The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, August 11, 1860, Image 2

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time his
lication. It wag 41. warm
1144 VPe,
113 et
es'usb :ate of the Ifedficon war
Ag • the efforts of Clay and
. 446 lo powerful was its
• • -;„ nett that when Gen. Ross; in corn.
.cd or the British troops, entered the
, o • ital after the unfortunate affair of
endfritg, his first inoniry was not
the President's . house,
i f) artments; but for the National
r r office, and it was the first
nt demolished, causing • a
stition in its regular publication.
; exception, the Intelligenccr
e ee üblisheit •regalarly for sixty.
4.1. •
iosities of the census are appearing.
' e house in the sixth ward, Philadel
kcontained 13 families, numbering
p\Ns. In New . York; 246 houses
",+:lpulated by 866 : families, which,
of five persons to each,
population of 4,280 persons
tonged district, especially as
id to bevver
\ us Wiadelphia•
:aiii-more than: sa families.
•k, one building, 25 feet by
lance of 1,157-people. In a
Chester ; county,..Pa., one three insane per
Tether, and no one else re
diem. • Tkeseturns say, "in
;ln,the fourth ward;
I, there is 'one _woman aged
16 II
' 4.. .1 I
6ty little
eeted, ii
ir' \p,- ,
SiJay .1 ~.. 's, intitil \ 't‘
' orig ill ~
...,7 • , •I i t , ittlefl
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l o c k t vidig'
• ,C,. 411
, :.14. nor , qiirettg
r , .I , ,,ets of m%IILLa.
4.„ lie - Henry Ward .'Beecher is erecting
limmense ... . ...
—afliG e t hic ba w rno h n .
i h n i d s u f e e e r s in th et e lig'eoekod
i. !. itry people fgr miles around to visit
Ar ouu • 9 of- the Brooklyn
r ' Ent 'Jae i• - ... '''.4. - • - z
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• ,', . i an d large a
~.,,' ',.. pl Lamps--superlol' to
n anything
~.1 , -
' . ;" 0 .7 . E _lE — A Tn irty d' i lHeiter Sattse r —Esaieral crates o
, e /1,, '',_ new 0 Queenswarc ,
beau*ifiJ in the — SUPERIOR CAL
: OIL.. Just recei,
; ,ii pi .
..,,,.L...1" ign, in full Dinner or Tea Setts, gad at ,s re-• , I,
Dr. Drug Store, a very stu
~. e 'Ne .ed prices at billangSerl „
a...._____ ..
il. .• • b •• ,-,..."-- . '•," ,""-—• - - - - , ---- ranted pure and
' article of a K in e l ib le se 'e a . e, or Coal Oil, Watch is
kl; :' ?g, liii,X-ancigm
, 'Etas clear and transparei
&I'll:lnd° '
cheap i burning fluid, and free 4rots,
• 411 4'.. 4 • • T-77.,' 4- Roth.'spfearket-st•
~4 7.444
ire- -•
POLITICAL —Mal Bell, Constitutional
Union candidate for President, has writ
ten a letter in reply to Numerous inquir
ies as to his record on the slavery ques
tion. Mr. Bell replies by refering to his
record, and intimating that, if his corres
pondents are not satisfied, they need not
vote for him. Thomas A. Clay, son of
Henry Clay; has written, an ardent letter
for John Bell. Considering. that his
brother, J. B. Clay, was a bitter Breck
inridge followerer, the family of the great
Commoner must be exceedingly harmoni
ous in political sentiment. James L. o.rr
of South Caroline, writes a mild Disunion
letter, in which he mourns the Democ
racy; scolds the .Seceders, supports
Brckinridge—and Lane, thinks „Lincoln
will be elected, proposes disunion as an
alternative, affectionately. warns South
Caroline not to wander out alone, but to
keep firm hold of the hands,of her lar
• sisters, and kindly:ammo's kinclniess
and conciliation to those " erring breth
ern " of the South who keep step to the
• music of the Union under the lead- of
• Douglas and Johnson.
Int not Nentsailt
UST 11, 1860.
ce JosifirA
.andidate for
o the decidon
announce tLat
Aste for the
the 'Peoples,
nnounce that,
3vill be
County Con-
r . .[ Gales re-
Frenah woman was
San Vraneisco, lU
pers. sent to her
e. The elerli saw
m the newspaper
ed at him in such
anner ,that he
eart to betray
traband papers,
Sam'e monetary
The Harrisburg Telegraph, of a
late date, says : "The new ilistractions
recently issued by the new State to the
newcounty superintendents, will, if rig
idly enforced make very great changes
in the administration of. our common
schools. The whole instructions are too
long for our columns. They, however,
contemplate the,eximinalon of teachers
in each 'county district, in the presence
of the local 'directors. They also enjoin
that this examination shall be'tho custom
some branches written examina
tions are still allowed, but only in cases
of absolute necessity. The new instruc
tions take ground that the temporary
annual certificate held by four-fifths of
our teachers was not contemplated by
the act of 1854, but resorted to by the
School Department because .of the im
possibility of finding a sufficient number
of properly qualified teachers; that now
six years have elapsed, he thinks the
time has nearly come when these can be
entirely dispensed with, and only the
professional certificate be used. Some of
those recommended changes involve im
portant modifications of the administra
tion of our common schools':'
fai'The new tariff of charges for freight
on the Penasylimnia Railroad, went into
effect on Wednesday.
.The old rates
were BO cents per 1:00 lbs., on first, set
ond and third class of goods, and 25 cts.
on the fourth class, to Pittsburg. The
new rates for freight to the same Point,
and which went into effect on Wednes
day; are . 75 -cents - per* 100 lbs. ;on • Best
class freights, 60 cents on second do.,
50 cents on third do'. and 35 centson the
fourth class. • An immense amount of
freight was forwarded 'on Monday and
Tuesday,sn as to secure its going thrOugh
at the old rates.
The time.honored U. S. Senate
Chamber, around which cling so many
thrilling reminiscences, on the floor of
which the oldest residents, almost imag
ine they still-listen to the voices of Clay,
Webster, Calhimn,.Beiitc•n and a host
of other distinguished"statestuan atid-pit
triots, is now stripped of those once over
flowing galleries, the flooring is all gone,
and a company of mechanics are-display.
ing their handiwork by fitting up the
old chamber for the Supreme Court of
the United States. -
Lola Mcintez has "recovered suffic
iently from heisevere'httack of paraly
sis to-be removed to Astoria, where 'she
is' staying with Mrs; Buchan* Wife of
the celebrated' florist. She is as 'yet
scarcely able to lift bar-hand; and :there.
is or no hope of her "ultimate 'recovery:
iwThaddeus.Hyatt offers in the col
umns of the Scientific American, a re
ward of $l,OOO for the invention of a
practical flying machine, adapted to in
dividual locomotion,. expressing his con
fidence that such a thing is perfectly
eigr Forney's Press says :—The Asso
ciated Press sends is a telegraph from
Washington to the iffect that L. Con :
rad, of Louisiana, late memher of Gen.
Taylor's Cabinet, and a prominent pol
itician of the Bell and Everett school, is
preparing a manifesto in favor of a union
thyoughout the nation of the friends of
Ail :end Douglas.
saqn Cincinnati, on Thursday even
ing, a little son of Mr. Solomon Kauf
man,- while riding on' horseback, was
thrown from the horse, and, his foot
catching in the stirrup, he was dragged
me, distance, and so badly injured as to
at 'after.
& Kt:
ts,Ru.t.alta tikt. 1704. tri:436:P4ll' fly/
Is sCrer43!cr 001.41V,L0' i:10.1
ifjportzli. OOVE, peq atravrt
feu-I r,E6 rifoam 1.513-1 Apse 13'
fig 0, `.l
one, Figa, Dates,
rants, &c., '&c., Fresh and'
cheaper than the cheapest at Anderson'
1111 1
field has served a notice of motion upon
the Mayor and Robt. Haws, that he will
apply for in injuneticin to restrain the
defendants from paying: any of the bills
for the Japanese reception, and particu
larly that of the Messrs. Leltind, In
the affidavits the plaintiff alleges that he
is informed and believes that the com
mittee of reception, and members of the I
Common Council,sold tickets for the ball
at prices ranging from $lO to pm, the
proceeds of which were.appropriated to
their own use that the. money of the:
taxpayers is_proposed to be taken to de
fray the expenses . of said ball, and yet
taxpayers who could not obtain, or wonld
not, buy tickets, were excluded ; that the_
bill of. Messrs. Leland amounts to $9l,
000, but the plaintiff alleges, on informa
qon, and belief, that the - whdle expenses
of Mess. Leland did not exceed $lO,OOO,
and that it. was agreed, before the bill
was allowed at $91;000, that the Lelands
should pay to tho Common Council; or
certain members thereof, .the stun of
thirty-three and one third per cent.
NEW COUNTERFEITS ; ",Peterson " for
Angust, give's a desdription, among a list
of eighty-eight new 'counterfeits, of an
altered note on the York County Bank,
as follows: ss, altered—vig. a 5 in cen
tre of note ; cartmen on wharf at left of
vig. female figure recumbent on right
end. The genuine note • has ahead of
Wm. I"enn on right end. Well execut
ed and deceptive.
It also gives the following description
of an altered note on the Lancaster
County Bank '
5s altered—rnan standing, female'
ed, two boyt reclining, rake andlay fork
beside the boys ; on right:end/girl with
sickle, boy with shad
. in his arms; on
left end, two 'uteri, one on horseback ;
dog's head and house between signatures.
gir The " Oil of Bourbon Whisky " is
openly advertised for sale by chemists
at fifty cents per ounce, and this oil is so
potent that " each ounce will change One
hundred gallons of alcohol into . ' delici
old Bourbon!'" In like manner " Oil of
Jamaica," and " Oil of Apple " are sold
to convert a common spirit into Jamai
ca ditto, 'and into " Apple Brandy!" As
fo".0i1 oftognac " (which is a'cOmpo
sition of inlphinit'acidi' caustic 'potash,
and highly concentrated . alcohol)- one•
ounce of it is worth six dollars, and will
Metamorphose a hundred gallons of neu
tral spirits into " Pure old Cognac Bran
dy. just out of the Custoin House."
a-T hir ty- on e members; constituting,
a,majority, of the late democratic• con
vention of Dauphin county, have pub
lished a protest against the irregularity
of that body; charging Mr. John Hald
eman with partiality,.and• alleging out
side ruling. It will be remembered that
the 'convention adopted resolutions fav
oring a straight Douglas electoral tick
et, and opposing any fusion.
arHon. Garrett Davis, in a letter to
Geo. , D. Prentite, excusing himself from
attending a Bell ratification meeting in
Louiiville, has the following four-line
persimil sketch of the Democratic candi
date : ",111r..Breckinridge is a gentleman
of good talents, of fine manners, and of
easy and graCeful elocution. His habits
are indolent, and his attairillta_.- 4 N4
thoughts. are . s.aperficial. He is cool,
cautious and' Selfish, and yet a fine boon
((ir Witertnelons are becoming quite
plentiful—every hour or two we:observe
a canalbc;at Passing in front of our office
with a " few on board." They are - said
to be 'excellent desert when prepared in
the following manner : A half hour pre
vious to'usidg a plug should be 'cut in
the melon and about a pint of sweet wine
poured in when it should be plugged up
and put on ice or in cold water, ' -
crForr est, the American tragedian,
proposes to enter the stage again. He
will appear at. Niblo's _Garden, N. Y.,
on the 17th of September nest. 'His
engagement will continue for.six months,
during which time he will visit Boston;
Philadelphia, Baltimore and other large
eir e handsome Italian'inarble mon
ument erected- in memory of. Gov: Shunk,
and over his remains in the burying
ground of the Lutheran Church, at• the
Trappe„ in Montgomery county, was
blown down during a storm. The mon
ument was erected by contribution, and
was 25 feet in height.
'An Equestrian Wide AWake . Club
was organized in Birmingham township,
Chester County, on Saturday evening
last. Each member is provided with a
horse, in addition to his cape; torch, `&c.
Of twenty thousand persons who ap
plied for enliptment in thelJnited States
army last year, only eighteen hundred
were physically qualified for adolission.
The average number of candidates ac
cepted is one to every nine who apply.
The Webster Times . says a widow has
just moved from that tam), who has,
during her experience in housekeeping,
removed from one locality to another
twenty-four times.
The receipts - from pew-rent, alone
Rev. Ward Beecher's church, Brooklyn,
for the present yew:, will be $30,000.
At Starr ICine's church, in San Fran
cisco, the amount is about $20,000.
The Great Eastern will realize, a profit
of $70,000 by her trip to America.
A newcounterfeir five dollar note - on
the Farniers' Bank of Schuylkill County
has made its appearance:
-The census returns in one of . the upper'
townships of Northampton county report.
fifty living children in four
The Philadelphia papers are quite as
vehement as the New York press in the
denunciation of the treatment of escur
tionists on the Great• Eastern- People
who went. from Philadelphia were allow
ed only twenty minutes to inspect the
big vessel.
The speeches made by the Prince or
Wales are saidto be written by one of
his suits—the Duke of New Castle.
John Mitchel, if we are to believe the
Richmond Examiner, has gone to France
at the invitation of the EmperorNapo-
Icon, who. has conferred on him some
Governmental appointment.
We learn that HOn. Thbrnai F. Mar
shall, of Kentucky, lectured' on temper
ariCe, cd Poughkeepsie; and, at the Close,
signed the total abstinence pledge.
Mr., John ,0. Heenan, the Benecia
Boy, will shortly, with several distin
guished artists of the prize ring, giVe an
exhibition - of • fistic 'Science . at Jones'
Wood. Mr. Heenan now occupies, a
cottage at
A young lady, name d Miss Graham,
was shockingly burned at Brooklyn.—
Her .clothes took fire from a 'golfer
lretch which.had been carelessly left on
the door-stoop; frOnbwhich,khe was ob
serving the Great .Eastern. She died
the same evening, after enduring the
most horrible torture.
Two Of the Washburns, brother's; na. :
tives'of Maine, will disappear from the
Congressional roll after this winter.—
One will be Governor of Maine ; a sec
ond: who' has represented a Wisconsin
district For
,five consecutive terms, has
declined.. The Illinois Washburn° will
undoubtedly be re-elected.
Jerome Bonaparte,Esq., of Baltimore,
left there for New York, with the inten
tion of departing for Paris in the next
steamer. Something in regard to the
disposition of his father's property is
said to take him thenee.
During the firing of a salute at Halifax,
in honor of the Prince of Wales, an ar
tilleryman was blown to pieces.
Caleb Cushing is noted for his versa
tility talent.: in .1840, - he was an
AbolitiOnist in 1843, a Tylerite ; in
1848, a Deinocrat ; in 1856, a disunicinist ;
and, in the classic language'of "Sykesie,"
in 1860 he'll be beautifully "played. out !"
On Tuesday ufternoon, at Harrisburg,
the corner stone of the new court house
was laid with imposing ceremonies, the
Free. Masons assisting. Judge Pearson
delivered an interesting address.
Whin James Buchanan went into
office there was Twenty Million Dollars
in the Treasuri. Now - we are Eighty
Millions in Debt. Think orthat.
Theophilus Fisk, formerly a Univer
salist preacher, well kndwn in the edi
torial .world, has, been appointed to a
clerkship in the Fost Office Departinent
at Washington, and has_ started a cam
paign Democratic paper called the "Ex
positor' .
Anna Uora Mowattßitche is writing
a new story for the N. Y. Ledger, after
the completion of which she is going to
Europe. . •
It is said that pepper and salt, sprink
led over a fresh ink-stain on woolen
oloth, will absorb the ink and remove
the stain.
The New School Presbyterians num
ber 1428 churches, 1946 ministars, (or
dained ands eindidates,) and 134,933
The two editors or . the Bi•adford Her
ald have dissolved partnership: One
keeps the paper and comes out for Doug
lops the Post Office
Lnistration foißreck-
oiary contains
Worcester's.- .
win wrote a letter to a Union meeting
in New York, on Monday evening last,
in which he said : There is not a single
I political principle in onr Republican
'creed to which every old Whig cannot
subscribe : our ticket is the only one"
that can prevent the contingency of an
election devolving on Congress.. Our
candidates have given to the world as full
evidence of their ability and integrity as
those who are supported by acy other
party. Why, then, should any friend of
our principles fear or fail to vote with
It is expected that the Cincinnati Na
tional Fair will eclipse anything yet held
in this country. The premium list
amounts to $30,000, of which a large
share—in sums of $5OO, $3OO, $2OO and
sloo—is offered for horses. A level
track, one mile long and fifty feet in
width, will afford a fine oppoitubity for
"trial of speed." Large cash'premiums
are also .offered for portable and station
ary steam engines, steam ploughs and
steam fire engines. The grand gcild
medal of homir is offered for the best
threshing machine.
ar.A. clerk in the Traders' Bank at
Rochester has a numismatic collection
embracing 4merican dollars of 1799, half
dime Of 1795, a Roman penny coined be
fore the Christian ere, half pennies is
sued by Massachusetts, Connecticut,
Vermont and New Jersey, in the last
century, rind a medal or 01E1Y-token,
of I'7Bl stamped in Prance for circula
tion in this country.
carA. man named James Colors was
bitten by a rattlesnake en Wednesday
week, in Hardy county, Ya. He was
plowing corn at 'the .time, but did not
live to get. to the house. Re expired
immediately after the bite, in great
0 -The census is showing a great fal
ling-off in the state population of West
ern Virginia: A few years more will
entirely depopulate it of its slaves.
They are being rapidly Sold and removed
South. • - •
girGaribaldi's name is forbidden no
tice in the French newsimpers, excep
when absolutely necessary.
ea-Frank P. Blair, Tr., has been re
elected to.Co.ngress.
" Costar's ":Rat„ Roach, &c. Exterminator.
" Costar's" Bed-bug Exterminator.
" Costar's " Electric Powder for Insects, &c.
Destroys instantly Rati,, Moles,
Mice, Ground Mice, Bed Bugs, Ants, Moths,
Mosquitoes; Fleas, Insects on plants, insects
on animals, &e, - , in feet every form and
SPECIES or-VEasi (N. -
Ten years established in New-York City—
used by the City Post. Office, City Prisons and
Station Houses, the City Steamers, Ships, the
City Hotels—the "Astor,' " Saint Nicholas,"
&c., and by more than 20,000 prii - ate
Er Druggists and Retailers everywhere sell
them. • •
Wholesale Agents in all the large cities.
Regular sizes, 25 , .,p0c, and one dollar box
Beware of Syrurious , Imitations ! !
Examine eachibox, bottle and flask, and take
nothing but 4, COSTAR'S.".'
One Dollar Boxes sent by mail.
$3 and $5 boxes fcir plat) tations, hotels, &e.
by express: Address orders, or for "Circular
to Dealers" ,to - HENRY R. COSTAR,
Principal Depot, 410 Broadway, N. R.
11:3-So/d in Marietta by Dr. Grovelk Roth.
To CONSUMPTIVES : The advertiser having
been restored to health in a few weeks, by a
very simple remedy, after having suffered sev
eral years with a severe Lung affection, and
that dread disease, Consumption, is anxious to
make known to his fellow sufferers the means
of cure. To all who desire it -he will send a
copy of the prescription used, [free of charge'
with directions for preparing and using' the
same,. which they will find a sure cure for Con
sumption, Bronchitis, &c. The dilly object of
advertiser in sending the prescription is to ben
efit the afflicted, and he hopes every 'sufferer
will try his remedy, as it will cost them noth
ing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wish
lug .the prescription will please address
• Williamsburg, Kings co., N. Y. [3m
ew:ARE OiQtjACKS !- 1 -Thii Advertisement
is addressed to both Males and Females sell er
friglibtdrsecrettauses. I , lfave'practleed - many
years, and- having.made a fortune, profession
ally deSire now to serve ny,fellnvi-ereatures.
Inclose a Dollar to pay incidental' charges, and
a sure remedy will be ulicirded , -Yoix.. Let no
falie delicacy prevent, as strict secrecy is pre
served. .
itEN.—The subscriher will send (frieof charge)
to all who desire it, the Recipe and difections
for aukkiag a simple -Vegetable Balm, that will,
in from two to eight days, remove Pimples,
Blot Che's, Tan, Freckles, SalloWness; and all
imptiritiei, and. roughness of the Skin, leaving
the same—as _Nature intended it should be
--soft;clear, smooth, and big - fat:fut. Those de
siring :the. Iteci Pe; with full instructions, direc
tions, and advice:, will please call on or address
(with return postage,) • •
JAS. T. MARSNALL, Practical Chemist,
No. 32 City Buildings, New York.
keepers of packs of
six pounded sulphur
Lch their dogs drink
, which they, believe
•ophobia.• cur:
ropriated $lO,OOO for
but did not expend
.11 0f.5195,000
Box 910, Baltimore, Add
WILLIAM CO§GROVE 3 while laboring as, a mis
sionary in Ripen, was Cured of Consuniption,
when all other means had, failed, by a recipe
obtained from a learned physician residing in
the great city of Jeddo: This recipe, has cured
great numbers who were suffering, from con
sumption; Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Couglig add
Colds, and the debility and riervousleiresiion
caused - by,these_disorders.
posirous of benefitting opers, I will send
Phis recipe, which ,L have brought, home with ,
In to al wl4o needkeeiree of charz . e.
'74,dckeEt s :.•!` .4v!. Wm' 9 1 r I T vE PT
•))38,Fulten Menne, Brooklyn, IC Y.
1), a emehqi FOieneef of ttif ;
Commencing on Mendayrecer.---
and ending on Satuzdiy. the fith,will
~..lf_pil at aade, Mr..
, Mt, ' 3
R e 4
AND WILL BE WNDIAB. A.• • „...,.
Msj. Gen'l WM. : , : 1 - .
-- _.......
...- --.
tion, one of the very , el
Pennsylvania, inasmuch as eV
has been made to ensure its. sderill, . .
6 5 et
Thursday / Septent 2
ii t t,
.; , ,
HAS BEEN arritrizzro l 4, o - '
Invitations have been extended to Nolte
ant General WINFIF.T.D SCOTT, to Seolidterr 41 1 •
War. JOHN B. FLOYD, Adj. Generzt4litu.s ol il ,
Major General ParrEnsow, to theitEstnellent -4 .
cies, Governors Raceme and Ittoxiiidereoli" ',y
s.ylvania and Maryland; and they atenall ex- ~,,,.
pected to be present. •;?-. %.
The strictest discipline and deities eaUllr en._ •
forced throughout the Encampment. 7T , .. - •
li•Arrangements have been made with Rail -:
Road companies to issue round trip tick e ts to
soldiers and citizens, at reduced prices.l;
IPM. H. KEI - 111, Major Genera; sth Division.
B. A. Shaeffer, Maj. Gen't 3it Division.. •
Edward M. Biddle, Maj. Gen'l 15th Ditdeon.
George Hay, Maj. Gen'l 4th Division. i
Charles r. Egerton, Brigadier Gen'l Ea i6WTey .
William F. Walter, Brig. Gen'l 2nd Brigade,
9th Division. .
A. Hiesland Glatz, Brig. Gen'l lst Bri gade, 4th
D. A. Stillinger, Brigade Insp. lst Brigade, 4M
Thos. A. Ziegle, Captain Worth Infantrp. 2 , • I
John W. &hall, First Lieutenant York 10e. ,
HARD7w7TA7-"k 5
Paints, Glass, Oils, Varnishes, Hoop and
Iron, Sted, Cedarware, Nails,
Parlor, Office and Cook St ,
Takes this method of informing thetannen
1 4
Marietta and vicinity, that he is noitt*ft. -
pared to furnish anything in his HO
business, consisting in Part, - of Tab
lery, all kinds of Building and flonagnon
Hardware, Cultery, Tools, Paints, DOWN
Varnishes, Cedarware, Nails, Spilteriffid
fact everything usually kept in a well ,
Hardware establishment. ;I" - .. '.-
Market Street, Marie
July 21 3 1860.
. .
The undersigned would take this Mi..
method of informing the public that he
is still engaged in the Jewelry busi , 7 7 n
Market street, next door to Jas, M. A
Confectionary, were everything in his ii
be carefully and promptly attended to if' .
reasonable prices. He has the celebratear t in
- - Thirty-day Equalizing Clock,
Clocks of all kinds, Watches, Jewelry, Pil4
cal Instruments, FancyArticles,pc._
Marietta, July 28-3ms4 A.A:4
Liberty mo v e
ABBOTT & NOBLE, Manufacturer s- of sh*
most approved style of STOVESRP**
description. Da•SA MEE AND SALES fiOOllllM3
No. 238 Water Street, New-York. .
No: 410 Broien Street, Philadelphia:
rr N. B.—Send for a Catalogue.• poi
ESPECTFULLY infomiT,their
("(4,' friends and the public. *Maley
.0 still continue the WATCHs.-17,6pUr
AND JE VELRY btzairiais 44=1
: . stand, North-west Conher4oC
Queen street and Center Squateilancasixwa
K full assortment of goods in -011rlinetiallittik
ness always en hand and for sale ,attlie4negag
cash .rates.
A - .]=. Repairing attended to Atbr i th a
HARRY L. ZAnni.] [litaw,elhaakrie
THE American Watches are anion the best
timekeepers now in use, and fbidlierfitiikty
strength and simplicity far surpass any otter. A
watch made in the world. ~...,
H. L. Si E. J; Z . :A . 4 4 - " '
Corner of North Queen-st.,andV i tt e ultre ( -
Lancaster, Pa., have them forqm
lowest rates—every watch aceofted wits.
„ „we
the manufacturers guarrantee to its rr.:
uineness, . ' •
Saw Mill and Lumber:44rd,
ONSTANTLY on hand a 34rtin
l ent
of all kinds of Seasoned L %
~„1/411ch he
o crs at reasonable prices.
Boards, Plank, Joist, Sc g ing,
Rafters, Laths, Shi
Pails, 45. c., 6-c., • '
All orders attendedto with di • • .
J. M. it, AN.
Marietta, April 11,1854.4 f.
P A RTNERS ELI P. —George AC s ikeintnits &
Chas. F. Beng ier, being the bit& of€4o.
M. STEINMAN & CO., have this kbay-takieit
into partnership ISAAC DlLLER.,wrvitOheis
beet: engaged with them more than 12420. 4 .
Thankful for the very liberal patronagelhit
have heretofore received from their friendeaisd
the public, they trust by this change to merits
continuance M the same.
July 23, 3t
D .
OFFICE.: Front street, fourth doo
from Locust, over Saylor & McDon:- I (ds & — ' 6 .„
ales Book Store, Columbia. Entrance, be
tween the Drug and Book Stores. [34y
PLATED WARE: A Large and.fine stock
of .Plated ware at H. L. & E. J. Zewirtif,
Corner.of North _Qucen_street.O. qentp.r
Lancaster, Pa. Tea Setts, in variety;
Urns. Pitcheis, Goblets, Salt - Sian*, Cake
Baskepii Card Baskets . , Spoons, Fork‘Ktsives,
Casters, &e., ire., at manufactitrerapruses.
REiLATING attended to ritinoderati-rhtes.
)ietlett,N EN
.7 8 I
a S 1 4 7; t r e i f i ef ,
Herring and Cod, rah, 11t
BRAND LES—all breinds—Knarranted tob e
genuine. • " Binjarnii 4 'OOl.l
( - 1 - U fki• DROPS SterVilrnoNew-York
Drops, 8 varieties, at Wolfe's.
O TEW ART'S .:tiew-Y.ork Candies )
at .iNatres..
pltlrOTl7 o . i , ,a vvg ,
~.' • f
dooK .