The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, July 27, 1867, Image 6

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I Ile "i„:„ariettian,
Saturday Morning, July 17, 1867.
sr The Anderson (Tains) Record
gives the particulars of a most distress_
ing case of death which occurred in
Madison county recently : Mrs. Metcalf,
who was nearly a hundred years of age,
and one of the very first settlers of
Madison county, while returning from.
a visit to a neighbor took the wrong
road, which led to the beuse of a Mr.
Simms. Approaching the house, prob
ably with a view to stop for the,night,
she being weary of walking, this poor
old lady was attackrd by a pack of sav
age doge, and was bitten in many places,
and had her flesh terribly torn by the
terrible animals. One arm was torn
from the body, and her,breast and throat
almost eaten np. She expired soon
afterwards. It seemed there was no
one at the house to keep the dogs off.
Mr. Simms returned home about sun
down and found the old lady lying on
the ground, outside the yard.
or A young man at Janesville, Wie.,
who had been unwell for some days,
started to go to his home across the
fields, and it is supposed, stopped to get
a drink at a pool where peat had been
taken out. The indications are that as
be leaned forward with his lips to the
water, hie hands slipped and he went
head-foremost into the slough, for he
was found with his head in the mud and
his feet elevated in the air.
Q Mr. B. B. Cox has left Washing
ton, not having made much headway
with his attempt to get the Democracy
to nominate General Grant for the Pres
idency in advance. He thinks they
will take up G. H. Pendleton, but, as
he says the Delocratic party has been
virtually defunct for fodr years, there is
not the remotest chance for them with
any one.
ice' The Rev. Dr. Todd, of Pittsfield,
says that the root of the great error of
our day is, that woman is to be made
independent and self-sapporting—pre
niggly what she can never be, because
God never designed she should be. Her
support, her dignity, her beauty, her
honor, and happiness lie in her depend
ence as wife, mother, and daughter.
or In the Luzern° district Mr. Geo.
W. Woodward has a competitor for the
Democratic nomination for Congress in
the person of Mr. George Sanderson,
of Scranton. Twenty years ago this
gentleman was State Senator from the
Bradford district, but removed to
Scranton, where he is engaged in bank
ar Section fourth of the new recon
struction act confirms the action of
Glens. Sheridan, Sickles, Pope and oth
ers in all that they have already done .in
removing rebel officials, and makessit
their imperative duty to remove all who
are disloyal or use their influence , against
the government.
sar A Frenchman named Landry, re
siding in Waltham, 'Vt., took a sick
countryman under his reef, provided for
him a doctor, and nursed him until he
recovered. He was rewarded by the
absconding of the ungrateful wretch
with all his money and a new suit of
or Emma 0. Moore. an orphan girl,
residing in Atlanta, Ga., having guar•
reled with her lover, took poison and
then plunged into the river. She was
rescued from the water by a policeman,
but died soon after. She was but 15
years old.
iffir They tell of one of the onterrifled
at Bridgeport, Conn., who was especial
ly eager to see the Presidential party,
exclaiming, as he rushed up to the car,
"I don't Wire shocks about Johnson;
it's Parson Nasby that I want to see."
sr The St. Louis Journal is authori•
ty for the assertion that many of the
leading Democrats of the country are
polling the political wires to place Gen.
McClellan once more in nomination for
the Piesidency.
fir One of "ye fierce Democracie" of
New • Haven, when asked what he
thought of the President, replied, "He's
a noble looking man, a splendid _figure
of a man ; he's got a forehead like an
Ox l"
or The Luzerne Union nominates
Judge Woodward as the Democratic
candidate for Congressional representa
tive, to emceed Hon. Charles Denni
son, deceased. -
B It is a curious filet that both can
. ,
didates for Supreme . Judge.are 'Mem
in the Presbyterian Church4 . o4e
SharswOod the Old Scheer Branch,
Judge William iwthe New.
fir Mierles Weiser, a wealthy banker
fir The Ladies Friend for August
opens with a piquant steel engraving of
a rustic maiden holding, eggs up to the
light to see if they are fresh. The fash
ion plate for this month is a group of
six young misses beautifully designed
and colored. Then we have numerous
engravings devoted to the fashions,
coiffures, bead collar, hats and bonnets,
peplums, dresses, children's costumes
paletote, &c. The literary contents are
very choice. An illustrated article
shows what pretty things in the way of
vases, &0., can be made from common
egg-shells. Specimen numbers 'of the
magazine will be sent for twenty cents.
Price, per annum, $2,50 ; one copy of
the Lady's Friend and one of the Satyr
day Evening Post $4,00. Address Dew
eon & Peterson, 319 Walnut Street,
se- Moses Ooker, an old colored cit
izen of Caroline county, Md., died at
his residence in the First district, last
week. aged 103 years. The Denton
Union says he was respected by our
white citizens who knew him as a man
of truth, promptness and punctuality in
all his dealings. He had acquired con
siderable property, owning at the time
of his death some three or four farms.
His estate is estimated at about $l5,
000, which he leaves to his children and
far Hon. John Kasson, late Repre
sentative in Congress from lowa, and
now commissioner from the United
States, appointed to visit England and
France and confer with the authorities
as to the best means of reducing the
postage between these nationalities and
the United States, is now in Europe.
His efforts have been successful to a
great degree, and there is every proba
bility that the international postago will
be reduced one half.
sr The District of Columbia, since
the seat of Government was first estab
lished there, has witnessed' a fearful
mortality among newspapers. Over one
hundred have been started, of which bat
nine survive. These are the Globe, the
National Intelligencer, Chronicle, the
Express, the Star, the Constitutional
Union, the Times, Republican, and the
Georgetown Courier.
skg- The Pen and Pencil is the title
of a new work published in New York
weekly, it has sixteen pages of right
good reading matter and may be had
for 10 cents a number. With each
number will be sent a ticket which is
liable to draw trom 1.00 to $lO,OOO in
greenbacks, for full particulars address
T. R. Dawley & 0o." No. 21 Ann et.
New York.
or Late advices from Vera Cruz
state .that the body of Maximilian will
be delivered to the Austrian legation.
The remains of the ex-Emperor are now
on their way to Vera Cruz, and will be
put on board the Austrian steam frigate
Elizabeth, which is due about the Ist
of. August. The body was embalmed
immediately after the execution.
eir John L. Goddard, Esq., an old
and well-known citizen, died at his resi
dence in West Philadelphia on the 23rd
inst. Mr. Goddard occupied the rank
of Grand Master of the Order of Free
Masons in the State. He was also an
active Manager of the House of Refuge
and other charitable institutions.
The eight hour law, recently
adopted by the Wisconsin Legislature,
went into effect on the 4th inst. Thus
far it has made no change, as the work
ing men prefer to work in the old style
of ten hours per day,. rather than the
new at a proportionate redaction of
or The story of Payne having made
a written confession, and its now being
in the War Department is untrue. He
refused up to the very last moment to
divulge anything that would inculpate
others, bat stated that comparatively
few of the conspirators have been taken.
"Healing on its wiags," say all
who have made use of Dr. Wistar's Sal
aam of Wild Cherry, and by such use
been cured of coughs, colds, bronchitis.
sore throat, influenza or consumption.
The prudent will always keep this stand
ard remedy by them.
l ir It has long been known _that Gar
ibaldi was planning another_ expedition
against Rome.. He. has now issued a
manifesto, by which he,deciares that his
sons and friends will'fight for the liber
ty of Rome.
siir In a London paper is advestised
for sale "a manuscript copy of the-Holy
Bible, written in a neat legible hand -by
an old gentleman between: his•seventieth
and eightieth year, and now to be dis
posed of for the benefit of his family."
far Dr. Robinson, of Bennington,
Mich., died on. Sunday night of last
week, in cotinignenoe of sprinkling chlo
roform upon his pillow to prodcce sleep.
or In making removalirffoin the War
Department; Beeretary Stanton has 'or
derod tp give soldiers the preference
()tier atiliatts in retaining clerks.
sr One of the female visitors at 81`ar.
stags Efrings appeared in seven differ
on tho_first day,affolmviait&
L.x - r&THE M.A.II,.rIL'TTIANA-9.)
Milos fit latitf.
Meerschaum pipes in Paris are made
of potatoes and turnips dried.
Santa Anna's gold epaulettes, worth
$l,OOO were stole on board the Virginia.
Gen. Sickles drives out in Charleston
with four black homes and four silver
mounted harnesses.
Lincoln University at Oxford, Pa., for
colored students, has four new professor
ships, with endowments of $20,000 each.
The negroes of Richmond, in caucus
assembled, hive decided to run colored
candidates for Mayor and Councilmen.
Maximilian, in his will, left to the
families of Miramon and Mejia one.hun•
dyed thousand dollars each.
Another dwarf wedding, between little
Nutt and Minnie Warren, is on the
The State Capital;of Nebraska; to be
hereafter located, is to be named in
honor of President Lincoln.
The colored men in portions of the
south are agitating for a negro Vice
In the month of June 179,107 men
women end children cleaned themselves
in the free bathe of Boston.
Henry Ward Beecher has consented
to the publication of a volume of anec
dotes relating to himself.
In ten years, from 1845 to 1855, Ches
ter county paid damages for sheep kill
ed loy dogs, amounting to $13,462,37.
A young freedman in Charleaton has
applied to Secretary Stanton for an ap
pointment as cadet at West Point from
South Carolina.
Miss Margaret Fox, the lady whose
name is so intimately associated with
that of Dr. Kane, is about to resume her
spiritual manifestations.
Elias Polk, (colored) for many years
the body servant of President Polk, is
spoken of as a conservative candidate
for the Tennessee Legislature.
A new use has been discovered for
crude petroleum. Saturate rags with it
and put them in rat holes, and the rate
will leave the premises.
There are at the Mongols Academy,
in Massachusetts, six Japanese students,
who are spoken of as intelligent and
A bridal balloon ascension was made
at Pittsburg last week, and the mar
riage ceremony performed at a consider
able distacce above terra Erma.
At a grand ball given in London, no
tice was given to every one attending,
that their tickets would entitle them "to
drink wine during the entire evening."
The Salt Lake City Vidette com
plains of a fearful stagnation of business
there, and attributes no small share of
it to the Mormon crusade against Gen
tile merchants settled in Utah.
An experimental house, eleven stories
high, is being built in Paris. It wilt
have no staircase, the tenants are to
ascend on a hydraulic elevator which
goes up and down once a minute.
At Middletown, Ct., a few days since,
a young lady was killed by the mistake
of a druggist, who mixed laudanum in
stead of rhubarb in a prescription pre
pared for her.
The directors of a railroad in New
Jersey are said to have offered to par
ties who will build on the line of their
road, a free pass over it from three to
five years.
A road locomotive was successfully
fried in the streets of Rome, recently,
the experiment being made under the
direction of the artillery officers of the
Pont( ficial staff.
The two sons of Eben C. Andrews,
of Cagleld, Me., aged fifteen and seven
teen years, were diowned on Saturday,
while bathing. They were found on the
following day, locked in each other's
arms, in the bed of the river.
On Wednesday the 3rd inst., during a
thunder storm the residence of Mr.
Joseph Hanna, of Lock Haven, Pa., was
struck by lightening, instantly killing
his daughter aged eleven years and
prostrating himself insensible for some
At Prague, recently, an American,
apparently insane, created a disturbance,
and was sent to a madhouse. After his
release he maid that he had pretended
insanity so,that he.might obtain an in
side view of the celebrated asylum to
which he was sent.
Mr. and Mrs. Moore, of London, wbo
take a great interest in the blind, have,
with great success, taught a great num
ber of blind women to use sewing ma
chines. Quilted satin petticoats and
gauze dresses are as well finished in
,every detail self sight guided the workers' r tizen of Brooklyn avers that if
thlrfine of $lOO for the discharge of
any gun, pistol, fowling piece or other
firti•arms in the streets had been en
'for-ea—in that, chi the FOiirth,
enough money , would - havi been coltect
ed before midday to hat discharge 4
ar The last accounts from Europe
say the Empress Charlotte is hopelessly
insane, she cannot now, be loft alone.
Two attempts have recently been made
upon her life. Nevertheless she has,
for a few moments, full possession of her
faculties. In one of these lucid intevals
lately she said : "I do not desire to live
any longer; death is preferable to such
an existence ;" then, after a short pause,
she asked : "Where is my husband ?
Shall I never see him more ? No, no ;
he is dead, and I AM still left in the
world," Scarcely a quarter of an hour
passes that the Empress does not ask
for news from the Emperor Maximilian.
sr In Italy about one third of the
whole number of laborers engaged in
agricultural pursuits are women. In
her manufactories 1,692,740 females and
1,379,605 males find employment. 'Out
of 531,435 artists; nearly one fourth are
women. There are 256,406 female land
ed proprietors there, and 313,497 maid
servants. In France nearly oae half
the labor of almost all kinds is perform
ed by females.
s i r Farm hands are wanted in the
West, and the demand for them comes
from all quarters. The enormous crop
now ready . for the harvest will require,
to properly secure it, more hands than
can be procured in the West, and this
affords a splendid opportunity to the
thousands of men out
. of work in the
Eastern cities, who- are unsuccessfully
going from one store to another solicit
ing employment.
sr Attorney General Stanberry says
that the veto message of the President
on. the Reconstruction bill, attributed to
him, was written by Judge Black, of
Pennsylvania, at the, President's re
quest. This same Jerry Black was
Attorney General under Buchanan, and
gave the opinion that the Federal Gov
ernment could not prevent the States
from seceding.
W. Robert Toombs, of Georgia, one
of the most notorious rebels in the
South, has been pardoned by the Presi
dent. It will please some of the cop
perheads of this county to know that he
recently said, "I regret nothing in the
past but the dead and the failure, and I
am to-day ready to use the best means
I can command to establish the princi
ples for which I fought."
or Switzerland has 3,500,000 inhabi-
Lots and 345 scientific and literary
publications, while France, with ten
times the population, has but about 500
journals and magazines. The solution
of this is the fact that in Switzerland
the people all receive some education,
and consequently can read, and take
the papers, while in France less than
one half can read.
ear A man named Stokey iivnow liv
ing at Milberne Port, near Sherborne,
in Dorsetshire, England, who fought at
the battle of Waterloo. He is seventy
seven years of age, and has had three
wives, and ten children by each. All
the children are alive. Stokey'a birth
day is the 18th of Tune—Waterloo
ar A man in Wisconsin has a patent
sheep-shearing machine which-operates
just like a reaper or mower, and mows
a swath an inch-and a half wide. The
motion is got by means of a little wind
engine in the handle, which is to be
driven by a little force pump or bellows
forcing wind into it by a flexible tube.
or A negro soldier, a private of one
of the West India regiments, which are
composed entirely of blacks, officered
by whites, has just received the "Victor
ia Cross" for bravery in the field. This
is the first instance in which such a dis
tinction has been conferred on a colored
soldier in the British service. .
sir Among the rumors prevalent in
Utah is one that Brigham Young has
promised to abolish polygamy as scmis
as the Union is reconstructed. It will
be curious if the burial of one of the
"twin relics of barbarism" proves the
signal for the relinquishment of the
gar A step-mother whipped the five
year old child of. Charles Parkhurst, of
Sterling, Illinois, nearly to ,death. She
beat it and smothered it with'a pillow
till life was nearly extinct, when the
neighbors took - the child away from her
andfound its back literally cut to pieces.
ear It is announced that fractional
currency of the denomination of fifteen
cents will be issued in a few weeks. The
face of the note will bear likenesses of
Generals Grant and Sherman, and the
back will be green, with the figure " . 1"
on each side.
1 "The immortal J. N.," famed for
hie visit to Jeff. Davis and other peculi
arities, has astonished us, says the Lo
cal of the Press, by a call in our sanctum,
a few days since. J. N.-still lives.
Q Johnson ie represented as "highly
indignant" at Attorney General Stan
bery for having divulged the fact that
Jerry Black wrote the veto of- the. Mili
tary Reconetruction bill.
or Horace- Gresly says Lie notnina
Veil by the President as Minister to
Xpuial. Notitts.
Dom' Dr. Scantiest's Mandrake Pills a sub
stitute for Calomel. These Pills are composed
of various roots, having the power to relax the
secretions of the liver as promptly and effect-T
-uohy as blue pill or mercury, and without pro
ducing any of those disagreeable nr dangerous
effect; which often follow the use of the latter.
In all bilious disordeis these pills may be
used with confidence, as they promote the dis
charge of vitiated bile, and remove those ob
structions from the liver and biliary ducts,
which are the cause of bilious affections in
general. " -
Schenck's Mandrake Pills cure sick head
ache, and ail disorders of the liver, indicated by
sallow skin, coated tongue, costiveness,-drow
siness and a keneral feeling of weariness and
hissituder showini.thatibe liver is in a torpid
or obstructed 'condition.
In short, these pills may be used with advan
tage in all cases when a purgative or alterative
medicine. is requu ed.
Please ask for "Dr. Schenck's Mandrake
Pills," and observe that the two likenesses of
the Doctor are on the government stamp—one
when in the last stage of Consumption—the
other in his present health.
Sold by all druggists and dealers. Puke 25
cents per box., Principal office, No. 15 N. 6th
street, Philadelphia, Pa.
General Wholesale Agents :—Demas Barnes
& co., 21 Park-Row, N. Y.; S. S. Hance, 108
Baltimore-st., Baltimore, Md.; John D. Park,
N. E. Cor. 4th and Walnut, Cincinnati, Ohio;
Walker & Taylor, 134 and 136 Wabash Ave
nue, Chicago, 111; Collins Bros., S. W. Corner
Second and Vine, St. Louis, 110.
Will the thousands who read columns of
frivolous verbiage every day devote five min
utes to the perusal of a few facts which con
cern them neatly? Our text is Health, and we
will put our commentary into a nutshell.—
Weakness is indirectly the cause of all sick
ness ; for if nature be strong enough to resist
the morbid influences which produce illness,
Of.course they are powerless. Seek strength,
therefore. Invigoratc, and regulate the sys
tem. When the quicksilver ranges from 80 to
96 degtees in the shade, the most athletic are
enfeebled, and the weak are prostrated. It is
at such 4 time that such• an invigorator as
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is urgently needed.
What are the effects of this rare Vegetable
Tonic? Would that all who have known its
benefits could condense their experience into
this paragraph. They would tell the healthy,
to protect their health they must use this great
safeguard against the debilitating influences.
They would exhort the weak to discard all
unmedicated and impure stimulants and cling
to this wholesome and unfailing tonic and
alterative as the shipwrecked mariner would
cling to a raft is a stormy sea. They would,
of dyspeptic pangs relieved, of appetite res
tored, of shattered nerves re-str^ng, of head
aches cured, of disordered functions regulated,
of hypochondria dissipated, miasmatic dis
eases baffled, of fever and ague cured, of
liver complaints arrested, of heat, privation
and toil defied, of hope re-t nimated, and cheer
fulness restored. Such are the effects of HOS
tette: 's Bitters.
To Consumersves.—The advertiser, having
been restored to health in a few weeks, by a
very sim ple
.. remedy, after having suffered for
several years with a severe lung affection, and
that dread disease Cousumotion—is anxious to
make known to his fellow-au& rers the means
of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a
copy of the prescription used (free of charge)
with the directions for preparing and using
the same, which they will find a SURE CURE
for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs,
Colds, and all throat and lung affections. The
only object of the advertiser in sending the
prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and
spread information which he conceives to be
invaluable, end be hopes every sufferer will
try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing,
and may prove a blessing. Pasties wishing
the prescription, free, by return mail, will
please address Rev. EDWARD A. WiLson,
• Williamsburgh, Kings Co., N. Y.
In the coral caves sea-green is said to
be the prevailing color, and the
Fish-tailed Maidens
sit on the rocks and comb their green locks
assiduously. But the
Belles of Earth
prefcr glossy browns and shining blacks to
any other tinges, and if nature has cot given
their fair heads these beautiful hues, or if
mischance has robbed them of their once ex
quisite beauty, they don't cry about it, but
resort at once to
(hristadoro's Hair Dye,
which in five minutes does all that nature
ever did for any head in her happiest mood.
Manufactured 'by J. Christadoro, 68 Maiden
lane, New York. Sold by all Druggists.
Applied by all Hair Dressers.
11:1- Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh, trea
ted with the utmost success, by J. ISAACS,
M. D., Oculist and Aurist, (former]) of Ley
den, Holland,) No. 519 PINE st., Philadel
phia. Testimonials from the most reliable
sources in the city and country Can be:scen at
his office. The medical faculty are invited tc
accompany their patients, as he has no, secrets
in his praclicc. Artificial Eyes inserted with
out pain, No charge for examination. •
FREE TO Ev EBY BODY.-A large 6 pp. Circu
lar, giving information of the greatest import
tante to the young of both sexes.
It teaches how the hamely may become
beautiful,-the despise 4 respected, and the for
saken loved. No young lady or gentleman
should fail to send their address, and receive
a copy post-paid, by return mail.
Address P. 0. Drawer, 21,
Troy, N. Y.
Irlfr . ITCH !—ITCH ! !—ITCH !! ! Scratch .
Scratch ! !—Scraich !! ! WHEATON'S OINT
MENT will cure the ITCH in 48 hours. Also
cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, ehilbraina and al
eriptione of the skin. Price 50 cents. For
sale by all druggists. By sending 60 cents to
WEEKS & POTTER, sole agents, 170 Washing
ton-et., Boston, it will be forwarded by mail,
free of postage, to any part of the Union.
proved Roie.Wash cures secret and delicate
disorders in all their stages, at little expense,
little or no change of diet, no inconvenience,
and no exposure, It is pleasant in taste and
odor, immediate in its action, and free from
all injurious properties.
I- FOR Non-retention or Incontinence of
Urine ; irritation, inflammation or ulceration
of the bladder, or kidneys, diseases of the pros
tate glands, stone in the bladder, calculus,
gravel or brick dqst deposits, and all diseases
it COO NW the bAetie3n eh en%
This Con party beg leave to inform the pub.
lic that they commenced operations in 18.9),
and their factory now covers four acr es of
ground, and has coat more than is million dol,
tars, and employe over 700 operatives, They
produce 75,000 Watches a year, and make and
sell not less than one half of all the watches
sold in the United States.
The difference between their manufacture
and the European, is briefly this: European
wratches are made almost entirely byhand, and
the result is, of necessity, a lack of that uni
formity, which is indispensable to correct time
keeping. Both the eye and the baud of the
most skillful operative must vary. But it is a
fact that, except watches of the higher grade.,
European watches are the product of the cheap
est labor of Switzerland, and the result is the
worthless Ancres, Lepines and ea-called Pa.
tent Levers—which soon cost more in attempt•
ed repairs, than their original price. Common
workmen, boys and women, buy the rough
separate parts of these watches from various
factories, polish and put them together, s a d
take them to the nearest watch merchant, who
stamps and engraves them with any name or
brand that may be ordered.
The American Waltham Watch is made by
no such uncertain process—and by no such
incompetent workmen. All the Company's
operations, from the reception of the raw
terials to the completion of the watch, are car
ried on under one roof, and under one skillful
and eompetent direction. But the great dis
tinguishing feature of their watches, is the fact
that their several parts are all made by the fi
nest, the most perfect and delicate machinery
ever brought to the aid of human industry.
Every one of the more than a hundred pans
of every watch is made by a machine—that
infallibly reproduces every succeeding part
with the most unvarying accuracy; it wasonly
necessary to make one perfect watch of any
particular style and then to adjust the hund
red machines necessary to reproduce every
part of that watch, and it follows that every
succeeding watch must be like it.
The Company respectfully submit their
watches on their merits only. They claim
money, by their improved mechanical proces
ses than can be made under the old-fashioned
handicraft system. They manufacture watch
es of every grade, from a good, low priced and
substantial material, in solid given hunting
cases, to the finest Chronometer; and also la
dies' watches in plain gold or the finest enam
eled and jeweled cases; but the indispensable
requisite of all their watches is that they shall
be Goon TIMEKEEPERS. It should he remem
bered that, exceyt their single lowest grade
named c• Home Watch Company, Boston,"
ALL WATCHES made by them are FULLY WM
ranted by a special certificate, and this war
rantee is good at all tunes against the Compa
ny on its agents.
July 20- lml 'lB2 Broadway, New-York.
The greatest pain-reliever in the world.
Warranted superior to any other, or no pay;
for the cure of Chranic Rheumatism, Tooth
ache, Headache. Sore Throat, Mumps, Burns
Cuts, Insect Stings, Pains in the Back, Chest
and Limbs, Sprains, Old Sores, Swellings
also, to take internally for Diarrhoea, Dysen
tery, Colic, Spasms, Sea Sickness, Vomiting,
and Croup. It is perfectly innocent to take
internally, if used according to the directions,
and never fails, as thousands can attest. It
was first introduced in 1847, and now millions
of bottles are annually sold. Every one who
has once used it, continues to do so, and
recommend it to their friends as the most
valuable medicine extant. Certificates enough
to fill a dozen newspapers have been received
by Dr. Tobias. His medicine, the Venetian
Liniment, will do all that is stated, and more.
No one will regret trying it. Those residing
at a distance from a physician, will find it a
reliable medicine to have on hand in case of
accidents. Ask for Dr. Tobias' Venetilin
Liniment, and take no other. Price 50 cents
and $l. Sold by all Druggists Depot, 56
Cortlandt Street, N. Y.
ERRORS OF Yo urn gentleman who suf
fered for years from Nervous debility, Prema
ture decay, and all the effects of youthful in
discretion, will, for the sake of suffering hu
manity, send free to all who need it, the reci
pe and directions for making the simple reme
dy by which he was cured. sufferers wishing
to profit by the a dvertiser's experience, can do
so, by addressing in perfect cor.fidenee.
Joan B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar street, N. Y.
to all ethos for family and manufacturing
purposes ; contain all the latest improvements
are speedy, noisless, durable and easy to work
Illustrated Circulars sent free. Agents want
ed. Liberal discount allowed. No consign
ment; made. Address Elder az S. M. Co, 16
Broadway, N. Y. [xiii:6-iy
13 — Ladies men obtain a box of Valpates Fe
male Pills, sealed from the eyee of the curl
oue, by. enclosing $1 and 6 postage stamps to
W. W. MACOMBER, general agent for the U.
States and Canadas, at .4.lbany, New York.
or any authorized agent. [5l-dt
Buchu is the Creat Diuretic.
Is the Great Mad Purifier.
Both are prepared according to rules of
Pharmacy and Chemistry, and are the
active that can be made.
P. HELMBOLD'S Extract Buchu R ies
health and vigor to the frame and bloom to
he pallid cheek. Debility is & comps ro d b i
many alarming symptoms, and if no trestme n:
is submitted to, consumption, insanity or eV'
leptiefits ensue.
ve THE Glory of man is strength - 7' We "
fore the nervous and debilitated should ane.
diately use lielmbold's Extract finchu.
Xe,aefoi - s ahl i tea.
THE SCHOOL BOARD of the Borough of
Marietta solicits applications from Teac the
ers, for the following schools, to be taught
ensuing session :—One High School; 1481 e
teacher,with permanent certificate. One Male
or Female teacher. One Fri
Plars , school.
The above schools are the best and most de
sizable in the borough. Salary in pr o Por ti°l3
to-the qualifications of the teacher.
By order of the Board, Sec'}
Marietta, July 27, 1867-tfj
LL Kinds of Bl
anks, 11*e1 s, etc. Ss
Fur Bale at this office,