The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, July 27, 1867, Image 3

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    t, yocalßarititian.
L 1 Dr. SCHENCK'S Mandrake Pills a sub
mooing, t 867. stltutefor Calomel. These Pills are composed
of various roots, having the power to relax the
a.. The Morning Passenger train for Lan- ually as blue pill or mercury, and without pro
caster and Philadelphia will leave the upper ducing any of those disagreeable or dangerous
'Ninon at 12 minutes after 8 o'clock. The I effects which often follow the use of the latter.
flail tra in going westward will pass upper In all bilious disorders these pills may be
station at 7 minutes after 12 o'clock, Noon. used with confidence, as they promote the dis-
The Harrisburg accommodation train eastward charge of vitiated bile, and remove those °b
id' pass at 26 minutes after b o'clock, in the structions from the liver and biliary ducts,
'Aswan and returning arrive here at 43 which are the cause of bilious affections in
m inutes after 6 o'clock in the evening. general.
Schenck's Mandrake Pills cure sick head-
--- ache, and ail disorders of the liver, indicated b
fir A correspondent of the New sallow skin, coated tongue , co d s f ve tiv 3 e e n a e r s n s e , drow
Herald paid Lancaster a visit a; a „, ne . an d a general feeling
NW weeks since, and whilst there made 1 lassitude, showing that the liver is in a torpid
old Thad a call. In a conversation on lor obstructed condition.
political topics in general, the corres- 1 In short, these pills may be used with advan-
I Cage in all cases
cases when a purgiltive oralterative
ied ;
for ut ,
poudent says he touched on the next
presidency, when the "Old Commoner" I Please ask Dr. Schenck's Mandrake
said be regarded Gen. Grant as a great ' Pithy' and observe that the two likenesses of
soldier, who has the best position any the Doctor are on the government stamp —one
mall can occupy in the United States, : when in the last stage of Consumption—the
and does not believe he (Grant) would other in his present health.
Sold by all druggists and dealers. Pike 25
be foolish enough to look fur any other.
cents per box. Principal office, No. 10 N. 6th
fie thinks a success us'a general may be
street, Philadelphia, Pa.
a failure as a President. Chase he re- I General Wholesale Agents :—Demaa Barnes
garde as a negative man, by no means & co., 21 Park-Row, N. Y.; S. S. Hance, 108
popular or powerful. Butler is a hum- Baltimore-sr., Baltimore, Md.; John D. Park,
bug and Old Ben. Wade : has played N. E. Cor. 4th and Walnut, Cincinnati, Ohio;
Walker & Taylor, 134 and 136 Wabash Ave. himself out. The correspondent. winds
up by saying it is very probable that ,
nue, Chicago, Ill.; Collins Bros., S. W. Corner
Old Thad believes in the inmost re-
Second and Vine, St. Louis, Mo. r 4
cases of his heart that if, in the course
of human events, the country should
look to Lanca3ter for its nest President,
sod should find him in a two story red
brick house on South Queen street, the
country would do by no means a foolish
The old saying is, "Save the pen
nies and the dollars will take care of
themselves." So it is with Spear's Pre
serving Solution, for one dollar you ran
put up 128 pounds of fruit, without the
use of sugar or airtight cans or jars.
Any ordinary vessel will do, for it is not
necessary to seal them; by nein this
villain') you save the e . xpense of sugar
and airtight jars or cans. Give it a
trial and be convinced at once. For
&de at Britton & Musser's Family Drug
Store, who are agents for Marietta,.Pa.
40 - Slate of an excellent quality is
found in several parts of Pennsylvania.
A new deposit of slate has recently
been found at Mauheim, on the Reading
and Columbia railroad, twelve miles
from this place and six miles from the
Pennsylvania Central Railway J unction,
and is now quarried, it. is said, to the
extent of thirty tone a day.
tw - We learn that Jacob M. Hoiden,
who was so badly wounded in the Don
egal house fray, is rapidly recovering.
'rho little cocoanut headed dutchman,
whose head was too hard to admit a
bullet, has left for parts unknown. Thus
the awful tripple murder has 'ruled
withEut the loss of the life or limb of
any one
cr On our outside lwe have a mils•
taken date and number. It should be
July 201.1 and number fifty. Two weeks
inure anti the thirteenth year of Tun
NI ARIETTIAN will have passed. Many of
our su bscribers are still in arrearsfor two,
three, four and some more years. We .
will enclose bills to ..,delinque s-itrour
next cud hope they will read .at once.
lir After several mishaps, the young
men having Charge of the arrangements
of the Pitt Die that was to be on the
"Fourth," now announce that it will
podittvely come off on Wednesday next.
Should the weather again prove unfa
vorable the dancing will be adjourned
to the Town
ar A most awful accident happened
in Lancaster, on Saturday morning last.
by the explosion of the boiler of the
Pdlton Cotton Mill, situated in North
Duke street, by which six persocia were
killed and a number very badly injured.
An inquest is now being held to ascer
tain the cause.
. . .
SIT Mr. Chas. Britton, of. Britton &
Musser, druggists, has laid on our table
a One mess of Stowell corn. He says
he dined on some from his own garden a
week ago. Mr. B. is not only a phar•
►uaceutist of great care, but-also a good
tom - The Wrightsvple Star has passed
into the hands of Frank J. Magee and
Calvin G. Smith. We are sorry to part
with the "old equira"—R. W. Smith—
who always made a very interesting pa-
Per. We wish his successors success.
sir We received through the post
dice—postmarked Marietta, a poem,
signed Homer. Wa cannot publieh
anonymous articles, and more, we cannot
read the manuscript.
Beat Yara Cigara in town—at
Carroll's Cigar and Tubacco store, two
doors wen' of the post office, at $5,50
per box 01100; or fifteen for one dollar.
® Bowers & Steacy have just re
ceived new goods, amongst which are a
lot of the celebrated Bradly Hoop skirts.
er The Old Public Functionary,
General Cameron and Gov. Geary are
at Bedford Springs.
KRAUT STANDS, Meat Stands, Wine
Kegs, Tubs; Buckets and Cedar-ware frlH E celebrated Gutta Pere.fia Oil Blacking
1 makes a beautiful water proof polish. For
generally, constantly on hand at boots, shoes, harness, &c. For sale only at
Dr. Landis' Drugstore.
• As Go •
EV We are told that Mr. Duffy has
had a lot of rustic chairs and many other
conveniences arranged in his Park, near
this borough. The Pavilion is up and
sSpttial Noticts.
secretions of the liver as promptly and effecft-
a- Will the thousands who read columns of
frivolous verbiage every day devotefiue min
utes to the perusal of a few facts which con
cern them nearly'? Our text is Health, and we
will pat ouf commentary into a nutshell.—
Weakness is indirectly the cause of all sick
ness; for if nature be strong enough to resist
the morbid influences which produce illness,
of course they are powerless. Seek strength,
therefore. Invigoratc and regulate the sys
tem. When the quicksilver ranges from 80 to
96 degters in the shade, the most athletic are
enfeebled, and the weak are prostrated. It is
at such a time that such an invigorator as
Hostetter , s Stomach Bitters is urgently needed.
What are the effects of this rare Vegetable
Tonicl Would that all who have known its
benefits could condense their experience into
this paragraph. They would tell the healthy,
to protect theit health they must use this great
safeguard against the debilitating influences.
They would exhort the weak to discard all
unmedicated and impuie stimulants and cling
to this wholesome and unfailing tonic and
alterative as the shipwrecked mariner would
cling to a raft in a stormy sea. They would,
of dyspeptic pangs relieved, of appetite res
tored, of shattered nerves re-strung, of head
aches cured, of disordered functions regulated,
of hypochondria dissipated, miasmatic dis
eases baffled, of fever and ague cured, of
liver complaints arrested, of heat, privation
and toil defied, of hope re-t nimated, aid cheer
fulness restored. Such are the offects of Hos
tette, , s Bitters.
To Co NM PTI V ES.—The advertiser, having
been restored to health in a few weeks, by a
very simple remedy. after having suffered for
several years with a severe lung affection, and
that dread disease Consumption—is anxious to
make known to his fellow-suff,.rers the means
of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a
copy of the prescription used (free of charge)
with the directions for preparing and using
the same, which they will find a wan CURE
for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs,
Colds, and all throat and lung affections. The
only object of the advertiser in sending the
prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and
spread information which he conceives to be
invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will
try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing,
and may prove a blessing. Partial. wishing,
I the prescription, free, by return mail, will
please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON,
Williamsburgh, Kings Co., N. Y.
13 — Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh, trea
ted with the utmost success, by J. ISAACS,
al. D., Oculist and Aurist, (former!) of Ley
den, Holland,) No. 519 PINE at., Philadel
phia. Testimonials from the most reliable
sources in the city and country can be - seen at
his office. The medical faculty are invited tc
accompany their patients, as he has no secrets
in his practice. Artificial Eyes inserted with
out pain. No charge for examination.
FREE. TO EV ERV BODY.-.A. large 6 pp. Circu
lar, giving information of the greatest import
tance to the young of both sexes.
It teaches how the h3mely may betome
beautiful, the despised respected, and the for
saken loved. No young lady or gentleman
should fail to send their address, aids receive
a copy post-paid, by return mail.
Address P. 0. Drawer, 21,
Troy, N. Y.
13" ITCH !-ITCH Scratch .
Scratch !! Scratch ! !.! WHEATON'S Oirr
merrr will cure the aCti in 48 hours. Also
cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilbrains and al
er iptions of the skin. Price 50 cents. For
sale by all druggists. By sending 60 cents to
WEEKS & POTTER, sole agents, 170 Washing
ton-at., Boston, it will be forwarded by mail,
free of postage. to any part of the Union.
proved Rose Wash cures secret and delicate
disorders to all their stages, at little expense,
little or no change of diet, no inconvenience,
and no exposure. It is pleasant in taste and
odor, immediate in its action, and free from
all injurious properties.
_ _
Kr FOR Non-retention or Incontinence of
Urine, Jai! ation, inflammation or ulceration
of the bladder, or kidneys, diseases of the pros
tate glands, stone in the bladder. calculus,
gravel or brick dust deposits, and all diseases
of the bladder. kidneys and dropsical swellings
irr In the coral — caves sea-green is said to
be the prevailing color, and the
Fish-tailed Maidens
sit on the rocks and comb their green locks
assiduously. But the
Belles of Earth
prefir glossy browns and shining blacks to
any other -tinges. and if nature bas rot given
their fair beads these beautiful hues, or if
mischance has robbed them of their once ex
quisite beauty, they don't cry about it, but
resort at once to
Christarloro's Hair Dye,
which in five minutes does all that nature
everdil for any bead in her happiest mood.
Manufactured by J. Christadoro, 68 Maiden
Nem 91bbtrtiztmtnto.
The facilities possessed by our firm for the
transaction of the business of general adverti-
sing agents, are now generally admitted to be
o/Perim to those of any iiimiler establishment
in this country. Our special contracts with
most of the leading newspapers throughout
the Eastern, Middle and Western State', give
us advantages over all other agents, not only
n the price. which we ate enabled to con-
tract fot, but the position we secure for our
customers in the columns of the newspapers,
and the promptness and care with which all
our advertisements are inserted. Persons in-
erested in advertising should make themselves
acquainted with our facilities before contract-
ing. We receive orders for all newspapers at
the moat favorable rated
40 paws. ROW,
No. 18 Nassau St., New York,
Buy and sell at market rates. Six per cent.
Bonds of IbBl ; Five• Twenty Bonds, all is
sues; Ten. Foi ty Slonds ; Seven-thirty Notes,
all series; Compound Interest Notes and Gold
and Silver Coin.
'Convert sll series of 7-30 Notes into the
New Consolidated 5-20 bonds at best market
Execute orders for purchase and sale of all
miscellaneous securities.
Receive deposits and allow 5 per cent. In
tenet on balances, subject to check at sight.
Make collections oil all accessible points.
All issues of Government Securities credit
ed or remitted for, on receipt, at market rates,
Free, of all commission charges n. co.
,oinb;nes in one garment a
d erfedt fitting Corset.and the
most desirable Skirt support
er ever offered the public.—
it places the weight of the
skirts upon the shoulders in-
stead of the hips; it impro
ves the form without tight
lacing ; x i. es ease and elegance; is approved
and recommended by physicians.
Manufactured by D. B. SAUNDERS if
96 Summer-st., Boston, Muss.
Tz'a - i - Jat for P - iarriaers.
ill HE GItAFTON Mineral Paint Company
are now manufacti.ring the best cheapest
and most durable PAINT in use ; two coats
well put on, mixt d with pure linseed oil, will
last 10 or l 5 years. It is of a light Brown, or
beautiful Chockolate color, and can be changed
to green, lead, stone, ohne, drab or cream, to
suit the taste of the consumer. If is valuable
for Houses, Barns, Fences, Agricultural Im
plements, Carriage and Carriage makers. Pails,
and Wooden-ware, Canvass, Metal and Shin
gle Roofs, [it being fire and water proof]
Bridges, Burial Cases, Canal Boats, Ships and
Ships' Bottoms, Floor Oil Cloths, (o:le manu
facturer having used 5000 barrels the past year)
and as a paint for auy purpose is unsurpassed
for body, durability, elasticity. and adhesive
ness. PRICE $6 per harrell of 3001b5., which
will supply a farmer fot years to come. War
ranted in all cases as above. Send for a cir
cular, which gives full particulars. None gen
uine unless branded in a trade mark Grafton
Mineral Paint. Address DANIEL BID
WELL, Proprietor, 254 Pearl-St., N. Y.
" Beyond The Mississippi."
A Complete .History of the New
States and Territories,
From the great River to the great Ocean.
Life and Advt ntures on Prairies, Mountains,
and the Pacific coast. With over 200 de
scriptive and Photographic vie•vs of the
Scenery, Cities, Lands, Mines, People and
Curiosities of the New States & Territories.
To prospective emigrants and settlers in the
"Far West" this History of that vast and fer
tile region will prove an invaluable assistance
supplying as it does a want long felt of a full,
authentic and reliable guide to climate, soil,
products, means_ of travel. &c.
Send for cirMilars and see our terms, and a
full description of the work. Address NA
Philadelphia, Pa.
f‘. Surgeon. 'ra ANDAR
1 1!
e i nuented
L b parents
in. Legs, ranging from $5O, through
all the improvements, up to the An
itomical Leg, with lateral motion at
Ank.le, like natural one at $l5O.
Two patents in ARMS, with new shoulder
motions, $75 to $195. Send for pamphlet. It
contains valuable information and is sent free.
Office. 658 Broadway, N. Y.; Rochester,
N. Y.; Chicago, opposite the post office ; Cin
cinnati, 148 West Fourth-st.; St. Louis, 413
Pine-St. Address, DOUGLS BLY, M. 1)..,
at nearest office.
$l5 PER DAY SURE. Agent wanted
everywhere to sell our Patent
Will last SO years.
Office 162 Broadway, N. Y.
- for la_dies. Just received
-Spring' 1E387_
No. 61 Market Street, Marietta, Pa.,
Their stock of Spring Goods, much lower than
they were sold THIRTY DAYS ago. Full line
ladies' dress goods, from a quarter dollar de
laine to a good Groderhine silk. Ladies
cloaking cloths, skirting muslins, balmoral
and hoop skirts. ~
Jaconette, Swiss tarletons, pin striped an
plain nansooks, pereales Marseilles and bril
liants, domestics in great variety, good white
muslin 14 yawls wide only 25 cents, 1 yard
wide 20 cents, uubleached heavy muslin 20
cents. White and unbleached muslin 10, 121
and 15 cents. Good calicoes ID and 121 cents,
Best makes 16 and 18 cents. Good gingham,
routlB to 25 cents for the - best, bawling first
ate and cheap, 10 and 121., Marseilles conn
erpanes, woollen Loverlets, table cloths all
wool, linen and cotton. Boys' wear from 25
to 75 cents per yard, full line fancy Cassi
mere& black cloths mid Doeskins.
French Suitings—very handsome.
Good suits, from 12 to 40.00. Ifere is a bar
gain, gentlemen,
wheel in and geta suit.
Large assortment Queensware, Glasifware,
from common to good. Groceries of every
description. Best quality of feathers. Wool,
linen and cotton carpet chain with a fine as
sortment of goods in our line very cheap.
liZt - An early call is solicited.
Marietta, March 30, 1867.
o o d u Lti mostorm in f orming
the eepee take c i tizens
i thl ri me e l t h t
and the public in general, that, having laid in
a lot of seasoned Lumber, is now prepared to
manufacture all kinds of
in every style and variety, at short notice
Be has on hand a lot of Furniture of his own
manufacture, which for fine finish and good
workmanship, will rival any City make.
113 - Especial attention paid to repairing.
He is also now prepared to attend, in all its
branches, the UNDERTAKING business, be
ing supplied with an excellent Eerie, large
and small Biers, Cooling Box, &c.
lirr COFFINS finished iu any'style—plaio
or costly.
Ware Ronm and Manufactory, near Mr.
Dutryls new building, near the " Upper-Sta
ion," Marietta, Pa. [Oct. 22.
..,ldvertisers' Gazette.
Every Business Alan should take it.
a.e.• ewe g r edz4 Piet annum,
Payable in advance.
Office: 40 Park Row, New-York.
NEW and Fashionablo GOODS_!
Greatly Reduced Prices !
MRS. ROTH has just •returned from the
city with II large assortment of Plain and
Fancy Goods, all of which are of the latest
style, such as:—Coat and Dress Buttons, Mc
and White Bugle Trimming, Marseilles But
tons and Trimmings, " Crystal Buttons, a large
assortment ef Ladies' Cults and Collars, Ja
conet Edging and Inserting, Swiss, Tucked,
Shirred and Marseilles Muslin, Swiss Edging
and Inserting, Fine Lace Handkerchiefs and
Collars, Infants' Waists, Puffs, brushes, gum
cloth, Powder Sacks and socks, Belting Rib
bon, Mohair Braid, silk braid, 'ilk floss, em
broidering cotton, of all kinds, French Corsets
at reduced prizes, Hoop Skirts new styles,
Veils, Ladies' ruck combs, ladies' hose, Hair
brushes and combs, Ear Drops and Breastpins,
Fancy garters, powder, Lilly white, Mean fun
Vegetable Rouge, Powder, Glycerine, White
and colored Kid Gloves, all colors Lisle thread
Gent's Linen and Paper Cuffs and Collars,
Paper collars 25 cents per box, Gent's Pocket
Handkerchiefs, Neck ties, liose,pon ade, tooth
brushes, Perfumery, gloves, woollen and linen
shirts, hair renewer, sleeve buttons and studs,
Paper and envelopes, all to be soil at greatly
- -
Mrs. R. is agent for Ringer's Improved Sew
log Machine. Particular attention has been
paid to the selecting of small wares, such, tib
Sewing Silk, Cotton and Linen Thread, Whale
bone,Hooks and Eyes, Needles,Pins, &c.
I - The public are particularly requested to
call and examine for themselves.
otolumilia Qiiassital(4nstitutt.
A. Boarding School for Boys and a Day
School for both sexes.
SCHOOL SELECT, and number limited.
Students from the neighborhood will be
admitted as boarders from Monday to Friday.
For circulars, address
June . 29, 1867.-3m.]
Estate of John McAdams, late of the
Bdrough of Marietta, dec'd.
The undersigned, Auditor, appointed to dis
tribute the balance remaining in the hands cf
John Auxer, Administrator of said deceased,
to and among those legally entitled to the
same, will attend for that purpose, on Tues
day the sixth (6th) day of August, 1967, at 10
o'clock, a. m., at the Court House, in the City
of Lancaster, where all persons interested in
said Estate and distribution may attend
E. D. ROATH, Auditor.
Marietta, July 7,1867-4 t.
Estate of Samuel Bailie, late of the bo
rough 01 Marietta, deceased.
Letters Testamentary on said estate having
been granted to the undersigned, all per
sons indebted thereto are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims
or demands against the same wi:l ptesem them
without delayfor settlement to the undersigned.
Survivieg Executrix.
Marietta. July 6,1867-6 t.
T 00K HERE !
Tam again agent for THE EXCELSIOR
FRUIT JAR, which has given so much satis
faction for three years. It is the cheapest,
safest and best jar in use. C4ll and see it and
at once secure a jar which tests itself at once,
and dispenses with any risk as to the keeping
of Fruit after securing it when put in.
First National Bank of Marietta
is now prepared to transact all kinds of
The Board of Directors meet. weekly. ou
Wednesday. for discount and other business.
larlitank Wours : From 9A.MtoS P. M.
jOAL HODS, Coal Selves, Coal Shovels
P , kers. Stove Grates. Cylinders and Li-
XV' .band at
Ittorr IN THE BLoon.—The necessity of a
due proportion of iron .in the blood is well
known to all medical men; when it becomes
reduced from any cause whatever, the whole
system suffers, the weakest part being first
attacked, and , a feeling of languor, lassitude
and " all goneness" pervades the system. The
remedy is simply to supply the blood with the
necessary quantity of iron. This can be done
by, using the.
a protected solution of the protoxide of Iron,
which is so prepared that it assimilates at once
with the blood, giving strength, vigor and
new life to the whole system.
To take medicine to cure diseases occasioned
by a deficiency of iron in the blood, without
restoring it to the system, ia like trying to re
pair a building when the foundation is gone.
An eminent devine says: " I have been
using the Peruvian Syrnp for some time past:
it gives me new vigor, buoyancy of spirits,
elasticity of muscle."
`Pamphlets containing certificates of mins,
and recommendations from some of the most
eminent physicians, clergymen and others,
Will be sent free to any address.
The genuine has "Peruvian Syrup" blown
in the glass.
Circulars free.
Sold by. Druggists
113—Drace's Celebrated Salve. From Mr. E.
Tucker, Depot master at Salisbury, Mass.
" I have been troubled for some years with
a bad humor; sometimes outwardly, and
sometimes inwardly. During the past sum
mer it manifested itself more than usual out
wardly, and I used your salve. All signs of
it have since disappeared, without affecting
me.inwardly, indicating, I think, the eradica
ting nature'ol the Salve."
Price, 25 de. a box. Sent by mail for 35 cts.
Prepared by SETH W. FOWLE tit SON
Tremont St., Boston, and for sale by drug
gists generally.
Down with the High Prices !
Market street, one door west of the Post
Have just received a full and complete stock
of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods,
Carpeting, Floor and Table Cil Cloth, Win
dow Shades, Hats and Caps.
Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Glass and
Queensware, Groceries, Fish, Salt, etc.,
Which will - be sold very cheap for
Cash only !
5000 yards of Cunene at 10 cents a yard.
6000 " " " "12 '' " "
5000 /4 IC C 4 41 15 CC '' ''
5000 CC 44 4C 4C 16 CC 44
5000 c 4 a -4C 46 18 CC 44 It
Unbleached Mualmes—yard wide, at 10, 12,
14, 16, 18, and 20-cents,
Bleached Muslins,at 10 and 12 ; yard wide at
14, 16, 18, 20. arseilles and Brilliantes.
Mouse de Was at 22 and 25.
Plain and figured all.wool Del sines at 45 to
50 cents. We have also added to our stock a
most complete assortment of
Consisting of Plain, Striped and Plaid Jaco
net and Cambric Muslins ; Plain and Dotted
Figured Swiss; Plain and Figured Nahsooks ;
Bisnop and Victoria Lawns ; White and Or
gandie Lawns; 5.4 White shired Muslin. A
full assortment of Jaconet and Swiss Insert
ing and Edging. together with a large stock of
Ladies' Dress Goads and Cloaking Cloths,
and a large stock of Notions ; a full line of
Youth's and Men's Cloths and Cassimeres.
la- If you wish to save money, give us a
April 13,•1867.
P. T, BARNUM'S ( patent )
lii 1 -it
rir- ,
-- - iiir
This tittle invention is just out, and as it is
no "humbug," is meeting a rapid sale. It
can be applied in a moment to any garment,
by any person, causing it to fit perfectly.
Its elasl icily prevents tearing the straps and
buckles off the clothes, and also allows per
fect freedom of the body while working or
taking exercise.
For sale by tailors and the trade generally.
Send 25 cts. for strap, circulars, terms to
agents and the trade, to the
Agents wanted in every county.
;Cr For Bale at SPANGLER & RICH'S
Merchant Tailor, and Clothier,
At P. J. Kramph's Old Stand, on the Cm
ner of North Queen and Orange
Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a. -
GR A TEN' u L to the Citizens of Marietta
and vicinity, for the liberal patronage
heretofore extended, the undersigned respect
fully solicits a continuance of •the same; as
suring them, that under all circumstances, no
efforts will be spared in rendering a satisfactory
equivalent for every act of confidence reposed.
such other seasonable material as fashion and
the market furnishes, constantly kept on hand
and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea•
sonably, as taste or style may suggest.
Gentlemen's Furnishing Commis
and such articles as usually belong to a Mer
chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment.
Fax WC] PAL,
Columbia, Pa
, Has constantly on hand, and manufactures
'to order every variety of
for Bankers, Merchants and Manufacturers.
Drafts, Notes, Checks, and Headings of every
description, engraved or lithographed. A very
full stock of Stationery wholesale or retail.
S. H. Fulton, formerly of Marietta, has
charge of one department of the business, and
will give personal and special attention to any
orders by mail or otherwise. All goods attire
most reasonable rates and all Blank work
guaranteed of the most superior quality
OIL CAN.), 4C. 4C.
trAll the cooking for a family may-0$
la-be - done with Kerosene Oil, or Gases
It...with less trouble and at less ex--Ca
Ita-pense than any other fuel. -Cl
Each article manufactured by this Company
is guaranteed to perform all that is claimed
for it. 03- Send for Circular.
A Liberal Discount to the Trade.
_ .
OFFICE :—No. 24 Noara Dultz STREET
Opposite the Court House, where he will at
tend to the practice of his profession in all its
various branches.
Iron in the Blood
36 Dey Street, N. Y
Office, Marietta.
BARNUM E. S. Sr. B. Co.
Blank Book and Stationery
728 Arch Street, Philadelphia,
YON'S Periodical Drops, and Cllirk'eFe.
Tile Gel' Liar
the tinin Tacifie ilqiiive Co.,
Are now constructing a railroad from
westward towards the Pacific Ocean, making
with its connections an unbroken line
The Company now offer a limited amount
of their
having thirty years to run, and bearing annu
al interest, payable on the first day of Janu
ary and July, in the city of New York, at the
rate of
This road is already completed to Juleaburg,
376 miles west of Omaha, and is fully equip
ped, and trains are regularly running over it.
The Company has now on hand sufficient iron
ties, etc., to finish the remaining portion to
the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains, 141
miles, which is under contract to be dope in
September of this year, and it is expected th.t
the entire road will be in running order from
Omaha to its western connection with the
Central Pacific, now being rapidly built east
ward froni Sacramento, Cal., duang 1870.
Means of the Company.
Estimating the distance to be built by the
Union Pacific to be 1,565 miles, the United
States Government issues its Six per cent.
Thirty-Year Bonds to the Company as the
road is finished at the average rate of about
s2B,2so'per mile, amounting to $44,208,000.
The Company is also permitted to issue its
own First Mortgage Bonds to an equal
amount, and at the same time, which by spe
cial act of Congress are made a first mortgage
on the entire line, the bonds of the United
States being subordinate to them.
The Government makes a donation of 12,800
acres of land, to the mile, amounting to 20,-
032,000, estimated to be worth $30,000,000
making the total resources, exclusive of the
capital, $118,416,000; tint the full value of
the lands cannot now be realized.
The authorized capital Stock of the Com
pany is one hundred million dollars, of which
five inllions have already been paid in, and
of which it is not supposed that pore than
twenty-five millions at most will be required.
The cost of the road is estimated by compe
tent engineers to be about one hundred ml
lion dollars, exclusive of equipment.
Prospects for business, •
The railroad connection between Omaha
and the East is now complete, and the earn
ings of tha Union Pacific on the sections al
ready finished for the first two weeks in May
were $113,000. These sectional earnings as
the road progresses will much more than pay
'the interest on the Company's bonds, and the
through business over the only line of railroad
between the Atlantic and Pacific must be im-
Value and. Security of the Bonds.
The Company respectfully submit, that the
above statement of facts fully demonstrates
the security of their Bonds, and as additional
proof they would suggest that the Bonds now
offered are less than ten million dollars on 517
miles of road, on which over twenty million
dollars have already been expended ;—on 331)
miles of this road the ears are now running,
and the remaining 187 miles are nearly -com-
At the present rate of premium on gold these
bonds pay an annual interest on the present
cost of
Nine Per Cent
and it is believed that on the completion of the
road, like the Government Bonds, they will
go above par. The Company intend to sell
but a limited amount at the present low rates
and retain the right to advance t‘le price at
their option.
Subscriptions will be received iu New York
by the
eau Street
CLARK. DODGE & CO., Bankers, 51 Wall St.,
JoHN J. Cisco & SON, Bankers, 33 Wall St.
and by Banks and Bankersgenerally through
out the United States, all of whom maps and
descriptive pamphlets may be obtained . They
will also be sent by mail from the Company's
office No. 20 Nassau street, New York, on
application. Subscribers will select their own
Agents in whom they have confidence. who
alone will be responsible to them for the sale
delivery of the bonds. JoHN J. Cisco,
W.BOWERS 4- CO., at,
ii (4A
IT_ ID_ 3E3 a rij a
n. es a.n_cl icku_ass
Store on liront-st., a few doors west of
The White Swan Hotel.
Fr' H E undersigned having purchased the
I stock, good-will and fixtures of H. D.
Benjamin's Liquor establishment, would take
this method of Informing the old friends of the
establishment and the public generally that
nothing shall be left undone to merit and they
hope to receive a liberal shcre of the public's
patronage. They 0013 ask a fair trial.
All Liquors warranted as represented
All orders promptly attended to.
Marietta, July 13,1567.
I L.
e j has for hen, ge., -11
or without cog-wheels. This is now regarded
as the best machine in use. It is more easily
adjusted to the tub, and is wider than any ma
chine of the price. No. I, without coe-wheels
with ten inch rollers, is selling at ;58 ; I\o- 2,
with cog-wheels, $9 ; No. 3, with cog-wheels,
11 inches, $ll.
AIR ROLLS, the latest fashion—call in
at Mrs. ROTH'S Variety Store and sae
hem—all the rage now, in the cities.
SHADES at remarkably low prices—
to alone out JOHN SPANOLES.
and eee them.
New York