The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, July 27, 1867, Image 2

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    Eht Pariettiatt.
Saturday Morning, July 20, 1567.
ear An agent of the American Mis
sionary Association, who has just ar
rived in Washington from Southern
Virginia, reports that two political
meetings are' being held in each county
in that part of the State. which celored
people attend in large numbers. These
assemblies are always opened with prayer,
and it is heart-thrilling to listen to the
outporing of the thankful hearts of the
lately enfranchised for their new privi
leges. They are inclined to vote the
Republican ticket, but the Conservatives
declare that they will not emyloy them
if they do, - which makes it difficult for a
negro, with out land or home, to decide
what to do. They fear if they vote
against the Conservatives, and fail to
elect their candidate, they will be per
secuted in various ways.
Mr The Galveston Bulletin, of the
7th inst., says : On the morning of the
4th of July an Americau flag was thrown
across the street from the market-house
to the opposite corner of the street.—
The street cars approached—a lady
therein saw the "hateful thing." Curl
ing her nose skyward. she said : "Driver
are you going under that flag?"
mam," he answered, "I don't see how
I'm to get around it." "You can't take
me under it. Let me get out. Stop
on the other side." Out she got, and
trudged around for half a block to avoid
the beautiful flag. What a queen of
love and beauty she would make for a
tournament !
gar A dissatisfied couple in Cleveland,
Ohio, quarreled, the other day, when
the husband converted his property into
cash, intending to separate altogether,
and leave the city next day. Be de
posited $4500 between the cloth and
lining of his vest, whdre 'his wife found
it in the night. She substituted an old
almanac, and next day they took differ
ent trains, he going to Toledo in bliss
ful ignorance of his loss, and she to her
friends in Indiana, with the money.
iffr A young lady bougiit a new bas
ket in St. Louis the other evening for
picnic purposes the next day. :Before
she left the store, the basket, with a
card bearing her name attached, was
stolen. The next morning, the basket,
with a baby in it, was found at the door
of a respectable citizen, with the card
still appended, and the young lady was
called upon for an explanation, which
she readily gave, and was dismissed
from the awkward position.
l ir A. few nights since, a Rochester
woman followed her husband to the
house of another married woman, whose
husband was out . of town. She entered
the room where they were, pulled her
unfaithful lord out of bed, and beat the
woman most unmercifully with her fists.
The crest fallen man picked himself up
and decamped as soon as he could, fol
lowed soon by his. wife. The parties
are all "respectable,"
G ir Warren Nobles, of Montgomery,
Texas, proposes a free-will offeriug to
Jefferson Davis, of one gold dollar from
each of his many thousands of admirers
in' the Nortiv es well as South. No
doubt there will be plenty here to honor
the "stern statesman," and at the same
time regret that ho is not at the head of
the confederacy.
tlar Out of a dozen clerks recently
appointed by Secretary McCulloch is
Mr. Aiken, who appeared as Mrs. Sur
ratt's consul at her trial, and with his
partner took a note from her, before ehe
was led out to execution, that covered
all her estate, Meanwhile there are
hundreds of maimed soldiers here beg
ging in vain for work.
Gigantic omnibuses, on a new
model, have been constructed in Paris,
epecially for horse races and other out
door sights. They are so contrived
that upWard of fifty persona can be seat
ed' on the roof, and they constitute a
kind of traveling grand (stand,
A monster cherry tree now grow
ing in Reading township, Obio, has
attained the bight of 80 feet, and ie four
feet one inch in diameter. It is of the
"black heart" variety, and the seed was
brought from Barks county, Pa in the
year 1817. •
or Some beef which was deposited
in tin cans beneath a heap of stones in
Spitzbergen: by Capt. Parry, in 1827
was recently discovered, and a portion
was cooked and eaten at a supper in
Stockholm, after being preserved for
(qv years.
A church is to be erected in Londou
to commemorate the abolition of playa
ry, and to be at the same time a memo
rial of President Lincoln.
Sanger, of the Republican army, arrived
at New Orleans from Qneretaro last
Thursday night. Be saw the exPeation
of Maximilian. He says: "When the
Emperor came down to the Plaza, which
was the one where the city refuse is
thrown, he took a se, ton a rude stone
bench until he bad seen Generals Mejia
and Miramon shot and their bodies
taken away. Re then beckoned to
Price Salm Salm, who stood near him,
to approach. He calmly requested this
officer to give him 'a good cigar' in
English. Be lit the cigar and walked
erectly and steadily to the low platform,
which consisted of. a few planks laid
upon the deposits of outhouses, with
which tbis•square was covered. After
asking toe sergeant of the riflemen to
do him the favor to aim directly at his
heart, he seated hituself upon the stool
where, bat a few minutes befvre, he had
seen expire two brave generals whom be
loved. Casting away his cigar, he told
them he was ready. Scarcely a minute
alter the clang of eighteen rifles was
heard, and Maximilian was a corpse,
without a shudder or a spasm.
gar Our readers will perceive, by
ilference to the advertisement of the
Union Pacific railroad company, in
another column, ofthis week's paper,
that it offers its First Mortgage Bonds,
paying six per cent. interest in geld to
subscribers_ at ninety cents on the dol
lar. These bonds are a first lien upon
the road, and are limited in amount to
$16,000 to the mile. The Company
state their net earnings for the month
of May, while only 290 allies of road
were in operation, $261,782—a sum
which, after deducting operating expen
ses, is several times the interest on the
bonds they are by law permitted to issue
upon it. If the earnings are so large
upon the way business, what may we not
reasonably expect when the connection
is made io 1870 with the Pacific Coast?
We can see no reason why the First•
Mortgage Bonds of such a road are not
a safe security, and they are 15 per cent.
cheaper than Goveroment bonds at the
market rate. Subscriptions are already
large, and are received by banks and
bankers generally throughout the coun
tar The New Orleans Times has a
special disp.itch from Houston, Texas,
giving a detailed account of the 6xecu
tion of Maximilian, Miramon and Mejia.
Neither of them were bound or blind
folded, nor were any indignities offered
them, as reported. Maximilian, before
being shot, recapitulated the causes
which had brought him to Mexico, de
nied the authority of the court which
sentenced him, and hoped his blood
would stop the effusion of blood in
Mexico. Miramon read from a paper,
expressing that the only regret be felt
in dying was that should the Liberals
remain in power, his children could be
pointed out as the children of a traitor .
Mejia made no address. Maximilian
called the sergeant of the guard, and
gave him a handful of gold, requesting
as a favor that they should aim at, his
heart. Five balls entered his breast,
out not being quite dead, two soldiers
were called out and shot him in the
Side. The spectators manifested much
grief and dissatisfaction. The sword of
Maximilian was presented to Juarez by
Escobeda in the government palace.
fur A. woman in Auburn, N. Y.,
named - Wells, being told that tartar
emetic would cure her husband of an
inordinate appetite for strong drink,
gave it to him in such large quantities
as to cause his death. Her agony was
heart-rending. She lived happily with
him, except when be was under the in
fluence of liquor. The coroner's jury
exonerated her from blame.
Lawrence Hall was tried last
week at' Warsaw, Indiana, for the mur
der of a boy, and a verdict of guilty was
rendered. A sentence of twenty-one
years' -imprisonment was passed upon
him. Afterhis sentence was announced,
the prisoner confessed that he killed
the child purposely ; that he knocked
him down with a broom-handle, and
kicked him in the side until be was dead.
gar Miss Caroline Ricbings, the . well
known cantatrice, fell down stairs at her
summer residence, near %Vest Chester,
Pa., on Thursday, and seriously injured
herself - in the side and head. Her life
was at first despaired of, but she is now
rapidly recovering, and he: physician
says that her injuries are not of a dan
gerous character.
iar By the death of her father, in
Bath, England, the wife of Colopel G.
L. Eberhardt, of Macan, Superintendent
of Freedmen's schools in Georgia, has
Allen heir to an estate valued at over
sl,ool\ooo, which will be divided be.
tween herself, a brother and two gisters.
or The crown which the Empress or
Austria wore during the ceremony at
Peeth was made for Maria Theresa. but
never used by thatprincess. It is of
.silvoir; bat
_so studded with diamonds
and pearls that the metal is scarcely .
• igir Aaron Sweat, the negro•candidate
for Congress in the Cheraw (S. 0.) dis
tric is prosecuting his canvass With
c-x - raTIIE MA R
Press of July 6th, says : "Sixteen years
ago last . Wednesday, James Bay, then a
resident of Pontiac, was bitten by a
rabid dog, but experienced no serious
effects from the bite until one rear from
the day on which be was bitten. He
then felt some eymtoms of the terrible
disease, which soon developed into a
moat frightful attack. For six weeks he
was a raving maniac, and . all hope of his
recovery was abandoned ; but an iron
constitntion, and skilful nursing, brought
him out from the shadow of death, and
he rallied; the disease finally passed off.
He pursued the even tenor of his way
until the second anniversary, when he
was again attacked, but with less severi
ty than on the first occasion,
The 19th day of Jane in each succeed
ing year has been the occasion of a hy
drophobic fit, the last of which attacked
him .one week ago yesterday, at Sand
wich, where he was employed as brick
maker. The usual symtoms were felt
during the early part of the day, and
Bay requested some of his friends to tie
him, in order to prevent personal injury.
Being frightened by his personal ap
pearance, they refused to do so, and he
continued at his work all day and until
midnight, his usual time for quitting.
Going to a neighboring barn be tried to
sleep off the dreaded attack. After
awhile his companions heard a noise in
the barn, and, fearing that it was as Bay
,had declared, went to his aid. An ap
palling sight greeted them. The poor
victim was foaming at the month, biting
at various objects, and to all appearance
safferiirg the most horrible agonies. As
soon as he caught sight of them, with
eyes glowing like fireballs, and uttering
an unearthly yell, he made a rush for
them. The party at once retreated
leaving Bay alone in the gloomy hayloft:
wrought up to the highest pitch of ma
niacal frenzy, and battling with an ene
my that no mortal man can subdue. In
one of his convulsions be lifted a portion
of the roof com lately off, which evident
ly exhausted him, as nothing more was
heard, sod when his friends finally ven
tured to look after him he was found in
a sound sleep. He was at once secured
and taken to a safe place, where he was
kept for several hours, and when be
awoke nearly all traces of the previous
night's awful experience had disappear
ed, and, with the exception of the ex
haustion produced by his great suffer
ings, was as well as usual.
ire The Manchester (Vt.) Journal
fells of a child nineteen months old in
South Dorset which went out into the
door-yard while the: fatnily were at din•
ner, caught a green snake nearly two
feet in length, ate about three Wales of
its tail, bit it once through the head,
and came into the house with the snake
wound around its arm, and still eating
the tail. With the exception of a badly
poisoned mouth, the child received no
Or It is believed that enough flagrant
corruption by the Barnum Democrats of
Connecticut will be found to justify
Congress in declaring the election of
*lon. W. H. Barnum, invalid, and a new
one will be ordered to be held. It is
alleged, that on election day, Mr. Bar
num paid over one hundred checks on'
account of votes, at so much per capita.
The Election Committee will go back
to Connecticut in August to take. testi
sr A very good substitute for rice
may be had by every farmer aho has a
wheat field. First wash the wheat,
carefully picking out all the foreign
matter, or impaired kernels, then cover
it with tepid water, and let it stand
five hours ; dress with a sauce of sugar
and butter, or sugar - and cream. It can
also be used for griddle cakes the same
as rice, and is by "natty considered
lir All Europe mourns the death of
Maximilian. The Government & Eng
land, it is stated, will recall the British
Legation, and withdraw from diplomatic
relations with the administration of
Juarez. That of France has sent out
an order suspending all the functions of
the French Consuls in the Republic.
The French Chambers denounce the
execution as a crime airainst civilization.
sliir Tie up a little sulpher in a silk
bag and suspend in the cage. For
mocking birds this is essential to their
health, and the sulpher will keep all the
red ants and other insects from the
cages of all other kinds of birds. Red
ants will never be found in a closet or
drawer if a small bag of sulpber be kept
constantly in i ese places.
or• Within the whole range of tonic
and alterative medicines known, none
is entitled to more consideration than
the Peruvian Syrup. In all cases of en
feeb!ed and debilitated constitution it is
the very remedy needed. The most
positive pioof of this can be adduced.
firrbprois a colored boy in Newport,
IL I five. years old, weighing ei&eel)
pounds. When six tnonilis old the
child weighed only four and a quarter
pounds. The boy enjoys good health
and is of good intellect.
sr A. Vienna letter states that the
Archduchess Sophia, mother of • the
Witrus In Britt
Thirty young men of color are study
ing for the ministry at Richmond.
A fourteen-year old canary bird has
just died in Boston.' It sang well until
it was thirteen.
There are two sisters and a brother
named Fisher, in Memphis, Tennessee,
whose united ages amount to three
hundred and ten years.
A Scotch paper says that two kittens
were recently found in the stomach of
a large codfish.
The proprietors of the 'Richmond
daily papers have decided that no more
work shall be done in their offices on
Sundays. .
Per President and Vice President, a
writer in the Meadville Republican urges
Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana, and Gal
usba A. Grow, of Penn sylvania. Col
fax is th e present, while Grow has been
Speaker of the House of Represents
The expense of publishing the New
York Independent, over its income,
during the twelve years of its existence
has been $40,000.
Atlanta, Ga., burned by General
Sherman, is nearly rebuilt with substan
tial brick dwelling houses and stores,
and has a $lOO,OOO opera house almost
A proposition has been introduced in
the Constitutional Convention of New
York to make the ability to read and
write a qualification for the right of
The population of China ib about four
hundred millions; that of Japan forty
millions more. These two countries
contain nearly half the population of
the globe.
The Mexican Liberals, having got
rid of Maximilian, are now mainly occu
pied, we are told, with deciding "who
were the greatest traitors to the Repub
lic, every Mexican apparently accusing
every other one of treason." It is the
pot calling the kettle black.
A proposition was made in the Con
necticut Senate to place a portrait of
Lincoln in the Senate Chamber, but the
Democrats, with the aid of a single
Republican, voted it down.
In Akron, Ohio, on Saturday evening.
Matthias Obertield, an old man, wanted
his wife to buy him some cider; she
refused, when he put a pistol to his
mouth and fired, the discharge killing
him instantly.
De Witt Clinton Schell, a convict in
the New Jersey State Penitentiary, has
fallen heir to a fortune of $30,000, lett
by his great grand-mother. Be has got
five years to serve.
In clearing out a reservoir nt St.
Louis, used for supplying the city with
water, the bodies or skeletons of thirty
three children were found.
Ex-Confederate General LOlli3 T.
Wigan, formerly United Statee Senator
froin the State of Texas, is about enter•
log upon the practice of law in England
in connection with American cases.
Many of the handsome bridal presents
exhibited at so called fashionable wed
ding receptions in New York, are hired
of a dealer, who makes quite a living
ont of it.
Joseph Barba, an Italian, was so f 4 -
ly scolded by Rosa Epstein, in New
York, that he sent a bullet directly
through her tongue and cheek, which
literally made her hold her jaw.
The great tabernacle of the Saints at
Salt Lake city is now finished. It is
two hundred and fifty feet wide, and
furnishes comfortable sitting room for
two thousand persons.
A wealthy citizen of Berlin has ap
plied to the municipality of that town
for a site on which to erect a statue to
Francis Drake, as the introducer of the
potato into Europe, and offers to sub
scribe $11,270 toward it.
It is related that the last order sent
over to Europe by the Emperor Maxi
milian—so little did he dream of being
conquered and- captured—was for two
thousand nightingales, to be let loose in
Mexico, and to be purchased in the
The, fisheries on eastern rivers are
once more becoming quite profitable,
owing to efforts for their preservation.
In. Maine, Massachusetts, New Camp
shire and Connecticut, salmon and shad
have appeared where they have not
been seen for many years.
Henry J. Church, of Washington,
Coon., a representative in the Legisla
ture in 1866, and now Jadge of Probate
and Town Clerk, is a model officer. For
more than a year he has been stealing
sums of money, ranging from ten cents
to $3OO, and has at last _been-detected.
He has acknowledged histuilt, refunded
$l5OO, and left town. •
On Saturday litet, John Swank, of
North Liberty, Ind., a one-armed man
was accidentally killed by a mowing
Machine. He was riding and driving
as uenal, with the lines around his body,
when the machine came in contact with
some obstruction, which thrt him for
incident happened a few days since in
Schenectady, N. Y. A lady, who has
some property, and has 'been widely
known as a hand.iome widow„ after long
living in single blessedness, yielded to
the importunities of a lover, and consent
ed to be led to the hymeneal alter. It
was arranged that she should go in her
carriage to the place where the ceremony
was to come off, and there meet the
expectant bridegroom. The lady step
ped into the carriage, but was astonished
by a gentleman stepping in after her,
and declared that he would go along
and see her married. It was her hus
band, with whom she had not lived for
years, but who had, it seems, kept
accurately posted io regard to her move
meats. It is unnecessary to say that
the wedding did not come off, and when
the expectant baidegroom heard of the
difficulty, he vamosed in hot haste.
Demorest for August is out. No
other fashion and literary magazine in
existence has made such rapid strides in
popular favor as this. The current
nenber now before us speaks for itself,
it is full of fresh, attractive, and useful
matter, specially interesting to ladies
and households. The fashion depart
ment is complete—three times as full as
that of any other magazine—and ens
tains abundtffice of sensible, practical
information, invaluable: The illustra_
tions are beautiful and numerous—the
tone of the literary articles high. W e
do not wonder that ladies, generally,
declare they "could not do without it."
Three dollars per annum, with a pre-
Splendid prizes in greenbacks
Over $5,000 in greenbacks ; $lO,OOO in
Sewing Machines; $9OO in Washing
Machines; a vast amount •of Hoop
Skiits, Albums, Books, Gold Pens, Pen
cils, Lockets, Sm., to be distributed
to the subscribers of the "[loins Amuse
ment." Lyery yearly subscriber gets
twenty-four tickets, drawing from $5 to
$lOO each in greenbacks. Canvassing
agents clear from $lO to $l5 per day
raising clubs. Sample copies with a
prize ticket and full directions and in
structions to agents, sent by mail, by
inclosing ten cents, addressed to the
Home Amusement, 78 Nassau Street,
New York. •
Male and Female Canvassing Agents
wanted in every town and neighborhood
in the United States.
itar Henry Warner, two years since,
induced a New York boarding school
miss to elope with him. They were
married and settled In Chicago, where
be became a drunkard and a gambler.
About six months since he deserted her,
and on. Friday she endeavored to com
mit suicide by taking morphine. Medi
cal aid prevented a fatal result. Girls
should beware how they are induced to
elope. There are occasional exceptions,
but usually the risks of unhappiness are
very great.
tfir It may interest smokers to know
that cigars, which have until now been
made by hand, may hereafter be made
by machinery, a a considerable saving
in cost, if we can believe reports. A
cigar-making apparatus has recently
been invented in Germany, and patent
ed in this country, which can, it is said,
turn out one hundred and fifty thousand
cigars a week.
lir Lime Spots on woolen goods may
be completely removed by strong vine
gar. The vinegar effectually neutralizes
the lime, but does not generally affect
the color of the cloth. Dark cloth, the
color of which has been completely des
troyed in spots six inches square, has
thus had its original color restored,
sr Louis Kossuth is announced as a
candidate for the El ungarian Parliament
from the town of Waitzan, in the county
of Peat h.
Wanted at Saratoga—The Red Sea,
to destroy Faro and all his hosts.
There is nothing so difficult to hide
as our follies.
%prciaL, Notitts
la — The greatest pain-rehever in the world.
Warranted superior to any other, or no pay;
for ' the cure of Chronic Rheumatism, Tooth
ache, Headache„ Sore Throat, Mumps, Burns,
Cuts, Insect Stings; Pains in the Back, Chest'
and Limbs, Sprains, Old Sores, Swellings'
also, to take internally for Diarrlima, DyEen
tery, Colic, Spasms, Sea Sickness, Vomiting,
and Croup. It is perfectly innocent to take
internally, if used according to the directions,
and never fails, as thousands can attest. It
was first introduced in 1847, and now millions
of bottles are annually sold. Every one who
has once used it, cdntinues to do so, and
recommend it to their friends as the most
valuable medicine extant. Certificates enough
dozen newspapers have been received
by Dr. Tobias. His medicine, the Venetian
Liniment, will do all that is stated, and more.
No one will regret trying it. Those residing
at a distance from a ph,ysicien, will find it a
reliable medicine to have on hand in case or,
aceidents. Ask for Dr. Tobias' Venetian
Liniment, and take no other. Price 50 cents
and $l. Sold by all Druggists Depot, 56
Cortlandt Street, N. Y.
to all others for family and manufacturing
purposes; contain all the latest improvements
are speedy, noisless, durable and easy to work
Illustrated Circulars sent free. Agents want
d. Liberal disco nt allowe.. Isio co
a eqiii NIT? iN beiim ,ilJ4fese o.
This Con pany beg leave to inform the pub,
lie that they commenced operations 1, 18;:0,
and their factory nom covers four acres of
ground, and has cost more than a million dol.
tare, and employs over 700 operatives. They
produce 75,000 Watches a yeas, and niake and
sell not less than one half of all the Watches
sold in thy United States.
The difference between their manufacture
and the European, is briefly this: European
Watches are made almost entirely by liand Am i
the result is, of necessity, a lack of that uni
formity, which is indispensable to correct time
keeping. Both the eye and the hand of the
most skillful operative must vary. But it is a
fact that, except watches of the higher grades,
European watches are the product of the cheap
est labor of Switzerland, and the result is the
worthless Ancres, Lepines and so-called Pa
tent Levers—whiele soon cost more in attempt.
ed repairs, than their original price. Common
workmen, boys and women, buy the rough
separate parts of these watches from various
factories, polish and put them together, and
take them to the nearest watch merchant, who
stamps and engraves them with any name or
brand that ay be ordered.
The American Waltham Watch is made by
no such uncertain process—and by no such
incompetent workmen. All the Company's
operations, from the reception of the raw ma.
terials to the completion of the watch, are car.
red on under cne roof, and under one skillful
and competent direction. But the great dis
tinguishing feature of their watches, is the fact
that their several parts are all made by the ti
nest, the moat perfect and'delicate machinery
ever brought to the aid of human industry.
Every one of the more than a hundred parts
of every watch is .made by a machine—that
infallibly reproduces every succeeding pan
with the most unvarying accuracy; it was only
necessary to make one perfect watch of any
particular style and then to adjust the hund
red machines necessary to reproduce every
part of that watch, and it follows that every
succeeding watch must be like it.
The Company respectfully submit their
watches on their writs only. Ther claim
money, by their improx ed mechanical proces
ses than can be made under the old-fashioned
handicraft system. They manufacture watch
es of every grade, from a good, low priced and
substantial material, in solid silver hunting
cases, to the finest Chronometer; and also la
dies' watches in plain gold or the finest enam
eled and jeweled cases ; but the indispensable
requisite of all their watches is that they shall
be coon TIMEKF.EPEPS. it stould be remem
bered that, excert their single lowest grade
named 4 • Home Watch Company, Boston,'
ALL WATCH ES made by them are FULLY war
rnnted by a special certificate, and this war
rautee is good at all times against the Compa
ny of its agents.
July 20-Iml 182 Broadway, New-York.
ERRORS OF YOUTH • A gentleman who suf
fered for years from Nervous debility, Prema
ture decay, and all the clfrets of youthful
discretion, will, for the sake of suffering hu
manity, send free to all who need it, the mei
pe and directions for making the simple reme
dy by which he was cured. .I! , ulf,rer3 sv:shing,
to profit by the advertiser's experience, can du
so, by addressing in pet feet coadenee.
JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar street, N. Y.
_ .
MARRIED L I FE:--Serious reflections for
Young Men, on the Errors, Abuses and Disea
ses induced by ignorance of Natures LBWS; a
personal narrative of misery, despair and final
restoration, by simple means. Should be read
by every young man in the country. Sent,
for the benefit of all, without money and with
out price. Sent in a sealed envelope to any
adaress, free of charge. Address JAsics S.
BUTLER, Box 5197, General Post Office, N. Y.
9:3='THE Glory of man is strength—There
fore the nervous and debilitated should imme
diately use lielmbold's Extract Bridal.
A first-class Double-sheet Eight-page paper,
containing Forty-eight caluinus.
Published Every Morning. Southwest corn
er of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT streets,
$8 00 PER ANNUM.
i 4.00 PER ANNUM.
It contains items of interest to every one.
ONE COPY, $2.00 per aunt! ill
FIVE COPIES, 9.00 " ,
TEN COPT re, 17.00 " 1,
To the getter up of a Club of TEN 01 ISOre
Copies an extra copy will be given.
All orders should he atirires.ed in
Editor and Proprietor,
Glithrtsbant Artbotir
Southwest Corner of Market Square.
rrHE ACADEMY building will be
ed to receive the support of the Pub lic ' *
The Academical year will consist of two term
the first term to commence with the first gon
day in September, and to continue twenty
four (24) weeks : The second term. with the
second Mot;day in April, to continue sixteen
(16) weeks. Charges for the respective termsr
are as follows : For first term, of twenty-fou
weeks, (accor.!ing - to ace and advancement)
from $2O to $3O. For second term, of sixtee i . ,
weeks, from $lO to $2O. Children under 2
of age, for winter term, $l2; or for summe,!
term, $B,OO. Stationery, use of books an!
tuition included. Terms for boarders, add
further particulars, see circular.
Marietta, Lancaster Co., lr ,
Marietta June 29, 1867. -2 m. J . _