The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, June 01, 1867, Image 2

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Saturday Morning, Juno 1, 1867.
sir The Des Moines ( Iowa) Regis•
ter comes pretty near knciWing of an ex
pression of political- , opinion by General
Grant. Not long since its informant
was the occupant of a seat in a railway
car directly behind Generals Grant and
Stoneman, During the journey an in
dividual in the car got intensely, excited
on the subject of politics, and in the
hearing of nearly all the passengers was
cutting up Andrew Johnson as he de
served. General Grant listened with
r, pt attention to his inflammatory de
nunciation, and in the most exciting
portion of it turned, his head slowly to
ward Stoneman, and—winked.
or A monument is to be, erected in
honor of George- Peabody, in London,
and will have upon it his statue. At a
recent meeting of merchants, and .busi
ness men it was determined to erect it
in the centre of the large open pave
ment in the rear of - the London, Mer
chants' Exchange, and the meeting de
clared it was to be a testimony of the
deep feeling of gratitude entertained by
the citizens of London towards Mr.
Peabody for his munificent donations for
the benefit of the London poor. The
Prince of Wales heads the list of sub
Or The bankrupt law will go into
operation this day (June first). Under
it, imprisonment for debt ceases through
out all the States ane Territories: By
it all stay law 3, preferences, voluntary
agreements, and secret attachments are
set aside. Five hitndred dollars' worth
of household furniture, the wearing ap
parel of each family, and such other
property ae is by law exempted in the
different States, can be held by the
eir The Democracy_are congratulat
ing themselves on their solid column of
seventy one thousand voters in Ken
tucky. The country will be apt to re
member that Kentucky sent just about
seventy-one thousand muskets into the
Confederate army.
- Mayor Heath, of New Orleans,
has issued a proclamation based on the
opinion of the City Attorney, announc
ing that he,has instructed the police of
the city to prevent all persons from in_
trading into any store, shop or other
place of business conducted by private
individuals, against the wish of the own
ers or keepers thereof.
er Helen Doe, aged 35 years, a lun
atic, died at Blackwell's Island, New
York, from the effect of scalds. On-Sa
turday afternoon she was found in the
Lank room standing in the boiler,' which
was then nearly half full'of boiling wat
er. She was taken out terribly scalded,
and lived until Sunday. It is supposed
that she deliberately stepped into the
boiling water.
tgr A Philadelphia copperhead, to
give practical evidence of his hatred of
"niggers," the other day crept . stealthi
ly up to John Howard, a poor black
man, who was mixing lime in South
street, above Fifteenth, and threw him
headforemost into the seething pool.
The miserable victim suffered fearful
torture. The lime destroyed his eight,
burned his skin and hair, and inflicted
upon him fearful torture.
fir It has been discovered that a par
ty of southern rebels who were in Wash
ington after the surrender of Lee nego
tiating for their pardons, were at the
same time engaged an effort to induce
the Emperor Napoleon to aid them,
promising to renew the rebellion with
lig• The student at the Michigan
University who made the largest sub-
scription to the monumental fund of de
ceased Union soldiers from Michigan
was an ex-Confederate officer.
ear James Myers, who killed a man
in a saloon at Amoskeag, N. H., by
striking him en the head with a chair,
was convicted at Amherst on Friday of
manslaughter, and sentenced to seven
yea s, in the State Prison.
ea- Jefferson Davis is reported to
have lost heavily by the failure of Fra
ser, Trenholm, & Co., the blockade-run
ning, •pirate-trading brokers . of Liver
Under the new Jury law, passed
at the late session of the Legislature,
Jurors' are to receive $2.50 a day for
their services, and mileage at.rate of
cents a mile.
Fir The Mayer and Chief of Police of
Mobile bave been deposed by order of
Gen. Pape, and other officers appointed
in their places.
Tiventy thousand dollars worth of
goods are annually purloined from the
counters of A. T. Stewart's establish
ment, by rrofessional shop lifters.
During the past year a large hotel
has been built in Georgetown, D. C.,
which is about to be opened under the
auspices of no less a noted personage
than Robert J. Walker. Ha - is * to be
assisted in this new business by a son
and son-in-law, and their intention is to
make the house the most quiet, comfort
able and fashionable home for families
to be found in the District. Fifty years
ago the great tavern which stood upon
the eight of the present edifice was &e
-1 quented by John Randolph, who, with
his numerous servants in livery, and
horses and carriages, gave the place a
celebrity which will not BOOR be forgot
ton. To-day, an ex-Secretary of the
Treasury and an exSenator is abed to
prove to the world that "he can keep's,
tair A young man left his home in
Northern Ohio some thirty-five years
ago and settled in Meade county, Ky.
Shortly afterwards he married a wealthy
and highly respectable young lady in a
border town in Indiana, and settled
there. , Ten . years since he died, leaviog
five daughters, and a fortune of $50,000
to be divided between them and the
widow. The daughters all married res
pectably. Last winter a young man,
from Northern Ohio, arrived in the In:
diana town and claimed theentire prop•
erty, basing hie right - on the fact that he
was the son of the deceased by a wife he
deserted . when he left Ohio. Investiga
tion proved the claim sufficiently well
founded to lead to a compromise.
ga- The Young Men's Christian Asso
ciation at Chicago, Illinois, furnishes
funds to pay postage on all letters that
are dropped into the post office without
stamps, through carelessness or other
wise, and thus prevents their being Sent
to the Dead Letter office. A printed
slip is affixed to each letter informing
the recipient how the postage was paid,
and inviting him to ,contribute to the
Association, and sometimes the response
is quite generous.
, ipir It is announced from New York
that there-has been this spring a decided
fall in rents on the business thoroughfares
of that city. This ',decline is °ping to
the continued depression io trade, prop
arty holders finding much difficulty in
obtaining tenants except at reduced.
rents. Business houses complain that
they cannot pay the rates previously de
manded, and an unusual number of va
cant buildings is reported on Broadway.
ar The Chinamen labor very cheap
in California, and the subject has caused
much agitation among the other work
ingmen of that State especially the Iriah .
Attempts have been made to drive their
work out of the State by pledging here
after not to buy it. In some instances
violence has been resorted to, but that
is deprecated by the more reasonable
class. The negro and the Chinaman
must still be subjected to the hatred of
the masses of the workingmen of the
country without the least reason for it.
or There is in Liverpool a building
well known to the police, occupied by
thieves and robbers, which is a Thieves'
College, where both sexes are systemat
ically trained ln all the various arts of
thieving, from picking pockets to bur
glary and garroting. The teachers at
tend diily at the Police Courts, whose
proceedings and discussions they watch
with the most attentive interest, to see
how they and their pupils may be able
to escape the clutches of the law.
A man named Williams met with
a• horrible death in Flint, Mich., on Sat
urday morning. While at his usual
work sawing slabs at one of the circular
saws in the mill, he stumbled in some
way, had falling across it, had his body
literally cut diagonally in two from the
right shoulder to the left side, tearing
oat his intestines, etc. It •was a most
shocking sight, and caused instant death.
lir A singular and imposing wedding
oaremony . came off at Milford. Conn., on
Wednesday evening. The groom being
a Knight Templar, the knot was tied in
a Masonic hall, and the. happy couple
were escorted under the "arch of steel"
with imposing grandeur. The Sir
Knights were in full uniform, and appro
priate music enlivened the occasion.
tcr On Friday night last, six car loads
of oil took fire on a train which was
naming down the mountain near Kittan
ning Point, on the Pennsylvania Rail
road, and about two hundred barrels
burned up. The flame illuminated the
whole valley between the Allegheny
and Brash Mountains, and formed one
of the, most beautiful sights imaginable.
t ar A German, in New Holstein,
Wis., named Furgen Thede, has peti
tioned the President to stand spensof
for his seventh son, born in regular sue
ce-sion, as is the custom fn Theede's
native country for kings to do,. and
President Johnson has consented.
fir It seems that, after all, we may
be able to pay for our Russian purchase
with our old iron. T heOzar, if we may
credit our latest intelkgence, is about
to buy of us the Miantonomah and four
other ironcluds. It is not every nation
that can use its fleet to regain one large
territory and then buy another.
ear The house of Harper & Brothers
is reported to be worth ten millions of
'th's Idtitf
The trial of Sarratt has been postpon
ed until the 10th of June.
Buffalo has an Irish lady aged 110 who
attends mass every morning.
Bozzaris, a nephew of Marco, is one
of the leaders of the Cretan Insurgents.
The cattle plague.(rinderpest) is re
ported to have broken out again in sev
eral counties in England.
The wheat crop in the valley of the
Shenandoah never looked better at this
time of the year. •
A crazy woman lately preeented
draft for $3,000,000, drawn in favor of
Jeff. Davie, to the Bethlehem, Pa. Bank
A husband in Indiana has sued for a
divorce on the ground that his wife is an
incorrigible thief.
Chief Justice Chase - disapproves of
the proceedings by which the traitor
Jeff Davis was let loose upon security.
The St. Louis Democrat favors. Hon.
Edwin M. Stanton for the next Presi
The Lincoln Monument fund is at
length sufficient to warrant the begin
ning of the monument.
The wheat crop in the valley of the
Shenandoah never looked better at this
time of the year.
The firm of Barber & Hawley, the
largest manufacturers of agricultural im•
plements in Illinois, have failed.
A bell butted a locomotive off the
Georgia Central Railroad track the oth
er day, and was soon afterwards quart
ered in a butcher shop.
There is a great scarcity of fodder for
the animals in the eastern townships of
Canada, and the cattle are dying by hun
dreds foe want of food.
A barrel of flour can be purchased in'
Paris, sent by rail and steamer to Liver
pool, and thence transported in .a sailing
vessel to Boston, at less expense than it
can now be purchased in the latter city'
or even here.
Turkey being bankrupt, and having
imposed taxes on every other imaginable
thing has at length resorted to a tax on
babies, because they are "exempt fram
military service."
One of the most prominent lawyers of
New York has applied for a divorce
from his wife, a woman noted for her
beauty and accomplishments. The ap
plication is based on " inhuman conduct"
to - the lawyer's mother.
Senator Wilson has completed his
tour in the South. He is now en route
for Massachusetts. His efforts will-not
fail in being productive ofgood, because
he spoke the truth.'
A farmer in lowa destroyed the grub
worms that were destroying his corn, by
catching a lot of moles and pitting them
into the corn field. The moles may be
caught by the use of cow's borne with
the pith out.
Mr. Youatt, the famous veterinary
surgeon, who has been bitten eight or ten
times by rabid animals, says that crystals
of nitrate of silver, rubbed in the wound,
will positively prevent hydrophobia - in
the bitteri person or animal.
The colored citizens of Baltimore, on
April 30th, presented a very handsome
portrait of Henry Winter• Davis to his
widow. It was painted by a colored ar-
tist named William Simpson, and is
spoken of as a fine pictur.e.
A letter from Randolph Rogers, the
sculptor, announces the statues of Nel
son and Lewis, for the Washington
Monument, have been shipped, from
Burope, and may soon be expected to
reach Richmond.
An eminent divine, says : "I have
been using the Peruvian Syrup. It
gives me new vigor, buoyancy of spirits;
elasticity of muscle." 3_ P. Dinsmore,
36 Dey street, New York,mill send free,
a pamphlet of 32 pages; containing a full
account of this wonderful medicine, to
any one sending their address.
The Atlantic cable of 1866 has ceased
working, and the disaster is attributed
to damage done by an iceberg which
grounded off the harbor of Heart's Con
tent on the evening of the 4th inst., and
is supposed to have broken the cable.
The cable at that point lies in about
sixteen fathoms of water.
The suit of General Blair against the
election judge in St. Louis who rejected
his vote because he would not take the
constitutional oath, has been decided
against the General, by the MissOuri
Supreme Court, to which the Can had
been appealed.
A Nrs.lgriod went all the way
from Kentucky, to Jackson county, Ind.
to reclaim a husband who had deserted
her. The brute of a husband repudiat
ed her with sneers, and the woman,
goaded to madness, took poison, And
was found dead at the porch next day.
The cattle plague rages in Holland,
necessitating a great destruction of ani
mals. In one district there was such
a strong:opposition by the peasants, who
had a religions objection to the destruc
tion of the nettle, that the soldiers were
obliged to fire, by which two men were
killed and two 'wounded.
It is rumored that the President
is trying to have Sheridan removed.
The Saratoga hotels will open about
June 15th.
George Francis Train is to build a
large hotel at Omaha.
A skeleton of an Indian giant has been
unearthed near Coahama, Miss.
Mr. McCormick, the reaper man,
hands in his income account as $167,-
But very few shops in Chicago are
now running on the eight hour system,
and they will probably abandon it.
A company has been organized for
carrying on pawnbroking on a grand
scale in Egypt.
A subscription is on foot in Kentucky
to purchase a home for the family of
John C. Breckiuridge. ,
A boy preacher, Master Enoch Pro
bert, aged 12 years, has appeared in
Wales, and his admirers think he will
eclipse Spurgeon.
Governor Brownlow has issued en
dress to.the voters of Tennessee, being
too feeble to take the stump.
The Viceroy. of Egypt is the richest
man in the world. Ile owns a fourth of
the entire soil of the country.
Henry T. Crawford, of Cleveland, 0.
has• complained to the New York police
that he lost $lO,OOO at a faro establish
ment in that city.
Basil Duke is canvassing for a news
paper in Tennessee. Ex-Senator Iver
son, of Georgia, sells fuel for a living.
There are now thirteen cotton factor
ies in operation in Tennessee, worth
nearly a million of dollars, and employ
ing'over nine hundred operatives.
Three Hebrew Rabbis, of Baltimore,
have adopted the Christian plan of
Sunday School instruction in Schools,
meeting on the first day of the week.
A letter from a friend of the traitor
Breckinridge, who is in Paris, sacs
Breckinridge would return to the Unit
ed States immediately if Jeff Davis was
Cincinnati boys get twenty-five cents
bounty for every unlicensed dog they
capture. About thirty are brought to
the pound daily, most of which are
Subscriptions have been made among
the people in Tipperary, Ireland, for the
wives and children of the Fenian pris•
oners in and near that town.
An extra six feet of snow fell the mid
dle of April, on the track of the raniUr.
Railroad, in the Sierra Nevada Moun
tains, in California.
James W. Fernald, of Somersworth,
N. H., was Struck in the abdomen last
week by the born of a cow, and although
the skin was not broken, his injuries. re
suited in death soon after.
A Livingstone search party is fitting
out in England. E. D. Young, of Zam
beze reputation is to lead the expedi
tion. They will ascend Lake Nyanza,
complete the circuit of the country, get.
definite intelligence, and then return by
A man at Worcester, Mass., has been
fined $2 and costs for planting his gar
den on Sunday, and a party of card
players had to pay $& apieee for indulg
ing in their amusement on that day.
A pelican, measuring nine feet from
7 a bill
Oh she was beautiful and fair,
Witt. starry eyes and radiant hair,
Whose curling tendrils soft, entwined,
Enchained the very heart and mind.
r curling the hair of either sex into
Wavy and Glassy Ringlets or Heavy
Massive Curls
ity using this article Ladies and Gentlemen
beautify theniSelies a thousand fold. It
he only article in the world that will curl
eight hair, and at the same time give it a
utiful, glossy appearance. The Crisper
a not only curls the hair, but invigorates,
utifies and cleanses it; it is highly and de
.tf Illy perfumed, and is the most complete
icle of the kind ever offered to the Amer--
. public. The Crisper Coma will be sent
any address, sealed and postpaid for $l.
Address all orders to
W. L. CLARK Ec Co., Chemists,
PO. 3 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, N. Y.
A All the. cooking for a family may ..a
llrt-be done with Kerosene Oil, or Gases
ilaawith less trouble and at less ex.-. 31
IrrpenSe than any other fuel.
ch article manufactured by this Company
s guaranteed to perform.all that is claimed
nor it. Send for Circular.
Liberal Discount to the Trade.
206 PEARL-ST.;NEw-Youx. Lly
wankee, t
backward, very "suddenly. She struck
on the back of her head. She lay insen
sible a long time, and thinks if it had
not been for the waterfall she would
have been . killed. She is doubtless
correct—the waterfall broke the general
Capt. John G. Ryan, the "mysterious
prisoner," who was arrestbd and confln_
ed in 1865 as the supposed John EL Sur
ratt, is about to prosecute the Govern
ment for false imprisonment.
A party of West Virginia sportsmen
recently spent a day in fox hunting, and
at night left the dogs still running. They
ran into a flock of sheep, and killed
eighty of them. Thenwners of the dogs
handed over $6OO-and received the car
casses of the sheep.
The Boston Post says the purchase of
Russian America gives us possession of
the aurora„borealis, -
ear The Legislature, at its last
session, passed a law relative to railroad
baggage. It provides that each passen
ger shall be entitled to carry one trunk
or box, not exceeding one hundred
pounds in weight; that when baggage
shall be lost and damages claimed, not
to exceed three hundred dollars shall be
allowed for each trunk or box along
with its contents; that if any person
wishes to carry more weight or greater
value of baggage than this, he or she
must have the trunk or box weighed by
the baggage agent before starting, dis
close the value that will be claimed in
case of loss, and pay extra for excess as
may be required by the particular rail
road company: Of course, if a man
makes disclosure of value, and pays ex
tra, he must be sure to take a receipt, or
or he will have nothing to show in case
of loss.
eir The Philadelphia papers state
that a new but not dangerously made
counterfeit of the denomination of ten
dollars, purporting to be that of the
Third National Bank of Philadelphia,
has made its appearance. The paper is
of good quality, and the engraving is of
a character well calculated to deceive
The engine turning work around the
figures is not, however, as sharp and
distinct as the genuine, nor is the letter
ing and figuring as plain and as perfect.
The work upon the back of the note,
which in the genuine is beautifully clear
and distinct, and perfect in every curve,
in the counterfeit isiirregular, and no
very close examination shows its fraudu
lent character.
ter A Philadelphian says that the
invitations of Jay Cooke, the Govern
ment banker, to a party lately given by
him, were as follows : "Guests received
at 5-20; dancing commences at 7-30 . ;
supper at 10-40." •
Ir:t. Children's lives saved for 50 cents!
Thousands of children die annually of croup.
Now, mothers, ifyou would spend 50 cents
and always have a bottle of Dr. Tobia9' Ve
netian Liniment in the house, you never need
fear losing your little one when attacked with
this complaint. It is now 19 years since I
have put up my Liniment, and never heard of
a child dying of Croup when my liniment
was used ; but hundreds of cases of cures have
been reported to Me, and many state if it was
$lO per bottle they would not be with Out it.
Besides which, it is a 'certain cute for cuts,
burns, headache, toothache, sore throats swell
ings, Mumps, Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery,
spasms, old sores, and pains in the back and
chest. No one once trice it who is ever with
out it. It is warranted perfectly safe to take
internally. Full directions with every. bottle.
Sold by the druggists. Depot, 56 Cottlandt
Street, New York.
To CONSUDIPTIVES.—The advert:ser, having
been restored to health in a few weeks, by a
very simple remedy, after having suffered for
several_years with a severe lung affection, and
that dread disease Consumption—is anxious to
make known to his fellow-sufferers the means
of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a
copy of the prescription used (free of charge)
with the directions for preparing and using
the same, which they will find a SURE CURE
for Consumption, Asthma : Bronchitis, Coughs,
Colds, and all throat and lung affections. The
only object of the advertiser in sending the
prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and
.spread information which he conceives t 6 be
invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will
try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing,
and may prOve a blessing, hulks wishing
the prescription, free, by return mail, will
lease address REV. EDWARD A: WILSorr.
Williamsburgh, Rings Co., N. Y.
MARRIED LIFE :—Serious reflections for
oung Men, on the Error:, Abuses and Disea
:es induced by ignorance of Natures Laws; a
bersonal narrative of misery, despair and final
estoration, by simple means. Should be read
,y every young man in the country. Sent,
or the benefit of all, without money and with
lit price. Sent in a sealed envelope to any
daress, free of charge. Address JAMES S.
UTIER, Box 5197, General Post Office, N. Y.
Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh, trea
d with the utmost success, by J. ISAAC'S,
. D., Oculist and Aurist, (former]) of Ley
en,Holland,) No. 519 PINE at., Philadel
[llia. Testimonials from the most reliable
lonizes in the city and country can be:seen at
!pis office. The medical faculty are invited tc
ccompany their patients, as he - has no secrets
n his practice. Artificial Eyes inserted with
ut pain, No charge for examination.
FREE TO P.VERYBODY.—A large 6 pp. cirCU
ar, giving information of the greatest import
ance to the young of both sexes.
It teaches how the homely may become
, , eautiful, the despised respeeted, and the for
rsaken loved. No young lady or gentleman
should fail to send their address, and receive
a copy post-paid, by return mail.
Address P. O. Drawer, 21,
" 'Troy, N. Y
Buchu is the. Great Diuretic
Is the Great Blood Purifier
Both are prepared according to rules of
Pharmacy and Chemistry, and are ,the most
active that can be made.
11°. FOR Non-retention or Incontinence of
Urine, irritation, inflammation or ulceration
or the bladder, or kidneys, diseases of the pros
tate „glands, stone in the bladder, calculus,
gravel or brick dust deposits, and all diseases
of the bladder, kidneys and dropsical swellings
Easeas OF YOUTH .—A gentleman who suf
fered' far years from Nervous debility, Premt .
furerlecay, and all , the effects of youthful-in-
discretion, will, for the sake of suffering-hu7
manity, send free to all who need it, the reci
pe and directions for making the-simple reme
dy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing
to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do
I sct,,bk addressing in perfect confidence.
..%Ociat Notitts.
Kau Rbbtrtizorants
------ ----
"Beyond The Mississippi"
From the great River to the great Ocean,
MineS, People and
Life and Adventures un Prairies, Mountains,
Li ana the Pacific coast. With over 200 de
scriptive and Phutogiaphic views of the
CSauernioesirytlcesio"festlielaNnedws' States 8... Territories.
prove an invaluable assistance
To prospective emigrants and settlersin the
does a want long felt of aims,
"Far West" this History of that vast andetl
guide to climate, soil,
filesup supplying
eg n
aa s zs v will
i l
products, means of travel, &c.
Send for circulars and see our terms, and a
dull description of the work. Address N.
TIONAL PUBLISHING Co., Philadelphia.
Agents Wanted for Gen. L, IL Baker's
History of the Secret Service.
This work embraces an Authentic and lA.
cial account of the hitherto suppressed facts
and information obtained by General Baker,
during his five years service as Chief of m e
National Detective Police. Now that the w ar
is over, the NATION demands this inner his.
tory, and as a historian, the Author suhservei
no partisan purposes, but writes the plain, as
varnished truth; sparing neither high a ,
low; Loyal nor Rebel, Statesmen nor Coi,-
.vict, Civilian, nor Goveinment Official; j u d,.
ciously justifying his statements with vouch
ers from the highest authority, imparting
thereby a genuine historic value to his start
ling disclosures. Active, energetic agents are
clearing $2OO per month, which we can p role
to any doubting applicant. Address
P. GARRETT & co., 702 Chestnut-st.,
ANTED—Agents--$75 to $2OO per
month, everywhere, male and female
to introdnce the GENUINE IMPROVEij
MACHINE. 'This machine will stitch, hero
fell, tuck, quilt, bind, braid and embroider
a most superior mantle'. Price only sis.
Fully warranted for five years. We will par
$l,OOO for any machine that will sew a streic
ger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than
ours. It makes the " Elastic Lock Stitch.,
Every second stitch can be cut, and still the
cloth cannot be pulled apart without tome;
it. We pay agents from $75 to *lOO per
month and expenses, or a commission from
which twice that amount can be made. Ad
dress SELOMB & CO., Cleveland, o.
CAUTION:—Do not be imposed upon by
other parties palming off worthless cast-iron
machines under the same name or otherwise.
Ours is the only genuine and really practical
cheap machine manufactured.
Manufactured Exclusively by us.
After an experience of 25 years with all
the different machines, we otter this to Brick
mak era as co mbin ing everything most desired
by them. We only ask a fair examination,
and would prefer to have those about to pur
chase come and see the machihe at work, and
compare it with any other in the country.
We make the ADAMS Machine, for makine
Front brick, HALL'S Patent Machine, Gat
Tempering Wheels, and everything complete
to start a Brick Yard. Also engines and boil
ers, Cane Mills, Portable Forges, and Machin
ery of all kinds.
Peekskill, N. 1",
AGENTS WA NI ED, to sell the American
Window Polish, the best ever offered to the
public. It cleans windows as fast as son can
wipe them with a cloth, without slap, soap or
water. It leaves the glass clear as crystal,
and free from streaks or lint. It also cleans
or polishes Gold, Silver, Copper, liras:, and
Tinware, better, and with less labor, than
anything ever known. Agents are making
$25 to $5O per week. Everybody wants it as
soon as they see it used. Send 2'c. for Sun-
ple and terms, of call on the AMERICAN POL
ISH COMPANY, 413 Chestnut-st.,
AT ARRH, Bronchitis, Scrofula of every
phase, Liver and Kidney diseases. Win.
R. Prince, Flushing, N. Y., for 61) years pro
prietor of the Linnman Nurseries, has discov
ered the Remedial Plants, which arc POSITIV K
Cures for the above and all inherited and
Chronic diseases, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Nerv
ous debility, Rheumatism, and all Female
Maladies, and others resulting from imporitr
of the blood, hitherto incurable. Explanainry
circular,] stamp; treatise on all diseases, 2n ms.
WANT Ell—A GEN TS. stsO per !soot)
the year rou, d, or KO per rout. profit
on commission. We guarantee the ahave sal
ary or commission to suitable agents at their
own homes, to introduce an attiele of indispen
sable utility in every household. For partic
ulars call on, or address, G. W. Jackson S.: Co.
11 South street, Baltimore, Md.
per quart in city markets, Weavees Patent
Cherry Stoner wilt stone three bushel per
hour, and separates the seed from the fruit.
Sent by express on the receipt of $2.50.
Agents wanted everywhere to make $lO to
$2O a day. The trade supplied by
Hardware Works, Reading, Pa._
DRUNKENNESS Permanently cued by
"Salvation Powders" or antidote for In
temperance. Administered if necessary, with
out the knowledge of the person, in ale, tea,
&c. Sent by mail upon receipt of price, al
per box. Address Dr. JAMES L. CLARK.,
488 Hudson St., New York. cut this out.
monthly, containing 36 large ouble column
pages. Only .50 cents for 6 months. Try it !
Will save every farmer many dollars, as we
offer a Horse and Cattle Doctor free. Ad
dress N. P. Boyer & Co., Gum Tree, Chester
county, Pa_
with a live man in every county, who wiblies
to make money and can give good references .
No capital required. Will sell a business nen
Paying $1,500 per month, and rely un Mr°
for my. pay. Address, J. C. TILTON ,
Pittsburgh, PS.
AGENTS WANTED for a new work entitle
" GLoit
Y OF THE -MORTAL LIFE " ; for La.d
dies ; Clergymen and others, it has no equal Co
For terms and territory address,
- L. STEBBINS, Dartford, Conn.
Manufacturer of all kinds of
Toilet & Pearl powders & Lily MA
No. 606, &pith Delaware avenue, raga.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
40 PARK Row, NEw-Yonli.
- 0 --
We have facilities for the transaction of he
business of a General Advertising
which are not surpassed, and we think not
equaled, by any similar establishment in
Our special lists of ,'One Hundred A'
pens" offer remarkable inducements to such al
are desirous of advertising extensively. Sod
10 cents for the Advertiser's Gazette, givtat,'
lists and full particulars.
The large amount of patronage controlled
by us enables us to promise our customers the
most favorable terms.
by us, contains much information of value to
Price $1 per annum in advance.
GEo. P. jtowELL s.l
40 Park Row, New-York