The Weekly Mariettian. (Marietta, Pa.) 1860-1861, July 28, 1860, Image 1

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VOL. '7.
ffize !Wee
OnrrlOE: In Chull'ii'llo*. Front-st,, -
niasiette, Lancaster 04inty, Penna.'
No subscription received for a 9 period than
six months, and, no paper wi g diseohtin z
i t
ned Until all errearages are aid, unless if
the option of the publisher. Allailure
tiff• a discontinuance 14 the expiation of the
term subscribed for, will be considered a new
ADVERTISING RATES : One square (12 lines,
or les 50 cents for the first insertion and 25
cents f or eactreubsequent insertion:
A liberal.diseount made to quarterly, half-year
ly or yearl,y advertisers.
ALL RINDS Dr JOB PRINTING done ' at short
notice and at reasonable prices.
Chief ilurgeea, Samuel b. Miller,
Assistant Burgess, Peter Baker,.
Town Council, Barr Spangler, (President)
John Crull, Thorais •Stenee, Ed. P. Trainei;
Henry S. Libhart. • - " '
Town Clerk, Theo: .Hiestand.
Tredsumf, John Auxer.
Assessor of Taxes, William Cldld,
Collector Al Taxes,,Frederick L. Halter. ,
Justice of the Peace, Emanuel
,p: Eoath.
Righ Constable, ithsafem Ernstiller.
,Ass4tant Constable, Frinklin K: Mosey.
Regulators, John H. Goodman, E. p.
Supervisor, Samuel Hipple, Sen. .
School Directors, „John, Jag, TAbbart,‘Rresi-,
dent, E. D. Routh, Treasurer, C. A. Schaffner, ,
Secretary, John IC. Fidler, Aaron E. Grosh,
Jonathan M. LarZelerc.,
Post Office Hours: The Post Office will
be open from '6 . o'cleek in the morning until
half-past 7 is the evening.- The:Eastetn mail
via Silve'Spring and• Hdinpfield Will close'at
2 p. m., and flaky° at' ri"..m. every Tuesday
Thuraday and 4aturday. - • '
Therilaidefn inails Neill close at a. in. and
4.1 b p. n and• refurnlii 11:21
and at 6"*.Efir: en: "'"""
The western mails will close'at 10.60 ivrm.,
and arrive at 4.66 . p. m. ' • '••• ••
Partied Time' Tablei' The mail train for
Philadelphia Will leave thii station rat 7:56 in
the martini, The mail train west leale
at 11.21 in the maiming.' Thellarrisburg ae
commodation east, passes at 4.56 p. arid•
returns, goirtg west, at 6 28 p. m. '
Religious Exercises: Service will be had'aii
ever): gibtetfrafit 6 2 016ek in thh morning and
at beftwe 8 olelotlir in the evening, in the Pres
byterian church.
,Rev. P. J. Timlow; pastoi.
Every Sabbath at 10 &Chick in the morning
and at 1-4 beflite 8 o'clock in the evening
there will be service in the Meth y odlst church.
Rev. 'T. W. Martin, pastor.
Beneficial Societies: THE HABirth).-1 - ', A. N.
Cassel, President; Jelin, jay tahart, Treasur
er; parr SpanKlerp Secretary. TirE Prbreerm,
John jay Liptiart, President; nbrm Cassel,
Treasurer; wm. Child;jr., Secretary: - " •
. •
Book, Penotoal and 'Fancy 'Store,
it h ' - `l%
THE subscriber having just returned from
the city with the most complete and beauti-
AB assortment of everything in his line ever
offered in this. Borough. lie has, purchased
another supply ,of Pups AND PIES 11 DityGS,
which can be depended on for what they are
represented, haVing leceive'd his pdrsortat if t
attention in the selection'. In. addition to
his Drugs will be found a nicely selected , ,
lot of all kinds of :TOILE ikIYD lANCY
ARTICLES, of every kind and' every price,
colligating . hi parteorGermen, French and Eng
lish perfumer'', StitayMg -Soaps and Creams,
Tooth and Nail Brushes, Burrito and other '
COMBS, Hair Oils, Ptimades, eta, etc.
Port illonnaiti, add Pecltet Books Pen
Knives, Putt !loxes and Powder, klißer's
eather, etc., etc. FLUID AND IIiVA: 014
always fresh and for sale very, chea:
S. LAPS.4-' , A large assortment of
all kinds of .LA MTS. Dyotthe Patent' Safety
Fluid Letup and amfr,,,forwhich Dr. H.,ie sole.
agent. T_lte.s . , c Lumps, and Cans' should. be 11l
every faintly that rise burning din& "
Old Port, Sherry and Madeira Winos and
Brandies for, medic at purposes.
Thejustly celebrated Batchelor s HAIR Dye.
DeCosta , s and other Tooth Washes,lndia Cola
Bari virAlgoperctirs, -.
hair, Bay
Rum, Arnolditslnk; Mtge struNniHl sized bot
tles, Balm of a Thousand FlOrdrs, Flour of
Rice, Corn Starch, Ilecker's Farina,sll kinds
of pure Ground Spices, Conmound Syrup of
Phosphate, .or Chemical rood, an excellent al
tical for cronic dyspepsia and a tonic in Con
sumptive eases, Rennet; for coagulating milk,
an excellent preparation fox the table • Table
Oil—very tine—bottles in two sizes. Aire Cod
Liver Oil. All of HaePs perfumery, pomades,
soaps, &c. His ferrthairon or. Hair Restorative
5 1 .110'w everywhere acknowledged the best.
Particular attention will be paid and great
efution observed in compounding ?hymens
preseriptiens with accuracy. ; Dr. IL will al r
lege be the Store,unless irofesaionally,
d ersewliere. . . ~ . 4
________,„___:;„._:..---------- • ' -
Nefte" N J- .—Mackerel
Nos. 1, 2 and,3; in vaticors
packages; Herring and Cod Fish, at .
eitArAMPAGITE and -other Table Piriries o ,
tititileartintea to be pate, and` soldus low as
can haibcinght in Philadelphia or Neiv-York." - ,
Birriectrit & Co
RIME pea ers t ---3 'l3 ales excellent live
picked -Feathers for Gale in large or small
oyantities by. Spangle' .Pattersrns.
AvFULL SUPPLYOfJetscy Peaches and
Sweet Potatoes,in a-few vielks,,
SPICES from'theVjo l6 o ,, t•
1 .
1,„ I
5',34 1041
N• I . • t w j ej 4 Rot]Os
2V I / 3 1:1=1:13U 1 Pri"./I_, 3P.Evi.4 it,./12 I PILTI3-1:301- 1 1. - 1 7. , arLIMII - 5C iEseco.
A jollytold soul is Uncle Sam—
. . Ajtdly old soul is 1103 -
Willi„rleyer a wife, lit.ol.gijige to tell,
Withslaughters thirty.4hree
Tjis.boundless faTm,
At liiis strong right-arm,
And his ditu,gliters sefair see,
:Have Made him-lhe pride, '
• -From far and'twide,
Of the fearless aud-traly free.:
This UneleSam has aziant frame— •
Afglititt frame haa4M -' rpockets,ake.dkv
pockets,ake.dkv and his purses are lined
Ina manner,moskfair,to see !
Ile„bottndajns Jands • ,;,,!
133 , i the reckyAtrands
On the shMIS aeither scab,.
. - •
By the surf that'breaks
On northern lakes,,
And' gilli-war es minstrelsy.
His daughters so fair
Area loyal. band-- ,
.One great democracy!
:Who . their true worth,
Nor !rislhe earth •
The buxom Maine, by eastern shote,
Dwells with the Granite maid,- _
The staid Vermont, with placid'brsw,
Reigns 'mOng t ie everglades;'
*aitlittle 11#6071balti t i "gnr ' I
• With - Massachusetts' brain,' '; 7' , .
Joins with Connecticizt to bless
The rocky eastera main. k
The, giant York, with regal•mien,, ,
And "star of empire" crowned, •
With Pemisyirrinia?s iron arms
Clasping fhe'world around;
The merry Maid of Mary/and, "' •
And Jersey's, peach-like cheek,
With saucy-.little Dekrepate,
„pur grateful praises seek. ;
. •
niginta=Mottiatiit the brave— ' -
•The Cardirrias fair.;" .7 7.
Sweet Floileict, enwreathed with flowers,
. Georgia, with gelden. hair ; , -
Fair Alabama's heaving breasts,
Distdn't With cotton -balls;
The sunny Miesissippi's grace', -
.Kentucky's ;
4 Qa:# 0" me u thisf -i •.1
W i nile all:the _teat delight to take
The sugars from her lip •
Westward, beneath a lone, lone star,
While Graeorrilia-binits them idl
With chains Of:glistenirig gold.
Bold Arkansa s—a strapping maid,
11flisouri's siinny gi•ace,
With Teinisbea=it'Centralgeiii:
Ohio's beamineface ;
The, prairies of fair Iltinois,
With-Indiana's plains;
Vie with' TViScimsge§ ricklding plumes,
On fields of waving train ;,
Coy Illiciigan lips
In nfirthiin lakes' fond`grasp, •
lowa giv . c.i:a zcillin Band'
for th 6; wortd fo:clasp .
Of the peerless thirty-three r
With Oregon make.nilthe band
-Of the featlglie al* the,tred.
haVid "dr Tdirer liand •
lifeksevr e tffe ty'eottilafeir
••Nd sisterhood Puremdd'goOd.
Earth ne7r yet batir given.
railicydlgues 'IkAPY,—' 4I V,hY4' said.
PrinccfJobtk_Yaß,B.or°n; the otliqr day,
to a correspondent - who reports the cpn
iersatforil to th Trilintie;'‘'Why is Pres
fhLtli-to chaiian` like'altitlloWehandler ?''
Of 'cOlicsf;,‘ Our'COireipthilient could' not
fell; 'Etitd 'then, with n mere" serious face,
the Pi hice 'said, "BdbabSe all his Works
all4vi'detl; and all WciikS tire
biought; to light
OLD. SAN jACINTO.7-4 beans PaPer•lll
- that H 0110911,, when
last see; was d,ressed,"in a yeilow - vest
and Turkey-tail This is,not quite
so simple as Ythe ,Georgia uniform—"a
shirt ~collar and u fair of ,spurs -but.
rather, more
,picturesque, and nearly , as
comfortable, if the thereat was thin.
-11"aursonori Stik.—=-If the
people whose , ' avocations '- necessitate
them to walk in' the-4W during these
hot `times would• wear wet-.sponges in
their liats; they. would - Ith d - thetas elves
less frequently sick from making sponges
of their mouths, and soaking up all the
ice Water : they come - urns's. They are
infallible against' sun'strOkes.
• ear The New York World says "it is
a remarkable and interesting fact; tl at's.
rpajority,of the wiyes of, the„Preside4ts
have bema deyptodly : Cliristian women _
Et 14qt, %VOA, 4,B,l3ad r ap imyto rtant.bem:.- -
ing;tiponthAAhtiracter,ofour Chip f Mag
isates,4o neon the •conduct of their
several administraticors'!„,:,
-401) - Thit real ti state "ineperional pr.A
-"""'"'" ristorth of Qineinniti; has:
Ithixr thou' few
[pions five lifted
a"~.,,,~ 1yi
F. E. Baker, "P.ditor and Proprietor.
{Pon 111 E WEEK LT
A Youthful Freak- of,Billy See, auclj
"A little nonsense now £1.11(i than.
It, was ott .a warm summe? evening;
whep."The ripe harvest of the new moWa
hay gives a_, sweet and wholesome odor!'
to the balmy air of_iTuoc, that-Billy Bee
a.nd.l wereSiwalking and taiking" in the
suburbs of:the near th!e:.unprei
tending domicil of Dame Sally :Bee.
We were at the time, both apprentices
to her son, Johnny Bee, the habit mayer
of the village—daft Johnny` Bee, around
whose name must always 'clilsW`a gal.
laxy of boyhood's memories. Now Billy
See was always a funny boy—"right .
down" funny fellow, and on - this notable
evening Billy and I were mutually in
dulging., in what appeW d to us an ex.
reedit:4,ly 'ftuiny idea, in the ultimatioit
of which we reckoned upon a '"right
smart: sprinkling',': of-frui and; Trollickt—
What'a dapper little fellow Billy wasina
thesia hew mirth-provoking' and
how ninth-giying,Lin'fact -he was per
fnatly sattirate.d, withmirth, so - that the'
leastipossible , pressure would cause it to:
ooze. out, like -water:from a well filled.
sponge;_ ,perhaps with this difference,
that unlike a spoage he, was always more
prone to give than to receive fun.
Billy first "broached" the idea, (In
those days there were no such things'as,
suggestions or intimations, things were
always Zroached—all ,lolinny Bee's ideas;
were always "broached," and so were
ou - rs.) Says Billy to me, says he, 'l'..ssf—
(you see Billy alWays called hie Eis , for'
short, although my proper name is Essen
ItechtShaffen,) says he, 'Ess,lets have a
little= fun.' 'Agreed agin' says I, Trii
"in for it," what is it Billy ?' g'Why,' says
Billy, 'we'll roll our pantaloolis up to . the
knees,—turn' our coats Wielti side-out
and bi i ittpa thaw' up instead,
front—,comh, our hair ovecourtfacei,And
put masks on the back of our heads, and
then pull our hats downin Trout t and up
behind, and make each of us a bundle,
and walk "right straight" down thiough
the town.' No sooner said than done ;
at - it we Weßty and in the amine of half
an hoar, twittri4e completely metardor
phosed bids-140i than'Billy See and I,'
could no wheEßfound within a week's
travel Of .the.':7lllage of Frain. It was'
jult- at - iivilight, and Iwo odd looking
creatures w-ailking, in the' middle of the
main street, apparently backwafd,.*ith
their •heels in; frcint r and with •each a'
stick ,upon his shoulder and a brindle:
slung also in front of him; atid that Neat
the contrary way from the one- whichl
they were walking in, presented an oddi
ty to the unsuspecting: villagers, that,
could not but attract the attention, and
excite the wonder of old and grave as
well as the young and gay.
'What dicils childer are these . ,' said
Sally Bee, as, we hobbled past her a short
time after our out set. God bless olt
Sally BeYi; she never suspected, when
she sawour unsophisticated "mug!' neat
Morning, at ,breakfast, , that itiewere • one
of those.kimps•of.Sitani'•Which :she 'had
seenllfa eveliinebefore—and'Wheit • sh&
conipliMented the .lamily.-viith "the
surance that "Ess" would never haveqii'L
(bilged in such 9. - piene of `'tomfoolery,"
we could scarcely suppress our risibility,,
and would cheerfally, have jumped
through, the open window to,:make our
escape, if we could. Sally Bee prided
herself somewhat -on her ability to dis
eriminate character,' and had greatly -, as„
sisted . in the selection, of ourself as the
successor to tle place made vacant in the
faMily by -the removal of Essy .11.1bSee.
Little children ran shriekiag in to their
mothers as we approached,- and -'middle
aged men and women looked. at
a suspicious:and•droll.stare of wonder' as
we passed. them. 'Why law.triie,"' said
Fanny. Kaya , rosy. - Miss'of sortie sixteen'
summers—Wisses - Eff; what; li t ind_of
things are these' ; and then adding 'with
gaze,. 'are 'they, men or
what'? 'I-guess they are - or what' was the
droll reply of witty little "Christie Arr.'
But Billy See an d• I paid no attention
to the various conjectures and' compli
mends, of the .passers by, but plodded on
with an inward giggle at the beauty, of
the hoax. - Suspicions hoWever began
to manifest, themselves among boys ,of
ear own age,. that we were not real per
sodtges of the characters which we ex
ternally seemed, and therefore Essy and
Ay Mac See determined to "Rilloiv-is
ue to see what Would become'of us in
the end, and Billy Se,e'S unfoititinfe-at-
tempt. to imitate the ‘.‘brogue" diem
irishmaei went very' far towards letting
the cat out of bag, and confikvag
'them in their determination:
.Like tholregs to whom Jupiter throw
ed a log for a king, all at first kept nt,a
respectable distance, hut soon became
so much. familiarized : as to approach us
and.occasionally pick at our bundles, or
attppipt4o-knoekopff (ut hals v or td Attip
us up," especially Billy See, wbo col
lag behind,
ns and occasionally give sham
, •
e±hibitio of wrath 'id badly initiated
irish. At lent th sce reachedllie eastern
suburb OFtlie — foiVii and nearly all the
boYs gave 'up the'cbase, only Esey and
Jay Mac See, they "hunk on," and said
they tore determined to' "see it 'out." I
idinirc perseirerenCe, especially in a gdod
cause, find' if we 'all had persevered
thiorigli life in an opposite direction
froth :the one wewero then pursuing with
the same energy; -it he'd been for
notwithstanding,' 'See and I
were ae firmlj resolved that tlipi should
riot %co' it' Out.
Passing the limits of the town we,
reached the open country, and werecon ;
gratulating ourselves upon having sue•,
ebedad in our design, for although Billy's
bad irish and my peculiar walk, had lead
to suspicions as to our individuality, Yet
thus tar they were, only suspicions, and
therefore,,, during- a .short consultation
hold by 'our, pucsuers in Order :to arrive
at, a 'definite- conchisibmwhat course to
takenigreably to their farmer expressed
deterninatiorin, Billy and ..I indulged
again. is a mutual chuckle - an& cant about
for 'seine appropriate coven wbert we
might conveniently readjust o4' habili-'
Ments and appear 'ollr prciper yersorin
again. t But we weft). tsaflifraintaken in'
the metal - dile hie See family'', especially
in the pursuit of trifling and unprofitable
game, for Esay and Jay,; trite to their
first resolve, concluded to follow us some
distance farther, or, 'to tlik'city of Ell,'.
as they expressed themselie's, should we
go gofer. For my part, from that mo
ment r felt that all our fan was at an ends
and that henceforth we were going to be
a persecuted pair Of ihdividuals : --perse,,
cuted for no other cense, 'than ihat we
hail' attempted 'he Miinopolz of a funny ,
and `had not previously. initiated
Easy and Jay McSee . into the secra ; --
`What a' stupid 'pair o hurnan - beings
these MeSee's are; tholight Billy See
anal, inwagclly,.tope following a couple
of “hogtroters" iir pursuit of labor,--nev
er thjeking for a .ipo,mest, that we may
have Jooked.more like fantastical embod
imeatOroin the . regions beneath, than
like orderly :inhabitants of the upper
world--- - ,nor.yet.thiritingit may have been
asloolish-,itins to continue our disguise,
as for them to, follow us to ;the end of it.
- -At length - we readied the first firms'
easkof "-town ; and made'a diversion
from the main road, towards a farm
house, through the fields, Although the
moon lad risen, revealing the beautifill
faee of nature—fields coveredWitli
. - •
vliiegrain—the hay laying in Swarths
as it fell frOm the mowers seithe,,o; in
sweetly scented moUnils, ready to be
housed on the' coming morki-:tcigethes•
with the quiet soinbre shading trees, un
ruffed by the slightest breathing
althoughall these - thingi, and their va
ebinpiOafiarii,"which'at Other times
and' under "other'circumstances might
have.formed a *pain series of pictures
uponwhich the mind might love to dwell,
and„dyidkin lessons of living profit, yet
to Billyr Bee and I, they were a-deads
blank on that notable evening, because
of the pertinacity.of Easy and• Jay Mc-
See, who seemed determined to wrest
frpm our grasp the cup of fari and =drink`
the dregs. This was' indeed too much.
for boyhoods prudence to bear, and
therefore now, instead of an inward gi6,,
gle, Billy See and I indulged rk feelino J
of indignation, although still suppressed.'
But, 'bad hick to the .111cSees,' as a gen
nine ion of Eria' would have said; tfl
thengh-not remarkable for their pe'rse.
verane:e ander other circurestances, theY
seemed to be endowed with a most 'sin
gular gift of it in, this instance, at least it
so appeared to Billy' See f and I, who
about this,period, were„getting tired of.
our furi,,,nd felt at the ,same time that'
it would be a defeat ,to, "give in ;" and
also would rob us of the 'cream of the
It is astonishing what a potency is at
tached to the idea of a cross dog, in the
mind of Y'euth: This was a new, and IL`-
looked for contingency- in the develop:
ment of this juvenile freak of Billy See
and I, and one that told in Fthe denou
meet, With the' effect of ._an electrical
shock. As we ttpproached the, Taira
houa whither We litd,pretendg4 vq„weie.
Ring, we heard the-howlingogadog—a
kiogdoi? df Which I have carried a:fea
t:4 reniernbrance Unfit the 'present disY,
• 1 - 1 am likely to carry a$ long as meni . e . -:
lasts, for on an occaFion not unsay
years, prior to that notable evening,
whirst on a visit in my proper person in
broad day Halt' he noiseleesly stole
around a corner and,inflicted upon me an
an:Al bile. Billy Sep was fully aware of
this 'circumstance; but was not exactly
eogniztentofthe tilace ; :and therefore, as
soon as.hwhispered the matter to , him;
his•courage,"likeißob :Acre's ; 'oozed. all
oat at:his finger.unds,';and With Billy's
courage ; what little I had , left, departed
also to keep it company. .2t. , crost dog
in front, and , Essy and Jay MeSee in the
rear, was akin to those contingencies • in
war, that have defeated many a noble
array and unhorsed many. a gallant com
mander, and therefore there other
expediency than that of a "forlorn hope"
or a judicious .• surrender,rfor BilLy See
and I,and we. Tony prudently• resolved
upon the latter. -We surrendered how
ever a little too soon,-,for the McSees af
terwards told us , that-in less than five
minutes morethey ; had resolved to .give
up," and go- home. -But asap offset to:
this, it was made a leading, stipulation
in pur surrender; that Essy and Jay.M.c-
See were to precede us into the village,
and to keep. the }natter `shady' : until, we
choose to reveal it -ourselves.
-Many a
laugh - had Bflly 'M TinUonnection
with this youthful freak, in our boyish
days, but doubtless more often have' rte
been impressed with it as a piece of tre
lesi, *Meariidgleas, and Most consumate
folly. •
It is now the month of Jung agitin
"the ripe harvest of the new moWil'haY'"
adds "a sweet and wholesome odor" to,
its gentle breezes—two and thirty years
have' been added to the chronicles .of
time—years that have wrought mighty
changes in the worlds pregFess, and in
the minds of men—two' and thirty years
have passed away sines enacted "the
youthful freak of Bflly See and 1,"
correspondent of. The World,writes.:—,-,
The evening before: Gr. I'4l..James sail
ed from these-sheres, never to,return,. I
spent with him at the Volga 1j0te1..,!, Ile
was in,a great ,flow of spirits. ifisplans
for the remainder of his lifewere settled.
Ho was going to YeniCe as cslAul gen
eral for the Adriatic,, a position worth
some £3,000 per annum. in four years
he.would be entitled to.l:,iis retiring pen=
sign, and, then. he would return to Anler
ica, au tulip up his, rekidence permanent- i
ly in Philadelphia. L. - Irving was.witli
and When the two friends shook hand,s, i
it was with the expectation of meeting
again-at the expiration of
They have met' at the end of 'the long'l,
jouriey sooner than either expected.—L
James was relating to iisFamong Other'
things, Oertalieleive•takingOe'currences,
at Richmond on his d'epartilielrOm that'
city. The mere mention - or the-cordial.
ity shown him' by :the Y4irliniani 'quite
overpowered him, arkfinga-elieked voie6
he eiolaimed, “TheY'rn a-warni-hearted
people— they're a warm-hearted people?''
Gazette Says that - the - Won feSsibn of Har-'
den will be pnblfshed this . w6eir. The'
writer . commences . with 'his ehildhood,
and goes on- to give a description of his
life - until' he began to teach' School at or
near BlairstoWn; his manner of life while
teaching; hisappointMent as colportenr;
his license to preach ; describes the peo
ple among „whom he was thrown, and
the influences iiT.rounding him ; .tells of
his suesess as.aprgsher ; gives a sketch
of his first acquaintanv with the_Dor
lind family ; describes his courtship and
'marriage; tells how, where, and why he
; poisoned his wife ; gives'his.flight; traV
,eis;:iiirest,, &O. A number of essays of•
hie- letters to 'friends 'While he` priSon, be iublished with-the
c'onfiehicni i ltud 'the !whole 'will makii •ii
worklStfrttlit Iffy • SeVeity:flve pages:
Harden's father, whb will imblieh the
work, has eiii,ift;tea . ,a - Telw - getip,ral agents
fordts sale.. : , „
;Albert `EdWitrd, the eldest' son of
Queen Victoril-Vaa )2preNnvembser 9,
1841, and consequently ,, wa i Aghtpen
yeArs old lastrlifiumber. ,41 4 s . o.Frince
of England, Scotland, Tieland, 'anti Ger
many, he has, by birth aud . by letters of
patent, the following„ titles : Prinettpf
Rat9 l ;to 1 41 r. Thlglisbi bite
of Cornwall, by[ 1;444,4114 Great Ste 7;
and of Soptland,l4-pAept„ Scotch ; Duke
of Rotlaaa.y,l!3"birtA 404 BtKon. of 'CAr%
rick, by birth r ao.t Baron- of-Renfrew, by
biftliMol; Lirdlaf:the.dsles, bibirth, do.;
Earl' liationte, 1849, Irish
Prince-61 Coburg and Gotha, German.
jla' TYR.
the sum that is
newspaper, at
patron, I care l y ou
pretending tl l
It, is next tc
with printed
it something t. tvou,
tion price. Evtt l.
away, from home at U. P
n a ves a s tliZN i s itke.
Laill c,.ons.
him with a newspaper. ' raver, an •fi..
ber what a marked difrereatiniF cure. •.i.
between those of my schoolindtb i l eu p 7. 4 V
ti 16
had and those who had not.accei Dis 3
npwspapers. Other things belt* tt i m P e l l
the first were always clecidedls4 'p
to the last in debate, composit4 'av
general inteligence.
. ar Prentice says :—Every day
intelligence of the Cutting o pa heads of at least forty or fill l "
officials by the Administration.
have read of a large church some .
'in Europe; the walls of which are c
Aructed:entirely of human sire
presume that, before the
campa 4 ign, there will "lit anon
heads lying about the land
church.ef at i least twice the
sary, to ,accommedate s a ; llA
Christians that belong to tl
jr The eircumstances - ol
Rev. J. Erskine Hawes, t
Plytionth Congregational
only son and surviving child
.11aweS, - of Radford, Conr
kick of a horse, are qui!
forma setions warninf
meat of horses. The ad.
back from a post . to which ht.
and Mr. Hawes, to correct
`commenced whipping him
ing directly behind and in rent
heels,. , •
workiow often do we hear men
tlZemselde 6bnr slibtcribing to i
or pei • .al 14- thpw
titne to rev. .
thus"excuse himself,
never found time to cl:tr4.e.,,
tiai Udirantag,e 'eithe s r Apt;i''' k g
I his country, or himself Tiil
! I man thus express himself, is '
iating, and we can formes ~.../
than that such a man i l ' t be :
_ ..... d
tance to society. '
~ l 'eif
, - -- ---- v 4 ai2 o
WOoolies are g
.414 8. ,, it
Havana. A letter fr. /s ar i '
"We already begin . to I . i f i
jesiehinese in our stu
numbers for tho gat '
Havana and suburbs
have between 38,000 1 '
groes or colored;.ab I
and 92,000 to 93,060 -s ,
told, nearly -169,000."
orThe venerable
now in tteeighty r forirt
is living in-13rooklyn, n
of his son, in the enj
health and spirits.
of a, slight deafness, an(
limbs, the old gentle
lively, and hopeful,
He probably the most - re °
iu New England. He
tering the ninety-fifth
and the seventieth of
still he is vigorous and
every Sunday whereve
himself. ' _
cir One of the orga,
party, says of the B , „11-hi
that "old men shall bless it ,
shall reverence Mean‘
who hive dashed their first, ,
not yet reached their second ,
vill.yete the Republican field
*'Elizabeth MeC.
was aomniitted - to% prism
last. Friday, on a 0
her step-daughter,.nd
aged 17, by daily adr
to her while nursing be
fur Charles Goodyear,_
tfie art of vulcanizincindiarab 1
in Ifr,iv NT: York at the l rfi
itt',47; fi t
tel Sunday, after st:ti jll4ostrief . fi
- Aft Goodyear w4i'bornLii
December 29,1800.,..
A Sco ---75
tek;clergyr r. . ,
Crn, w m` On iwere so excellent tha ' o ' . '
iNtr a ,4,
t eo`n4regation-fteked , himAitty h. i fs
oturtiliem;' , repliecr, 4 'Oft arrit
171 . : i
beqiiiiiid-out thitt they have ^', ,„1,
puinted." 1 Drur "
6 AP
of ai, d er -
~.A4 Vett' ,
-,,t , me...,,
1.04 4A A A a
. 4
• 4.,tained,
. as
tr y
rain -
sand Sc
es the
!es for
) free
0 alai
of M
re •
e *ep%itiit
as bright,
ten years
~,; ,
`y' 1
i 1
..., Ow tc
v Ito
. ge ng
' IU
NL f , R.
ox r
i; ) r'e
- lit