the Matitttian. MARIETTA. PA : Saturday Morning, July 6, 1867. o'The Washington- corrissponden tof The Press has the folloWirig in regard to the case of John H. Surratt : "Grave doubts are entertained as to whether Barrett can be convicted. Hie counsel, for some reason, are very confidmit of his release. It is thought their chief reliance is upon a disagreement among the members of the jury, some of whom are knoivn to be devoted Roman Catholic Copperheads. As-I informed you previdusly. this Catholic church, which is very strong here, is doing eve rything to aid the prisoner. Weichmai and St. Marie are Catholics but are per secuted beyond measure by the priests and piominent members of the church. Both have been threatened with amine. tion. ar Maximilian . was really shot by order of Jaurez, on -the 19th of Jane. It is believed that Juarez reluctantly coneented•to the execution of Maximil ian. When the messenger bearing des patches from our Government relative to sparing the life of Maximilian deliv ered his packages* to Juarez, the latter informed him that he (Juarez) was disposed to spare the life - of Maximilian, but the pressure from the Mexican leaders and people for hie execution was so great that it would be almost impossible to resist it. eir Hon. Charles Denison, member of Congress fiom the Twelfth District of Pennsylvania, died at his residence in Wilkeebarre, on the 27th tilt., after a lingering illness. Mr. Denison was born in Wyoming Valley in 1818, gradu ated at Dickinson .College in 1839, adopted and practiced the profession of law, was elected a Representative to the Thirty-eighth Congress, and re elected to the Thirty-ninth and Fortieth Congresses. or During 'a recent wedding in's church in a village near Troy, When the clergyman asked if anybody knew any reason why. the ceremony should not proceed, a woman rose in the audience, and forbade the bans on the-ground that the groom had promised to marry her when her husband died. The clergyman decided that she had no right to look so far ahead, and went on with the cere mony. isir The impeachment of the Presi dent will "prcibablibe, initiated by the proper proceedings at the present sess ion of Congresi. The Judiciary Com mittee some time since announced that it hid sufficient evidexice to warrant such a movement. If this really is the fact, the country is prepared for the work of punishment. grir One Colonel Schumaker first dis covered coal in Pennsylvaia in 1811, but the people had no faith in the discovery, and Schumaker, after losing eight years labor and a large fortune, subsequently became insane and died in the lunatic asylum in Philadelphia, after twenty-one years confinement as a madman. sur A young man named John Rivers last week, in Putnam county, Ga., was gathering strawberries in his .father's patch, on hie hands and knees, when a rattlesnake sprung and struck him on the neck. A physician was sent for at once, brit before he arrived the young man was dead. Oir A young man named. Loehr re cently married the daughter of. one Schmidt, in St. Louis. He had fairly earned her, having' three years. since agreed to labor for her parents for' that period, the remuneration being board, clothes and Sophia. He had to make the agreement or lose Sophia. There, is now a Priest residing at Capri,,witci,posgee 200 blind Quails. Be has had their, : eyes put out with a hot knitting needle in order that they should call, and so decoy, others of their ape. cies. There should be a prevention of cruelty society established at Capri. Gir Mr. Lord, upon whose property the famous Lord bond robbery was committed, last week received from an unknown source'sl 200,000 of the bonds stolen from him. This leaves a deficit of only $90,000 still Missing. Mysteri ous as usual sr Wednesday last found the Forti. eth Congress at its post, and= ready for duty. The roll was called at noon, a quorum was found present, and the country was safe again. Gen. Geffrard, es-President of the Republic of Hayii , has arrived in Paris. He iB dishribod as a fine tall mart of color with a white monstache. igar The. Boman Catholic bishops or New York, and ,. Irooklyo 4have isene4 circulars derkonstotag perai . eons APPEARANOZ OF TEM POPO.-A corres pondent at Rome tiescribesthe . person al appearance of the Pope, as follows i "I met him the othfr day on the Vio Angelica, a pleasant, shady street that runs out north under the walls of the *Vatican, where he had gone. as is his wont, to take an evening drive. He generally drives out betweens and 6 o'k goes out a few hundred rods, and then dismounts and walks. I saw him ,walk over a mile and then disappeared from sight, atlll walkid'g, while hie carriage fol lowed slowly o, behind. He walks with the totter peculiar to old age, and With a considerable stoop, and yet with not a little rapidity and energy. I am bound to say of Phis IX, has the pleasantest face I have' seen in Hurtipe ; hie good nature amounts to a weakness, end his hesitation is said*to give his councillors trouble." • sir A correspondent of the Cincin• nati Gazette has made the acquaintance of 'Solomon Thomas,' a gate kieper at Fairmount, Ind., who is now in his eighty "ninth year, and 'who, while living in lowa, sent to the army during the Rebellion, tweitty-fOiir sons and sons-in law, all of whom, after years of hard service, returned home onharmid. Thomas is in good health, is very active both in body and mind, and bids fair to outlive many men of forty. Eminent men of science have dis covered that electricity and magnetism are developed in the system from the iron in the blood. This accounts for the debility, low spirits and lack of ener •gy a person feels when this vital element becomes reduced. The Peruvian Syrup, a protoxide of iron, supplies the blood with its iron element and in the only form in which it is possible fur it to en ter the circulation. sr It is said that during the siege of Queretero the women of the city carried food and drink to the soldiers in the trenches, at the peril of their lives. Many thus fell victims to their conjugal devotion. One was shot through the breast by a bullet, which likewise killed the infant, strapped to her breast. A. secoid_ had her head taken off by a round shot. A. thirdwas killed by a bullet in the plaza. or In a school recently a teacher took occasion to relate an anecdote of a little girl who tried ''to overcome evil with good," by giving a new Testament to a boy who had ill-treated her. The story was appreciated, for a few minutes afterwards one boy struck another, and being asked the reason, said he was "trying to get a Testament." This was a practical bearing altogether unexpect ed. ' A. resident of Berlin recently went to sleep _with cigar in_ his mouth. The nest morning he was found to be un conscious. Be slept, and could not be awakened by the most violent shaking. The eipreision of his featuies was calm and hie body was rigid and unimpress ionable to pain. Be was restored on the seventh day. • - gar William H. Day, of Jersey City, hag been sentenced for an undue regard for' married life. Sarah Dietz, Matilda Siren and Marie Haight, all wedded wives confronted him in court. He married the former thirteen years ago, the second eight years since, and the third last week. fir The Pittsburg Post, a Democratic paper, advises its party, hi case Want is nominated by the Republicans, to abandon their old ideas and vote for him—a significant fact, foretelling the impending dissolution of the old worn out Democratic organization, ifir The Secretary of War has author ized the issue of United States breach loading rifles and ammunition to the Union Pacific Railroad, to enable the engineers and the working . parties to protect themselves against the Indians. fir The Lincoln University. for the education of negroes, at Oxford, Pa., is in a flourishing condition. Nearly all of the Southern states are represented by scholars. South Carolina alone has 8 pupils in attendance. sa" The dead body of a little girl, six weeks old, was found in bed in Leonard street, New York, a day or two ago, and beside the body was found the mother in a gross state of intoxication. ar Lena Miller, lately Convicted Of poisoning her husband, in Clearfield co., WOO sentenced to be hang. The Clear. field papers say she evinced no emotion under the circumstances. ifir It is estimated that thick shoes have improved the health of women twenty-five per cent. Bat what hard work it was a few years ago to persuade them to wear them. A cut finger is best protected by being encased with a rag moistened with flour and water; this will harden and remain firm till the healing is complete. fir An anti-temperance society has been formed in Scranton, to oppose the great reform which 'the Good Tomptars are carrying on with so mach success. erA thoughtful and pattiotia.Phila delphian has sent $l,OOO to the-Treasu ry, in aid of paying off the National debt. Lv - caTIIE THY CRAWFORD COUNTY SYSTRIL—The system of nominating candidates, known by the above title. was adopted in' Craw ford county in 1860, and has been prac ticed there ever since. Its adoption for this county by the late Convention, ren ders the details of the system a matter of interest to the public. The following are the rules for govern ing nominations : Ist. The candidates for the several offices shall have their names announced in one or more of the county papers at least three weeks . previone to . the prima- . ry meetings, stating the office, and sub ject to the action of the party at the said primary meeting. 2nd The voters responding to Republi_ can principles in each town, ward or -borough, shall meet on the 3011 day of August, at the usual pliice of holding the Spring elections, at 2 o'clock, p. m., and proceed to elect one person for Judge and two persons for clerks, who shall form a Board. of Election to receive votes and determine who are proper per sons to vote and shall hold the polls open until 6 p. m. After the polls are opened, the candidates . announced as aforesaid, shall be balloted for; the name of each .person 'voting shall be written on a list at the time of voting, no person being allowed to vote more than once for each office. 3rd. After the polls are closed the board shall proceed to count the votes that each candidate received, and make out the returns accordingly, to be certified to by the Judge and attested by the clerke. 4th. The Judge (or one of the clerks appointed by the Judge) of the respect. ive election district, shall meet at the Court House, in Meadville, on Tuesday following the primary meetings, - at 1 o'clock, p. m., having the returns and a list of the voters and count the votes, and the person having the highest num ber of votes for any office shall be de clared the regular nominee of the Re publican party. • sth. Any two or more persons having an equal number of votes for the same office, the Judges shall proceed to ballot for a choice, the person having the highest number to be the nominee. . 6th. The Return Judges shall be competent to reject, by. a majority, the returns from any election district, where there is evidence of fraud, either in the returns, or otherwise, to the extent of the frauds committed. ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S DOMESTIC Frink Moore;the editor of the Rebel lion Record, has issued au excellent "People's Edition" of the "Real Life of Abraham Lincoln," illustrated with a splendid likeness, for which Mr. Lincoln sat, at Mr. Moore's request. The book also contains a complete version of Mr. Lincoln's favorite poem "0 I why should the spirit of mortal be proud ;" with an account - of its authorship as given by Mr. Lincoln. Any person can obtain a copy, free by mail, by sending the price 25 cents, to Frank Moore; 45 Bible House, New York. dr Splendid prizes in greenbacks Over $5,000 in greenbacks; $lO,OOO in Sewing Machines'; $9OO in Washing Machines.; a vast amount of Hoop Skirts, Albums, Books, Gold Pens; Pen cils, Lockets, &c., &c., to be distributed to the subcribers of the "Home Arinse ment." Every yearly subscriber gets twenty four tickets, drawing from $5 to $lOO each in greenbacks. Canvassing agents clear from $lO to $l5 per day raising clubs. Sample copies with a prize ticket and full directions and in structions to agents, sent by mail, by inclosing ten cents, addressed to the Home Amusement, 78 Nassau Street, New York. Male and Female Cony/lasing Agents wanted in every town and neighborhood in the United States. far Now• that the Bankrupt Law ie going into operation, it is best that eve ry one interested in bankpuptcy should have a good copy of the law, and we can think of no better way of obtaining one than by sending 20 cents to Frank Moore, Publisher, Bible House, New York, for a copy of hie "People's Edi tion." It is Bent free by mail, for that price -20 cents. fir The Selma (Alabama) Messenger chronicles the death, in the almshouse of Dallas county, on Saturday last, of Robert McKnight, in the eighty-fourth year of his age. Mr. McKnight was, it is said, the oldest printer in the United States, having commenced learning the trade in Georgetown, South Carolina , in 1798, and, until within a few years, was able to work at the nese'. 4ir The Liverpool Post says that Charles Kean is suffering from serious prostration, the result of an affection of the heart, which' will render his reap pearance on the stage vary doubtful -- Kean was playing at the New Prince of Wales Theatre when his sudden Illness terminated a brilliant engagement. sir. Victor Beach, residing in Oneen ta, Otsego county, New York, murdered his mother on Tuesday, and then shot himself in the head. Drunkenness is assigned for the act. Afiltfid'Ashemist Bads love com posed of fifteen parts of gold, three` of fame, od two of effect/In. Ntb3s (It 33riff Young ladies in Chicago wear , false calm as a protection against mad dogs. Madame Juarez has left Washington, to return to Mexico. The Pennsylvania Steel Works, loca ted near Harrisburg, are in operation. Torn Thnmb and wife, Commodore Ndtt and Minnie Warren, arrived frOm Europe on the steamer lowa. The 28th of June was the fourth an niversary of the burning of the Colum bia bridge. Jefferson Davis was born in Todd county, Kentucky, and was< sixty years old on the 3rd day of June. Gen. George B. McClellan and family have engaged passage 'home on the steamer of the third , of November. A she Blondin, - wlio calls herself Rosa Celeste, is going to walk across Niagara on a tight-rope, next month. It is estimated that' • the United States bishops will carry to Rome this pear $400,000. -The new State capital of Nebraska is to be named Lincoln, in honor of the late President. The skeleton of a small dog was dug up at Portland, Me., the other day, which had upon the neck a collar of pure gold. - In Greifswald, thirty-six persons have been infected by trichina ; The cause of which has been traced to a diseased pig, of which they had partaken, Polly Rogers, a decendent of , the John- Rogers who, as profane Sunday scholars putwit burnt the steak," has just died in Massachusetts at the age of A weasel-faced, light-haired, wicked eyed man named Henderson, ran away from Biloxi, Miss., with his wife's niece, leaving hire. Henderson destitute, and salndling a newspapers out of $25. The Scranton, Pa., Republicans hoists the name of Ulysses S. Grant, the great Soldier,- for President, and Andrew G. Curtin, the soldier's friend, for Vice President in 1868. Uncle Tonl's Cabin is still selling 2.000 copies a year. The original pub lishers have sold 312,000 copies of it in all, and counting foreign editions, it is probable nearly a million copies of this famous book have been printed. Frank Hiscock, a brother of the vic tim of the Cole mnrder;hae been nnani monsly nominated as candidate for dele gate to the State Convention, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of his bro ther, A Down-East cotemporary advocates the establishment of the seminaries for young ladies, where spinology, knitolo. gy, weavology, cookology, ctc., can be taught—the graduates to receive the degree Of F. F. W., or Fit for Wives. A farmer near Erie, Pa., bought sev eral barrels of spoiled sausages for the purpose of using them as manure, and put a link in each hill of corn. His corn came up the next day by the help of every dog within a circle of five miles or so. Gen. T. C. Hindman, of Arkansas, one of the prominent Confederate Generals, is active in support of the reconstruction act of Congress. In a recent speech at Helena he, urged the electors to enter earnestly and sincerely upon the work of reconstruction. A. beautiful courtesan, twenty-one years old, committed suicide in New Orleans last Sunday evening by taking a large dOse of morphine. Jealousy at her lover kissing another .girl in her presence was the only supposable cause of her rashness. Judge Wylie, of Washington, has de cided that a combination of physicians, to regulate their fees, is illegal, and he accordingly reduced the charges in a physicians' bill to the old rates, which are about one-half the amount now de manded. Jesse Peacock, a well•known and res• petted citizen of Montgomery,'Ala., cut his throat, on the morning of the 13th nit., in order to relieve himself of finan• dial difficulties. It is thought he will recover, when a doctor's bill will add to his embarrassments. The London correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer sags : It is an nounced that Ml... Tapes Gordon Ben nett, Jr. , deeigns starting a daily paper in London. 'Vile has a fortune superior to that of the Marquis of Westminster and willing to sink a good portion of it, he may, perhaps, succeed. Hon. Geo. C. Gorham, who has been nominated by the Republicans for Gov. of California, was [twenty years ago a news carrier in New London, Connecti cut, getting his schooling, and paying his way by his own exertions. Be has been an editor and a lawyer, and is at present clerk of the Supreme Cowl of Oalifornia. • The United States are getting on poorly in prosecuting claims before the British Courts, which invariably decides against its, whether we are plain4iffs or defendants ; 'and what" is worse, Judah P. Benjamin, who condacte the oases against us, is petted, while'on `cdiirisel are snubbed, I tlqioq acifie ilqqt.oqb Co., Are now constructing a railroad from OMAHA, NEBRASKA, westward towards the Pacific Ocean, making with its connections an unbroken line ACROSS THE CONTINENT. The Compauy now offer a limited amount of their FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS having thirty years to run, and bearing annu al interest, payable on the first day of Janu ary and July, in the city of New York, at the rate of SIX PER CENT. IN GOLD, MNETY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. This road is already completed to Julesburg, 376 miles west of Omaha, and is fully equip ped, and trains are regularly running over it. The Company has now on hand sufficient iron ties, etc., to finish the remaining portion to the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains, 141 miles, which is under contract to be done in September of this year, and it is expected that the entire road will be in running order from Omaha to its western - connection with the Central Pacific, now being rapidly built east ward from Sacramento, Cal., awing 1870. Means of the Company Estimating the distance to . be built by the Union Pacific to be 1,565 miles, the United States Government issues its Six per cent. Thirty-Year Bonds to the Company as the road is finished at the average rate of about $28,250 per mile, amounting to $44,208,000. The Company is also permitted to issue its own First Mortgage Bonds to an equal amount, and at the same time, which by spe cial act of Congress are made a first mortgage on the entire line, the bonds of the United States being subordinate to them. The dovernment makes a danation of 12,800 acres of land, to the mile, amounting to 20,- 032,000, estimated to be worth $30,000,000 making the total resources, exclusive of the capital, $118,416,000 ; but the full value of the lands cannot now be realized. The authorized capital Stock of the Corn panY is one hundred million dollar's of - which five mllions have already been paid in, and of which it is not supposed that" more than twenty-five millions at most will be required. The cost of the road is estimated by compe tent engineers to be about one hundred mi lieu dollars, exclusive of equipment. Prospects for business, The railroad connection between Omaha and the East is now complete, and the earn ings of tin Union Pacific on the sections al ready finished for the first two weeks in May were $113,000. These sectional earning; as the road progresses will much more than pay the interest on the Company's bonds, and the through business over the only line of railroad between the Atlantic and Pacific must be itn- mense. Value and Security of the Bonds The Company respectfully submit, that the above statement of fatts fully demonstrates the security of their Bonds, and as addition al proof they would suggest that the Bonds now offered are leis than ten million dollars on 517 Miles of road, on which over twenty million dollars have alreadY been expended;-on 330 miles of thia road the cars are • now running, and the remaining 187 tril:es are, nearly com pleted. _ At the present tate of premium ongold these bonds pay an annual interest on the present cost of Nine Per Cent and it is believed that on the completion of the road, like the Government Bonds, they will go above par. Tie Company intend to sell but a limited amount at the present low rates and retain the right" to advance V:e price at their option. Subscriptions will be received iu New York by the CONTINENTAL NATIONAL BANN ~ No. 7 Nag- eau Street. CLARK. DODGE & Co., Bankers, 51 Wall St., Jona J. Cisco & Sort, Bankers, 33 Wall St. and by Banks and Ban kersgenerally through out the United States, all of whom maps and descriptive pamphlets may be obtained . They will also be sent by mail from the Company's office No. 20 Nassau street, New York, on applicatio. Subscribers will select their own Agents in whom they have confidence, who alone will be responsible to them for the safe delivery of the bonds. JOHN J. C/FCO, NEW and Faahionablo GOODS ! Greatly Reduced Prices ! ! MRS. ROTH has just returned from the city with a large assortment of Plain and Fancy Goods, all of which are of the latest style, such as :—Coat and Dress Buttons, Bl'k and White Bugle Trimming, Marseillei But tons and Trimmings, Crystal Buttons, a large assortment. of Ladies' Cuff and Collars, .1" a conet Edging and Inserting, Swiss,. Tucked, Shirred and Marseilles hlnslin, Swiss Edging and Inserting, Fine Lace Handkerchiefs and Collars, Infants' Waists, Puffs, brushes, gum cloth, Powder Sacks and sock s, Belting Rib bon, Mohair Braid, silk braid, !. ilk floss, em broidering cotton, of all kinds, French Corsets at reduced prices, Hoop Skirts new styles, Veils, Ladies' Took combs, ladies' hose, Hair brushes and combs, Ear Drops'and Breastpins, Fancy garters, powder, Lilly white, Mean fun Vegetable Rouge, Powder, Glycerine, White and colored Kid Gloves, all colors Lisle thread Gent's Linen and Paper Cuffs and Collars, Paper collars 25 cents pePbox, Gent's Pocket Handkerchiefs, Neck ties, hose,poa ade, tooth brushes, Perfumery, gloves, woollen and linen shirts, hair renewer, sleeve buttons and studs, Paper and envelopes, all to be soli at greatly REDIJOED PRICES. Mrs. R. is agent for Singer's Improved Sew ing Machine. Particular attention has been paid to the selecting of small wares, such as 'Sewing Silk, Cotton and Linen Thread, Whale bone, Hooks and Eyes, Needles, Pins, &c. 13— The public are particularly requested to call and examine for themselves. the Web) ffotlse Coal 04 Boner. Gives more light withless oil than any other Burner. la. Call and see it at JOHN SPANGLER'S. CIOAL OIL-BEST QUALITY, ki AT 50 CENTS PER GALLON, AT J. SPA-GLER'S ROGER'S Celebrated Pearl Cement and Oil Paste Blacking at " H.E GOLDEN MORTAR . , BEST Quality of Wines and Liquo ra for medicinal purposes, at Di: Landis'. A LL Kinds of Blei3lts, Deeds ' &c. For Sale etthis office. LYON'S Periodical Drops, and Clark's Fe male Pills. The Golden Mortar /FRAIL SKIRTS .— Go to Mrs. ROTH'S 11.. and see them. . . QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE CONDITION or THE. FIRST NATIONAL BANKof MARIETTA On the morning of the Ist Monday ofJuly,lB67 REsonacks: Notes and bills discounted, $22,5 United States Securities, 64706 160 900 00 Banking House, Due from Banks and Bankers, 71 124 000 41 Cash i on hand n in circulatin tnces ad other cash items, 3 5 40 00 of other National Banks, g notes, Lawful money, 1 655 00 Current Expenses, 85 656 pp Taxes paid and premiums, 314 75 1 11 4 60 $054 14 Ea LIABILITIES: Capital Stock paid in, $lOO 000 00 Surplus Fund, 34 000 00 Circulating notes outstanding, 98 745 co Due to Banks and Bankers, 14 959 27 Individual deposits, 2EI 611 15 United States deposits, 21 171 83 ---- Dividends unpaid, 302 722 98 940 00 Discount, Exchanges, &c., 2 697 37 I, Amos Bowman, Cashier of the First Na tional Bank of Marietta, Pa., do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge ant belief. AMOS BOWMAN, CASII/ER. State of Pennsylvania, County of Lancaster. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 3rd day of July, 1867. PATTERSON & CO., NO. 66i MARKET STREET, MARIETTA. PA. D EALERS IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC HARDWARE, Keep constantly on hand a fun neck of Iln ding Material, Nails, LOCKS, HINGES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, WHITE LEAD, SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF CEMENT, &c., IRO N: Rolled and Hammeree Iron, Steel, Horse-Shoes Bar, Norway Nail Rods, Hoop and Band Iran, Horse-Shoe Nails, Bolts, Files, Rasps, etc. HOUSE-KEEPIAG GOODS. FIRST-CLASS COOKING AND PARLOR STOVES, RANGES,g- Tubs, Churns, Cede, Stands, Wash Boards, Buckets, Knives and Forks, Plated and Metalic Spoons, Sad Irons, Kraut Cutters, Waiters, Bras. a: Copper Kettles Clothes Wringers, Pans, Iron Ladles, Meat Stands, Coal Oil Lamps, Shades and Lanterns, Tea Scales, Coffee Mills, Painted Chamber Setts, &c., &c. Forks, Shovels, Hoeg, Spades, Hone Brushes Wheel Grease, Fish, Sperm and Llibrie Oils, Cistern Pumps, Long and Shalt Traces, Breast Chains, &c., &c. TOOL S: Hand and Wood Saws, Hatchets, Chopping and Hand Axes, Planes, DIIS:.tIS Augers and Auger Bits, Braces, Prunaiog Hooks and Shears, &e., Re. Thankful for past patronage, we hope to merit and receive a continuance of the same. PAn'ERSON pri]ag 1367_ BOWERS & STEACI. Aro. 61 _Market Street, Marietta, Pa ARE NOW OPENING Their stock of Spring Goods, much lower than they were sold THIRTY DAYS ago. Full line ladies' dress goods, from a quarter dollar de laine to a good Groderlime silk. Ladies cloaking cloths,, skirting anualina, bahnoral and hoop skirts. WHITE GOODS, WHITE GOODS. Jaconetts, Swiss tarletons, pin striped an plain nansooks, pereales Marseilles and bril - liants, domestics in great variety, good white muslin 11 yards wide only 25 cents, 1 yard wide 20 cents, unbleached heavy muslin 20 cents. White and unbleached muslin 10,121 and 15 cants. Good calicoes 10 and 12i cents, Best makes 16 and IS cents. Good ginghares, rorn IS to 25 cents for the best, towling first ate and cheap, 10 and 121. Marseilles coun erpanes, woollen coverlets, table cloths all wool, linen and cotton. Boys' wear from 2 0 to 75 cents per yard, lull line fancy Cassi merea black cloths and Doeskins. French Suitings—very handoine. Good suits, from 12 to 90.00. Here is a bar• gain, gentlemen, wheel in and get a suit. Large assortment Queensware,Glassware, from common to good. Groceries of every description. Best quality of feathers. Wool, linen and cotton carpet chain with a fine as sortment of goods in our line very cheap. ll An early call is solicited. Marietta, March 30, 1867. Treasurer, New York TOVES t STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES!! COOK STOVES', COOK STOVES, STOVES, AT JOHN SPANGLER'S• -'" PARLOR S_TOVA:S. O-- PARLOR STO7ES PARLOR STOV,ES , GAS-BURNING STOVES, AT JOl-11 , 1 SPAXGLEF. S NTOVES, STOVES,- -u VULCAN ST!) YES FOR HEATIAG TWO OR FOUR 800 MS WITH ONE FIRE— FOURTR SUPPLY NO W READY—CALI, AN SEE THEM AT I. Spangler's Hardware and Stove Store Market Street, Marietta, Pa. itA. LINDSAY, ..10 7 MANUFACTURER & DEALER IN Mli BOOTS 8c SHOES, REF,T STREET, MARIETTA, PENS. Would most respectfully inform the citizens of this Borough and neighborhood that heads at this tune the largest assortment of City st work ever offered in this Borough, among which may be named the new-style ?oiisi) Boot, ana Globe-M FOR THE LADIES. A. L. being a practical BOOT AND SUM, 'MAKER enables him to select with more judgment than those who are not. He contin ues to manufacture in the very best rhanner everything in the BOOT AND Miag which he will warrant for neatness and ht. la "Call and examine the new stock befor, oin g elsewhere. ar:XP WILLCOX & GIBBS NOISELES 3 Sarnilg_ o,lmi_ng jtachbiA The most simple, complete and easily man aged Sewing Machine now in use. It does every description of dbork —never stops at or needs to be helped oger seams, but does all its work rapidly and well. The needle re quires no adjustment—you cannot get it igin wrong—it makes any width of hem you w' —does braiding beautifully. The Braider Is in the foot of every machine and part of it. and is always adjusted, never gets out of place , Call and examine them home purchasing any other, at IL L. & E. J. ZAHN' S, Corner North Queen street and Centre ' curz, Sole Agents er. FebruP 17.!h0c ,' $554 124 62 E. D. ROATI-I, S. P. I=l