The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, June 29, 1867, Image 2

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    the parittlian.
Saturday Morning, June 29, 1867.
car Them 'ia any
that Ctmgress will re-atEteinhl f e - in
the p,sTiod ,to whic,h,,,itndjovned, but,
which it was :hoped there would be no
necessity to - o`.' Itis - belioied too that
there will quorumtn botkhrenchee.
0a 1 y„,t, 9States , Tennessee and• galifor-,,
Elia will unep.sesent`ed. This session
Ilea been provoked by, the i'Fesident's
course on the Reconstruction
much as it bps become an unavoidable
necessity that action should at Race'. be
taken explanatory, _of.thislaw which , the
Administration : : attempts to render. nu
tir The 'skeleton Bishop Gilmore - ,
a man over sixty years . old, who myster
iously disepri'opie'd 'from 'Helium, St.
Lawrence coaoty, shoat ten ."mo ' n'ths ago,
was recently found in — the woods near
that plate: 'He - had deliherately hung
himstlf. The neci, tbs. head'at
tached, hang in the noose, bet the bones
and'elothen lay in a beep under his rtide
gallows. His' feet were in his shoes;
but his hat had fatten fronkhis head, and
hie pipe had long,since gone out and fall
en to .the groun,d.
gar Ann' Eagan, a servant girl, living,
in Hoville,W., Y.,' Went to bed:Satniday
night, blew out the gas instead oetnin
log it - off, having 'previously - stint the
the door of her room. In the morning
she was found nocontious, with the hair
torn from her head, and froth issuing
from-her month, • A, doctor was called
who after administering restorativee for
four. hours, brought her .hack to con
sciousness, and she is now entirely_
.ar . Eliza Hendrickson, Of Broolrlyri,.
has sued John-Dawson; a deacCi - in the .
De Kalb avenue M. E. church, for bieaCh
of promise. The engageinent and break
iug of it is admitted, the - de - fen - 6 being
sot up, that she allowed him to armiiinOt
himself improperly toward her, and ha
did not wish any such 'woman Wt.
This she 'denie, and fixes her. dimageg
at $5OOO. She hes been awarded $lOOO.
sir Lettere received at Washington
from prominent meinbersof•both Hermes
of Congress - indicate' that at the coming
meeting 'Of that liody '''provistonal
goViirnliti;irtii now existing in - the : am:Ali
will:1311 1 Atitirelfabolishild;aild: tern
tonal "plan aiiiipted, Prominent so4herii deelare - tha't while tiage
governments' remnin•in force, therotigh
reconstruction imPossible.
Q Omaha dispatches - state that a
battle between' 6 . 0- whiten" :ar4 , 1.5'0
diana was' fought Ori , thd 12th'itistl'at,
Ofaloos station. 'Nine :Lidiatis• Wein
supposed 'to hilve been •• 'killed. The
whiteb :sustained no loss: 'The Indians
are quiet ibetWeen the North Pratte•and
Den4er, ha-- trouble's Between - 11/enVer
and Fort Laramie continue: ` " • •
r The 'trier of Surratt is - slowly
• ,
progressing at
. Washington! - Every day ,
the evidence :ptiives be of - 'a more
damaging character, and the' Meet * Im
portant witnesses hive "not:beer exam:
inedi te -Seine thaflie
may eventually make a cotifesiiiti .
save himeelf, whichivill astound people.
WilliabOl i ..Skidmoro,'Wbe
Wm, B. Cat -Brooklj4 iiith 7 ait air
gun, cut hie throat with razoi on Tues
day night. He'lert-tioAetters , confess
fog the murder, bayinethat he iti'd
not commit foriiiiiney,.io that liq
uor and Forneri,wero, the clinic ,o,f.his
The ioramentS`qn General Sick
course . dtritidhed i ' n''fhe`Atornep. Gen.
oral's opinion, has,created a profmind
sensation.; General Sickles- has forivatd
eil a• reggae,. to Washidgtonlim be .re4.l
lieved iltity`aa commander,of, that,
milita>padlstriatlandidemmidedGa adult
of in qaiitylon hii3 !offici al so tido;
61$ - !Laat: wook.,the4intpostations; rof
jewelry itoi this = conntip: amounts - 41 • in
vain& t 0459,486 'good, $34,306 ;
cigars:4ls,666 pirfuniefi,-$73.900ey5,
$4943 ; 'liatent - Wittier, $916 ;-• cham
pagne, $1075; ` fruits, $66,000 ; and Oh
er articles,
.making, a total"
of about e
qsarter - dresiiiiiliot of d'6IIM:S.::
Judge. Henry •W. Williams, of
Pittsburg,- was, on Wednnadap nfteinOon
!alit, at 'ilia Republican" con've'ntion; on
the ninth balfot n'ouiinated` as" the '
ty'e candlda.telokumat,sin 2 phognpreine
Bench of Jim Atoje,: : ; liejakottid;to,hp,
about 45 and an able f9Stra4r,lilvil:PTl,:. •
sar Speaker Dolftt,24; hatfiviftitten-totbe
proprietors of the Natiotieljnotel,ep-,
gaging rode for.tfre approaching, ses
sion of ily siticrie
there on the 2nd of L..
ENT Ludt Vridef, is ithornits"T &Oct
was fatally shot 144ferliY'Ll'Ohioicin c i t 'the
consequence, it is said, of the former's
guilty intimacy with the letter's wife.
Ntbas',ltt 331itf
tg*", ...:
John M. Washi ,
of New.
bern, N. 0.,4as deolcriecl`s4tekke the:
oath of• office rkuired by General'
Mrs. Woodman, of Swanzey, 93 years
old, rode five miles and back a few days
Si:Anton, of Somerset, who was nearly
96 when she died.
The funeral of Charlea F. Browne
CAT" ecireilfh lied"
Waterford, Me.. on the 6th inst. -The,
remains, although enclosed in fonnOlf: .
fins—shell, zinc, lead and oak—had not
feature?, .ht!zrevef i -;,'reroiitked* i iplrfect.
The Masonic fraternity assisted at the
The. stock- off flour in Cinoinndti wee
counted a few days-. ago, -and.-it!wae
footed, nEt at 20;000,barrelk appears
that there areabout - fore barrele.of whir-
key in. that. city to• the one, -ofjlour.
A .penny (tarri cents) edition n-
, of ta
yaws : Yiigrain ' s Prcigr'ess,"ebrel)te,i., wge
issued by - tbri tondon'l3btili SodietY
little over a year , ago, and more tban'bik‘
thousand Cirltijil)Vitii6n
have been cireplAtd.'
The Bo.ard-of klealth , of Lquis
made: mar upon the 7,eed era s of.exllti:nills,
forbidding sale ir,fthe
sake-of swill to,he fed to
A grand ..fury at Pittsburg - I:leire
terned tree bille4geifiet'tsien - ty btitith
eie, for ixpoeing for Eta diseesedineitte
the animate being dideeeed . lhefore .kill
A former slave . of jieuys A. Wlse - bas
been' draivn jury at Richmond.
Seven nierobeis of titatjury
,are ea slaves,
and are barbers or waiters. ,
The ppople of;Oentral Oity,,Colosa4a,
have. labscrlibe.4 A. 5000 to ..he:.Paidifor
Indian scalps "with the Aare en ) ,"-,at the
rate of lake ,pieee;
A- fornier'in r blarion'county.
httiliord - hialerOV cif stiaNib l eFices on for
ty acres Of-land for $60,61501
About $lO,OOO in,confeterate money,
mixed up yv . .tth:,ntlinF t waetnßaper, was
sold ` in New orleatea km!. f.ayA ago at
four cents a pound.
:..k.lady :in Michigan. was stung in-the
ball of the eye by a honey hoe, and died
in,ten minatee. ;
Hiram -Pierce, the . ricliest man
• —•
Prescott, Mass,., hnnififtnielflitia barn
last week, froth` fear cif c:iahig'to.want.
It is.computea Obi) kegs of lage r
1 3:ear .are ever
,The Refpublibah,State Convention of
Louisifina has .puesed , a resolfitiori asking
Congress to appropriate $Z.0,000,000.f0r
the ; purchase of ~ , auba, take it by
fore( of arms. -' .
The huelleAd of , Mrs. Sophia :Niitcti
ell, of istorwiehrtheriango conriti, went
to California thirteen years ago and was
there' innidern& 'the widow = had tile . ,
remains of her hesband' biought heeiCte*
N,oriiich'4lL'eyettiey arrived a' few days ,
eirdeyfldini'Mfe. T. upon her death
bed. One gra . vErriceiirecl them both. '
Unions Congressional Committee
Washington has heard from ;
enough form a cinornmof thi
.. dr
intention fo r aiteadt,h
q- ql4:Pession of
gre ~Scirtatt jury :one is a wood
dealer, another a real eattite'agent,ian=
other ; ft;',,hatter,- two 'Ve paper hanger's,
another ap, ex tensive.hard ware in fi rehltdit
two have retired from active .linsiness,,
two are'grlocers, and one is a dealer in
fancy dress goods._ ;
'§arnuel , Griagory, of Delaware'cOunty,
In this State, recently, hung hia '.'warnus"
bUeh l , 'while' he' repaireda worm
fence. An old sow came ianng and
"Che'Wed" 'tie garment; lacerating a roll
of greenbacks in crib pOcket, containing
seventeen' _hundred 'dellars, which were
rendered worthless.
- ...."!
An anti•temperance, society, has been.
formed, in Scranton, to oppose the great
reform which the Good,,,Templars are
narryingon with. so much success... • .
The Board of Trustees of the Antie
tun Natien'a.l Cemetery met at Shartis
burg, recently, andfixed.upon the I.7th
day'ot:Sftptember next _ as: the day for
the dedication of the Cemetery. Ex-
Governcir r.Ctirtin':uf this , lBiate, Was
chosen orator for the occasion: - .. '•
The.pogr i . ptpp,9B4Pharloge, svice.of
ittnpAnre,ie in a condition.
or,hop9fes§lnennity, The.Fren4
alk,announne:tlnt ler naellical attend
19:48, 1 alto!, having held n coneultation,
on the state : of the Empcetke : Obarlottee i
havnAenlnred,thnt she will never reenv. :
er. her ren6i9R..,„ It the ppirOn
et , A4,.,,PhYsigia9 B . l 'hat her 9erN o 4s aye.
teta,Aesi re99bred hich,must,
result in her death•:
'N. P." Willis'qotta,' ft:41110,1'1i Cón
n'eatedwith the prearef Pittsburg, died
eiddinly; a 144 or enV
faring from . simems. Deceased- was in.
4.• .;
thetabii Of dritiklbg
-The .inan who first . offered anthracite
,for .sale.• as fuel, was at into an
asylArn,for, thNins
,n,9 et, oft ,gied there..
Recently emigraritlillaviteen:iirriving f
in this country at the rate of three per
&TI - 1F.4 MIA.F IFITTIA.N.@,-*--)
,r; •
Cr The #rel 4 nc r h v
ess atilda, the
intended wife of\erince $ - 11umberi ' of
Italy o ?i; a p
rt cess i n er 19 year by all
aceointa erdiciwedviiith;re giftse
son, mind and heart, died in Vienna, ow l
the morning of June 6th." She inadver
tently trod on a lucifer match, which I
was laying at her feet on the floor, as
glialtitttifd loit - "at thi?wirri dolv — titlli e'
one of her relatives. Her summer dress ,
was in „a blaze bEifore was iircire,af
it, and before anyone could run to her
rescue, the.,groundia•an ag
ony of pain from which only death re
lir On Wednesday afternoon last,
'BMW& *Miller' a lardr t yenta',"
roaidiog'bear Ballston,.N. I.; w:ebt
thelield catch a , liorse.', After.gatch
iog the animal andlasteningthe halter,^
tbethonse statted-andillelhaltetlentengr .
li,ngrtlielboy!s,Was dragged twice.
acrossathe field ;and,along by. the fence,:
breaking,several rails. His father was
in .sight,-2and 1011 reaching- the. Scene, ihe
boylKbrains_were found dashed out, the
left .:sidel'of his face completely .broken
in, an!Pboth arms and, limbs broken.
q General T.T. .lellgher, Acting
Governor Moritana, in
y is PrOblarna
tion., calling for troops to fight the In.
diens, says i In'the event, however,,.of
a _conflict 'With • the Indians, and their'
defeat by the troops acting under this
authoriih the lattar shall be at fall
liberty to appropriate aii'd.holdwhatev
er horses„ robes, arms, and, ev r e4thiirg
and anything in the lway of spoils they
may capture The right of troops, to
this property shall be the right of Pos
session, and shall be inviolable."
t r . A. pardon'was issued On'tiii 2elth
haat,: in 'the 'case Of General James
Longstreet, it having :been - granted
upon the personal application c.Cniiiner
ons preininent - 'individuals, inClUdihk,
among tlie•"narnes appended•to'the
quest, that of General . Grant 'and-'otiie'r
prominent' officers of- - ale • arti4, - *Rh;
several Senator 4 and Representatives,
many of whoin were also personally
applicants for the pardon.
Correepondence from - Ireland
states-.positively, that jagleB Stephens
had jast paid a visit to Dublin,,and,re
turned to France .after attemptingto
defend his course, in , a Fenian council'in
Dublin. There was no hope' for the
cause. The writer states, as a result of
the Fenian movement, the.l.l,nited States
will this. year.gain an abundant supply
of- the p3ost valuable ,eatiggant-labor,
from Ireland ; .
ear The election of kidges in Leaven
worth, Kansas, have been mulcted in
damages: of.'.one cent and costa of snit
fox improperly. rejecting the vote of an
octoroon ;at the last ielectionr.•, Judge;
Brewer deeided that a man belongs to
that race from which - ,he draws most of
his blood. „That app'eare ~_to
_be good
sense,. but it will make the Democracy
ja" A schooltee.cher in a Texas town
weitiirosslyin'sultedky a ban, Who told
her it'the same time 'that'irshe had any
friend's to avenge he could
send them; to ~him{ The lady replied.
that ehe was ahlelii iirbtect herself; and,
drairing • ri' the than,' killing
hinroir the spot: . ' •
The., : qouneila of Danville,. Pa.,
have -pnpend , ,sneh stringent laws .in
referenne f ,to Abe small pox now raging
in their midst, that the farmeis,,for.miles
around there-are afraid-to-venture into
town:with , provisions, so great is the
fear .orinfectionv..*
)rYThe,Pennsylvania • St ee
garrisbnig, are now =--
in , opaTetion:
Pennsylvania pig iron is used t.lfe
manufaCture of steel: ;by th.e,Bessemer
prooess. .TheeApiteiti or the works is
15,000 tons. rolling mill to opiate
in connection with the' - Steel Tot:hp:is
now in course 'of erection.'' ,• . „
fir In - New* York twenty:: drinking
fautitaine tare to , .be. erected by.-the So-4
ciety for the Prevention of Crhelty to-
Anitnald.•They aie of iron, ornamentally
designed-in-three dePartments—the,uP-.
per for the public, the middle - our:fo r ,
hortteg, -and the fower one' for•doge. •
..)147 A. Providence, R. 1., writeijias
been visiting Chicago, and he glies it.a
bad character. He says that the t:ailors'
children go•ragg,ed, shoemakers' children
barefoot,_ and theugii, it is th'egreate;it
cattle market in the world, Chicago has
the meanest•heef.
. ,
ice' A cauple : of women - tn. - Bangor,
kq., set Upoll a fellow , the. other•nightl
who had grossly insulted theui, fan
dime "very pear'beating - 111e rates out,.
liecid'liie,irreiildere were -badly:
liTiiiiktd,'itfailine' of lieleeth ktrookbll'
down his throat. ' • .;.
A ; p'urr, belooKicsto,l±drs. Gov-,
(truer: Haydel,, of NOrtlicroßtop,
stealing. which a.coacbman bas in,
'jail , for several weeks., : was form&
other day at the old American. House,
where it had•been carried by mistake by
truckman. •' • • - ••
Queen Victoria recently met' her
two eons, the. Piince of WalesAndthd
Duke of gilinharg,.at a puhilic - eercimdity
at keli4gion l a 6 o gave the! a: 16134
scolding, fa? 0;10.414.'0f every one,
for their flirtations And goings "'on at
si,-- ,-,
gi: Sple id priXeS in greenbacks
Oveisss,oooin greenbacks; $lO,OOO in
Sewittg Machines ;.'S L I $9OO, in Washing
, set in e 4,,ti vast: amonn tt cit VI oop
Skirts, A Ibilm‘, Booki, Gold Pens; Pen
cils, Lockets, ite 4 4c„-t.kbe distributed
•to the subcribers of the "Home Amuse
ment." Every yearly subscriber gets
Itleeritt:four "lib Ifets*,'dffilivilig" from $5 'to
SIOQ each in greenbacks. Canvassing
agOnts ti?:Ao;,tekday
raising dabs. Satriple copies 'with 's
..aadtull- directions,
structions to agents, sent by mail, by
riClOSing ten 'cents, atijass - elll to f124 - '
Atasement; 3 78 sereet; --
New York.
Male and Female Canvassing Agents
wanted in every i,t;'vrn and neighborhood
in the United States. .
gar Santa Anna, it seems, has, like,
Valandigham.soMes years ago• been wait l
in and watching over the border for his
opportunity. Tampico, it is, reported,
has declared for him, which is only the
comMencement .that heralds a counter
revolution. We trust this movement in
behalf of 'a man who was not on the
ground fighting against Napoleon and
his Austrian cohorts will bepromptly
pot down, In Mexico stealing is the
stated occupation of a great portion of
the population, and whether it is a
skirt. or a, kingdom does not appear to
make'Much difference. Jaarez has fair
ly won his dangerous Presidency by his
sword, and -to take it from him by any
other means simply, larceny. ,
Cr The English papers announce Abe
deaths--of Armstrong; -441. ,, %C1e1tic
lexicographer, and .Mr. Alexander Bro
die, a promising young sculptor. Dr.
Armstrong ' is heselincivri by his "Dic
tionary of the Gaelic- Language and.
Literrture." 'He - enjoyed a. - pension
from thrkßoyalißounty „Fund, bestowed
by- Lord Palmerston, and which was
lately increased: by. Lord- Derby.-:-
His age was seventy-nine years. , Mr.
Brodie's age was thirty-seven. His
principle works were a statue .of Queen
Victoria, "Highland. Mary," "Cupid and.
Mask," and a statue of the late Dula
of Richmond.
Cr A gay old boy of sixty years re
cently married in Portland, Me., a
blooming maiden not out of berg teens
and-on , Saturday-"night-last the young
woman presented to her venerable but
vigorous lord and master four children
at one . Nil swoop—two' boys anetwo
girls. After mature deliberation, the .
ord fellow has eon Olat . drown
any of the litter. '
Cr At Syracuse, N. Y., a few days
since; a boy was passing along the street,
when a part of a window glass fell from
a window. above, and struck him onthe
end of his nose, cutting the end entirely
off, and.,extending the out an inch on Abe
left side of the lip and about two inches
on the right cheek, making a,gash•some
four inches in length, -
„liir A double cylinder, `copperplate
printing machine, printing both sides
of - a continnotik sheet in succession, is
in operation on school copy books. The
cylinders revolve in a . ,trongh of ink,
which is scraped off for the impression
of a t'doctor.” A Liverpool, printing
firm have purchased the English patent
and , introduced the machine there.
ita" . "Their name is legion'," may be
applied _to the innumerable diseases to
which the skin is subject . It would be
well for those who „are afflicted with
apparently incurable ulcers, f old some,
erystipelas and, eruptions to use Grace's
Celebrated Salve, which cores in. a very
sheitAime„cuts, burnsocalds,-&c.
fir Daring the recent visit of General
Sheridan Galveston,l'exas; he be.
came so convinced of the disloyalty of
the police- foice of. -that city
removed every man, from. the-chief to
theldwest . stibordirmte,:atid ordered the
military authorities to act intheitstead.
fir It: is stated -that Marquez, on
hearing of the capture of MaziMilian,
opened papers left him
_by the latter
tine finding one of them was an abdica
tion in favor of young , Iturbide, he pro
claimed .T.turbide . mperor under the
regency of Carlotta.
attetnp,t to build a tunnel
tinder the Chicago, river has signally
failed. The entire work lately in .pro
grass, including
last Friday , morfiing,fell in, with a,craeh,
i n ckl y au.loas ea ; to, ; the _contra _ c t
• . • - <
Gra newts* exhibits ancient breech
rocidlo'g oandun used '4OO - years' a4o,
tilmost :of ihe'eilin pattern of Krupp's"
tint probiii4 Voi:ifuite' gbod,'"ldldb
revolvers oe , oldenlfme, not:quite equal'
to Colte, bct the same generilprinei;
: Lincoln, University, fos
eigokktion r p,f negrpes,at OxfOrfl„P.a., is,
in a flourishing ,condition. Nearly all
or, , the
..pou!ttorn s.4tek,arojeyresen!,ed
. sphokare, South barolinkatons.4as
eigilt pulls, in attendance. ;_ _ ,
Ttie 'household effects of Mrs.
Lluotdo - ,' wife - of itek-PresiJent; are tie ,
id Sold an'Ctibn;lat -
only $2OOO.
Frank Mooje, the editbi of the Rebel
liopl Record; -bas issued an excellent
ik.reople's Edition!' of the "Real Life of
Abraham ;- "Lincoln," illustrated with a
splendidqitOess, for which Mr. Lincoln
sat, at Mr. Moore's request. The book
also contains a complete version of Mr.
- Laricoth's faickite — phinf "0 ! 'Why shbuld
the spirit of mortal be proud ;" with an
account of its authorship as given by
111. r. Lincoln. Any person can obtain a
25 cents, to Frank Moore, 45 Bible
!House, New York
air Now that the Bankrupt Law is
!we! ickterptediiti hank pup tcy :9 hutO
have a good, -of lhelaw, and ;i4.
can think of , no,better way, of obtaining
one than by sending .20 cents to Frank
Moore, - Publisher, Bible House, New
Xeirli;:fpr . a coPy'ofhis. "Peoples Edi
tion." It is sent free by mail, for that
price -20 cents.
I:3= Dr.. Sou mccesi Mandrake. Pills a sub
stititte fof Calomel. These Pills are composed
of various roots, having the poiver-to relax the
secretions.of the liver as promptly and effeeft
ually as blue pill 9r mercury, and without pro
ducin any at those - disagreeable er dangerous
effects which often follOw the use of the latter.
In all, bilious disorders these pills may be
used with confidence, as they pro Mote the dis
chame of vitiated bile, and'remoVe those ob
structions from._ the liver and biliary ducts,
which are the cause of bilious affections in
general, - • • - -•
Schenck's Mandrake Pills cure sick head
ache, and:ail disorders of-the liver,. indicated by
sallOW 'Bhp, coatid tongue, costiveness, drow
siness and a general feeling of weariness and
lassitude, showing that the liver is in -a tor r ad
ofebstructed cenditiOn': : • : - -
In Short, these pills inay be used with advan
tage in all cases when a purgative °reiterative
medicine is requited.
please ask for "'Dr. .selienek's Mandrake -
Pills;" and observe that the two likenesses of,
the,-Doctor are on the governmen t..stamp—one
when in the last stage of Constimption—the
other in his present health.
Sold by all drukgists and dealers. . Pace 25,
cents per box. - Principal office, NO; lb N. 6th'
street, Philadelphia, Pa: ' • _ •
General -Wholesale Agents:—Demas Barnes
& co; - ,'21 . Park-Row,..N;7. ; 108
Baltimeip-st., Baltimore, Md.; John.D. Park,
N. E. Cor. 4th and. Walnut,• Cincinnati, Ohio ;
Walker & Taylor; 134 and 136 Wabash Aye
nue, Chicago, 111.; Collins Bros., S. W. Corner
Second and Vine, St. Louis, Mo- F 4
MATIRW) L x i:---'Serioilir'reflections for
Young Men, on the V.tror;;AhuSel and DiSea
see induced by ignorance of Natures. Laws; a
personal narrative of misery, despair and final
restoration; by-simple meet's. Should -be read
by every young man in the country.: Sent,
for -the benefit of ell, without money and with
out price.. Seet in a - Sealed envelope to any
adcriss, fiee of Charge. Address JAMES S.
Burita, Box 5197, General Post Office, N. Y.
.".EREORS Or Yount .—A gentlemknwho suf-•
feted for years from Nervous debility, Prema
ture decay, and all the effects of youthful in
discretion, will, for the sake of suffering hu
manity, send'free to all who need it, the ieci
pe and:directions for making the simple reme
dy by which he was cured. Suffereriwishing
6 - profit by the adv.erlisel's experience, can do
so, by addressing in. pei feet cor.fulence.
JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar street, N. Y. '
to all others for and inanufacturing
purposes ; contain all the latest improvements
are speedy, noisless, durable and easy to work
Illustrated Circulars sent free.. Agents want
ed; Liberal discount allowed. h o consigy
ments made. Address "EIIiPIRE S.. M. Co,-:16"
Broadway, . • . •
Farr. TO EVERYDODY.-A large 6 pp. CireuT
lar, gMng information of the greatest import
tune° to the young of both sexes. .
It teached how the h?mely may become
beautiful, the despised respected, and the for
saken`ltived. No young lady or gentleman
shoild. fail to fiend their'address, and receive
a copy post-paid, by return mail. ,
Address P. 0. Drawer, 21,
.Troy, N. Y.
!1-ITCH ! ! Scratch:.
Scratch !! Scratch !! ! WH EATON'S OINT
MENT will cure the ITCH in 48 hours. Alio
cuiei Salt Rheum Ulcers, Chilbrains and al
eraptiona of the
,skin. Frice 50 cents. For
sale by all druggists. by 'sending 60 cents to
WEEKS Si Porraw,.sole agents, 170 Washing
ton-st., Bostoniit will be forwarded by mail,
free of postage, to any part, of the Union..
_essay o
warning and instruction for young'men
'Diseases and Abuses which prematurely pros
trate the Vital Powers. with sure means, of
releif. Sent free of charge, in t S l ealed letter
envelopes. Address, DILI. Sirr,r.r.ilvklOptilli.
TON, Howard Association; No. 2 South Ninth
Street, Philadelphia, Pa., [July 1,'66=1y:
H E LMB 0 LD'S . EXTRACT Biichu sad Stii
proved Rose Wash cures secret and delicate
disorders in all their stages, atlittle expense,
little or no change of diet, no inconvenience,
and nmexpoSure.,, pleasant. in taste
odor,AirinTediate in Ifs'action, and free :froth*
all injUrieus properifes: _
:11* FOR.Non retention Incontinence; of
Urine, irritation, inflammation or: ulceration
of the bladder, or Xidneys, diseases of the pros
tali glar.ds fitone , in, the` bladder calculus
gravel or brick dust deposits,, and all, disease&
of-the bladder, kidneys and dropsical swellings
Buchu is the -Creat Diuretic
Is.the Great Mod Purifier
Both Ate prepand according to rules of
Pharmacy and Cherelatry, and are the most
active that eark..ba_in'ade. '
HELIVISOLDIS •Extract, -Bnchu,givek
health. and vigor to* tbe' frame and bloom to
Ike pallid cheek. Debility-iq accoppittnedby .
many `alarming symptorne, awl if no treatment
is submitted to; cOnsiimp - eid
13 , MANHOOD and youthful vigor are re.
gained by Helmbold's Extract Biretta.
TISE Laws or HEALTIL—It is useless for
State Legislatures to pass laws for the pram
vation of the public health, if the great law o f
self.preservation, Which depends for its en
forcement upon the waif of the individual,
suffered to re ain a dead letter.
There Is scarcely an adult member of the
community, of either sex, in this country, wh o
has not seen the testimony in favor of Hos-
their own signatures by persons of acknowl
ecodgmemderecmeianneanceeveilny s a c e ie p n a c t e t:ne l n i
t f b
ter o atur u e s , ia a e rt ss ,
and professional life. These witnesses have
declared 414 most -explicit tents that the
preparation is a safeguard against epidemics,
! i s sovereign remedy for dyspepsia, a valuable
anti-bilious medicine. a promoter of appetite,
a genial and harmless stimulant, a good accli
mati medicifie,Aatrengther t e i of the nerves,
B general invigorant, a protection against the
deleterious effects ofmalaria and impure wa
ter, and that it impacts a degree of vigor and
1 activity to the vital forces which is not cora
municated by any other of the tonics and
stow achies-in use Under these circumstan
ces the self-preservative law of natu.e should
teach every iational person who, either by
reason of in t; debility or in consequen t e
of exposure to unwholesothe influences, is in
peril of losing the greatest of all temporal
blessings, TLEALTH, the importance of using
the bitters as a defensive medicine. Dyspep,
ties who neglect to give it a trial are simply
their own enemies. It is guaranteed to cure
Indigestion en all its forms, and the bilious
and nervous will find nothing in the whole
range of official 'and proprietary medicines
which will afford - them the same relief.
Kicow TH Y DesTrmr.--Madame g, p
7 horilton, the Great English Astrologist, Clair
voyant and ,Psychometrician, who has aston
ished the scientific classes of the Old World,
has now located herself at Hudson, N. y.
Madame Thornton possesses such wonderful
powers of second sight, as to enable her to im
part-knowledge of the greatest importance to
the single or married of ei• her sex. While in
a state of trance, she delinectes the very fea
tures of the:person you are to marry, and by
the aid cf an instrument of intense power,
known as the • Psychomotrope, guarantees to
prodUce a life . 7like picture of the future hus
band or wife of the applicant, together with
date of marriage, position in life, leading traits
of character, &c. This is no humbug, as
thousands of testimonials can assert. She
will send when desired, a certified certificate
or written guarantee, that the picture is what
it purports to - bc. By enclosing a small lock
of hair, and stating place of birth, age, &spa
sition and complexion, and enclosing filly
cents and stamped envelope addressed to your
self., you will receive the picture and desired
informati)n by return mail. All communica
tions sacredly confidential. Address in confi
dence, MADAM E. F. THORNTON, P.O. Box
223, Hudson, ri. Y.
A Y.tra . c. LADY returning to her country
home, after a sojourn of a few months in the
city, was hardly recognized by her friends,
In place of a course, rustic, flushed face, she
had a soft ruby complexion of almost nimble
smoothness, and instead of twenty-three she
really appeared but eighteen. Upon inquiry
as to the cause of ar great a change, she plain
ly told them that she used the CIRCASSIAN
13 ALM, and cr.nsidered it an invaluable acqui
sition to any Lady's toilet. By its co any
Lady or Gentleman can improve the ir perron
al appearance an hundred fold. It is simple
in its combination, as Nature herself is simple,
yet unsurpassedin its efficacy in drawing im
purities from, Also healing, cleansing and
beautifying the skin and complexion. By its
direct action on the cuticle it draws from it all
its impurities, kindly healing the same, and
leavifig the surface as Nature imened it
should be, clear, soft, smooth and beautiful.
Price $l, sent by mail or express, on receipt
of an order, by W. L. CLARK
No, 3 West Fayette St., Syracuse, N. Y.,
The only American Agents for the sale of
the same.
To CONSUMPTIVES.—The advert:ser, baring
been restored to health in a few weeks, by a
very simple remedy, after having suffered for
several years with a severe lung affecrioc, and
.that dread disease Cobsumption—is anxious to
make known to his fellow-sufferers the means
of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a
copy of the prescription used (free of charge)
with the directions for preparing and using
the same, which they will find a SURE CORE
for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs,
Colds, and all throat andlung affections. The
only object of the advertiser in sending the
prescription is to benefit the afflicted, rind
spread information which he conceives to be
invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will
try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing,
and may prove a blessing, Patties wishing
the prescription, free, by return mail, will
please address Rev. EDWARD A. Wasolc,
Williamsburgh, Kings Co., N. Y.
- -
- the world renowned Astrologist an
Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, while in a clair
voyant state, delineates the very features of
the person y
ou , are`to marry, and by the aid
of an instrument of intense power, known as
the' Paychoinarope, guarantees to prodoce a
perfect and life-like picture of the future hus
band or Wife of the applicant, with date of
marriage, occupation, leading traits of chara
ter, &e. This is no imposition, as testimon ials
without number can assert. By stating plac e
of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes and
hair, and, enclosing fifty cents, and stamped
enVeloe}addrelsedio yourself, you will re
p ceive the picture by return mail, together with
desired information:...
31:3=' Address in confidence, Mariann GO'
U. B"
297, West
Troy, N. Y.
- - -
ted with the utmost success, by
lla" Deafness, Blindness and Cater .1
M. D., Oculist and Auriat,(formerly of Le
den, Holland ,) No. 519 PINE st., Philadel
phia. Testimonials from the most reliable
sources in the city and Country can be:seeo al
his office. The medical faculty arc invited a
accompany their patients, as he hss no s ecrets
in his practice. Artificial Eyes in%erted trith"
out pain. No charge for examination.
1::r TAKE no more u npleasant and unsafe
remedies for unpleasant and dangerous dir
llelmbold's Extract Bucbu
improved Rose Wash
ENFEEBLED and delicate constitu
tions, of both sexes, use Helnibold's EXtract
Buphu. It Will give brisk and energeticfeet
ngs, and enable you to sleep Wei
- HELMBOLD'S Fluid Fa:tract Becht' is
pleasant in taste and odor, free from injurious
properties, and immediate in its action.
Cholnst , ,