The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, March 30, 1867, Image 2

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    Zle kl arittliatt.
Naturdaj Morning, March 30, 1867.
sr A new company, called the Brit
sh and American Telegraph C2mpany
(limited), has been-formed in London for
the purpose of laying a telegraph cable
between Falmouth, in England, and Hal.
ifax, in Nova Scotia. The capital of
the company is stated at £600,000, in
shares of £2O each, and the exclusive
right has been secured "to use the well
known cable and system of deep sea tel
egraphy perfected and patented by Mr,
Allan," by which, it is claimed, a saving
of about one-third the cost of construc
tion and greater economy and power in
working are secured. The distance from
Falmouth to Flores, one of the Azores,
is 1250 miles, thence to Halifax 1350
miles, or, from Falmouth to Halifax di.
rect, 2400 miles.
gar Gen. Sherman , has issued an or
der providing•that two pieces of artillery
and twenty muskets, with the proper
ammunition, shall be supplied to each
steamer that ascends the Missouri river
above Sioux City during the coming
season. The commanding officers of
posts above Sioux City are authorized
to increase the number of muskets and
amount of ammunition, if deemed neces
sary for the safety of the boats.
Ggir' Saturday morning last, says the
Rochester Democrat, a youthful and fes
tive elephant, which came up on the Al
bany mail train, amused himself, while
riding between Syracuse and this city,
by pulling the bell-cord, which ran
through his car, and also a rope by which
be set the patent breaks. This business
he did by means of his trunk. He stop
ped the train two or three times, to the
great annoyance of the conductor, who
could not for a time find out who was
usurping his power.
ar The continued disorders in Schuyl
kill, and the large number of murders
which have • occured there, give great
force to the application for Legislative
relief. The due administration of jus•
tics is impossible where courts and juries
can be influenced by a combination of
rioters, and the importance of the coal
interests of the Commonwealth renders
it eminently proper that an earnest effort
should be made to protect the lives of
those who are entrusted with their man
S his announced that the Ordnance
Department at Washington has about
40,000,000 rounds of small army ammu
nition for sale. An offer was made-last
week from New York to buy it at about
one-half of its original cost, bat the
Government refused to sell. This am
muffition is held at so high a figure, it is
reported, that only a nation about, to
engage in war can afford to purchase it.
Cr A young man named Jobn P. Ja
cobs, of Fairhaven Ct., bas lately become
insane in consequence of the public dis
grace of an expulsion from the lodge of
Good Templars in that place. Jacobs
was a clerk in a grocery store, and his
mortal offence was the sale of some ci
der to the wife of a clergyman and mem
of the same lodge.
ar Found at last, a remedy that not
only relieves, but cures that enemy of
mankind, consumption, as well as the
numerous satellites which revolve around
it in the shape of congh,colds, bronchi
tis, sore throat, influenza, &c. The rem
edy we allude to is Dr. Wistar's Balsam
of Wild Cherry, prepared by Seth W.
Fowle & son, Boston.
ifir President Johnson sent eleven ve
to messages to the Thirty-ninth Con
gress, and, of the bills vetoed, six pass
ed, notwithstanding his objections, while
four failed for want of the necessary two
thirds. Four bills became laws without
his sanction or, disapproval, one he sign
ed with a protest, and ho killed one with
a pocket veto.
sir The iron•liusiness in the Lehigh
Valley, which has been very dull for a
long time, is beginning to revive again
All the furnaces and most or the mills.
are now in full operation, with a fair
prospect of keeping on regularly.
The Great Eastern will arrive at
New York about the first of April, and
expects to return to Europe with 8,000
passengers—visitors to the Paris Expos
ition. It is said the Exhibition will not
be in fall operation before the first of
ur Ten persona charged with forgery
and theft,"Eiseapedfrom jail at Ellsworth,
M.; on Friday night; by sawing off the
grating with a-knife, and letting them
eel yes down with a bedeord. They have
not been heard of : since.
Tammany Ball has been sold for 175,-
000 to Charles A. Dana, who intend's:to
make it a printing house. As aDutch
man would say, there's been a tam many
wr doings in that same place.
Ntixus in Britt
Last Friday night five men attacked
the house of Patrick Gallagher, in Schuyl
kill county to rob and perhaps murder.
Gallagher fired upon them, killing one
and wounding another of the party.
Gen. Kossuth, it turns out is at Turin,
not Venice, and is strongly opposed to
the present arrangement between Hun
gary and Austria. He is a chronic agi
tator and will be permitted to remain
where he is eating his crust.
The Winter Garden Theatre, New
York, and all the other properties, in
cluding the magnificent wardrobe of Ed
win Booth, were destroyed by fire on
Saturday morning last. The Southern
Hotel, late Lafarge House, adjoining,
was badly damaged. The loss is estima
ted at $300,000.
The will of Col. O'Falleo, of St. Lou.
is, involving property worth six to eight
millions, has been set aside. He gave
his children, only a life estate, and left
his property to a grandchild.
The Bergen tunnel at Jersey City is
being arched with brick and iron for
nearly its entire length. The blasting
necessary for this improvement is done
at night, when no trains are running.
The Marley Paper Mill, situated, at
Marley, three miles north-west of Elk
ton, Md., has been purchased by Mr.
George W. tibilds, of the Public Ledger,
and Mr. A. Drexel, banker, of Philadel
phia, for $75,000.
Ex Gov. Curtin sailed from New York
on Saturday the 16th inst., for Havre.
He leaves his family in Philadelphia,
and will be absent on a tour to Europe,
for several months.
A correspondent, writing from Bavar
ia, estimates that twenty-five thousand
Americans are living on the continent
for the sake of econemy. How many
live there for the sake of extravagance.
It is reported that the "water" of an
artesian well at Corpus Christi, Texas,
which the people of that place have been
using for various disorders, turns out to
be pure kerosene oil. •
Gen. Butler has received from Paris a
bronze medal, which is a facsimile of the
one presented by 40,000 citizens of Paris
to Mrs. Lincola, in honor of the martyr
A circular saw, about twenty-two feet,
in circumference, has been sent to the
Paris Exhibition by the Ainerican Saw
Company, It is the largest saw ever
Only three daily newspapers now sur
vive of nine published in Boston in 1843.
Of twenty-eight magazines three only
remain. Of thirty-five weeklies all but
twelve are gone.
A man at Fredericksburg, Va., was
recently knocked down by lightning.
He had been at death's do . or with rheu
matism previously, but has not felt a
twinge since.
The fare for the round trip from New
York to Paris and back, on the Great
Eastern, daring the Paris Exposition,
will be $l5O in gold.
The Baron Von Glahn, a German no
bleman of Chicago, has been fined by the
Illinois courts to pay his divorced wife
alimony to the amount of $28,000.
Dr. Jayne of "Expectorant" notoriety,
left two millions of property. His wid
ow is said to be about marrying a wealthy
young man of New Jersey.
George Bancroft the historian keeps,
a printer and a press in his house, and
has his copy set before he gives it the
first careful corrections.
A Louisville, Kentucky, editor attend
ed a masquerade and his wife fell in love
with him. When he removed his mask
she was cured.
Gen. Longetreet has written a letter
to the New Orleans Times, in which he
advises the southern people to accept
the •Congressional terms of reconstruc
Brigham Young sent 8100 last week
to James Pine, Esq., of Port Byron, New
York, to pay a board bill contracted
thirty years ago.
More than one-half of the inhabitants
of Lowel, under twenty years of age, are
of foreign birth.
Chineese laborers are now employed
on a plantation in Louisiana. They are
said to be good workmen.
A letter from Ottaiia, Canada, sti,ys
the lumbering business is expected to be
very active the coming season.
The Nicholson vavement is being laid
down in New Orleans. Gen. Bemire
gard is 'putting down two squares at - his
own expense.
Gen. Lee has come out in a letter ad
vising the acceptance of the plan of re
construction provided by 'Congress.
The New York Union League has re
solved to raise $500,000 to build a club
There were 72 fires in New York last
The Richmond Times thinks women
will Tate in less than-ten years.
There are five female editors in lowa.
fa- A cable dispatch announces the
death of Charles F. Browne, at South
ampton, England. To the American
people he was well known as "Artemus
Ward," a humorous lecturer and writer
and perhaps no literary character was
ever so popular in this country as he was.
Tar. Browne was a native of Maine; but
at an early age removed to Cleveland,
Ohio, where he obtained the position of
local editor on the Plaindealer, a paper
published at that place. Here he wrote
his first letter, which soon became pop
ular from it broad humor and grotesque
spelling. He afterwards removed to
New York and edited for a time a short
lived comic paper called Vanity Fair, at
the same time delivering lectures and
writing his humorous letters. Some
months ago he made an en - gagenaent
with Punch, and started for England,
where disease overtook him and caused
his early death. Mr. Browne was a
young man not exceding thirty years,
and was noted for his amiability of char
acter and warm open-heartednese.
lir The Lynchburg (Va.) Republican
says that "a Federal officer belonging to
the garrison of that place was met a few
days ago while riding about the suburbs
by a rusty looking specimen, who came
forward and offered to 'surrender.' The
officer asked him if he had killed anybody
or done any mischief of any kind. The
specimen said he had deserted the Con
federate army in 1861, but had heard of
General Lee's amnesty proclamation
while hiding about in the mountains,
and had come forward to give himself up,
and be returned to service. Great sur
prise .and consternation seized upon the
the specimen when he learned there was
no Southern army, no Southern cause,
and that all the battle-flags had been
folded and put away. The specimen was
treated to a dose of amnesty oath and a
pair of blue breeches, and went on his
way rejoicing to North Carolina, in
which 'district' was his home when he
left it six years ago.
ar A. terrible case of hydrophobia is
chronicled in the Detroit papers. A
little daughter of Mr. Alfred Woodbu
ry, of the town of Greenfield, Mich., was
bitten, some time ago, by a dog, but no
symptoms of hydrophobia were at first
shown. At length the poison, which,
acting as a sub•cntaneous injection, per
meated every tissue of the sys tem, broke
out in a severe form, causing the most
intense suffering. A consultation was
held by physicians, who decided that,
as the sufferer could not possibly sur
vive, every consideration of humanity
demanded that her sufferings be ended
by some means, in accordance with
which, during a severe paroxysm, the
child was smothered to death.
gir Our neighbors, the Canadians, are
very apprehensive of another Fenian in
vasion, and are very busy strengthening
the exposed posts along the frontier,
And we should suppose there was some
reason for it as the Fenians are very ac
tive just now, which seems to mean
something. Our. Government is also
on the alert to preserve our neutrality
as they are also sanding troops to the
frontier. On Wednesday nine car loads
of troops went up the Hutson railroad.
The men yere fully equipped, and had
with them all the necessary baggage for
a campaign. They went to Oswego,
and are undoubtly intended to operate
against any movement of Fenians which
may be attempted on the borders.
gir Treasurer Spinner's custody of the
gold belonging to the Richiisond banks is
likely to prove irksome to him. A par
ty from New Orleans now claims the
gold, and visited the Treasury in the
hope of being able to carry it away with
them. Failing to annihilate the Treas
urer and obtain the gold, they asked to:
see it, in order that they might identify
it, but they were assured that if they
could not describe the coin without see
ing it, they could not describe it at all,
for he should not allow them to - go near
A Hannibal paper tells of a gentleman
of that city who has been presented,with
his third pair of twins in twelve years.
His first wife gave birth to two pair, two
boys and two girls, at intervals of four
years. They were born on the same day
of the week, the same day of the month,
in the same month of the year, at the
same hour of the day, and - all weighed
the same number of pounds.
er The discovery of new methods of
preserving meat, by Professor Redwood,
has given an impulse to a proposition
now seriously entertained in England of
sending to Texas a large number of stock
raisers who shall depend upon the Eng.
lish maiket to take its supply of animal
fobd, to be conveyed in steam vessels
from Texas to England.
gar Quite a number of students of
Centre College, at Danville, Ky., pre
sented a memorial to the Faculty last
week, desiring them to have the Federal
troops removed from the College grounds
where they were encamped, and threatun
ing to leave the institution if their re
quest was not complied with.
gar kyoting lady just married in New
York had 24'pairs of shoes to match 24
dresses. She was a whale-soled maiden,
and the groom! was an altogether sold
ar A municipal election is to be held
in Newbern, North Carolina this week.
General Sickles, Commander of the De
partment, who takes a statesmanlike
view of the situation, and the duties of
his office, has issned an order, announc
ing that under the recent acts of Con
gress, the negroes have becomd affran
chised citizens, and that their votes must
be received at the polls on equal terms
with those of the whits. A radical
ticket is in nomination which will re
ceive their unanimous support, and the
loyal men of the town have no doubt
that they will be able to win an easy
and substantial victory,
go- The statue of Henry Clay will be
inaugurated in the Court Ho se at Lou.
isville, Ky., on the 12th of April. R. C•
Winthrop. of Massachusetts, will deliver
the oration.
Zpttiat Notixti
To OWNERS or ':nasEs.—Thousands of
horses die yearly from Colic. This need not
be. Dr. Tobias' Venetian Horse Liniment
will positively cure every case, it given when
first taken. The cost is only OM" dollar.
Every owner of a horse shottlir liave a bottle
in his stable, ready for use. It is warranted
superior to anything else fonAyure of Cut's
Wind Galls, Swellings, Sore Throat, Sprains,
Bruises, Old Sores, &c. This Liniment
new remedy. It has been used and approved
of for 19 years by the first horsemen in the
country. Given to an overdriven horse, it
acts like a magic. Orders are constantly re
ceived from the racing stables of England for
it. The celebrated Hiram Woodruff, of trot-•
ling fame, has used it for years, and says it is
far superior to any other he has tried. He
kindly permits me to refer to him. His ad
dress is East New York, Long Island. Re
collect, Dr. Tobias' Venetian HorSe Liniment
is put up in . pint bottles. Take no other.
Sold by all the Druggists and Saddlers. Depot
56 Cortlandtjitreet, New York. [3l-7t
GONE FOREVER:—So say the ladies of their
beauty, when the mirror shows them their
nce jet and golden ringlets streaked with
grey. 'But never was there a more false con
clusion. Though the, hair be as ; white; as
Time's own forelock, or worse still, as red as
a fiery meteor—Pm: 0o ! it is invested in a
moment with the most magnificent black or
brown by the agency of CRISTADORO'S HA a
DYE, a perfectly wholesome and purely vege
able preparation. Manufactured by J. CRIS
TADORO, 6 Astor house New York. Sold by
`ell druggists. Applied by all hair dressers.
It:r Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh, trea
ted with the utmost success, by J. ISAACS,
3.1. D., Oc'hist and Aurist, (formerly of Ley
den, Holland,) No. 519 PINE st., Philadel
phia. Testimonials from the most reliable
sources in the city and country can be:seen at
his office. The medical faculty are invited tc
accompany their patients, as he has no secrets
in his practice. Artificial Eyes inserted with
out pain. No charge for examination.
Allentown, Penn., April 4, 1865.
Messrs. T. ALLcOCK & Co.:
Dear sirs :—My daughter used one of your
Porous Plasters, She had a very bad pain in
her side, and it cured her La one week.
Yours truly
Jona V. N. HUNTER.
We refer to the forty thousand Druggists"
who -sell our plasters, as to their high sterling
character. ALLcocx & Co., Agency, Brand
reth House, New York, sold by all Druggists.
FREE TO EVERTBODY.—A large 6 pp. Circu
lar, giving information of the greatest import
tance to the young of both sexes.
It teaches how the homely may become
beautiful, the despised respected, and the for
saken loved. No young lady or gentleman
should fail to send their address, aun receive
a copy post-paid, by return mail.
Address P. 0. Drawer, 21,
Troy, N. Y.
ITCH !—ITCH 1 I—ITCH !I I Scratch
Scratch !--Scratch !1! WHEATON'S OINT
MENT will cure the ITCH in 4S hours. Also
cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilbrains and• al
eraptions of the skin. Price 50 cents. For
sale by all druggists. By sending GO cents to
WEEKS & POTTER, sole agents, 170 Washing
ten-st., Boston, it will be forwarded by mail,
free of postage, to any part of the Union.
proved Rose Wash cures secret and delicate
disorders in all their stages, at little expense,
little or no change of diet, no inconvenience,
and no exposure. It is pleasant in taste and
odor, immediate in its action, and, free from
all injurious properties.
Buchu is the Creat Diuretic.
Is the Great Bl ;ad Purifier
Both are prepared according to rules of
Pharmacy and Chemistry; and are the most
active that can be made.
to all others for family and manufacturing
purposes ; contain all the latest improvements
are speedy, noisless, durable and easy to work.
Illustrated Circulars sent free. Agents want
ed. Liberal discount allowed. No.consign
merits made. Address EMPIRE S. M-. Co, 61
Broadway, N. Y. [xiii:6-iy
warning and instruction for young men : also,
Diseases and Abuses which prematurely pros
trate the Vital Powers, with sure means of
releif. Sent free of charge, in sealed letter
envelopes. Address, Da. J. SNILLIN Homm
von, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth.
Street, Philadelphia, Pa. [july 1,7664 y.
FOR Non-retention or Incontinence of
Urine, irritationTinflarnmation or ulceration
of the bladder, or kidneys, diseases of the pros
tate glands, stone, in the bladder, calculus,
gravel or brick dust deposits, and all diseases
of the bladder, kidneys and dropsical swellings
HELMBOLD'S Fluid Extract Buchu is
pleasant in - taste and odor, free from injurious
properties, and immediate in its action.
ict- THE Glory of man is strength—There•
fore the nervous and debilitated should lame
diately use Helmbold's Extract Bache.
13— MANHOOD and youthful vigor are re.
gained by Ilelmbold% Extract Bucbu.
Important News !
Early Spring Styles.
WE have just replenished our Stock with
the latest choice designs of
Fancy and Staple Dry Goods,
purchased at greatly reduced prices, and'
which we are selling at prices gratifying to
purchasers. We have full lines of the best
makes of Black and Colored Wool Delaines,
Superior Black and Fancy Silks,
Rich styles Silk Warp Poplins,
Various grades black and colored Alpacas,
" French, Scotch and American Ginghams,
10000 yards Fancy and Mourning Prints,
Children% Misses and Ladies Balmorals,
Swisses, Cambrics and Jaconetts,
Cambric and Swiss edging and Insertings,
Bleach and unbleached towline of all
Cassimeres and Cloths for Spring wear,
Jeans, Cottonades and Denims,
- Plain and Fancy plaid Wool Shirtings.
BARGAINS For. New Housekeepers.
Tickings in all widths, very cheap,
Furniture Check, in great variety,
Linen and colored Cotton Osnaburgs,
Linen and Cotton, White and unbleached
Towels and Toweling, plain and figured,
Cotton and Woolen, Bright colored Cov
French and American Counterpanes,
100 pair white and colored Blankets,
Ingrain, Venetian, Stair and Rag Carpets,
Floor and Table Oil Cloths, all widths,
Transparent Oil cloth and Holland blinds,
Rosewood, Mahogany, and Walnut frame
Looking Glasses,
Vi . t6`ol, Linen and Cotton carpet Chain,
Superior steamed live picked Feathers.
46, 67 and 110 ps Setts Iron Stone Ware,
Granite and Iron stone Chamber setts,
Fine and Common Glass ware of all kinds,
"'Common Queensware in variety.
Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Dried Fruit,
Salt, Fish, Spices, etc., etc.
An early call is solicited.
A rills_
; .
" Sold by the Trade Generally.
200, 000 fitniaea . 146 ti. S.GObetiMelit
4rmy Revolver, 44-100 inch calibre,
Navy Revolvit 36 100 " "
Belt Revolver, Navy-size Calibre,
Police Revolver, )1 33 31
New Pocket Revolver, 51-100 in. Calibre,
Pocket. Revolver, [Rider's patentl 31-100 in.
Repeating Pistol, [Elliot patent] No. 22 and
32 Cartridge, [ridge,
Vest Pocket Pistol, No. 22, 30, 32 and 41 Cart-
Gun Cane, No. 22 and 32 Cartridge,
Breech Loading Rifle, (Beale's) Ni;. 32 and 3S
_ •
Revolving Rifle, 36 and 41.100 inch Calibre
Moore & Nichols, New-York,
Wm. Read & Son, Boston, •
Jos. C. Grubb & Co., Philadelphia,
Poultney & Trimble, 13altunore,
Henry Folsom & Co.: New Orleans,
Johreon, Spencer, & Co., Chicago,
L. M. Rumsey & Co., St. Louis,
Albert E. Crane,
March 2, 1867
Orrildagnzent_ feu , freLstue-eurne,
Newspaper and Periudical
Subscription Office, No. 82 Cedar-st., N. Y.
DESIRE toengage ox £ good correspondent
in each town, to extend the,r business
in the , principals Magazines and Newspapers,
for which they take subscriptions at he pub
lishers' lowest prices.
The business is respectable, pays well, and
no capital is required : it is also suitable for
ladies. Full particulars in our "Correspond
ent's Circular, mailed free.
Also, now ready, a new Edition of our third
annual newspaper and periodical Catalogue
(for 1867) containing over 200 different pilb
lications-u moat useful thing to-all lovers of
literature. Free to any address.
Office, 82 Cedar-st., N. Y. (P. 0. Box 4298.)
Oh ! she was beautiful and fair,
Witb starry eyes and radiant hair,
Whose curling tendrils soft, entwined,
Enchained the very heart and mind.
For curling the hair of either sex into
Wavy and Glossy Ringlets or Heavy
Massive Curls.
By using this article Ladies and Gentlemen
can beautify themselves a thousand fold. It
is the only article in the world that will curl
straight hair, and at the same time give it a
beautiful, glossy appearance. The Crisper
Coma not only curls the hair, but invigorates,
beautifies and cleanses it ; it is highly and de
lightfully perfumed, and is the most complete
article of the kind ever offered to the Ameri
can public. The Crisper Coma will be sent
to any address, sealed and postpaid for $l.
Address all orders to
" W. L. CLARK & Co., Chemists,
No. 3 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, N. Y
A. LINDSAY, .411 V
Would most respectfully inform the citizens
of this Borough and neighborhood that he has
at this time the largest assortment of City made
work ever offered in this Boroegh, amongst
which may be named the new-style -
iioiis4 Boot, gna Globs4cia
A. L. being a practical BOOT AND SHOE
MAKER enables him to select with more
judgment than those who are not. He contin
ues to manufacture in the very best manner
everything in the BOOT AND SHOE line,
which he will warrant for neatness and fit.
law Call and examine the new stock before
oing elsewhere.
- 1711TAMEL OF AMERICA, for beautifying
rl the complexion, softening the skin, re
moving tan, freckles and pimples.
Sale at Dr. Landis''Golden Mortar.”
DR. H. LANDIS is the sole agent for the
Borough of Marietta. For sale at the
AAIR ROLLS, the latest fashion—call in
at Mrs. ROTH'S Variety Store and sae
them—all the rage now, in the cities.
JOB PRINTING of every description ex
ecuted with ,neatness and dispatch at the
0 thee of The Mariettian.
SHADES at remarkably low prices.—
to close out JONA SPANGLER.
cellent article for-ladies. Just received
and for sale at MRS. ROTB' Variety p e
No. 61 Market Street, Marietta, Pa.,
ARE awake to the downfall in d
.rood s an
the interests and wants of th
t h e will display on their counters, daring
er lot
of forthose the inspection of the publi c,
GoGoodßrßrownSheeting, Only 20
cell t
ft 3-4 "a "IS c ents;
12,- cents!
Good 4-4 White Sheeting, only A etas •
al price, 30c ; good 4-4 White sh, t ' ln u su .
only 25c, usual price, 35e; Extra4.Ag)
White Sheeting, only 30, usual
price 40c; good Cotton Flan
. nels, and 22c, usual
price 35 and 40c; ex
' tra heavy all-
Wool Twi led Flannels only 37 1-2 Cents!
• Choice Balmorals
from 01:75 to 52: .0 ; Ladies
and Gents Rid Gloves—all colors.
A good assortment of Hosiery, fro m
18c per pair upwards, and everything in
Come this way and get Bargains.
For we will be governed by our old blotto:
that a «Quirk Fip is better than a slow Shil
ling," that is to say that we would rather sell
at a small advance, than not sell at all.
In this establishment will always be found
a choice lot of Teas, Coffees, Sugars and Syr
ups. Having purchased our stock FOR
enables us to offer bargains to purch cAsii
Marietta, January 12, 1867.
Is a certain cure for diseases of the
and all diseases of the
whether existing in
from whatever cause origmating and no eiai.
Diseases of these organs require the use eta
If no treatment is submitted to, Consunip
Lion or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and
Blood are supported from these sources, and
that of Posterity, depends upon prompt we of
a reliahle remedy.
Established upwards of 1S years, pre
pared by H. T. HELM BOLD,
594 Broadway, New York and
104 South 100, street, Philadelphia. l'a
For useful things and things of ' 7 " i t ,
The gay and serious here repot.
Superior Skates—Ladies Men's and 11 , ys.',
Pocket Books- every variety,
All stylesot Coal Oil Lamps,
New styles. Ladies Morocco Suit lids,
Cood-Wife's Companions—new,
Latest novelty. in Poet Folio:,
Vxtra fine Pearl and Ic.oy ,•N
Repenters. Sharp's Improved,
Sleigh Bells—ae pkted and
hair flrrshes—d•rra!,le and cheap,
Axes, Hatchets ar d Hammers,
ItSzor Strops—Emerson's,
Lin Stan's Maid and Tennant Saws.
Wringers. late improved,
All varieties of fine l very and comm a lad-e
Rolling Pins, Washers &c., (Cutlery
Eley's Amunition, %ails and Caps.
San Francisco
30 6m
Blank Book and Stationery
728 Arch Street, Philadelphia,
Has constantly on hand, and manufactures
to order every variety of
for Bankers, Merchants and Manufacturers.
Drafts, Notes, Checks, and Headings of every
description, engraved or lithographed. A very
full stock of Stationery whoiesale or retail.
S. H. Fulton, formerly of Alariata,
charge of one department of the business, and
will give personal and special attention to any
orders by mail or otherwise. All goods at the
most reasonable rates and all Blank work
guaranteed of the most superior quality
PERUVI:II , 7 SYRUP.-A protected solution
of the Protoxide of iron, supplies the Blood
with its life element, iron, giving strength,
vigor and new life to the whole sys'em.
If the thousands who are suffering from
DySpepsia, Debility, Female Weaknesses, Sc.,
would but test the virtues of the Peruvian
Syrup, the effect would not only astonish
themselves but would please all their friends;
for instead of feeling cross, " all gone" and
miserable, they would be cheerful, vigorous
and active.
I have tried the Peruvian Syrup, and the
result fully sustains your prediction. It has
made a new man of me, infused into my sys
tem new vigor and energy ; I am no loo;er
tr..mulous and debilitated, as when you last
saw me, but stronger, heartier, and with larg
er capacity for labor, mental and physical,
than at any time during the last five years.
Thousands have been changed by the use al
this remedy from weak, sickly, suffering crea
tures, to strong, heathy, and happy men and
women; and invalids cannot reasonably hesi
tate to give it a t-ial.
The genuine has " rEntiviart SYRUP"
blown in the glass. A 32 page pamphlet will
be sent free.
J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, 36 Dey St., N.
Y., and by all Diuggista.
Merchant Tailor, and Clothier,
At F. J. Kramph.'s Old Stand, on the Cot
ner of North Queen and Orange
Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a•
RATGEh' UL to the Citizens of Marietta
and vicinity, for the liberal Wrong' ?
heretofore extended, the 'undersigned respect
fully solicits a continuance, of the tame; as
suring them, that under all circumstances, no
efforts will be spared in rendering a satisfactorY
equivalent for every act of confidence reposed:
such other seasonable material as fashion and
the market furnishes, constantly kept on band
and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea
sonably, as taste or style may suggest.
Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods
and such article*as usually belong to a Hier
chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment.
elmstell#'s gxfolipinfoi• 11
For Removing Superfluous Hair.
To the ladies especially this invaluable de
pilatory recommends itself as being an almost
indispensable article to female beauty, is eas
ily applied, does not burn or injure the skin,
but acts directly on the roots. It is warrant
ed to remove superfluous hair from low fore
heads, or from any part of the body, complete
ly, totally and radically extirpating the same,
leaving the skin soft, smooth and natural.
This is the only article used bythe Freud),
and is the only real effectual depilatory is ex
- •
nor package, sea
Ditibni in '67.