The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, May 18, 1867, Image 2

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    the kt,atitttian.
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- N 7-1416
Saturday Horning, May 18, 1867.
sa- General Butler, who has been
actively at work in search of faCts con
cerning the assassination of President
Lincoln, has obtained, positive evidence
that it was never the intention of the
conspirators to inolnde Vice ° President
Johnson among their victims, and that
the movements of Atzerott about the
Kirkwood House, with the various cir
cumstances indicating a: plot against
the life of Mr. Johnson, were purposely
put forward as a blind.
sir Stonewall. Jackson was killed on
the 3rd of May, 1863; Gen. Wadsworth
killed May 6th, 1864 ; Joshua K. OW! ,
dings died next day ; Mrs. Ilemens died
May 16th, 1830 ; Anne Boleyn, executed
May 19th, 1536 ; Columbus died May
21st, 1506, aged 71; Col. Ellsworth kill
ed ith4 24th, 1861; John Calvin died,
May 27th, 1564; Joan of Arc burned on
the Nth day of May, 1431.
sar Jeff Davis has been admitted on
bail. He was brought on a writ' of
habeas corpus before Court, in Rich
mond, on the morning of May 13; and
the gcivernment not being ready to
, try
him, he was admitted on one hundred
thousand dollars bail ; Horace Greeley
being one Of the bail. The trlal, 'it is
said, will go on in 'November next,
Or At a, radical meeting in Shelby
county, Tennessee, a day or two since,
a colored orator, who was it slave two
years ago, said " the rebels are trying
to use us as , catspaws; they say we ought
to hold office; but seven , years ago we
didn't bold anything but a hoe-handle
and would not now if they could have
had their way.
A few days ago, near Bethlehem,
a father aged sennty-three years, was
presented by his blooming wife of fifty
three years, with a stoat, healthy boy.
Both mother and boy are now doing
well. The father has been married up
wards of forty years, and previous to
the birth of this son his youngest child
was aged twenty-five years.
sr In consequence" of the pressure
and inevitable success of the eight'-hour
labor movement in Illinois, nearly all
the railroad 'companies and manufactur
ing associations centering in Chicago
have issued orders .that their workmen
be employed by the hour hereafter, thus
paying by the hour one-tenth the wages
of a ten hour day's work.
ear Scientific men predict that the
summer of 1867 will be cold and wet
like that of last year. They. base the
prediction on the fact. that immense
masses of ice have broken, or are about
to break away from the extreme north
producing cold and vapor.
®' A would-be bride in Dayton, Ohio,
aged• 62, has sued a gentleman of 40 for
breach of promise. She shows one of
his letters in which he said he "existed
ocly in her smiles, and that the happiest
day of his life would be that on which he
should call her his own."
sir There seems to be a great demand
for new jails at'present, judging from the
number about to be built. Susquehanna,
Wyoming, Luzerne, and many other
counties in this State are in the category
of new jail builders. They are all going
to "tear down and build greater."
There is in Pepperell, IMass., a
child ten months old whose mother,
grandmother,' great-grandmother and
great-great-grandmother are all living.
The - latter is not yet eighty-one years of
iller Michael' Dailey, the treasurer of a
"circle" orFenians in the oil regions,
and who abiccinded with the cash be
longing to the concern, was tried and
bee been dischargeil owing to some in-.
formality in the charges.
lane master mechanics and manufac ; -
lure's in St. Louis have held s meeting,
and adopted resolutions expressing a
determination to adhere to the ten-hour
rale. They ha ve also agreed not'to-em
ploy any man `who me'itiber of a
workingmces society..
The Young Men's Eyangolical,
terial Association; of giacinnati - have
appointed neat Thursday a day of fasting
and prayer that khe.threatenad scourge
of cholera may be averted . fkom that city.
iljr Mrs. Sakey Raymond, of Norwalk,
Cona`.,4 a heroine of ttie 'period When
*bat Own "was dostroy,ed by the British
died at Ijiddifyii,:'Coriir., a few 'days
since, aged 98.
itertriior . presen-
ted to George Pciaboby, will be exhibit
ed in Philaderpleiii; 'before' being `sent, to
0. H. 'Br o wriing, Secretary of the
Interior, reported dead last week; is
rlnce nn* rearriarret ridino And
Common Pleas of Cincinnati has deci
ded marriage to belmrely a civil contract.
James and Richael Paylor lived togeth
er as husband and wife maintaining them
selves as reputably as any other couple,
although bound by no other tie than that
of a mutual agreement, which they have
maintained honorably and honestly. In
all the legal instruments executed by
them, the legal relation of man and wife
was acknowledged. He recently died,
leaving hie wife and six children surviv
ing. Relatives undertook to deprive
her of her right of dower on the ground
that they were never lawfully married.
The Court decided the facts, as proved,
establishing her wifehood sufficiently
under the laWs of the State of Ohio.
gar Our territorial accessions have
been ae follows :
1. The purchase of Louisiana and the
Mississippi Valley, in 1803, from France,
for $15,000,000.
2• The pnrchaee of Florida; in 1819
from Spain, far 83;000,000..
3. The annexation of Tessa in 1845
4. The purchase of California, New
Mexico and Utah, from Mexico, for $l5,
000,000, in 1848.
5. The purchase of Arizona from Men
ico, for $10,000,000.
6. The purch - ase of the immense Rus
sian possessions, running 'down on the
Pacific coast from the North Pole to
fifty-four north latitude, at which line it
strikes the British possessions.
Gir The stories . about the ill-treat
bent of soldiers and prisooers by the
officers at Dry Tortugas, which bait)
been current in the public press for some
time past, hiving come to the notice of
General Grant, he ordered an investiga
tion of the facts, which has been con
cluded, nnd the result shows them to
have been utter fabricatiOns. They or
iginated through the aid of Greenfels,
the Chicago conspirator, who abused
the very generous privileges accorded
to him by. the officers to send anony
mous letters to his friends outside con
taining these false statements.
65- Napoleon's great show is an "ex
position" and not an "exhibition!' The
difference between the terms is - not so
trivial as a cursory look implies. They
are approximate but not absolute syno
nyms. "Exposition" is demonstration—
that is something designed and destined
to produce a predetermined result, be it
mental or tangible. "Exhibition" is but
manifestation—show, display, which may
either be barren of or brimming with
effect. Every "exposition" is thus an
"exhibition," but not vice versa, Every
horse is an animal, but every animal is
not a horse.
slip - A little girl eleven years of age
coveted the dress of a child seven years
of age, in Saginaw, MiChigan, and per
suaded her to take a walk With her to a
shipyard, and when there induced her to
strip herself of her clothing, and then
put her on a cake of ice which floated in
the water, gathered up her clothes, and
left her to perish. Provident&lly, a man
rowed within sight and rescued her. The
little murderess was found at school,
with the clothes on.
Sr A large number of monks and
priests in Italy have taken Advantage of
the new privilege conferred.upon them
by the new law for civil marriages, and
have rushed into wedlock with unexpec
ted alacrity. Even the nuns have caught
the infection, and the matrimonial mania
threatens to complete the abolition of
the convents begun by the civil law. Ha
man nature appears to be AI good deal
stroneithan' the most rigid of monastic
vows. .
egr A baby elephant, attached to a
circus, became frightened near Phoenix,
Rhode Island, on Friday, broke away
from his keeper and ran into the princi
ple street. •He made a raid upon a fruit
store, went into a saloon and emptied
the contents upon the landlord and cus
tomers, and was proceeding to demolish
a,grocery, when he was secured by his
keeper. .
or The will of Stephen A. Douglas is
in court._ _The agent is sued by the heirs,
Mrs. Williams, late Mrs. Douglas, and
her children, for fraud. It is claimed
that the agent, Nicholas P. Inglehart,
compromised smrions claims against the
estate, had , them_ assigned to him, and
then applied to the court, for the entire
amount, nearly nine thousand dollars.
wrir At 'a recent educational- meeting
in London the•Doke of Argyll expressed
the opinion that the English people
would soon demand the American aye
tem of common-school education, leav
ing the religions education to Sundayi
Jefferson Davis..-was admitted on
bail ($100,000) at Richmond, on Monday
last. Horace Greely, D. K. Jackman,
John Minor Botts , and a dozen more
eatering that amouat for his release the
next session of court, in , November. ..
tar Tile Japanese" Commii3sioners,
now' `in- Washington city;- are Inaking
dirge contracts for"supplies of solool
.They purchased forty Wibstees
Dictionaries -to be sent to Japan.
A. German paper says that a young
man recently marrieA a widow twice hie
Ran_ and he nenartnined nnhgannantly
Lets — r&THE M.A
sr The Charlotteville, Virginia,
Chronicle protests against the South
forming an alliance with the Northern
Democrats, for the reason that the South
would be cheated. The Chronicle ap
pears in earnest in its protests, for in a
late issue it referred to the subject as
follows : "We apprehend the most seri
ous consequences, if the South hoists
the Democratic flag. The Northern
Democracy are extremely violent in
their language and talk pretty much as
the South talked before the war. They
can afford to do it, because they know
it is only talk, and that they are in no
danger: But•suppose the South gets on
their platform, and flies their banner,
we shall receive the wrath of the North
—on the head of the South will their
vengeance be wreaked. The great ma
jority of the Northern people regard
the continuance of the Democratic par
ty as a continuance -of the rebellion ;
and they will certainly regard the re•
occupation of the Soith, by that party,
as the manifestation of a rebellions spir
it on the part of the South."
or Peterson's Magazine for June, is
an unusually fine number, even for this
popular and elegant magazine. It has
a beautiful steel engraving "The Wild
Flowers in the Wood ;" a splendid mam
moth colored fashion, plate, with five
figures ; a colored pattern for a tobacco
pouch ; and about fifty wood engravings
of dresses, bonnets, collars and cuffs,
children's fashions, baby's shoe, patterns
in embroidery, smoking cap, &c. The
literary contents maintain the high char
acter of "Peterson." A capital article
on "The Laws of Croquet," is alone
worth the price of the number. This is
a good time to subscribe, for a new vol
sumo begins with July, though back Dim
hers from January may also be bad, if
subscribers wish to commence with the
first of the year. "Peterson's" is the
cheapest of Bathe monthlies. To single
subscribers it is but $2,00 a year. For
$B,OO five copies are sent, with an extra
copy to the person getting up the club.
Address C. J. Peterson, 306 Chestnut
St., Philada.
* Petersburg seems to be the cradle
of the Republican party in V irginia.—
The Petersburg platform is now familiar
ly known as the compendium of Virgin_
ian Union sentiments, and recently the
Republican club of that - town adopted a
formal resolution, appointing a commit
tee to take the necessary steps to raise,
at an early day, a national flag-staff, at
some suitable point within the cityiimits,
to bear and to' hoist up on• it a national
liar The bronze female figure, repre
senting 'The Angel of die Reserrection,'
that is to surmount the . Sam Colt monu
ment at Hartford is now in that city at
Mr. Patterson's marble works. It was
designed by
,the sculptor Rogers, and
was cast at Munich, Germany, where the
finest bronzes are made. The artist has
treated hie subject withlingular simplic
ity and boldness.,
or Spurgeon. the well known London
preacher, occasionally gets , off a pod
thing. A report of a late sermon daily
ered,by him contains a sentence which
will be as much. apPrediated here as in
England. ‘Trethern," said Spurgeon,
"if God had referred the ark to a com
mittee on Naval Affairs, in my opinion
it would not be built yet." '
girlirs. Daniel. Kent, of East( Mil.
lingford, Vt., Attempted to go to her
husband, who was in the woods boiling
sap, lost her way and wandered about
until she came within twenty rods of her
house, when she fell down with exhans
tioh, and was found deal on_ Sunday
Gir When the blood is well sapplied
with its iron element, we feel vigorous
and full of life. it is an insufficiency of
this vital element that makes us feel
weak and low spAited ; all such, by tak
ing the Peruvian Sytup, (a protoside of
iron) can supply this deficiency, and *ill
be wonderfully invigorate&
gir During the time the Paris Exhi
bition is open the public will be admitted
without special leave, and without pass
port visit the Imperial palaCes, the mu
seums,, the State establishments, and
monuments. The .servants at the vari
ous places are , strictly forbidden to ac
cept any gratuity.
illar A little boy twelve years old, a
long time ago, on his way to Vermont,
stopped at a country tavern, and paid
for his lodgings and breakfast by sawing
wood instead of asking it own 'gift. Fif
ty years later the-same boy- passed the
-0813113 inn as George'Peabody, the babker.
Thousands of women are employ
ed in the. Great Exhibition building at
Paris, and as they cannot have their
children with them, a building is set
apart where their infants under three
years of age are tended and fed gratis,
A. , gentleman of Pittsburg has Fa
pered his room with certificates of of
stock. The novel =papering coat origin
ally over fifty-three thousand dollars:,
The bookkeeper of a large firm in
Chicago retort's a greater income tt is
year than all the members of the. Sum
put toget her.
onsr. 'Pha nianth -nf .indfre Georma R
Nibs in 38xitf
John Leighton, El leading operator in
mining shares, and formerly an officer of
the Franklin Mining Company of Bos
ton, was arrested on Satdrday, upon the
charges of embezzlement of the funds of
the company and over-issue of its stock.
They have an odd way of doing up
rampant females in Memphis. A Mem
phis paper says : An obstreperous wom
an was taken to the Adams street police
station on Monday night, tied up in a
bag, her head only being out. She was
thus kept from doing mischief, and was
carried along on the back of - a sturdy
black man.
Calvin Priest, of Ewing, Mass., cut on
his timber lot, the past , winter, a pine
tree which wag seven feet in diameter,
and cut up into thirty logs, having an
aggregate length of 388 feet. The first
log had to be split with powder.
In a quarrel between two lads, each
of them about eleven years of age, at
Somerville, Fayette county, Pa., on
Saturday evening, one of the boys shot
the other with a revolver, killing him
A fisherman in Montilier, Switzerland,
captured, a few days back, in the lake
of Morat, an immense trout, more than
three feet long, and weighing over thir
ty pounds. It is to be placed in the
Museum of Morat.
Secretary Seward, gave a State dinner
to the Japanese Ambassadors on Satur
day evening. Afterwards as reception,
for the Diplomatic Corps was held, and
Madame Juarez, wife of the President
of Mexico, was present,
There is being built on the Tyne a
vessel intended for exploring`the snlpher
mines in the islands in the Red lies.—
She is to be fitted with large water-tanks,
and when she has landed men on those
islands she will keep them supplied with
water from the main-land.
An annual Sabbath school celebration
and parade took place , at Washington,
D. C., on Monday. Eight thousand
children were in the procession, and
passed in review before the President.
The teregraph and express line is now
open from'London to Tientsin, the port
of Pekin, China. The time now occu
pied in • the transmission of messages
from London to Tientsin is now reduced
to twelve days.
The number of exhibitors in the Paris
E.xposition has been counted, and found
to be 42,247, of whom about one-fourth
are - French, 2,069 English, and lens than
one . thousand Americans.
Ex-Commissioner Bogy is pressing a
claim for five thousand dollars, to com
pensate him for expenses incurred in
discharging the duties of his late office
after he was rejected by the Senate.
The Count de Greffulhe, the richest
man in France, died on the 7th at the
ripe age of 92. His fortune is estimated
at fifty millions of dollars.
The State Pencil Company of Castle
ton, Vermont, now employs one hundred
men, and manufactures one hundred and
sixty thousand pencils a day,
A keg of powder exploded near Fort
Lee, on Tuesday, blowing a man named.
Ma:alley fifty feet into the air, into the
river. He swam ashore and is still liv
Prince Charles Theodore, of Bavaria,
brother of Empress Elizabeth, of Aus
tria, has taken holy orders, in conse
quence of grief at the loss of his wife.
A gentleman of Borhato, England, has
offered £lOO reward for the apprehen
sion of some person who recently killed
his cat.
It is reported that.the Grand Jury at
Richmond have indicted John C. Breck
inridge, Judge H-. W. Thomas, and four
others for treason. •
They do up rampant females in Mem
phis by sacking them—tied in a bag and
carried on the back of a huge negro to
the station house.
Bishop Lt*ille, of the Roman Catho
lic Church, died at Bardstown, Ky., on
The present Duke of Wellington,
three years ago, had an income of g750,-
000. ' By steady exertion he has reduced
it to $7500.
Chas. K. Landis, the founder of Vino
land, N. J.datya it will have - a popula•
tinn : of 25,000 people-in five years.
England has aboutfour hundred steam
plows in operation; doing the labor of
about twenty-five hundred horses.
Five thousand six hundred reaping
and mowing machines were made during
the minter at Rockford, Illiuois.
A manufactory in Portsmouth, N. H.,
produces, weekly, five thousand gross of
spools for cotton thread,
The number of teachers maintained in
the South by the American Freedmen's
Union. Commission is 404, who are edu
eating 35,458 pupils.
Beauregard is experimenting with the
Nicholson pavement in New Orleans. .
It is proposed to establish a firet•class
medical weekly journal in New York.
The contractors of the Chicago lake
tunnel are said to have netted $45,000
A. gentleman named Rev. J. C. White ,
undertook to lecture on Romanism in
Quincy, Illinois, Wednesday night, but
the hall was taken possession of by the
Catholics, and upon his attempting to
speak he was hustled out of the hall, and
barely escaped lynching. At least two
thousand persons were present, inside
and outside of the hall, armed with clubs,
stones, and other missiles. An appeal
was made to the Mayor, but he answered
that the people had rights as well as the
In Limestone county, Texas, some
days ago, two twin children, brother and
sister, named Dunbar, four years old,
strayed from their homes into the woods
while playing, and were not missed un
til evening. Search was made and con
tinned until the evening of the third day
when they were found about two miles
from home, locked in each other's arms,
dead. A wet norther had come up the
night they were lost, and it was sup
posed they died during the night.
Mrs. Dervine, of Sharon, Mercer coun
ty, lighted a fire in her cooking stove
last Sunday morning, and in order to
hasten matters poured oil upon the
flames. The oil in the can caught fire,
an explosion followed, and Mrs. Dervine
was so badly burned that she died within
twenty four hours.
An excellent young lady of culture,
refinement and intelligence was refused
permission to unite with the Walnut-st.
Baptist church, Louisville, Ky., the oth
er day in accordance with the advice of
the pastor, solely because she had been
a teacher in a freedman's school.
The white people of Middleburg, Va..
and its neighborhood transferred a good
stone church (Methodist Episcopal) to
colored trustees, - former slaves of some
of them for their exclusive use.
"A beautiful, intelligent, amiable, fas
cinating and immensely wealthy" young
lady in Fort . Wayne is patiently waiting
for some young man to marry her. It is
stated she wears cheap clothes and works
in a milliner's shop.
Georgetown, District of Columuia, has
been enlivened by the wedding of Dr.
Peters to Miss Kennon, a grand daugh
ter of Washington's adopted daughter,
who figures in pictures at Mount 'Vernon
as one one the Curtis children.
Rev. Mr. Boyd, the well known, "coun
try parson," has charge of the largest
church in the north of Scotland. fle
says, "Our parish church is Seven hun
dred and fifty years old, and in our
church-yard people have been buried for
one thousand seven hundred years."
Gustave Krause, a traveling, agent, fell
beneath the cars of the Oil Creek Rail
road, near Corry, on Friday morning, was
run over by the entire train anciinstant
ly killed.
In Arkansas; Goyernor Murphy, has
issued a proclanation, based on an order
from General Ord, dissolving the Legis
lature of that State.
It will be two years the 22nd of this
month since Jeff Davis entered the por
tals of Fortress Monroe.
Columbus Cornforth has been appoin
ted by' Governor Geary inspector of
Soldiers' Orphan Schools in this State.
Phineas T. Barnum advertises his res
i'dence, at Bridgeport, Conn.; for sale.
A ir When a Wall-street stock broker
begins his day's operations at 10 o'clock
in the morning, he has before him by the
Atlantic Cable the opening quotations
of the same in London, dated half cc
hour later than they are in his hands
and, toward 3 o'clock p. m., when he is
making hie last movements fur the day,
he is enabled to do so with ttio closing
quotations in London before him. So
far as the business of the country is de
pendent upon financial, commercial and
political movements in Europe—and its
dependence upon these is very profound
—the one is Bow regulated by the other,
daily and simultaneously. Speculators
and business peopleare making more use
of the cable at this time than ever before
since it was laid.
ar By a recent law the exterior of
every house in Paris is cleaned once in
five years. As the process of scrubbing
by hand was very laborions-acd cost
ly, a very ingenious machine has been
contrived to do the work. In front of
the house to be cleaned a movable steam
boiler is placed, with length of hoie
Sufficient to reach to the upper story.
By this means jets of hot water and steam
are propelled by high pressure against
the walls and ornamental stonework, re
moving almost instantaneously the dust
and dirt of years, without injury to the
- g larlA gentleman of Rochester was
lately in Saratoga county, N. Y and
wai there shown an appleAree in a fine
healthy condition, which had been ill,
subjected to treatment with calomel,
and thoroughly cured. This tree was
afflicted with insects, which were des
troying it, renderirg it unproductive.
A bole was bored into the 'body of the
tree nearly-through . the sap, and two
grains of calomel inserted. A soon as
this calomel was •taken up -by the sap,
the vermiwon the tree - died,and it began
to bear fruit, and has done so fur three
~the entire satisfaction ..Of ,t,he
ow The following is the beet example
of national susceptibilities we bare beard
of : An American who is now here, and
who claims to be the most adroit man in
the world in the handling of the musket
and bayonet, went the other day to seek
an engagement at one of the Paris cir
n offeringto fight in the arena (with
bayonets) against tre of the best
we m ilos u oe sk ds' e e tmen in the French arm y, all
once, one against fire. The
the circus said, "No, I can't do that ; but
if you will. ; dress up as a French soldier,
and whip five soldiers dressed up as
Americans, I'll give you an engagement.°
The Yankee retired in disgust, and at
last accounts was still swearing.—Pari
tom' We have received a copy of Rev.
Henry Morgan's new book Ned Nev
ins, the Newsboy ; or, street life in Re a
ton." It is a neatly printed volume and
its circulation has already mached tea
thousand. Agents are reaping a rich
reward from ite sale. Disabled soldiers
and others will find this an excellent
book for canvassing ; even children
have been known to make $5 a day— a
prvfit of 100 per cent. allowed canvas.
ers. Agents wishing to secure end
territory, should apply at once to Roy.
Henry Morgan, 9 Groton street, Heiden
M eve.
far ion. John Bell, of Tennessee, is
now living at hia home, near the Cum.
berland Iron Works, a few hours' steam
boat travel below Nashvile on the
Cumberland river. Ile is about seven
ty three years old, badly broken down,
physizally nod pecuniarily. Before the
war lie owned six hundred negrues,
worth a quarter of a million at lean,
and was the principal owner in the larg e
iron works at Chattanooga, which was
burned in 1862. Ile is very much ills.
gusted with politics and things general.
ly,and Ibis no sympathy with tho new
condition of affairs
OR" Doctors' bills are too long for a
poor man's pocket, but many of th.•m
may be avoided by keeping t_lroce's
ebrated salve in the cupbotod. It is
the "precious pot of ointment," curing
bUrtia, cuts, scalds bruises, spr dus
wounds, chilblains, chapped hands, &e,
Mothers, do nut neglect to save your
bm:band's bard earned money, but pur
chase a box of this sllve, only 23 cysts.
Many of the neulthy old crooks of
Louisiana are returning to France. They
are disgusted with the liadioal s , ray nos
exrzting in the State.
"Amusement blended with in6truftioit "
The above troupe, comprising 2:i Ladies and
- gentlemen, will have the honor of giving
two performances in this place, o
The Entertainments are composed of the most
pleasing selections,
This tro'ipc posse SSCj all the advauta,;e6
irP Nu expense is spared to add to th it
tereat, welfare and comfort alma p Ltrons.
Ntay 18, 'G7.-I`.. MANAGER
Down With the High Prices !
Market street : one Poor went of ihe Post
Office„ Marietta
Have just received a fall and complete stock
of Foreign and Domestic hey Goods,
Carpeting, Floor and Table t it f loth, win
dow Shades, Hats and Caps.
Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Class and
Queensivare, Groceries, Fish, ralt, etc.,
Which will be sold very cheap ,for
Cash only I
5000 yards of Cation at 10 cents - a yard.
5000 CI cc 6C Li id „,
5000 41 44 CC ic 15 cc
cc u
,5000 cc ca •i CC CC ,c
5000 gt is if If l 4
Unbleached Mushnes—yard wide, at 1 0 1 11,
14, 16, 18, and 20 cents,
Bleached Muslins ' at 10 and I 2; yard aide at
1-1, IG, 18, 20. M arseilles and Brilliusles.
Mouse de Laing at 22 and 55.
Plain and figured all, wool Del sines at
50 cents. W have also added to our stock a
moat Complete assortment of
Consisting of Plain,
Striped and Plaid
net and Cambric 51uslins ; Plain and Dirtied
Figured Swisa ; Plain and Figured Nansoola ;
B ishop and Victoria Lawns : White and Or
gandie Lawns; 5-4 White shiredss lt
full assortment of Jaconet and Swi Insert
ing and Edging , together with a large btock oi
Ladies' Dress Goads and Cloaking Cloths,
and a large stock of Notions; a full line or
Youth's and Men's Cloths and CaSSIIIICICS.
r If you wish to soya money, giYe, Os
pril 13,-1867.
Dividend Notice
- ..... .........,..
TA, PA., this day declared a seini-sullual di
vidend of sper cent.
p, payable on demand.
Marietta, May 8,1867.-2 t. Aniar,
mIXEu LO f of good seed potatoes be.•
ing part Mercer, Peach Blow and route,
Albert. For sale, inquire at theiresie of
MRS. GEO. W. STAHL, Ma street, iti'-
posite the Post Office, Marietta,
-1 ./ ties of popular Scientific: Skepticism...n
Vindication of the Truth and Superhman Or
igin of the Hebrew Records of the Gtration,
joist as those Records read. to magazine thin,
qulrterly, or oftener. 25 cents shutlf: or i l , ' .
successive numbers for $l,OO. Address:l,o,
CH:a:max, Box 983, P. 0., Philadelphia, tu.
A work which all should read.
Manufacturer of 01 kinds of
th p9i47,:lerS d Irbite,