yotalxtthaL 50 001, voning,yee4 $6, iBB7. _--- rrltie Morning Passenger train for Lan and Philadelphia Philadelphia will leave the upper eon at 12 mines w est w ard 8 o'clock. The : g o trent going will pass upper ' l oon at 7 minuted after 12 o'clock, NOON. v i e liarrisburg accommodation train eastward s oi pass st 26 minutes after 5 o'clock, in the 12ernaon and returning 'strive here at 43 ;lotto after 6 o'clock in the evening. TO ELECTION OF YEETERDAY.—The attest of Friday was very spirited—no last than three tickets in the Beld. The Bret was styled the' "Pig Ringer,"—the woa d the "Citizens" and the last the .Beriblicao." It . will be observed that somber of c andidates were on two if the tickets sod were thus elected. We a ppend the number of votes each candi date received, but cannot give tbre vote ° r eac h ticket separate and entire. Our ro o d fleoseal has again tied a compet iior—o be did last year. Chief Burgess : John Barr, 93 Asst. Burgess : A. Lindsay. 85 Town Council : (leo. U. Goodman, 123 Lewis Houseal, 108 S. L. Dellinger. 93 F. Waller. 108 F. Maulick, 80 Borough Judge: B. F. McElroy. 103 Inspectors: J. M Hanle!). 104 Amos B. Mechem. 82 Borough Constable : W. Fryberger. 133 Town clerks : Henry Bucher. 89 A. R. Erisman. 109 Township Judge: John Peck, Jr. 144 lospecl or : John Iltighes. 111 Assessor F. B. Curran. 101 Asst Assessors: Dr. J. Cushman. 106 David Harry. 95 School Directors : David W. Coble. 125 Allen S. Ruby. 90 Asst. Constable : Benjamin Taylor. 135 (.;bief Burgess : James Park. 13 Asst. Burgess : Charles Girod. 16 Town Council : John Barr. 29 A. Lindsay- Len is 13 onseal. S. G. Biestand. Geo. U. Goodman. Borough Judge E. F. McElroy. Icopectore : J. M. Elooleu. Amos B. Macleo. Borough Constable W. Fryberger. Tows, clerks : A. R. Brisman. Christ. Bunten. 15 Township Judge : John Peck, Jr. Inspector: Henry Bucher. - 29 Assessor : George Shreiner, 27 Asst. Assessors : Reuben Welchem. 38 David Barry. School Directors: David W. Coble. G. W. Meba fey. 30 Asst. Constable Benjamin Taylor. Chief Bt•gess : Tilos Stet.ce 112 Asst. Burgess : John K. Fidler. 114 Town C uncil : Barr Spar gler, 95 J. J. Libhart, 96 (1, A. Mayling, 104 8. C. Iliestaud, 117 Alex. Lyndsay. 122 Borough Judge : C. E. Nagle. 111 Inspectors : J: M. Anderson, 111 Edward Busing. 109 Borough Constable : A. Emswiller. 84 Town clerks: Theo Erestand, 110 Jas. W. Fidler. 105 Ti wnsbip Judge Simon Groh. 185 Inspector: John R. Sammy. 178 A ssessor : P. L. Baker. 111 Asst. Assessors : 3. M. Laraelere, 122 G. W. Mahaffey. 120 School Directors : C. A. &hat' tier, 1.17 Abrm. Sammy. 113 Asst. Constable : Russel A. Child. 106 ..... fi The celebrated Scottish Temper ance orator, Thomas Roberts, G. W T., of the I. 0. of G. Ty of Delaware, will deliver a lecture on Temperance in / euiperance Hall, on Friday evening text, to commence at 7,} o'clock. Mr. Roberts has lectured in the States of Delaware and Maryland, and his witti- Dl'ms and native intelligence make him a general favorite with the people. The Mlle is earnestly invited to attend.. IR' The pedestrians from front to Market street are under obligations to Mr• Martin, the present proprietor of Ibe "White Swan," for a pair of large /ft alPs—one placed at the corner of the 41113 Y on the east of the Hotel, and the %tier on the corner of the stable, thus lighting the narrow passage way between Us Post Office corner and front street. 4 " 8431 Child, who superintended these im provements, is never behind. John El, Smyth, the "Black nos !Ills," Will give cue of hia entertainments la Temperance Hall, on T ues d a y evening not, see advertisement in another col unn• Mr. Smith is a colored man and Or A certified copy of the following supplement to the,charter of the borough , has been received and is here published for the benefit of those interested in its provisions. By order of the Chief Burgess. THEO. HIESTAND, Town Clerk. A Further Supplement to an Act Incur 'prating the Borough of Marietta in the County of Lancaster. SECTION I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of RepresentatiVes of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the Chief Burgess- and Town Council of the Borough of Marietta or a majority of them shall have powei 'and they or a majority of them are hereby authorized to issue permits to non resi dents, dealers and traders in jewelry wares and all kinds of merchandise in the said borough and that hereafter all son residents of said borough before they shall be permitted to sell or ex pose to sale any goods, jewelry wares, or any kinds of merchandise are hereby required to obtain and procure a permit from the Chief Burgess and town Coun cil of the said borough to make such sales for which permit the sum of ten dollars shall be paid into the treasury of said borough and any violation of this supplement shalt subject the off.tnder to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars, to be levied upon his or her goods and chattels by process and attachment from any magistrate, at the instance of the said Chiel Burgess and Town Council. Provided, That no permit shall be is sued or granted for a longer period than sixty days, at any one time. Ja.s. R. KELLEY, Speaker of the House of Representa tives. D. FLEMING, Speaker or the Senate. Approved the seventh day of January, Auno Domini, one thousand, eight hundred and sixty-seven A. G. CURTIN. eir The Susquehanna is now in good running order, and daring the past week a few rafts arrived at this place. The Clearfield Journal of the 13th says: "Owing to the quantity of rain and snow that has fallen during the past two days, and the mildness of the air, the water in the river has reached a good rafting stage. The prospect fora favorable rafting flood is excellent, as large quan tities of snow still remain in the forest, the melting of Which, under a mild air, will keep the stream up for some time to come. "Notwithstanding . the unpleasantness of the weather, some of our lumbermen have been at work on the river, during the past eight 'days, but have made com paratively little progress. But as the air is becoming mild and warm, the opy ration of "rafting-in" willbe commenced in earnest. This (Wednesday) morning however, the streams are quite high, which will somewhat retard the "raft- ing-in" business, yet, in the course of eight or ten days, we anticipate to see a large number of rafts on their way to the eastern markets." fir Prof. Selzer, of New Y ork, lectur ed before the Marietta Literary society, on Thursday evening last, to a very crowded house. Prof. Wells had been announced as the lecturer, but in conse quence of an over press of business at home, Prof. S. was substituted and we have heard of but one opinion of the sub eitule, which was a very flattering one. This lecture closes the course. We hope to hear of an earlier start next season, and the selection of a higher -grade of talent which can only be obtain ed by liberal contributions from persons able to contribute liberally. All in ell, however, this has been an interesting lecture season, but our next can be made more so. The "getters-up" deserve many thanks. . Cr Robert Crane, of Columbia, who was nominated Revenue Collector of this District, by "his Accidency," has been rejected by the 11. S. Senate. Ed. gar Cowan, the renegade, has also been rejected as Minister to Austria. James Black, who was spoken of for Assessor of this District, has been, we learn, with- drawn, and thus our Revenue affairs are still in the hands of irresponsible subor dinates. . itar A flock of wild geese was seen moving toward the Duffy farm, adjoin ing town, on Thursday evening last, when Canova Libhart, son of John Jay Libhart, and several others, followed after, Canova "bringing down" a goose which weighed ten pounds. = gir We bid a flying visit from Mr. Samuel H. Fulton, for six years a resi dent of this borough. Mr. F. can be found by any of his old Marietta friends at No. 728 Arch et., Philabelphia, ifir A new foot-bridge across the canal is about being erected immediately op posite the "Bieler House." This will be good news for the pedestrians in that locality, who have to walk three or four squares in order to get over the canal. eir Mr. Geist, as will be seen by an advertisement in another column, will open the Wickersham Academy on Mon day, April first. Mr. G. is too well known here, as a teacher, to need any _ thing at oar hands sir Rev. Thomas Pearson will preach in the Methodist church on tomorrow rusEr MA.RIETTIA.N.@\-Ar:• - • MARRIED. On Thursday, 14th inst. at the Presbyterian l Personage, by Rev. W. A. Fleming, Mr. I CHRISTIAN SANER, of East flemptield twp. to Mrs. ELIZABETH COWHICK, of Rapho twp Lancaster county, Pa. .%/Irtial NDtitts KNOw THY DESTINY.—Madame E. F. Thornton, the Great English Astrologist, Clair voyant and Psychometrician, who has aston ished the scientific classes of the Old World, has now located herself at Hudson, N. Y. Madame Thornton possesses such wonderful powers of second sight, as to enable her to im part knowledge of the greatest importance to the single or married of el - her sex. While in a state of trance, she delineates the very fea tures of the person you are to marry, and by the aid cf an instrument of intense power, known as the Psychomotrope, guarantees to produce a life-like picture of the future hus band or wife of the applicant. together with date of marriage, pgsition in life, leading traits of character, &c. This is no humbug, as thousands of testimonials can assert. She will send when desired, a certified certificate or written guarantee, that the picture is what it purports to be. By enclosing a-small lock of hair, and stating place of birth, age, dispo sition and complexion, .and enclosing futy cents and stamped envelope addressed to your self, you will receive the picture and desired information by return mail. All communica tions sacredly confidential. Address in confi dence, MADAME E. F. THORNTON, P.O. Box 223, -Hudson, rv. Y. Faust A LADY. West Milton, Saratoga Co., N. Y July 6, 1666. Dr. Hostette• --Sir : I have long delayed writing to you my sincere thanks for the good you have done my daughter. I can truly say that nothing but the kind hand of Providence and your BITTERS have saved her from an early grave.. For three years I have been doctoring her with syrups and all kinds of bit ters that have been recommended to me for her, besides having two first-rate physicians ; but all seemed to do her 113 good, while I was searching the almanacs and all the newspapers that I could get hold of, in hopes of finding something that would suit her case. Acci dentally there' came part of a newspaper around some goods that I bought at the Spa. Li looking it over 'I saw at a glance that your Bitfhrs was just what she needed. Z sent the next day to Ballston Spa and got a bottle of your Bitters. She commenced taking them, and such a change in one week with her ap petite, and the distress that victuals occasion ed, and that burning in the stomach, I never saw in my life, as there was in her. She has taken three bottles, and is now able to work all the time. I think there is a little derange ment of the liver. Please send me. three bot tles more, which l think will cure her entire ly. We and others thought she had disease of the heart, butt at beating and fluttering that would almost stop her from breathing at times, is all gone. Yours, with respect, MRS. AMANDA WRHERSON A Y.urro LADY returning to her country home, after a sojourn of a few months in the city, was hardly recognized by her Maids, In place of a coarse, rustic, flushed face, she had a soft ruby complexion of almost marble smoothness, and instead of twenty-three she really appeared but eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the cause of sa great a change, she plain ly told them that she used the CIRCASSIA' BALIi, and cmisidered it an invaluable acqui sition to any Lady's toilet. By its use any Lady or Gentleman can improve their per: on al appearance an hundred fold. It is simple in its combination, as Nature herself is simple, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in drawing im purities from, also healing, cleansing and beautifying the skin and complexion. By its direct action ou the cuticle it draws from it all its impurities, kindly healing the same, and leaving the surface as Nature intened it should be, clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. I Price $l, Sent by mail or express, on receipt I of an order,by W. L. CLARK & Co., No. 3 West Fayette St., Syracuse, N. Y., The only . American Agents for the sale -of the same WONDERFUL. BUT Tana. — Madame Rem ington, the werld renowned Astrologist an Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, while in a clair. voyant state, delineates the very features of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an instrument of intense power, known as the Psychnmotrope, guarantees to produce a perfect and life-like picture of the futtire hus band or wife of the applicant, with date of marriage, occupation, leading traits of charac ter, &c. This is no imposition, as testimonials without number can assert... By stating place of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes and hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will re ceive the picture by return mail, together with desired information. la — Address in confidence, MADAME. GErt- TRUDE REKINOTOZT, P. U. Box 297, West Troy, N. Y Er Deafness, Blindness And Catarrh, trea ted with the utmost success, by J. ISAACS, 31. D., Oculist and. Aurist, (formerly of Ley den, Holland,) No. 519 PINE st., Philadel phia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in - the city and country can be - .seen at his office. The medical faculty are invited tc accompany their patients, as he hasno secrets in his practice. Artificial Eyes inserted with out pain, No charge for examination. FREE TO EVERYBODY. - A large 6 pp. Circu lar, giving information of the greatest import tance to the young of both sexes. It teaches how the homely may become beautiful, the despised respected, and the for saken loved. No young lady or gentlerdan should fail to send their address, anti receive a copy post-paid, by return mail. Address P. 0. Drawer, 21, Troy, N. Y. 113— Iron ! !! ! Scratch! Scratch !! Scratch ! I WHEATON'S 0/2.1T- Hiatt-will cure the ITCH in 48 hours. Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilbrains and al eraptione of the akin. Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggists. By sending 60 cents to WEEtts & POTTER, sole ageuts, 170 Washing ton-st., Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the Union. HELMBOLD4iXTRACT Iluchu and Im proved Rose Wash cures secret and delicate disorders in all their stages, at little expense, little or no change of diet, no inconvenience, and no exposure. If is pleasant in taste and,l odor, immediate in its action, and free from iurioq lokotrtice, " Mislike me not for my complexion, The shadow'd livery of the burnished 811[1.' 3 . 41-e Ora-,rei",—Merdide[Mtd., By John H.• Smyth, _Vetter known as _Mack Rosizte, In Temperance Ball, on Tuesday Evening next, March 19th. PROGRAMME Thanatapsim, Barbara Frietchie, Song of Moses, Drifting. Sleeping Seatinel, Black Regiment, Sheridan's Ride, Bingen on the Rhine, Paul before Agrippa, Raven, Saow, Maud Muller, J. G. Whittier, Mr. Pickwick's Romantic Adventure with a middle aged lady in yellow earl papers, Dickens. TICKETS, 8.5 CENTS, To be had of Mr. B. Spangler, and at the door on the evening of the entertainment. Doors open at 7 o'clock—lo'commence at 72 Marietta, March 161 1867. % ‘gyERY -194 4 A • ts 4 /4" " ° - _ - o IT 1:9 , -4•.; .00 The HOWE Sewing Machines. 699 Broadway, sew-York. FOR FAMILIES Ec MANUFACTURERS E H Ibe, 3lJahlil ilenobma ,5,61)100 Were awarded the highest premium at the World's Fair in London, and six first premiums at the N. Y. State Fair of 1866, and Are celebrated fur doing the best work, using a much smaller needle for the same thread than any other machine, and by the introduc tion of the most approved machinery, we are now able to supply the very best machines in the world. These machines are made at our new and spacious Factory at Bridgeport, ann. under the immediate supervision of the Presi dent of the Company, ELI AS HOWE, Jr„ the original inventor of the Sewing Machine. The, are adapted to all kinds of Family Sew ing, Army Clothing, and to the use of Seam stresses, Dress makers, Tailors, Manufactur ers of Shirts, Collars, Skirts, Cloaks, Mantil las, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Corsets, Boots, Shoes. Harness, Saddles, Linen Goods, Urn brellas, Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen and cotton goods with silk, cotton, or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gather. hem, fell, cord, bratd, bind, and perform every species of sewing, Making a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on both sides of the articles sewed. The Stitch invented by Mr. HOWE, and made on this machine, is the most popular and durable, and all Sewing Machines are sub - jed to the principle invented by hint. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. AGENTS WANTED. THE HOWE MACHINE COMPANY, 699 Broadway, Cor. Fourth-St., New-York February 23, 1367.•6m.] COLUMBIA INSURANCE CO. CA PITA L AND ASSETS, $532,210:49. rpHIS Company continues to insure Build ings, Merchandise, and other property, against loss and damage Ly fire, on the mutual plan, either for a cash premium cr premium note. SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT Whole amount insured, Less ain't expired in 1865, $5,091,559:51 CAPITAL AND INCOME• Amt of premium notes, Jan. 1, 1865, $420,090:66 Less premium notes expired in 1865, 16,073:45 --- 410,0.7:21 Am't of premium notes recd in '65,115,584:13 Balance of premiums, Jan. 1, '65, 3,830:14 Cash receipts / less commissions, in '65, 40,786:89 Chem - Las, CONTRA. Losses and expenses paid in 1865, 37,987:88 Balance capital and assets, January 1, 1866, 532,210:49 $570,198:27 A. S. GREEN, PRESIDENT, GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., geeretarg. MICHAEL S. SHUMAN, Treasurer. DIRECTORS : Samuel Shock, 'William Patton, Robert T. Ryon, John W. Steacy, John Fendrich, . George Young, Jr., H. G. Minch, Nicholas M'Dcluzld, Samuel F. Eoef Lein, Michael S. Shuman, Amos S. Green- S. C. Slaymaker, Edmund Spering. Columbia, March 30, 1866.- ly. Blank Book and Stationery WILLIAM G. PEILRY, 728 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Ras constantly on hand, and Manufactures to, order every variety of BLANK BOOKS, for Bankers, Merchants and Manufacturers. Drafts, Notes, Checks, and Headings of every description, engraved or lithographed.• A very full stock of Stationery wholesale or retail. S. H. Fulton, formerly of Marietta, has charge of one department of the business, and will give personal and special attention to any orders by mail or otherwise. All goods at the most reasonable rates and all Blank work guaranteed of the most superior quality I.HE undersigned takes this means-of in. forming the citizens of the Borough of Marietta and vicinity, that he has consented to-open a Select Sehool,,in the Wickersham Academy building, on the first Monday in April. Terms: Tuition for 16 weeks, MOO. Higher branches, extra, $2:00. For further particulars apply to " I. S. GEIST. .. First National Bank of Marietta. Pa , Feb ruary 25th, 1867. Capital $lOO.OOO. Surplus fund, $30,000. Five and one-half pel cent. Interest'will be paid by this Bank for Depos ita made for one year. AMOS BOWMAN, Cashier. APAIR of good mules, one 4 years old the other d, will work well in single or double harness. The only reason for selling them is that they are tin slow for the btisiness. Inquire of W. W. BULLAR, Maytown Accommodation Line. March 2,-3t. "Er A MEL OF AMERICA., for beagtifying r the complexion, softening the skin, re. moving tan, freckles and pimples. Sale.: at Dr. Limdis' "Golden Mortar." LL kinds of 131anks printed and for sale AA, at THIS OFFICE, W. C. Bryant. J, G. Whittier. Scripture. T. B. Read. I•rs. De H Janvier G. H. Baker. T. B. Read. Mrs. Norton. Scripture. Edgar A. P,3e. $8,304,295:51 :212,336:00 $570,198:37 Select School Interest on Deposits. Mules for Sale PELOU BET ORGANS AND MELODEONS Unanimously awarded the first prize, a Gold Medal, • "AS THE BEST CABINET ORGANS," ! American Institute, New . York, October, ISO. I Being pronounced superior in Quality. Power and Variety of tone, and in number of ' combinations. "As the best instruments of America were there contending, whichever won the bat.le would have nothing left to conquer."—Amer tcan Art Journal, (edited by a well known • musical critic.) They have also taken the first premium wherever exhibited this season. PEDAL ORGANS, one, two and there banks of keys—six sizes—s2.so to $1.500 Without pedals, single and double bank in 1 great variety, $55 to $450. These Organs, 1 with their smooth, pipe-like quality of tone, 1 beautiful solo stops, strength of chorus, un equalled pedals, and general organ -like eftbefs are superior for. Churches, Halls, Parlors and Schools. They are put up in cases of solid Walnut, fancy veneered Walnut ( new and 1 unique styles) and elegant Rosewood, of splendid designs and finish, and of the best workmanship I—it being intended that each instrument shall be a model of its class. All instruments down to a fine octavo portable Melodeon have the beautiful Tremolante stop, without extra charge. I A large assortment constantly on hand at t our General Who'.esale and Retail Warerooms 841 Broadwry. Our I.llusirated Circular and Price, lists. with ournew styles, are now ready. Eend I for a circular. PELOUBET, PELTON & Co., Manufacturers, No. all Broadway, New York city. March 9,-stn. H AINES' BRO'S. PIANOS THE PIANO OF AMERICA These Pianos are universally acknowledzed by competent judges equal to the beet Piano made. For reference they have many thous and city and country residents• including large numbers of the High Schools, Seminaries &c. - These Pianos have not only stood the con tinual use and heavy practice of One Year, but have been used the last Fifteen Years to the utmost satisfaction of those using them. They have taken Premiums and Medals wherever exhibited. Such has been the de• mend for these Pianos, that Messrs. litinEs 'Lao's., have been compelled to enlarge their works to the extent of 24 to 30 pianos a week. Having now one of the most extensive and complete Factories in the United States, Fac tories alone covering over 3.4 of an acre of ground, comprising a frontage of 219 feet on 2nd Avenue. They are undoubtedly the cheapest first class Pianos in market. Fully guaranteed for .5 years: Send for illustrated Circular. HAINES BRO'S., 356, 358, 360, 362, 364, 366, 368, 370, 372, Second Avenue, New York City. March 9,-3m PERUVIAN SYRUP.—A protected solution of the Protoxide of iron, supplies the Blood with its life element, iron, giving strength, vigor and new life to the whole system. If the thousands who are suffering from Dyspepsia, Debility, Female Weaknesses, &c., would but test the virtues of the Peruvian Syrup, the effect would not only astonish themselves but would please all their friends ; for instead of feelingocross, "all gone" and miserable, they would be cheerful, vigorous and active. A DISTINGUISHED JURIST WRITES TO A FRIEND AS FOLLOWS: I have tried the Peruvian Syrup, and the result fully sustains your prediction. It has made a new man of me, infused into my sys tem new vigor and energy ; I am no longer tr,mulous and debilitated, as when you last saw me, but stronger, heartier, and with larg er capacity for labor, mental and physical, than at any time during the last five . years. Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, he-ilthy, and happy men and women; and invalids cannot reasonably hesi tate to give it a Hal. The genuine has " PERUVIAN SYRUP" blown in the glass. A 32 page pamphlet will be sent free. J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, 36 Dey St., N. Y., and by all Druggists. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE. AsiEsaußY, IVIASS., OCT. 13th, 1865. Mr. Grace—Dear Sir :--Ilaving been af flicted grievously for several weeks with a se ve.e abscess upon my -side, I used several remedies for its eradication without receiving any relief, until I applied your salve, which effected a speedy and permanent cure. I therefore feel happy to certify my confidence in its virtues. Yours with respect, JAMES BEEN. I certify to the truthfulness of the above statement. H. S. DEARBORN, M. D. Prepared by SETH W. FO ,'LE & SON, 18 Tremont St., Boston, and for ,sale by 'Drug gists generally. BEAUTY! _ Auburn, Golden, Flaxen, and Silken Curls, PRODUCED by the use of Prof. De Breaux , Friser Le Cheveux. One application war ranted to curl the most straight and stubborn hair of either sex into wavy ringlets, or heavy massive curls. Has been used by the fashion ables of Paris and London with the most gra tifying results. Does no injury to the hair. Price by mail, sealed and postpaid, $l. De . scriptive circulars mailed free. Address BER GER, SHuTTs st Co., Chemists, No. 285 Riv er St., Troy, N. Y., Sole agents for the Unit ed States. EXCELSIOR ! eipsteliaYs fair gxtertirmto. )1 For Removing Superfluous Hair. To the ladies especially this invilutt.l. - - - pilatory recommends itself as being an almost indispensable article to female beauty, is eas ily applied, does not burn or injure the skin, but acts directly on the roots. It is warrant ed to remove superfluous hair from low fore heads, or from any part of the body, complete ly, totally and radically extirpating the same, leaving the akin soft, smooth and natural. This is the only article used by the French, and is the only real effectual depilatory in ex istence. Price 75' dents per package, sent post-paid, to any address, on receipt of an or der, by BERGER, SRUTTS & Co., " • Chemists, 285 River St., Troy, N. Y. W HISKERS AND MOUSTACHES! FORCED to grow upon the smoothest face in from three to five weeks by using Dr. Sev igne's Restaurateur Capillaire, the most won derful discnvery in modern science, acting upon the beard and hair in an almost miracu lous manner. It has.been used' by the elite of Paris and London With the most flattering suc cess. Names of all purchasers will be regist ered, and if entire satisfaction is not given in every instance, the money will be cheerfully refunded. Price by mail, sealed and postpaid, $l. Descriptive_ circulars and testimonials • mailed free. Address BERGER, SHIJ TTS Co,, Chemists, No. 285 River Street, Troy, N. Y. Sole agents for the United States. COAL HODS, Coal Selves, Coal Shovels P' kers, Stove Grates, Cylinders and Li nings of different kinds, kept on band at . JOHN SPANGLE,R2B. HAIR ROLLS, the latest fashion—call at Mrs. ROTH'S Variety Store and a them—all the rage now, in the cities. TO B PRINTING - of every alieriptign ex eeuted with neatness and dieplithh at the 0 'Lee of The Mariettian. AcLIAGE. LOT OF BII.NF WINDOW SHADES at remarkably low pipett— e OV. Sear SYAWar.$ll. REMINGTONS' A LIBERAL. DISCOUNT TO DEALERS 200,000 fuilisilea fig, S.GobetplOrtf. Army Revolver, 44-100 inch Calibre, Navy Revolver, 36-100 " " Belt Revolver, Navy-size Calibre, Police Revolver, 1) fl 30 New Pocket Revolver, 51-100 in. Calibre, Pocket Revolver, [Rider's patent] 31-l a oo in. (Clibre. Repeating Pistol, [Elliot patent] No. 22 and 32 Cartridge, [ridge, Vest Pocket Pistol, No. 22,30,32 and 41 Cart- Gun Cane, No. 22 and 32 Cartridge, Breech Loading Rifle, (Beak's) No. 32 and 38 Cartridge, Revolving Rifle, 36 and 41-100 inch Calibre E. Iik;MINGTON 4r SONS, liew-Yoax. ——o— PRINCIPAL AGENTS. Moore & Nichols, New-York, Win. Read & Son, Boston, Jos. C. Grubb & Co., Philadelphia, Poultney & Trimble, Baltimore, Henry Folsom & Co., New Orleans, Johnson, Spencer, & Co., Chicago, L. M. Rumsey•& Co., St. Louis, Albert E. Crane, San Francisco March 2, 1867. 30-6 m. VE have just replenishedmur Stock w ith the latest choice desigas of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, purchased at greatly reduced prices, and which we are selling at prices gratifying to purchasers. We have full lines of the best makes of Black and Colored Wool Delaines, Superior Black and Fancy Silks, Itich sty Silk Warp Poplins, Various g'ffsdes black and colored Alpacas, French, Scotch aid American Ginghams, 10000 yards Fanoy and Mourning Prints, Childress, Misses arid Ladies Balmorals, "Swisses, Cambrics and Jaconetts, Cambric and Swiss edging and Inartings, Bleact and unbleached muslins of all grades, Cassimeres and Cloths for Spring wear, Jeans, Cottonades and Denims, Plain and Fancy plaid Wool Shirtings. BARGAINS For New Housekeepers. Ticking in all widths, very cheap, Furniture Check, in great variety, Linen and colored Cotton Osnaburgs. Linen and Cotton, White and unbleached Sheeting, Towels and Toweling, plain and figured, Cotton and Woolen, Blight colored Cov erlets, French and American Counterpanes, 100 pair white and colored Blankets, Ingrain, Venetian, Stair and Rag Carpets, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, all widths, Transparent Oil cloth and Holland blinds, Rosewood, Mahogany, and Walnut frame Looking Glasses, Wool, Linen and Cotton carpet Chain, Superior steamed live picked Feathers. QUEENSWARE. 46, 67 and 110 ps Setts Iron Stone Ware, Granite and Iron stone Chamber setts, Fine and Common Glass ware of all kinds, Common Queensware in variety. GROCERIES. Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Dried Fruit, Salt, Fish, Spices, etc., etc. nr- An early call is solicited. SPANGLER & RICH. AFFLICTED ! !---Suffer no More.! When by the use of Dr. Joinville's Elixir, you can be cured permanently and at a trifling cost. The astonishing success which has attended this invaluable medicine for physical and ner vous weaknesses, general debility and prostra tion; loss of muscular energy. Impotency, or any of the consequences of youthful indiscre tion, renders it the most valuable preparation ever discovered. It will remove all nervous affections, de pression, excitement, incapacity to study or business, loss of memory, confusion, thoughts of self-destruction, fears of insanity, &c. It will restore the appetite, renew the health of those who have destoyed it by sensual excess or evil practices. Young men, be humbugged no more by "Quack Doctors," ant ignorant practitioners, but send without delay for the Elixir, and be at once restored to health and happiness. A perfect cure is guaranteed in even instance Price, $l, or four bottles to one address, $3. One bottle is sufficient to effect a cure in all ordinary cases. Also, Dr. Joinville's Specific Pills, for the . speedy and permanent core of Gonorrhea, Gleet, Urethral discharges, Gravel, Stricture, I 1 and all affections of the Kidneyi and Bladder. ' Cures effected in from one to five days. They are prepared from vegetable extracts that are harmless on the system, and never nauseate the stomach or impregnate the breath. No change of diet is necessary while using them. I nor does their action in any manner interfere with business pursuits. Price, $1 per box. Either of the above-mentioned articles will be sent to any address, closely sealed, and post-paid, by mail or express, on receipt of price. Address all orders to BERGER, SHUTTS & Co., Chemists. No. 285 River Street, Troy, N. Y. Throw away your false frizzes, your switch es, your wig— Destructive of comfort, and not worth a fig; Come aged, come youthful, come ugly and fair, And rejoice in your own luxuriant hair. -- - --- ZIP A. BATOR CA PILL - For restoring hair upon bald heads (from whatever cause it may have fallen out ) and forcing a growth of hair upon the face, it has i no equal. It will force the beard to grow upon the smoothest face in from five to eight weeks, or hair upon bald heads in from two to three months. A few ignorant practitioners i have asserted that there is nothing . that will I force or hasten the growth of the hair or beard. 1 Their assertions are false, as thousands of 'iv ' ing witnesses (from there own experience) can bear witness. But many will say, how I ' are we to t'istinguish the genuine from the spurious 1 It certainly is difficult as nine tenths of the different Preparations advertised 1 for the hair and beard are entirely worthless, and you may have already thrown away large amounts in their purchase. To such we would say, try the Reparator Capili ; it will 1 cost 'you nothing unless it fully comes up to I our representations. If your druggist does not I keep it, send us one dollar and we will for ; ward it, postpaid, together with a receipt for the money, which will be returned you on ap- Vacation, providing entire satisfaction is rof given. Address, W. L„CLARIC ac CO., Chemists, No 3 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, N. Y. H B . 1 TROUT, ht. D., EXCELSIOR ! I Offers his professional services to the citizens of Marietta and vicinity. -OrrrcE:—ln the Rooms formerly occupied by Dr. F. Hinkle, Market-st., Marietta. Surgeon Dentist, MARKET STREET, ADJOIRING Spangler & Bieh's Store, second floor, pIAHNES.T-OCK'S Nonpareil themielki Writing Fluid now ready and for sale JOHN SPANGLER, gIL4.. Important NM'S ! Ealy Spiag Styles. REPARATOR OAPILI - VCTorra.ll, l AEI" 'i'- TA, PA.