The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, August 03, 1867, Image 3

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    RI yotal Mandan.
50041 j 'Pilling, Ruoust 1867.
113- The Morning Passenger t rain for Lan
caster and Philadelphia will leave the upper
station at 12 minutes after 8 o'clock. The
:Vail train going westward will pass upper
station at 7 minutes after 12 o'clock, norm.
The Harrisburg accommodation train eastward
will pass at 26 minutes after 5 o'clock, in the
afternoon and returning arrive here at 43
minutes after 6 o'clock in the evening.
DUFFY ' S P ARK.-A plc nic will be
leld in D . 4ffy's Park, on Wednesday
ev:.r.ioc, ;lest. Arrangements have been
Kul) to light up the Cotillion Pavilion
and a very pleasant time is anticipated.
We paid a flying visit to the Park on
Sunday evening last—the first time for
a year—and were greatly surprised at
the improvements going on. There is
already erected a very pretty small
bridge, spanning the stream, a large
dancing pavilion, roofed, with a dining
room on the west side, which is covered
by an awning, which can be raised after
"the cloth" has been removed, or allow
ed to remain down to pr ,tect the danc
ers from the afternoon sun ; a neat little
building in the middle of the Trout
Pond—a planked promenade of several
hundred yards in length, for lovers to
"whisper sweet things" away from the
crowd ; a number of rustic settees and
arm chairs scattered around the outside
of the pavilion; quite a number of wil
low, maple and other trees have been
planted and are growing
A high picket fence is in course of erec
tion, and nearly completed, around the
entire Park, which, when completed and
whitewashed, will add greatly to the
appearance of this truly beautiful spot.
Carriage-ways are being laid out and
ilitebing posts put• in. We found on
arriving, that the Park was well patron
ized by ladies, gentlemen and families,
being only a short walk from town, and
we understand that every fine evening,
during this summer, has witnessed quite
a crowd. Thu liberality of XII-. Duffy, in
thus furnishing so delightful a place for
pie nice, Suudey school parties, etc-, we
fear IA not appreciated.
C',? o' afraid to in est 10 cts.,
- .! -- , - e — yon $lO,OOO. We have
receiv,l t;ie second number of "The
Pen a P, ncil," a new illustrated week
ly, brim full of illustrations and cuter
taining reading matter. Every purchaser
of which will secure a ticket free, en
titling him to participate in the distri
bution of 650.000 in Greenbacks. Sold
by all newsdealers, price 10 cts. with
ticket, (by mail 13 cti.) T. It Dawley
& Co , publ!shers, 21 & 23 Ann St , N. Y
or There will be no services at the
M. E. Church on to=morrow. Rev. Mr.
Stringer being absent at a camp meet-
ifil" The Lutheran and NI ethodist-sab
bath Febools of Bainbridge are to have
a grand union celebration on Saturday
next, and a conceit in the evening. A
number of our "young folks" are Making
arrangements to attend.
fir The search for iron is extending
to all parts of York-county. Nearly all
the farms in " Seven-Valley," for a dis
tance of five or six miles, have been
leased for mining purposes.
For The .Ifariettian
Canada Thistle.
Mr. Baker. Sir :—You are generally
very sharp in reminding citizens and
corporate nett'. rities, of negligence of
public duties—sornetitnes, too, when of
very little importance. Liow is it that
you cannot see this dreaded and obnox
ious plant growing in sight of your office
undisturbed, in all its pride and glory ;
although the Legislature has made a
law imposing a heavy fine on land own
ers, and those who have the supervision
of highways, if they neglect to extorpate
it? Is it because, io this case, your
strictures would fall on a man who owns
two splendid farms near town, or that
they might hit a friend Y And aby does
not the Farmers'and Gardeners' society
take cognizance of this dangerous ene
my to their lands Y I hope you will
stir up these defaulters of public duty
with your longest pole. JAY.
We plead guilty of neglect, but we
are not farmer enough to know Canada
Thistle—would not know a stalk if laid
upon our desk, but we do think the
naive members of the Farmers' and
Gardeners' society deserve censure for
not taking this matter in hand. The
law is very severe and should be enforc
ed, regardless . of falling upon the owners
of fine farms or personal friends, and at
this time particularly, for the nuisance
is now in blossom.—En.
sr "The- Youth's Eclectic" is a neat
eight page monthly published at Belle
line, Illinois, by by G. F. Kimball.
Single copies 'l5 cents, or in clubs at
40 cents. It will be sent free for three
months to all who will send their names
for it.
eUr The young gent that inquired of a
lady while she was selputing a fan,
at Spangler & Rich's store, in this place,
one thi.
~ e:‘ "whether she wanted
VirLegar i Ironin the Blood.
ROTH. BARB, & CO., IRON IN THE BLOOD. --The necessity of
MANUFATURERS OF A SUPERIOR due proportion of iron in the blood is well
VINE]G AR, known to all medical men; when it becomes
At Sehock's Mills, near Marietta, Pa. reduced from any cause whatever, the whole
system Buffers, the weakest part being first
THANKFUL for the very liberal patron- attacked, and a feeling of languor, lassitude
age extended to us since in business, we and " all goneness" pervade! the system. The
would respectfully solicit a continuance of the remedy is simply to supply the blood with the
same, and at the same time call the attention necessary quantity of iron. This can be done
of the public to our
1 by using the
iforvaillilife t) negate._ I,
An article expressly manufactured to put up
Fruits, and warranted to preserve them.
Price, per single gallon, 40 cents ; by the
barrel, 25 cents per gallon.
All orders promptly attended tu
July 27. 1867:-tt,
ry .14 TV:PIS i p
; 1 7 ;
32, e rija - rn
. 11iline.3 and
Store on Pront-st , a few doors west of
The White Swan Hotel.
undersigned having purchased the
I stock, good-will and fixtures of H. D.
Benjamin's Liquor establishment, would take
this method of Informing the uld friends of the
establishment and the public generally that
nothing shall be left undone to merit and they
hope to receive a lineral share of the public's
patronage. They . ool3 ask a fair trial.
All Liquors warranted as represented
All orders promptly attended to:
Agents for MI6 iler's Herb Bitters.
Marietta, July 13, 1667.
f 71.1 h: SCHOOL BOARD cf the 13orcugh of
Marietta solicits :.p,:licAtions from Teach
ers, fur the follawmz heililt)lS, to be taught the
ensuing session:—One High Sebooi ; Mule
teacher, pe:manentcectiarate. Ore Mule
::•econtiary—Ma'e ar Female teacher._ One Pri
mary temol.
Tlie almvo schoo:s ara the hest and most de
sitab!e in tae borough. Salary in propo;tion
to the qua!ilicalons or rho teacher.
By or,;€e of th'. Board,
Marietta, July i 7, in67-tf.]
Cdanibitt Q:..LISSiCaI ailiStitiCt.
A Ilannling i%1i0 , ,A for . 11oys and a Day
SCIIOOI, :31.1LI , LCT, atql 'United.
S,uclents frc,a) neighborhood will be
;:,ir- It itte t i boar,k2r, :ro:a 31.)11:lay to Frid.v•
Fur eiretilJes,
itra. 21. 6'.
June ;:3, 131r7 3 :,.]
A t:Di - rowsOi'loE.
Estate of J 0 4 ,1 c.f./anis, late of Ace.
Burough rf Marietta, (12o'cl.
The IPriliLo ; 3 Auditor, appointea to dis
tribute thu baaaovc rt-a.a.nliap: Li the hands Lf
Auxer, Adndhl.....trat,,r of said deeeiped,
to and among aose entitled tt , the
came, will attend in that purpose, on Tues
day thu, ixth 0 . .10 Li,y of August, 18U7, at It)
Weloz!,:, a. to., at lb.! Cnurt House, iu the City
hi Lancaster, where all persons interested iu
said Ei . tale and distri:aitian may attend
E. D. R OAT LI, Auditor.
Marl,.tts, July 7, 18737-it.
Estate of Samuel Bailie, late of the bo
rough of Marietta, deceased.
Letters 'Testamentary on said estate having
been granted to th? - undersigned, all per
sons indebted thereto requested to make
immedia!e payment, and those baring claims
or demands against the same ii;!1 pieseut them
without delay for settlement to the undersigned.
Suil.i , irg Executrix.
Marietta, July 6,1867-6 t.
I,_,P The Honorable Henry 0. Long, President,
Hon. A. L. Hayes and Peter Martin, esquire,
Associate Judges of :he Court of Cummon Pleas
in and for Lan:taster County, and Asideant
Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer
and Cencrit Jail Delivery and Quarter Sess- '
ions of the PeaCP, in and for said County of
Lancaster, have issued their Precept to ma
cted, requiring me, amongst other things,
to make public can,lsmation throughout my
bailiwick, that a Cum t of Oyer and Terminer
and a tient f Li]l Delivery. also a Court of
Genmul Quarter 5,C.340118 of the Peace and
Jail Delivery, will commence in the Court
House, is the City of :Lancaster, is the Com
monwealth of Peurfitylvania, On the THIRD
MONDAY IN Ali UST (the 19th) 1867, in
puisualice a: which Precept,
To the Mayor and Aldermen of the_ City of
Lama:3W, sold County, and all the Justi
ces of the Peace, the Coroner and Constables
of the said City and County of Lancaster. that
they be then and - their, in their own proper
persons, with their rolls, records and examin
ations and inqulsitions, and their other remem
brances, to and in those things which to their
offices appertaing, in their behalf to be done
and also all those who will prosecute against
the prisoners who are, or then shall be,in the
jail of said County of Lancaster, are to be then
and there, to prosecute against them as shall
be just. Dated at Lancaster, the 20th day of
July, A. D., 1867.
SI 500 "N7CT d_ by the
3, School Board V . the Borough
of Marietta.
FIFTEEN litils.:DA M.) DOLLARS—for
two or five yeat 5, at 6 per certt.„interest
Real Estate giveu as security.
By order of tih Board,
AMO 140
Marietta. July .27, 1867.-tf
1 am again agent for THE EXCELSIOR
FRUIT JAR, which has given so much satis
faction for three years. It is the cheapest,
safest and best jar in use. Call and see it and
at , ince secure ajyyvhich tests itself at once,
and dispenses - With any risk as to the keeping
of Fruit after securing it when put in.
Reb3 . lLiff are Coal Oil balot.
Gives more light with less oil than any other
Burlier. Call and see it at
OMETHING NEW I Patent clasp pock-
C) et books, no gum bands to renew, adupte I
to any condition of the finance at
COAL HODS, Coal Seives, Coal
P, Shovels
kers, Stove Grates, Cylinders and Li
nings of different kinds, kept on hand at
IIA H NEST O C K'S Nonpareil Chemial
Writing Fluid now ready and for sale
General Agent.-
ie2l42vs A;fa.
Eehhol fur bath sexes,
Columbia, Pa
EXF-'CUTO re S iV027.10E
(- 4- (&THE M_A
a protected solution of the protoxide of Iron,
which is so prepared that it assimilates at once
with the blood, giving strength, vigor and
tew lifeto the whole system.
To take medicine to cure diseases occasioned
by a deficiency of iron in, the blood, without
restoring it to the system, is like trying to re
paiy•aamilding when the fonndation is gone.,
dn:eminent: says i' c , I have been
using tIYe Pertwiap Air . iip fox onee time, past:_
meit gives new vigor, buoyancy of spirits,
elasticity of milscle. ,, • •
Pamphlets containing' certificates of ibIITES,
and recommendation s from some of the most
eminent physicians, clergymen and others,
will be sent free to any address.
The genuine has "Peruvian Syrup" blown
in the glass.
Circulars free.
Sold by Druggists
36 Dey Street, N. Y
it Grace's Celebrated Salve. From Mr. E.
Tucker, Depot master at Salisbury, Mass.
" I have been troubled for some years with
a bad humor; sometimes outwardly, 'and
sometimes inwardly. During the past ium
mer it manifested itself more than usual out
wardly, and 1 used your salve. All signs of
it have since disappeared, without affecting
me inwardly, indicaling,l think, the eradica
ting nature of the Salve."
Price, 25 cts. a box. Sent by mail for 35 eta.
Prepared by SETH. W. FOWLE& SON
Tremont SI., Boston, and for sale by drug
gists generally.
NEW and Fashionablo GOODS !
Greatly Reduced Prices ! !
Air RS. ROTH has just returned from the
city a ith a large assortment of Plain and
Fancy Goods, all of which arc of the latest
style, such as :—Coat and Dress Buttons, Bl'k
and White Bogle Trimming, Marseilles But
tons and Trimmings, Crystal 'Buttons, a large
assortment of Ladies' Cutts and Collars, Ja
conet Edging and Inzerting, Swiss, Tucked;
Fidnrred and Marseilles Muslin, Swiss Edging
and Inserting, Fine Lace Handkerchiefs and
Collars, Infants' Waists, PufFs, brushes, gum
cloth, Powder Sacks and sect's, Belting Rib
bon, MotiLir Braid, silk braid, ;ilk doss, em
broidering cotton, of all kinds, French Corsets
at reduced prizes, Hoop Skirts new styles,
Veils, Ladies' Tuck combs, ladies' hose, Hair
brushes and combs, Ear Drops and Breastpins,
Fancy garters, powder, Lilly white, Mean fun
Vegetable Rouge, Powder, Glycerine, White
and colored Eli Gloves, all colors Lisle thread
Gent's Linen and Paper Cuffs and Collars,
Paper collars 25 cents per box, Gent's Pocket
Handkerchiefs, Neck ties, hose,ponade, tooth
brushes, Perfumery, gloves, woollen and linen
shirts, hair renewer, sleeve buttons and studs,
Paper and envelopes, all to be soli at greatly,
riTiFi. E. is !Igen'. for I,iriger's iprc - -d Sew
ing ::fanbine. Particular attention nas been
paid to the 9electiug of small wares, such as
Silh, Cation . and Linen Thread ; Whale
bone, Hooks and Eyes, Needles, Pins, &c.
The public are particularly requested to
cull and examine fur themselves.
HESE PILLS, [warranted French] so
I celebrated mazy years ago in Paris, for
the relmf of frmule irregularities, and after
se:.•••;.,. so nen, bus for their criminal employ - -
nient to the ;nactice of aborliOn, are now of •
furyL,L.. :or the first time in America.
e I see kept in comparative obscuri
ty num the :eel that the originator, Dr. VAL
PA d in Paris of great wealth
arm t.i t c scientiono principles., and has
wit !'e ro from general use, lest they
sheum be 4 I.lnyed for unlawful purposes.
In to lq4 female obstructions they seem
to be idany Annlpitent, bursting open the flood
gates from whatever cause may have stopped
them ; but they are offered to the public only
for legitimate uses, and all agents arc forbid
den to sell thorn when it is understood that
the object is unlawful. For sale by Britton &
:Musser, Market-st., Marietta, Pa.; Philip. A.
Pyle.,:islount Joy ; R. Williams' and Parry's
Drug Stores, Columbia, and all druggists.
adios can procure a box, seated from the
eyes of the curious, by enclosing $1 and six
postage stamps, to M. W. m Acomjit it, Gen
eral 'Agent,- Albany, N. Y., or to any of th e
above named agents. [l3-51-ly
Soulliweht„ Corner of illarliet Square.
ACADEMY building will be re-open •
ed to receive the support of the public.
The Academical year will consist of two terms,
the first term to comme.nco with the first Mon
day in September, and to continue twenty
four (24) weeks The secon3 term, with the
second Monday in April, to continue sixteen
(lti) weeks. Charges fiir the respective terms
are as follows For first term, of twenty-four
vecekt ' (according to age and advancement)
from $2O to $3O. For second term, of sixteen
weeks, from $lO to $2O. Children under 12
of age, for- winter term, $l2; or for summer
term, $B,OO. Stationery, use of books and
tuition included. Terms for boarders, and
further particulars, see circular.
ddreos .
Marietta, Lancaster Co., Pa
Marietta, Tune 29, 18,57.-2 m. j
Merchant Tailor, and Clothier,
At P. T. Kramph's Old Sland, On the Cor
ner of North Queen and Orange
Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a
RATEFUL to the Citizens of Marietta
1 13 - and vicinity, for the liberal patronage
heretofore extended, the undersigned respect
fully solicits a continuance of the same; as
suring them, that under all circumstances, no
efforts.willhe spared in rendering a satisfactory
equivalent for every act of confidence reposed.
-Curns;Cassrataties A N D VESTINGS, and
Such other seasonable material as faship and
the market furnishes, constantly-kept on hand
and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea
sona.bly, as taste or style may suggest.
Gentlemen's Furnishing Gooods
and such articles as usually belong to a Mer
chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment.
njdc_wrt.ent time,
Newspaper and Periodical
Subscription Office, No. 82 Cedar-st., N. Y.
TES IRE to engage ormgood correspondent
I) in each town, to extend their business
in the principal Magazines and Newspapers,
for which they take subscriptions at the pub
lishers' lowest prices.
The business is respectable, pays well, and
nu capital is required : it is also suitable for
ladies. Full particulars in our "Correspond
ent's Circular, mailed free.
Also, now ready, a new Edition of our third
annual newspaper and periodic.' Catalogue
(fur 180'7) containing over 200 different pub
lications—a most useful thing to all lovers of
literature. Free to any address.
Office, 82 Cedar-st., N. Y. (P. 0. Box 4298.
BROOM HANDLES, a choice lot received
and for sale at J. SPANGLER'S.
Are now constructing a railroad fiorn
westward towards the Pacific Ocean, making
with its connections an unbroken line
The Company now offer a limited amount
of their
having thirty years to run, and bearing annu
al interest, payable on the first day of Janu
ary and July, in the city of New York, at the
rate of
This road is already conipletcd to Julesburg,
376 miles ivest of Omaha, and is fully equip
ped, andtrains are'arly' funning over it.
regul ,
'The Company, has now on - hand sufficient iron
ties, etc., to-finish. - the. remaining ; _ portion to
the eagrern'hasnf,belcy-.Monntains,-1.41
miles, which is under contracb to he: . done'in
September of this year, and it is'ekpected that
the entire road will be in running Order *dm
Omaha to its western connection With the
Central Pacific, now being rapidly built edit
ward from Sacramento, Cal., during 1870;
Means of the Company
Estimating the distance to be built by the
Union Pacific to be 1,565 miles, the United
States Government issues its Six per cent.
Thirty-Year Bonds to the Company as the
road is finished at the average rate of about
828,250 per mile, amounting to $41,208,000.';
The" Company is also permitted to issue its
own First Mortgage Bonds to an equal
amount, and at the same time, which by spe
cial act of Congress are made a first mortgage
on the entire line, the bonds of the United
States being subordinate to them.
The Government makes a danation of 12,800
acres of land, to the mile, amounting to
032,000, estimated to be worth 00,000 . 000
making the to MI resources, exclusive of the
capital, $118,416,000; but the full value of
the lands cannot now be realized.
The authorized capital Stock of the Com
pany is one hundred million dollars of which
five mllions have already been paid in, and
of which it is not supposed that more than
twenty-five millions at most will be required.
The cost of the road is estimated by compe
tent engineers to be about one hundred mi
lieu dollars, exclusive of equipment.
Prospects fur business,
The railroad connection between Omaha
and the East is now complete, and the earn
ings of tha Union Pacific on the sections al
ready.finished for the first two weeks in May
were.sll3,ooo. These sectional earnings as
the road progresses will much more than pay
the interest on the Company's bonds, and the
through business over the only line of railroad
between tl' Itlantic and Pacific must be itn-
Value and Security of the Bonds
The Company respectfully submit, that the
above statement of facts fully demonstrates
the security of their Bonds, and as addition al
proof they would suggest that the Bonds now
offered are less than ten million dollars on 517
miles of road, on which over twenty million
dollars have already been expended;—on 3311
miles of this road the cars are now running,
and the remaining 187 mites are nearly com
At the present rate of premium on gold these
bonds pay an annualinteiest on the present
cost of
Nine Per Cent
and it is believed that on the completion of th e
road, like the Government Bonds, they will
go above par. T:te Company intend to sell
but a limited amount at the present low rates
and retain the right to advance tle price at
their option.
Subscriptions will be received itt New York
by the
eau Street.
CLARK. DODGE & Co., Bankers, dl Wall St.,
JOHN J. Cisco ..& SON, Bankers, 33 Wall St.
and by Banks and Bankers generally through
out the United States, all of whom maps and
descriptive pampb lel s may be obtained, They
will also be sent by mail from the Company's
office No. 20 Nassau street, New -York, on
application. , Subscribers will select their own
Agents in whom they have confidence, who
alone will be iesponsibie to them for the safe
delivery of the bonds. JOHN J. Cisco,
June 1, 67-3m-] New York.
CAPITAL AND ASSETS, $600,527:91.
rrHIS Company continues to insure Mid
i ings, Merchandise, and other property,
against loss and damage by fire, on the mutual
plan, either for a cash premium cr premium
Whole amount insured, $12,478,426,83
Leas ain't expired in 1666, 722,771:34
$ /1,755,655,49
Amt cf premium notes, Jan. 1,
1866, $685,123,27
Less, prem urn notes expired in
1866, 71,963:04
Balance of premiums, Jan. 1, '66, 6,609:15
Cash receipts,less commissions, in '66,57,016:16
Loans, 9,400.00
Due from agents and others, 8,664,56
Losses and expenses paid in 1866, 73,025:31
Losses adjusted, not due Jan 1, 3 67, 21,296,88
Balance capital and assets,
January 1, 1867, 600,527,91
GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., Recretary.
MICHAEL. S. SHUMAN, Treasurer.
Hiram Wilson, ' ,William Patton,,
Robert. T. Ryon, John W. Steacy,
John Fendrich, George Young, Jr.,
11. G. Minich, Nicholas Ili'Dcnald,
Samuel F. Boa lein, Wm. Patton,
Amos S. Green. J. B. Bachman,
Robe , t Crane.
Columbia, March 30, 1867.-ly
Blank Book and Stationery
728 Arch Street, Philadelphia;
Has constantly on hand, and manufactures
to order every variety of
for Bankers, 17,Ierehants and Manufacturers.
Drafts, Note, :leeks, and Headings of every
description, engraved or lithographed. A very
full stock of Stationery wholosale or retail.
S. H. Fulton, formerly of Marietta, has
charge of one department of the business, and
will give personal and special attention to any
orders by mail or otherwise. All goods at the
most reasonable rates and all Blank work
guaranteed of the most superior quality
cine invented by Dr. J. B. Schenck, of Phila
delphia, is intended to dissolve the food and
make it into chyme, the first process of diges
tion. By cleansing the stomach with Schenck's
Mandrake Pills, the tonic soon restores the
appetite, and food that could not be eaten-be
fore using it will be easily digested.
Consumption cannot be cured by Schenck's
Pulrnonic Syrup unless the stomach and liver
is made healthy and the appetite restored,
hence the Tonic and Pills are required in near
ly every case of consumption. A half dozen
bottles of the SEAWEED TONIC and three or
four boxes of the MANDRAKE PILLS will cure
any ordiniry case of dyspepsia.
Dr. Schenck makes professional visits in
New York, Boston, and at his principal office
in Philadelphia every week. See daily papers
of each place, or his pamphlet on consump
tion for his days for visitation:
Please observe, whet, purchasing, that the
two likennesses of the Doctor, one when in
the last itage of Consumption, and the othu.
as he now is, in perfect health, are on the Gov
ernment stamp.
Sold by all druggists and dealers, price $1.50
per bottle_or $7.50 the half dozen. All letters
for advice should be addressed to DR.
SCHENCIOS Principal iliac, No. 15 North 6th
Street, Philadelphia, I a.
General Wholesale Agents: Denies Barnes
& Co., N. V. ; S. S. Fiance, Baltimore, I.lld. ;
John D. Parke, Cincinnati, Ohio;"Walker &
Taylor Chicago, ; Collins Bros., St. Louis.
Missouri. [Oct 20'66.1y-lstw.
Will the thousands who read columns of
frivolous verbiage every day devote five min
utes to' the perusal of a few facts which con-
cern them riettily ? Our text is Health, and we
will put our commentary, into a nutshell.—
Weakness is indirectly- the cause of all sick
ness; for if nature be strong enough to resist I
the morbid influences which produce illness,
of course they are powerless. Seek strength,
therefore. Invlgarat,.. and regulate the sys
tem. When the quicksilver ranges from 80 to
96 degtees in the shade, the most athletic are
enfeebled, and the weak are prostrated. It is
at such a time that such an invigorator as
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is urgently needed.
What are the effects of this rare Vegetable
Tonic? Would that all who have known its
benefiti could condense their experience into
this paragraph. They would tell the healthy,
to protect their health they must use this great
safeguard' against the debilitating influences.
They would exhort the weak to discard all
unmedicated and impure stimulants and cling
to this wholesome nerd unfailing tonic and
alterative as the shipwrecked mariner would
cling to a:raft in a stormy sea. They would,
of dyspeptic pangs relieved, of appetite res
tored, of shattered nerves re-strung, of head
aches cured, of disordered functions regulated,
of hypochondria dissipated,. miasmatic dis
eases baffled, of fever and ague cured, of
liver complaints arrested, of h'eat, privation
and toil defied, of hope re-r nimated, and cheer
fulness restored. Such are the effects of Hos
tette; Bitters.
To CONSUMPTIVES.—The advert:ser, having
been restored to health in- a few weeks by-a
very simple remedy, after having suffered for
several years with a severe lung affection, and
that dread disease Consumption—is anxiona-to
make known to his fellow-sufferers the faits
of, cure. To all who desire it, he will send a
copy of the prescription used -(free of charge)
with the directions for preparing and using
the same, which they will find a SURE CURE
for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs,
Colds, and all throat and lung affections. The
only object of the advertiser in sending the
prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and
spread information which he conceives to be
invaluable, and he hopes-every sufferer will
try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing,
and may prove a blessing. Parties Wishing
the prescription, free, by return mail, will
please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON,
Williamsburgh, Icings Co., N. Y.
In the coral caves sea-green is said to
be the prevailing color, and the
Fish-tailed Maidens
sit on the rocks and comb:their green locks
assiduously. But the
prefer glossy :browns and shining blacks to
any other tinges, and if nature bas not given
their fair heads these beautiful hues, or if
mischance has robbed them of their once ex
quisite beauty, they don't cry aboutit, but
resort at once to
Christadoro's Hair Dye,
which in five minutes does all that nature
ever did for any head in her happiest mood.
Manufactured by J. Christe.doro, 68 Maiden
lane, New York. Sold by all Druggists•
Applied by all Hair Dressers. ..
Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh, trea
ted with the utmost success, by J. ISAACS,
41. D., Oculist and Aurist, (former]) of Ley
den, Holland,) No. 519 PINE - st„ Philadel
phia. Testimonials from the :Most reliable
sources in the city and country can be:seen at
his Deice. The. medical faculty are invited tc
accompany their patients, as he‘lias no secrets
in his practice. Artificial hyea inserted with
out pain, No charge for examination.
rg- ! !— lTcu! I ! Scratch .
Scratch I—Scratch !! ! WHEATON'S OINT
MENT will cure the ITCH in 98 hours. Also
cures Salt Rheum,' Ulcers, Chilbrains and al
eraptiona of the skin. 'Price 50 cents. For
sale by all druggists. By sending 60 cents to
WEEKS & POTTER, sole agents, 110 Washing
ton-st., Boston, it will be forwarded by mail,
free of postage, to any part of the Union.
proved Rose Wash cures secret and delicate
disorders in all their stages, at little expense,
little or no change of diet, no inconvenience,
and no exposure.' It is pleasant in taste and
odor, immediate in its action, and free from
all injurious properties.
i FOR Non-retention or Incontinence of
Urine, irritation, inflammation or ulceration
of the bladder, or kidneys, diseases of the pros
tate glands, stone in the bladder, calculus,
gravel or brick dust deposits, and all diseases
of the bladder, kidneys and dropsical frivAtigs
I:Cr Ladies can obtain a box of Valpau's Fe
male Pills, sealed froro -the eyes . of the curi
ous, by enclosing rind 6 postage stamps to
W. W. Maco?pasit, general agent for the,U.
States and,Zanadas, at Albany, New York.
01 an - iithorized agent.. [6l-4t
la- THE Glory of man is 6trength—There l
fore the nervous and debilitated should imme
diately use Lielinboldlii Extract 13 , c , ,
Belles of Earth
a 00.0 frotm le, IJJtife4 Co.
This Con pany beg leave to inform the pub
lic that they commenced operations to 18LO,
and their factory now covers four acres of
ground, and has cost more than a million dol
lars, and employs over 700 operatives. They
produce 75,000 Watches a year, and make and
sell not less than one half of eil the watch , :
sold in th.. Upited States.
The difference between their manufacture
and the European : is briefly this: European
Watches are made almost entirely by hand, and
the result is, of necessity, a lack of that uni
formity, which is indispensable to correct time
keeping. Both the eye and the hand of the
most s'ollful operative must vary. But it is a
fact that, except watches of the higher grades,
European watches are the product of the cheap
est labor of Switzerland, and the result is the
worthless Ancres, Lepines and so-called Pa
tent Levers—which soon cost more in attempt
ed repairs, than their original price. Common
workmen, boys and women, buy the rough
separate parts of these watches from various
factories, polish and put them together, and
fake them to the nearest watch merchant, whu
stamps and engraves them with any name o.
brand that may be ordered.
The American Waltham Watch is made by
no such uncertain process—and by no such
incompetent workmen. All the Company's
operations, from the reception of the raw ma
terialslo the completion of the watch, are car
ried on under cne roof, and under one skillful
and competent direction, But the great dis
tinguishing feature of their watches, is the fact
that their several parts are all made by the fi
nest, the most perfect and delicate machinery
ever brought to the aid of human industry.
Every one of the more than a hundred parts
of every watch is made by a machine—that
infallibly reproduces every succeeding part
with the most unvarying accuracy; it was only
necessary to make one perfect watch of any
particular style and then to adjust the hund
red machines necessary to reproduce every
part of that watch, and it follows that every
succeeding watch must be like it.
The Company respectfully submit their
watches on their merits only. The? claim
money, by their improved mechanical proces
ses than can be made under the old-fashioned
handicraft system. They manufacture watch
es of every grade, from a good, low priced and
substantial material, in solid silver hunting
cases, to the finest Chronometer; and also la
dies' watches in plain gold or the finest enam
eled and jeweled cases ; but the indispensable
requisite of all their watches is that they alkali
be GOOD TIMEX EEPEES. It St ORM be remem
bered that, excert their single lowest grade
named " Home Watch Company, Boston,"
ALL WATCHES made by them are FULLY war
ranted. by a special certificate, and this war
rantee is good at all times against the Compa
ny or its agents.
July 20- 182 Broadway, New-York.
la — The greatest pain -reliever in the world.
Warranted superior to any other, or no pay:
for the cure of Chronic Rheumatism, Tooth
ache, Headache, Sore Throat, Mumps, Burn.:
Cuts, Insect Stings, Pains in the Back, Chest
and. Limbs, Sprains, Old Sores, Swelling,'
also, to take internally for Diarrhoea, Dysen
tery, Colic, Spasms, Sea Sickness, Vomiting.
and Croup. It is perfectly innocent to take
internally, if used according to the directions,
and never fails, as thousands can attest. It
was first introduced in 1847, and now millions
of bottles are annually sold. Every one who
has once used it, continues to do so, and
recommend it to their friends as the most
valuable medicine extant. Certificates enough
to fill a dozen newspapers have been received
by Dr. Tobias. His medicine, the Venetian
Liniment, will do all that is stated, and more.
No one will regret trying it. Those residing
at a distance from a physician, will find it a
reliable medicine to have on hiand in case of
accidents. Ask for Dr. Tobias' Venetian
Liniment, and take no other. Price 50 cents
and $l. Sold by all Druggists. Depot, 56
Cortlandt Street, N. Y.
ington, the world renowned Astrologist an
Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, while in a clair
voyant state, delineates the very features of
the person you arc to marry, and by the aid
of an instrument of intense power, known as
the Psychomotrope, guarantees to produce a
perfect and life-like picture of the future hus
band or wife of the applicant, with date of
marriage, occupation, leading traits of charac
ter, &c. This is no imposition, as testimonials
without number can assert. By stating place
of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes and
hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stamped
envelope addressed to yourself, you will re
ceive the picture by return mail, together with
desired information.
13- Address in confidence, MADAME GER
TRUDE REMINGTON, P. O. Box 297, West
Troy, N. Y.
ERRORS OF You Tit .—A gentleman who suf
fered for years from Nervous debility, Prema
ture decay, and all the effects of youthful in
discretion, will, for the sake of suffering hu
manity, send free to all who need it, the mei
pe and directions for making the simple reme
dy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing
to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do
eo, by addressing in perfect corlidence.
JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar street, N. Y
to all others for family and manufacturing
purposes ; contain all the latest improvements
are speedy, noisless, durable and easy to work
Illustrated Circulars sent free. Agents want
ed. Liberal discount allowed. he consign
ments made. Address EaterßE S. M. Co, ,
Broadway, N. Y.
Duchu is the Creat Diuretic.
lei lie Great M od Purifier
'pink are prepared according to rules of
,Pharmacy and Chemistry, and are the most
active that can be %fide.
HELMBOLDW Extract Buchu gives
health and vigor to the frame and bloom to
he pallid cheek. Behilify is accompanied by
many alarming symptoms, and if no treatment
is submitted to, consumption, insanity or epi
leptic fiteenSue.
TAB no more unpleasant and unsafe
remedies for unpleasant. and dangerous dig
eases. Use Helmbold's - Extract Buchu and
improved Rose Wash
HELMBOLD'S Fluid Extiact Buthu.