The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, May 04, 1867, Image 2

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    the aritttiatt.
Saturday Morning, May 4, 1867.
wir The hdarqhfig,of West i)Master is
part proprietor Or tileDay:the newLoh.
don Daily Paper WbielLis to riyal the
great 'Ames. elk,large amount of money
is frequently consumed iii establishing a
daily Journal, but.there,will be no pie:
cuniary difficultiesin the way of that
paper as,thu Marquis-. is the wealthiest
man in England,:pwning a greater , por
tion of the western ,part of the .city- of
London. He advanced fifty thousand
pounds to begin with.
6ir Dr. Siineon 4'brams, who died end_
denly in New York '64 a few days ago,
bequeathed his bodYto'scientifio purpos
es, if desired. A life - interest in $50,000
to his brother—a life interest in $30,000
to hie sister, - $210,000 `immediately to
charitable institutions, with provisions
that the remainder of his property, and
the $50,000 and the.s3o,ooo at the death.
of his brother and sister i .shall go to the
New York D.oFpital.
far Hints are thrown out that the tri
al of John H. Barrett, may be abandoned
by the Government, fer the not very
creditable reason that it might develop
further surmisable probabilities of the
innocence of hire".l . 3neratt. There' are
others still fess creditable, arid - in fact,
very scandalous reasons hinted, as to why
the trial should be disagreeable to the
er Dr. Blackburn, who attempted to
introduce the yellow fever into thq Uni
ted States during the rebellion, has pe
titioned the Attorney General for per
mission to return from• Canada to his
native land and take his trial in Ken
tucky. The Attorney-General is' under
stood to'have-answered that he had no
power to grant the request'.
or A. W. Benedict, Clerk of the
House of Representatives of this State,
and one , of the Secretaries of the State
Central Committee, died at Huntingdon,
of erysipelas. Ile faithfully performed
his duties during the winter , and left
Harrisburg at ths.:dlose of the session in
good health and expecting to return in
a few days.
gar The challenge pot, forth by the
owner of the great Kentucky mare, Lady
Thorn, to trot four races at $lOOO a side
each race, against ,any horse living, at
mile heats and two mile heats, in harness,
and mile heats and two mile heats to
wagon, has, been taken by the owner of
the renowned . trotter Dexter.
Ear The daughter of a wealthy aristo
crat of Louisville recently• fell in love
with a handsome young:carpenter .em
ployed by her father in repairing the
house. She invited him into the dining
room to private little tete a fetes, appoin
ted skim interviews,.and a few evenings
ago eloped with and married him.
ear Thirty eight'years ago an Indian
women rode on horseback from Los An
gelos to Banta Barbara, using a piece
of grape vine for a switch. On reaching
her destination she stunk her switch in-'.
to the ground. It took root and sixty
barrels of wine were made from its fruit.
iler The scandal is current in Florence,
that King Victor Emanuel was induced
to marry his mistress about a year ago
ebe feigning to be sick unto death, but
unwilling to die until she had made her
peace with Heaven. In a week after
the Ceremony, the lady was up and well•
1t was lately rumored in Paris
that Eugenie,had been made ill by. the
publication of a pamphlet, .assuming to
state facts Of her early history which the
Imperial lady would have everybody else
forget, if she cannot help remembering
them herself.. .
- e
gir Mr. Peab'ody has received. Queen
Victoria's portrait, it having been sent
to hie address in New York. It will be
exhibited in• Philadelphia.- The frame
is of-solid gold, •
eir The 950-scra Daniel Webster farm
Hano'ver. New firinipsliire, is for sale—
the farniture used by the great expoun
der included,,LockhaTen, in
Clinton county, was robbed on, Friday
004.; All the letters ,were torn opep ,
and scattered around Ole 4cp.,
Io Ciaro, "recently;" 'two *o
men quarrelled about ao" egg, and one o
them the other.
aar,„lskott i t i y,lytrfels 91.
r,eoentjy m qtreetil, pfl 1-,'mrpand,
4laine„by,fikat•e Ponetables. „
' is* The ea-iehet steamer Shenandoah
hatt Stan 'Ourilit!ed by the' Sultan of
sar-Eigitteen -.priests in - Judy- have
married auderamew law 0119 kiag4om
eirSliiiik?atie‘Coitirriebtaa le etiiidibg
jo Baltimore on gOndei, -arid werev - Wl l
I Col. John W. Forney, Secretary
to the United %Mee, sails for Europe
to day. Before leaving Washington he
was the recipient of many honors from
the officers of the Senate, the Colored
Union League, the Old Soldiers and
Sailers, &c. In this city, on Friday eve.
fling, he received similar compliments.
His speech at Washington to the Colored
League was a masterly effort. He de
parts full of honors, and while abroad
we shall expect of him some "live" in
formation of the things there as ha . finds
them. Col. Forney is a good represent
'Wive of "Young America," and is net
likely to be led away from his prime ob
ject in visiting .the "old country" -by
extraneous circumstances.—Germantown
man in Newburyport, Mass.,
who had a wife and four children, ran
away, and for'seve'n years, no tidings
were heard of him and he was given up
~for dead. In the Meantime 'a brother
of the truant - husband had supported the
family and Brainy married the imaginary
widow. Many months had not elapsed,
howeier, when home came husbandnum
ber one ; and,.contrary to all romantic
precedent, made himself know and claim
ed his spouse. Expostulation from the
happy couple - was in vain. He couldn't
see it, but took possession of house and
wife, and left his charitable brother out
in the cold.
fir Rhoda Pierce, of Corinth, Sarate
ga ccinnty, N. , , induced her husband
to sell his farm for $4OOO and to deposit
the money in bank. He then went west.
No sooner was her husband, John, out
of the way, than the wily Rhoda drew
the money from the,hank, and departed
in company with a man named Daniel
Rily, for whom she had formed an at
tachment inconsistent with her conjugal
fidelity . The runaways were arrested
in Bennigton, on Saturday, and are now
cooling their heeli in the Ballston
fir A spiritualist is on trial in Nor
wich,'Conn., for the cruel starvation and
beating of his daughter aged 13 years,
during last winter. The evidence shnws
that he and his paramour of "affinity,"
(Falci to be a niece of Horace Mann)
kept the girl in a cold room on water
gruel for three weeks. - He gagged her
for , speaking to him.'and - cowhided her
twenty-five times. The girl escaped by
jumping from a third story window into
a 'BIIOW bank.
4 Yale College is opulently rich,
and the faculty are making , the most of
the money to raise it to the highest
standard of, excellence. They have for
building purposes fifteen hundred thou•
sand, dollars, and design soon to erect
an entirely new set of brown atone dor_
mitories, a memorial chapel, the Pea
body geological museum, and a new Di
vinity Uall.
The wife of James Waters, of
Boone Co., M 0.,• was delivered of four
bbys at one birth, a few evenings ago.
They weigh six tonrinds each, all alive
and kicking. Mrs. Waters has previous
ly bad six boys at three births, and the
present four make six, within one year,
A good woman.
eir Bishop Vial of Kansas was mar
ried in Philadelphia on Monday to . a
daughter - of the late Assistant Bishop.
Bowman of Lancaster. Bishop Clark
son came all the way from Nebraska to
perform the care mony. A choir of one
hundred voices regaled the happy pair
with choral harmonies.
(if The Ohio Legislature at its last
session enacted a law allowing parties
as well as defendants in all cases to
give their testimony. A similar bill
was before our own Legislature, but as
there was no money in it and being op
posed by , a half dozen lege' fossils in
Philadelphia, it was ignored.
ea - The ship carpenters and calkers
of Chicago have resolved that, after the
first of May, they will work but eight
hours a day, and that they will accept
$2 50 q day instead of $4. which they
now'rec eive for ten hours' work.
f ir A couple of children, neither over
fourteen years of age, recently eloped
from. Oak Station, Spencer county, Ind.,
with matrimonial intentions. Their sev
eral parents are anxious about them, and
promise candy if they will return.
Ifir Et young man of seventeen who
had been inveigled into the embraces of
a 'woman of forty and married her, at
Limerock; R I was uneermonionsly
tain frotrrhis bride last week by his pa
rents. -
Cr The two suits against Gen. Wool
for false imprisonment during his mili
tirygOvernment at-Baltimore, in 1861
an . d 48624 . wa5:•-•decided .by the DiStrict„
Ociurt that city by awarding. ;both
plaintiff's one cent each as datrages.
The Wikig newspaper, one of the
ablest journals of Richmond, Va., and
always the most dignified, has struck its
rebel colors , and gone over into the Re
publican camp. ,
The . Sout h -ii farining On avery
extensive scale this season. • Large tracts
of land have beenplanted in, corn. Even
the wompn,.(wlatte),are working in the
4144.. zi'l''Si."so4l7 ‘Oga•
t Garibaldi, at last account, WWI
suffering acutely from the gout.
LA" cp LA 4' et or.
A b
t'hiladelphia lin'emore citizens of
African descept than» any other place
in the,,counto—the !present number
reach 4 -28,000. They suipOrt sederi
teen churches worth $225,000, with a
membership of 5,440, and 1,700 Sunday
schools, with a daily average attendance
of 2,200. There are thirty•fonr negroes
in ttie city whose combined 'wealth
amounts to one million three hundred
and - •fifty•eight," thouiand dollars. The
richest man is Stephen Smith, a lumber
merchant. He owns seventy-five houses
in fee simple, sad is worth not less than
three bandied thousand dollars. Harris
Lyndsay,'& bounty broker 'dtiring the
war,. is worth two hundred- and fifty
thousand dollars. Five artists and a
number of excellent musicians receive
distinguished mention A.Mong the lat
ter is the " Black 8-wan."
Lot)-is Schad W ashington, the
Attorney of the Andersonvitle monster,
Captain Wirz, his'written a long letter
addressed to the American people In
vindication' of the felon's memory. - - -He
may succeed in tickling the fancy of the
south, but similar writings heaped moun
tains high, will fail to create any better
opinion in the northern mind of the bar
barous prison keeper, who only partly
expatiated his horrid crimes in an igno
minious death.
so Friend. Eli Jones, of Vaasalboro,
Me., and Sybil Jones, his wife, two emi
nent preachers of the Friend persuasion,
have sailed 013 an extensive missionary
tour to countries- bordering upon, the
Meditterranean Sea, first, however,
visiting the principal meetings of ; their
society in England and Ireland. The,
visit also inclkles Norway, .Germany,
and France.
lir The provisional governnient of
Hayti has published a decree io the
Moniteur Baytien banishing from Flifyti
in perpetuity the ex-President Geirrard,
his wife, his children, and his grandchild=
ren, also Gen. Ooquiere, and the princi
pal ministerial advisers of Geffrard.
Others of his prominent political sup
porters had been banished for teu years.
Escobado has issued a cirular re
iterating that all foreigners captured
fighting against the republic will be ex_
ecuted. Maximilian has ordered that
no Republican shall be shot, without, a
previous order from his headquarters.
The shooting of prisoners is a common
military amusement in Mexico, in which
both parties have freely participated.
air At Gloucester, Mass., on the 23d
inst.:an Irishman named Doherty was
punishing his child in such a violent
manner that hie brother interfered. This
so exasperated Doherty, who is a very
violent man, that be dashed the childs
bead against the bed post killing itr in
The citizens of the villiage of
North East, Cecil county,- Md., under a
law of the Legislature, have voted on
the propriety of allowing the sale of
liquor in that place. The vote stood
twelve for and seventy-one against•; so
that no sales of-the kitid can be made
ta - The man Vanderbilt, who, with his
wife, was indicted ill New Jersey, some
time ago, for diabolical inhuman cruelty
to a little girl whom-they had taken from
a public institution to raise, pleaded
guilty lately, and were fined seventy five
dollars! A more miserable mockery of
justice is not on record.
if ir The Newman (Georgia) Herald
says that two widows and their families
in Dowell county, occupying. the same
house, were reduced to such destitution
as to compel an allowance of only three
mouthfuls of corn bread at one meal .
Iu consequence, one person has perished
from starvation,
Or The Pennsylvania Railroad has
purchased the 188 miles of the " C 011.103-
bus and Indiana-Central Railroadw from
Columbus to Indianapolis, and now con
trols a through route from New York to'
St. Louis,
W . It is said that Mr. McCullough
expects gold will fall below the present
mark, and that he does not talc'e much
stock in the excitement growing out of
European,war rumors.
'tar A United States store ship is be
ing fitted out at 1%441 YCrk, by order of
the government, to carry corn .and pro.
visions to the suffering South.
air The Georgia Legislature, at its
last session, made a lottery grant to
raise funds for the support of a leasonie
Orphans' Rime.
Jacob Kauffman, an oid , respectable
citizen of Mansfield, Ohio, Who was on
Monday elected Tree surer_of the. city,
died the same night, of congestion of the
A man in Providence, R. I. has a
SpaniSh poodle which will select the
letters of any word from a eircle of
pasteboard letters 'on tlie floor.
David liorth was sent to New York
City Prison by Justices Dowling and
Kelley for killing,rk cat in an unnecessa
rily trnel manner.
~A'lad'y"r°in Newport, Rhode Island,
never *Ole liitt;' , flie litrebV, alai - oath
ing within the sound of both steamboats
and cars she has never seen either.
Naas fit 38rief
The Fayette (Ind.) Herald tells of a
cat in that pltice that hatched out a con
ple of4chickens, by making her bed in a
box in which some eggs were kept.
An explosion of fire damp occurred ip
the Ashland colliery in Schuylkill corm_
ty, on, the 11th inst. Tweive miners
were killed.
Wigfall- of Texas, formerly a Senator
of the United States, and afterwards a
rampant secessionist and traitor, is keep
ing a gin palace in London.
Sanford Conover, convicted in the,Dis.
hint of Columbia Crimitial Court of per
jury in connection with assassination
testimony before the Judicary Commit
tee, was sentenced to an imprisonment
of ten years in the Albany. Penitentiary.
The Japanese Imperial Commissioners
were presented to 'the President. this
week, upon the return of the Secretary
'of State to -Washington. There was an
extraordinary exhibition of official atten
tions. - .
One of the wonders of the world is
found in the fact that amid the rise and
fall of empires, the revolutions of nations
and the changes of climates and nation
elites, Freemasonry is substantially the
same - to day, as it'came, full fledged, from
the great brain of King , Solomon, nearly
three thousand years since.
Mr. Pardee of Illinois, has found that
lime slacked in salt brine, sown broad
cast, has kept insects from strawberries.
A play entitled "The War in A merica' ,
has been ruled off the French stage, du
ring the great Exposition least it should
offend the susceptibilities of some of our
lately rebellious fel'ow-citizens.
Terientte'Carroll of Andover, Mass., a
man over fifty years of age quarreled
with his wife a few days ago, who had
remonstrated with him fur striking a
grand child, and seizing a flat iron frcm
the stove, he Smashed in her skull.
A man in Covington killed himself by
lifting' a barrel of flour.
It is said that in England four-fifths
of the telegraph operators and two-thirds
of the liquor sellers are women.
Governor elect James E. English pays
taxes at New Haven, Connecticut, on
an estate of $255,000.
A New Jersey farmer has just been
convicted on eight indictments, - and
fined $lOOO, for poisoning cattle belong
ing to his neighbor.
There are one hundred people in Wil
mington, Delaware, over, seventy-five
years of age, and two colored people
over a hundred and two.
Not long since the pohce made a de
scent upon a Five Points rookery in
New York, and arrested upwards of
forty young boys whose only occupation
was thieving.
In Richmond a paper is being drawn
up and signed by a number of Republi
cans, inviting Horace Greeley, Henry
Ward Beecher, Mr. Bryant and others,
to address the people there on politics.
It was stated in the Rentpayer's As.
sociation meeting in New York, on Fri
day evening, that Mr, Astor owns real
estate valued at $65,000,000, and that
be never sells property, but with the in
terest of his wealth he continually buys
The City Council of Des Moines has
passed an ordinance forbidJing the man
ufacture or sale of lager beer within the
city limits, and declaring beer saloons
as nuisances, to be removed by the city
officials if found in existence three
months after the passage of the ordin
The Journal of St. Peter . sburg, in re
'faring to the sale of Russian America
to the United States says: "We can
only state that the transaction is mainly
advantageous, and that the commercial
relations of both countries will be pro
A new biography of Swedenborg, pub
lished in London, admits that after =a
lapse of one hundred years, the profess
ed followers of Swedenborg in England
number but 3000, and about the fame in'
the United States, but asserts that the
number of partial believers is very great,
and growing rapidly. -*
Madame Patterson Bonaparte has re-
turned to Baltimore, where the eccentric
old lady lives in a boarding house in a
rather parsimocious manner. Though
she is ieventy-eight years old, she re
tains the liveliness of her air and all the
elegance of - her ancient regime manners.
One of her grandsons - is with her.
W. C. Owens, a resident of Davidson
county, Tenn., last week mercilessly
beat a colored man named May, with.a
club, and then marched him fifty yards
from his house and deliberately, shot
him in the back with a navy revolver.
May lies in a critical condition. No
measures have been taken by the civ
il authorities for the arrest of Owen.
For all those distressing and afflicting
maladies which origic ate in scrofula or
an enfeebled or vitiated state of the
blood- nothing can equal the tonic and
purifying effect of Dr. Anders' lodine
Water, a pure solntion of lodine dissol
ved in pure water without a solvent.
The Vermoot marble Par.
is EtposiLieu is much admired, and is
said to be equal to tfie finest in Europe
friend gives us the account of a most
terrible case of the burial of a handsome
young-lady at Jacksonville, Illinois.—
Some time last summer a young lady
seventeen years of age, suffering with
the toothache, went to bed with a small
vial of chloroform for the purpose of qui_
eting her teeth. In the morning she
was found to all appearances dead, which
was confirmed by the opinions of several
physicians who were called and exam
ined her body. She was then - buried.
A few days since her relatives were about
to remove from Jacksonville, having lo
cated in another State, and had the re
mains of the young lady exhumed for
the purpose of taking them to their new
home. Curiosity prompted the opening
of the coffin, when they were horror
stricken, on finding the corpse turned
over, both hands full of hair and her
clothing torn to shreds, revealing the
terrible truth that the young lady had
been buried alive. The chloroform had
placed her in a deep trance, the awaken
'trig from which was in her coffin and
grave. The lady was engaged to be
married at the time of her supposed
death.. A more heartsickeling case we
never remember to have read or heard
of.—lndianapolis Journal.
ggr At the Paris Exposition it is said
that a novelty will be on exhibition, in
tbe shape of an artificial horse. The in
geniously constructed animal, wheu rea
dy for the road, will travel twenty-five
miles without stopping, and afterwards
may be wound up in a few moments so
as to go as much farther, and Po on in
definitely. A horse like this must be a
valuable acquisition, provided it can he
bought as cheaply as the noble animal
of which it is a copy.
147 Read the advertisement of Stem*
Berger, Shutta & iu soother column
headed, "Afflicted, suffer no more."
Cr The Columbia Herald says Sam
tielßead, of that place, caught 103 shad
on Friday of last week, and 86 the day
.%-peziaL Notitts
ilk Children's lives saved for 50 cents!
Thousands of children die annually of croup.
Now, mothers, if you would spend 50 cents
and always have a bottle of Dr. Tobias' Ve
netian Liniment in the house, you never need
fear losing your little one when attacked with
thietcornplaint. is now 19 years since I
have put up my Liniment, and never heard of
a child dying of Croup when -my I iiiiment
Was used ; but hundreds of cases of cures have
been reported to me, and many state if it was
$11) per bottle they would not be without it.
Besides which, it is a certain cure for cuts,
burns,leadache, toothache, sore throats swell
ings, Mumps, Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery,
spasms, old sores, and pains in the back and
chest. No one once tries it who is ever with
out it. It is warranted perfectly safe to take
internally. Full directions with every bottle.
Sold by the druggists; Depot; 56 Coltlandt
Street, New York.
Kg- ITCH ! Scratch
Scratch ! I—Scratch !! ! WileATores OINT
MENT will cure the ITCH in 48 hours. Also
cures Salt Rheum, Ulcerst, Chilbrains and al
er iptions of the skin. Price 50 cents. For
sale, by all druggists. By sending 60 cents to
WEEKS & POTTER, sole meats, 170 Washing
ton-at., Boston, it will be forwarded by mail,
free Of postage, to any part of the Union.
BRAPiDRETH'S PILLS.—Our theory :- Local
disease, whether of the stomach and bowels,
enlargement of the joints, rheurnittic pains,
eutaneous -eruptions, even dyspeptic com
plaints, boils, or whatever form such local
disease puts on, are so many "Proofs" of a
disordered state of the blood and bowels,
which BRA NDRETH'S PILLS correct and cure::
Experience and 40,000 certificates say this is
Duchu is the Creat Diuretic.
Is the Great lit od Purifier
Both are prepared according to rules of
Pharmacy and Chemistry, and are the most
active that can be made.
warning and instruction for young men : also,
Diseases and Abuses which prematurely pros
trate the Vital Powers, with sure means of
releif. Sent free of charge, in sealed letter
envelopes. Address, DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGH
TOR, Howard Association,-No. 2 South Ninth
Street, pniladelp hi a, Pa. [ j uly 1, '66-Iy.
ltd FOR Non-retention or Incontinence of
Urine, irritation, inflammation or ulceration
of the bladder, or kidneys, diseases of the, pros
tate glands, stone in the bladder, calculus,
gray,el or brick dust deposits, and all diseases
of the bladder, kidneys and dropsical swellings
to all °them for family and manufacturing
purposes ; contain alt the latest improvernents
are speedy, noislesa, durable and easy to work.
Illuetrs.ted tirctilars sent free. Agents want
ed.. Liberal 'discount allowed. I. o consign
ments 'made. Address &arras. S. M. Co, 16
Proadway, N. Y. [xiii:6-iy
proved Rose, Wash cures
. secret and delicate
disorders in all their stages, at little expense,
little or no change of diet, no inconvenience,
said no exposure. It is pleasant in taste and
odor, immediate in its action, and free from
all injurious properties.
1[3:• IJELMBOLD'S Extract 'Buchu' gives
health and vigor to the frame and bloom to
he pallid cheek„ Debility is accompamed by
many alarming symptoms, and if no treatment
is subroitted to, consumption, insanity or epi
leptic fits ensue.
113- ENFEEBLED and delicate constitu
tions, of both sexes, use Helmbold's Extract
Buchu It will gii* ni-isk and energetic feel
ings, acid 'enable you to sleep well
. • .
,TAKE no more unpleasant and unsafe
remedlea Mr unpleasant and d,mzerous
eases. Use Iletszbold's Estaect auche sad
improved Rose Wash.
fs eesi:heotsoef
t'lie future 1113
KNOW TNT Dnrritiv.—Madame :0.:14,
intense Power, Thornton, the Great English Astrologist Clair.
voyant and Psychometrician, Who has aston
ished the scientific classes of the Old
ha s now located hPrself at
by powers of second sight, as to enable her to im
part knowledge of the greatest importance to
a state of trance, she delineategautahreanrteereysfetao
the Madame
single: Thornton
married l
t t
h u
e r e :
i o d f t c h f e
e p e e r
i xi d
r n o o d w u
c it e aas
life - like
l P i
h e
e y c p h i
e o
t in e ° te tt
band or wife of the applicant; togetWer vim—.
date of marriage, position in life, leading tr a i t ,
of character, &c. This is no humbug, a s
thousands of testimonials can assert. gi va ,
will send when desired, a certified certificate
or written guarantee, that the picture is what
it purports Co be, By enclosing a small lock
of hair, and stating place of birth, age, dispo
sition and complexion, and enclosing fun ,
cents and stamped envelope addressed to your
self, you will receive the picture and desired
informati3n by return mail. All commies.
tions sacredly confidential. Address in confi
dence, MA DA ME E. F. TEIORNTON, P.O. Box
223, Hudson, N. Y.
A YoUNG LADY returning to her country
home after a sojourn of a few months in the
city, was hardly recognized by her friends,
In place, of a coarse, rustic, flushed face, she
had a soft ruby complexion of almost nimble
smoothness, and instead of twenty-three she
really appeared but eighteen. Upon inquiry
as to the cause Sf ea great a change, she plain.
ly told them that she used the CIRCASSIAN
BALM, and cmisidered it an invaluable acqui-
sition to any Lady's toilet. By its nap any
Lady or Gentleman can improve their peron
al appearance an hundred fold. It is simple
in its combination, as Nature herself is simple,
yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in drawing tin
purities from, also healing, cleansing and
beautifying the skin and complexion. By its
direct action on the cuticle it draws from it all
its impurities, kindly healing the same, and
leaving the surface as Nature intened it
should be, clear, soft, smooth and beautiful.
Price sl > sent by mail or express, on receipt
of an order, by. W. L. CLARK & CO.,
No. 3 West Fayette St., Syracuse, N. Y.,
The only American Agents for the sale of
the same.
ngton, the world renowned Astrologist an
Somnambulistic Clairvoyant; while in a clair
voyant state, delineates the very features of
the person you are to marry, and by the aid
of an instrument of intense power, known as
the Psychnmotrope, guarantees to produce a
perfect and life-like picture of the future hus
band or wife of the applicant,_ with date of
marriage, occupation, leading traits of charac
ter, &c. This is no imposition, as testimonials
without number can assert. By stating place
of birth, age, disposition, color of eye, and
hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and Jumped
envelope addressed to yourself, you will re
ceive the picture by return mail, together with
desired information.
Address in confidence, MADAME GER
Troy, N. Y.
THE PUZZLE or TILE AGE !—Tlte sharpest
observers give it up. Peop!e who are pro
verbial for their critical perceptions are utter
ly at fault. No living eye can detect snydr
ference between the richest blacirs and browns
that nature has bestowed upon the hair, and
the superb artificial tints conferred upon grey,
red or sandy bail, by the incomparable vege
table agent, c aISTADORO'S HAIR DYE. With
the color it imparts lus're, and does not dim
inish the flexibility of the fibres. Manufsci.-
ured by J. Cristadoro, 6 Astor lion , e,
York. Applied by all haiidiessers.
Shops for Bent•
riiHE undersigned will alter and rent
warehouse, with h will make three roomy
and convenient shops for either Cooper, Bra
gonmaker or Blacksmith, with yard tooth
piling stock and cellar room for hoep-pdles,
tic.' Any person wishing rooms of the kind
by calling on the undersigned immediately,
can have them arranged to i uit thmse
a rent at least oi.e- half theaper than the rents
usually* paid in Marietta.
Manetta, Apt it 20, 'ti7 . -3t.
Estate of John Kline, late of the bo
rough of Marietta, deceased.
Letters of Administration on said estate hi''
been granted to the undersigned, all per
sons indebted thereto are requested to make
immediate paymtnt, and those lisvinir claims
or demands against the same will preient them
without delay for settlement to th 3 midersirsaell•
JOH N G. 110E10E R,
residing in East Donegal township.
Marietta. May 4,1567 -6 t.
ROPOSA LS for collecting the BoroVh
Bounty Tax of 1867—Duplicate being7four
thousand, seven hundred and fifty -dye Scar'
and twenty cents—will be received by
dersigned, until Wedhesday, Nay ith.
THOS. STENCE, Chin' Buigess.
Marietta, May 4, 1567.
W. Worralli
Surgeon Dentist, . r-Z
Spangleßich's Store, Avoid Pr
Spangler, &,
Liver Pills are a certain cure.
cents a box. Sent by mail for 60 centso.
ld De
pot, 206 Dock street, Poiladelphis. S UY
Ointment at
e l :m en a i s n ° t R aD
all druggists.
1 . , ,, P e
adelphia. ' '
box. Seat by mail for 60 cents,
. S. Rogers, 206 pock street,
. leY's Gun Caps, Eley'l Gun %adds,
Dupont's Sporting and Glared Duck Powder
Baltimore Shot; Shot Pouches, Powder Piss
N AMEL OF AMERICA, for beautifyingE-
the complexion, softening the skin, tc
moving tan, freckles and pimples.
Sale at Dr.. Landie"Golden Mortar.'
C. OMETHING NEW ! Patent clasp pork;
Al et books, no gum bands to renew, adapts I
to any condition of the finance, at , S
DR.- B. LA is the sole alent for 1.,, e
' Sale of MISII LER'S BITTERS, in '' fj
Borough of M G N M
arietta. For sale at the ..,
Excellent quality, cheer. , .
A „ron EPAIvGI , t- 1-RnIvll. : •
, i ‘
n,....,1).1..ce1e0rated pearl C erilent 1
11 ' a
-,:, . ...I.l'"..uti.i. froLDfl •
' 1:jo EIELMIXOLD'S Fluid Extract tiucba
pleasant ,in t:ete and odnr, free frAva
pr npertiee, and immedixte is ITS St!tio7!.