go Spat'2;l aricftian. saftißaD Torning, Juries 29,,1867. The Morning Passenger train for Lan caster and Philadelphia will leave the uppei station at 12 minutes • after 8 o'clock. The Mail train going Westward will pass, upper station at 7 minutes after 12 o'clock, NOON. The Harrisburg accommodation train - eastward Kill pass at 26 minutes after. 5 o'clock, in the afternoon and returning arrive. , here- at 43 minutes after 6 o'clock in the evening f g r We are glad to learn fronrßetr, Greeg, that the fair and festival tit B a inbridge, netted the M. E. church , throe hundred dollars. 0- The Lancaster Intelligencer an nounces that it will. send its weekly edi lion from July 3rd, unlit October 9th for fifty cents. Apart from the Intelli gencer's copper affiliations it is an ex cellent weekly. Its literary selections are always very fine. g ir All vendors of merchantdiie who have not already done so, are required to lift their licenses at the County Treasurer's Office before the first of My, or the amount due from them will to put into the hands of au Alderman for collection. The Treasurer informs as that our borough has quite a large number remaining on hand and if not lifted before the first will have to go to other hands for collection. eir Rev Mr. Alexander has returned to Colarable,aod reopened the Classical Illstitute formerly in his charge. He was very popular when there before, but was compelled to sever his connection with the school on accoant of his declin ing health. We learn he is much recu perated. See advertisement in another column. or These secerai hot days has called into requisition Dr. El: Landis' Mineral Water Fountain.- Wbo would do with out a glass of cool . mineral Water,' fheee fultry days, when it can be had. for half a dime? •Echo answers "Who?" . .... 63 The "Old Detooder" of walnut once more tali,Er - kild of the tape thenqure and shear', and announces his retutrn to busin 2 4 See his odve.rtise mrdt i AO column.' El. Bucher has leased the \VickersCam Academy building and will open a first class school on the first Monday in September. For'particulars, Eeo card in another column. Mr. B. has had considerable experience as a leacher, and will, no doubt, give entire satisfaction. Susquehaana and Ilygiene lodges of good Template wild celebrate Like fourth c,f July by a Pic Nic at "the point" on the York county shore. cr A Col. Brune, late of the U. S• army, and for 35 years amongst the In. (liana, delivered a very interesting lec ture on their manners and customs, to a large audience, in the town hall, on last Tuesday evening. The young bloods of our town are to have a F'ourth.of July Ball in the evening, on Pine street. Those having the matter in hand are regarding no expense to have it something extra. gar The bricklayers hare completed the 'first story of Spangler .k Rich's new store building, which, when completed, will be quite an ornament to the town. thir '"Che,Littje Corporal" for July - is the first nureber of a new volume. Mrs. Emily fluntingten Miller is hereafter to be associate editor. The-little favorite is published at $l.. a year. Address, Alfred L. Sewell, Chicago, 111. fa- Twelve hundred Ahad weve•caught iu the Juniata, within One mile of New port, Perry county,—all within ten days, ending about a week ago. This shows the success of operduteluices in the dams oftke Sitig4l4aria for, the Passage of these ftsk. ;*. ; • W.' As a tonic and . afPetizer, nothing can equal the effent'ot Dr. Anders' lodin e w a t er . jjaiiii; all stimolants its effect is permanent, building up the body, and giving strength and vitality to all parts of the-system.. In old and chronic cases it may be Mied.with,almost a certainty of success. tir The Copperhead council of Rea - log has discovered that it would ."mar the beauty" of the streets of that city to erect a Soldiers' Monument in any Part thereof. Certfanly,' its the _,same party denied the soldiers the right to vote while they were battliqg.for the Government, it is consistent to refuse them honorable sepulcure. Wir A convention of land owners, last Week, at Alexandria, Va, brought out the opinion that lauds must be divided into smaller farms. The South is learn ing, liar A. mammoth camp meeting is to be held at Mount. Joy, in kngust next, by the Church of God. lir Ctrs. Roth hos just reeeiirell new inv.oice of Ladies Arimraings. fancl-ar'' tielee, &o. MARRIED. Feanorma—F,Acirimacicit, Jfline .. 27th; at the Presbyterian church, Marietta, by the Rev. Wm. A. Fleming, JOHN SPANGLER to Miss Ser.r.ru R. Faarrnarrocall of Marietta. We pray our friend ,Spangler will please consider our beaver raised for his kind remem brance of the printer. May "old Father Time?' deal gently--very' gently with him and his chosen companion whilst traveling down life's uneaven pathway. Maritita apbtrag, Southwest Corner of Market Square THE ACADEMY building will be re7open ed to receive the-support of the public. The Acadcmienkyearwill consist of two.terms; the first territ to commence' with the 'first Mon day in September, sand to continue twenty four'(24)•vieeks The 'second term, with the second''Mthidar in , April;'to continue sixteen (16) weeks. Charges for the respective terms are as folloWs: For first term, of twenty-four we'eks, (accor,ling to age)and advancement) from $2O to $3O. For second term, of 'sixteen weeks, from $lO to $2O. Children under 12 of age, for winter term; $l2 ; or for summer term, $B,OO. Stationery;. use .of books and tuition included. Terms for. boarders,' and further, particulars, see circular. ' ' ' ' Addresa,' ' - D. H. DITCHER, • ' Par NCIPAL s . ' Marietta, Lancaster Co:, Pa Marietta, June 29, 1g67.-2m.] goineria eiassital 3astitutt A_Boarding School for Boys and a Day School for both sexes. CHOOL SELECT; and number limited. Students from the neighborhood will be admitted . as boarders from Monday to Friday. For circulars, addrebs• REV. H. R. ALEXANDER, PRINCIPAL, Columbia., Pa. lune .29, 18674m.] • . gelet7 , " Old Trainict Hall." Clothing • eat to Order, at the Old Wal nut Hall, - Old and New Styla - for Men, -Boys and all. Let old acquaintance never be forgot, but always brought to mind, And if you' want your cluthing :cut, the old tailor will try to 'please your mind ; '- The wars are all over,-and the old soldier is in his hall, Will sell government harness to farmers, boatmen', and all ; ' As war has made's change in life, with great men and small, He will be thankful for past favors at the old Walnut Hall'; For half a century past, depended off the old tailor shop and hall Made ends- meet' well, which men will tell one aid all ; - That it is a' first-rate4business,Okee',s,ad is for rent that iird . - Some f ood man can rent it at a call, and make' lots of money it the Walnut Bath S. D. MILLER, Old Defender. Mai ieita, Sane 27th, 1807, PATTERSON' Sc CO., NO. 66; MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PA. D EALERS IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC .HARDWAR.E.,' Keep constantly on hand, a full stock cd Bu ding Material, Nails, i ) LOCKS, HINGES,, ( GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, - WHITE LEAD, ) ,„ SUPERIOR . ARTICLE OF CEMENT; &Q., , 0 I 0 N: Rolled and Hammered Iron, Steel, Horse-Shoes Bar, Norway Nail. Rods, Hoop and Band Inn, Horse-Shoe Nails, Bolts, Files, Rasps, etc. DOUSE-KEEPING GOODS. FIRST-CLASS COOKING - • - - .. AND PARLOR STOVES,. RANGES; .. - Tubs, Churns, Cedar Stands, ~ . Wash Boards, Buckets, Knives and Forks, Plated and llletalic Spoons, Sad Irons, Kraut - Cutters, Waiter* Brass as r 'Copper Kettles . Clothes' Wringers, Pans,. Iron Ladles, Meat Stands, Coal Oil Lamps, Shades'and Lanterns, Tea- Scales, Coffee Mills, Painted Chamber Setts, &c.,&c. • Forks; Shovels; Hoes, Spades, Horse Brushes Wheel Grease, Fish;',9orm and Lubric Oils. - Cistern Pumps, Long and - Short Traces ; Breast Chains, &c.,&c. • H "T 0 0 L S: andan 'Wood Saws, Hatchets, 'Chopping and•Oand Axes, Planes, Chisi,eia. Augers and Auger Bits, Braces, Prunninp Hooks and Shears, &c., &c. ' Thankful for past patronage, we hope to merit and receive a continuance' of the same . , - - 'PATTERSON 4 . C 0 - prig 186`7_ I=l & STPACY. No. 61 Market Street, Marietta, Pa., - ARE NOW OPENINar Their stock of Spring , Goods, much lower than they: were sirld. l •TillßTY DAYS age. Full line ladies' -dress goods; froth a-quarter dollar de 'labile - to good ~Groderhine silk. Ladies etc:diking cloths;- skirting 'rap-sling, balmoral and hoop skirts". . - • WHITE GOODS, WHITE GOODS. Jaconetts, Swiss tarletons, pin striped an.: plain nansooks, pireades Marseilles and brit-, Haas,' donfmaticain great variety, good white Malin yaids' wide Mily 26 cents,, . 1 yard Wide 20'cenis; uublettihed heavy muslin .'2O cents. White and unbleached muslin 10, 12i. and 15 cents. .Good,calieoes„Krind 121metils, Best makes 16 and 18 cents.. Good gingham r0m.,18 to 25 cants.for the • bestiitewjiirg first M ate id bcheap, 10 and 12i. ,Marseilles coun erpanes, woollen I.:overlets, table cloths all wool, linen and cotton. Boys' wear 'from 25 to 75'cents per yard, full line fancy Cassi meres, black cloths and Doeskins. : French Suitings—very handsome, Good Baltic from 12 to 40.00. Here is a bar gain, gentlemen, wheel in and-get a suit.' Large assortment Q:neenswarei,Glassware, from • common 'to" good. ,Groceries' of every descriptihn'. Best quality 'cif feathers.''Wool, linen and cotton carpet chain with' a fine as sortment of goods in our hne very cheap. {Cr An early call ut Marietta, March' 30; 1867. • the ffeta.iffijßotise eoAt Oil Givei more light, with lease oil than any other 13urner. ;Cr >Call and see irat JOHN STANgI2EIVS.,' C OAL OIL-BIAST•QUALITY , , • - ILT l SP,4I.AGLEW Xs . for - !Official igirposes, rlr-c-THE DR. WISTAWS-BALSAM OF WILD,DHERRY —ln the whole history, of medical discoveries no remedy has performed so many .or such remarkable'cures of the numerous affections of the Throat, Lungs and Chest, as this long tried and justly celebrated Balsam. So gen erally acknowledged is the - superior excel lence of this remedy that but few of the many who have tested its virtues by experience fail to keep it at hand as a speedy and certain cure for, sudden attacks of Cold—fully be- that its remedial powers are ceinpre, hensive enough to,enthrace every form of dis ease:from the kightest cold to the 'nest dan- geTous symptoms of pulmonary complaint UNSOLICITED' TESTIMONY. Froni 'Rev. Francis Lodeil, Pastor of the South - onEyrgqApna 2..0T , Bridgeport, CoA. nectwut '" Isconsider km duty which I owe to suif. ering humanity to bear-testimony to the virr tues of Di.'lWistar! 'l.BalsamA)l Wild Cherry, I haveused , it—When I have:had:occasion fo any reniedyrfor , (oughti,:Colds or%Sore , Throlit , --for-roany-ye"als; and neVer , in a singre-ln 7 stance has it failed to cute me. I have Ire quehtly boon .very hhaiSS oh' Saturday, and looked forward to the delivery.° f two' serniens on the following day with sad misgivings, but by a liberal use of the Balsam, my .hoarseness has invariably been removed, and I . have preached without difficulty. • ~I commend it to my brethren - in the ministry and to.public speakers generally, as the best remedy for the bronchial troubles to which we are. peculiarly exposed ' l ' .- .Prepared by SETH W. FOWLEA SON - Tremont SI., Boston, and for sale by drug gists generally. . Fiu all the Proteariforms of Disease origi nating in . SCROFULA, there is nothing that can equal the purifying effects or lodine when administered in a pure state. DR. H. ANDERS' lodine Water is pure solution of lodine dissolved in water, without a solvent, and is the best remedy for Scrofula and kindred diseases ever discovered. Circulars free. J. P. DINSMOitE, Sold by Druggists. 36 Day. Street, N. Y. _lmportant Naos I Early Spring Styles. WE have just replenished our Stock.with Vl' the latest choice desires of - Fancy . and Staple Dry Goods, • purchased at greatly reduced .prices, and hick we are selling at prices gratifying to. urchasers. We have full lines' of the" - best makes of - Black and Colored Wool Delaines, • Superior Black and Fancy Silks, • Rich styles Silk' Warp Poplins; Various grades black and colored Alpacas, French, Scotch and American Gingham's, 10000 yards Funoy . and Mourning Prints, Childrens, Misses and Ladies.-Balmorals, Swisses, Cambric and Jaconetts, . Cambric snd.Swiss edging and - Inserting,, and unbleached muslin's . of all grades, Cassimeres ard Cloths for Spriiig wear, Jeans, Cottornides and Denims, :Plain and Fancy, plaid, Woo Shillings. BARGAINS . For.New Housekeepers. Tickings in all Widths, very cheap, Furniture Check, in.greut variety,. Linen and colored Cotton Osnaburgs, Linen aiid , Cotton White and unbleacbed Sheeting, Tewels and Toweling, plain and figured, Cottondhd.Woolen,'• 'Bright .coh.rel Coy erlets, French and American Counterpanes, . 100 pair white and colored Blankets, Ingrain, Venetian, Stair and'Rag Carpets, Floor. and Table Oil Cloths, all widths, Transparent Oil cloth and Holland blinds, Rosewood, Mahngany, and Walnut frame Looking Glasses, WooL • Linen. and Cotton carpet Chain, Superior steamed live picked Feathers. QUEENS W ARE. 46,67 and 110 ps Setts Iron Stone, Ware, 'Granite and Iron stone .Chamber setti, Fine and Common Glass ware of ail kinds, Common Queensware in variety. GROCERIES. • ..Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Dried Fruit, • Salt, Fish, Spices, etc., etc. ;EP An early, call is solicited. SPANGLER & RICH. c-yrovEs! • - • , - 3 STOVES! STOVES! ! STOVES ! !!. COOK 'STOVE.% COOK. STOVES, .Q. STOVES, • , AT JOHN, SkANOLEIVS. - -o-- , PARLOR STOVES. PARLOR STOVES PARLOR STOVES, GAS-BURNING STOVES, Agl 'JOHN SPANGLER'S. UTOVES,, STOVES,-VULCAN STOVES. FOR HEATING ' ,TWO OR FOUR '- ROOMS WITH ' ONE FIRE-FOURTH SUPPLY NO W READY-CALL AND SEE THEM AT 1. Spangler's Hai-aivare and Stove Store • • Market Street,- Marietta, Pa. Al A. LINDSAY, . i garn T W.MANUFACTURER & DEALER IN BOOTS Bc' SHOES, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PENN Would most respecttully inform the citizens of this-Borough and neighborhood that hehas at thii time the largest assortment of City made work, ever offered in this Borough, amongst which may, be named the new-style ?olis4 51oot, qno 51q1Notlis. FOR THE LAME& A. L. being .a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKER enables him to select with more judgment than those who are not. He contin ues to manufacture in. the very best manner everything in the BOOT AND SHOE line, which. he -wiX warrant for-neatness and fit. ri-Call and examine the new stock before om g elsewhere. • atXar 'WILLCOX & GIBBS y 110/BELEBB ;1%014% qeuilng ,deLadzine. 'The most simple, complete. And easily man aged, Sewing Machine .now .use. It does every 'description Of 'Work —never, stoPs.,at or needs to be . lielPeir over seamd, but does all. its work rapidly and well. The needle re quires no adjustment-you cannot get it in, wrong—it inakesliny' width of hem you wish —does braiding - beautifully.. The Braider is in the foot of 'every machine and p..rt of it. and is always adjusted, never gets outof place, Call and examine them before purchasing any other, at • H. L. 'Sr, E. J. ZAHM'S, Corner North Queen street and Centre Square, Sole Agents for Lancaster County'. :Lancaster, February 17.,,166.-tf. GEO. ETTL A , Aocounta;nt. THEHE undersigned , a practical Accountant, ' offers' his services, iti - Ide; Opening, Posting and. Closing, of Books , mti . .l l amining and adjusting accounts;..also to eare trintiact such other: business pertaining to• his profession that may be entrusted to his He.is also' agent *the Great Eastern De, tective Horse and Live Stoe,kJnsurance Com-- $100;000. Insures Horses, 11.fuleei -- Cattler - and --Sheep, --agninstzlnen by: Theft iiiiirDenth, 4114; 'Acciiient or mititint cause* 5 A Marie,Wipitif6,4y2.-C'e nto- all,btrtistmentss B URNHAtES American Business COLLEGE, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. . A model school Trade; associating Theory with Practice by,At syStem actual business .W operation practically illustrate and. simplify, the Science of Accountantship, Mer cantile exchange, &c. in all their various rein- RECENTLY REMOVED TO ,A 'MAGNIFICENT MGR , ' COLLEGE BUILDING, erected at a coat of .11126,000: Acknoweledged to be the best, and . Most complete Business College ever established., Book-keeping, Conutiercial Calculations and Correspondence taught in an interesting`. and practical Jumper. „Banking: houses, Merch ants' EMParium, and fifteen business Offices in daily 6.oeratioii. • A therbughly organized 'de partment Of Mercantile Law. Physical cul ture unde.r a Skillful gymnast. Penmaushii. taught. by masters of the art. Students can enter at .any - time "; no particular degiee' of advance - Merit required. Ladies' arid. gentle.- men prosecute, their studies together,,and enjoy equal }VlVl:tillages.. :Graduates hays. averaged over,siic. months in completing ,the,pierscribed course of study, and. as aresult,even-eightha ortheni have readily secure;d, lucrative situa tions in business. Strict attention given to the moral imndsobial.welfare of students. 7_ FOUR S.PLEND.ID PRIZES, of $75, will be presented. Dee: ..25th,-1867, to the;four, gradn ates' who shall . have entered college from Feb. Ist. to July Sib 1867, and made the best itnprovementin:llooK,Keeping and .Business Writing. Partioular:s in College Review, just issued: SPRINGFIELD is,situated ht the beautiful Connecticut' River Valliy ; has 25,000,inhabit ante, is a city of great .bnsiness activity,: and the most healthy and delightful place of resi dence in New England... . . COLLEGE REVIEW, Circulars, etc., giving full , particulars relating to 'the course of study expense of board and tuition may be had gra tis. , Persona in pursuit of the most complete Educational facilities sbouid address LOUIS W. BU.RNI-LAM, President, Springfield, Mass, June 11567. INADAJAFOY'S Vl . , R S=ET SKIRT -SUPPORTER ..:ombines in one garment a 'perfect fitting Corset,and the most desirable Skirt support er e'ver offered the public.— It places the weight of the skirts upon the Shoulders in . stead of the hips; it impro- ves the form without tight lacing,; gives ease and elegance; is approved and recommended hipliysicians. _ . _ _ Manufactured by D. B. SAUNDERS 4. Co., 96 Summer-st., Boston, 'Mass. WA n N ew TE w D or —_- , Ag c en for Profeesor Stowe's k Orti t c s ix AND HISTORY OF THE 'BOORS or THE BIBLE.. Showing what the Bible is not, what it is, and bow to use it. A work of patient research, diligent study and ripe'experience ; being in feet the life work of Professor Calvin ..E.. Stowe, D. D. - It is destined to be one of the most popular books ever published. Clergymen, Teachers, Experienced Agents and. Ladies wanted to canvass for this work. Address or apply to ZIEGLER, cCU R DY, & CO., bill Chestnut street, Philadelphia, :Pa. • ' BOOK AGENTS WANTED F('R °Beyond. The Mississippi." Fromthe great Riper to the great Ocean BY ALBERT D. RICHARDSON. OVER 20,000 cents SOLD IN ONE BIONTLI Life and Adventures on Prairies, Mountains, and the Pacific coast. With over 200 9 de scriptive and Photographic views of the Scenery, Cities, I:ands, filineS; People and turiosities of the "New States & Terntories. To'pros2 octive emigrants:and settlers in the "Far VOA" this History of that vast andler tile Tegjon will prove an invaluable assistasice supplying, as it does a want long felt of a full, authentic and reliable guide to climate, soil, products, means of travel, &c. Send for circulars and see our_ terms, and a full description of the 'ciork. Address NA TIONAL PUBLISHING Co., 507 Mil or-St.; Philadelphia, Pa.. - BOOK AGENTS WANTED. to canvass for Chas. W. Elliot's new. woik, RE. DIARKARLE CHARACTERS and MEMORABLE PLACES of the Holy Land. The contributors to this work,:are sufficient guarantees of its value, Henry, Ward Beecher, T. D. Woolsey LL. D„ Pres. of Yale Col., Joseph Cummings D. ..D, LL. D., Pres. of Wesleyan Univ., Rt. Rev. Thos. M. Clark, , Bishop of-R. I. &C. Agents are meeting with astonishii g success. Selling from 250 to 300 copies each per month. It has no:equal. 3 For full particulars and terms address the publishers. •-. : • „ . ..,J.,8. BURR & CO., Hartford, Conn. T. OLTISA MULBACH'S HISTORICAL , • NOVELS.• D. APPLETON — S 3 CO. Broadway 443 & 445 New Yorlr, HAVE JUST PUBLISTIPD, B Y L MRp;ACH, FREDERICK THE GREAT, and his fam ily. Translated by Mrs. Chapman Coleman and her daughters. - 1 vol. Bvo Paper cover $1.50 ; . Cloth. $2. " Each succeeding novel of the well known Muhlbach series- adds ...to Mrs. Mundt's reputation.N. Y. Times. JOSRPH IL-and his court. An Historical novel. Translated-from the German by Ade laids De V. Chaudron.- 1 vol. Bvo. Paper cover; $1:50; Cloth, 2:00. "Ir 'Joseph H.' she transcends her previous efforts,--Phitadef phia,lntifren . • FREDERICK THE GREAT and his court. An Historical novel. Translated from the German by Mrs. Chapman Coleman and her daughters. .1. vol., 12mo. :434 paps. Cloth s2:_.:" Most remarkable volume of our time." —Troy Whig. . THE MERCHANT OF BERLIN:—An L historical novel. Translated from the German by Amery Coffin, M; D, 1, vol. 12ine. Cloth s2.' " There - is not 'chapter in B."— Utica Herald. - BERLIN AND SANS-SOUCI ; or Freder ick the Great end his'friende, By f Muhl bach. 1 vol. 12mo. $2. " Unrivalled in the whole domain of historical romance.—Chicage Journal of Commerce. Either of the above sent free by mail oti re ceipt of the price. P,9,±32 - tfor HE GRAFTON Mineral Taint Company T are now, manufactt.ring;the best cheapest and most durable PAINT in use ; two coats well put on, mixed with pure linseed oil, will last 10 or 15 years: It is of a. light Brown, or beautiful-Chockolate color, and can be changed to, green, lead, stone, ohne, draP,or cream, to suit the taste of the consumer. Pis valuable for Houses, Barns, Fences, Agricultural Im plea,ents,Carriege and Carriage Makers. Pails,. an Wooden-ware,-Canvass, Metal and Shin glp_apols,. [it being fire and','Wikter proof] Bridges; urial Cases, Canal Boats, Ships and Ships' Bottoms, Floor - Chl Clottis, (oae main= factureehaving used'sooo barrelsthe past year) and as a,;paint for any purpose is unsurpassed for bodyolurability.,elasticity, and adhesive ness. PRICE $6 :per barren of 3001b5., which will supply alarmer fox years to come. War-. ranted in all eases.as above. :Send ?or a eir cu I ar, which gi:Vesfull particulars. None gen uine unless branded in :a trade 'mark Grafton Mineral Paint. Address DANIEL BID WELL, Proprietor, 254 Piarl-St., N. Y. CM ENT -. BULLOCK'S $.014,9, • • BVOA, - .Ivlzitaiii NTS' 4Q and 42- South E.'ron.-st.,;,Philadelphia. qammissione 5 per cent Advances in cash Made. Interest 6 per cent. per annum; R ODMAN, FISK & CO., BANKERS, AND DEALERS IN I= GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, No. 18 Nassau St., New York, Buy and of at market 'rates. Six per cent. Bonds of 1881 ; Five•Tventy Bonds, all is sues; Ten. Forty Bonds; Seven-thirty Notes, allseries ; Compound Interest Notes and aold and Silver Coin. Convert all series of 7-30 Notes into the New Consolidated 5-20 bans tit best market rates. Execute orders for purchase and sale of all miscellaneous securities. ; .Receive,deposits.and a110w.5 . per..cent. In terest on balances, subject to check at sight. cOlictions on all accessible points. isities'of" Government - Securities credit ed or remitted for, on receipt, at market rates, Free, of all commission charges. a. r. & co. • ARE YOU LAME, Crinpled, or Deformed Or have you, or your neighbors,'a boy or child lame with contracted limbs, orcurved spine, or crooked feet, or week or paralyzed limbs or ankles, or who are entirely helpless, or who are obliged to creep, or to walk with crutches, or whose limbs are shortened, or crocked, or drawn up, or who walk.on the toes, or whose ankles roll over or turn inward,or who have crooked knees from White* swelling, or scrofu la, or who limp from hip difficulties. To save such from a life of misery will you not write a letter, giving the prominent points of the case and receive in return, free of charge, a circu lar, which may be the means of saving them , 3 Ifso, addrees Dr. J.. P. MANN, 133 West 41st *reet, New-York. rIRE WORKS. ' JOS. B. PURDY, 32 and 34 Maiden Lane New-York. 24th 'ANNUAL'S/UK. ' quarrantees best quality, full- size and weight, and a most complete assortment at reduced Orders executed with care and de opittch. City, Town and Private Displays - furnished -to any amount. A 'liberal commission allowed for securing city'or town exhibitions. , , . P. T, BARNUM'S ( patent ) tLASTIt STRAP . AND BUCKLE, FOR PANTS, VESTS, and DRAWERS tor This little invention is just out, and as it is no "humbug," is meeting a rapid sale. It can be applied in a moment to any garment, by any person, causing it to fit perfectly. Its elasticity prevents tearing the straps and buckles off the clothes, and also allows per fect freedom of the body while working or taking exercise. For sale by tailors and the trade generally. Send 25 cts. for strap, circulars, terms to agents and the trade, to the BARNUM E. S. & B. Co. 650 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Agents wanted ip eyery county. A lE2' For sale 'at SPANGLER & RICH'S PELOUBET ORGANS AND MELODEONS Unanimously awarded the first prize, a GOld Medal, "AS THE BEST CABINET OBGANS, , . American Institute, New York, October,lB6.s. Being pronounced superior in Quality. Power and Variety of tone, and in number of combinations. "As the best instruments of America were there contending, whichever won the battle would have 'nothifig lefeto conquer."—Amer lean Art Journal, (edited, by a well known musical critic.) They have also taken , the first premium wherever exhibited this season. PEDAL ORGANS, ;'Oire, .two and there banks of keys—six sizes—s2so to $l5OO. Without pedals, single and double bank in great 'variety, stis to $450. These Organs, with their smooth, pipe-like 'quality of tone, beautiful solo stops, strength of chorus, un equalled-pedals, and general organ-like effects are snperior for Churches, Halls, Parlors and Schools. They are put 'up in cases of Solid . Walnut, fancy veneered .Walnut ( new ,and unique- styles) and elegant '-Rosewood'; of splendid designs and finish, , and of the best workmanship!—it being intended- that each instrument shall be a model of its class. All instruments down to a- fine , 'Octtivo portable Melodeon, have the beautiful Tremolante atop, without extra charge. --- • A large assortment constantly on bawl' at our General Wholesale and Retail Warofooms 841 Broadway. Our illustrated Circular and Price lists, with our new styles, are now ready. Send for a circular. PELOUBET, PELTON & Co., Manufacturers, No. 841 Broadway, New York city. March 9,-3m. 7AINES' BRO'S. PIANOS. . - TIIE PIANO OP AMERICA. These Pianos are universally acknowledged by competent judges equal to the best Piano made. •For reference they have many thous— and city and country residents , ' including large numbers of the High Schools, Seminaries &re. . These Pianos have not only stood the con tinual use and heavy practice of' One Year, but have been used the last Fifteen Years to the utmost satisfaction of those,using them. They have taken Premiums :and 'Medals wherever exhibited. Such has been the de- mand for these Pianos, that Messrs. HAINES Bao's., have been compelled to enlarge their works to.t•he extent of 24 to 30 pianos a week. Basing now one of the most extensive and complete Factories in the, United States, Fac tories alone covering over 3-4 of an acre of ground, comprising a frontage ot - 219 'feet (in' 2nd Avenue. - They are undoubtedly the ebeiipest &d -cities Pianos in market... Fully gua'ranteed for 6 years. Send for:illustrated .Cireular: ' HAINES 13RO'S:, • 356, 358, 360, 362,364366, 368,370, 372, Second Avenue, New York City, March 9,-3m. • • . GEO. P. ROWE: [-J - L .0 00.: ADVERT/SING AGENTS, 40. Park Row, *New,Yark. "FORMERLY . ' AT BOSTON; ENAMEL OF .AAINRICA, for ;beautifying the complekion t seftening the akin, re moving tan, freckles and pimples. Sale 'at Dr. Landia' 'Golden Morten' , • - . CHOICE Lot of Books fel., children called A ih diptru ctab le Paper Eboka, Statienky, .Pena Pen holders &cat LiNDIS'. BROOM HANDLES, ,a choice lot received and for sale at , J., SPANGLER'S. T YON'S Periodical Drops and, Clark's, Fe 7 &male Pills. • ' The Drops, rip aAIL- SKIRTS.-‘-Go to Mr e. and see them. A LL Kinds of Blanks,' Deeds; Ake: • For See at this (die's: THE GEM RADICAL NEWSPAPER. FORNEY'S PRESS NO COMPROMISE WITH TRAITORS I GET THE BEST AND CHEAPEST HEWS- PAPER. IN THE COT; NTRT THE PRESS, A first-class Double-sheet Eight-page paper, containing Forty-eight columns. Published Every Morning, Southwest corn er of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT streets, - DAILY PRESS. $B.OO PER ANNUM. $4.00 FOR SIX MONTHS. $2.00 FOR THREE MOHTHS TRI-WEEKLY PRESS. $4.00 PER ANNUM. $2.00 FOR SIX MONTHS. $l.OO FOR. THREE MONTHS. THE SUNDAY PRESS. $2 00 PER ANNUM. $l.OO FOR SIX MONTHS. THE WEEKLY PRESS, TILE HOST VALUABLE' WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLD. It contains items of interest to every one „READ THE TERMS. ONE Cory, $2.00 per annum Fire COPIES, 9.00 ” " ' TEN COPIES, 17.00 " " "TWENTY COPIES. 33.00 " " To the getter up of a Club of TEA or more Copier; an extra copy will be given. AR orders should be addressed to -JOHN W. FORNEY, Editor and Proprietor, S. W. COT. SEVENTH and' CHESTNUT Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Down with the High Prices I GABLE & STRICKLER, Market street, one door west of the Poet Office, Marietta. Have just received a full and complete stock of Foieign and Domestic Dry Goods, Carpeting,,Floor and Table ril Cloth, Win don Shades, Hats and Caps. Gentlemen's Furnishing -Goode, Glass and Queensware, Groceries, Fish, ,alt, etc., Which will be sold very cheap for gash only 1 6000 yards of Calicoe at JO cents a yard. 5000 ' 6 ' 1 " " 12 ' 6 " " 5000 CI CC CC cc 15 Ci CC CC .5000 te cc eak 41 16 . ac cc 18 cc cc cc 5000 ac Unbleached .Muslines--yard wide, at 10, 12, 14, 16, Is, and 20 cents, Bleached Muslin,,at 10 and 12; yard wide at 14, 16,18, 20. arseilles and llrilliantes. Mouse de Laiaß at 22 and 25. Plain and figured all-wool DeLaines at 95 to 50 cents., We.have also added to our .stock & most complete assortment of WHITE GOODS, Consisting of Plain, Striped. and Plaid Jaco net and Cambric Muslinas Plain and Dotted Figured SWiss ; Plain and Figured Nansooks ; Bishop and Victoria Lawns.; White and Or gandie Lawns; 5-4 White shined Muslin. A assortment of Jaconet and Swiss Insert ing and Edging. together with a large stock of Ladies'. Dress Goods and Cloaking Cloths, and a large stock of .Notions ; a full line of Youth's and Men's Cloths. and Cassimeres. la" If you wish to save money, give us a call. GABLE br. STB.ICKLER. April 13,-1867. gxfirqd BAIA Is a certain cure for diseases of the 'BLADDER, EIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROP SY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY and all diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in ' MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause originating and no mat.- HOW LONG STANDING. ter of Diseasetofthese organs require the use of a diuretic. If no treatment is submitted to, Consurop • tion or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are supported from these sources, and the HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU,, Established upwards of 18 years, pre pared by 11. T. HELMBOLD, DRUGGIST. . 594. Broadway, New York and 104 South 10th street, Philadeiphia, Pa. S. S. RATHVON, Merchant Tailor, and Clothier, At F. J. Kramph's Old Stand, on the Cor ner of North Queen and Orange Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a. GATEF UL to the Citizens of Marietta and vicinity, for tb.e liberal patronage heretofore extended, the, undersigned respect fully solicits a continuance of the same; as suring them, that under all circumstances, no efforts will be spaled in rendering a satisfactory equiValent for every act of confidence reposed. CLOTHS', CP,SSIMEREIII A. N D VESTINGS, and such other teasonable material as fashion and the market fUrnishes, constantly kept on hand and manufactured to order, promptly, and fee sonahly, as taste or style may suggest. ALSO -ILEADV-NADM CLOTHING, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goande wild such articles as usually belong to a Mer chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment. Blank Book and Stationery WILLIAM G. PEARY, 728 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Hag constantly on hand, and manufactures to order every variety of BLANK BOOS, for Bankers, Merchants and Manufacturers. Drafts, Notes, Checks, and Headings of every description, engraved or lithographed. A very full stock of Stationery wholesale or retail. S. H. Fulton, formerly of Marietta, has charge of one department of the business, and will give personal and special attention to any orders by mail or otherwise. All goods at the most seasonable rates and all Blank work guaranteed of the most superior quality . IL L. 6- E. J. ZAHM, i`,...Feuf"lests, )_'Corner of North Queen-St.„*.: and Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa. VETE•are prepared to tell American and V, Swiss Watches at the lowest cash rates! We -buy directly from the Importers and Man ufacturers, and can, and do sell Watches as low as they can be bought in Philadelphia or New-Y.ork. • • A fine, stock of Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacle; Silver - and Silver-plated ware constantly on hand. -Every article•fairly represented. - , 4. E. J. ZAHMS Cerser 'North, Quash Street and Centre Spar. LANCASTER. PA.