4NV yotat maritttian. - - - --- f aht/dAV-, Act-a-wri 4, 14swto. GrA meeting for the election of four Alegatest to represent, this borough in the next County Convention, which' meets in Lancaster on Wednesday the 15th inst., will be held in the Town Hall, between the hours of 7 and 9 o'clock, on tint Saturday evening. ifirThe Aiontar Fire company have just received from H. L. & E. J. Zahm, Lancaster, five beautiful silver badges.for the several' directors of the several de partments of the company ; the following are tie desigis : For the rumen, a beau tiful ax; for the ladderman, a ladder; for the Unman, a hose pipe ; for the boatman, a beautiful hook ; for the rank. man, &large star. The designs are beau. tifully executed with the Utters P. F. Co. at the top of each badge. They are to be nom' on the coat collar and are something in the style ; of's, very large breast pia. The wortis a credit to the Messrs. Zahta, is hat a few weeks since this Oompuny goeured a very hand. some GerrrninVilVer tire Born. `The company now ;numberg a large portion of our most, luirdy aud.aetive young men. The Moutttjoy .Berald gives the following particulars of-a very singular freak of a yoting'girl-in that Borough : About tiree years ago a young lad, giv ing his name as John Marsh, reached Mount Joy, and engaged himself to Mr. L. P. Brady to learn the tin-smithing. He was a fair-ekioned, fine looliiog fel low, Dot _after remaining, four or 6ve months, left for'Bighspire,. Dauphin coo:lip-where he has since been engaged as hostler. Fie was boat driving several years before -going to Mount Joy. A. few months ago this John Marsh was taken till, and in the course of natural events, turned out to bo a woman, giving birth to a child, much to the astonish ment of those with whom he daily asso ciated. Many in Mount Joy •remember the assumed boy, and can now account for many things.that seemed singular in his conduct. Wolfersberger has finished up his bowling alley, together with the re painting of hia house and placing yen itian shutters on the second story makes the old corner topic' ae, Clod 'as a now cant. Mr. Bailie has painted and cow siderably beautified his corner. "The .Hermitage" at the lower railroad-station, is receiving the addition of a portico around the entire outside of; the build ing, and we learn the bar will be placed itrthe corner room,; all this will make this lic:telan ornament to the lower end and much credit is due-the liberality of George Augustus blebling, the proprie tor. ' or During the past week the Susque hanna has swelled very considerable having covered'iteitiry.)ail the bars and '. r 'tof the ' ' grass patc hes in roe town. 14,te, however, now falling again. Thesi •U -, rational *rises' are very condusi .to health, driving the miasma al ' •; !t grass froln'the surface of the civ z..` nd leaving thilt sttusespheraelear mui aal th fu I, Our,physicians say the ‘ tow never iaul more healthy at .this se ason -: of the yeti. 4lie,abeth Shrill, wife of Dc vid Sobridi;.llSing nearLy oppoeite this borou8b„.011 the :Fork county shore, was bitten a;few days sines, in the left should er, by a copperhead snake and is now said to' be in i'oritlcal condition.. party Of young 1310t1 from this place went over river , On Priday morning and it is said killed' upward!! or twenty of these snakes. • : Sr Kelly, the crt tracts e IdaVietta an& •ildit3r.tow turnpike, are; : ,rmlilog the worli to. a speedy complstien, We observe by the last Laur,lo,424Z*.: , :e4vier that Ida. Kautz has received*Oettilraet for supplying a Boundarytfawfq4,Expedition in Utah with supplies ; this may take Mr% K. from his less lacratiVe,,i4in oar midst:. • Michael $. Shirk, our; worthy , County Treasurer, paid into - the State Treaeury, at 2t3or*V9rg, ou Wednesday : of iast week, the - fill qupta.of State,tax due from Lancastek:eouuty, far the pres ent year, emanating to opwards of grao,- 000.00. ea-A gerertan named John Weywader living with lON Kline, the tanner, in this borough, has tgal -*lord from . his Eaderiand,of a winAleall.of fortytthotiikazid dollars having Weeenteithhargy a germ= relative. . 111 - Prof. John wise propose; to give a free balloon aseensiosi in LaElelifitar..i( the citizens, will co i ritrlitite , s'affi cient t 6 XI for the use, which will be $6O or 05. getter proposes to do every thing in the paper flanginglin° in a com plete manner and Ist low rates. Bee is vertisenseat. sir Th- Grand Military Review wil take place to- day SquAre, Lan 1 , cater:, ' 4 form=s ed In thig:plitycoll last Satirdsy eve isg. . • Nal-, Ur The frends of Lincoln, Hamlin and Curtin, had a large and enthusiastic meeting in Columbia on Wednesday evening. Delegations were in attend ance from York county and large ones from quite a number of districts in this county. A flat load left the lower end of this place. The Wide Awakes of Lancaster were the greatest feature of the evening ; they numbered 285 and had the Fencibles band with them. Col. Kauffman presided. M=1;l:'.1 plir. Mr. - Dellinger, between Wolfe's Notion House and Spangler and Patter sans store, continues to take ambrotypes and photographs. See his card in anoth er column. He is also prepaied to do any and everything in the Trunk and Harness-making line. He has now on hand some fine Harness, Saddles, Trunks, Yalices, &c. No need of going out of town for.anything in his line whilst he is doing business here. - 'The mill of Samuel Rank, within a Mile 'of Lancaster, .was burnt to the ground on Saturday morning last. A son of Mr. R. aged 19 years was sleep ing in the mill at the time and perished in the flames. Suspicion has fallen upon a mill band named Wallard, who it is supposed murdered young Rank and then fired the mill. The young man was known to have some money, for . Which it is supposed he was murdered. erßy reference to our advertising columns it will be seen that a fine dis play in the Military way is to take place at York• on the third of September.— From all we can learn, something very fine may be looked for. 'The Yorkers are determined to leave nothing undone to make this affair aeomplete success. The School Roard desires us to say that the examinatian of the teachers Will take place in the High School Room, on-Tnesday morning next, at 9 o'clock, when and where they wish parents and ot Lem to be present and learn for them selves, the„qu,alifications of the various applicants for schbols. ' • igar Quite a large fire occurred in Mt. Joy on. Wednesday afternoon; destroy ing property belonging to J. H. Hoffer, M. M. Hoffman, A. M. Herqbey, S. S. Hummer, John Feast ermacher and Wm. Mateer ; the loss is estimased at $l,OOO. The - origin of the fire is unknown. dir Mr. Rank, whose son and mill were burnt on Saturday night of last week, appears to acquit Wallard, the miller, of anycomplicity with the burning or any more serious charge, except that of care lessness, in falling asleep whilst on turn. D i ffe nbach -ie now selling cheap, o make room for a fall stock. The population of M.ountjoy is laid dourn at 1728 ; colored persons at 50. M ARRIE D. In Philadelphia, on the 26th instant, by the Rev. John McDon , ell, :gr....TAMES M. ANDER SON, of this borough, to Miss LIZZIE' P. BAR *Elti of Pkiladelphia. II 3 We are authotized to announce tLat PETER MARTIN will be a candidate 'for the office of Prothonotary' 'before the Peoples , County Convention. ' 1-We . are itUthorded to announce that JOHN A. HIESTAND.Of Lancaster city, will be a candidate before the eople's County Con vention for 7 `People's Senator. A CARD TO YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLE m EN. T —The subscriber will sdn&(flee of charge) to all who .desire it, the .Recipe- and directions for malliwsimple.pgitays Balm, that will, iD_ fit= twQ to eight , dam remove Pimply, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, Sallowness, and all impurities and roughness of the Skin, leaving the sitme—as 'Natire intended it should be— . —soft, clear, smooth, and bealitgul. Those„de siring the Recipe, with full instructions, direc= Hang, and advice, will please call on or address with rebut postage,) . JAB. T. IVlARsg&LL,Ptaetical Chemist, No. 32 City - Buildiogs, New York A CAttn TO -trig Suir , dit6rd.-a-The' Rev_ WILLIAM' COSOROV4:TriIite landring as a mis sionary in Japan, was cured of Consumption, when all other 'means had Sailed, by a recipe obtained from a •learned - physician residing in the great city of Jeddo. This ifeCiPe has cured great numbers who were suffering from Con , sumption, Bronchitis, Sore Threat, Coughs add Celds„and the : debility andriteriaus depression caused by these disorders. Desirous of benefitting others, I will send this recipe, which I have brought home with me, to all who need it. free of charge. Address Rev. Wet. CosogOen, 439 Fulton Avenue, BrooklyurN. • To Cortstrisym-es a The adxertisvr.liaying, been restdred to health in x few weeks, by a, very simple remedy, after }raving suffered sev eralyears with a severe Lung affection, and that dread disesse, comumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means -of cure. To all who.diSire it he will send a copy of the prescription used, [free of charge] vidth directions for prepping and using the same, which. they will find a sure cure ,for Con aurnition„ Bronchitis, &c. The only, object of - advertiser .in sending the prescription-is to ben- . efit the afflicted, amd lie hopes every sufferer , I will try hip remedy,' as it willeostibem noth ing,-and may prove a blessing. Partie3 wish ing the preseyiPtion will please address - R2Vj.iWARD A. WILSON, Yirilliainsbmig, Kings co., N. Y. [3m Bc.w. , ,nx op QUAnICS I—This Advertisement is addressed to both Males and Females suffer-, ing -from secret causes. I have practiced many years,"iind having inade a fortune, profession, alit desire now to serve my fellow creatures. InclOie a. Dollar to pay incidental charges, end &mei; remedp,widi be afforded , you. Let no . falsesdelieser prevent,' as :Strict secrecir 'pre ferred, 4 A, - BOIK 010, , Ballimprey W -04EKLY. DR. HINKLE'S Family Drug Store, If Market Sired, Marietta, Pennsylvania. THE subscriber having just returned from 1 the city with the most compldte and 'beauti ful assortment of everything in his line ever offered in this Borough. He has purchased another supply of PuaE AND Farm Danas, which can be depended on for what they are represented, having received his personalt attention in the selection. In addition to his Drugs will be found a nicely selected lot of all kinds of TOILET AND F 4 INpY ARTICLES, of every kind and every price, consisting in part of German, French and Eng lish perfumery, Shaving Soaps and Creams, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Buffalo and other Hair COMBS, Hair Oils, Pomades, etc., etc. Port Monnaies, and Pocket Books, Pen Knives, Puff Boxes and Powder, Miller's Water-proof pat te Blacking, fer preserving the eather, etc., etc. FLUID AND PINE OIL, always fresh and for sale very cheap. LAMPS. .LAILPS.—A large assortment of all kinds of LAMPS. Dyott's Patent Safety Fluid Lamps and Cans, for which Dr. H. is sole agent. These Lamps and Cans should be In every-family that use burning fluid. Old Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines and Brandies for medical purposes. The justly celebrated Batchelor's HAIR. Dye. DeCoata's and other Tooth Washes, India Cola gogue, littriv's Tncoperous, for the hair, Bay Rum, Arnold's Ink, large and small sized liot ties, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Flotiref Rice, Corn. Starch, Hecker's Farina,-all kinds of pure Ground Spices, Compound 'Syrup of Phosphate, or Chemical food, an excellent ar tidal fOr cronic dyspepsia and a tonic in Con sumptive cases, Rennet, for coagulating milk, an excellent preperation for the table; Table Oil—verffine—bottles in two sizes. Pure Cod Liver Oil. All of Hael's-perfumery, pomades, soaps, &c.. His Kathairon or Hair Restorative s now everywhere 'acknowledged the best. Particular attention will he Odd and Feat caution observed in compounding Physical:a prescriptions with accuracy. Dr. If. will al ways be found in the Stortninless professionally wngaged elsewhere. . .. JUST RECEIVED AT THE STORE OF No. 61 • MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PA JUST opening, the largest acrd best stock of LkinES AND GENTLEDIEN'S EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. Black Silks, Foulard Silks, Plain and Figured DeLaines, Shawls, Ginghams, Chaffin, • Calicoes, 'Pickings, Muslim, Checks, Table LMen, Diaper, Ernbrei deries,' &c.„ &c., &c. Black and Fandy Cloths and Cassimeres, Silk and Marseilles Vesting, -cottonadea, Ken tucky Jeans, Hoisery,- -Suspenders, Gloves, Cravats, Shirt Fronts, &c. ALL KINDS OF HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Every variety of Sheeting and Shirting Muslins, Table and Irish Linen, Towelling, • ' Ticking, Ike., &c. Allendale and Marsailes Counterpanes, Flannels all prices and colors, Linen and, Woolen Table covers. Plain, Ornamental and Oiled Window Blinds and Patent Fixtures, - Wall Papers, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths. Umbrellas and Parasolls, Glass, Queensware and Cedarware. Boots and Shoes, All kinds of Liquors wholesale or retail 1:(P. A LA ncE STOCK OF CHEAP GROCERIES. Rio Coffee at 14 cents, and other goods at cor respondingly low rates. The highest price given for Country produce. IC 7 -• Very fine Syrup -at 50 cents a gallon. J. R. DIFFENBACII, STOVES! STOVES!! STOVEW!! .- • . ; -- STERRETT & Co., MARIETTA., Have perfected arrangements with Philadel phia foundries by which they are enabled to sell, all. the latest and. best improved COOK STOVES at foundry prices, freight 'only added. . . Air-tight Gas burnt., P BLOR! They desire to call special attention to this very superior and handiome "Grfs Burner" as being the most complete and edbnornical ever offered to the public. They have also a large variety of Gas burlier Room, Fancy Canon, Radiators, Air-tight and Nine-plate wood and extra heavy old style CA NON STOVES, E for School Rooms, Stores, Shops, &.c. Coal Hods, Screens, Shovels, Pokers, 4.c • - Odd CastingS, Grates, Fire Brick, furnished at short notice. I . Alexander Lyndsay. . • FASHIONABLE BOOT er SHOE. MANUFACTURER, , MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PENN Would most .respectfully inform the citizens of this Borough and neighborhood that he has the largest assortment of City made work in his line of business in this Borough, and be ing a practical BOOT AND SH.OH - MAKER himself,is enables to select with more judgment than,those who are not. He continues to man ufactitre in the very best manner everything hi the BOOT AND SHOE LINE, whichhe will warrant for neatness and good fit. and examine his' stock before pur • chasing elsewhere. ri LOCKS, WITCHES, 4.C., The undersig,nedwnuld take this method of informing the public that he Av . is still engaged in the Jewelry business, in Market street, next door to las. ,M: 4nderson',,s Confectionary, were everything 'his line will be carefully and promptly attended to at very reasonable prices. lie has the celebrated Thirty-day Equalizing Clock, Clocks of all kinds, , Watches,, Jewelry, Musi cal Boxes, Fancy Articles, &c. JOHN.S. STICHLER.. Marietta. July .2S-3ms*. . . • H. L. Sr. E. J. ZAHM I®` •,-----... Ijl, ESPECTFULLY inform their gerk... 11friends and the public that they ITZ.. still.continue the WATCH, CLOCK '••.- 6 . - A II:D JEWELRY business at the old stand, North-west. Corner of North Queen street and Zenter Square, Lancaster, Pa Al:falLassortment of goods in crueline' of busi - riese always en hand and for sale at.the lototit. cash, ratesi- • - ' • - as - ' lr Repairipg attended to personally by the proprietors. . . IlwanY L. ZioLitsi.l ' tEnw: J. ZAust New Summer Goods. I _p.: ~fffcn/tnr/c, DRESS GOODS TOWN MILL.—We have added to our Store Room a large Flour, and Feed rootn,Re can ftirnikh Flour by the ppund, by the barrel, or fifty, barrels, Chop Feed, Cofn acid Oats by the bushel, at mill nrices, Bran, Shorts, Corn; Oats, Shipstulf and' all kinds of feed al ways on hand for. cash. Also Cracked Wheat and Graham Flour. H. WOLFE, Ilarketrst. ' - Agent for Jacob E. Kreybill. LUMBER YARD. _o---- •,` GROSH & SON, . LUMBER DEALERS, ) r ard at- the Eastern. part of Marietta. Pleas call at their otrice,,,JuijoitLing the THANE-STORY brick house at the - CANAL. S PECIAL NOTICE 3 Now opening, the S largestand most complete assortment:of Men's Wear we have ever offered, consisting_ of Super English, French, American and Ger- Man, Black and Fancy Twilled and Plain Cloths and Cassimere4 Fancy;Silk, Plain and 'Figured Silk Velvet and Plush Vestings, &c: We iu% ite particular attention to the above goods.' B`ALDEMANL:3IOeap .Cash Store. rHE MARIETTA SCIIOQL r• meet in - the 'High Rtiorn,'on Tuts- - day, August 7th, at 9, o'clock, A. I'.; for the purpose of - exiithinitit itk County Superintendent Evans ;will-lief present. - C. A. .W.FrATF2I7.77. ,"Segy. Marietta,".7tity"2l' ' '1 -at - o — EACEIFI: Caned . Pee-ehesOvitri..lliclkardai .t - - Rib,bana f . Dt vet.; the follow,ing varie.tiea: x hi ,14 , 1*.ea Yzee, .. W.ard!a_. late-Free-Bx. Smock,very-fiae, - -.. For-Sale at WO.LFE' S. . • ' . MOFFA - T"S LIFE PILLS & P Fl (EN IX BITTERS. THESE MEDICINES have now been before the public for a period of thirty years, and during that time have maintained a high char acter in almost every part of the Globe, for their 'extraordinary and immediate power of restoring perfect health to persons suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable. The following are among the distressing va riety of hnrhan diseases iu which the VEGETABIFI LIFT, AIRDICINES Are well known to lie infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by. thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomachs, and treating a flow of pure, healthytile, instead of the stale and acrid kind ; FLATULENCY, Loss of Appe tite, Heartburn, Headache, Restlessness, 11l- Temper, Anxiety, Languor, and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a natural consequence of its cure. COSTIVENESS, by, cleansing the whole lenth of the intestines with a solvent process, and without violence ; all violent purges-leave the bowels costive within two days. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular circulation, through the process of prespiration in such cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal obstruction in others. The Life Medicines have been known to cure RHEUMATISM permanently in three weeks,, and GOUT in half that time, by removing lo cal inflammation from the muscles and liga ments of the joints. DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing and strengthening the kidneys and bladder; they operate must delightfully on these important &gang, and hence have ever been found a cer tain remedy for the worst,cases of GRAVEL. Also WORMS, by dislodging. from the turn , ings of the bowels thd slimy matter to which these creatures adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect purity which these Life Medicines give to the blood, and ail the humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and Bad Com plexions,- by their alterative effect upon, the fluids' that feed the skin, and the morbid state of which occasions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other disagreeable cora. plexions. The use of these Pills for a very short time will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a striking improvement in the clearness of the skin. COMMON COLDS and INFLU ENZA will always be cured by one dose, or by two in the worst cases. PILES.—The original proprietor of these Medicines, was cured of Piles, of 35 years standing by the use of the Life Medicines alone. FEVER AND AGUE.—For this scourge of the Western country, these Medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and certain remedy.— Other medicines have the system subject to a return of the disease—a cure by these Medi cines is permanenttry them, be satisfied, and he'eu red. BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COM PLAINTS.—GeneraI Debility, Loss of Appe tite, and Diseases of Tamales-the Medicines have been used with the-most beneficial results in cases of this description :—Kings Evil, and- Scrofula, in its worst forms, yields to the mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Med icines. Night Sweats Nervons Debility, Ner vous Complaints 'of lin - ds, Palpitation of the Heart, Painters , Colic; are speedily cured. MERCURIAL DISEASES.—Persons whose constitutions have becoMeimpaired by the in julicinus use of Mercury, will find these Med icines it perfect cure, as they never fail to erad icate from the system, all the effect's of Med cury, infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparations of Sarsaparilla. Prepared and sold by W. B. MOFFAT, 335 Broadway, New York, FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGOLSTSI DR. ESENWEIN , S TAR AND WOOD NAP•THA PECTORAL. .L 5 TtIE .11.ESTXEDICINE IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Coughs and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, Palpitatidn of The Heart, Diptheria, and for The relief of patients IN THE ADVANCF.II STAGES OF CONSUMPTION, together, with all -Diseases of the Throat and Chest, and which predispose' to Consumption. It isifeculiarly adapted to the radical cure of Asthma. Being prepared by a practical phys ician and druggist, and one of great experience iu the cure of the various diseases to Which the human frame is liable. It is offered the afflicted with the great est confidence. THY IT and be convinced that it is 'invaluable in the cure of Bronchial affec tions. 113 — PRICE FIFTY CENTS EF.R, BOTTLE. Prepared only by Da. A. ESENWEIN 4 CO., DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS, W. C(H. 9th 5.,. Poplar Streets,- Philadelphia. Sold by every respectable Druggist and Dealer in Medicines throughout the State. April 7, 1560-Iy. WHAT FAIBRYtOHY WWI'S THE FAMILY- DOCTOR: Containing Simple Remedies, easily obtained, For the Cure of Diseases in all Forms. By Prof. Henry S. Taylol ,M. D. It Tells You How to attend upon the sick, and how to cook for them ; how to prepare thinks, Poultices, &c., and how to guard against in- , feetion from Contagious Die eases. , It Tells You Of the various diseases cf Chil dren, and gives the best and simplest mode of treatment during Teething, Convulsions, Vaccination, Whooping-cough Measles, &c. It Tells You The symptons of Croupy Cholera Infantum, Co 1 ic, Diarrlicea, Worms, Scalled . head, Ring worm, Chicken-pox,.fre., and gives you the best remedies for their Cure. ' It Tells YOU The symptoms of Fever and Agues and--Bilious, Yellow, Typhus,. Scarlet and other Fevers, and gives,you the best andaimplest remedies for their cure. IE Tellt You The - symptoms of lnfluenza,-Con sumption, Dyspepsia,. Asthma, Dropsy, • Gout, Rhei - rind-4N Lumbago, Erysipelas, &c.; and , gives you the beet remedies for their cure. - It Tells You The symptoms of Chdlera Mar bus, Malignant Cholera,,Smail pox, Dysentery-, Cramp - , Ns: eases of the Bladder,Kidneys and Liver, and the bstt reme - dies fortheif-cure. It Tens You The sygipkbilttif Pleurisy, Neu- ' ralgia,Mdinps, Apoplexy, Par alysis, the Various Diseases of • the -Throat, - Teeth, Ear and Eye, and the best remedies for their cure. - It Dila You The best and simplest treatment for Wounds, -Broken Bones and Dislocation, Sliming, Fe- ver Sores, Lockjaw, White Swellings, Ulcers, Whitlows, Boils, Scui vy, Burns and Scrof ula. It Tells You Of4he various diseaees peculiar to Women, and gives the - best and simplest remedies for their , cure, together with many val . u r atile hints for the preservation - of the health. The work is written in plain language, free from medical terms, so as to be easily under stood, while its simple recipes may soon save you Many times the cost of "the Rtiok. Iris printed in a clear and open type ; Is illustrated with appropriate engravings, and will be for warded to your address, neatly bound and post age paid, on receipt of $1 00: made $lOOO A.IYEAR,-,can' brenterprising,rnen everywnere 2 ,in sellioßthe yr above.oik„ as our inducenientstd very liberal. ....sied42.--Botik,islfoF terms to- % ttination, apply , t to` oraa- Cmit ' alt - illnipm!.n, J!lit firiladellihiti, -Pa. .. , *. , , ..... 1 . '-',- tal ; 4 §4. 01 iSC ~.,,,,,,,,.. .. -,. ---, - A0r,,., 1 t.::__ 1.... At at..---,.....--t. f.,4=kiLtr i r r p: n osier to irii ~- - 1 1 111 NN. Lt„ ..—....i...,Aswitiftstiiii! rftnidiv in ri..-. ' ' 4 ' 4 " 0 19. 1-1.-..7-_:-_ frl. AG NI FIOENT ENGIIA VI:VG of Chris -111. topher Columbus and his Crew. This Beautful Engraving was designed by RUBENS, one of the most celebrated artists that ever lived ; the cost of the original design and plate being, over $BOOO, size 22 by 29 in ches. The Philadelphia Daily News, .ays, "the mere nominal sum asked for the engraving, is a sufficient inducement for persons to purchase without the additional Gift." SCHEDULE OF GIFTS To be given to the purchasers. For full par ticulars, send for a Bill. I Cash, $5,000 5 Cash, $3OO 1 Cash, $3,000 10 Cash, $3OO 1 Cash, $2,000 10 Cash, $250 1 cash, $1,500 10 cash, $2OO 1 cash, $l,OOO 10 cash, $lOO cash, $5OO 10 cash, $5O 1 cash, $5OO 1000 cash, $5OOO 4 cash, - $3OO 2000 cash, $5OOO Together with a great variety of other val uable Gifts, varying in value from 50 Cents to 25 dollars. Any person enelosing in a letter $1 and five 3 cent Postage Stamps [to pay for postage and Roller) shall receive, by return of mail, the magnificent Engraving of Christopher Colum bhs, (and one of these valuable Gifts as per Bill.) Address all orders for Bills or Engravings to P. S. H.ERLINE . 4k CO., • Box 1812, Philadelphia, Pa. FRESH SUMMER GOODS., From New-York. 18501 11OW opening the most beautifia assortment of Paw Spring Goods we ever offered DRESS GOODS. Organdie Robes-2, 5,7, 9, 11 flounced Berage Anglais Robes, 2,5, 7, 9 and 11 flounced Satin Plaid Berege Robes,Double:skirte Satin Plaid Berege Robes, Solid Plain Colors, Satin Plaid Be ege Robes, Poi de Chevre Satin Plaid Eereges Robes, fay and neat Bereges and Granadines ; new style Spring Silks, Black Silks, best brands imported ; Plain Mous' a oit'—in Pinks, Blues, &c. ; llerege Anglais. New Spring. Cloaks, Mantillas and Dusters, Lace Bournous, Lace Sultanas, Lace Mantles, Lace l'ointes, Cloth Cloaks, light Spring sty Gathered and plaited. SIIAWLS.—SteIIa, in all styles and colors. MEN'S WEAR.—Superb Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings. Caapyrixes.—An additional supply, among which are the handsomest Brussels, Threeply, and Smith's New York Patent,we ever offered. R. J. HALDEMAN'S CIIEAP CASH STORE. ainitES & MINIS I IRA H. D. BENJAMIN, ' Wine ig" Liquor Dealer, Picot Building ; Front Street, Marietta, Pa. _OE G S leave to inform the puha that he will continue the WINE & LIQUOR busi ness, in all its branches. Ile will clinstantly keep on hand all kinds of Brandies, „Wines, Gins, Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Cordials, Bittersi Benjamin's justly .celebrated ROSE WHIS KEY alwayi on hand. A very surerior OLD RYE W/ILSKEY ust received, which is warranted pure. k:r All H. D. B. now asks of the public is a careful examination of his stock and pri ces, which will, he is confident, result in Ho tel keepers and others finding it to their "ad vantage to make their purchases fl'dth 1 WI: . I • i "d 4 0 g i yi no g et i X ''' id 5 C' 4, er c ti ‘s4'ggiS R % "." tii ::; 7... ct.- 55 ,'. ~. .—42 - z 0 . 4 , -). 7, A g v z 4 ''‘` 0 4 a o P ci g , 4 - 5 Er a .. 0 w tzl. ". F... " CI) ,4 - 7. ) . * g 4 t. 44 2 4 % lz, .0 c - g ~ 6 , c . 4 --, s ' P Ce , '''' Y 4 CV ie . " S % rt 4 . `- t - J °• O V. ga& s ". Kl 2 I ' M ^ gi' Z 4 P -5 -, -, I'o 0 i'f' 4 c:.'- - 4 :: - .......t 0 ce. -z 5 , (:),.. , :l Ei •=4 2 '-' 1, 42 - ~.... f;a ... • , _ ~,, v ~.., rr.4 c. % t , a , E -4 oi''''' 1:3 2 . A4. 4 .et e Ca g,'...., ri: A g 4 0 ti ' 4 ri 4 . -. 0 • - .. ,.( " t41 "gt 2 L- 4. x , 4 .Z ,R . H CI f 1 P:. = g ra. . tA L' c .. ,d o 2 Ob a . CL, v e, A 0 -04 0 . .. ... I-I c/ • cn E. 4 • E-4 H O z`, l , rnw , 4 • • F'A • c=l A A a' F.TI o 0 0 •.4 A 4 0 PE ALE' S COURT OP DEATH. The most elaborate and noted work of Art ever painted by an Anierican,Artist is the "COURT OF DEATH," by REDLBRANDF PEALE. This painting covers 312 - square feet of canvass— contains 23 Life Size Figures, end has never been valued at leis than 25,000 DOLLARS, It has been gaffed upon with admiratioh and delight by tens of thousands. The, subscriber has .purchased the painting, and issued a splen did CHROMO LITHOGRAPHIC ENGRAVING Of it, presenting perfect Facsimile Copy of the original painting, with all its beautiful colors. . The size of the Engraving i 5.23 by 31 inches, and the price - ($1 ; ) for which it is offered, is only one-fifth the usual price of sirtilar Works —lOO,OOO being issued instead of 5,000, the usual number. The home of . every family in the land, should. be.adorned with. this picture, as besides its beauty asan Ornament the lesson it teaches, illustrating the evils of Intemperance and War, and the end of a good—a Christian Life, are ihvalbable. Mr. PE. LE :says of the. Engraving: "I can certify that it is en fibril - rate and admirable copy of the Original Paint ing." Testimonials without number, have betn received from distinguished Clergymen in praise of the Engraving. Many who receive it, say they would not part With it for ten times. its cost, if-they could not procure anather. Clergymen and Chiirch Societies supplied in quantities of not less than 20 copies at a time, on very liberal terms. . Terms for 1 copy, $1 and 4 letter stamps, or 5 copies for $4 without stainps. Poi a letter of Agency stating special terms, and 'l - copy, $1 and 6 letter stamps, sent in strong rolls by return mail, with a description. If $4 or more is sent in a letter, get a draft, or have the letter registered: Write the Name, Town, County and State plainly.- 'Address_ • • G. Q7COLTON, Box 3391. • IV. 37 Pick Row, New-York. No.-3-13t. et [DER VINEGAR Ten barrels Pure home. made Cider Vinegar.for sale at SIX cents a. quart at WoLrE's ' made of the. pure juice of the apple t a singletrial-dvill eonvtries, you of that fact. Wolfe's Variety Stde, NEW .1341 4 0 e. -2. ,) ".9.•= 4 CLOCK S- 7 Good Time keepers, for One- Dollar. Clocks, etches and Jewelry carefully re paired and charges moderate; at WOLFE'S. AFULL SUPPLY °Hersey :Pea Lte s and. Sweet Potatoes, , in 4-feW tireektit ' at WOLFE'S. . . Tl7lF,' best stock of. &gars cold Inibaccb, la to*.n, kept at WOLFE'S.- EW FIGS, Raisins and Currants, at JAs . 1:11 M. Anderson% Mirrket-st. VHIVE and telloit liothiny just redeiie at Andasonle,:Mailtat-st. DYOTT'S Hatiging Side For Sale at GROTTA .ROTH'S kJUM DROPS : Ste7ajt's. Xim-York Gum r Drops, 8 yaoetjes, Wat#3. SUPERIOR COAL 011- 4 2 6*11.18 a quail ROTH' - • T oi r - A w- • rk_ I:cir p2.750 - IL - Avi. T)11 , 44 Aug - 4 o:TTitoy ui: totrn pt 5 ) - jntr:L. HODGES, DAVIS LOT ConboMated Lott Autkor(zed by the BENEFIT OF ' CL. DRAWS EVERY TRE& MACON, CAPITAL PRIZE, 48 NIIMIIRRS. 1 Prize of 2 Prizes of 2 do 2 do 2 do 2 do 2 do 1 do • MO do 64- do 64 do 64 do 128 do +5,504 do 28,224 do 84,412 Prizd RINOLIIN TicKtrs, ;' , it, of the ' eg yeti Certificates iifi nmke , evee t e $ 125 ; °f26 t' half au THE HA IN hie,h,l [mog[Moat:. . , Is drawn e , 1 - $70,000. 'ric 4l 4l„ . wors Quart '..._ 1860! erV CITY PLAN LOO:! Draton every day, in whrie.L.. your own pumberp. any price, and prizes in pro, EVERY PRIZE IS nu wit. Circulars containing full explanations orbur Schemes, etc., will be forwarded by Mairtti - itny one sending us their name. All communications strictly confidentu4:: In ordering Tickets or Certificates eilieltue .he money to our address fot the tickets °Met ed, on receipt of which they Will be forwarded, by the first ,The list of drawn nombeni and prises will be sent to purchasers imtbeilk stet), after the drawing: • Tlib official dratvings Ire pllblished in Cie New York Herald. Orders received and prizes cashed at No. Broadway, New-York. :Direct your onkl L. A. HODGES, Avekter; rt. Y. CIT' OR, HODGE'S, DAVI&EVO.- MANACF.RE, MATUIV, April 7, 1860.-11',., The Only Preparafion WORTHY OF Universal confidence and patron r T OR Statesmen, Judges, Clergyman, Ladies and Gentlemen, fit all parts of the world testify to the efficacy of PROF. WOOD'S :lAEA PESTORATNE, and gehtlemen of the Press are unanimous in its praise. A few feetimonials only can b here given see diretilar for more, and it will beim possible forjou to doubt. . 47 AVAt.t-st N. V Dec OM/anent Your note of the la has been received, saying that yor that I had been benefitted bY . the 111 Hair Restorative, and reqbesting of the fact if I had no objection I award it to you cheerfully,bei it due. My age is about 50 y 1 of my hair auburb, and inclined, five or six years wince it liege and the scalp on the crown t lose its sensibility and dandruff _ it. Each of these disagreeabilities inen with time and about four months since was added to them, by the hair falling of top of my head and threatening baldness. In this unpleasant predicament', I was ced to try Wood's Hair Restorative mat arrest the falling off of Milan . , for I' ha? expectation that grey hair could eV" "albW.._to its original color except fre- was; the use of two bottles the falling off arrested, - mi t the COLL,_ red to the gray hairs and sensibilit scalp and dandruff ceased-to form on t very much to, the gratification of my whose solicitation I was induced to t, For this, among many obligations , her sex, I strongly recommend ail hi - who value the a dmirarion of their profit by my example, and use it ' gray or getting bald.. Vety.rer - To 0..f.' Wood 8f Co., 11w. A. 444 Broadway, N. Y. S STAMASTON, Ala. i Jul: To Professor 0. J. Wood. Dent " Hair Restorative" has done myll good since 1 commenced the use wish to make known to the publi' on the hair, which - ate man may be nearly ' resort to your "Hail return more beautiful thrtirgver;r is my experience. Be)ieve 4CM Yours,"Truly, P. S.' You can publish 4,4 By publishing it in Southp., papl get more patronage SolitlV your certificates in • the litotkilei,ll7 strong Southern pager. Woon's HA in REsTori.kilVt. J. Wood, Dear Sir: HatipChttl tune to lose the bast potttpit elf }' the effects of the j ellocv fetcr, Orleans. I was indllea tb x*o your preparation and Rand it ruling very thing needed, :Nly hair is glossy, and no Words din tions 'to you in giving t( treasure. TII E RcstottAtivE it three sizes, viz : large; th. small holds I-a pint, and the medium holds SA least in" proportion nett the bottle; ttle more in propv. O: 3. WOO] No: 444 BroadwaY, _ 114 Market. Street, ;C.—And sold by all good druggist goods dealers. NEW SUMMER GOI SP ANOLri,R ScPATT No 66i Al-wasir Si;,, MA, HAVE just dpened ar BU-41111BR-... Shallies, . Fancy Inks, Mons de lanta, ainghares, Calicoes, CAssimeses, French Cloths,•Newstylp Coating Toulh's Cassimels, Staing Shaw'ls, `Neck Ties;Citrate, "Glotes Sue Shirt outs, C ' ollarS, 'Cufts,,Scc. Sheetings, Shirtings, 67 Tickings, Plan; - Ingrain, Moir, Rqgq.i, . Walt a;4 74eansparent GiOCF,R; : Extra , fine Rio Cotil,.d, choke Itts&irtni,Gre. low and White' , Aware,' Pite, !Rica ttci, Wei lilkkik.w,illlistmaid , st market roe•4.-4W:foofk...editjaiselitil - i t ese,,," fa aaaaa I_s 'College of Illentaletia**4"i - I *Operator and partner iif,Dt. Viliggao, professional services - N - ,thr '— Otta-and_4lcinity. -Porath.is _ their TIIVTiIi, attsnded to arc in\ ...i , "iiikll at: his ofdee, ablilittin - Spßtigier et "Patforkon'i store 2rid stdryient Prolielklatiret: street:" _ 1 lieieby retOitinieddliiitii, *pc of B4ri• etta and vieiritty, Dr...F.....W.Wertriiiii gmd , unte-ofthelbltilocra xl i . 17f,totioar sow rY, as a toosietintimt. _ ,ippstot ha' i rwo h a #,....pfe- I .!- -ink , _,, 1213 op -g. - Itt.l---hvixii• .1 tor-01-infir. .: 's. . _ : istti. - i 4,41), D.• ov en : -1 - 44 ant opal rif RT - Aftl. - E - tni - 1111 ,- ,3. --- lc - neyra " ..efieVenient . aritrOfFEctVsisfi lathy, • , Pbytable tolier Ott Lentp," foi rile st*Or6te 4. 13oth's Drug Store. . - ~ IBMii 141J-1%.' SPIETS from the. Wo§hingron Sri KN mos, rfr,• iutrn halt ei tlarernation In a s of the joints. :OPSIES of 'hening the nost deli - '4k_2s, " 1 ,1 =l# irtb idt, ars