The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, August 03, 1867, Image 1

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Sarket Street, Marietta, Pa.
BRITTON & Mvssza, successors to Dr. F.
Finite, will continue the business at the old
stand, where they are daily receiving additions
to their stock, which are received from the
most reliable importers nd manufacturers.
They would respectfu a lly ask a liberal Milne
,i public patronage.
They are now prepared to supply the de
;,lands of the public with everything in their
line of trade. Their stock of
i'oe, alines ana Kicit t ors
Dye Stun of all kinds, Fancy and Toilet Ar
ticles of every kind, Alcoholic and Fluid
Extracts, Alcaloid and Ilesinoids, all
the best Trusses, Abdominal Sup
porters,Shoulder Braces, Breast
Pumps, Nipple Shells and
Shields, Nursing Bottles,
A large supply of
'tooth powder and Pastes, Oils, Perfumery,
Combs, Hair Dyes, Invigorators, &c.;
Coal Oil, Lamps, Shades, Chimneys, Wick , Sze,
Physicians supplied at reasons i.le rates,.
Medicines and Prescriptions carefully and ac
curately compounded all hours of the day and
eight, by Charles H. Britton, Pharmaceutist,
ho will pay especial attention to this branch
of the business. Having had over ten years
practical experience in the drug business ena
bles him to guarntee entire satisfaction to all
a ho may patron a ize the new firm.
flAssort's Compound Syrup of Tar, on
141),1 and for sale.
A lurge supply of School Books, Stationary,
&c.. always on hand.
'E'rono S to 10, a. m.,-12 to 2, and 5 to 6 p. in.
t'/ a, !I. Britton. A. Masser.
Marian', October 20, 1866. Iltf.
IL L. .5- E. J. ZAHM,
fr retuderts,
Corner of North Queen-St.,
and Centre Square, Lancaster, Fa.
at the
dtose l l o l w A es n t a g e as ijc h an ra tt e ni
We buy directly from the Imprters and Man
iseturers, and can, and do sell watches as
!ow as they can be bought in Philadelphia or
A tine stock of clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles,
and . Silver-plated ware constantly MI
biked. Every article fairly represented.
Corner North Queen Street and Centre Square
VY Nu,",Ess
- -
The most simple, complete and easily man-
Fged Sewing Machine now in use. It, does
every description of never stops at or
nee,ts to be helped overwork— seams, but does all
its Work rapidly and well. The needle re
quires no adjustment—you cannot get it in
t~ long-it makes any width of hem you wish
—does braiding beautifully. The Braider is
in the foot of every machine and pat of it.
and is always adjusted, nevergets out of place,
Call and examine them before purchasing
any other, at
H. L. St E. J. ZA.HIVI'S,
Corner North Queen street and Centre Square,
Sole Agents for Lancaster County.
Lancaster, February 17, 1866.4 f.
GEO. H. ETTLA, Accountant.
rut 11F. undersigned, a practical Accountant,
I respectfully offers his services, in the
Opening, Posting and Closing of Books, ex
amining and adjusting accounts; also to care
fully transact such other business pertaiLing
lo his profession that may be entrusted to his
eat e.
Ile is also agent for the Great Eas'ern De
tective Horse and Live Stock Insurance Corn
pony, cash capital $100;000. Insures Horses,
Mules, Cattle and Sheep, against loss by
Theft and Death, Fire, Accident or natural
Marietta, April 6,-ly.
First National Bank of Marietta.
-- - -
IS now prepared to transact all kinds of
The Board of Directors meet weekly, on
Wednesday, for discount and other business.
Bank /fours : ROM 9A.A1103 P. M•
JOHN HOLLINGER, Prizmnierur.
AlllOB BOWMAN, Cashier.
.F l .. .1-11.ra1r-le, L/1_
Physician and Surgeon,
T AV I NG removed to Columbia, would em-
I brace this opportunity of informing hie
ormer patients and ramifies in Marietta and
vicinity, that he can still be consulted daily,
between 2 and 3 o'clock in the afternoon, at
the residence of Mi. Thomas Stence. Any
word left there will be promptly attended to.
Marietta, April 1, 1867.-tf.
OFFICE:—Front street, next door to R
Williams' Drug Store, between Locust
and Walnut streets, Columbia.
H. S. TROUT, I. D.,
Offers his professional services to the citizens
of Marietta and vicinity.
OPYroz:—ln the Rooms formerly occupied
by Dr. F. Hinkle, Mark et-st., Marietta.
Surgeon Dentist, -
Spangler &h's Store, second floor,
opposite the Court House, where he will at
tend to thA,preetice of his profession in all its
.1. .ialr-STANDS., Meat Stands, Wine
Kegs, Tube, Buckets and Cedar-wale
I. U on hand at
Tiljt lII' afi,ttdalL
The Mariettian is publi,hed weekly,
at $1:50 a-year, payable in .advance.
Office in "Lindsay's Building," near
the Post office corner, Marietta, Lan
caster county, Pa.
Advertisements will be inserted at the
following rates : One square, ten. lines
or less, 75 cents for the first insertion,
or three times for $.1:50. Profession
al or Business Cards, of six lines or less,
$5 a-year. Notices in the reading col
umns, ten cents a-line ; general adver
tisements seven cents a-line for the first
insertion, and fir every additional in
sertion, four e nts. A liberal deduc
tion made to yearly advertisers.
Having put up a new Jobber press
and added a large addition of job type,
cuts, border, etc., will enable the estab
lishment to execute every descriptithi of
Plain and Fancy Printing, from the
' smallest card to the largest poster, at
short notice and reasonable rates.
For The Mariettian
lam arc They I
Where are no wtheoomPanions or your
boyhood, with whom you studied your
tortuous lessons at school, and enjoyed
your idle hours in sports and games,
while MI fledged manhood with all its
golden tinted hopes lay basking away in
the distant future? Travel the corridors
of memory for the history of those early
friends, and many will anise before your
mental vision, sprightly and buoyant
with the healthful glow of vigorous
youth, just emerging into the full sta
ture of manhood, surrounded with a
world teeming with the beautiful and
good, wherein every faoulty is afforded
boundless sources of culture and expan-
*lion, and before realizing the unfolding
possibilities profusely strewn around
The flitting panorama reveals them
scorched, withered and blighted, by the
seductive enchantment of exhilirating
drinks, transporting their beauty into
putrid grossness, and beguiling them
into deeper and deeper degredation•
until all the fine traces of humanity are
lost in the corroding lusts that makes
the human form an object of such loath
someneA, that death at last kindly inter
poses to remove Oe plague spot from the
eight of sorrow stricken friends. And
why is it that you have escaped this
consuming %ice' it is not because of
no inherent virtue that made you invul
nerable to its onslaughts. Others as
well fortified by strong resistence will
and power, have been inveigled into
its snares, nor realized their danger
until they were carried beyond the reach
of succor. Yon have breasted the
surging tempest that has carried many
of your companions before its fury, only
because a combination of favorable cir-
cumsta• ces have been your bulwark o&
defence against the almost resistless
power of this corrupting usage. It is
not surprising th.t the victims are so
numerous, but a wonder that so many
escape its manifold forms of enticement.
In no previous age has this world been
cursed with a vice of such magnitude as
this that is now insinuating itself into
favor through every conceivable name,
and under the assumed disguise of every
healing virtue, gaining most ready ac- ,
cess to those who from affliction are
least able to withstand its inroads upon
their constitutional vigor, decoying them
by the flattering hope of finding health
in the poisoned chalice that impartee
the flush and glow of a consuming fever
alternating with the tremulous wretch
edness of hopeless despondency.
This wide spread assault upon the
citadel of life, is endangering the safety
of every human being, and threatens
the perpetuity of the nation. How long
shall this course continue to riot upon
the common welfare of our country, is
for you with whom abides the shaping
of its destiny to determine. Are yon
willing to see this devastation.of your
countrymen continued from year to year
unabated or are you prepared , to strike
down the invidious foe before your own
household shall be smitten by its venom.
The present emergency demands prompt
and decissiveaction, unity and well direc
ted effort will accomplish the deliverance
of the nation from this besetting sin.
All should hasten to the rescue who
desire to see our unequaled institutions
transformed unsullied by our vice's to
the generation soon to assume its duties
and responsibilities. And we shall then
have exhibited a spirit of patriotism
that will unfold countless blessings
non our posterity. B.
A lady said to a little boy on•looking
at a very correct ambrotype of the
latter, "Why, .Arthur, is this you t"
n afgagenkut tlanogibania 3ournat for the None girth.
The Admirable Crichton.
James Crichton wee born in Pertl(._
shire, Scotland, August 21, 1551, and
studied at the university of St. Andrews.
After he completed his course of studies,
be traveled on the continent, exciting
wonder everywhere he went by the
extent and variety of his learning. He
is said to have spoken and written
nearly twenty languages, and main
tained public discussions with the most
learned professor in every city to which
he came, as was customery at that time.
What seemed still more remarkable, he
was not more skilled in the various in
tellectual branches of knowledge, than
he was in athletic exercises. Few men
could run, jump, wrestle, ride or fence
with him without establishing his
superiority, while his skill in music was
the wonder of those who knew him.
He was called from the universality of
his geniu;, The Admirable Crichton.
Paris, Rome, Venice, and Pages were
witnesses of his triumphs. Having set.
tied in Mantua, where be killed in a
single combat a great prize fighter, who
had previously killed three men, he was
appointed by the Duke of Mantua tutor
to his son, Prince Gonzaga a wild and
dissolute young man. He, envious of
the high qualities and jealous of the supe
riority of Crichton, took an opportunity
during the carnival, when masks are
almost universally used, to attack him
with five of his followers. The strength,
agility and skill of Crichton, however,
made him more than a match for them.
He disarmed or disabled them one after
another, and when the last begged his
life, he found him to be his pupil, the
prince. He immediately returned the
sword, apologizing to him for the rough
treatment he had received from him.
The prince, availing himself of the
opportunity afforded him by the other
being entirely off his guard, in the
most ungrateful and treacherous man
ner, ran him through the heart. Thus
perished oue of the most singularly
gifted men that the world ever produced.
His .death occurred on the lst of July,
1582, in his 31st year.
New York on Sunday.
One of the most interesting features
of New York life is the Sandal; barge
experience of some 20,000 of its inhabi
tants. The Times says that on last
Sunday, between the hours of nine and
eleven, fifteen large sized barges passed
the Fulton Ferry. On each there was
a large and apparently jolly crowd of
men, women and children. Some were
dancing to the livery music of a band.
some were promenading, others sitting
quietly with cigar, paper or book. Oc
casionally troubles arise among the
passengers, but as a rule the great pro.
portion of them are in family partieli,
and it being for the gentiral interest
that order should reign, the best of good
fellowship is maintained. On some of
the barges regular bars are opened, on
others only edibles, lemonade and soda
water aro provided, but a barge without
a band would be voted slow and mean,
and ever after would be tabooed by the
large and decorous class which avail
themselves of such accommodations for
a day's recreation.
An eccentric man in Bath, Me.,
was asked to aid a foreign mission. He
gave a quarter of a dollar, but stopped
the agent as he was departing, and said
—"here's a dolor to pay the expense
of getting the quarter to the heathen."
A gentleman who takes common
sense views of things, being recently
asked his opinion of a poetic individual,
replied, "Oh, be is one of those men who
have soarings after the infinite, and
divings after the unfathomable, but
who never pays cash."
A. lady in Paris recently gave a con
cert at her house. "Do yat like Ros
sini ?" said she to one of her guests.—
"Rossini ? indeed I do ; he is my favor
ite composer." "Are you familiar with
his 'Barber' (of Seville) ?" "Oh, dear,
no," was the reply ; "I always shave
At a recent Fourth of July celebra
tion in Marion, Co., 111., a young lady
offered the following toast : "The young
men of America—Their arms our pro
tection, our arms their rewards ; fall in,
men, fall in 1"
A priest asked a tipsy fellow, leaning
against a fence, where he expected to
go when be died. "If I can't go any
better then than now," said he, "I shan't
go anywhere."
It often happens, when the husband
fails to be home to dinner, that it is one
.f is ast days.
Guilty, but Drunk.
The business of the court was drawing
to a close, when one morning a rough
sort of a customer was arraigned on a
charge of stealing.
After the clerk had read the indict
ment tolim, he put the question :
"Guilty, or not guilty ?"
'Guilty, but drunk, your honor,"
answered the prisoner.
"What's the plea?" asked the Judge,
half dozing on the bench.
"He pleads guilty, but says he was
drunk," replied the clerk.
"What is the charge against the man?"
demanded the Judge.
"le is indicted for grand larceny,"
replied the clerk.
"What's the case ?"
"May it please your honoi," said- the
prosecuting attorney, "the man is regu
larly indicted for stealing a large sum of
money from Mr. Christopher Sterret, of
the Columbus Hotel."
"He is, hey 1 and pleads—"
"He pleads guilty and drunk."
The Judge was , now fairly aroused.
"Guilty, but drunk—that is a most ex
traordinary plea. Young man, are you
certain you were drunk 2"
"Yes, sir."
"Where did you get the liquor ?"
"At Sterret's."
"➢id yon get none anywhere else?"
"Not a drop."
"You got drunk on his liquor, and
then stole the money r
Yee, sir."
"M r. Prosecutor," sa!d the Judge, "do
me the favor to enter in that man's case
a nolle prosequi. That liquor at Stet
rots is just enough to make any man
steal from his grandfather. I got drunk
on it myself the other day, and stole
Sterret's spoons. Mr. Sheriff, please
release the prisoner. Adjourn the
ing account of a wonderful clock is cop
ied from an old publication, dated 1769.
it shows how the people of that age
endeavored to get ahead of time byre_
lating marvelous stories. 'Some fifty
years before,' says the report, 4 a clock
was constructed by a Genevan mechanic
named Droz, capable of performing a
variety of surprising movements, which
were - affected by the figures of a negro,
a shepherd and a dog. When the clock
struck, the shepherd played six tunes
on hie flute, and the dog approached
wad fawned upon him. This clock was
exhibited to the King of Spain who was
highly delighted with the ingenuity of
the artist. The King at the request of
Droz. took an apple cut of the shepherd's
basket, when the dog started up and
barked. so loud that the King's dog,
which was in the same room, began to
bark also.
lir A South Carolina paper says : An
old negro woman, on Tuesday last, gave
a letter to the mail agent on the Caroli
na train, at a station near Branchville,
and asked him to send it for her. The
agent said the letter must be stamped.
The old woman became indignant, said
the darker; were free, and "whar de use
of freein' de culled pussmis of you don't
free de letters, too," and finally yelled
out, "how many stamps he want, eh V'
The mail agent said "three I" Down
went the letter and down went the old
woman's heel. "Dar I Dar 1 Dar I Dar's
three stamps, dat snuff, eh 1" She was
in angry earnest, and the bystanders
were amused accordingly. The agent
saw the joke, volunteered to pay the
money stamp, and thus doubly stamped,
the letter was sent to its destination.
. . -
""Illustrated with cuts V' said Milli
ebievous young urchin, as he drew his
knife across the leaves of his grammar.
"Illustrated with cots I" repeated the
schoolmaster, as he- drew his rattan
across the back of the mischivous urchin.
The printer who was fined $2OO in
lowa for Imaging a girl -inchurch, mar
ried her and was therefore released from
the penalty. That is - what you might
call jumping out of the frying pan into
the fire.
A farmer eaw an advertised receipt to
prevent wells and cisterns from freezing.
fie sent his money and received the
following sower : "Take in your well
or cistern on cold nights, and keep it by
the fire."
.. -
A country editor describing the bon
nets tow in fashion says : "They have a
downward slant that reminds .one of _a
vicious cow with i board across her
The most troublesooie Nob aro those
who have some wit.
Women Watchmakers,
Twenty thousand Swiss women earn
a comfortable living by watch making.
They make the movements, and even
mostly put them together. A few wo
men are finishers. The English Wo- '
man's Review says : "Geneva has re
fused to employ women, and totally lost
the watch trade. • Noite of the so:called
Geneva watches are made therb, but in
Neufchatel, where . women have always
been employed."
A traveler says : "We See women at
tbe.head of some of the heaviest manu
factories of Switzerland and France, in
the watch and jewelry line." In Eng
, land, women are employed in one Lou•
don establishment, and in several prin
cipal towns. Five hundred women are
employed at Christ Churclein making
interior chains for chronometers.
American watches are made by ma
chinery, while those imported are made
by hand. The Waltham Watch Com.
pany employs two hundred artisans, of
whom seventy-five are women. tome
Swiss women in Camden, N. .T., make
inside work for watches. In Boston,
women cut the teeth of chronometer
and watch wheels, earning from $4 to
$6 a week. Delicacy of touch, prac
tice, and great care are needed. A.
Waltham overseer says men earn double
what women do, for they do more diffi
cult work, are more thoughtful and
contriving, more self-reliant and strong
er; and besides it is the custom to pay .
women less for the same work.
MEN AND WOMEN.—Men love things
—as facts, possessions; and estates ; and
women, persons ; bud while a man re
gards only abstract scientific facts,
woman looks only at the person in wham
they are embodied. Even in childhood
t.e little girl loves an imitation of hu
e anity—her doll—and works for it; the
boy gets a hobby-horse or tools, and
works with them. But the noblest
quality wherewith nature has endowed•
woman for the good of the world is love
—that love which seeks no sympathy
and no return. The child is the object
of love and kisses and watching, and
answers them only by complaint and
anger ; and the feeble creature that
requires the most repays the least. But
the mother goes on ; her love only
grows stronger the greater the need
and the unthankfulness of its object ;
and while fathers prefer the strongest of
their children, the mother feels more
love for the feeble and gartulons.
Two tune of pride end impudence,
One scruple next of modesty and Bence,
Two grains of truth; of falsehood and
And insincerity a hundred weight
Infuse into the skull, of Huai* , wit
And empty nonsense quantum sufficit.
To make the composition quite complete,
Throw in the appearance 'of a grand
A lofty cane, a sword with silver hilt,
A ring, two watches, and a snuff box gilt,
A gay, effeminate, embroidered vest,
With suitable attire—probatum est.
or The Boston" Journal says that
a few mornings since a merchant was
seen walkieg down Milk street, appar-
ently in great haste to reach his store.
A neighbor shouted at him as he passed,
inquiring if he expected to find a custo
mer waiting for him. 'Oh, no,' replied
the merchant, 'haven't seen one for a
week ; but you know there are three
partners in our concern, and as there
are only two chairs in the counting
room, I want to be on hand to secure
®' An old toper addresses hie bottle
"'Tis very strange that you and I
Together cannot pull;
For you are full when I am dry,
And dry when I am full."
A professional begger-boy, some ten
years of age, ignorant of the art of read
ing, bought a card to place on his breast,
and: appeared in, the public streets as a
!Voor widow, with eight email children."
There are thirty pounds of blood in
the human frame, and two hnndred o and
forty-eight bones. Women have the
same number, not including whalebones.
The man who has got into the habit
of bowing to every one he , meets, may
he safely set down as a nod fellow.
Why is the hridegroom worth more
than the bride ? Because she is given
away, and he is sold.
Why is a prosy preacher like the
I middle of a wheel ? Because the fellows
around him are tired.
VOL. XIII.-NO. 52.
Stuff for Smiles.
"Will you keap an eye on my horse,
John, while I step in this store ?"
"Yes, sir."
Stranger goes in, comes out, and Ends
his horse missing.
"Where is my horse, John ?"
"He's rnnn'd away, sir."
"Didn't I tell you to take care of him,
yon young scamp?"
"No, sir; you told me to keep my eye
on him, and I did, till he got clean out
of eight 1"
A gentleman once asked what is wo
men, when a married man replied : "Sbe
is an essay on grace, in one volume ele•
gently bound. Although it may be
dear, every man should have a copy of
Some time since a gentleman died in
the town of X —, who, during his life,
refused to believe in another world.—
Two or three weeks after his demise
his wife received through a medium a
communication which read se follows :
"Dear wife, I now believe, Please send
me my thin clothes."
A bashful young man escorted an
equally bashful young lady. As they
approached the dwelling of the damsel
she said entreatingly, "Jehiel, don't tell
any body you boomed me home." "Sary,
don't you mind," said he, emphatically,
"I'm as much ashamed of it as you are.'
Billy went into a hardware store
"You sell all sorts of nails here 1" said
be to the obliging gentleman behind the
counter. "Yes, my little man, all sorts
of nails." Says Billy, take a pound
of toe nails, if you please."
Exit Billy, sharply followed by a set
of toe-nails, done up in a heavy boot.
"I never shot a bird in my life," said
Patrick to Dennis. Dennis replied,
"For my part, I never shot anything in
the shape of a bird, except a squirrel,
which I killed with a stone, when it fell
into the river and was drowned.
"John," said a stingy old hunks to his
hired man, as he was taking dinner, "do
you know how many pancakes ,yon have
eaten V'
"You've eaten fourteen l" - -
'Well," said John, "yon'connt lad I'll
"Say ,Pomp, you nigger, where you get
dat new hat?"
"Why, at de shop, ob course."
"What am de price ob such an article
as dat ?"
"I don't know, nigger-1 don't know,
de shopkeeper wasn't dar."
"My friend, don't yon know it is very
dangerous tq take a nap while the cars
are in motion ?"
by no I" exclaims astonished in •
dividual, suddenly waking up, "why so 7"
"Because this train rune over sleep-
A. young lady at Newport, who was
about leaving the gay and festive scene
which the parlors of the . "Ocean" pre
sented, with the Intention of retiring
for the night, turned to her friend and
remarked :
"Well, Mary, I've seen all the clothes,
and everybody has seen mine, so 1 shall
now go up stairs. Good night."
Biddy, while on a begging expedition,
was asked by a lady, if she had any
children. "Yes, mom," replied Biddy,
with great readiness, "I'm the mother of
an orphan.
"Pat, if Mr. Jonen, comes before l iny
return, tell him I will meet him at two
o'clock." "Ay, ay. sir ; but what shall
I tell him if be don't come Z'
Can any reasonable doubt be enter
tained of the stability of a bank whose
directors always show a great reserve
when questioned about its affairs.
How to make ice cream. Oar Pat
rick bee found out the way. He says
"they jiat bake it in a freezin' cowid
Dr. Holmes says that easy-crying wid
ows take new husbands soonest ; there
is"nothing like wet weather for trans
A circus actor who can touch his head
and feet together is a frugal person, as
he never tails to "make ends meet."
A puppy always plays with eves
puppy he meetsl but old dogs have fe
"Mum" is used as a title for ladies
on account of their well known love of
What kiwi of a hors is easiest seen
throilgh? A greenhorn.
Whew is, a lawyer like a donkey?
When be's drawing a conveyance.