The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, June 01, 1867, Image 3

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    Ett Vocal 1 arittlian.
sgturDatj Voimiog, tt 1, i 867 .
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The Morning Passenger train for Lan
ater and Philadelphia wi leave the upper
elation at 12 minutes after 8 o'clock. The
Mail train going westward will pass upper
l otion st 7 minutes after 12 o'clock, NOON.
The Harrisburg accommodation train eastward
will patio at 26 minutes after 5 o'clock, in the
afternoon and returning arrive here at 43
minutes after 6 o'clock in the evening.
Quite a bloody rencountre ocCurr- 1
o d between a Negro and arbatchman on 1
Thursday night last. it appears a Goer
ma named John Warley, living oppo
du, Kline's tannery, had purchased
some straw from young Kline, and
whilst removing it, John Johnson's
(negro) wife accused him of stealing it,
whereu pon Warley struck the woman
ever the bead with a wheelbarrow side
board. Upon 'learning this Mrs. John-
E au's son, a long-legged boy of about 17
years, loaded a gun and laid in wait for
IVarley and shortly after shot him in
the back part of the head, almost liter
ally tearing it away. Physicians were
immediately called In and declared the
case hopeless. The boy procuced a
neighbor's horse and was soon out of
t o wn. On Friday morning constable
Fryberger left town to arrest him,
fir The body of an unknown boy was
found floating in the Susquehanna, by
Michael Illy, near Vinegar's ferry, on
Tuesday morning last. From the ap
pearance of the body it is supposed to
have been in the water about three
weeks. An inquest was held, and a ver
dict of accidental drowning rendered.
go' The Susquehanna is again up and
in fine running order. The "oldest in
habitant" has no recollection of the
Susquehanna ever having "been np" as
often. 'Every facility has been offered
to get all the lumber manufactured, to
market. . .
Gs George Kugel, better known as
' Old Vorrick," who was one of " Napo
leon's Old Guard," died in this place, a
few days since. He was 83 years old.
The old man was blind for a number of
}ears, but would persist—CW:lo in hand
—to walk around hie old accustomed
. .
CT The Columbia klerald says from
four to live thousand shad were caught
at that place during last week. The
&lieu tearly opposite this place, form
erly called the Haines' fishery, having
been "trying a catch,' and au ceeded is
seineing seven,
I The " Little Corporal" for June
is on our table. As usual it is full of
amasentent and instruction for the lit
do folks, A new volume will commence
with the next number. Criae, 4;1.00 per
year; sample copies, containing list of
pterniums for clubs, 10 cts. Address
Alfred Sewell, Chicago, Illinois.
it-r The "Open Temperance Society'
will hold a meeting in Temperance hall,
en Monday evening next, at eight
o'clock. The question— . "which suffers
most from Intemperance, man or wom
an?'--will be again brought before the
society for discussion. The public are
earnestly invited to be present.
..... .
ire Mr. U. I. Sawyer, of this borough
lies been authorized by J. E. Barr, to
canvass the townships of West and East
Donegal and Mount Joy, for the sale of
the portrait of the [lon. Thaddeus Ste
vens. Mr Sawyer will commence can
vassing immediately.
cir The yearly meeting for the elec
tion of trustees of Zion's church, will be
held on Monday evening next, at 6
o'clock. Punctual attendance is rogues
ted as the yearly settlement will take
place and other important business be
. .
4 A blanket was fouud on the pike
between Marietta and Columbia, on the
18th of May. The owner can have it,
by calling at this office, proving proper
ty andpaying for this notice.
er We erred last week in stating the
same of the firm, in which Albert Bus
ton and David Roth, of this borough
Were a part; it should have read Roth,
Barr & Co.
tilt Dr. L ndis has just reopened his
Arctic Mineral Water Fountain, where a
rery palatable and cooling drink can
SOW be had for RALF-A-DIME, A very
cheap lusnry:
. ......
fir The July number commences the
new volume of that old favorite "GODEY."
For terms, 3:c , see advertisement in
another column.
ear S. S. Nagle, of this borough, has
been appointed Assessor for , the third
eab-distriet, Dr Keller, removed.
ler The first grand Pie Nic of the
season will be held on Chicques fill
lkir Messrs. Spangle; & Rich have
resumed operations on their new store-
I Messrs. Britton & Musser have
jest received a fresh lot of drugs, chem
icals, etc.
In Columbia, on the 23,1 inst., by the Rev.
I h. M. Reidenttch, Mx. Roeder HUGER,
4..,f Lancaster. and A v 'V 54 of
On the 27th inst., FANNIE, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. James Dugans, of this place, aged
7 months.
In this borough, on the 28th inst., GEORGE
WAGERER, aged 53 years.
SpeziaL Notitt.s
THE LAWS OF HEALTH.—It is useless for
State Legislatures to pass laws for the preser
vation of the public health, if the great law of
seltpreservation, which depends for its en
forcement upon the wad of the individual, is
suffered to re haiu a dead letter.
There is scarcely an adult member of the
community, of either sex, in this country, who
has not seen the testimony in favor of H os-
their own signatures by persons of acknowl
edged eminence in science, literature, art,
commerce and every department of business
and professional life. These witnesses have
declared in the most explicit terms that the
preparation is a safeguard against epidemics,
a sovereign remedy for dyspepsia, a valuable
anti-bilious medicine. a promoter of appetite,
a genial and harmless stimulant, a good accli
mating medicine, a strengthener of the nerves,
a general invigorant, a protection against the
deleterious effects of malaria and impure wa
ter, and that it imparts a degree of vigor a _d
activity to the vital forces which is not com
municated by any other of the tonics and
I store achics in use Under these circumstan
ces the self-preservative law of natu.e should
teach every rational person who, either by
I reason of inherent debility or in consequence
of exposure to unwholesome influences, is in
peril of losing the greatest of all temporal
blessings, HEALTH, the importance of using
toe bitters as a defensive, medicine. Dyspep.
tics who neglect to give it a trial are simply
I their own enemies. ,It is guaranteed to cure
Indigestion in all its forms, and the , bilious
and nervous will find nothing in the whole
range of official and proprietary medicines
which will afford them the same relief.
SCHENCK'S SEAWEED Torun. This medi
cine invented by Dr. J. H. Schenck, of Phila
delphia, is intended to dissolve the food and
make it into chyme, the first process of diges
tion. By cleansing the stomach with Scheitick'ti .
Mandrake Pills, the tonic soon restores the
appetite, and food that could not be eate z be
fore using it will be easily digested.
Consumption cannot be cured by Schenck's
Pulmonic Syrup unless the stomach and liver
is made healthy and the appetite restored,
hence the Tonic and Pills:are required in near
ly every case of consumption. A half dozen
bottles of the SEAWEED TONIC and three or
four boxes of the MANDRAKE PILLS will cure
any ordinary case of dyspepsia.
Dr. Schenck makes professional visits in
New York, Boston, and at his principal office
in Philadelphia every week. See daily papers
of each place, or his pamphlet on consump
tion for his days for visitation.
Please observe, when purchasing, that the
two likennesses of the Doctor, one when in
the last stage of Consumption, and the o tint
as he now is, in perfect health, are on the Gov
ernment stamp.
Sold by all druggists and deniers, price $1.50
per bottle or $7.50 the half dozen. All letters
for advice should be addressed to Da.
SCIIENCIOS Principal office, No. 15 North 6th
Street, Philadelphia, I a.
General Wholesale Agents: Demas Barnes
& Co., N. Y. ; S. S. Hance, Baltimore, Md.
John D. Parke, Cincinnati, Ohio ; Walker &
Taylor, Chicago, Ill.; Collins Bros., St. Louis.
M.ssouri. [Oct. 20'66-1y- Isla,.
KNoW Tar DESTIIi V .—Madame E. F
Thornton, the Great English Astrologist, Clair
voyant and Psychometrician, who has aston
ished the scientific classes of the Old World,
has now located herself at Hudson, N. Y.
Madame Thornton possesses such wonderful
powers of second sight, as to enable her to im
part knowledge of the greatest importance to
the single or married of either sex. While in
a state of trance, she delineates the very fea
tures of the person you arc to marry, and by
the aid cf an instrument of intense power,
known as the Psychomotrope, guarantees to
produce a life-like picture of the , future hus
band or wife of the applicant: together with
date of marriage, position in life, leading traits
of character, &c. This is no humbug, as
thousands of testimonials can assert. She
will send when desired, a certified certificate
er written guarantee, that the picture is what
it purports to be. By enclosing a small lock
of hair, and stating place of birth, age, dispo
sition and complexion, and enclosing fifty
cents and stamped envelope addressed to your
self, you will receive the picture and desired
information by rettrrn mail. All communica
tions sacredly confidential. Address in confi
dence,. MADAME E. F. THORNTON, P. 0. Box
223, Hudson, N. Y.
A YvIING LADY returning to her country
home. after a sojourn of a few months in the
city, was hardly recognized by her friends,
In place of *coarse, rustic, flushed face, she
had a soft ruby complexion of almost ramble
smoothness, and instead of twenty-three she
really appeared but eighteen. Upon inquiry
as to the cause, of so great a change, she plain-
ly told them that she used the CIRCASSIAN
maim, and considered it an invaluable acqui
sition to any Lady's toilet. By its use any
Lady or Gentleman can improve their Perron
al appearance an hundred fold. It is simple
in its combination, as Nature herself is simple,
yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in drawing im
purities from, nleo healing, cleansing and
beautifying the skin and complexion. By its
I direct action on the cuticle it draws from it all
its impurities, kindly healing the same, and
leaving the surface as Nature intoned it
should be, clear, soft, smooth and beautiful.
Price $l, sent by mail or express,. on receipt
of au order,by W. L. CLARK & Co.,
No. 3 West Fayette St., Syracuse, N. Y.,
The only American Agents for the sale of
the same.
to all others for family and manufacturing
purposes; contain all the latest improvements
are speedy, noislesS, durable and easy to work.
Illustrated Circulars sent free. Agents want
ed. Liberal discount allowed; No consign
ments made. Address EMPIRE S. M. CO, 16
Broadway, N. Y.
-- .
Er ITCH CH ! ! ! ! Scratch
Scratch ! ! Scratch ! ! ! WHEATON'd OINT
MENT will cure the ITCH in 48 hours. Also
cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilbrains and al
errptions of the skin. Price 50 cents. For
sale by all druggists. By sending 60 cents to
WEEKS & POTTER, sole age Lits, 170 Washing
.-- ... iingdon. it will be forwarded by mail,
SUP 2-6W i l.l. . Al i milll a m = l M F. ‘ 9l M2 *
—ln the whole history of medical discoveries
no remedy has performed so many or such
remarkable cures of the numerous affections
of the Throat, Lungs and Chest, as this long
tried and justly celebrated Balsam. So gen-
erally acknowledged is the superior excel-
lence of this remedy that but few of the many
who have tested its virtues by experience fail
to keep it at hand as a speedy and certain
cure for sudden attacks of Cold—fully be-
lieving that its remedial powers are compre
hensive enough to embrace every form of dis-
ease. from the slightest cold to the most aan..-
gerous symptoms of pulmonary complaint.
From Rev. Francis Lodell, Pastor of the South
Congregational church, Bridgeport, Con-
nec tctit
"I Consider it a duty which I owe to suff
ering humanity to bear testimony to the vir
tues of Di. Wistat 7 Balsam of Wild Cherry.
I have used it—when I have bad occasion for
any remedy for Coughs, Colds or Sore Throat,
—for many years, and never in a single in
stance has it failed to cure me. I have fre
quently boen Very hoarse on Saturday, and
looked forward to the delivery o f two sermons
on the following day with sad misgivings, but
by a liberal use of the Balsam, my hoarseness
has invariably been removed, and I have
preached without difficulty.
I commend it to my brethren in the ministry
and to public speakers generally, as the best
remedy for the bronchial troubles to which we
are peculiarly exposed."
Prepared by SETH W. FOWLE & SON
Tremont Si., Boston, and for sale by drug
gists generally.
For all the Protean forms of Disease origi
Rating in
there is nothing that can equal the purifying
effects or lodine when administered in a pure
state. DR. H. ANDERS' lodine Water is a
pure solution of lodine dissolved in water,
without a solvent, and is the best remedy 'for
Scrofula and kindred diseases ever discovered.
Circulars free. J. P. DINSMORE,
Sold by Druggists. 36 Dey Street, N. Y.
Hartford, Conn., Nov. 11, 1864
Messrs. Thos. Alicock Nf Co.—Please send
with dispatch, twelve dozen Allcock , s P6rous
Plasters. Our daily experience confirms their
very superior exeellence. At this moment of
writing a man applies for one, who, by en
tangletnent in the shaft of machinery, had
both his legs broken, spine severely injured,
and was for nearly a year entirely helpless.
This man found relief very soon by the appli
cation of a plaster to his spine. He was soon
enabled to work and now he labors as well as
ever. He would cheerfully pay $5 for a sin
gle Plaster if they could not be had at a low
er rate. lam surprised that surgeons do not.
make use of these perforated plasters to the
exclusion of all others, as their flexibility and
adhesiveness are greatly in advance of all
other plasters with which I am acquainted
•while the perforations peculiar to them render
ed them greatly superior to all others for or
dinary surgical uses. Knowing the plasters
to be so useful, I have no scruples that my
sentiments should be known.
Agency, Brandreth House, New York.
Sold by all Druggists in the United States and
WONDERFUL BUT tll.l7E.—Madame Rem
ngton, the world renowned Astrologist an
Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, while in a clair
voyant state, delineates the very features of
the person you are to marry, and by the aid
of an instrument of intense power, known as
the Psyehomotrope, guarantees to produce a
perfect and life-like picture of the future hus
band or wife of the applicant, with date of
marriage, occupation, leading traits of charac
ter, &c. This is no imposition, as testimonials
without number can assert. By stating place
of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes and
hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stamped
envelope addressed to yourself, you will re
ceive the picture by return mail, together with
desired information.
pa- Address in confidenCe,Aare GEE
TRUDE REMINGTON, P. 0; Box 297 3 West
Troy, N. Y.
warning and instruction for young men : also,
Diseases and Abuses which prematurely Pros
trate the Vital Powers, with sure means of
releif. Sent free of charge, in sealed letter
envelopes. Address, Da. I. Sirriaari Honarr-
TON, Howard Association, No. 2. South Ninth
Street, Philadelphia, Pa. july 2'66-Iy.
Merchant Tailor, and Clothier,
At F. J. Kramph's Old Stand, on the Cor
ner of North Queen and Orange
Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a.
R ATEFUL to the Citizens of Marietta
kir and vicinity, for the liberal patronage
heretofore extended, the undersigned respect
fully solicits a continuance of the same; as
suring them, that under all circumstances, no
efforts will be spared in rendering a satisfactory
equivalent for every act of confidence reposed.
such other seasonable material as fashion and
the market fulnishes, constantly kept on hand
and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea
sonably, as taste or style may suggest.
Gen ' tlemen's Furnishing Goonds
and such articles as usually belong to a Mer
chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment.
A Setni-Monthly fournal'of Medicine, Surgery,
' Physiology, Hygiene, and General Litera
ture, devoted to the Profession and the people.
The cheapest medical paper in the world,
published every two weeks, at the University
Building, Ninth street, south of Walnut.
Single copies, $l.OO
Five copies to one address, 4.35
Ten " ,4 7,,50
Fifteen " ‘, 9.30
Twenty " cc 10.00
The getter-up of the club shall have one
copy gratis. Address,
W. PAINE, M. D., Editor,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Tip Mb B . otoe coal Oil Bti
Gives more light with less oil than any other
Burner. §:"."' Call and see it at
FH NESTOC K'S Nonpareil Chemist
Writing Fluid now ready and for sale
General Agent.
Li— TAKE no more unpleasant and unsafe
remedies for unpleasant and dangerous dis
eases. Use Itehnbotats Extract Buchu and
improved Rose Wash
D ROOM HANDLES, a choice lot received
13 and for sale at J. SPANGLER'S.
MANHOOD and youthful vigor are re
• a.). li'vreme R If4lll
A first-class Double-sheet Eight-page paper,
containing Forty-eight columns.
Published Every Morning, Southwest corn
er of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT streets,
$4.00 PER ANNUM.
$2 00 PER ANNUM.
It contains items of interest to every one
ONE COPY, $2.00 per annum.
FIVE COPIES, 9.00 " "
TEN COPIES, 17.00 " . 6
TWENTY COPIES. 33.00 " "
To the getter up of a Club of TEN or more
Copies au extra copy will be given.
All orders should be addressed -to
Editor and Proprietor,
Philadelphia, Pa
MHIS Company continues to insure Build
ings, Merchandise, and other property,
against loss and damage by fire, on the mutual
plan, either for a cash premium cr premium
Whole amount insured, $12,478,426,83
Leas ain't expired in 1866, 722,771:34
Ara of premium notes, Jan. 1,
1866, $685,123,27
Less, premium notes expired in
1866, 71,963:04
Balance of premiums, Jan. 1, '66, 6,609:15
Cash receipts i lass commissions, in '66,57,016:16
Loans, 9,400,00
Due from agents and others,
Losses and expenses paid in 1866, 73,025:31
Losses adjusted, not due Jan 1,'67, 21,296,88
Balance capital and assets,
January 1, 1867, 600,527,91
GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., Recretary.
MICHAEL. S. SHUMAN, Tr e asurer.
Hiram Wilson, William Patton,
Robert T. Ryon, John W. Steacy,
John Fendrich, George Young, Jr.,
H. G. Minich, Nicholas 11I'Dcnald,
Samuel F. Ebeilein, Wm. Patton,
Amos S. Green. J. B. Bachman,
Robe, t Crane. Al►
Columbia, March 30, 1867.-Iy.
the great king of aches and pains, is truly a
wonderful medicine for the cure of Rheuma
tism,Neuralgia, Sore throat, Coughs and
Colds, contraction of the Muscles, stiffness and
swelling of the Joints,
Cholic, Cholera Morbus,
Dysentery, diseases of the Kidneys, Debility,
Palpitation of the Heart, weakness peculiar
to females, and will certainly cure all pain in
any part of the body in one to five minutes.
CUres toothache in one minute.
Cures earache in one minute.
Cures nervous or sick headache in five min
Cures Neuralgia in five minutes.
Pains in the back, breast or side, in five
minutes, cures deafness in many cases in 15
to 20 minutes, cures croup in one night, asth
ma in one to three d-iys, fever and agile in
one day. And if.Roonies LIVER PILLS are
used in connection with the Electro-Magnehr
Oil; they will cure the Dyspepsia and Liver
Complaint; the pills of themselves are a great
purifier of the blood and a wonderful tonic,
Imparting strength to the debilitated system.
strengthening the digestive organs, bringing
about a healthy action of the Liver, Kidneys
and skin, without which no person can enjoy
health ; the pills are also a sure preventative
to the Fever and Ague, if a few doses are tak
en in the fall and spring. The oil and pills
are both purely vegetable, and can be used
with safety by old or young, male or female,
and always with the happiest effect.
Dr. S. Rogers, Sole proprietor, No. 206 Dock
street, Philadelphia.
April 20.-3 m.
A new work just issued by W. Paine, M.
D., Professor of the principles and practice of
Medicine and Pathology in the Philadelphia
University of Medicine and Surgery; author
of Paine's practice of Surgery ; a work on Ob
stetrics and Materia Mediza ; author of New
School remedies ; an epitome of Eberlie's
practice of Medicine ; a review of Hommopa
thy ; a work on the history of Medicine ;
Editor of University Medical and Surgical
Journal, &c., he. it is a royal octavo of 960
pages, and contains a full description of all
diseases known in medicine and surgery, in
cluding those of women and children, togeth
er with their pathology and treatment by all
the new and improved methods. Price $7 ;
postage 60 cents.
Address the author, 933 Arch Street, Phila
delphia, Pa.
Entitled New School Medicines, which is
the only work ever published upon Materia
Medica, embracing all the Eclectic, Homoeo
pathic, and Bot Ante remedies, with a full reg
ular Materia Medics. Price $5; postage
free• Address as above.
rt HARMAN'S CHALLENGE : to the Irota
k. j ries of Popular Scientific Skepticism,
Vindication of the Truth and Superhuman Or
igin of the Hebrew Records of the Creation,
just as those Records read. In magazine form,
quarterly, or oftener. 25 cents singly, or five
successive numbers for $l,OO. Address, L. L.
Cis A.PMAN, Box 483, P. 0., Philadelphia Pa.
A work which all should read.
T 0.13 PRINTING of every description ex
ecuted with neatness and dispatch at the
Office of The Mariettian.
LL kinds of Blanks printed and for sale
0- N I VERT ap ir
" 4 0
44 7
7• • .• . a • ..
~ , •
~ 41,.. ..t,a . ttd,
F 4 . - `,,,, rio ,ta
N 4.4112-iz:^V°:447
The HOWE Sewing 'Machines,
699 Broadway, New-York.
the ,liJoig ilenobAeo SelDittg Yaeifirleo.
Were awarded the highest premium at
the World's Fair in London, and
six first premiums at the N. Y.
State Fair of 1866, and
are celebrated for doing the best work, using
A much smaller needle for the same thread
than any other machine, and by the introduc
tion-of the most approved machinery. we are
now able to supply the very best machines in
the world. These machines are made at our
new and spacious Factory at Bridgeport, Coon.
under the immediate supervision of the Presi
dent of the Company, ELIAS HOWE, Jr„ the
original inventor of the Sewing Machine.
The) are adapted to all kinds of Family Sew
ing, Army Clothing, and to the use of Seam
stresses, Dress makers, Tailors, Manufactur
ers of Shirts, Collars, Skirts, Cloaks, Mantil
las, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Corsets, Boots,
' Shoes. Harness, Saddles, Linen Goods, Um
brellas, Parasols, etc. They work equally
well upon silk, linen, woolen and cotton
goods with silk, cotton, or linen thread. They
will seam, quilt, gather, hem, fell, cord,brard,
bind, and perform every. species of sewing,
making a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on
both sides of the articles sewed. -
The Stitch invented by Mr. HOWE, and
made on this machine, is the most popular
and durable, and all Sewing Machines are sub
ject to the principle invented by him.
SIBLEY -& &ours, General Agents,
922 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
February 23, 1867.-6m.]
aaeis ZaDg's Book for 1867.
ire 'Fashion Vagazine of figailoila.
Literature, Fine Arts and Fashions. The
most magnificent steal engravings. Double
Fashion-Plates. Wood engravings on every
subject that can interest lathes. Crochet
knitting, Netting, Embroidery, Articles for
the Toilet, for the Parlor, the Boudoir, and
the Kitchen. Everything, in fact, to make a
complete Lady's Book.
The Ladies Favorite for 37 Years,
No Magazine lias been able to compete with i
None attempt it.
for every department of a household. These
alone are worth the price of the book.
MoA,Cottages (no other Magazine gives
themj with Diagrams.
Drawing Lessons for the young. Another
speciality with Godey.
Original Music, worth $3 a year. Other
Magazines publish old worn-out Music ; but
the subscribers to Godey get it before the mu
sic stores.
Gardening for Ladies. Another peculiarity
with 'Godey.
Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart & Co.
•of gew York, the millionaire merchants, ap
pear in Godey, the only magazine that has
Ladies' Bonnets. We give more of them in
a year than any other Magazine. In fact,
the Lady''s Book enables every lady to be her
own bonnet maker.
Authoress of "Alone," " Hidden Path,"
" Moss Slide," " Nemesis," and " Miriam,"
writes for Godey each Month, and for no oth
er Magazine. A new novel by her will be
published in 1867. We have also retained
all our old and favourite contributors.
(From which there can be no deviation,
The following are the terms of the Lady's
Book for 1867 :
One copy, one year,
Two copies, one year,
Three copies, one year,
Four copies, one year,
Five copies, one year, and an extra
copy to the person getting up the club,
making six copies, 14,00
Eight copies, une year, and an extra
copy to the person getting up the club,
making nine copies, 21,00
Eleven copies, one year, and an extra
copy to the person getting up the club,
making twelve Copies, 27,50
KT All additions to clubs at club rates.
#:G= Club subscribers will be sent to any P.
Office u - here the subscriber may reside.
ti.Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's
Home Magazine will be sent, each one year,
on receipt of $4,50.
We have no club with any other mag
azine or newspaper.
lam- The money must all be sent at one
time for any of the clubs.
l Canada subscribers must send 24 cents
additional for each subscriber.
Address L. A. GODEY,
N. E. corner Sixth and Chestnut Streets,
seientifie bAerim.
—,--. -0—
The best Newspaper in the World
•THIS PAPER differs materially from other
publications, being an illustrated periodi
; cal, devoted to the promulgation of informa
tion relating to tha various Mechanical and
Chemical Arts, Photography, Manufactures,
Agriculture, Patents, Inventions, Engineer.
ing, Mill Work, etc.
Every number of the SCIENTIFIC ADIERI
, CAN Contains sixteen large pages of reading
matter, abundantly illustrated.
All tha most valuable dis Coteries are delin
. eated and described in its issues ; so that, as
respects inventions, it may be justly' regarded
as an illustrated Repertory, where the inventor
may learn what has been done before him in
the same field which he is exploring, and
where he may bring to the world -a knowledge
of his own achievements.
The contributors to the SCIENTIFIC AMER
!care are among the most eminent scientific.
and practical men of the times.
Mechanics, Inventors; Engineers, Chemists, -
Manufacturers, Agriculturists, and persons' in
every profession of life, wilt find the SCIEN,
riC AMERICAN to be of gnat value in their'
respective callings. Its counsels and sugges
tions will save them hundreds of dollars an
nually, besides affording them a continual
source of knowledge, the value of which is
beyond pecuniary intimate.
An official list of all Patents granted, to•
gether with the claims thereof, is published
• weekly.
The form of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is
adapted for binding and preservation ; and the
yearly numbers make a splendid volume of
nearly ona thousand quarto pages, equivalent
to nearly - four thousand ordinary book pages.
Published weekly, $3 a year, $1,50 half
year, 10 copies for 1 year, $25. Specimen cop
ies sent gratis. Address MU NN & CO., no.
37 Park Row, New York.
SHADES .at remarkably low prices—
to close out JOHN SPANGLER..
GoDeis ileeeipfs
The Philadelphia University of Medicine
sad Surgery was organized in 1848. Charter
ed by the Legislature, February 26, 1853.
Name changed by a legislative enactment to
the Eclectic Medical College of Philadelphia,
in 1860. In 1863 it purchased the Pennsylva
nia Medical College, established in 1842, and
the Philadelphia Medical College, which had
previously been merged into the Pennsylvania
Medical College. In 1864 it purchased the
Penn Medical University. The Trustees of
the separate schools united, petitioned, and
obtained a special act of the Legislature, con
solidating these institutions and changing their
names to that of the Philadelphia University
of Medicine and Surgery, March 15, 1865.
All these various acts are published in the
statues of Pennsylvania. The cost of the
building and museum was over one hundred
thousand dollars. It will be observed that the
University, as now organized, is the legal re
presentative of the four medical colleges that
it has absorbed. It is a liberal school of med
icine, confined to no dogma, nor attached to
any medical clique ; but embraces in its teach
ings everything' of value to the profession.
SessioNs.—lt has two full sessions each
year, commencing on the Ist. of October, and
continuing until the Ist. of January as its first
I session, and from the let. of January to the
Ist. of April as its second ; the two constitut
ing one full course of lectures. It has also a
summer session, commencing the let. of April
and continuing until August, for the prepara
tory branches, ouch as Latin, Greek, Mathe
maties, Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Anatomy
Physiology, etc.
TICICETEL—Tickets to the full course of lec
tures $l2O, or $6O for each session. For the
summer or preparatory course $25. Graduat
ing fee $3O. 'To aid young men of moderate
means, the University has issued five hundred
scholarships, which are sold to first-course
students, for $75, and to second-course stud
ents and clergymen 101 $5O, each constituting
the holder a life member, with the perpetual
privileges of the lectures, and all the teachings
of the school. The only additional fees are a
yearly dissecting and matriculating ticket,
each of which is $5.
The student holding a scholarship can enter
the College at any time during the year, at
tend as long as he chooses, and re-enter the
institution as frequently as desired.
It requires no previous reading or study to
enter the University on scholarships, hence.
all private tuition fees are saved.
Students, by holding scholarships : can pros
ecute other business a part of the time.
The candidate for graduation can present
himself at any time, and receive his degree as
soon as qualified.
In case a student should hold a scholarship
and not be able to attend lectures, it can be
transferred to another, thus ploventing any
Parents, guardians, or friends of students
wishing to purchase scholarships for them a
.year or more before their attendance at the
University,can secure them by advancing one-
half the price, and paying the balance when
the student enters. Physicians and benevo
lent men can bestow great benefit upon poor
young men, by presenting them a scholarship,
and thus enabling them to obtain an honor
ble profession.
'The Faculty embraces seventeen eminent
physicians and surgeons. The University has
associate(' with it a large hospital clinic, where
every form of medical and surdical disease is
operated on and treated in the presence of the
COLLEGE BUILDING.- 7 Tlre College building
located in Ninth street, South of Walnut, is
the finest in the city. Its front is collegiate
gothic, and is adorned with embattlements and
embrasures, presenting a novel, bold, and
beautiful appearance. The facade is of brown
stone, ornamented by two towers, rising to the
elevation of eighty feet, and crowned with an
embattled parapet. The building contains
between fifty and sixty rooms, all supplied
with water, gas. and every other convenience,
that modem improvement can contribute to
facilitate medical instruction. Only five bun.
dred scholarships will be issued, and as two
hundred and fifty are now sold, those who
wish to secure one should do so at once. Mon
ey can be remitted by express, or a draft or a
check sent on any National bank in the United
States, when the scholarship will be returned
by mail, signed by the 'President of the Board
of Trustees, Jos. S. Fisher, Esq , and the
Dean of the Faculty, W. Paine, M. D. All
orders for scholarships or other business of the
University, shank, be addressed to Professor
W. Paine, M. D. Philadelphia, Pa.
Old Established
at, eq . fur ,stort,
WE would respectfully announce that our
styles for the present season are now
ready, consisting of
Gentlemen's Dress Silk, Cassimere, Plain and
BrOsh, Fur and Wool, or Cassimerett,
Stiff Cassimere, Soft and Steel exten
ded Brims, and Flexible Self-ad
justing and D'Orsay Brim
Alk 71E' ftO im
In new, novel and beautiful designs, and at
such prices as to make it an inducement for
all to purchase.
Caps I
Cur stock of Caps comprises all the newest
styles for Men, Boys and Children's wear.
The lowest selling price marked m figures on
each article, and never varied from, at
Bat, Cap and Fur Store,
No. 20 North Queen-st., Lancastar.
All kinds of Shipping Furs bought and
the highest Cash prices paid.
ifeitoboto's Dula gxfhqof Bit*
Is a certain cure for diseases of the
and all diseases of the
whether existing in
from whatever canoe originating and no mat-
Diseases of these organs require the use of a
If no treatment is submitted to, Consurop •
tion or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and
Blood are supported from these sources, and
that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of
a reliable remedy.
Established upwards of 18 years, pre
pared by H. T. HELMBOLD,
594 Broadway, New York and
104 South 10th street, Philadelphia, Pa.
0 21, 23, 25 & 27 BROADWAY, N. Y.
Opposite Bowling Green.
On the European Plan
This House is well and widely known to
thetraveli public. The location is especi
ally suit merchants and business men ;
it is c roximity to the business part of
the City ; it is on the highway of Southern and
Western travel, and adjacent to all the princi
pal railroad and Steamboat depots.
THE STEVENS HOUSE has liberal accommo
dations for over 300 guests ; it is well furnish
ed and possesses every modern improvement
for the comfort and eutertainmeut of its in
mates. The rooms are spacious and well ven
tilated—provided with gas and water—the at
- tendance is prompt and respectful; the table
is generously provided with every delicacy of
the season—at moderate rates.
New York, May Il j 1567.-6 m.
Caps 1 I