2 at Mtatiettian. < *Vge-- MARIETTA, PA : Saturday Morning, August 3, 1867. gar A woman residing near Center Point, Clay county, Indiana, went to an adjacent creek to do some washing, taking with her three small children. The two elder ones, while playing about in the woods, were bitten by a venomous snake, and their screams attracting the attention of the mother, she hastened to their relief, leaving the smallest child. which, during her absence, fell into the creek, and was drowned. The other children died the same night from the effects of the snake bite. Last Wednesday at Chillicothe, Ohio, a young man named Hunter was standing in front of a saloon with sever al companions, all very drunk, when Hunter's mother came to the party and implored her son to accompany her borne. Suddenly he seemed seized with a frenzy, rushed into the street, and, picking up a healiy atone, threw it into the group. The fatal missile struck his mother on the temple. . She sank to the ground and died in ten minutes. ear Mrs. Burley, living in Vincennes, Ind., on Wednesday evening last, at tempted to pour coal oil on some hot coal to make it burn more rapidly when the coal ignited, bursting the can, and setting her clothes on fire. She ran out into the yard, screaming "fire," when some of the neighbors ran to her aid, tearing her clothing from her, but be fore; they could do so she was horribly burned. It is not expected that she can live. month or so ago, Mr. Rufus Lord, the victim in the celebrated Lord bond robbery, received from an unknown source $1,400,000 of the bonds that had been stolen. It has now been ascer tained that they were sent to him through the firm of James G. King's Sone, from the London bankers, Bar ring brothers, who received them from a London lawyer, who in his turn had received them from the guilty party. Who that party is remains at present a secret with the English lawyer. ( I T The Prince of Wales is treated with great disrespect in England.— When he walks into the smoking room of a Club, instead of everybody rising and taking off their hats to receive him, they only nod their heads with a fa miliar "How are you, Wales 1" A cor respondent of the Times truly says that the Prince is not himself so very strict in his mariners as to be able to 'require the highest standard of courtesy from others. A young man who wears bob tail coats and billycock hats and smokes in a carriage. with ladies, can hardly insist on rigorous etiquette. or Mr. Otis; a native Of Manchester, Ohio, has invented and patented a knit.: ting machine said to be the most perfect and 'wonderful yet brought before the public. It will knit fifty pairs of stoat ings in a day, and is so simple that a child can work it. It can be furnished at half the cost of a first•class sewing machine. • ihr Rev Henry Ward Beecher de livered a sermon in Plymouth Church, Brooklyn . , Sabbath evening,. on ,''The Nobility of Labor," in which he said that more public men of eminence had started from the business of type.setting than probably any other occupation. war Ex-Confederate General Toombs has not been pardoned by_the President, as erroneously reported: and, further more, his rebel friends claim that he has never made application for. forgiveness, an that he never will. 441` Queen Victoria is building a new house in the Scottish highlands,-seven miles from any other dwelling. She in tends it to be a place of retirement for herself and a few select friends. air The citizens of West Chester have shad executed• a bust of General Anthony Wayne; of revolutionary fame, which they intend to place in the Court ;I..lioutie at that place. The eldest daughte; of Oa Queen of Bpain, now a young 110 y grown, kltrot:gly resembles her mother, and- 7 - oot to put too fine a point upon it—is said to be the hominoid girl in Europe. 'yearVillain, of-Baltimore, • during 'qear ending May. 1;186 . 7, sold milk . 86 - wanting to over $37,000. The num ber of cows milked varied from 180 to 200: rivelve old ladled met at a tea rare; in (N. Y. • ) the other day. Their aggregate 'age 1390.yearsY the h.' eve rage 70. tiaMi`e The world has 95,727 miles of ailmid now, 36,893 of it:, , ,the United .10 - The movement of Garibaldi for the liberation of the city of Rome from Papal rule bas so far excited the appre hensions of the Pope that on July 15 he appealed to the Emperor Napoleon for protection, and had ordered the batteries about the city to be strengthened and garrisoned. In response to the appeal of the Pope Napoleon notified the King of Italy of the threatened movement of Garibaldi, but took no other action. Garibaldi announced to a public meeting at Pistoia on Julyl9 that "the time had now come for liberating Rome feom Papal tyranny and restoring to thev city her ancient freedom. Gar Frederick Douglass has just met, with a brother who has been in slavery for forty years. In a letter to a friend, announcing his' brother's ' arrival at Rochester, he says: "The meeting with my brother after nearly forty years sep aration is an event altogether too affect ing for words to describe. How un naturally accursed is Slavery, and how unspeakably joyful are the results of its overthrow ! The search now being made, and the happy reunions now tak ing place all over the South, after years of separation and sorrow, furnish a, sub ject of the deepest pathos." The news from Nlexice is to July 13. Maximilian's body was en route - to Vera Cruz to be delivered to the Austri an authorities. Escobedo has court martailed and shot:twelve other general officers and four Colonels. General Ortega is still in prison. It is stated that Santa Anna was not shot but re• mains in prison at Carnpeachy. Juarez has issued- an order for the convocation of the Liberal Congress in Mexico city to elect a President, he declining to serve any longer. Or A New Steam Wagon was seen in the streets of Boston last week. It was a light open baggy carrying two men and had no visible means of loco motion save a Blight apparatus tinder the box.. The vehicle came along a street on the track just behind a horse car; but when the car stopped the bug gy was turned aside and passed by the car, and was guided as easily as if a horse had been attached. Cr The passion for collecting curios. ities is too frequently carried to excess, and much-time and money are expended upon objects worthless in themselves and without value in their associations. It is stated in a New York paper that a curiosity hunter has recently offered forty dollars for a pair of cast off shoes which were worn by the famous trotting horse Dexter As old iron the shoes are worth a few cents. Cr A Lawyer named Paine, in Mon roe county, N: Y., drew up a will for a dying man, and after it was read and signed, Paine claimed that it was not right, and drew up ;a new one, which was signed without reading, and it was found that all the property was willed to Paine. He is now in jail awaiting ex amination. This practice proved a tittle too sharp for him. 40" We are in receipt of a neat little 8 by 10 paper called The Roarin' Rag, "published by; the editor, and edited by the publisher," at Muscatine, lowa, de voted to fun and fiction. Terms, five cents a year, invariaby in advance. May it roar so loud that the "editor and publisher" shall be overwhelmed with the "rags":as they flow into his exche quer. ow It is said the Mende of General Sheridan contemplate placing him in the field as ,a candidate for the Repub lican nomination for the Presidency. "Little Phil" is immensely popular with the masses, and should he consent to run, will not be easily distanced, His record since the war has added much to his well-earned fame as a leader during the rebellion. ow - The recovery by Mr. Rufus Lord of $1,400,900 of bonds stolen in 1865 was effected through a New York bank ing house, which received them from Baring Brothers, of London, who had them from , a London lawyer, a sort of Mr. Joggers, who forced the guilty one, who was his client; to give them up. eir Louis Kossuth, who was at first indisposed to accept the terms of the restoration of her old constitution to Hungary, has availed himself of the amnesty declared by Francis-Joseph returned to his country, and is a candi date for the Hungarian Parliament from the town of Waitzan. l ir Hon. Lewis C. Peck, Nunda, New York, who has served eight years in Congress, and also as Supreme Judge and County Judge in his own State, has been arrested for complicity in the late attempted swindle on the Accident In surance Company at Baffalo. eir A boy nine years of age, the son or Andrew Jackson, of Centre Hill, N. J., fell dead while his father was chas tising him ongt..klity evening. ifwa The `.remaining• portion of Table Rock at Niagara alls, was blown away by a tilast ofy.„tmo,ittiodred pounlls of po - wder. - , of the Merchants in Boston A 1 1E5g . G . U 5 E V i lir 1/11.Wiff°PP.IWaini=44 Ntkos 33tilf A Boston broker, who has a wife and child, eloped, a fortnight ago, with a young lady of Chelsea and $BOOO of the firm's jewelry, but detectives suc ceeded in finding him and his companion at Niagara Falls on Friday, and, return ed them both to their homes, a wiser but sorrier party. . Ira Y. Mann, one of the leading warehouse men of Chicago, was sued for breach of contract of marriage on Tuesday, by Samantha Pr:ltor, who claims $lOO,OOO 'damages. Mr. Mann has been a widower for several years. The plaintiff announces her determina, Lion to conduct . the case herself. A Jewish paper deprecates the flirt ing which goes-on in the choirs of their temples when. Gentiles are employed. A fascinating Christian tenor recently .ran away with a lovely soprano dangh ter of Rebecca, under the very droppings of the sanctuary. False ears of flesh colored India-rubber have been invented for the use of ladies with large ears. They are used in front of the real ears, which are concealed and drawn back under the hair. Tom Hood said there is no man in Germany more inhumanly abused than the Jew. Lie is wronged, pelted and hooted at—he is robb , d, taxed and spit upon ; and all fo. what ? Because he believes in the Old Testament and won't eat pork andkeausages. Every foot of ground on which Belfast Ireland, is built, is owned by one man' the Marquis of Donegal. Every citizen has to pay tribute to him. His income from ground rent is from one to two millions of dollars per annum. A Dubuque geulleman advertises for a wife "who wears her own hair, her own teeth, her own cheeks, her own bosoms and her own calves, without having gone a❑d bought them." The Harrisburg Bridge Company hare commenced operations for their new bridge across the Susquehanna. One of the richest moo in New Eng land, Augustus Ilenenway, of Boston, whose estate is valued at $5,000,000, is confined in an insane asylum. llaxia.ilion's death was celebrated by a funeral service throughout the Aus trian Navy. Vessels to go in crape. Harvard has given the degree of M. A., to Charles G. Leland. editor of For ney's Press. The same college has given the LL. D., to George Peabody. The only copy of the first newspaper printed in America, known to be in existence, is iu the British archives in London. Maximilian's mother, the Arcbdcch es Sophia, has evinced signs of insanity e:nce hearing of his death. Anna Barey, the great Barrington, Mass., child whipper, was convicted of manslaughter, at Lennox, on July 17th, and sentenced to five years' imprison ment. There is an old man in Taunton, aged seventy-three, who has listened to five thousand and seven sermons in his life. He has survived them all. Mfr. William Kerr. aged ninety years, and a resident of Venango county, Pa. since 1.784, died on the 12th. He served as a soldier in 1812, and was for six months, under General I larrison in the Maumee region. The other day, at Providence, R. 1., a young fellow of nineteen swam three• quarters of a mile, drawing after him a boat twelve feet long, containing six good sized men. The time was inside three-quarters of an hour. A striped snake, nine feet long, was killed at Essex, Mass., the other day, and in his inside was found four toads, three small turtles, fuur birds and a large assortment of frogs, bugs and other delicacies. The American • Watch Company at Watertown now finish a watch every two and a half minutes during the work ing hours of the day. It is stated that about 13138 thousand persons within the limits of. New York city live wholly upon betting on races or by jockeying horses. Robert Ould, the ex-rebel commission er for the exchange of prisoners of war, publishes a letter, in which he says that in 1864 the rebel authorities voluntarily proposed to deliver up fifteen thousand sick and wounded Union soldiers, with out requiring any equivalent. He offers to prove this by the evidence of 'Union officers. All the railroad conductors in. New York State are to be uniformed, after the first of October next. This will be a great convenience to the traveling public, as it will enable them to at once distinguish the conductors, should they have occasion to commuicate • with the latter at any time during a journey. All the bills passed by Congress at the'recent session becarheslavis, except that - introAnced by Mr Sumner making colored persons eligible for office in- the District-of Columbia. This bill was.de livered to: the President an hour before Congress adjourned. Re did not return ark A. mad by the name of Stephen THE INDIANS.—The question, What F. Cameron, a native of Maryland, was to do with Indians 2 has been considera pardoned by' the President, in order bly discussed in both branches of Con that he might give evidence in behalf gross, and the opinion arrived at seems of Surratt. His testimony was intend- to be that they ought not any longer to ed to impeach the eherecter of Dr. be treated with as nations or tribes, but McMillan, the surgeon of the vessel in as individuals and families, compelling which Surratt left Canada for Europe. them, to live under territorial laws and Tho cross-examination showed that the thus gradually bring them into a state character of Cameron wasnot good. He of civilization and usefulnesi. The an was one of Morgan's guerillas, and was nnities now granted them under so-call connected with the St. Albans raiders, ed treaties, to be continued to them in studied for 9 m'nistry, and has preach- agricultural implements, seeds and stock, ed several different religions. His and in addition extending to them the mode of life during the past two years, benefit of the homestead law, thus.giv as admitted by himself, has been exceed- lag them a chance to humanize them ingly preoarious. AV'titries - he taught t sielvenraridin'tourse of time to become languages in France, music in London, citizens. This policy will probably be was a Bohemian inEngland, a Catholic adopted at the next session of Congress, _inCanada,an Episcopalian in America ; and the reservation policy, which is and last, but not least, an unpardoned , also recommended, will probably be rebel up to the commencement of the abandoned trial, at which time he received his pardon through the influence of Surratt's counsel. As soon as his evidence had been given he disappeared, and has so far eluded discovery that the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representa- tives who desired to summon him in the impeachment. case, were unable to ferret him out. It is supposed he has find to Canada fir Serious trouble is brewing among _for - ions. The issue is between toe polygamous and anti-polygamous or monogamous elements in this profanely self styled Church. In the Utah ver nacular these two parties are known as the "Brigamites" and "Josephites"— the former being named after Brigham Young, the latter after Joseph Smith, Jr., the son of the martyr, and he him self a candidate for martyrdom if he ever gets within the reach of the despotic Young. Orson Hyde, Orson Pratt, and Amasa Lyman, three of the twelve apostles of Utah Mormondon, have be come converts to the one•wife system of Smith, who has his headquarters in Illinois, and have all been ducally anathematized and cut off Cr It is reported in scientific and historical circles that, Professor T. C. Raffinson, of Copenhagen, has recently discovered a Runic inscription below the Great Falls in the Potomac. It records the death Of an Icelandic woman named Susan, who died in 1051. "►his is a most remarkable discovery. It proves conclusively not only the visit of the hardy Northmen to our shores five centuries before the discovery of Uolurribus, but that their explorations inland were greater than has been sur mised. Some sharpers have been going around the country, selling lightening rods. They make a written contract with a farmer to put up a rod for $lB. After having put up all the rods they can in a neighborhood they go around and present bills for $lB for putting up the rod and 45 cents per foot for the rod itself. The owner of the building gen erally pays up, as from the deceptive wording of the contract a suit would go against him. gip The Marquis of Westminster (said to be the wealthiest English peer) lately appropriated $250,000 for the purpose of establishing a penny daily newspaper as a rival to the Times. This paper was named The Day, and wiis very ably edited. T expensiveness of the un- Artaking is evidenced by the fact that the above large sum was exhausted by forty issues, when the enterprise was abandoned.. ar The French ladies spend 8,000, 000 francs per year for corsets, 15,000, 000 for gloves, and 10,000,000 fur bon nets. False diamOnds cost them 1,000, 000 francs, false teeth 1,500,000, glass eyes 84,000, masquerade diesses 730,000, perfumery and cosmetics 22,000,000. fans 5,000,000, artificial' flowers 28,000' 000. eir Gail Hamilton, in her new book, entitled "Wool Gathering," remarks that "A single fact will show how rapid ly the course of empire has taken its westward way. Only in 1840 there was but a single school in Milwaukee, with twenty scholars ; now there are three hundred lager-beer shops !" Qom' A few days since a man from Fort Harker, Kansas, who was on horse back, and armed ;with a Spencer rifle and turevolver, was attacked. by thirteen Indians. gOt down by the side of hie horse and stood them fight, killing four Indians, and receiving a wound himself. • sr. The English language is hereafter to be studied in the public schools of Japan and American works are to be the text books. The Japanese Commis sioners in this country have order-e. some 20,000 copies of various American 'school books. eir The President's veto of the Re construction bill is a lengthy document, and ends no defenders outside of the Copperhead party. It is a bitter and violent docutnent, and altogether worthy of the souree from whence it emanated. OW The principal excitement 'just now,in Wisconsin is in 'hops. An in. crease of 9000 acres for the preseut year orted, and thtfaitiops 13ET Cr At the public breakfast given to William Lloyd Garrison in London. a short time ago, there was a somewhat remarkable feature connected with if. Lord John Russell was among the par ticipants to do honor to the great Amer ican Abolitionist, and in a speech which be delivered took occasion to confess in the most frank and explicit manner that his course toward the United States while in office during the rebellion was an error, that he had formed an errone ous judgment of the whole subject, and that he was now convinced that Presi dent Lincoln's whole course was the right one This is certainly in the highest degree credita` le to the tale foreign minister, and though the retrac tion coma late it is better than if it ❑ever came eg' Dr. Robert J. Breckinridge, a son of the Rev. W. L. Breckinridge, died suddenly in flouston, Texas, a few days since. He was formerly Professor in the Louisville Medical University and Surgeon of the United States ;Ma rine Hospital in the same city. During the rebellion he served as Gen. Lee's chief medical director, and offer the sur render removed to Houston. el — The Maysville (Ky ) Eagle says We learn that Juhu L Scott has ;oid his peach crop to a Cincinnati firm fur $14,000, the purchaser to gatlier the fruit, pay all expenses and take all risks. Wo learn that the crop is very large, and the quality of the fruit good. he orchard contains fifty acres, and cost Mr. Scott, some years ago, $4,600 cr . Albert G. BroWn, befor the war a Mississippi Senator, advises the peo ple of that State to accept the terms of reconstruction 011-red by Congress, "without cavil or delay.'' This sow d counsel was given in a spioch made at a public meeting at Jacksonville some days since. 1-0' It is aseertained from an authen tic 'source that the design still exists with the President to supersede Gee- Sheridan as commander of the Fifth Military district. No time, h iwever, is fixed for the contemplated change. to- The mother of lion. Cassius M. Clay died in Mudisor. county, Kentucky, recently, aged 90 years. ,SIARRIED On tLe 2Sth of July, by Rev. J. A. Darmstat tor, of Coitunbia, Mr. Peter 13eiKDl~t, of Germantown, Perry Co, Pa., to Misi Sallie Gotts , :hall, of Marietta. TO JOHN SPAN GLEE S. Fur zt fa/ tLngs and - 1 - Ai;vB o RpOrt, T T • _L he [Fry anu ser i ous acre reziort. Superior Skates—Ladies Men's and Boys', Pocket Books- every variety, All styles o't Coal Oil Lamps, New styles, Ladies Morocco Satchels, Good-wife's Compauiens—new, Latest novelty in Port Folios, Extra fine Pearl and Ivory handled Pocket Repeaters, Sharp's Improved, (Knives, Sleigh Beils 7 -fiee pla!ed and white metal, Hair Brushes—durable and cheap, Axes, Hatchets and Hammers, Razor Strops—Emerson's, buston's Hand au.: Tennant S 3 SVE: 3 Wringers. late imprevod, All varieties of fine Ivory and common lab e Rolling Pins, Washers Sc., (Cutler y Cloy's Amunition, Wads and Caps. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF MEDICINE & SURGERY. A Pemi-Monthly Journal ofllletdieine, Surgery, Physiologh ' Hygiene, and General Litera ture, devoted to the Prof, and the people. The cheapest medical paper in the world, published every two weeks, at.the University Building, Ninth street, south of Walnut. Single copies, $l.OO rive copies to one address, 415 Ten cc cc 7,110 Fifteen " cc 9.30 Twenty " tc 10.00 The'gettet , up of the club shall have one copy gratis. Address ' W. PAI;IE, M. D., Editor. Philadelphia, Pa. R. H. LANDIS is the sole agent for the Sale of MISFILER'S RITTER.% in the Borough of Marietta. For sale at the GOLDEN MORTAR. DOOR MATT§, Excellent quality, cheap, AT JOHN SPAAGLAWS HLRD WARE PIC EBOXE Sougar boxes, fruit jars, win dow bl inds, looking glasses, at JOL-IN SPANGLER'.S OGER'S Celepratea Pearl Cement and Oil Paste - Blacking at THE GOLDEN MORTAR IJRASS porcelain lined preserving kettles HIP cheap, at , JOHN SPANGLER'S. - 11310 EST Quality of Wines and Liquo rs Tor medicinal purposes, at Dr. Landis'. A LL Kinds of Blanks, Deed's, &c. ti~Eeat EiLi office ATER COULEit 4 —i!oree;ain lined and Patent Zinc at J Nero alticrtizemtnts T O ADVERTISERS The facilities possessed by our firm for the transaction of the business of general adverti sing agents, are now generally admitted to bs superior to those of any sit-rifler establishment in this country. Our special contracts with most of the leading newspapers throughout the Eastern, Middle and Western States, give us advantages over all other agents, not only n the price at which we are enabled to een_ tract for, but the position we secure for our customers in the columns of the newspapers, and the promptness ano care with which all our advertisements are inserted. Pectoos in terested in advertising should make themselves acquainted with' our facilities before contract ing. We receive orders for all newspaperi at the most favorable ro tee. GEO. P. ROIVELL 4 - CO., GEC), P. ROWELL 4- Co., GE.O. P. 120IVELL A DYER ITSING AGENTS, ADVERTISING MIEN ADVERTISING AGENT: 40 PARK ROW 40 P 49 PARK ROW, NEW-YORK N ENV- Y ORK N EW-YORK R ODM IN, FISK CO., =a,a_al- - ...er =ll GOVERN :1:::NT .S.F.CLTRITIK.';, No. iS Nassau St., duy 1.11 , 14;ct lates. nt:6l ,v, - 5 r , enly t:!; ii it ; Notez, =i2rits ; C.)114 , 0-.11.1 Intert6t (11 ci:r.r of 7-30 Noto.s int 9 flat Ne.l , Este. Ile.)rje7.: , 'cc j oirclituw Yfl I ',CI' .11! It‘ = j.tet. t 2L~ke r¢ i:e~ ibsur.; crLou• .1 or fu, rtC .ill.et of 3:1 CQ.II. /A I) )1 FOY•A K 1 It r s 11:1'1111. othh 11(.: II) .410 411,1 the .1 . I or. ,•Ir.fi the 1-3aCOS 01 the upon the s!lnllh.!ir, in of the ioi:s ; impro- r.::e form svi!;flut ;i0; lacing; f*V5 , n , d is anic,red end recniamPod •‘'. by phy,icia! , s. Ninnuf3( turp , : D. B. DER Co, !'(i -iliit JrF'arfl ors. E GC A FTON Mineral. Paint Company I are no i; uran i,thri a; the bent coape.it nndA PINT in use ; lava curia Writ pa: 0: , , "yid] pate lirs: ed le. , r as ,5 iris of a hut iiiown, or to Cilor, aad can be changed to g uit ; , oat, °line, drab or cream, •,a Iris far t rn h To , Ag lcul tura l ? loine ri t, i i:armkgcmaior. and 010- C ruse, ktal g te [i n iar and cater_ 2r.e.] , sal urns, Ftc On .e iauce facti.aot ti svil uzed ithrreh the peat year) and as n pain: for nn y par 0 , , , ,, is uaietra.ised. Cur bud,,, ity, red eith,Aire - P 'aarreli 3001 Li which eat v;a:s eiele. ea.', for a ur- DEM szipp , s ce.se:; cuiar, which glvps brauLd 1 a turn Mineral. Rant. ,` -az.s D I.S i WELL, Proprietor, 254 N. V. " B =yoLd A ConVele Ili6tory of the Yea' States and TeTriZIO-lieS! From the great River to the great 0:ori. BY ALBERT D. RI - MIA RDSc. av nu 20,000 COPILS sOLD IN ONE Life and Adventures on Prairies, Mountains, and the Pacific coast. With over 200 de scriptive and Photoglaphie vie-vs cf the Scenery, Cities, l ands, Mints, People sod Curiosities of the New States & Territories . To pros itsive emigrants and settlers in _the "Par West" this History of that vast and fer tile re . t;ififi Will prove an ilvaluable assistance supplying as it does a want long felt of a full, authentic and relit guide to climate, soil, a products, means of trdvel, &e. AGENTS WA NTED. Send for ClifC , l ars and see our termg,and a full fifi,cription of - tile work. Address NA TIONAL PU 8L1.51.2.1NG Co., 507 Mit or-filo Pliii4delpilia, Pa, . ,LEGS by a ,4,., ND ur OAR .N n. ,1 1 S . e it i i l r a c e i e t i t i e t i s i in Ler,,s ritc4ing from $50,1111,4h all the improvements, up to the An' t itomical Leg, with lateral motion a Ankle, like natural one at $l5O. Two patents in ARMS, with new shoulde r motions, $75 to sl`4s. Send for painhiet . contains valuable information and isse nt free. er. Office. 053 Broadive.y, N. Y. Rochei N. Y.; Chicago, opposite the post nflice i clonal', 148 West Yourth-st.• St. Louis, 413 Pine-St. Address, ITJUGLA ' S IlLf, fi.l. P., at nearest office. Cie- Advertiseps' Gazette, Every Business _Man should lake L -.11(e 6'-' a 144 evogob Paid Offtce 1 4 - 0 ~pledent LI DAY Sq.llE: Vl, S,i. ERIM=M o