ill goal Mitrititian. pittlio Votning,llo-11 18, 1887. Kr The Morning Passenger train for Lan aterand Philadelphia will leave the upper otIOD at 12 minutes after 8 o'clock. Tke ma going westward will pass uppez oion st 7 minutes after 12 o'clock, NOON. fbe ilsrrisburg accommodation train eastward rN pass st 26 minutes after 6 o'clock, in the Illanoon and returning arrive here at 43 ,{antes after 6 o'clock in the evening. QWe end the following deserved vtgoliment of a faithful representative laths Senate, says the Harrisburg Tel vgraph, end we endorse every word ut tered. The same may be said of the whole Lancaster delegation. The arti cle reeds : Sltareli BILLINGFELT.----LSZICASter courity bee reason to be proud of Hon. Paige Billingielt, who represents this d i s trict in the State Senate. W e have closely watched his course both in the Roos and in the Senate, and can con wieotlonsly write him down a good and Isithfal servant of the people. In in tegrity he etands above even the breath sly:opinion. He is always on the side glib° people, and hence he is not a fa vorite of the "ring." It would be well lorPenneylvania if all her Senators and Representatives were in this respect file hint, . • gi We learn that Captain Emanuel I Reath, member or the Legislature from this place, has been the recipient of brevets : one as Lient.-Col. for pliant and meritorious services at South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericks burg, etc. ; and one of Colonel for eimi at conduct at Chancelloreville, Gettys borg, Rappahannock, Spottsylvania Court Sone, White Oak Swamps, Wel don Rail Road, etc. The,,,Colonel some time silica received the brevet rank of 0 Among the accepted bide for the Dew State loan of $23,000,000, which were opened at Harrisburg on the let hot., we and the following from Lances. let county : 'dw. K. Smith, Columbia, $lO,O 0 wat National Bank, Columbia 9,000 F. Roland, N. Holland, 20,000 'armors' Nat. Bank, Lancaster, 36,150 feed, Mol3rann & Co„ " 130,000 oho P. Myer, 4,000 t. N, Cooed, Marietta. 2,000 iary Whitehill, " 3,000 The Suequehanna is now in fine ruouiog order and quite a large number of rafts lying along shore. Bat few Wee, however, have y t been made— there being a "stand off" between the buyers and sellers—one party being de termined to reduce the present prices oked—the other determined to "stand tree,' and so the timber business re main inactive. tom' At a late meeting of Donegal Lodge, No, 129, I. 0, of 0. F., the fot lowing officers were elected: N. G. Levi Bonghter ; V. G., John Peck Secretary, John Naylor; Assistant Sec retary, S. L. Dellinger ; Treasurer, Da vid Roth ; Trustees, 0. M. Bucher, 1) 11, Mellinger, S. L. Dellinger. The lamp attached to the front part of the stable, at the "White Swan" exploded on Sunday evening last, -and the oil, taking fire, ran down the aide of the building, fortunately there were per- POIN near who extinguished the flames, before much damage was done the build ert,e,e•• • •• •,..1 ." Sr The National Temperance Advo cate is a journal devoted to the interests age Temperance cause, and should be IS the hands of every Temperance man. C. Flower is know canvassing this photo for subscribers. fir A meeting will be held in Tem perance Hall, this (Saturday) afternoon, et 5 &cloak for the purpose of organiz ing a " Band of Hope." under the super iatendence of Rev. G. M. Clawges. All children, ten years of age and upwards, wiehing to join this society, are invited to bP present. fir Another meeting will be held in the Veture,room of the M. E. church, We evening, at i o'clock, for the pur- Poe of completing the organization of the Young Men's Christian Associa tieo• Young men are cordially invited to attend. er On Thursday morning taste was a "raft break loose," and eight rafts got Dot into the river so far that they could b " be got to shore ; six went to Colum bia sod two lodged on the rocks in the if We notice two lamps have been Dot up in front of the Perry House, and 5 05 on the North-east corner of Centre "Pam That is right. Now let us have a few on Market street. fa The Haines' Fishery, on the op posite side or the river, about two wiles above this place, bee been pot in opera tion again. We hope, ere long, to be able to herald a "big haul" of shad CO. lir Frank Ponies has opened et Gro- Nry and Provision store, in the building next to Britton & Musser's drug More. tar. P. has a full assortment or every thing iu Aie lion. uir We learn, says the Lancaster La telligencer, that P. T. Barnum has dis covered a young lady residing in this county, whose age is thirteen years, and weight three hundred and sixty pounds. He has engaged her to go to New York for a period of three years, to be exhibi ted in his Museum, and for which he is to pay her the handsome sum ofrthirty thousand dollars. We observe by a card in the Mid dletow&Journal, that Dr. William H. Beane, formerly of this borough, and more recently of Bainbridge, his re. moved to Middletown for the purpose of practicing medicine there. The Doctor is quite a rover—lie left a large circle of friends when he left this place. Sr The new council organized on Sa turday evening last and elected the fol lowing officers : Samuel C. Hiestand, President ; Theo. Hiestand, Clerk ; F. L. Baker, Assessor ; Jacob Sandoe, Regulator of Town Clock. sw Demorest for May is a splendid number. No lady can regard herself "booked on the fashions" without this invaluable magazine. See advertise ment and terms in another column. • Mr. Tobias U. Miller, a native of this borough, at one time Recorder of this county, and several times Deputy Sheriff, died a few days since, in Lancas ter, aged 50 years. Important notice—Dr. S. Rogers of Philadelphia, is now at the Bieler House, where he can be consulted on all &senses of male or female. Call and see bim. sir The foot bridge across the canal opposite the Bieler Home, which has been under way for the last three or roar weeks is almost completed. ar Meagre. Gable & Strickler have just received a new lot of Spring and Summer goods. Don't fail, to examine their stock. or Mr. Isaac S. Geist, who has open ed a summer select school in the High School building, we understand is liber ally encouraged. or The Columbia Herald of Thurs day last, says no shad have yet been oatislit, at that point. is- We are under obligations to Col. E. D. Roath and Geo. J. W. FiFiler, for Legislative favors. • 67 See the advertisement of Madame E. F. Thornton, the great Astrologist, Clairvoyant and Psychometrician. Ifir The last word from Washington says Mr. Stevens is convalescing. MARRIED. On the 10th the re.idenee of Mrs. Mary Whitehill, by Rev. Wm. A. Fleming, Ma. D. M. COURTNEY, of New Castle, Pa. to Miss LIZZIE C. Cu ARAN, of this borough. ZpetiaL Notitts - __ al appearance an hundred fold. It is simp e . KNow Tux DESTlxv.—Madame E. F. in its combination, as Nature herself is simple, 7 hornton, the Great English Astrologist, Clair- ' yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in drawing im voyant and Psychometrician, who has aston- purities from, also healing, cleansing and ished the scientific classes of the Old World, beautifying the skin and complexion. By its has now located herself at Hudson, N. Y. direct action on the cuticle it draws from it all Madame Thornton i ossesses such wonderful its impurities, kindly healing the same, and powers of second sight, as to enable her to im- I I leaving the surface as Nature intened it part knowledge of the greatest Importance to should be, clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. the single or married of ei• her sex. While in : Price $l, sent by mail or express, on receipt a state of trance, she delineates the very fee- of an order, by W. L. CLARK & Co., tures of the person you are to marry, and by 1 Chemists, the aid cf an instrument of intense power, No. .3 West Fayette St., Syracuse, N. Y., known as the Pd 3 chomotrope, g:mrantees to i The only American Agents for the sale of produce a life like picture of the futurehue- the same. _ band or wife of the applicant, together • with WONDERFUL BUT TRUE.—Madame Rem date of marriage, position in life, leading traits ington, the werld renowned Astrologist an of character, &c. This is no humbug, as 'Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, while in a clair thousands of testimonials can assert. She voyant state, delineates the very features of will send when desired, a certified certificate the person you are to marry, and by the aid or written guarantee, that the picture is what of an instrument of intense power, known as it purports to be. By enclosing a small lock the Psychnmotrope, guarantees to produce a of hair, and stating place of birth, age, dispo- . perfect and life-like picture of the future hus sition and complexion, and enclosing duty band or wife of the applicant, with date of cents and stamped envelope addressed to your marriage, occupation, leading traits of charac self, you will receive the picture and desired ter, &c. This is no imposition, as testimonials informati3n by return mail. All coinmunica- without number can assert. By stating place tions sacredly confidential. Address in confi of birth, see, disposition, color of eyes and dance, MADAME E F. THORNTON, P.O. Box hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stamped 223, Hudson, N. Y. __. i envelope addressed to yourself, you will re ceive the picture by return mail, together with desired information. its Address in confidence, MADAME Gxa- TRUDE REMINGTON, P. O. Box 297, West Troy, N. Y. MARRIAGE ARD CELIBACY.—An essay of warning and instruction for young men: also, Diseases and Abuses which prematurely pros trate the Vital 'Powers, with sure means of releif. Sent five of charge, in sealed letter envelopes. Address, Da. J. SKr cct Holm It vow, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Linty 1,'66 -Iy. Irk kraal—trait !!—Urcii!!! Scratch Scratch !! Scratch !! ! Wa EA TON'd OINT MSNT Will cure the ITCH in 4S hours. Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilbrains and al er iptions of the skin. Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggists. By sending 60 cents to WREES & Porrza, sole ageots,,l7o Washing ton-st., Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage. to any part of••the Union. Dr FOR Non-retention or Incontinence of Urine, irritation, inflammation or ulceration of the bladder, or kidneys, diseases of the pros tate glands, stone in the bladder, calculus, gravel or brick dust deposits, and all diseases 113" TAKE no more unpleasant and unsafe of the bladder, kidneys and dropsical swellings remedies for unpleasant and dangerous dis- USE HELMBOLD'S FI-VID EXTRACT BUCRU , eases. Use HelmbobPs Extract' Buchu and Improved Rose Wash. tcr H E BOLD'S Eitract Buchu gives health and vigor to the frame and bloom to he pallid cheek. Debility is accompanied by GEO. H. ETTLA, ~,,,,,, Accountant. many alarming symptoms, and if no treatment is submitted to, consumption, insanity or epi- ! MIR un dersigned, a s practical servi Accountant in the , I leptic fits ensue. pffer his ces, Opening, Posting and Closing of Books, ex amining and adjusting accounts ; also to care fully transact such other business pertaining to his profession that may be entrusted to his care. He is also agent for the Great Eastern De tective Horse and Live Stock Insurance Com pany, cash capital $100;000. Insures Horses, Mules, Cattle and Sheep, against loss by Theft and Death, Fire, accident or natural causes. Marietta, April 6,-ly. Brandieth,s Pills ere safe en• Bur . They are prepared by a process which secures all the beet qualities of the herbs of which they are composed, without any of their bad. They benefit in all cases, and do harm in none. See B Brandreth in white letters on the Gov erument stamp. 31::r THE Glory of man is strength—There - fore the nervous and debilitated should imine• I diately use Bel mbold'4 Extract Bnehn. .1 . ;1 A H NESTOC ICS Nonpareil Chemist r Writing Fluid now ready and for bale • . he JOHN SPANGLER, rit-c-5 1 1 1 11E MA.R,IETTIA.N. krCoNsumerioN curable by Dr. Schenck's Medicines. To cure Consumption, the system must be prepared so that the lungs will heal. To accomplish this, the liver and stomach vat first be cleansed and an appetite created Sir good wholesome food, which, by these :nedicines, will be digested properly, and good healthy blood made; thus building up the constitution. Schenck's Mandrake Pills cleanse the stomach of all bilious or mucou s accumulations; and, by using the Sea Weed Tonic in connection, the appetite is restored. Schenck's. Pulmonic Syrup is' nutricious as well as medicinal, and, by nsing the three remedies, all impurities are expelled from the system, and good, wholesome blood made, which will repel all disease. If patients will take these medicines according to directions, Consumption very frequently in its last stages yields readily to their action. Take the pills frequently, to cleanse the liver and stomach. It does not follow that because the bowels are not costive they are not required, for some times in diarrhea they are necessary. The stomach must be kept health), and an appe tite created to allow the Pulmomc Syrup to act on the respirat cry organs properly and allay any irritation. Then all that is required to perform a permanent cure is, to prevent taking cola; exercise about the rooms as much as pos sible, eat all the richest fotid—fat meat, game, and, in fact, anything the appetite craves; I but be particular and masticate well. [2 ¢t' iiVistaes Balsam of Wild Cherry cures Coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, croup, whooping cough, gut nay, and the numerous as well as dangerous diseases of t'e throat, chest and lunge, prevailing in our changeable clim ate at all seasons of the year ; few are fortu nate enough to escape their baneful influence. How important then to have at hand a cer-, tarn antidote to all these complaints. Expe rience proves that this exists in Wistar's Bal sam to an extent not found in any other rem edy ; however severe the suffering, the appli cation of this soothing, heeling and wonder ful Balsam at once vanquishes the disease and restores the sufferer to wonted health. Ma. JOHN Bur; To, Of BALDWIN, CHENUNG COUNTY: N. Y. writes : " I was urged by a neighbor to get one bot tle of the Balsam for my wife, being assay d by him that in case it did not pioduce good effects he would pay for the bottle himself. On the strength of such practical evidence of its merits, I procured a bottle. My wife at this time was so low with what the physicians termed Seated Consumption, as to be unable to raise herself from the bed, coughing Coil.. stonily, and raising more or less blood. I commenced giving the Balsam as directed, and was so much pleased with its operation that I obtained another bottle, and continued giving it. Before this bottte was entirely used, sho ceased coughing and was strong enough to sit up. The fifth bottle entirely restored her to health, doing that which sev eral Physicians had tri. d to do but had failed." Prepared by Seth W. Fowle & Son, 18 Tre mont St., Bcston, and for sale by druggists • ge n erally. A Y.uNG LADY returning to her country home, after a sojourn of a few months in the city, was hardly recognized by her friends, In place of a coarse, rustic, flushed face, she had a soft ruby complexion of almost marble smoothness, and instead of twenty-three she really appeared but eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the cause of ea great a change, she plain ly told them that she used the CIRCASSIAN BALM, and considered it an invaluable acqui sition to any Lady's toilet. By its IMP any Lady or Gentleman can improve their perron . HELM BOW CONCENTRATED EXTRACT. Buchu is the Creat Diuretic. 1 ; HELM BOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Is the Great B 1 od Purifier. Both are prepared recording to rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry, and are the most active that can barnacle. EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINES are superior to all others for family and manufacturing purposes ; contain all the latest improvements are speedy, noisleas, durable and easy to work. Illustrated Circulars sent free. Agents want ed. Liberal discount allowed. No consign ments made. Address Estrum S. M. Co, 16 Broadway, N. Y. Spring 1E307_ BOWERS & STEACY. No. 61 Market Street, Marietta, Pa., ARE NOW OPENING Their stock of Spring Goode, much lower than they were sold THIRTY DAY. ago. Full line ladies' dress goods, from a quarter dollar de laine to a good • Groderhine silk. Ladies cloaking cloths, skirting muslins, Balmoral and hoop skirts. WHITE GOODS, WHITE GOODS. Jaconetts, Swiss tarletone, pin striped and plain nansooks, percales Marseilles and bril liants, domestics in great variety, good white muslin 1 yards wide only 25 cents, 1 yard wide 20 cents, unbleached heavy muslin 20 cents. White and unbleached muslin 10, 12i and 15 cents. Good calicoes 10 and 12.1 cents. Beat wakes 16 and 18 cents. Good ginghams, from 18 to 25 cents for the best, towling first rate and cheap, 10 and 12k. Marseilles coun terpanes, woollen Loverlets, table cloths in wool, linen and cotton. Boys' wear from 25 to 75 cents per yard, full line fancy Cassi meres, black cloths and Doeskins. French shirtings, very handsome. Good suite, from 12 to 40.00. Here is a bargain, gentlemen, wheel in and get a suit. Large assortment Queensware, Glassware, from common to good. Groceries of every description. Best quality of feathers. Wool, linen and cotton carpet chain with a fine as sortment of-goods in our line very cheap. • ;Ili"' An early call is solicited. Marietta, March 30, 1967. important News ! Early Spring Styles. ATE have just replenished our Stock with Vy the latest choice designs of Fancy and Staple Dry .Goods, purchased at greatly reduced prices, and which we are selling at prices gratifying to purchasers. We have full goes of the best makes of Black and Colored Wool Delames, Superior Black and Fancy Silks, Rich styles Silk Warp Poplins, Various grades black and colored Alpacas, French, Scotch and American Gingham& 10000 yards Fancy and Mourning Prints, Children& Misses and Ladies Balmorals, Swims, Cambrics and Jaconetts, Cambric and Swiss edging and Insertings, Bleach and unbleached muslin' of all . grades, Cassimerea and Cloths for Spring wear, Jeans, Cottonades and Denims, Plain and Fancy plaid Wool Shirtings. BARGAINS For New Housekeepers. Tickings in all widths, very cheap, Furniture Check, in great variety, Linen and colored Cotton Osnaburga. Linen and Cotton, White and unbleached Sheeting, Towels and Toweling, plain and figured, Cotton and Woolen, Bright colored Cov erlets, French and American Counterpanes, 100 pair white and colored Blankets, Ingrain, Venetian, Stair and Rag Carpets, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, all widths, Transparent Oil cloth and Holland blinds, Rosewood, Mahogany, and Walnut frame Looking Glasses, Wool, Linen and Cotton carpet Chain, Superior steamed live picked Feathers. QUEENS W ARE. 46, 67 and 110 ps Setts Iron Stone Ware, Granite and Iron atone Chamber setts, Fine and Common Glass ware of all kinds, Cornmbn Queenaware in variety. GROCERIES. Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Dried Fruit, Salt, Fish, Spices, etc., etc. ra"' An early call is solicited. SPANGLER & RICH. NEW GOODS ! Greatly Reduced Prices ! ! Mrs. M. Roth has just returned from the city with a large assortment of plain and fan cy goods, all of which are of the latest style, such as : Coat and dress buttons, Black and white bugle trimming, Marseilles buttons and trimming, Crystal buttons, A large assortment uf ladies' cuffs and col lars, Jaconet edging and inserting, Swiss edging and inserting, Fine lace handkerchiefs and collars, Infants' waists, puffs, brushes, gum cloth, Powder, sacks and socks, Belting ribbon, Mohair braid, silk braid. Silk floss, embroidering cotton, Beads of all kinds, French corsets at reduced prizes, Hoop skirts new styles, Veils, ladies' tuck combs, ladies' hose, Hairbrushes and combs, Ear drops and breastpins, Fancy garters, 'powder, Lilly white, Mean • fun, Vegetable Rouge powder, glycerine, White and colored kid gloves, All colors of Lisle thread, Gent's linen and paper cuffs and collars, paper collars 2d cents per box, Gent's pocket-handkerchiefs, Neck ties, hose, poll ade, tooth brushes, Perfumery, gloves, woollen and linen shirts, Hair renewer, sleeve buttons and studs, Paper and envelopes, All to be, sold at greatly reduced prices. ;Cr Mrs. R. is agent for Singer's Improved sewing Machine. Particular attention has been paid to the se lecting or small wares, such as Sewing Silk, Cotton and Linen Thread, Whalebone, Hooks and Eyes, Needles, Pins, &c. ;Cr The public are particularly requested to call and examine for themselves. . Marietta, March 30-tf. MIA. LINDSAY, ,4142 MANUFACTURER & DEALER IN BOOTS & SHOES, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PENN. Would most respecttully inform the citizens of this Borough and neighborhood that he has at this time the largest assortment of City made work ever offered in this Borough, amongst which may be named the new-style ?Olig) B F Globe-iii 6 Atiootlis. FOR THE LADIEs. A. L. being a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKER enables him to select with more judgment than those who are not. lie contin ues to manufacture in the very best manner everything in the BOOT AND SHOE line, which he will warrant for neatness and fit. E'Call and examine the new stock before oin g elsewhere. BEAUTY! Auburn, Golden, Flaxen, and Silken Curls, PRODUCED by the use of Prof. De Breaux' Friser Le Cheveux. Dne application war ranted to curl the most straight and stubborn hair of either sex into wavy ringlets, or heavy massive curls. Has been used by the fashion. shies of Paris and London with the most gra tifying results. Does no injury to the hair. Price by mail, sealed and postpaid, $l. De scriptive circulars mailed free. Address BER GER, SLI UTTS Bz. Co., Chemists, No. 258 Riv er St., Troy, N. Y., Sole agents for the Unit ed States. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE. AMESBURY, MASS., OCT. I3th, 1863. Mr. Grace—Dear Sir :—Having been af flicted grievously for several weeks with a se ve.e abscess upon my side, I used several remedies for its eradication without receivins any relief, until I applied your salve, which effected a speedy and permanent cure. I therefore feel happy te certify my confidence , in its virtues. Yours with respect, . JAMES BEAN. 1 certify to the truthfulness of the above statement. H. S. DE-kRBORN. M. D. Prepared by SETH W. FO WLE & SON, 18 Tremont St., Boston, aud for Isle by Drug- DR. J. B. BOWER, ECLECTIC HERB DOCTOR, LATE OT LANCASTER, PENNA., Has located in Marietta, where he will pre scribe for Chronic diseases of every vari ety. He will also treat patient/ in Acute Diseases, at their places of residence, if desired. Doctor Hower has been engaged in the treatment of diseases, both acute and chronic, for 24 years; and was the only physician in the city of Lancaster last summer who cured every case of Cholera treated by him, without the loss of a single case, the successful treat ment of which is owing to his long experience and extensive knowledge of vegetable reme dies, having always discarded the use of min eral poisons, as a oruel and unnatural means in restoring the sick. We use such Balms as have no strife ; With Nature or the Laws of Life; With blood our hands we never stain, Nor poison men to ease their pain. But our Father, whom all goodness fills, Provides the means to cure all ills ; The simple herb beneath our feet, Well used, relieves our pains complete. .We have now a collection of some four hun dred plants whose virtues are well known ; beautiful and harmless remedies when pro perly used, and capable of removing every disease to which nature is liable to be subject ed. The strongest evidei ce that the Author of nature has caused medical virtues to reside in the vegetable kingdom, which he has ex eluded from all other sources, is that these plants grow spontaneously everywhere,.and that they are not fit for food, but that they do cure diseases where all other means fail ; that they do, if properly administered, restore in valids to health when the last hope is gone ! and that, too, without destroying the living tissues or poisoning the vital fluids of life. Dr. Hower is no stranger among you, hav ing represented Lancaster County in the I eg islature 20 years ago. And during the last year he has heated and cured in Lancaster City, hundreds of cases of old standing diseas es, given up as incurable by other eminent physicians, whose certificates we could insert here if we had space in this column. In place of which-we refer tne.gublic to the 101- lowing citizens of Lancaster. Hon. Thad. Stevens, Wm. Amweg, • Hon. J. W. Fisher, A. Bitner, Hon. E. Bitlingfelt, ' Andrew Balmer, Col. J. W. Paterson, Wm. Kafroth, Jacob Amwake, James Becket, Henry Frailey, George Myers, Henry Shubert, George McGinnis, Joseph Cockley, Dr. J. I ong, Samuel Isenberger, • Dr. Compton, George Dietrich. Er TERMS :—Co r(SULTATION FREE. -Ex aminations and treatment of all Chronic dis eases must be-paid in advance, except incas es of extreme poverty, when no compensation will be required. OFFICE IN DONEGAL HOUSE, Market street, Marietta, Lancseter Co., Pa Marietta, April 6,-31. REMING - TONS' Fire A ra2as Sold by the Trade Generally. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO DEALERS 200,00 - 0 fullisktea 3 he tf. s.GobeholTten 4.rtny Revolver. ' 44-100 inch Calibre, Navy Revolver, 36-100 " " Belt Revolver. Navy-size Calibre, Police Revolver, )1 " 2, New Pocket Revolver, 51-100 ir.. Calibre, Pocket Revolver, [Rider's patentl 31-(C 100 inn. alibe Repeating Pistol, [Elliot patent] No. 22 an d 32 Cartridge, [ridge, Vest Pocket Pistol, N 0.22,30, 32 and 41 Cart- Gun Cane, No. 22 and 32 Cartridge, Breech Loading Rifle, (Beale's) No. 32 and 38 Cartridge, Revolving R E.eßifl, 36 and 44-100 inch Calibre. EMINGTON t SONS, Imosr, Ne.w-Yoax. PRINCIPAL AGENTS. Moore & Nichols. New-York, Wm.. Read & Son, Boston, Joe. C. Grubb & Co., Philadelphia, Poultney & Trimble, Baltimore, Henry Folsom & Co., New Orleans, Job neon, Spencer, & Co., Chicago,. L. M. Rumsey & Co,, St. Louis, Albert E. Crane, San Francisco March 2, 1867. 30-6 m. CRISPER COMA. Oh ! she was beautiful and fair, Witb starry eyes and radiant hair, Whose curling tendrils soft, entwined, Enchained the very heart and mind. CRISPER COMA. For curling the hair of either sex into Wavy and Glossy Ringlets or Heavy Massive Curls By using this article Ladies and Gentlemen can beautify themselves a thousand fold. It is the only article in the world that will curl straight hair, and at the same time give it a beautiful, glossy appearance. The Crisper Coma not only curls the hair, but invigorates, beautifies and cleanses it ; it is highly and de lightfully perfumed, and is the most - complete article of the kind ever offered to the Ameri can public. The Crisper Coma will be sent to any address, sealed and postpaid for $l. Address all orders to W. L. CLARK & Co., Chemists, No. 3 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, N. Y. TO JOHN SPANGLERS. For useful things and things of sport, The gay and serious here resort. Superior Skates--Ladies Men's and Boys', Pocket Books— evety'variety, All styles of Coal Oil Lamps, New styles, Ladies Morocco Satchels, Good-wife's Companions—new, Latest novelty in Port Folios, Extra fine Pearl and -Ivory handled Pocket Repeaters, Sharp's Improved, (Knives, Sleigh Bells—fine plated and white metal, Hair Brushes—durable and cheap, Axes, Hatchets and Hammers, Razor Strops—Emerson's, Duston's Hand and Tennant Saws, Wringers. late improved, All varieties of fine Ivory and common lable Rolling Pins, Washers &c., (Cutler y Eley's .munition, Wads and Caps.. EXCELSIOR ! EXCELSIOR 0404UaNs-fair griettoirlata For Removing Superfluous Hair To the ladies especially this invaluable de pilatory recommends itself as being an almost indispensable article to female beauty, is eas ily applied, does not burn or injure the skin, but acts directly on the roots. It is warrant ed to remove superfluous hair from low fore heads, or from aoy part ofthe body, complete ly, totally and radically extirpating the same, leaving the skin soft, smooth and natural. This is the only article used by the French, and Mlle only real effectual depilatory in ex istence. Price 75 cents per package, sent post,paid, to any - address, on receipt of as or der, by BERGER, SHUTTS & Co., C herniate' 2R5 River St., Troy, N. Y. Q OMETRING NEW I Patent clasp pock -0) et books, no gum-bands to renew, adapte 1 to spy condition of the finance, at JOti N SPAN GLER'S. MINA:WEL OF AMERICA, for beautifying _FA the complexion, softening the &gluon. moving tau, frer,Jllee.t►nd pimples. _ * g_ "Golder )ferter." COLUMBIA INSURANCE Co. CAPITAL AND Ass Era, $5 210:0. 32, HIS Company continues to insure Build ings,, Merchandise, and other property, against loss arid damage by fire, on the mutual plan, either for a cash premium Cr premium note. SIXTH ANNITAT. REPORT. Whole amount insured, $8,304,295:51 Less am't exPired in 1865, 212,336:00 CAPITAL AND INCOME. Amt of premium notes, Jan. 1, 1865, $420,090:66 Less, premium notes expired in 1865, 16,073:45 410,0:7:41 Am't of premium notes recd in '65, 115,584:13 Balance of premiums, Jan• 1, '65, 3,830:14 Cash receipts,leas commissions, in '65, 40,786:89 CONTRA. Losses andexpenses paid in 1865, 37,987:88 Balance capital and assets, January I, 1866, $670,198:37 A. S. GREEN, PRESIDA:NTp GEORGE YOUNG, Tr., Eerretary. MICHAEL S. SEUMAN, Treasurer. DIREOTORS : Samuel Shock, William Patton, Robert T. Ryon, John W. Steat.y, John Fendrich, George Young, Jr., H. G. Minch, Nicholas M'Dcnald, Samuel F. Eon kin, Michael S. Shuman, Amos S. Green. S. C. Slaymaker, Edmund Spering• Columbia, March 30, 1866.-ly LATEST FASHIO,.S DEMAND Bradley's Celebrated Patent Duplex Elliptic LOR DOUBLE SPRING] SKIRT -x--- fr HE Wonderful flexibility and great com fort and pleasure to any Ivdy wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced par titularly iu all crowded assemblies, operas, carriages, railroad cars, church pews, aim chairs fur promenade and house dress, as the skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a silk or muslin dress, an invaluable quality in crinoline not found in "anysingle spring skirt. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic steel spring skirt for a single day, will never afterwards willingly dispense with their use. For children, misses, and young ladies they are superior to all others. They will not bend or break like the Single Spring, but will preserve their perfect and grace shape when three or four ordinary skirts will havebeen thrown aside as useless. The hoops are covered with double and twisted thread, and the bottom rods are not only double springs, but twice (or double) covered ; pre venting 1 hem from wearing out when dragging down steps, stairs, &c. The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all ladies and is universally recommended by . the Fashion Magazines as the standard skirt of the fashionable world. To enjoy the following inestimable advanta ges in crinoline, viz: superior quality, perfect manufacture, stylish shape and finish, flexibil ty, durability, comfort and economy, enquire or J. W. BR ADLEY 'S Duplex Elliptic or Double Spring Skirt, and be sure you get the genuine article. CAUTION :--To guard against imposition be particular to notice that skirts offered as "Du ri.Ex" have the red ink stamp, vii : " J. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs,'? upon the waistband—none others are rnuine. Also notice that every hoop will admit a pin being passed through the centre, thus revealing the two (or double) springs braided together there in, which is the secret of their flexibility and strength, and a combination not to be found in any other Skirt. Dai- For sale in all stores where first class skirts are sold, throughout the United States and elsewhere. Manufactured by the sole owners of the patent, WEST'S`, BRADLEY & CA RP, No. 97 Chambers and 79 & 81 Reade-ats, N.Y. January 26, 1367.-3m] ASTROLOGY ! THE WORLD ASTONISHED AT THE WONDERFUL REVELATIONS MADE BY THE GREAT ASTROLOGIST, Madame H. A. Perrigo She reveals secrets no mortal ever knew. She restores to happiness those who, from doleful events, catastrophes, crosses in love, loss of relations and friends, loss of money. &c., have become despondent. She brings to gether those long separated, gives information concerning absent friends or lovers, restores lust or stolen property, tells you the business you are best qualified to pursue and in what you will be most.ouccessful, causes speedy marriages and tells you the very day you will marry,•gives you the name, likeness and char acteristics of the person. She reads your veyr thoughts, and by her almost supernatural pow ers unveils the dark and hidden mysteries of the future. From the stars we see in the firm ament—the malefic stars that overcome or predominate in the configuration—from the aspects and positions of the planets and the fixed stars in the heavens at the time of birth, she deduces the future destiny of man. Fail not to consult the greatest Astrologist on earth. It costs you but a trifle, and you may never again have so favorable an opportunity. Consultation - fee, with likeness and all desired information, $l. Parties living at a distance can consult the Madame by mail with equal safety and satisfaction to themselves, as if in person. A full and explicit chart, written out with all inquiries answered and likeness en closed, sent by mail on receipt of price above mentioned. The strictest secrecy will be maintained, and all correspondence returned or destroyed. References of the highest order urnished those desiring them. Write plainly the day of the month and year in which you were born, enclosing a small lock of hair. Address, MADAME IL A. PERRIGO, P. 0. Crewel 293, Buffalo, N. Y. itelip6ola'3 Buil) Bucim Is a certain cure for diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROP SY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, FEMALE . COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY and all diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from what ever cane originating and no mat- HOW LONG STANDING ter of Diseases of these organs require the use of a diuretic. If no treatment is submitted to, Consump lion or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are supported from these sources, and the HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliahle remedy. HELMBOLD'S EXTRA CT BUC Wu, Established upwards of 18 years, pre pared by H. 1:!, 11 ELMBOLD, D RUGGIST. 594 Broadway, New York and • 104 South 10th street, Philadelphia. Pa. 81 W ILLCOX votE G L I E B ss BS / .9an'ilig- g.Pecuing Le The most simple, complete and easily man aged Sewing Machine now in use. It does every description of work—never stops at or needs to be helped over seams. but does all its work rapidly and well. The needle re quires no adjustment—you cannot get it in wrong—it,makes any width of hem you wish —does braiding beautifully. The Braider is in She foot of every machine and of it. and is always adjusted, never gets out of place, Call and examine them before 'purchasing any other, at H. L. & E. J. VialM'S, Corner North Queen street and Centre square, Sole Agents for Lancaster- County. Lancaster, February 1,7,.1.£05.4f. 1J MANHOOD bD ycrutbfgl vigor a v gained by Helrintnlel Evrto 11,1rti. $8,091,559:51 $570,195:37 ' 532,210:49