tot yeti Mariam sourDqg Yarning, Bpril 20, 1867. r r Tb e Morning Passenger train for Lan otor and Philadelphia will leave the upper Osten at 12 minutes after 8 o'clock. Tke g o t train going westward will pass upper odon DO minutes after 12 o'clock, noon. The Harrisburg accommodation train eastward pill pass at 26 minutes after 5 o'clock, in the ofternoon and returning arrive here ,at 43 Minutes after 6 o'clock in the evening. sr For the benefit of the l e publish, in full, the new law in refer ones to public nuisances, in - onr borough ; Woks been signed - by the Governor and la, therefore, a law. We hope our new official with tho "star" will strictly en. force this law. The crowd appears on the increase around the post office, and o tii it few examples are made we look (or little change, . . - If Another meeting of the " Young Men's Christian Association " was held ea Saturday evening last, and its organ isation completed. A Constitution and gpLaws were adopted, and the follow ing officers elected : President, Bev. J o be Stringer; Vice President, John McNichols; Secretary, J. Clayton B ;eae y ; Treasurer, John Libhart. This Association meets every Friday even. lug, in the east class room of the M. E. church. Aniperson wishingto becomes member can make application to any of the members, g Quite a serious affair happened a few evenings since, on one one of our greets. A Mr. Perkins, who by the say, is en itinerant clothier now sojourn ing in our midst, was earnestly engaged fa serious conversation with one of our fair damsels, when suddenly her head MI upon hie breast with the exclamation "Oh how I love you," and the affecting scene which followed, drove our "locals from the stamping ground." fit A mistake has evidently been made by some of our Borough Fathers, In "fiting•up" . the sidewalk, on Walnut greet, near the High School building. A load of atones have been placed there which are more fitted to "fill up" a hole in the pike than for a sidewalk. fir John Farnesworth, a lumberman, from Indiana county, had his leg broken on Saturday morning last, while assist ing in landing a raft. A collection, amounting to over $lOO, was taken up for him, and on Monday be was sent home. fir We understand there was quite a "ries 6ght" in "Iriebtown" on M onday Is Lumbermen and negroes figured eonepicuously in the affray. The fight Iseted about half an hour, when both piles concerned were pretty well "used op;" A pilot from Washington, was injured very much. The "Band of Hope" Temperance Society was adjourned on Saturday(Jast. A meeting will be held this afternoon at 5 i o'clock, at the Temperance Hall to loitiate members. We trust the Hall will be crowded at that time. Parents sod children are earnestly requested to wend. er The Ladies Fair and Festival for the benefit of the St. Johns' Episcopal church of the borough, will open on Ronday next. We understand nothing hee been left undone to make the enter. taioment very pleasant and agreeable. See advertisement in another column. OW During the past week rafting has been quite brisk, but "buying and sell• lug" very dull. We have had the "Bulls and Bears" transported from Wall-st. New York, to this place. Prices have been very unsettled and very little lum ber changing hands. One of the up-river•gentry was brought before Esquire Auxer, on Mors day afternoon, on a charge of stealing a revolver from the cabin of a timber raft. Us acknowledged the theft but said be had sold it for a dollar. lie went below. or The Susquehanna is now (Friday afternoon) "bank full" and still rising. There is a very busy time amongst the tnnbermen to keep the rafts safely moor ed• There are a great many rafts now at th point. - lir Dr. Rogers, of 206 Dock street, P hiladelphia, who is now at the Bielor house, is making quite a stir amongst the "lame, halt and blind." See his Carl in another part of this week's pa- Per. . . The "Open Temperance Society" will meet on Monday evening. 291 b. in Temperance Hall, at 71 o'clock. The exercises will consist of reading, debat ing end instrumental music. . . Ur Christian Hanlon, of this place had his foot very badly mashed in Col l/Mkt, on Thursday afternoon, in endeav oring to "snub a raft." 1141 r Rev. Wm. Gray, P. E., will preach in the 51. E. church, to-morrow ( Sab bath) morning at 10 o'clock. Love- Pemt at 2-1. o'clock in the afternoon. • • , • • •• • •• • ••••••••,.....0,. • ••• Bowers & Steacy have joet receiv ed a new and beautiful lot of goods. Call lo and see. • lIRP Posa A. Oirod'a Mottia, An let, Supplementary to an Act, _lncor porating the Borough of Marietta, • Approved the 15th dgy of February, A. D. 1834. Scc. Ist. Be it enacted, &c. That from and after the passage of this Act, ii shallbe lawful for the Chief Burgess, of the Borough of Marietta, in the County of Lancaster, in the absence of the Justices of the Peace, upon com plaint, or upon view, to issue his war rant to the Constable (or proper person) to arrest any disturber or violator of the peace, within said Borough, and upon hearing, have power to discharge the offender or offenders, or bind him, her, or them over to appear at the next Court of Quarter Sessions of the County in one or more sureties, and in default of bail, to commit such offender or of fenders, to the County jail, to be dis charged according to Law; making hie return properly to said Court, from his docket; and for such services he shall be allowed and paid by the County, the same fees as are allowed Justices of the Peace. SEc. 2nd. It shall also be lawful for the. Borough Constable, to dispel all nuisances, caused by crowds of boys as. sembling at the Post Office corner, at corners, or along the streets, obstruct ing the pavement, using profane and obscene language, and annoying the cit izens; and in default to disperse when ordered, the Constable shall arrest the offenders, without warrant, and bring them before the Chief Burgess, to be dealt with as he may think proper, by fine, or by confinement in the Lock-ap, of said borough, not to exceed twenty four hours ; all fines to be paid to the borough treasurer, and for such services, the Chief Burgess shall, for each indi vidual arrested, receive the sum of twenty cents, and the Constable thirty cents ; to be paid by the said borough. And for every neglect the said Borough Constable shall be subject to a penalty of Five dollars, to be collected by any citizen, as all other penalties. JOHN P. Gtass, Speaker of the House of Rep. L. W. II Speaker of the Senate. Approved the Fourth day of April, A. D., one thousand, eight hundred and JNO. W. GEARY. sixty-seven. _ MARIETTA, April 16, 1867 The members of Donegal Lodge No. 129, 1. 0. of 0. F., will have a Banner presented to them, by the Ladies, on Friday, the 26th inst. The following arrangements • have been male. The members of the Order and Daughters of the Degree of Rebecca, will proceed from the Lodge Room, in Regalia, to the M. E. Church, at DI o'clock, A. M. where a sermon on Odd .Fellowship, will be preached by Rev. John Stringer. After preaching, P. C. P., S. S. Rath von, will, in behalf of the ladies, present the Banner, and P. C. P., B. D. Roatb, will be the recipient, in behalf of the members of the Lodge. The public is respectfully invited. - The day selected is the A Dolce rsary of Odd Fellowship io America, and will be celebrated as a day of Thanksgiving by the Brother hood. By order of the Committee. I=l 6-ir Jokes being played_ upon verdant young men, by their elder bretbre'n, is a practice of long standing, bat the best thing in this line we know of came off a few evenings since. It appears that a party of Good Ternplars from Columbia paid a visit to Marietta Lodge. on Wed nesday evening last, and a yong gent, possessed of consideeable self-confidence, wished to act the agreeable to the lady portion of the delegation, and volunteer ed to drive them home after the adjourn ment of the Lodge. According to pro mise, he had a conveyance with a pair of horses before the Hall door at the proper time,"but whilst going to the third story to notify the visitors that "he was ready"' some unfeeling creature unhitch ed one of the horses and took him away. The young man not to be oat done, left to procure another animal, but failed to return ; in the meantime the party in waiting enjoyed the "turn" things had taken, amazingly, and sent one of their party for another horse and went on their way, rejoicing. fr At "long last" we have a Revenue Collector in this District. William M. Wiley having been confirmed on Thurs. day last. Gir A little girl,danghter of W. Bank !haw, died suddenly in Chicago on Sat urday night—said to have been whipped to dent by her father. The body of the poor child when examined was found to be literally cut to. pieces, the fiendish punishment which caused her death bar ing apparently been inflicted with a leather strap or heavy raw hide. eir About 8000 Chinamen are employ ed by the Central Pacific Railroad Com pany of California, at $3O (gold) per month, without board. Johnny, besides proving a good washerwoman, cook and chambermaid, has proven a very effect• ive man with the shovel and the drill. sir The Memphis negroes are about galling a newspaper with negro editors, negro printers, negro devili, and_negro carriers. Everytbing is to be es black ee the bingee•of-Erebut • THE LAST OF THE PENNS.—Granville John Peon, Esq., the great-grandson of William Penn, the Proprietary of Peon sylvania, died in London, on the 29th nit. This announcement will be receiv ed with sincere regret by such of our citizens as had the privilege of making the acquaintance of this most estimable gentleman during his visits to this country in 1851 and subsequently. • Mr. Penn was the oldest surviving son of Granville Penn, Esq., of Stoke Porris, who was the eldest son of Thomas Penn, one of the joint Proprietaries of Pennsylvania. Thomas Penn was the eldest son of Wm. Peon, by his second wife, Mannah Callowhill i . We under stand that the only surviving descend ant of the founder of this Commonwealth who bears the name of Penn, is an un married brother of the late Granville John Penn, who was also a bachelor; so that the-name will soon be extinct. There are several descendants of the founder, however, of other names, among whom may be mentioned Lord North land; Lady Gonun, and the Penn Gas kill family of this city.—Forney's Press. leir Peruvian syrup.—This valuable medicine has been silently making its way into public favor by the numerous remarkable cures it has performed. Its singular efficicy is owing to the protox ide of iron, which remains unchanged in this preparation and is the only form in which this vital element of healthy blood can be supplied. GRAND FAIR AND FESTIVAL FOR THE BENEFIT OF St. Johns' Episcopal Church, MARIETTA, PA. Will open on Monday next, April.22nd. at the TOWN HALL, AND REMAIN OPEN EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING FOR A MEAMIN. The display of useful as well as ornamental goods will be one of unsurpassed beauty and attractivuless. 13.- ADMISSION TEN CENTS. -crt Marietta, Aprill7, 1867 Da. S. Roonas Dear Sir :—Having heard so much said, of late, in favor of your medicines and also of Imu• system of tr eating diseases in general, that I felt it my duty to add my testimonial in the hope of being able, in this way, to bene fit those that may be afflicted. I have suffer ed with Indigestion (Dyspepsia) for many years—my appetite being so very bad that I could eat but very little breakfast, and that little made me sick at the storuarh. The Doctors said my liver did not act right. I also suffered very much from Rheumatism, and at times my blood circulation was very poor ; at times my fingers and toes would become numb, that I had hardly any feeling in them; whilst in this way I commenced to use your ELECTRO- ETIC OIL and LIVER PILLS, and the effect in my case was truly wonderful. My pains left me all in one night, and my strength returned in a few days! I can now eat well and feel well after eating—the numb ness has left—the circulation good, and, in a word, my health is good again. YI,U are at liberty to use my name on your circulars, if you wish, and I shall do all I can in the way of recommending your medicines to all who may be afflicted as I was. Very Trutt, MARK BLITZ. ...,....,....,,,, C RIPPLES TO WALK. I=l ROGERS' ELECTRO-MAGNETIC OIL, the great king of aches and pains, is truly a wonderful medicine for the cure of Rheuma tism,Neuralgia, Sore throat, Coughs and Cols, contraction of the Muscles, stiffness and swelling of tile Joints, Chaim. Cholera Marlins, Dysentery, diseases of the Kidneys, Debility, Palpitation of the Heart, weakness- peculiar to females, and will certainly cure all pain in any part of the body in one to five minutes. Cures toothache in one minute. Cures earache in one minute. Cures nervous or sick headache in five min utes. Cures Neuralgia in five minutes. Pairs in the back, breast or side, in five minutes, cures deafness in many cases in 15 to 20 minutes, cures croup in one night, asth ma in one to three d •ys,' fever and ague in one day. And if Remen's LIVER PILLS are used in connection with lbe Electro-Magnetic Oil, they will cure the Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint ; the pills of themselves are a great purifier of the blood and a wonderful tonic, Imparting strength to the debilitated system. strengthening the digestive organs, bringing about a healthy action of the Liver, Kidneys and skin, without which no person ran enjoy health ; the pills are also a sure preventative to the Fever and Ague. if a few doses are tak en in the fall and spring. The oil and pills are both purely vegetable, and can be used with safety by old or young, male or lenfale, and always with the happiest effect. Dr. S. Rogers, Sole proprietor, N 0.206 Dock street, Philadelphia. April 20.-3 m. Shops for Rent- THE undersignedwill alter and rent his I warehouse, which will make threecroomy and convenient shops for either Cooper, We gonmaket or Blacksmith, with yard_ loom for piling stock and.,cellar room for hoop-poles, &c, Any perion wishing rooms ''of the kind by calling on the undersigned immediately, can have them arranged to suit themselves at a rent at least one-half cheaper than the rents usually paid in Marietta. SAMUEL HOPKINS. Marietta, April 20, '67 . -3t. STENCIL -PLATE CUTTING. The undersigned begs leave to inform the citizens of Marietta and vicinity, that be is prepared to manufacture Stencil-plates of ev ery description, for msrming clothing,. &c. He can be found at his residence on Second street, or at J. B. Martin's Restaurant, White Swan Hotel, Front street. Single plates sent post-paid, with ink and brush, for $1.75. ABRAM qIII.OD. Marietta, April 20, '67,-It.4' LI E Co-partnership heretofore exist ing between Stephen F. Eagle, William H. Eagle and George G. Eagle, is this day dissol ved by mutual consent, William ti. Eagle, retiring therefrom. The business wilt be set tled and contipued by the remaining partners under the name of S. F. EAGLE & Co. S. F. EAGLE, • GEO: G. EAGLE. Steam Saw Mill, .11107.4. t. S . • important News! Early Spring Styles. wE have just replenished our Stock with the latest choice designs of .Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, purchased at, greatly reduced prices, and which we are selling at prices gratifying to purchasers. We have full lines of the best makes of Black and Colored Wool Delames, Superior Black and Fancy Silks, Rich styles Silk Warp Poplins, V grades black and colored Alpacas, French, Scotch and American Ging,harns, 10000 yards Fancy and Mourning Prints, Childrens, Misses and Ladies lislmorals, Swisses, Cambrics and Jaconetts, Cambric and Swiss edging and Insertiugs, Bleach and unbleached muslins of all grades, Cassimeres and Cloths for Spring wear, Jeans, Cottonades and Denims, Plain and Fancy plaid Wool Shirtings. BARGAINS For New Housekeepers. Tickings in.all widths, very cheap, Furniture Check, in great-variety, Linen and colored Cotton Osnaburgs, Linen and Cotton, White and unbleached Sheeting, Towels and Toweling, plain and figured, Cotton and Woolen, Blight colored Cov erlets, French and American Counterpanes, 100 pair white and colored Blankets, • Ingrain, Vehetian, Stairand Rag Carpets, Floor and Table Oil Cloths. all widths, Transparent Oil cloth and Holland blinds, Rosewood, Mahogany, and Walnut frame Looking GlaFses, Wool, Linen and Cotton carpet Chain, Superior steamed live picked Feathers. QUEENS W A RE. 46, 67 and 110 ps Setts Iron Stone Ware, Granite and Iron stone Chamber setts, Fine and Common Glass ware of all kinds, Common Queensware in variety. GROCERIES. Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Dried Fruit, Salt, Fish, Spices, etcAhtc. D' . An early call is solicited. SPANGLER & RICH. DR. J. B. HOWER, ECLECTIC HERB DOCTOR, LATE OF LANCASTER, PENNA., Has located in Marietta, where he will pre scribe for Chronic diseases of every vari ety. He will also treat patients in Acute Diseases, at their places of residence, if desired. Doctor Hower has been engaged in the treatment of diseases, both acute and chronic, for 24 dears; and was the only physician in the city of Lancaster last summer who cured every case of Cholera treated by him, without the loss of a single case, the successful treat ment of which is owing to his long experience and extensive knowleoge of vegetable reme dies, having always discarded the use of min eral poisons, as s. cruel and unnatural means in restoring the sick. We use such Balms as have no strife ; Wish Naturo or the Laws of Life; With blood our hands we never stain, Nor poison men to ease their pain. But our Father, whom all goodness fills, Provides the means to cure all ills ; • The simple herb beneath our feet, Well used, relieves our pains complete. We have now a collection of some four hun dred plants whose virtues are well known ; beautiful and harmless remedies when pro perly used, and capable of removing every disease to which nature is liable to be subject ed. The strongest evidei ce that the Author of nature has caused medical virtues to reside in the vegetable kingdom, which he has ex eluded from all other sources, is that these plants gr)w spontaneously everywhere, and that they are not fit for food, but that they do cure diseases where all other means fail ; that they do, if prorerly administered, restore. in valids to health when the last hope is gone and that, too, without destroying the living tissues of poisoning the vital fluids of life. Dr. Hower is no stranger among yeti, hav ing represented Lancaster County in the leg islature 20 years ago. And during the last year he has treated and cured in Laucaeer City, hundreds of cases of old standing diseas es, given up as incurable by oilier eminent physicians, whose certificates we could insert here if we had space in this column. In place of which we refer tne public to the fol lowing citizens of Lancaster. Hon. Thad. Stevens, Wm. A mweg, Hon. J. W. Fisher, A. Bitner, Hon. E. Billingfelt, Andrew Balmer, Col. J. W. Pat erson, Wm. Kafroth, Jacob Amwake, James Becket, Henry Frailey, George Myers, Henry Shubert, George McGinnis, Joseph Conley, _ Dr. J. I ong, Samuel Isenberger, Dr. Compton,. George Dietrich. ri- TERMS :—CONSULTATION FREE. Ex aminations and treatment oi all Chronic dis eases must be paid in advance, excnt in eas es of extreme poverty, when no compensation will be required. OFFICE IN DONEGAL HOUSE, Market Ftreet, Marietta, Lancaster Co., Pa. -- Marietta, April 6,-3t. PELOUJ3ET ORGANS AND MELODEONS Unanimously awarded the first prize, a Gold Medal, "AS THE BEST CABINET ORGANS," American Institute, New Yoik, October, ;865. Being pronounced superior in Quality, Power and Variety of tone, and in number of combinations. "As the best instruments of America were there contending, whichever won the battle would have nothing left to conquer."—Amer lean Art Jownia, (edited by a well known musical critic.) They have also taken the first premium wherever exhibited this season. PEDAL ORGANS, one, two and there banks of keys—six sizes—s2so to $1.500 Without pedals, single and double bank in great variety, $B5 to 1450. These Organs, with their smooth, pipe-like quality of tone, 'beautiful solo stops, strength of chorus, un equalled' pedals, and general organ-like effects are superior for Churches, Halls, Parlors and Schools. They are put up in cases of solid Walnut, fancy veneered Walnut ( new and unique styles) and elegant Rosewood, of splendid designs and finish, and of the best workmanship I—it being intended that.,each instrument shall be a model of its class. All I instruments down to a fine octavo portable Melodeon, have the beautiful Tremolante stop, without extra charge. A large assortment constantly on hand at our General Who:.esale and Retail Warerooms 841 Broadway. Our Illustrated Circular and Price lists, with our new styles, are now ready. Send for a circular. PELOUBET, PELTON & Co., Manufacturers, No. 841 Broadway, New York city. March 9,-3m. Blank Book and Stationery WILLIAM G. PEtRY, 728 Arch Street, Philadelphia, flu constantly on hand, and manufactures to order every variety of BLANK BOOKS, for Bankers, Merchants and Manufacturers. Drafts, Notes, Checks, and Headings of every description, engraved or lithographed. A very full stock of Stationery wholesale or retail. S. H. Fulton, formerly of Mariettai has charge of one department of the business, and will give personal and special attention , to any . orders by mail or otherwise. All goods atthe mostireasonable rates and all Blank work guaranteed of the most superior quality SICK OR NERVOOB HEADACHE:-Dr. - S. Ropers'' Liver Pills are a certain cure. 60 cents a box. bent by mail for 60 'cents. De pot, SO6 Dock-street, Philadelphia. Sold by all druggists. Down with the High Prices I GABLE & STRICKLER, Market street, one /nor west of the Poet Office, Marietta. Have just received a full and complete stock of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Carpeting, Floor and Table Cil Cloth, Win dow Shades, Hats and Caps. Gentlemen's Furdishing Goode. Glass and Queensware, Groceries, Fish, cult, etc., Which will be sold very cheap for Cash only 5000 yards of Calicoe at 10 cents a yard. 5000 64 if cc s, 12 at CI fa .5000 C 6 at cc cC 15 cc CC cc 5000 cc cc at cc 16 Si CC cc 5000 cc ca at cg 18 cc cc ft Unbleached Muslines—yard wide, at 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20 cents, Bleached Mtialins, at 10 and 12; yard wide at 74, 16, 18, 20. Marseilles and Brilliantes. Mouse de Laing at 22 and 25. Plain and figured all-wool Del sines at 45 to 50 cents. We have also added to our stock a most complete assortment of WHITE GCODS, Consisting of Plain,Striped and Plaid Jaco net and Cambric Mslins ; Plain and Dotted Figuted Swiss ; Plain and Figured Nansooks ; Bisnop and Victoria Lawns ; While and Or gandie Lawns; 5-4 White shired Muslin. A full assortment of Jaconet and Swiss Insert ing and Edging. together with a large stock of Ladies' Dress Goods and Cloking Cloths, and a large stock of Notions ; a full line of - Youth's and Men's Cloths and Cassinieres. lt:rlf you wish to save money, give us a call. • GABLE & STItICKLER. A pril 13,-1867. - jtEMARKABLE CHARACTER. AND MEMORABLE: PLACES OF THE HOLY L_.AND Comprising an account of the Patriarchs, Po ets, Prophets, Apostles, Princes, Women, Wlbriors, Judges, Kings, and other cele brated Persons of Sacred History, with a description of Ancient Cities and Venerated Urines, BY CHARLEY W. ELLIOTT In _the preparation of this work, some or the best pens and most accomplished scholars have been selected. No pains or expense has been spared to make it a work of great and permanent value, acceptable to old and alike—a household book. It is not a work of theology, but of human life, full of remarkable charactets, strange events, lofty poetry and startling history. This Work will contain careful and accurate accounts I.—Of the lives and characters of the re markable men who have made the Holy Land famous for all time. Il.—Of Abraham the Wanderer, and Mo ses the Deliverer;of Joshua the Conqueror, and David the 'Beoved ; of Miriam and Debo rah and Naomi ; of the Prophets of old, and Apostles of Jesus; of the Baptist and the V% omen who knew and talked with the Sa viour, and also of the Great Herod, and the magnanimous &dab% with many others. ill. Of the great deeds and surprising events in which they were the principal act= ors ; of the habits and manner of that Orient al Land. DI. Of the ancient Cities and venerated Shrines ; of Egvgt in darkness ; of Jerusalem and the Great Temple ; of Mount Sinai and the Dead Sea; of Bethlehem, and Nazareth, and Tyre, and Liamnscus, and Antioch, and many other places. It will contain not only accounts of Them in the Past, but as they appear To-Day. The publishers are confident that this work will be regarded by all intelligent readers, and especially by the lovers of sacred Literature, as one of great interest and permane.zt value. COND/TIONS.—The Book will be printed irom new Electrotype Plates, on good paper ; Its illustrations are in first style of Steel En gravings, by the best Artists in the Country, consisting of beautiful genes and celebrated characters of the Oriental Land, and its value is increased by Mips. It will contain over 650 octavo pages, in cluding twelve pages of elegant Steel engrav ings, and be furnished to subscribers in a neat and substantial binding, at the following pri ces, payable on delivery: In extra fine Fa:glish Cloth, with beveled and sprinkled edges, for $4; or same binding with Gilt edges, fo: $4:50. la' This work can be obtained ONLY through our distributing agents, and will be SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION. 113 - Agents wanted in every County. For particulars, address J. R. BURR CO., No. IS ASYLUM-BT., HARTFORD, CT. February 2, 1867.-tf. I There cometh glad tidings of joy to all, To young and old, to great and to small ; Tb' beauty which once wasso precious and rare Is free for all, and all may be fair, By THE USE or CHASTELLAR'S WHITE Luton) EttAmEL, For improving and beautifying dhe Com plexion. The most valuable and perfect preparation in use, for giving the akin a beautiful pearl like tint, that is • only found in youth It quickly removes tan, freckles, pimples, blotch es, moth patches, sallowness. Eruptions and all hinpurities of the skin, kindly healing the same leaving the skin white and clear as.ala baster. Its use cannot be detected by the closest scrutiny, and being a vegetable prepa ration is perlectly harmless. It is the only article of the kind used by the French, and is considered by the Parisian as indispensable to a perfect toilet. Upwards of 30,000 bottles were sold during the past year, a sufficient guarantee of its effisacy. Price, only 75 cents. Sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of an or der, by 111.111.GkIR, SHU ITS & CO., Chemists, 236 River St., Troy. N. Y. GEO. H. E.TTL A, Accouutant THE undersigned, a practical Accountant, respectfully offers his services, in the Opening, Posting and Closing of Books, ex amining and adjusting accounts; also to care fully transact such other businesl pertaining to his profession that may be entrusted to his care. He is also agent for the Great Eastern De tective Horse and Liv'e Stock Insurance Com pany, cash capital $100; 000. Insures Horses, Mules, Cattle and Sheep, against loss by Theft and Death, Fire, Accident or natural' causes. • Marietta, April 6,-ly. A y - 7 G F. u N a T c l a O ps l: 1 ( 1. 3 2 7 , 14 .utipont's Sporting and Glazed Duck Powder Baltimore Shot; Shot Pouches, Powder Flasks old at JOHN SPANGLER'S. DELICATE FEMALES—Use Dr. S. Rogers , Liver Pills. They are purely vegetable and are warranted to give satisfaction. 50 cents a box. Sent by mail for 60 cents. Depot, 206 Dock street, Philadelphia. Sold by all drug gists. PREV.ENTION 11£ ^ 'TEN. - THAW CURE. -Dr. S. Rogers , Liver Pitts will prevent the Ague and all Bilious complaints. 50 cents a box. Sent by mail for 60' cents. Depot, 206 Dock street, Philadelphia, Sold by all druggists. FOR LISTER COMPLAUTT—Ise Di. 8. Rog era' Liver Pills, purely vegetable. They are warranted to give satisfaction. 50 cents a box. Sent by mail for 60 cents. Depot. 206 Dock, street, Philadelphia. Sold by all drug gists. H. OARHOI DS ( Piles .)— Rogers ' Botanic- Ointment cures the Pilea and Skin diseases. 50 cents a box. Sent by mail for 60 cents, Adireas Dr. S. Rogers, 206 Dock street, Phil adelphia: MAN:LIGOD and youthful vigor ►re re pined by - 11elmbold'il Extract Duchy.. S - pring 1867. BOWERS & STEACY. No. 61 Market Street, Marietta, Pa., ARE NOW OPENING Their stock of Spring Goods, much lower than they were sold THIRTY DAYS ago. Full line ladies' dress goods, from a quarter dollar de laine to a good Groderhine silk. Ladies cloaking cloths, skirting muslins, Winona and hoop skirts. WHITE GOODS, WHITE GOODS. Jaconetts, Swiss tarletons, pin striped an plain nansooks, pereales Marseilles and bril - Dents, domestics in great variety, good white muslin 11 yards wide only 25 cents, 1 yard wide 20 cents, unbleached heavy muslin 20 cents. White and unbleached muslin 10, 121 and 15 cmts. good calicoes 1.0 and 121 coots, Best makes 16 and 18 cents. Good ging'inms, from 18 to 25 cents for the best, towling first rate and cheap, 10 and 14. NlarseilleP coun terpanes, woollen Loverlets, table cloths all wool, linen and cotton. Boys' wear from 25 to 75 cents per yard, full line fancy Canal meres black clouts and Doeskins. French Suitings—very handsome. Good suits, from 12 to 40.00. Here is a ba:- gain, gentlemen, wheel in and get a suit. Large assortment Queensware; Glassware, from common to good. Groceries of every description. Best quality of feathers. Wool, linen and cotton carpet chain with a fine as sortment of goods in eur line very cheap. Kr An early call is solicited. Marietitt, March 30, 1867. NEW GOODS 1 Greatly Reduced Prices I I Mrs. M. Roth has just returned Lam the city with a large absortment of plain and fan cy goods, all of which are of the latest style, such as : Coat and dress buttons, ]flack and white bugle trimming, Marseilles buttons and trimming, Crystal buttons, • A large assortment of ladies' cull and col• lars, Jaconet edging and inserting, Swiss edging and .nserting, Fine lace handkerchiefs and collars, Infants' waists, puffs, brushes, gum cloth, Powder, sacks and socks, Belting ribbon, Mohair braid, silk braid, Silk floss, embroidering cotton, Beads of all kinds, French corsets at reduced prizes, Hoop skirts new styles, Veils, ladies' tuck combs, ladies' hose, Hair brushes and cembs, Ear drops and breastpins, Fancy garters, powder, Lilly white, Mean fun, Vegetable Rouge powder, glycerine, White and colored kid gloves, All colors of Lisle thread, Gent's linen and paper cafe and collars, paper collars 25 cents per box, Gent's pocket-handkerchiefs, Neck ties, hose, pomade, tooth brushes, Perfumery, gloves, woollen arid linen shirts, Hair renewer, sleeve buttons and studs, Paper and envelopes, All to be soli at greatly reduced prices. $3- Mrs. R. is agent for Singer's Improved sewing Machine. Particular attention has been paid to the se lecting of small wares, such as Sewing Silk, Cotton and Linen Thread, Whalebone, Hooks and Eyes, Needles, Pins, &c. -The public are particularly requested to call and examine for themselves. Marietta, March 30-tf. ijeltoboio's Fluid Is a certain cure for diseases of the BLADDER., JtIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROP SY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY and all diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from what ever eamm originating and no mat ter of 110 W LONG STANDING. Diseases of these organs require the use of a diuretic. . - - If no treatment is submitted to, Coneump tion or Insanity may ensne, Our Flesh and Blood are supported from these sources, and the HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliahle remedy. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BIM IR% Established upwards of 18 years ' pre pared by IL T. H E LiVt.Bo LD, DRUGGIST. +594 Broadway, New York and 104 South 10th street, Ilatadelphia, Pa. CRISPER COMA Oli ! she was beautiful and fair, With starry eyes and radiant hair, Whose curl ng tendrils soft, eltwined, Enchained the very heart and mind. CiI.ISPER COMA. For curling the hair of either sex into Wavy and Glossy ianglets or Ilery Massive Curls By using this article Ladies and Gentlemen can beautify themselves a thousand fold. it is the only article in the Wald that will curl straight hair, and at the same time give it a beautiful, glossy appearance. The Crisper Coma not only curls the hair, but invigorates, beautifies and cleanses it; it is highly and de lightfully perfumed, and is the most complete article of the kind ever altered to the Ameri can public. The Crisper Coma will be sent to any address, sealed and postpaid for $l. Address all orders to W. L CLARK & Co., Chemists, N 0.3 West Tayette Street, Syracuse, N. Y. EXCELSIOR ! OW' $ stair Exterhiinator !! For Removing Nuperfluous Hair To the ladies especially this invaluable de pititory recommends itself as being an almost indispensable article to female beauty, is eas ily applied, does not burn or injure the skin, but acts duectly on the roots.. it is warrant ed to remove superfluous hair from low fore heads, or from any part of the body, complete ly, totally and rauically extirpating the same, leaving the skin soft, smooth and natural. This is the only article used by the French, and is the only real effectual depilatory in ex istence. Price 75 cents per package, sent post-pan 4 to any address, on receipt of an or der, by BERGER, SHU fTS & Co , Chemists, 245 River St., Troy, N. Y BEAUTY! Auburn, Golden, Flaxen, and Silken Curls, PRODUCED by the use of Prof. De Breaux' Friser Lo Cheveux. One application war ranted to curl the must straight and stubborn hair of either sex into wavy ringlets, or he.vy massive cutis Has been used by the fashion ables of Paris and London with the most gra tifying results. Does no irjury to the hair. Price by mail, sealed and poet paid, $l. De seriptive birculara mailed free. Address BER GER, SHUTTSBI. Co., Chemists, No. /58 Riv er St., Troy, N. Y., Sole agents fur the Unit ed States. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVF: AMESBURY, MASS., Oer. l3tlt, 1865. Mr. Grace—Dear Sir :—tiaving been af flicted grievously for several weeks with a se ve e abscess upon my side, I used several remedies for its eradication without receiving any relief, until I applied your salve, which effected a speedy and permanent cure. I therefore feel happy to certify my confidenre in its virtues. Yours frith 'respect, AMU .13FA4.1. I certify to the truthfuinerre cif the above statement. H. 844..s,arioap. Prepared by SETH W.:70-41,4A1t„§011, Tremont St., soon, snit - for t gilds generalljr. • EXCELSIOR ! 1