sed along Wisconsin street, but they
supposed he bad been legally discharged
on a writ of habeas corpus, and so gave
no alarm.
The Buffalo Republican says that
it is a fact not generally known, but
most creditable to Mrs. Douglas, that
prior to her marriage, she supported and
educated her brother with means acquir
ed by her pen. The word "pen" being
indefinite, it may not be improper to ex
plain that Mrs. Douglas' father being an
auditor, she was for years, Whilst a girl,
rated as a $l,OOO clerk of the Treasury
Department at Washington.
CrThe' ladies are introducing a new
and beautiful ornament for the parlor
mantel or centre table. They take large
pine burs, sprinkle grass seed of any
kind in them, and place them in pots of
water. - When the bars are soaked for a
few days, they close up in the form of
solid cones ; then the little spears of
green grass begin to emerge from the
laminince, ibrming an ornament of rare
and simple, beauty.
arA school house at Marion, Lynn
county, lowa, was - struck -by lightning
last Friday a-week, and three out of seven
children present, were instantly killed.
The other four, with Miss Kellogg, the
teacher; were knocked senseless.
cgr The capital invested in the coal
lands of Pennslyvenia is said to be nand) ,
$324,000,000. The canals and sla.ckwe.t
er connected with the anthracite coal
trade measures 815 miles in length, and
cost $40,000,000. -
Cr 0 apt. John Vine Hall, commander
of the Great Eastern, was the recipient
of much= private heepitality While in .13:!‘l
timore, at which' place he became a gen
eral favorite.
" Costar's , Rat, Roach, &c. Exterminator.
" Costar's"
,Bed-bug Exterminator.
" Costar's" Electric Powder for Insects, &c.
Destroys instantly- Rats, Roaches, Moles,
Mice, Round Mice,Red Bugs, Ants, Moths,
Mosquitoes, Fleas, Insects on plants, Insects
on animals, &c, in fact everyfonn and
Ten yeikrs established in lie - yr : York City—
used by the
,city Post Office, City Prisons and
Station Houses, lhe,City Steamers, Ships, the
City Hotels—the "Astor," " Saint Nicholas,"
&c., and by more than 20,000 private famihes.
Druggists and:Retailers everywhere 'sell
Whidesale Agents in all the large cities.:
Regular sizes, 25c, 50e, nndene
es—bottles--flasks. - . .
Beware of Spurious Imitations!
Examine each box, bottle and flaik;alid take
nothingbut ci.COST.AR'S'.? 2
One Dollar Boxes sent by
$3 and Iffi-boxei for' rdantatimii hotel's, &c.
by ofprekis. " l Adiripss' brats,. or: for itCircular
to Dealers" to HENRY R COSTAR,
Principal Depot 410 Bromiway, N. R.
M•Sold in Marietta by * Dr: `-'arove 4- Roth.
To CoNstriirklVE , Sl. adverSiser having
been restored to health in a few Weefis, by a
very simple remedy, after having:.suffered sev
eral years with a severe Lung affection, and
that dread disease. Consitinitiim is anxious to
make known to. pis fellow
.suffereni the means
of cure. To all who desire it he will send a.
copy of the prescription usedl-[frbe 'etaigel
'with directions for prepSring and tiring the
samo,.which they will find a sure cure for Con
sumption, Bronchitis, gr.c. The only object
advertiser trt senclinOhe prescription'-
efit the afflicted, and he hope:
will try his Term `y, as it rP
ing, and may py = bli
ing the pliscripth,
ittiV. Fitlir Ay
NOW -Oul LEr 0000
No. 61 ifilslL:e-ice; Sract ; Nl l : ae l kiEli
JUST opening, the 1 . and b . v . ,
DRESS 001=-)
Black Silks, Foulard Sil Plain aril
DeLaines, Shawls, G hams CII
Calicoes, Ticking', _ lie s,,Cq
Table Linen,Di ' r, L.'intir
dories, fa., ~ kc.
Black and Fancy Cloths : d Cassi
and Marsallies Vesting, tottonad
Lucky Jeans, .11oiserk, liuspe
Gloves, Cravats, Shirt Fronts,
Every variety of Sheeting and Sli
Aluslins, Table and Irish Linen,'
Ticking, &c., &c. - .
Allendale and Marsailes Count
Flannels all prices and colors,
Linen and Woolen Table c'iliq
Plain, Ornamental and Oiled
and Patent Fr
Wall Papers, Carpets,
UMbrellas and Parasol
Glass, Queensware and ,
Boots and Shoes,
All kinds of Liquors w)ii
Rio Coffee at 121 cents, and
respondingly low rates.
The highest price given
It-Very fine Syrup at !
Geo. L.
"7 - F_Qs
• ;.r
HAVING purchased of
good will and fixture!
establishment, I hereby it
friends, and the public gel
pared to supply their wall
CAP line at ail fimea with
as reasoaable rates as any
Having bad 5
practical hatter, and being
latest "Reports of Fashiont.,
citifies for obtaining goods direct t.
in 48 hours ; by strict attenticn to bt
a desire to please, I hope to merit a
a liberal share of public patronage.
P. S.—/laving disposed of ray est
to- George L. ftfackley, I cheer/
mend him to the favorable notice
desire a "comfortable covering for €
In retiring from business I extil
(feigned thanks to my friends for the
so liberally bestowed to me and 1101
may be extended to my worthy sup
Marietta, August2B, 1858.
Civil Enoiecer, -Surveyor, co
and Draughtsman.
Main STreet, Mount Toy; Lonsait
ALL kinds of land surirbying ai
levelling of watercourse.; roi
curate and neat plain and imam
and dratighting of town plans, I
tater, &e. Mechanics',. quar
work measured and mums , *
ses; Powers of attorney al
ments neatly and secure
tors', Administrators', I
dians accounts stated.
Also, agent for Ike sale
Connty, Pa. Commanith
ly attended to
" Quick Sales and
likbei , ARO Coat Er
Marietta, Lanci
YARD on the nivel
and icell lenoWn
Having opened a Yard fr
•• Commission
I would respectfully soL
pledge myself to use my
the best interest of my pit
of my ability:to obtain the
and effect sales of all artii
trusted to my care. I
times to make "purchases
siness the public may feel
my chew ' and all instruct
ried out. Advances made
January 21, 1860.-ly•
R. EDW .
•Its Grader
College of ntal Sur
operator and partner
professiOnal aeryiees
etta and vicinity. Perm
their xr.leru attended to
his office, adjoining Spat
store, 2nd story, entrance ft
I hereby recommend to toi
etta and vicinity, Dr. E. W.
nate of the Baltimore Collpf
ry, as a competent and skil,
ing had ample opportunities
rations—having long been at
tor of mine. . Joni► I
Hovxz & Co. is this day
tual consent. •Laar Es
• , Datil El
Having rented our uperessjn
MILLS " _ we "7.•!. lac
take great pleasti,
of our former meta
la now prepared
. with promptness am
Marietta, March I,
or R
- ant be had
orth Queen-A.
ter, Pa., in the
the beat article c
ket. They era
of equal quality
L 'UM.
Va Pd
at the
. EP Pleas
13 - littlest
of Super
man, Bh
Cloths ar
C,I ,
C. B.
to the of
^Awn of
antsy at f
trtiongs r,
ftl Kamp 1
Imitet tat
tnh b e e „.
MY at all
1 tinny bu
b Place in
1411 3 , car
13 t(mark
of Mari
t 111111 - :
Ica!! at