t _,.„..... k , . „.,,. •, ..„...\\. *. ,___ ----1 ... rl3 sew .‘ NCH Wry every variety of goods ears. yld Mipectfully inform till continues, at the Wand ‘Valnut streets, Ts 1 otel, to keep Is of cigars from nn $O, $7 $2O to b.—Natural Leaf, to Virginia, Con• Aft, Coaue Spun Opir tobacco, An kinds of fine Ci stlek. Sixes soli kinds id snuffs. roads, Sze. nathental Mapping es, large Inedea es trtri . iers' and Earth ttkt. Deeds, Hides d other legal instra drawn. Exaeu , ;nms' and .G 114,3, .1, esribis ''1110( . 1 Ver,F tine, ign, in fiiii443 reea cd prices at _l"......pEpso ist . -91Annutm l trf Ica at*, pfd It i • ' A.- The Peoples' Hat and Cap Store of --- ~ ou wy believinp oaptiess,will customers. SHULTZ & BRO., NO. 20 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA., PRACTICAL HATTERS, MA.NUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS I 1 HATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION... ty, los„ imported, WE have now in store a spleld assort ment of Hats and Caps otall the new piing styles. Silk Hate in all shapes and qtalities. - A flrstrate New-style Silk Hat for $3. A full assortment of CASSIA ERE Hats, Spring IStyle Caps in endless:iariety. A splen did assortment of SEAMLESS CAPS— THE NEWEST guy, ZOIJAAE, as " Continental," and all the other styles of w styles o novfity o axes, its, inghams, SOFT HATS NOW WORN, From the finest to the cheapest qualities. We keep a large assortment of Straw" flats of all styles for men, youths and children's wear. We return our thanks to a liberal public, and trpst by strict attention to business and fair dealing to all, to merit a continuarice of theirplitronage. Bats and Caps to suit all, and at , prices to suit the times. Goods sold to dealers at a small advance for cash. ack Thibe :, Long & :yles in es In Setts, Sleeves, Shipping Fuis bought and the highest price paid in cash. April 7, 1860-tf 301iN A. SIIIILTE.] [IIENRY A. SHULTZ. nzertings, &Tiered' 44 STOVES! STOVE'S!! STOVES!!! STERRETT & CO., MARIETTA., • Have perfected arrangements with Philadel phia foundries by which they are enabled to hell all the latest and. best-improved COOK STOVES at foundry prices, freight only added. Air-tight Gas burner PARLOR! They desire to call special attention to this very superior and handsome "Gas Butner" as being the most complete and economical ever °tiered to the public. They have also a large variety of Gas burner Room, Fancy Canon, Radiators, Air-tight and Nine-plate wood and extra heavy old style CANON STOVES, for School Rooms, Stores, Shops, &c. I !M Coal Ilods, Screens, Shovels, Pokers, 6•c Odd Castings, Grates, Fire Brick, furnished at short notice. iAlexander Lyndsay, FASHIONABLE BOOT 9 SHOE MANUFACTURER, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PENN rnnite nd Would most respectfully inform the'. citizens of this Borough and neighborhood that he has the largest assortment of City made work in his line of business in this Borough, and be ing a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKER himself,is enablea to select with more judgment than those who are not. Ile continues to man ufacture in` the very best manner everything in the BOOT AND SHOE LINE, which he will warrant for neatness and good fit. ICrt3all and examine his stock before pur chasing elsewhere. EMI it new hg over SIIR GE , O N- DENTIS T, MARKET STREET, ADJOIRIRO'CARSEOS STORE IMO O , • FFERS his professional services.to the public and will be happy to wait on all who may patronize him. Dentistry in all lisaa---;;; its branches carried on. TEETH inserted on the most at)- proved principles of Dental science. Ali oper ations on the mouth performed in a skillful and workmanlike manner—on fair principles and reasonable terms. Having determined upon a permanent location in this borough, at the old stand, would ask a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him) Vhrg'studied under a celebrated graduate-of the Philadelphia College of Dental Surgeons. feels confident to be able tore,nder satiofaction in all branches of' the profession. Refers to Dr. It. L. ' McClellan, D. D. S. Dr. H. B. Dunlap, D. D. F. Hinkle, M. D. 3, Grove, M. D. Smith Armor, M.. D. MD P_ wide, MEM to 2 E Ether administered to proper persons CREAPER than ever offered•in this'com munity ! The subscriber having having determined to give his attention exclusively to the COAL trade is prepared to oiler great'inducements to persons wishing to secure their winter fuel. His stock is made up of the fallowing varieties of _FAMILY COAL: Shamokin, red ash,Shamokin, white ash, Trevertoh,gray o sai, Baltimore company, Locust Mountain, all of which he will sell at the very lowest figures for cash. •He is also prepared to sell by the boat load, at first cost, and will, in all ea ses, guarrantee gross weight. Linrieburnens and others buying coal by the cargo ; will-find it to 'their advantage to:give -him weal' before purchasing elsew_here. THONIA3' ZELL. Marietta, Sep. 10, 18.59-18tf WISNER Conveyancer wtty . Co., Pa and dividing WM. B. ILEDGRAVE, Commission Lunther Merchant, Breit Falls Avenue, Baltimore,Ma. WaSPECTPULLY offers his services for the le of L B R of every description 'rom his knowledge of the business he feel confident of being able to obtiiin the highest market rates for all consignments entrusted to his care. Of the RIDGEW*Y /ands fn - Elk all by letter promif R EOBIVEL) •by Dr.. Hinkle. ,Xogasteek i s Fresh Garden Seedo; Parker's. "co cc Landlreth's c< cc Large assoilinent of Fresh Flower Seeds. cc cc German Flower Seeds Prennine Key stone Saponsicer. New Books, 'Music &c. Moira & Coxes Gelatin. Blair's Pure Chocolate. 11 7 lvw.."-cco silty of Molasses, ensware, .0001110, eon, eat TA DIES AND GENTS Anderson has just received an, elegant assortment. Perla; mery, consisting of Tolfiet .Soape, frait Oils, I.:Mr:zeta and Colognes at prices much below tb`e nsual rates, also.some very handsome Canes for gentlemen, Portmrmies, &c. EEN uce taken T I-lE,Largest an d best assortinent bf Fancy Cassitneres and vesting ever offered in this market and will be sold at prices which defy competition by. J. R. -Diffenbach. idla, Pa espectilthy blic tharhe and , to accom o putrouize ling undone o receive, a /.00j uSsitirCeKceSivOed' andG GROUND be will DAs old below w A t L he l old prices, by - J. R. DIFFENBACH. 0 T. CROIX AND INIEW ENGLAND RUM 1 for culinary purposes, warranted genuine at 11. D. Benjamin k CO's, - , BOOTS AND SIIOES.--A.great varie-1 ty of fashionable Boots and Shoes offk, kinds and styles, which will be aolcat ciDr prices by J B. MEI .tant relief is distress UNCHIAL R iNNELS-Glycerine Soap, Frangipani Extract, and as assortment of Soaps, new perfn miry ; &c Nat received at li>.R. HINKLE'S.. u-52., N. Y. post.. 11, RESIT Oranges and Lemons: 500 Fresh Cocoa Nuts; 3 , Fraila New Dates-. French Chocholate, sweet, and Prunes, at firo(fe's. io n Java And -erized and Black Tea; d prime ba rley at and other Table Wines, guarranteed to be pure, and sold as low as can be bought iu PliilaAlphia or New-York. BENJAMIN & CO .he s, from Richards 'ollowiag varieties; )RIME Feathers.--3 Boles excellent live ptelred Feathers for sale in 'large or small quantities by Spangler it Pattcron. - 1,10,11. SALE CHEAP : One 'Hawk nic ai,d three setts. of Boat Hoots& Inquire • .re of ' - rati J. R. Diffech. PSI )THE WEEKLY M_A.RIETTIAN.&c•-lt-- I=l DR. G. W. WORRALL, New Family Coal Yard. mg. ilisußorp's eagerriNtea FOR DELICATE DISEASES. NO. 1. THE GREAT REvivna.—Speedity eradicates all the evil eifects of self at use, as loss of memory, shortness of breath, ess, palpitation of the heart, diintiess of vis ion, or any constitutional derangement of the system brought on by the unrestrained indul gence of the passions. Acts alike on either sea. Price one dollar. • No. 2. THE BALM.—WiII cure in from two to eight days, any case of Gonorrhoea,(claOis without taste or smell and requires no restnc tian of action or diet; ter either sex; price $l. NO. 3. THE TERED will cure Gleet in the shortest possible time, and ,I can-show certifi cates of cures effected : by this remedy, when all others have failed. No taste or smell.— Price one dollar. NO. 4. THE PUNITER is the only known remedy that will positively cure strictures of the urethra, no matter of how long standing or neglected the case may be. -Price one dollar. NO. 5. THE SOLUTOR will cure any case 'l3 Gravel permanently and speedily remove all diseases from the bladder and kidneys.— Price ono dollar. No.• 6. THa PREVENTOR iS a sure preven tion against the . contraction of any disease, is less expensive, and far preferable -to anything in use. Adapted to either sex. Price $l.. ,NO 7. THE AMARII% will cure the whites radically- and in less time than they can beef= fectually removed b'y any other treatment;` fact this is the only.remedy that will really cure this disease ; pleasant to take. Price $l. NO. 8. THE ORIENTAL PA.STILS are Cer tain, safe and speedy in producing menstrua tion or correcting any irregularities of the monthly periods. Price two dollars. No. 9. . THE PEDIALE SAFEGUARD, Or Off spring Regulator will last a lifetime. Price $5. Either of the Remedies will-be sent free by mail on receipt of the price annexed. Circu lars containing valuable information with full description - of each Remedy, may be obtained , by enclosing one post stamp. Address DR. FELIX BRUNON, Box 99, Philadelphia, Pa. These Remedies axe sold in Marietta only by JOHN JAY LII3HART, where circulars con - taining'a` full description-of each case-can be obtained gratis, on application. - General Depot, North East Corner of York Avenue and Callowhill street,Philadilifhia,Pa. la- In complicated cases I can be consulted by letter, or personally at my office ; entrance, No. 401 York Avenue. DR. F. Hautgorr. August 27,1859.-IY. CHEAP 'READY--MADE PLOTAFING-!!! Having just ieturned from themity with a nicely selected lot of Ready-made-Clothing, which the undersigned is prepared to furnish at reduced prices; havinglaid in a general assort ment of men and boys' clothing, Which' he is determined to sell LOW, FOR CASH. His stock consists Of OVER-COATS, DRESS, FROCK AND SACK COATS, ' PANTS, VESTS, PEAJACKETS, ROUNDBODTS4 k nit) OVERHAULS, CRAVATS, DRAWERS, SHIRTS,-1101SERY, UNDERSHIRTS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, &C.. Everything in the Furnishing Goods line. Call and examine be fore purchasing elsewhere. Everything sold at prices to suit the times. JOHN'BI'LL. corner of Elbow Lane and Market, St., next-door. to Cassel's Store. Marietta, October 29. 1856. . PorURNETT'S Cocoaine. A compound of Cocoa-nut Oil, &c., for dressing , the Hair. ' efficacy and agreeableness, it is without an equal. It prevents the hair from falling off. It psomoles its healthy and vigerous growth. It is nbt greasy or `sticky. It leaves no disagreeable odor., ~, It softens the hair when hard andtry. It soothes the irritated scalp skin. It affords the richest lustre. It remdins longest in effect. For sale at GROVE & ROTH'S. -. Drug 4rTerfu2nery store, Market street. ir AMES M. ANDERSON respectfully an nounces to the citizens of Marietta and vi cinity, that he has just received direct from the eastern markets one of the largest and best'as sorted stocks of Confectionary ever offered'in this borough, consisting of Candies, Foreign Fruits, and Nuts, Toys, and Holiday Presents in endless variety. Come and see and be con vinced of the fine assortment and the low pri ces at Which everything in hisline is selling. ..17MUROIDEIIIES—Just received the largest _Ed and most desirable lot of Embroideries eve °tiered for sale here, consisting in part of bean tiful French Worked Collers, Undersleeves, Spencers, Swiss and Jackonett Edging and In serting, Flouncing, _ &c., which will be sold at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction by . R. Diffenbach. MESH HOME GROUND SPICES AT rAIY DERS ON' ! Attention Butchers and Ilouskeepers. Having a great demand for our famed SPICES, I have concluded to a:M tn:me to keep a constant supply of Ground Pep per. Ground Corriander, and sweet Marjoram. F AMILY MEAT CIITTeR ! Something Entirely New.' _ AT A VERY LOW -Wan-tinted- to it& sat glaGtiotz! STERRETT & CO Oct: TT ENItY WOLFE, Agent for the sale of S. M.' Griswald's celebrated Gold Pens. ust received, a Itirge stoek of- the shove pens —all warranted. Old worn-out pens re-poin ted by'S. M. Griswald, No. 177 Broadway, New-York. Send yopr pens to H. Wolfe, Market-st., 'Marietta, Pa., CLOT' AND CASSIMERS.—A very su perior selection of French and German Cloths, and Cassimers, and a variety of beauti ful Vestinga, aelling very cheap at SPANGLER & PATTERSON'S. NOTICE. Letters of Administration upon the Estate of Jacob Kline, late of the bo rough of Marietta, deceased, having been gran ted to the undersigned, he hereby requests persons indebted to said estate to make imme diate payment, and`throse having claims: upon the same to present there dultauthenticated to April 14, 1860-6t] CCfNAA.D R. MAItIC6: 30 000.gtpiwszewilzzafrtost: yard. Now is the time to make quilts when .a first rata mat can be had-for S cents and good qality at 5 cents, at Spangler Patterson's. THE GREAT BOOK: - H - EerEa's Crtisrs4 This book, which has been sa extensively advertised in the Halls of Congress, can now be had for 50 cents per copy, at UGLY and Sleigh BLANKETRof various styles and nt much lower prices than the same grades were sold last fall. Spangler 4. Patterson. ATTENTION Housekeepers. Anderson has just received. Apples, Oranges; Lein, ons, Figs, Dates, Pruens, Citron, .Rasins, Cur rants, Ike., &c., Fresh and fine—cheap, and cheaper than the cheapest at Anderson's. UPERIOR COAL OIL. Just received-ar C) Dr. Hinkle's Drug store, a very sUperio article of. Kerosene, or Coal Oil, wnieli is wars ranted pure, and is as clear and transparent at burning fluid, and free from smoke or sinell. COAL OIL LAMPS : Just received a new 10' and large assortment of new-style Coal Oil. Lamps--superior to anything now in use, andohcaper than they can be - bought in town. GROVE 4. ItOTH. jTAMPSJ LAMPS! SIIADES, irC. The Aimaihiined has received another lot of Fluid and_cnal Oil Lamps, and Lamp Shades of every vaxiPty and price. Call and see them at Dr. Drug Store. . R O LA.IFDLQDSt Just received, Scotch Tand — lrish - IV Ii I s .IC I E S_. , warrau ted -pure, at-H. D. Benjamaiii's.. RO CERIES A lot of prime Groceries ,ur just received and for sale chet at DIFFENBACIPS • C. 70 p Stem T I TEL.P.AI SCHOTTISCHE, tot ipoied for la: the Piano, by Mips Annie E. noose*, at Grove tr-Flothls, Miirket-st. t - • rifiimpli ES CZ! DR. HINKLE'S i d ' a ta y Drug Store, , Market Street, Marietta, Pennsylvvia. THE subscriber having just returned from the city with the most complete and beauti ful assortment of everything in his line ever offered in this Borough. He has purchased another supply of PURE AND FRESH DRUGS, vtifich can be depended on for what they are represented, having reeeived his personal attention in the selection. in addition to bis Drugs will be found a nicely selected 10t..0f all kinds of TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES, of every kind and every prides consisting in part of German, French and Eng lish perfumery, Shaving Soaps and Creams, Tooth and Nail Brushes , Buffalo and other Hai/ COMBS, Hair Oils, Pomades, etc., etc. Port Monnaies, and Pocket. Books, Pen Knives, Puff Boxes and Powder, Miller's Water-proof pai to Blacking, for preserving the eather, etc., etc. FLUID AND. PINE OIL, alivays fresh and for sale very cheap. LAMPS. LAMP S.—A large assortment of all kinds of LAMPS. Dyott's Patent Safety Fluid Lamps and Cans, for which Dr. H. is sole agent. These Lamps and Cans should be In every family that use burning , fluid. Old Port, Sherry and .Madeira Wines and Brandies for medical purposes. The justly , celebrated Batchelor's HAIR Dye. Decosta's and other Tooth Washes, India Cola gdgue, Barry's Tricoperoils, Dix the 'hair,' Bay Rum, Arnold's Ink, large and small sized bot tles, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Flour of. Rice, Corn Starch, Hecker's Farina, all kinds of pure Ground Spices, Compound Syrup of. Phosphate, or Chemical Mod, an excellent ar ticaldbr, cronic dyspepsia and a tonic in Con sumptive cases, Rennet, for coagulating milk, au excellent preperation for the table • Table Oil—very fine—bottles in tvo sizes: iure Cod Liver Oil. All of HaePs perfumery, pomades, soaps, &c. His Kathairon or Hair Restorative a now everywhere acknowledged the best. Particular attention will be paid and great caution observed in compounding Physicans prescriptions with accuracy. Dr. H. will al ways be found in the Store unlessprofessionally wngagoil elsewhere. 110DGES, DAVIS & CWS LOTTERIES. CLASS Et DRAWS EVERY TUESDAY, IN THE CITY OF MACON, GEORGIA. CAPITAL PRIZE, IX! WEE MEE Consolidated Lotteries of Georgia. Authorized by the Legislature for the BENEFIT OF ACADEMES: 8 NUMBERS. . -14 DRAWN BALLOTS. 1 Prize of *100,060 is $100;000 2 Prizes of 50 000 are 100,000 2 do 25;000 " 60,000 2 do , 20,000 " 40,000 2 do 6,000 " 10,000 , 2 do 3,000 " 6,000 2 do 2,000 " 4,000 1 do 1,000 is 1,000 350 do 200 are 70,000 04 do 100 " 6,400 -M do 80 " 5,120 64 do 60 ' 3 3,840 128 do 50 " 6,400 5,604 do .32 " 176,000 28,224 do 16 " 451,000 34,412 Prizes, amounting to $1,030,472 TfeitEts, $l6--Halves, sB—Quartee, $4 Eighlls, s 2 • =. • Certificates of 26 Wholes, $5504 of 26,1-lalves, $125; of 26 is, $62.603 of 26 Eighths'43l.so. THE HAVANA PLAN-LOTTERY [MORE PRIZES THAN BLANES.] Is drawn every Saturday. Capital Prize, $70,000. Tickets, $B. Halves, $4. quarters, -CITY PLAN LOTTERIES Drawn every dify,qn which you 'can select your own numbers. Ticlret t stficim $1 to • any price, and prizes in proportion. EVERY PRIZE IS DRAWN. Cireulars..containing full explanations of our &Imes, etc., will be forwarded by mail to any one sending us their name. All communications strictly confidential. In ordering Tickets or Certificates enclose the In, to oui address for the tickets order-, ed, on receipt Of which they will be forwarded by. the first Mail. The list of drawn inrtnbeis . and prizes will, be sent to . purchasers immedi ately after the -drawing. The official drawings are .publisied - New .York Herald. Orders received and prizes cashed at No. 555 Broad Way, New-York. Direct - your orders to L. A. HODGES, AGENT i N. Y. CITY,. OR, HODGES, DAVIS 4 Co., MANAGERS, MACON, GEORGIA. April 7, 1860.-Iy. The Only Preparation WORTH Y OF Unimisalabiyielerferetd'' iidp-orittge - - rpm StatesMe, Judges, aergyrrian, Ladies 1 1 and Gentlemen, i n all parts of the world testify to the efficacy of PROF. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE, and gentlemen of the Press are unanimous i its praise. A few testimonials only can be here given ; see circular for more, and it will beim possible for you to • 47 WALIAT:, N. Y., Dec. 20,J55. Gentlemen.:. Your note of the 15th instant, has been received,-saying that you-had heard that I'had been benefited by the use of Wocid's Hair Restorative, and requesting my certificate of thd fact if I had no objection to give I award it to you theerfully,because I think it due.. My age is about 60 yew's; :the color of myliair auburn, and inclined to curl. Some five or • six years since it began to turn grey, and . the -scalp on the crown of- my head to lose ita sensibility and dandruff to form upon it. Each of .these disagreeabilities increased with time, and - about : four months since a 4th was added to- them, by the hair falling off - the top of my ;head and-threatening baldness. In this .impleaaanbpredicament, I-was indu ced to try Wood's Hair'Restorative mainly-to arrest the falling-off of my hair, for I had really no expectation-that grey hair "could ever be re stored-to its original color except from dyes. I was ) however, greatly - surprised , to . find after the use, of two bottles only, bit not drily:was the falling ; offorrestedi t tlarcalorwaszresta red to the gray hairs and sensibility to the scalp and dandruff ceased to form on my head, I very much to the gratification of 'my wife, ! iit I whose solicitation I was induced to try it. For this, among many obligations I oive to her sex, I strongly recommend all liiisbands Who value the a droiration of their wives to profit by my example and use it if growing , gray or getting bald. Very respectfully, To O.J. Wood Rf Co., j Barß. A. Ll.i.varioxii. S 444 Broadway, N. Y. SIAMASTOff, Ala., July .29,1359. ' To Professor O.J. Weed. Dear Sir: Your "Hair Restorative" has done my hair so much good Since I commenced the use of it, that I wish to make known to the public of its effects offthe hair, which are great. A man or wo man may be nearly deprived of= hait,'and by a _resort to your "Hair Restorative" Hiehair,will return more-beautiful than ever; at least this is my experience. Believe it all ! - -Yours, Truly, Ws. H. KENEDV. P. S. You can. publish the aboVe if you like. By publishing it in Southern papers you will get 'more patiunag! South.. .I see several of Yoffr "certificates in the Mobile IVlercury, a strong _Southern paper. _ W. H. K. . . WOOD'S HA RF.S.TORATIV 4. Professor O. Wood, pear str Haying., had the misfor tune'to.lose the best portion of my hair, from the effects of. the 3.ellowleyer, in 1851, in New Orleans. I was, induced to nuke. a trial of your preparation was, foundlt to answer as the very . thing needed,. MY lipir is nowAhirk and ..glossy, and no words can iexptress lions to you, in giiing to the sifts:led suelt treasure. VINLEY JOHNSON. `: THE RESTORATIVE }S' put up in:bettlesof three sizes viz :-large , medium, and Small; the arnarl holds pint, sead-retaila for $9 a bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per eent mere in proportion than the small, retails for stper bottle ; the large .holds a quart; AO pet cent more in proportion, and retails 'for $3. a.- WOOD Sr.. - CO.; - Proprietists, No. 449 Broadway NewLitordr *and lid ? Market .treet St. Lours, itto. 50,000 Copies Already Sold! EVERYBODY'S LAWYER And Connecttor in Business. By FRANK CROSBY, of the Philadelphia Bar It Tells You How to draw up Partnership Papers and gives general forms for Agreements of all kinds, • Bills of Sale, Leases' and Peti tions. It Tells You How 'to draw up Mortgages and Bonds, Affidavits, Powers of Attorney, Notes and Bills' of Exchange, Receipts and Re leases. Teas You The Laws for the Collection of Debts, with the Statues of Lim- Ration, and amount and kinds , of Property Exempt from Ex ecution in every State. Anne You How to make an Assignment properly, with forms for Corn . position 'with Creditors, and the Insolvent .Laws of every State. /1 Tells You The Legal relations existin g be tween Guardian and Ward, Master and Apprentice, and Landlord and'Terantr Tells You Whatconstitutes Libel and Sign . der, and the Law as to Marri age Dower, the Wife's `Right in Property, Divorce and Al mony. • It TellArou The Law for , Mechanics' Liens in every State, and the Natur alization Laws of this country, and how to comply with the same. • • &Tells You The Law Concerning Pensions - and how to obtain one, and the Pre-Emption LaWs to Public Lands. It Tells You The Law of Patents, with mode of procedurOin obtaining one, with Interferences, Assign ments and Table of Fees. It Rita You How to make your Will, and " how. to Administer on an ts tate, with the law and the re quirements thereof' in. every State. - It Tells You The meaning of *Law Terms in general use, and explains to you the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Powers of both the General and State Govern ments. It Tells You Bow to keep, put-, of Law, by ihOwing bow to` do your busi ness legally, thus saving a vast amount of property and vexa tious litigation, by its timely consultation. '. Single copies will be sent by pall, postage paid, to Every Farmer, Every Mechanic, Eve ry Man of Business and Every body in Every State,' on receipt of ? $l.OO, or in law atyle. of binding at $1.25. $lOOO A YEAR e m aril3 : by enterprising men every where, in selling the above wolk, as our inducements tonll such are very liberal. For single copies of the Book or.for terms to , agents with other-information, app ; ly`to Or ad dress JOHN E. POTTEltPtiarismen,. No. 617 Sansoiri Street, phiburelphia Pa . $lOO,OOO 'WHAT EVEHTBODY WANTS.- THE FAMILY DOCTOR Containing Simple _Remedies,. easily obtained Zor, the Cure of Diseases rn,ail Forms. By-Prof. Hairy S. Taykn, M. D. It Tells You -Bow to attend upon the sick, and how to cook for them ; how to prepare Minks, Poultices, &c., and how to guard against in . . faction .from Contagious Dis eases. It Tells You Of .the various-diseassibrChil . di vi,.and gives the best and simplest tattde of, treatment during'Teetliing; CoMintaioni, -.',Vaccination, Whooping-cdugh Measles &c It 'Tells You The sYloptons of Croup,. Cholera infanturni Gni Worms, .Seal)ed head, Ring, *etre; Chicken-pox, Sm., and .'gives you!the best remedies for • their Cure. • , It Tells You The symptoms of Fever and Ague, and Vellowi Typhus, •.Scarlet and other. Fevers, and gives you the beSt and iimpleit • remedies kir their nuie. It Tells You The symptoms of Influenza, Con mfmption;Dyspepiiii, Asthiria, Dropsy. Gout, Rheumatism, T.umbago, Erysipelas, #re, t tind gives 'you the best remedies for their cure. It Tells You The symptoriMot Cholera Mbr bus, MalignantSholeraptimall pox, Dyserilaryct>imp Dis tittles:of-Die Dradilerpßidieys and Liver; - and therbest terne- EIMIEI ' diee . fOrtheir cure. It Tills You- The symptoms of Pleurisy, Neu ralgia, Kurops 4 Apoplexy, Par alysis, the various Diseases of the Throat,•'Teeth, Ear and • Eye, and the hest remedies for their cure. ft Tells You . The best and simplest treatment for Wounds,. Broken Bones and Dislocation, Sprains, Fe ' 'vet Bores,. r. - 0 ckjaw, White Ulcers,- Whitlows, Boils, Scut vy;'thirns and Scrof . • It-Tells You Of the various , diseascsycculiar to Women, and gives the best .and Simplest remedies-for their cuye,torther,tvith many yal " • &tile nth for the "VMS& vation - • x... • of iliehealth; The Work is written in plain. lauguage, free from medical teruis j ao,, as to be easitt &Mei stood, while iti 'ilinple recipes - may soon save You rainy limes the -cost- of.the" Book. It is printed ini a clear rind- t ogen type ;....is illustrated with app rppriate , engravings, .11.0 will be for- WaMed-to your address, fleetly bound and post .... e paid, on ceceiptoksJ., Pd. ' . 4 , 1 b li, m it, d e 1000 . A YEA_ can e by m4erprising men everywhere, in selling the above work` as p our inducements to all such are very libliafi - ' - * l. • t 4, *ic .iVI - ..,_ . . For.shigke copies of the.,Books or for terms to agent's with other information, apply to ar ad dress 'JOHN - 'Et POTTRIt., PUBLISHER, No. 617 Sansom St, khiladelphia, ka, 4 4 4 -5 DR. ESENWEIN'S TAR AND WOOD NAP THA PECTORAL NVoitp- • . TOR ;THE CV.7IE OF 4 ' Coughs and Colda, Croup, Bronchitis . . Astlifnit, - Difficulty in Breathing, Palpi The Heart, Diptlieria, and for The relief of patienti- BIF 711 E ADTANCED STAGNS . &1 CONSIIMPTION, together with all Diseases ofAhd...Thretat itod •Cheat, and which predispose , to-Consumption. It is peculiarly adapted to direaadfcal cure of Asthma.-- Being prepared by is-prlictical phys ician add druggist, and one - Or t `great elyperienbe in - the - cure of the warioudditaim*.which the human•frameAsAfabk. • It--is. offered the afilibred tar3th the great est confidence. Tics ft. Atilt be convinced that it is invaluable in the cure of Bibnchial affec- Boma la-Prexer. s-rie Bew•Azi rsti BOTTLE. Prepared only by DR. A. ESENWErN & CO., Dave eters -..crop-Cweaszsisi, N. W. Cyr. 9th ;& Poplar Streetainfiladelphic Wrild'fbViotrety respettable•DruggiStand Dealer in-IVlbdicimes throVimit the &Ste. " • April 7, 1860.11. TIT ALL PAPP-Mb—We - have received our yrittotiirlibritdy frolin„tlie Neiv YciriCaad mantifictbno. • Purchasers cas, rely upon' the newest stylea, , whilith Vili be told' unusually low. at 7. It'DilTenbach's 1 1 4 4 DIES RFAIEME.M.—Aat ".14iige .s lo; I Spiendid Shawls and Diililifffeods-,of wirer", gridEto - suit the grave"od_gay s haAliiitl4lll , placed - upon the coubt4P PA,Alf.Wik AVIP:4T te M -4 - as3ortment Looking GlassUr MA THE SLID. '•' Citizens Of Manettoran .." has opetieffikestab L. , - • acture of every/leacriptiop„ K., 1 . 11 Pier, Manta, 4al and. Square 111irror Fraines;• , I.= ; Portrait arutPhotograptt, Square and. Oval Frain rs of all sizes, plain and ornamental ..i and retail. Pictures and framed to order in Gilt, Lacquered, , gig, . ; Lotar y sen and Mahogany moulding. AJarge alm of plain and colored Engravings, Pre a' to cilmars Varnish for Grecian, Florentine, .1 3 and Disphanic painting—Oil and Viratif eM. Canvass, Drawing papers, Natal Cnryil *A ". Boards; Sabel and Camel hair Brusblir,t ons and Drawing pencils, with every ~ ,s f- _ tide used in Drawing and Painting. ' " ''' Agency for the American Company'ir scopes and Stecocopic views—plain and e . Old Frames regilt, rendering them new, at leas than Philadelphia prices. -Nod WM. E. HEINITSH, • . k,,. KRA MPH'S Row, ORANOE-11Ta, near the Corner of North Qua% vj Lhrichnittp l , yes, April 23, 1359. NEW & CHEAP SADDLE, HARNASS , AND TRUNK MANUFACTORY. Opposite Spangler Patterson' SO:#1. Market Street, Marietta, Pa. L. DELLINGER respectfully informs the public that he has I constantly on hand,(and will make to _ _ order) at the above stand a large and handsome assortment of Saddlery of every description, such as Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Wagon • Whips, .Collars, Fly•nets, Horse Covers, nutiks, Fatieses, Carpet Bags, tc., s^c. and in tact everything in his line of business all of which are of the best material and work manehip. Also, a good assortmen t of Buggy Whips, Sleigh Robes, So: always on hand. Repairing done to order. • ; Being determined to inert a 'share of publid patronage, all he asks is anextimination of his stock and he feels confident none will leave liii establishment.without being satisfied with tbet workinaialup and prices. t June 111,',06. Geo. L. allaekley; ' FAShiorl4 l 4 UAt 411 a. - - - I4t4YUPACTURER,. MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PENPF: ii7ING purchased of Mr. Crull the stock, good will and fixtures of this well known' einablishment, I hereby 'inform my numerous friends, and the public generally that I am pre-.. ;tared to Supply their' wants in the HAT AND CAP line at all times with promptness, and at as reasonable rates as any establishment in the Union. Having had 6 years experience as a practical hatter, and •being in-the receipt of the latest " Reports of Fashions," and having fa cilities for obtitiniiig goo& direct from the East in 48 hours ;• by strict attention to business and a desire teplease, I hopo.to merit and receive a liberal share of pablie patronage. 8:--Haviiig &Wailed of my establishment to George L. Mackley, I cheerfully recom mend him to the favorable notice of all who desire a "comfortable covering for the head." In retiring from business I extend my un feigned thanks to my friends for the age solibeially_bestowed to me and hopnliVill t me may be'extended to my worthy succia4 JOHN Marietta, August 28, ISM. f EW ~ - NEW DRUG STORRihr - ro. .. MARKET STREET, M A RIETT •* ' I , 1 - 1 R. - J. H. PROVE and HA • . 4 80TH having formed a co 7 t,::: , f . - ship fOr the purpose of ronducti :,' : se. , _ - DRUG k PERFU • : ~='• e•q - E . ~.:,.. .., business, under the firm of . .t #1101% ; ,,,,i GROVE tt ROT : ' - '- f ou, a hereby announce to the citizens siiiitts and'ileinity that they have just corn ... 'their' purchases, which they they now 0 gsale 4 being a complete asssertment of , Drugs, Medicines, Chemicars,Astlis, Oils, Varnishes, Dge-Stuffi . .; Aft% 4 0, ' 1-Vhitelead, Brushes of art 10171- 7 and everything usually kept by: . and apothecaries. 1-r" An assortment of r.lt kind of LAWS, for burning Fluid, Pine Oil or Coal AAA; Lamp Tops, Wicks And Oils constantly , nil. t X A nicely selected bit of all tin t f STA TIONARY, Envelopes, Pen - -,- elders, Inks, Br.e., of all grades and at all , : Perfumery, Pomades, Soaps, To -;Washes and an endless variety of Panay andrlNAlet ar ticles, all of which will be sold slabl! prices. [ J an' ly ' Nods the lime to huy Very Cheap at THE WALNUT HALL CLOTHING STORE , Market Street, Ma Pa. ' '.......---0-...-.....Z , 4_,, , - : iiiii ILLEn & SNY DER ha received a large assortment of all It I it 44 r and ,'•'• • Fashionable Clo _, • ;• .1. And Gentlemen's FurnisitilOilystfli generally, all of which they will iiiillogo T i c e s to suit the times. Walnut Hall eat - ber*: Offer the largeit and best assortment of ..•,-, '7l. ... . • READY-MADE CLOTHING' re-, this sideof Philadelphia, and being ti f n i for past favors from our numerous frie a nd customers, would respectfully ask a• ec - aa,: tion of .the same. ' , All kindrof 'clothing manufa ctured Sill.ny style desired—fashionable or Alin. . tr i IrrAll kinds of Cutting done at tikar:r fee, D SAMUEL .U. : MI - 111:4 ft ANDREW Ayro, .fik,-.,,, April 14, 1860 . . n I - 7 k ID ooKs i BOOKS!! , Ajtj. ',Lira , 7'. 1 - 3 STATION Alt-t h. •• at IM , il. VERY CIIEAP AT DR. Himerrir. pg. F. 111 NKL E. having just reoliii: riom . Philadelphia where he selecM n very fine assortment of all kinds of - •••.7:.•••-.1 MISCELLANEOUS AN.1. 1 SCHOOL .110041, to which he would 'saved folly invite the.*** tion of School Directors, .Teachers, Parent .... Scholars and all others is want of any liiiiikid BOOKS, -Magazines, Mammoth Weeklies, tbe Dillies, Stationary of-every- kind sid3igoe s and in facteverything in , the . • ~r. ' Book and Stationary Zane •• 4• 7 1 A nke ealletilaq: of Music on hand Audi -.- ,', 1 ': catalogue of " all Afina l be music - • published,, :ii Which iselectionasaa•he. Made ,and order.edoi4 Anything' in his line not on hand will be oa. .. i.' dered 'and obtained in a•few days. , V , . -EQUITABItIUM.I. Ma• - ;.* ,-.4...5, IF can 4 4 .4 Q 1 1 - JAI. t i LIkEt o :3IILAR:TIMFicE esm - 44 , 10 , eg pf„ • North gifeen - - 7 3t., ! - rxra ll. te l lit lc er F "S q 4 u . a Z re A ," l ter, , PS: s ln. the shapeaf,Equilibtiwai Veg., the best article of Swiss leviers nii.,Va the m {I. ket. They are lower iii - price thleany watch•s tex. Of equal quality and *Wird tttorfatEtifackeeping, Ilr l o L F''' c casti Lets, Nr tOektr silvew tcdzietai or parch . 0 PECT 701 can ( can .be fier Of b( 1 litiWitalifer sot-ebb*-- z. 1 • . CIE ~: r w. -~, . ,I 4r