BY FREVI.'.Ii::..I3.4nR, r_ERJrs The iliariettian is published weekly, a t $1 : !O a-year, payable in advance. office in "Lindsay's Building," near the p o st office corner, Marietta, Lan caster county, Pa. Advertisements will be inserted at the baoleing rates : One square, ten lines l es s, 75 cents for the first insertion, or tA: PP times for $.1:50. Profession al or Business Cards, of six lines or less, .$5 a -y e ar. Notices in the reading col vans, ten cents a-line ; general adter- Ovules seven cents a-line for the first Oeition, and for every additional in scrt:on, four cants. A liberal deduc tion made to yearly advertisers: Having put up a new Jobber press Or d added a large addition of job . type, Ms, border, etc., will enable. the estab, lislunen' to execute every descriptiOniof blitz and Fancy Printing, from `t - he ! oiliest card to the largest poilet, at shat notice and reasonable rates. BRIFFON & MUSSER'S a MU' HOG STORE, Narket Street, Marietta; Pa. lismos & Mrsima, successors to lik• F. Pi;:idc, will continue the h6iness at the , old eiA, where they are daily receiving additions tu ;heir stock, which are received from the tat reliable importers and manufacturers. 114 , vould respectfully ask a liberal glare of leldic patronage. They are now prepared to supply the de mudi of the public with everythingln their inc of trade. Their stock of • DitUGS AND MEDICINES U /*SW AND YORE, HAVING JUST ARRIVED. ?to Vines ana Kt4llol's FON AJEDICINAL USES ONLY, L THE POPULAR PATENT. MEDICINES. Staffs of all kinds, Fancy and Toilet Ar ;Wes al every kind, Alcoholic and Fluid' Es.tracts, Alealuiii and ftesinuids, all tiie best Trusses, Abdominal Sup= rtesa,tilinulder traces, Breast rumps, Nipple Sella and ;shields, Nursing Bottles, A large rupply of lAT, 101 R, TOOTH, NAIL AND CLOTHES BRUSHES. routh Pow& r and Pastes, Oils, Perfumery, scope, Cwram, Hair Dyes, Invigorators, &c.; I morn, Shades,,Chinineys, Wick, &c, Irpirlans supplied at reasonable rates. !ird:zints and Ptescriptions carefully and ae rs.swiy compounded all hours of the day and Ngt.t. oy Charles H. Britton, Pharmaceutist, 1+1.3 will ray especial attention to this blanch rI the business. Having had over ten years rac col Experience id the drug business ena ll'rn to guarantee entire satisfaction to all mhy patronize the nevv . firm. UAGSON'S Compound Syrup of Tar, on hod and fur dMe. A ;arge supply of School Books, Stationary, &c.. always, on hand. SUNDAW HOURS: . oil (Yitsbar ). Judges, IX -13.: Should I leave my wine ( Tirosh) and go to 13 - e promoted over other trees," &c. It is plainly to be seen then that the term wine which has been thus rendered from Tirosh mean' thtfruit of the vine .and not-.a liquid, as seine would suppose. In our next we shall look at the ether _ AND UNDERTAKieII, MARIETTA, PA I two terms. I. S. G. Frain 8 to 10, o. m.,-12 to 2, awl 6to 6 p. m o.arles H. Britton.. 4. 411uszer 4atis Us, Octabor 20, 1866. 11-tf JACOB LI)MART, JR. CABINET :VIAKEA mom, WOULD moat respectfully take this meth od of informing the citizens of Marietta kal the public in general, that, having laid in i lot of seasoned Lubber, is now prepared to toitofacture all kinds of CABINET FURNITURE, every style and variety, at short notice He has on hand lot of Furniture of his own iunufactuie, Nubian for fine ,finish and good iuon,:naniihip, will rival any City make. 113 - Especial attention paulto repairing. lie Is also now prepared to attend, in all its hushes, the UNDERTA.KiNG buainess, be ing supplied with an excellent Ilene, large and Brno,' 1 Bier'', Cooling Fos, &c. L!fr COFFINS finished in any style—plain or costly. Wire Itonm and Manufactory, near. Mr. new building, ,near the , tUpper-Sta- Hl," m ar i e t la , P a . , [Oct. 22,.. IL L. 6. E. J. ZAHATI; eweler's ! • Corner o f N ov a Queen-St.. \Vi-: and Centre Square; Lancaster, Pa. are prepared tp sell Arneilean 'and „„ &vibe Watches at the lowest . cash_rates! " buY directly from the.importers and.lvlan !ifteturers, and can, and do sell Witebesas 3 ° l / as they can be bought in- Plitladilphis.or ,„ n iAr•Yoric. •"••• ' ii fine stock- of :Jocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Surer and Silver-plated yra/e ,- P 91 ./a tantl Y on land. Every article fairly represented. dls. J. 2' ARAM Corner North Queen ,Street and CentroAnsgre LANCASI'ER, First National Bank of. Manetta. THIS BANKING ASSKIATION HATING COMILIET.ED„/TS CIDPAMPiAIf4A 1 ilium proposed to transact all ,Itie4a of, BANKING BUSINESS. Wednesday, Board of Directors at t weekly, OD wednesday. for discount and other: business Qr auk Nowt FIOM 9A.AI to 3 P.M. J Oil N H CLUNG VII, - PIIEBIDENT. AMOS BOWMAN, Cashier. DR. J.Z. HOFF.Eat, DENTIST, OF BALTIMORE COLLEGE lila lib op DietiTiaL LATE OF HARRIS)3pW}. OFFICF.:—Front street, next door to It Williams' Drug Store, between Locust thd Walnut streets. Columbia. 1 - I:tia.3Kle;" Physician and Surgeon. iiAV IN G removed to ColnmbiseT9etir brace this opportunity - of Inlorplug /1 1 "Haar patients and tamilies in Blikrie,u4 . li tinitY, that he Can still be conitilted daily labia °Mee in Marietta, betraontbajiol4l ° laud 3 o'clock, .1 0 .. M. Marietta, February 9, 4 67 .4. I YON'S PericiaiianNip male Pills. TAe Lau% ./tßulso EMS 'There are three , Elebrew words which are rendered into the English term Mine, they are Tirosh, Yain and Shockar. Our object in this article is to show that the term, Tirosh, rendered .wine, does not mean a liquid but the fruit of the vine. The term occurs, according to Rev. Wm. Ritchie, thirty-eight times in the Scriptures, and is invariably spoken of as a blessing, not a syllable is uttered against its use, iu the whole Book of God, and who does not know that the fruit of the vine is a blessing? and if Tirostils the fruit of the vine it must be a solid and, not a liquid. Ist. The Phrase, " corn and wine and oil " occurs in Scriptures quite frequently, the He brPw term for corn is Dagan, and com ,prehends a large variety of the produce of the tield, such as wheat, rye, barley, 'l). , ans,•cucumbers, 'ie., nil of which" are solids. Yitshar, the Hebrew term rendered "oil," signifies orchard finite, eornpre hen,ding figs, olives, pomegranates, &c., all of, these .are solids. May we then not also infer that Tirosh rendered wine is the name of solids? Particular ly when we find it associated with Du gan thirty times, and with Yitshar twen ty-one times, while it occurs only six times inconnected with either of these terms. Itameins to us almost impossi ble to account for this almost uniform association of Tirosh with each of the other terms, unless, upon the supposi tion that it agrees in character with .them and hence denotes's solid. But besides this we never find the term associated with objects or acts, which would indicate it to be a liquid, it never is spoken of in connection with bottles, or cops, •or pots. It, is never spoken of as poured out or used as a fluid. We might refer to numerous passages to indicate this, but we shall not have the space to do so. We shall refer yon to but a few, and would ad . vise all to secure Ray. Wm. Ritohies' valuable hook on "Scriptural tAstimou," from which we have gathered these fucte. Ist- in Dent, XL-14, it is spoken of as gathered "Thou shalt gather in thy corn ( Dugan'), thy wine ( Tirosh). arid thy A. FEW WORDS ON SQUEEZING.— WhiI e we are growing very sensible indeed in the matter of dress, as far as boots, Bal moral skirts, warm stockings and high necks, we are degenerating in some oth er matters quite as important. The ,corset is now a necessary part of a wom an's wardrobe ; also 1 %hen a woman does begin to wear corsets, she will wear them to small, and will tug at the laces until her breath becomes short, and she feels it necessary to refrain from anything like a comfortable meal. We say nothing against a well-shaped corset worn loose, but there lies the difficulty.—A loose corset injures the appearance of the figure, instead of im proving it, and people wear corsets that they may have small waists. All we can say is:don't squeeze, whatever you do ; you may .have small waists, but you are exposing yourself to a dozen misfortunes which are as bad as a large waist. First you'l surely have dyspepsia, and grow yellow end cross and unhappy ; secondly, your bands will grow red ; thirdly, your nose ; fourthly, you will be unable to walk a mile at once ; fifthly dinner will be. a misery ; sixthly, your shoulder blades will increase in size and altitude; seventhly, your eyes wilLgrow . -weak; sightly, you will break down at thirty or there-about, and be a sickly old woman from that time forth. If these-truths do not frighten women from tight corsets, perhaps the information that gentlemen generally do not admire what dress-ma kers call-a "pretty figure" . as mach est a natural one, may have some influence. . An enterprising` keeper of a con- factjapary, in Waterbury,. coon., has taught a parrot , to say "pretty creature" to each person . that enters the store. The result is that the store is crowded • all day. Or.." Will you have some catsup ?" Asked a gentleman of Aunt Priscilla at a dinnir table. ."Dear irte, no r she re flied -with a shudder; I'm fond of caw iwtheit places, but I should as soon thjpk of,,em,dog ; soup t" The gentlemen dill ao► Jule bor. (111 1 tft , . • - cx .) . •., , e ••• 4I LIMS _.• The Seriptgre. Term Wine: Art ainbtpukut Velinsglhania Purim'. lox t o Nome rtie. MARIETTA, PA., SATURDAY, MARCH. 16, 1867. Stewart and Astor. A. T. Stewart is not. what 18 .called a liberal man. - ' He seldotn: looks at a sub •cription paper. He has little sympathy with vagrancy. Men and women who seek his , presence seldom gain much by an interview, if money is the object. In deed it is very difficult to gain access to him in any way. He is intensely devo ted to bus ness, and works more hours, probably, than any merchant in New- York. lie controls his own affairs with despotic sway. His partners have no enontrol over the business, but are in tereeted merely is the profits. He buys and sells as he pleases, without cousult fug any one. In his down town 'store he has a small office where he spends his time from early business hours till dark. No man goes up stairs without running a gauntlet. A gentleman meets all comers at the lower door with "What is your business, sir ?" "I want to see Mr. Stewart." 1. 1 must know your business or you evanot see him." "My business is private—l want to see Mr. Stewart personally." Stewart has no private business, sir. Unless you tell me what you want , Mr. Stewart will not see , you.' If the response is satisfactory he is allowed to go upstairs. Here he is met by another gentleman, and pot through another rigid examina tion. The usher disappears behind a glass partition. Soon Mr. Stewart will be seen peering at the. visitor. If he likes his.looks he admits him ; if not be sends him away. No man who has run the ordeal once will do it a second time without a cause. But, on great occas ions, the donations of Mr. Stewart aro princely. He proposes now to devote millions to build houses for the poor. If the city refuges to give the site, he will still carry out his clap. Ualik* Mr. Stewart, William B. As tor is always accessible. His rooms are on Prince street, a door or two from Broadway. They are the same that were occupied by his father. He has e: fi out and a back office where the business of his great estate is carried on. The door is wide open between the two offices. A person asking for Mr. Astor, is directed to the rear room at once. At a common desk, crowded with papers!, site a Ger man-looking man, about seventy, heavi ly moulded, tall and stout. His eyes which are small with an expression bor baring on stupidity, are fastened on the visitor, and Mr. Astor awaits his utter ances. He wastes no words. His ans wers are yes, or no, with an air that ad mits of no debate. All the day long, from ten to five, Mr. Astor sits in 'his office and sees all comers. He is man ter of his business. Lie knows the rent of every house, the duration of every lease, the times and terms of payment, with every foot of land. At five o'clock be rises, with a slow and sluggish gait turns into Broadway, and walks to La fayette place, where he resides, for din ner. He has two sons, John Jacob, and William B. Jr. These young min are in business with, their father. No bank_ era in New-York attend more closely to their calling. They walk down Broad. way in the morning and up at night with the great throng of business men, as if they, in common with so many others had a fortune to make. Much of the tact and shrewdness of their grandfather attaches to them. They cross the old proverb that wealth does not descend to the third generation. *Besides what they have inherited, they have made a fortune of their own, and should their father die to-morrow, they hafe :the hides try, end. adaptedness to business - to maintain the honor of the name and car ry on the estate in their father's style. They are modest, retiring, and without iffectation. John Jacob is tall, large, heavily built, with sandy hair and coin plexiob,' resembling his father. lie went to the field 1861;:and' diAk.good servize for . the national cause. William B. jr„ is tall and : slim, with black hair. of a genteel build, and is said td resem ble his mother. , _ Five chickens were recently found rooStiblui)on the iron connecting the brakee,Of n railway car, in which po sitiOn -they had ridden from Louieville to Nashvklle. They could not have done that on the Camden, and 'Amboy road If they had the conductor would have been discharged for leaving them ride • free. fir A contemporayyfinads an. Article on '!Lilting hoops' bt onlikng Ditc!o; sures!' 11e ;; trobAbjy meant ''Stocking Disclosures!' erhij k ,orithmeticiartaayr &girl _ti lt a gam "haaaba eigt,f4plan • ToHaire on Marriage. Vohive said, "'1 be more married men Yon'have, 'the fewer crimes there! will be. Marriages render a man more' virtuous and more wise. A man un married is but half able to make things right"; and it . cannot be expected that in this imperfect state he can keep the straight path of rectitude any more than a boat with one oar, or a bird with one wing, can keep a ,straight course. In nine cases out of ten where married men become drtinkards, or where they com mit crimes against the peace of the community, the foundation of these acts was laid while in the single state, or where the wife is, as is sometimes the case, an unsuitable match. Marriaze changes the current of a - rnan's feelings and gives him a centre for his thoughts, his affections and his acts. Here is a home for the entire man, and the inter est of his better half keeps hini from erratic courses, and from falling into thousand temtations to which he would otherwise be exposed. Therefdre the friend ,to marriage is the friend o—f-socie ty and' of his country." SELECTIONS POP. A NEWSPAPER.—An ex change says : "Most people think that the selection of matter for a newspaper is the easiest part of the business. - How greatan error. To look over fifty ex change papers, from, which to select enough for one, is no easy task, especial ly when it is not what shall be selected. Every subscriber takes the paper for his benefit; and if there is nothing in it that suits him,. it must be stopped—it is good for ,nothing. Just as many subscribers as-an editor may have, so, many tastes he has to, consult. One wants anecdotes, fun and frolic, and the next one wonders why a man of good sense will put such staff in his newspaper. Next comes something argumentative, and"the editor is a dull fool. Something spicy comes out, and he is'a blackguard. And so between them all, you see, the poor fel low gets rbughly handled, They do not think that what does not please them pleases the next man ;=but they insist that if the paper does not please theM it is worth nothine." •' TUE I)UTCII.IIAN'S PA REN PAL DISCP . PLINII-H ere is a story with a very per sonal application.: "Shoo, mine Shot)," said a worthy German father to his' heir of- -ten years whom he had overhear using profane lan guage, "Shan, mine Short ! come here, -an' Drill tell you von little stories. Now mine:Shon, shall it pe a drue story, or a made pelieve ?' , "0, a-tree.story,of course," answered John. !Terry veil, den. .Dare vas -.vonce. a. gout nice old shentleman, (Shoost like I) andtr he had von little poy (shoost like. you). Andt von day he hearn him shweariug like a young villin, and he vas. So he vent to der winkle (corner,) andt took out a cow hide, "(shoost 'as I am doing now), and hdtc;iik der dirty little plackguard by de collar, (shoost die vay yOu site); and vallaped him (shoost so). And den, mine dear Shon, he- pull his ears (dis vay) and' smack his face, (dat vay), and tell him to go mitont his sapper, shoost as you rill do dis efening." ALWAYS SPEAK THE TKUTEI.-"AS I - - grow older," • says a distinguished preach- - er, "I do not recede from a sense of the need of theology, but I intensify in my conception of the need of , the simple virtues as they are called, and of no more than that of truth, not ciply io the inward parts, tint, ontwardly iu the work. The habit of yes. yea, and nay, nay, is but very poorlylon:tied in thiacountry. All throughout the national character, the habit of pot waiting to think before using words, the habit of saying one thing and meaning another, the habit of equivocation, of half.speaking, of sup pressions, is fearfully, preyalent. Aod I hold that among the things that should „occupy the attention of Sabbath-schools ankemmon schools and pulpits is the tostftrination Of this people in the ne ceirjity simplicity and "beauty o wogking „truth .• our When a woman won't ? she won't. Yon can't farce them to do anything. Indeed, the most of them are very much like the old man's yyofe.,. who he said, was a woman of en flinch coutrabrinc- Con that, whit) she took if compinion of her own, , there was no such thing as consegitentinning' her." • ' A lady you r shows great, - anxiety; on the subjeOt of the deli cacy of year health and the badness of the weather, you be sure be ;is : 4 . .4 0 -_,?Tik li kt i re: ~4~ dodo raj ,ffialui Tanis yoitmith I ,`.O, TF6rWiVe,SO Little wives, if ever a half-suppressed! I sigh finds place with , you, or a half un t li ovine word'eadipeayon to the husband whom, you love, let your heart go butt to some tender word in those first love days; remember how you loved him then, how tenderly he woad ,you, how timidly you responded, and, an feel you,have not grown unworthy irust him for the same good love now. And if you do feel that you have become less loveable and attractive than you then were, turn--by all that you love on earths or hope for in heaven—turn bat and be the pattern of loveliness that won him be the "dear one" your attractions made you then. Be the gentle, loving, win, niog maiden still ; and doubt not the lover you admired will live forever in your husbanii. Nestle by his side, cling to his love, and let his confidence in you never fail ; and my word for it, the hus, band will be dearer than the lover never was. Above all things do . not forget the love he , gave Jou first.. Dp not seek to "ernanciplite" yourself; do not strive to unsex yourself _and become a Lupv Stone or a Rev. Miss Brown ; but love' the higher honor Ordained by our Sav iour of old-that of a loving :wife. A happy wife, a blessed mother, can 'have no higher station—needs uo greater bon- WEAR A Saima.—Which will you do, smile and make others happy, or be Crab bed and make everybody around 7ou miserable ? Yon can live among flow ers and singing ,birds, or in the mire surrounded by fog and frogs., The Amount of happiness which you can produce is incalculable if you will show a smiling fri"ce, a kind heart and speak pleasant words. On the other hand, by sour looks, cross words, and a fretful dis position, you can make hundreds unhap py beyonclendurance. Which will you do ? Wear a pleasant countenance, let joy beam in your eye and love glow . .on your forehead. There is no, joy el? great as that which springs from a kind actor or a, pleasant deed,, and you may feel it at night when you rest, and in the morn ing when you rise, and through the day when about your daily business. 1.0 PArdon's Digest , of the Laws of Pennsylvania, a vagrant is defined as a " person going from door to door, or placing themselves in streets, highways or other roads, to 'beg or gather alms, and all , other persona wandering about or begging." Section 2d of the. vagrant law declares that" It shall and May be lawful for any justice of the peace of the: county where such idle and disorderly persons shall be found, to commit such offenders (being thereof legallY convict ed before him, on his own View, or by the confession of such offenders; or-by the oath,or affirmation, of one or r more creditable witness or, witnesses) to the workhouse of said county, if such there be, otherwise-to-the common jail of the county, there to be kept at hard labor. - by the 'keeper of such work-house or-jail' for any time not exceeding one month." The 3d section makes it the duty olthe constables to carry oat , the provisions of the act. The , 14,w is plain and < clear, and if it is properly enforced the vagrant nuisance would soon be abated. or A little girl of three years, , who • had disobeyed her parents, was ordered to go and sit on the cellar stairs for punishment. The little thing obeyed, and after she had been seated there for some time, her father opened the door and as i kedther , if , she was:not ashamed ? The little girl replied,„"Yes;" < "What are you ashamed of ?" asked her father. She ropkied, "I am ashamed of my pa." The kind-hearted father appreciated the answer, and released her frOmter impris . onment. sr President Finney, of Oberlintlate ly prayed for the President: "Oh Lord ; f then cans ma nage him,.Withent 'Crush ing him, spare him, otherwi l Se'drOili• This reMinds the kochester Union of a preacher who - prayed for on unjust neigh bor : "Oh Lott take John 'Smith by the Ellar.k. pride, breeches, and shake him ov er hell ; ,bat, don't Arep r A WISE Excuse.—On one occasion, at a dinner at the Bishop of Chester'e, Hannah Moore urged.'Dr. ...II:Meson: to take a little wine. He.replied.:.."lcan't drink :a little, and thereforej never touch it. Abstinence is as easy to me.,as tem perance it:s:lo'4 be Mg nit." Merry,have the came infirmity, but are destitute of 01, same 90,9yage, and P4:e.r4o•Ff 4 9 1 14 N ineoi. • Or Ia ii-not atraw-that all our black.' - dratthEr are arisial4iliiiiioir-ildrtiitrik." VOL. 32. takesnine tailors f .to.make a man,' but one is e t nough to ruin him. Ladies,should make good traders. They.raraly : get •shaved. _ If '"Union is strength;" what is a lit" tle whisky and plenty of water. `Never confide in a young man ; new Foils leak. Never tell your secret to the aged ; old doors seldom shut closely. Why is a mad bull an animal of coo vivial di sposition? Because he offers every one he meets a qorn." Other goods may have declined, but the rise in'hoop "skirts on the streets is at times quite startling. It is no breach of etiquette for a lady to decline a gentlemen's proffered hand if she is liable to soil her glove. Why, is an unsuccessful oil-borer like an Eldvertised wife ? Because he left his bed and bored for parte unknown. It is said some mothers have grown so affectionate that they give their chil dren chloroform _previous to whipping them. Why did "the monks of old" laugh so much:? Because the convents were al• ways full of sells. A coffin-maker having apartments to let, posted his bill, announcing the same, upon a coffin : "Lodgings for single gen tlemen." A Bankrupt friend of ours the other day. was condoled for his embnrassmebt. 'Oh, I am not embarrassed at all, it's my creditors that are embarrassed." Some on a kick—Samho's patriarchal Turkey. After his wife had "biled him three hours, he gib a crow and kicked six: pounds o' taters out ob de pot." An exchange says that it is just as sen sible 6- move to undertake to get mar ried without courting, as to attempt to Succeed in business without advertising. After the clergyman had united a hap py pair not long ago, an awful Silgtice enaued, which was broken by an import . antyouth exclaiming "Don't be so un speakable happy." ''o, dear, Mr. Tracy ; you jest when yoia say my baby is the handsomest one -you ever saw ; you must be soft-soaping it., "Well, madam. I thought it needed soap of some kind." "I am afraid, dear wife, that while I am gone absence will conquer love." "Oh, never fear my dear husband; the longer you stay away the better I shull like you." Marriage resembles a pair of shears, says Sydney Smith, so joined that they minuet he_sepapitpd, often moving in opposite directions, yet always punishing any : one.who eomes between them. • "Johnny," said a doating mother to her somewhat insatiable boy, "can you eat that plum pudding with impunity 7" "I don't know, ma," quoth the young hopeful,."but guessi can with a spoon." "Do you know Mr. Brown 7" "Yes, my dear." "Is tie not a very deserving man?" "YAP, he - deserves a flogging, and'if he ever gallants you home again, will give it to him." Exit wife in a fright. . . /A druggist sent his Irish porter into &darkened cellar; soon after, bearing a noise, he went to the opening and called out : Patrick, keep your eyes shinned I' "Och I niver mind an eye," roared Pat, "but it's my, nose, that's skint entirely." schoolmasimin a Western village where the custom of "boarding round" prevaig recently received notice from I a Dutch matron that she "would eat him, but couldn't sleep him" Be will dosibt less be careful not to venture within her reach. .1 "My son," said Spriest; senior to SpriAlee junior, thinking to enlighten the boy on the propagation of the hen . species,- " do- you know that chickens `come out of eggs ? "Do they ?" said Sprigles junior, lick 'log" his plate. "I thought eggs came ont of chichens." PED . Vl7 el , sir, what does spell ?" Iloy 77 "Don't know." Pedagogue—" What have you got on your head '?" Boy—"I guess it's a skeeter bite—it Itches likn thunder." Robert. C. Sands sued for damages in a case of breach of promise of marri age. He was offered two hundred pounds to heal his broken heart "Two hundred 1 .7 he exclaimed ; "two hundred for ruined. hopes, a blasted life I two 'hundred tic) hundred for ruined hopes .a 'blasted fife 1 Two hundred for all Aim? Itite-zineverl Malta. it thretiboo - &tat anttlta a a:twat:F." II