The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, July 28, 1860, Image 2

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•,, 4
ttitig J arittlin.
" Impartial--
-but not 'Neutral."
„„ificutZeita ,-ca.
ATURDAY, JULY 28, 1860
' ' I LN, or ILLINOIS,
, 9
.x.—A "lone
"Missouri, re
•o. r City, Pike's
. 1 v. s :
"„; ..a alone -from the
.•., . il -,• ; , , -- .0 this point—her "train"
~ ,...t.;sfiera yoke of oxen and, wagon,
ens and a quantity of provisions.
fhad taken care of and driven her
n without assistance, and made the
witheat annoyance, either from In
sor white men. By selling eggs to
it rants at $2 per dOzen, she had accu
aed consideraT:ile money, and from a
1 quantity of Hungarian grass seed,
1 , -. hand at the river for 14 cents, she
''zed $l4. She was about fifty years
• i '.;•e. After remaining a few days, she
, - .3' 't
on towards California, where she
-4 , 4*
•, , :,-,,e resided, and now proposes to spend
:iL - i , .. ,s leirs.
'... •
_„,-. 7 tr .
• .
1 24. John IL btaunion, bonomving
'.., lad been insulted by DE Brodie,
• '. -4 ,,
,lyn, complained of.hli Condict
~.0 , k sbankand . diarevenge tits de-
••::.;,''''' upon. She proeured a cow
', 4, , d with her husband, went out in
t' T.:? ' ,', • of the Dontek: They met him in
7 ' '„ tie Avenue, when Mrs. Staunton
%" ed the which she used
'. , ..
• ely over the head and face of the
' .r, who mad U no rtaistance, though
.. -Z4 . :, id all he could to escape from the.
'',. .tiiklt.,.. Be :wripi fdllowed up by Stant'-
, ,-
. , ~,., whO'keeckedhim down and kicked
' IA , ay, A Justice fined Mr. Staunton $2O
his share „in the assault.
MrThe Iton. Garrett Davis, in a let
-,- to George D. Prentice , excusing him
from attending a Bell ratification
• • .
ev. • •
tt e . o klng Lousale, has the following
ne personal *itch of the Demo-.
'c~ ~ J'.
wanner, and of easy
*1 .• 4 . 1: , elocution. His habits are
and hi s attainments an d
e• •
He is cool, cau
' yet a fine boon
correspondent of
.. National Lutelli
-; C ...- continued by Mr. Seaton,
'., . \ . 6 ,, the artner . of Mr. Gales ; and
.7 ;. during I time ,
~,,... doubtle
if not forever, it will
into to be supported by
lir%.iii4 the he PITA in* . g
from the printing of
'':•:47: l ' State Is
~, , „,
A ..i1... Memphis,
. . 4pointed it
L Carroll, Postmaster at
ben removed and M. C.
rr of the Avalanche, ap
rroll Was
• • .
,r 1 •
Li Si
sr. . ..,...
.. •
0l• t
... ...
!V' '
- ii..-
THE OLDEST MAEON.—In reference to
a paragraph published in Forney's Press
some days since, which stated that Mr.
John Johnson, 'cif Cittcinnati, was the
oldest Mason in the United States, a
correspondent writes to a New York
journal as follows : George Campbell,
who now resides in Fifty-first street, was
born on St. John's day, 1772, is a Roy
al Arch
and is an -older Mason
and man, both by two years,• than Col.
John Johnson, of Cincinnati. He is an
old merchant of this city, anti was on in
timate visiting terms with both Hamil
ton and Burr, and after their fatal duel
and when Burr needed concealment from
the minions of law, be went to the house
of Campbell, then at Hackensack N.
J., and was concealed, and got out of
the country by him, while Robert. Cam
pbell, his own brother, was State Attor
ney, living in the same town, and would
have given five thousand dollars to have
hairier in company, 'Leigh Richmond
gives the foll4wing excellent< advice to
his daughteits:—" Be cheerful, but not
gi,gglers. Be serious, but not dull. Be
communicative, but not forward. Be
kind, but not servile. Beware of silly
thoughtless speeches; although you may
forget them, others will not. Reinem
ber God's eye. is in every place, and his
ear in every company. Beware of levity
and familiarity with young men ; a mod
est reserve, without affectation, is the
only safe path. Court and encourage
serious conversation with those who are
truly serious and conversible ; do not
go into valuable company without en
deavoring to improve by the intercourse
permitted to you.' Nothing is More un
becoming, when one part of the company
is engaged in profitable and interesting
conversation, than another part should
be trifling, giggling, and talking compar
ative nonsense to each other.
OD - Judge Terry was lately acquit
ed of the offence of killing Senator Brod
erick in a duel, by a jury in Marion coun
ty, under such circumstances as leave no
doubt of a collusion between the prose
cution and defence to produce such a
result. The witnesses establish irg the
guilt of Terry were all on their way from
San Francisco to Marion in a small boat,,
They 'were delayed so that they did not
reach the Court House until about 12
o'clock. Judge Hardy opened the Court
at 9A. M. The District Attorney an
nounced that his witnesses had not made
their appearance. The case went to the
jury without a word of teetirnony, and,
under the charge . of Judge Hardy, a ver
dict of acquittal was rendered before 10
srTifeTrince of 'Wales, whd arrived
in this country on last , Tuesday, is a
graceful young scamp of eighteen or
nineteen years. He has thus far 80W-ey
ed nothing except the seduction of a
young lady, This is all the account of
him that has yet come across the water.
fie is sent off on "account of this affair,
as has been said, and probably correctly.
Yet our people are preparing to go crazy
over him. American mothers and Amer
ican fathers will be very proud to do
honor to this Royal scamp. So goes
the world.
giialeman o
,k's, according to
cements, propose
^ee.Banking Law
Bank, Clearfield.
Towanda, Pa.
Iphia, Philadel'a
Hackensack, N. J., says the Jour
nal of that place, is excited over a double
elopement case, which occurred from
this village on Wednesday. Two gen
((men from . New York, after being in
town a few days, eloped with a married
lady and her unmarried sister. The mar
ried lady left a child with a neighbor,
and went away , without iseumbrances.—
No clue has been obtained to the fug
Wit was confidently expected that
Lady Franklin would have been among
the passengers on the Adriatic, but from
advises received she.was..obliged,to de
fer her visit to the United. States until
the next trip of that steamer. She will
be the guest of Mr. Henry Grinnell.
voted for Doug
, if will be recollect
on. Charles Sumner,
United States Sen.
m president of the
Alm of Washing=
William, heir to
haVassumed the da
.4.a1l the Masonic
dm, in 'succession to
;sued. .
.oipe state that Car
:toady andalaiming
physician has been
from London.
, of the firm of Gales
krnniiinifton National
,that city on t Sittur.
to IF Ivtarp:igen the
of her: cried life.
'a.begtefit of her ered
letbyd:bas been elee
Virginia , and Ken
Parr been resto,7o to
Was}} ogtott States
hivi * O 4 a s iaa, -
gar Ben. Win. Bur, a leading Bell
and Everett man in New York, writes
that he wants to beat Lineobi, but not
enough to play into the *dß of South
ern secessionists. Ilskta de : "If we must
httre a"sectiimil llesident, I prefer my
own section."
*The Japanese Ambassadors have
shown themselves to be tramps. They
left $20,000 for Mr. Belmont to distrib
ute among the police of the cities which
they, visited, thus :.,Washington $2650 ;
Baltimore $300 , ; Philadelphia $3200 ;
New York $1.3,75Q.;
arltr.Villitigton, of the Charleston
Courier, is now supposed to be the old
est living editor , in America. He com
menced the Courier sixty years ago.
ilarranl 41orphy, after painting a - few
weeks in'ew Yorkilsii
ll ir take his final
departure for. Paris, which be intends to
mike his pet manent home
'garnet Baltimote City Park ,Coin
• •
inissionere selected a site for the
new-perk, in the notthweetern eitbUtbs,
including 587 inrei;,3oo,
;Prince of Welea landed at
St. Johns, New Founciland, on Tuesday
ierGo. Sam Houston has
CsirrioN.—The following pet baying
been passed at. the last session of the
Legislature of Georgia, our business, on
sad aftet; June let, 18604111;be tarried
on at Wilmington, Delaware, "and St.
Louis, Missonfi.
AN Acr to repeal all laws, and parts
of laws, authorizing Lotteries in the
State of Georgia, and for other purposes.
SECTION , 1. The General Assembly-of
Georgia do, enact :. 'That from ,and after.
the.first day of June, Eighteen Hundred
and Sixty, all laws and parts of laws au
thorizing Lotteries in the State of Geor
gia, or.the vending of Lottery Tickets
lh . said State - be and the same are 'hereby
Approved by the Governor, Dec. 11
Therefore, all Lotteries pretending to
be drawn in the State of Georgia, after
that date, must be illegal, and a fraud
upon the public.
Owners and Managers of the Delaware
Missouri and Kentricky State Lotteries
Wilmington, Delaware;atida. Louis
Missouri. •
et of be
INO.-Our readers no doubt remember
that some eight years ago a recreant
Monk of La Trappe, named Leahy, was
sentenced to the Wisconsin State prison
for life, for the murder of a man named
Manly. A few days ago Leahy was par
doned out, and is now in Milwaukee.—
Before he committed this. murder he de-
livered anti-Catholic lectures through
out the country, and created great ex
citement. It is said that a few years
since he was reconciled . to the church
again. Ile now announces that, he will
deliver a public lecture...
"The address he delivered before the jOry
which consigned him to the gtate prison
for life, for shooting the seduoer of his
Simpson, convicted in Accomac county,
Va. of the murder of a man named Budd,
was imprisoned in the penitentiary at
Richmond last week for five years. A
short time since Tatley Lilleson, her ac
complice, was committed for twelVo
years. Lilleson, who was a man of prop
erty And a few years since a candidate
for.the lipase of Delegates,-was jealoUs
of, Budd,And the woman says that L.
threatened to shoat. her if she did not
shoot Budd, and she did it. Elizabetfi
Simpson carried a young baby to the
prison, with her, born since her arrest.
Patterson, of Elmira, who . was sentenced
to the Auburn State Prison from Buffa
lo, five years since, for a term of .ten,,
years,; for stealing letters from the mail,
was pardoned last week by President
Buchanan. Patterson was only seven
teen years of age when sentenced. He
was a very quiet and clever boy, it was
urged of the time of his trial, i4o` had
been led into the commission of crime by
older associates.
—An unfeeling fellow threw hrtidog into
the Niagara River, near Goat Island
bridge, the other day, to test the qu6s
tion'whether it was poSsible for animals
to be carried• over the falls and - escape
alive, and 'immediately afterward went
to the foot of the ferry stairs and found
the dog but little injured by the tre
mendous leap: Vie experiment was
tried to COLlTilne some incredulous per
GARIBALDI'S second ministry is said to
have resigned. Naples had notified Eng
land and France of her intention to offer
the constitution of 1812, and France had
agreed to it, but England hesitates. In
regard to the question of annexing Sicily
to Piedmont, Lord John Russel had de
clared in Parliament that England could
not depart from the great principle of
the right of the people to choose their
own government without interference.
—lt is stated that a careful computation
shows the steam power of the Great
Eastern steamship is equal to the water
power that drives the mills at Lowell.
This gives an idea of the immense power
of the steamer, equal to that requirted
for the works of one of the great menu;
factoring cities . of America.
. Baryoeur, a daughter of the
Hon. James Barbour, of . Virginia, for
therly Governor of that State and a mem
ber of President J. Q. Adams' Cabinet,
has resolved to emancipate her numer
ous slaves and locate them in a free
DEDICATION.—The new Presbyterian
Church at Harrisburg, Pa., was dedica
ted on Sunday last, Rev. Dr. Gurley, of
Washington, preaching in the Morning.
and:the Rev: Mr. Burt, of Baltimore, in
the:evening. -
Prof. Lowe, the . aeronaut, is pre
paring at Philadelphia for a trip across
the Atlantic. "An unavoidable deten
tion" will p robably t be experienced, just
before star ting.
'The Great Eastern is to make
trip to Cape May on Monday flat; and
to•takeas many passedgerias may offer
for the round voyage at slo' the lien 1.
Joseph T. B,uclOngtism, "of Boston,
veteran editor, has had a newly Opeal
after him«
me on
ET TIA.N.&-Irn
The Postmaster-General is about to
issue an important circular to postmas
ters, requiring,' among other things, that
in all cases postage stamps and not
money be used in the prepayment of
poitage, and prohibiting the use of the
dating stamp in cancelling the postage
stamps. A neglect to cancel postage
stamps, effectually, or to post mark let
terti•plainly, will lie regaided as a cause
for serious censure, if not of removal.
Bayard Taylor seems to have shaken
off the old and restless longing.for trayel,_
and is entertaining some German friands
at his native town, in Chester county,
,Pennsylvania.. He is just completing a
stately country seat on grounds adjoin
ing his birthplace. In laying the corner
stone last fall, he deposited a copy of his
first work, "Views' a•Foot,"•ou the
leaf of which he_ wrote,
."This is the real
foundation-stone of this edifice."
The post-mortem examination of the
body of. John Raley; ;Ail) iteif fetellity .
inßiack Rock, N. Y., discloses the sin
gular fact that his heart contained a lead
ball with which rhe was shot eighteen
years previoris: . It is supposed to htvie
piased into the heart through a vein in
which - it loliged, fourteen years ago, since
which he had exhibited a most extraor
dinary disturbanCe of the heart's action.
Miss Anna Miry Wolf, of Hamilton
township, Adams county, , Pa., a young
lady of about 20 years of age, was on the
top of a load of grain !which was being
taken from the field to the barn, when
the wagon gave a sudden lurch, and she
was thrown:to the grOund, and her neck
dislocated by the fall. She died tn
The Rev. Edward A. Wilson would
respectfully call .the attention of Con
sumptives, and others, •to his card in
another column of this pitier, with the
hope that every sufferer will takaadian.
tage of the present opportunity of oh
taining prompt and permanent relief.
'lt is said that Lord Palmerston annu
ally sends but twenty young men and the
same number of young women, from his -
Sligo estate to Canada, at his own ex
pense. Ail their legitimate wants are
provided for, not only as far as Quebec,
but to the end of their journey.
Mr. Spurgeon preaches from nine to
twelve sermons a, week, conducts two
Bible classes and conference meetings,
oversees the studies of several young
men for the ministry, and writes contin
ually for the public. He enjoys,increas
ing health , withal.
Wesley Vaal, the fat man Of German
'Valley, Morris county, N. J., Was buried
on the 24th ult: He was a piddle ages
man, and Weighed about 600 pounds' It
took 910 fait of lumber to make his cof.
fin. He Waves a wife weighing about
500 pounds.
A. monument to the memory of the
Maid of Orleans, after the design. of,the .
Princess Marie of Orleans, is to be erect.
ed, by order of the French Emperor, near
the old bridge of Oompeigne, where Joan
of Arc was taken prisoner by the Eng
lish, on the 33d of May, 1430.
The Rt. Rev. Archbishop Hughes is
to be made a Cardinal next October.—
He will be the first AmeriCan ever hon
ored with that dignity. Had Bishop
England, of South Carolina, lived, it is
said that the Cardinal's hat would have
been conferred upon him.
The Buffalo Commercial, which- sup
ported Fillmore in 1856, is out strongly
in favor of Mr. Lincoln. It has just
made a most vigorous appeal to those
who labored with it during the campaign
of 11356.
ei-The Bostonians are going to have
an arm-chair made of the fallen limb of
the celebrated old elm, on Boston Com
mon, to be used as the Mayor's seat,
when presiding in the Board of Al!ler.
gar An American breeder bought a
porcheron horse at the late Agriculttirat
Fair in. Paris at the enormous price of
$1.3,000. The animal is (tithe immense'
draft horse breed. •
The Albany Argus says or The .
World, the new politico-religious paper
published in New York, that no one can
read it without longing for "another and
brighter World."
The Bostonians are much agitated by
the discovery of the fact that a funeral
undertaker has been accustomed to pur
loin dead bodies committed to'his care,
as subjects for the dissecting room.
Mr. J. M. Morrison, cashier of the
Manhatten Bank, having lately inherited
thirteen slaves in Kentucky, has eman
cipated them all. .
Mr. Sanderson, of tle 'New York Ho
tel, has been appointed major domo and
purveyor for the Prince of Wales during
his presence in Canada. -
Hon. John Hickman proposes to take
the stump for Lincoln and Hamlin, and
to make a Western 'tour in aid of the
Many years ago students at Harvard
College gave Judge Story a dinner, at
which Mr. Ev . eret,t preei4ed. .
Hon. J. J. Crittendettniade aapnea
at Shelbyville, Ky., lately,. foe' BeII and
Everett. f
sons doubt, that large prizes are ever
drawn in Lotteries ; but the following
certificate, with name and residence, is
too plain to be doubted, even by the
most skeptical;
BRADroansviLar., Marion co., Ey.
f t April 20, 1860.
This certifies that I have this day, received
of the agent, the full amount in geld, of the
highest capital prize of *24,000, drawn at Wil
mington, Delaware, March 9th, 1860,in Wood,
Eddy & Ces "Delaware State‘Lotteries" in
class 118 ; and that full permission is hereby
given by me, to publish my name and resi
dence. . “Toittr ,Avairr.
Part or whole tickets can be obtained
by enclosing to Wood Eddy & Co., at
Wilmington, Delaware,or St. Louis,Mia
aloud, $2.50, $5.00, $lO.OO or $20.00, and
the printed drawing certified to by the
Commissioner, will be sent to you with
an explanation.,
FOR THE Swill:FlT OF Enrrons. The pro
prietors of "Our Home," a Water cure,
located in Dansville, Livingston co., N.
Y., kept by Dr. jackson.publish through
the columns of the Herald of that place
an invitation to ail editors of newspapers
throughout the United States who are
sick to become at any time - their guests,
without charge,:for three months, to take
a court!: °firmament for that length_ of
time. It says : "Those of you who are
addicted to the use of tobacco, ardent
spirits, drug poisons, tea, coffee, or opi
um, and would like to be relieved from
your dependence on them, to you we ex
tend this invitation.
em must go somewhere to take in coal
before she can return to Europe, and her
proprietors-have consented to take her
to Annapolis,on'aonditionthat the Mary
landers shall give her twenty-five hun
dred tons of Cumberland coal, which pro
posal will probably be accepted, thaSal
timore and Ohio Railroad Company hiv
ing offered to give one-third of the re
quired' amount, and in a few ,
weeks the
Leviathan will be. seen *teaming up the
Chesapeake. •
ear The committee of New York gen
tlemen, friends of Mr. Fowler, who are
raising a find to reimburie GoYern
ment for his deficiency, have already
collected $60,000, and are confident of
securing the,whole sum. Numbers of
the persons to whom Mr. Fowler, in his
palmy days, lent large sums - of money,
without taking any memOranduhi or
written acknowlvdpment) bare goner
pusly come forward and paid into the
hands of the committee the entire
amounts due. It is rare , that a criminal
meets with'such general, generous sym
patly.—Bosten Advertiser.
ilal'Ex-Pretident Tyler has dedlared
through the press that-he is-for disunion
in thetvent °Me elactinn of either Mr,
Bell or Mr. Lincoln or Mr: Douglas` to
the Presidency, and that 'in either case
he will" fight for's funeral ! He is par
ticularly fierce agaiWst What
right has he to think that there is any
human creature. WhOin the American
people ,Itonldn i t endure as President,
when he remetabeas that for nearly four
years they endured hint • • • •
Who dodged the vote on the Home
stead bill? Stephen A. Douglas. Who
dodged on the admission ,of Kansas ?
Stephen A. Douglas. Whc claims that
"my great principle," Popular Sover
eignty, has given to slavery a degree
and a Calf more of the public domain
than the slave power claimed ? Stephen
A. Douglas:
ea'The Prince of Wales will reach
this country early in August. He has
accepted invitations to visit the Presi
dent and Mayor of New York. If he
should be fortunate enough to escape
vulgar and annoying toadying while
here, the visit of the future King of Dig
land will be both pleasant and profitable.
ifirßeverdy Johnson expresses a hope
that every Democrat will "keep step to
the music of his paTty." But, as the
Democratic party is whistling is slow
march out of one corner of its mouth
and a quick one out of the other, how
would a poor Democrat look trying to
keep step to its music ?
The Hon. Jere. Clemens retiree
from the editorial association of the .
Memphis (Term.) . Enquirer, and the pa
per is now ender the sole 'control of
Hon Solon Berland, formerly a Senator
in Congress from Arkansas. The paper
is an advocate of Bell "and Kverett:;
WSenator BrowasiMissisilippi, hay
ing read Mr. Breckinridge'aletter of ac
ceptance, now declares his purpose to
take no part in the fight, to there is no
practical difference in the positions tak.
en by the two democratic candidates.
gar Nathaniel P.. Hobart of Penn;
sylvania died at Pottstown, on the . 3d:
,inst., - at the age of
. 71 He bad filleA
many important public positions,' and
was Auditor General of the State under
the administration of Gov. Ritner.
'-Seward has already announced hie
determination to take'the eitninp in
Michigan. The Tray Times etateithat
he will also dump - the State. of Tenn
sylvan* New York end Illinois, for
Lincoln and Hamlin.
orCharles M. Conrid, Neil tr.
iesta, Secretary of ,Stateoluder. G&eat
,)168 come 154
At Wooster, Ohioi OA the sth instant, by the.
Rev. E. H. Thomas, Hon.P.ststraer. Snzvrtz
of Lancaster, Pa., to Mrs. E. Winzaastritzao :
of Wooster.
In Louisville, on the 16th instant, so.
Hamm, youngest eldbtof Henry A: and Chris
isn (Heckler) Schaeller, aged 13 months.
We• are authorised to announce tint
PETER MARTIN win be a candidate for the
office of Prothopotaryv before the Peopiea ,
County Cavention.
_ _ _
rt-We are authorized to announce that
J onr A. timer/Lan of Lancaster city, will be
a candidiite hetore the *Ok i , County Con
vention for State Senator..
3111G—The sateen ' send (free qf acme)
to all who Audio am:Recipe and directions
for making sim s Agetale Baba, that will,
in from two to eirt days, remove Pimples,
Blotches, Tan, Yleektes, Sallowness, and all
impurities and iOuglmess'of die Skin, leaving
the same—as ikature intended it should bez
-7soft, clear tooth, and haute's:. Those de
ng J.he R pr, with fullin4ructrions, direc
tions, and advice, will please call on oraddreos
(with return pootage,)
JAS T. leiraisnam, Practical Chemist,
• No. 32 My- Buildings, New York.
- -
A CARD TO THE eurrrierrm.—The Rev.
WILLIAM Commove, whale laboring as a lair
sionary in Japan, was cured of Conlumlition,
when all other means had failed, by a recipe
obtained from a leaped physicism residing, in
the great city of.Jeddo. This recipe has cured
great numbers wbo.were sulibblor from Con
sumption, Bronchitis, Sore Coughaand.
Colds, and the debility and nervomdepression
caused by these disorders. .
Desirous of benefitting others, I will send
this recipe, *hi& I hits brought ,home with
me, to all who need it, free of charge.
Address ..* Rev; Wx. Commove,
439 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y
BEWARE ortrlacgs S=Thie Advertisement
is addressed to both Iditeittid Pentilestattfir
ing from secretcatmes. I have practiced mater
years, and haying made a Ibrtune, pmfessioa
ally-desire now to . nerve my feljow creatures.
Inclose a Dollar to pay incidental amities, and
h e arme remedy. will be' afforded you. Let no
false derckey'prikithi; airstrict secrecy is pm
DEArn To ovrav room AO 'rums or
" Costar's" Rat, Roach, fse. Entestainator.
" Costar's " Bed-bug Extern/21D Iton-
" Costar's " Electric Powder trg Insects, &c
Destroys, - instantly Rats;.. Boacbes,
Mice, Ground Mice, Bed Bugs, Ants, Moths,
Mosquitoes, Pleas, Insects on plantai Insects
on animals, &c,, in fact every form and
Ten years established in New-York City—
used by the City Post Office, City Primus *Mt
Station Rouses, die City Steamers; Shipii„ time
City Hotels—the "Astor," " Saint Nichotai,"
and by more than 20,000, prlysito
re Druggists and RaAilura•execytAbaret NU
Regular sizes, 2:) , " 50c, and one dollar box
es—bottles—Basks. .
teware of SpOriinut !!
Examine each box, bottle and flask, and take
nothing but "COSTAR,S.,I
One Dollar Boxes sent by mail.
43. and ss.bgxes for-plantotions„ hotels, &c.
by exprem. Adtktr i fgh, orders, or for "Circular.
to Dealers" to iltplitY It.„,tXlSTlqt,
Depot, 410 B d I N. it.
13—Scpid **Fifths. by Or. Grlive 4* Rbtk.
• -
To , Consuurrivss s. The adrertiaer
beep restored to health in a few weeks, DT:
veriainiple'remedY, after having suffered ter :
eral years with a severe- Lung affeetiOn, end
that dread &settee. Contruntydion, a inuicaitti
make known to his fellow suffereri the means
of cure. To all who desire it he trill send a
copy of the prescription used, [free of charge.]
with directions for preparing and using the
same, which they will find a sure eure - for Con- .
gumption, Bronchitis, Soc. The only object of
advertiser in sending the prescription into ;ten
efit the afflieted, and he hopes every suffetr_
will try his remedy, as it will cost them noth
ing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wi4t
ing the 'prescription will please address
Rev. Bowie° A. WILSON,
Williamsburg, itingico., N. Y. (31W
5000 AGENT'S WevrEn.—To flitteriew
and unequalled inventions, watitededdielling
everywhere. My agents have - cleared. trier
$20,000 on them. Diplome', Silver medal ant
four Patents rated them. For four stamps
you will necinie 75 pages partierdars. plat
agency in the country.
EPHRAIM BROWN, Lowell ) lam
DAVID ROTH; DAAtti lit ALL Itieb.
It A RD - W.All ,
Paints, Glass, Oils, Varnishes, Hoop out Bar
Iron, Steel, Cedartown, Nails, Spikes,
Parlor, Office and Cook Storea,:kr.
Take. this method of inforinim tltereitiummoir
. Marietta and viernity,that hers now pre- • •
pared to furnish anything in his line o
business, consisting in part; of Tilde
ley, all kinds of Anilding and H • •
Hardware, Wray, Toole, Psints,oo.l,4ol
Varnishes, Cedarville, Nails, 130101 m"
fact evezythingueuenrkept in a well orgetereit
Hardware establishment.
/Bakker Stivef;Manetta Pe.
July 21, 1860. -
The undendined would take
method of i'4 n' the pubjic - tiws
fs dtill engaged in the Jewelry 1
Market shod, next door to Jas. M.
CoilfecOmtary, were everything in h
be carefully and promptly attended.reasonable prices.. He has the r-
Thirty - day . Zinohying
Clocks of all kinds, Watches,
cal Boxes, Fancy Articles, /cc.
• • JOHN'S. ST
Marietta,. July Akirlins",
eepersjor 01
Clocks, - 'Witches - and Jewelry
Taira - alid - cb - atgesitioderate, at
FACHES: Cooed Peacheka.
filtiwnish 'Wm, the foWpg
Aden Pare,
ward's late . Rae & Smack, vevy-fiae,
-For Salem WOLFE'S.,
Box 810,11gtimore; Md.