J GURNEY & SON, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS, 6 No. 707 Broadway, New-York. In addition to our Photographic Art Gallery, Established in 1890, We have, for the last five years, had advanta ges superior to any other establishment in obtaining sittings from life, of all the prominent celebrities of the day in Card Portraits and are now publishing a cata logue of over 2,500 SUBJECTS, also, a large list of copies of Works of Art and ENGRAVINGS. Such as the Right Rev. Bishops of the Episco pal Church ; the Catholic Clergy, and the Clergy of all denominations ; all prom inent officers of the Army & Navy; Actors and Actresses ; Foreign celebsities ; copies of .Stat nary, mare and female. 3Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp. An order for one dozen of Pictures f, om our Catalogue, will be filled at $1:80, and sent by mail FREE. Single Pictures, 25 cents each; Copies of Engravings 15 cents each. N. B. We also desire to call attention to the advantage we have for re-producing, or copying old Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, Card Pictures, &c., of deceased relatives and friends, enlarging them to any size and finish ing in Oil, Water Colors or India Ink, with The aid of Ten Talented Artists. _ Parties desiring copies should, therefore, cor respoud with us direct. SEND FOR A CATALOGUE. The trade supplied at a liberal discount. Gallery open for free Inspection. Strangers visiting the city, will find our galle ry one of the most agreeable places in the city, wherein to while away an hour. Oct, 20.-6m.] '707 Broadway, N. Y, A DJOURNED COURTS It is ordered by the Court of Lancaster Co., that Adjourned Courts for 1867 for the trial and decision of cases in the Common Pleas, Orphans' Court, and Quarter Sessions, are to be held as follows: FOR ARGUMENTS One week, commencing Monday, March 18th. CI CC ". June 17th. " Sept. 16th. " Decem. 16. To continue one week from the said days re spectively, ana as much longer as the business may require. AU the cases on the list for argument in the Orphans' Court shall be taken up on the first days of said terms, and be pro ceded with until disposed of, unless continued by consent or cause shown. • CM:II3 The cases on the argument list in the Quar ter Sessions shall be taken up on Wednesday of said term if not prevented by the Orphans ' Court, and if so, the cases in the Quarter Ses sions will be commenced on the termination of the Orphans' Court business. The argument of the cases of the Common Pleas to be commenced on Thursday of the week, if not prevented by the Orphans' Cour or Quarter Sessions cases, in that case, the ar gument list of said court is to be taken up a the termination of the cases in the other courts, and proceeded' in until disposed of, unless con tinued by consent or cause shown. ADJOURNED JURY TRIALS. It is ordered by the Court that adjourned courts for Jury trials in 'the Common Pleas, will be held as follows One week, commencing on the first Monday in February, 4th. One week, commencing on the 3d Monday in February, 18th, On e.week, comniencing on the 4th Monday in February, , 25th, One week, commencing on the 4th Monday in May, 27th. One week, commencing on theist Monday in June, 3rd. One week, commencing on the Ist Monday in September, 2d. One week, commencing on the 3d- Monday in October, 14th. One week, , lommencing on the 4th Monday in October, 2lst. One week, commencing on the Ist Monday in December, 2d. And such other periods as may be appoint ed at the aforesaid courts, or at regular terms. Attest, W. L. BEAR, Prothonotary, JOHN BELL, Merchant Tailor, Cor. of Market-at., and Elbow Lane, Marietta GRATEFUL for peat 'favors I would retux r amy thanks to my numerous friends and pa trons and inform them that I still continue the old business at the old stand, where I will be pleased to see them at all times, and having a ull and splendid assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES ¢ VESTIVGS, which will be made up to order at the shorr notice by the.best of workmen, and on reason ble terms, I would be pleased, therefore, to wa upon my old customers,and all who see prope 0 patronize me hereafter. r 0et.29-,56. THE GERMANTOWN TELEGRAPH. A FAMILY and an AGRICULTURAL /1 . journal of the lligest and handsomest -- 7 description, , 'devoted to Choice literature, including Poetry, Novei ettes, Tales, and moral and entertaining read ing generally. In the Literary Department we shall present the choicest varieties within the reach of our extended means. The Nov elettes, Tales, Poetry, &e., shall be supplied from the best and highest sources, and he equal to anything to be found in any journal or ma gazine. _ Agriculture and Horticulture, embracing Farming, Gardening, Fruit-raising, &c.—Our labors In this department for over thirty years have met the cordial approbation of the public. Our purpose has been to furnish useful and reliable information upon these very, important branches of industry, and to protect them as far as within our power against the false doc trines and selfish purposes of the many em pires and sensation adventurers by which the Farmer is incessantly assailed. This portion of the Germantown Telegraph is alone worth the whole price of subscription. News Department.—The same industry, care, and discrimination, in gathering and.pre paring the stirring events of the day, expressly for this paper, which hitherto had been one of its marked features and given so universal Sat isfaction, will be continued with redoubled efforts to meet the increasing demapds of the public. TERIIB.—Two dolls*, and fifty cents per annum. No orders received without the cash and all subscriptietkatopped at the end of the time pad for. .5,110.1111e11 numbers sent gratis: A ddress, PHILIP B. FREAS,A Editor and - PrOprietur , Germantown„Re.; rill A, LINDSAY, .406 Vg.MANUFACTURER & DEALER IN BOOTS ‘4:K., SHOES, MARKET STREET; MARIETTA, PENN. Would most respectfully inform the citizens of this Borough and neiihkorhood that he has at this time.the largest abs'ortment of City made work ever offered in this Borough, amongst which 'may be named the new-style flolisi) Boot, qn6 Globe-via BAlitiohis. FOR THE LADIES. A. L. being practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKER.. enablbs him to select with more judgment than those who are not. He contin ues to manufacture in the very best manner everything in the BOOT AND SHOE line, which lief will warrant for neatness and fit. aTCall'analLeuramine the new stock before omg e/sewhere. CORSET, SKIRT SUPPORTERS. an ex- - cellent article for ladies. Just received and for sale at MRS. ROTH'S Variety Store. , EEP T - T OUHE FLIES ! Cheap and, or namental dish covers of wire, at ' SPAINTGLEE,S. T 4 E celebrated Gutta Percha 011 blacking makes a beautiful water proof polish. 'For boots, shoes, harness, &c. For 'kilo only at Dr. Landis' Drugature't BOOIW EC'etioreloe'ricel;ed and for sale at J. 'SPANGLER'S. Iho Sat.tira4D g_beming ?ost. REDUCED PRICES-TO CLUBS. The Saturday Evening Post gives a beauti ful steel engraving (named " One of Life's Happy Hours ")-26 inches long by 20 inches wide—to every single ($2:50 subscriber, and to every one sending us a Club. It will commence in the first numbet of January a new story, called ("The Outlaw's Daughter; a Tale of the Southwest," by Em erson Benneft, author of " The Phantom of the Forest," " Prairie Flower," &c. This will be followed by other serial stories from the best authors. Shorter stories, essays, sketches, letters, agricultural articles, &c., are also regularly given. The Post is neutral in politics—being exclus ively devoted to Literature and does not dis cuss Political or Sectarian questions—leaving these to the politicarand religious press. It offers amongits premiums, Wheeler and Wilson's Sewing Machines, Silver-plated Tea Sets, Spoons and .Pitchers, Gold and Silver Watches, Double-barrel Gum, Allen's Rifles, Melodeons, Clothes Wringers, Appleton's Cy clopedias, &e. New subscribers who subscribe now for 1867 will have their names entered on the list of THE POST at once, and receive the whole year 1867 besides. • 1 copy, and large' premium engraving, $2:50 4' u - - . - - 6:00 5 " • 1 gratis, - 8:00 8 " - 1 gratis,, - - 12:00 20 " - 1 gratis, - - 28:00 One copy each of The Post and The Lady's Friend, for Four Dollars. The getter up of a club will always receive a copy - of the Premium Engraving. Members of a club wishing the engraving must remit $1 extra. 11P Those desirous of getting up clubs or premium lists, should enclose 5 cents for a sample paper, containing the particulars. Address H. PETERSON & Co., 319 Walnut-st., Philadelphia FOR 1867. AMERICAN ARTISTS' UNION! AMERICAN ARTISTS' UNION!! AMERICAN ARTISTS UNION!!! The American Artists' Union [established 1654] announce that in order to extend the sale of the following well-known and highly Popular Steel Plate ENGRAVINGS : Departure of the Pilgrim Fathers for America, - - - 27x36 in. Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers, 27x36 The Last Supper, 26x42 Fallstaff Mustering his Recruits, 25x30 Skakspeare and his Friends, 27x31 Cotter's Saturday Night, . '23x28 Village Blacksmith, 27x32 Manifest Destiny, [Fortune Telling] 21x28 The Massacre of Wyoming in 1776, 28x36 Mount Vernon in the olden time, . or, Washington at 30 years old, 26x34 The escape of Alaster McDonald from the Massacre of Glencoe, 2644 The Madonna, 26x34 They have deemed expedient to offer them to their friends and the public, at Oa E DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS each, the price heretofore having been $2 each, and for the purpose of stimulating the getting up of clubs, they have determined to award premiums to the getters up of the clubs, and in addition thereto to dis tribute amongst-the subscribers the sum of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS in money and paintings, as soon as the sale shall have reached 100,000 engravings. As it it is our intention to advertise very extensively, and as the engravings are very well known throughout the whole country, we have no doubt that with the low price we charge Jar them and with the exertion which will be set forth by our numerous friends, the number will be reached M a very short time. As soon as it is reached, the subscribers, through their club Agents, will be notified by a circular letter from us, naming the time and method of dis tribution. Single Engraving $1.50 each—by mail, free. For $l5 we will send 13 Eng. and 2 to the Club Agent. For $2O we will send 15 Eng. and 1 to the Club Agents. For $25 we.will send 20 Eng. and 5 to the Club Agents. • For $3O we will send 25 Eng. and 6 to the Club Agent. For $35 we will send 30 Eng. and 7 to the Club Agent. For $5O we will send 50 Eng and a Silver Watch.. For $75 we will send 80 Eng. and a Silver Lever. For 100 we will send 110 Eng. and a Hunting Lever. The Club packages will be very securely packed and forwarded by Express. Any person may get up clubs and forward the amount either by Express, Sight draft, Post Office order or in a registered letter, and in all cases the engravings will be immediately sent, and for each engraving a numbered Cer tificate and receipt will be enclosed in the package. C. O. D. ORDERS.—Persons wishing to send for Engravings and pay the Express Co. when they are received, will be required to send with their order $2 to $5, according to its amount, and this will be credited on their bill. LI,ST OF PREMIUMS TO BE DISTRIBUTED. One of $lO,OOO in money $lO,OOO " . 5,0L0 " 5,000 Five of 1,000 " 5,000 Ten of 500 " 5,000 Fifty of 100 w 5,000 One hundred elegant Oil Paintings. richly framed, Landscapes, at $lOO each, 10,000 Two hundred elegant Oil paintings, rich ly framed, Interior Views, at $5O each 1.0,000 The American Artitts' Union would add that these premiurne arc.to be considered only in the light of a free gift,to their patrons, as the engravings are furnished them below their market value, and as the cost of engravings, after the plates are procuiSA, is very trifling, they can easily afford to make the distribution arge as it is. f; We trust that our nurneroukfriends through out the country and Canidits will use their utmost exertions, so that if possible, the dis tribution may be made soon," and it can be done.if they are at all active• Ladies have Often made excellent Club Agents for•us, and we . solicit their kind efforts; which will not go unrewarded. Let one or more energetic per sons in every town and village in the country commence as soon as they see this, and get up as large a club as possible. By so doing they will be the means of introducing elegant en gravings into families, and thus aid in cultiva ting a taste for the beautiful and refined. ' . Address orders EC' Y AMERICAN ARTISTS' UNION, '.F:;I4-3min. I 25 Pine St., New York LADIES' FANCY FURS NOW OPENING AT SHULTZ & BROTHER'S, NO. 20 NORTH-QUEEN-ST., LANCASTER, PA. A very choice collection of Ladies' Fancy Furs Sable, Mink Sable, Mink, Siberian Squirrel, German Russian and American Fitch, Rock Martin Capes, Victorines, Berthas, Cuffs and Muffs, For Ladies' and thildrens' Wear. la-Ladies' and Cbildrens' Hoods, Caps and Fur Trimming, Gentlemen's Fur Collars, Caps and Gloves in all qualities. A complete as sortment of FANCY SLEIGHING ROBES. SHULTZ '& BROTHER'S, Hatters and Furriers. Shipping Furs of all' kinds bought and the highest cash prices paid. No. 520 . Arch SWO, Philadelphia HAS A.LAROE' /MOEN OF FINE -fat, WATCHES; 'JEWELRY, SILVFR WARE AND . SILVFR-PLATED Ware, suitable for Holiday 4. Bridal .Presente. Cecember 8,1866.4 m: . PICEBOXES, , sugar boxes, Trutt jam, win- Odoice blinds, looking glasses, at TERMS CLUB RATES $50,000 HENRY HARPER, JOHN SPANGLER'S (-3( -- (&TITE MA.MEATTIA.N.@.7I7-) REMARKABLE CHARACTERS. AND MEMORABLE PLACES OF THE HOLLY LAND, 4 Comprising an account of the Patriarchs, Po ets,Prophets, Apostles, Princes, 'Women, arriors, Judges, Kings, and other cele brated Persons of Sacred History, with a description of Ancient Cities and Venerated Shrines, BY CHARLES W. ELLIOTT. In the preparation of this work, some of the best pens and most accomplished scholars have been selected. No pains or expense.has been spared to make it a work of great and permanent value, acceptable to old and young alike—a household book. It is not a work of theology, but of .rtuman life, full of remarkable characters, strange events, lofty poetry and startling history. This Work will contain careful and accurate accounts I.—Of the lives and characters of 'the re markable men who have made the Holy Land famous for all time. . IL—Of Abraham the Wanderer, and Mo ses the Deliverer ; of Joshua the Conqueror, and David the Beloved ; of Miriam and Debo rah and Naomi; of the Prophets of old, and Apostles of Jesus; of the Baptist and the Women who knew and talked with the Sa viour, and also of the Great Herod, and the magnanimous Saladm, , with- many others. 111. Of the great deeds and surprising events hi which they were the principal act ors; of the habits and manner_ of that Orient al Land. IV. Of the ancient Cities and venerated Shrines; of Egygt in darkness; of Jerusalem and ,the Great Temple ; of Mount Sinai and the Dead Sea; of Bethlehem, and Nazareth, and Tyre, and Damascus, and Antioeh, and many other places. It will contain not only accounts of Them in the Past, but as they appear To-Day. The publishers are confident that this work will be regarded by all intelligent readers, and especially by the lovers of sacred literature, as one of great interest and permanent value. CONDITIONS.—The Book will be printed from new Electrotype Plates on good paper ; its illustrations are in first style of Steel En gravings, by the best Artists in the Country, consisting of beautiful scenes and celebrated characters of the Oriental Land, and its value is increased by Maps. . . It will contain over 650 octavo pages, in cluding twelve pages of elegant Steel engrav ings, and be furnished to subscribers in a neat and substantial binding, at the following pri ces, payable on delivery: In extra fine English Cloth, with beveled and sprinkled edges, for $4; or same binding with Gilt edges, fo: $4:50. la , This work can be obtained ONLY through our distributing agents, and will be SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION. 3.Ageists wanted in every County. For particulars, address J. B. BURR CO., No. 18 ASYLVAI-ST., HARTFORD. C.T. February 2, 1867.-rf. PHOTOGRAPHIC. I=l E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, ,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 501 BROADWAY, N. Y. In addition to our main business of PHOTO GRAPHIC MATERIALS we are Headquar ters for the following, vlz. STEREOSCOPES 4 . STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS Of American and Foreign cities and Land scopes, Groups, Statuary, etc. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS OF THE WAR, From negatives made in the various cam paigns and forming a complete Photographic. history of the great contest. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS ON GLASS, Adapted for either the Magic Lantern or the Stereoscope. Our catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of stamp." PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. We manufacture more largely than any other house, about 200 varieties from 50 cents to 00 each, Our ALBUMS have the reputa tion of being superior in beauty and durabili ty to any others. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS OF GENERALS, STATESMEN, ACTORS, etc., etc. Our Catalogue embraces over FIVE THOU SAND different subjects, including reproduc tions of the most celebrated Engravings, Paintings, Statues, etc. Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp. Photographers and others ordering goods C. 0. D., will please remit 25 per cent. of the amount with their order. itP• The price sod quality of our goods can not fail to satisfy. June 16, 1866.-]y. - DR. IL LANDIS, DR. HENRY LANDIS, "am DR. HENRY LANDIS, At the "Golden. Mortar," At the "Golden Mortar," _ Market Street, Marietta, Market Street, Marietta, Keep constantly on hang CA " 31 r) `. e 14. 14, t , o _ • 0 Lt. . '-,. A: 8^ oil 'ts 5 .0 c -,- f, ;., ! , 4 > =l2 OD 1.0 ea • :i ,C ; ' " 3 ' MI 3 ' t" '.. : 3 L 3, §' cl ..... . P P n .», Q 02 S Pf. CD P e; B Pe . 4 = -.• .4 . 9 ` b 0 on c 6 g no, (0 l3 2 ...,,,,', st 12 ~ ~s . i r . f .„ ~,.. CD .3 , 1 = • ... P 1 4 CD P 5 li o .-.• r - V. 4° '-. ..... ...° 1 1! . . 0 _. 0 e , *. ,eZ 2 w o oa 47,- to. ... Vi o • • IP et: 1.3 c ,, 0 tr; , 'S _ e •-• 0 P .ar . o `. ' c. rt.c) CD • SZlo t : az' PrescriO tions carefully compounded. • Remember the place, Remember the place, , Dr. Grove's old Stand. • Dr. Grove's old Stand. Give us a call. Give us a call TOVES I STOVES! .STOVES!! STOVES !! ! COOK STOVES, COOK STOVES, STOVES, AT JOHN SPANGLER'S. I===l PARLOR STOVES, PARLOR STOVES PARLOR STOVES, GAS-BURNING STOVES AT - JOHN , SPINGLEIeg.' STOVES., STOVES,-_ ° - VULCAN ...STOVES FOR HEATING ' 44 , TWO OR FOUR -‘` 'ROOMS WITH ONE FIRE--FOURTH SUPPLYNOW READY- C.4tilL AND SEE THEM, AT J Spangler's• Hardware and Stove Store Market Street, Marietta, Pa. 17 . RAXT STANDS ) . Meat Stance, Wine Kegs, Tubs, Bacirets and Cedar-ware ene rally, constantly on band' at J. SPANGLER'S. D OOR MANTS, .Excellqht quality, cheap, AT JOHN ,SPAAOITIVS .HARDWARE. MRAIL SKIRTS."—Go to Mrs. ROTH' L and eee them. C.ITABBH! WHY SUFFER WITH THIS DANGEROUS AND LOATHSOME DISEASE WHEN IT CAN BE CURED AND ENTIRELY ERADICATED FROM THE SYSTEM BY THE USE OF DR. SEELYE'S LIQUID KATARII.II REMEDY. CATARRRII WILL SURELY RESULT IN CONSUMPTION UNLESS SUECKED ITS INCIPIEN STAGES. I=l IT NEVER FAILS! Cure warranted if directions are followed, SINGLE BOTTLESWIii. LAST A MOATH COLD IN THE HEAD Relieved in a few minutes. BAD BREATH Caused by offensive secretions. WEAK EYES Caused by Catarrhal affections. SENSE OF SMELL When lessened or destroyed. DEAFNESS When caused by Catarrhal difficulties. All are cured by this remedy, THReArr Are more frequently than otherwise caused by a thiek, slimy mucous, falling from the head, especially during the mght, and resulting from Catarrh, and are cured by DR. SEELYE,S LIQUID CATARRH REMEDY! SYMPTOMS The symptoms of Catarrh are at first very slight. Persons find that they have a cold, that they have frequent attacks, and are more sensitive to the changes of temperature. In this condition the nose may be dry, or a slight discharge, thin and acrid, afterwards thick and adhesive, may ensue. As tie disease becomes chronic, the dischar ges are increased in quantity and changed in quality ; they are now thick and heavy, and are hawked or coughed off. The secretions are offensive, causing a bad breath ; the voice thick and nasal ; the eyes are v, eak*; the sense of smell is lessened or destroyed ; deafness fre quently.takes place. Another common and important symptom of Catarrh is, that the person is obliged to clear his throat in the morning of a slick or slimy mucous, which has fallen from the head during the night. When this takes place, the person may be sure that his disease is on its way to the lungs, and should lose no time in arresting it. The.;:above are but few of the many Catarrh ai.syq`i oms. Write to our Laboratory for adi our phlet.describing fully all symptoms: itfwill. sent FRE to any address. Also diiections whereto procure the medicine. - Wears receiving letters from all parts of the-ATl:don, afid also numerous testimonials froth - those using it, bearing the evidence of its,lnfillible merits. I', MP . This remedy contains no MINERAL or 'POISONOUS INGREDIENTS, but is pre pared from vegetable extracts EXCLUSIVE LY; therefore it is PERFECTLY HARM LESS, even to the most tender and delicate child. 4: 1 1 CALL FOR SEELYE'S CATARRH REM EDY, and take no other. If not sold by drug gists in your ...vicinity, they will order it for you. Price SULIO per bottle. E r All per suffering with any affection of the Head, Throat or Lungs, should write at onets..for our. pamphlet fully describing all symptoms pertaining to the above diseases. It will be sent free to any address. ADDRESS DR. D, H. SEELYE & CO., FREEPORT, ILLINOIS, Sold by all Wholesale and Retail Druggists GENERAL; AGENTS. 'John D. Park, Cincinnati, Ohio ; Fuller, Finch & Fuller, Chicago, Ill.; Burnhams VanSchaack, Chicago, Ill.; Demos Barnes & Co., New York ; D; Ransom & Co., Baffalo, N. Y..; Farrand, Shelley & Co,, Detroit, Mich igan ; Weeks Sr Potter, Boston, Mass.; French, Richards & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., R. E. Sellers & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. , Collins Bros. St. Louis, Mo. ; 'Barnes, Ward .& Co., New Orleans, La. ;.11.„ A. Robinson & Co., Louisville, Ky. ; BigleY & Bro., Memphis, Tenn.; P. E. Depuy, Richmond, Va,; Thom p ten & Block, Baltimore, Md.; Dexterqa Nel goer, Albany, N. Y. ; Strong & Armstrong, Cleveland, Ohio ; , Wm. Johnson, Detroit, Mich: ; Wilson Peters 84,CV., Louisville, Ky. _ Oet. 141866.-Iy. Established 1829 sHULTZ'S Old Established PE at , Cap fur citort, NO. 20 NORTH QUEEN STREET, fit LANCASTER, PA. wE would respectfully announce that our styles for the Fall and Winter of 1866, are now ready, consisting of - Gentlemen's Dress Silk, Cassimere, Plain and Brush, Fur and Wool, or, Cassimerett, Stiff Cassimere, Soft and Steel exten ded Brims, and Flexible Self-ad - justing and D'Orsay Brim 31811[ r-Ari In new, novel and beautiful designs, and at such prices as to make It an inducement for all to purchase. maps 1 Car) Our stock of Caps comprises all the newest styles for Men, Boys and Children's Fall and Winter wear. Our motto is, "Equality to all." The lowest selling price marked m figures on each article, and never varied from, at SHULTZ & BROTHER'S, • Bat. - Cap and Fur Store, No. 20 North Queen-st.. Lancaster. Pa? All kinds of Shipping Furs bought and the highest Cash prices paid. SUPPLEE & BRO„ IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS and General Machinists, Second Below Union, Columbia, Pa. They are prepared to make all kinds of Iron Castings for Rolling Mills and, Blast Furnaces,. Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas ;' Columns, Fronts, Cellar Dooms, Weights, &c., for Buil dings, and castings of every description ; STEAM ENGINES, AND BOILERS, IN THE MOST MODERN AND IMPROVED Manner; Pumps, Brick - Presses, Shafting and Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery for Mining and Tanning ; Brass Bearings, Steam Br. Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks, Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass Fit tings in ail their variety; Boilers, Tanks ; Flues ; Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors, Washers, &c. BLAC.IfSIIIITHING in GENERAL. From long experience in building machinery we Ratter ourselves that we can give general satis faction to those who may favor us with their orders. sRepairing promptly attended to. Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet with prompt attention. Prices to suit the times . Z. SUPPLE E,4 T. R. SUPPLEE. Columbia, October 20, 1860. 14 tf HICKLING & CO'S J. GREAT SALE OF WATCHES. On the popular one price plan, giving every patron a handsome and reliable watch for the low ,rice of Ten Dollars ! Without regard to value, and not to be paid for unless perfectly satisfactory ! 500 Solid Gold Hunting Watches $250 to $750 500 Magic Cased Gold " $2OO to 500 500 Ladies' Enamelled " 100 to 300 1,000 Gold Hunting Chronometer Watches 250 to 300 1,000 Gold hunting English levers 200 to 250 3,000 Gold hunting Duplex watch es 150;00000 5,000 Gold hunting American watches 100 to 250 5,000 Silver Hunting Levers 50 to 150 5,000 Silver Hunting Duplexes 75 to 250 .5,000 Gold Ladies'. Watches 50 to 250 10,000 Gold Hunting Lepines 50 to 75 10,000 Miscellaneous silver Watches 50 to 100 25,000 Hunting Silver Watches 25 to 50 30,000 assorted Watches, all kinds 10 to '75 Every patron obtains a watch by this ar rangement, costing but $lO, while it may be worth $750. No partiality shown. Messrs. J. Hickling 2. Co.'s Great American Watch Co., New Yoi - k. City, wish to immedi ately dispose of the above magnificent stock. Certificates naming articles, are placed in sealed envelopes. Holders are entitled to the articles named on their certificates, upon the payment of Ten Dollars, whether it be a watch worth $750 or one worth less. The return of any of our certificates entitles you to the arti cle named thereon, upon payment, irrespective of its worth, and as no article valued less than $lO is named on any certificate, it will at once be seen that this is no lottery, but is straight forward legitimate transact ion, which may be participated in even by the most fasti dious! A single Certificate be sent by mail, post-paid, upon receipt of 25 cents, five tor $l, eleven for $2, thirty-throe and elegant premi urn for $5, sixty-six and more valuafile pre mium for $lO, one hundred and most superb Watch for $l5. To Agents or those wishing employment this is a rare opportunity. It is a legitimately conducted business, duly au thorized by the government, and open to the most careful scrutiny. Try us ! J. HICKLING & CO. 149 Broadway—near Y. 0. Feb. 2-3 m. J City of New York. THE CHAMPION CLOTHES WRINGER! OHN SPANGLER, has just received and has for Sale this celebrated Wringer, with or without cog-wheels. This is now regarded as the best machine in use. It is more easily adjusted to the tub, and is wider than any ma chine of the price. No. 1, without cog-wheels with ten inch rollers, is selling at 1;8 ; No. 2, with cog-wheels, $9 ; No. 3; with cog-wheels, 11 inches,' $ll. K EROSENE Be - GAS STOVES. TEA & COFFEE BOILERS, GLUE POTS OIL CANS, 4.C. 4C. la—All the cooking for a family may.Zil la'be done with Kerosene Oil. or Gases It-with less trouble and at less fa—pense than any other fuel. Each•, article manufactured by this Company is guaranteed to perform all that is claimed for it. la— Send for Circular. A Liberal Discount to the Trade. KEROSENE LAMP HEATER CO„ HP] 206 PEARL-ST., NSW-YORK. t.ly i k Opposite the Buttonwood Tree. HERTzLER se GUION, [ SUCCESSORS TO JOHN HERTZLER, j IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES AND LIQ T_T 0 ER,..-', No. 821 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. HARRY ITERTZLER.] LGEO. A. GUION. Mishler's _Herb Bitters for sale DR. WM. B. -FAHNESTOCK, OFFICE:— m —AIN-81", NEARLY OPyOSITE Spangler & Patterson , e Store. FRom 7ToBA. M. ~ OFFICE HOURS. " 1 To 2. " 6TO7P. N. A CHOICE Lot of Books for children called . .aindistructable Pleasure Books; School and Paper Books, Stationary, Pens Pen holders &c, at DR. LANDIS'. "18 years established y . city "Only infallible-remedies knotsrio " Free from prisons.,) "Not dangerous to the %aft family. " Rats come out of their holesu ) 6 1 '0 " COSTAR'S Rat, Roach, &G., 'Extentailiat Is a paste—used for Rats, Mice, Roach e 4 Black and Red Ante, &c., &c. Costar's Bed-Bug Exterminator h a liquid or wash- , -used to destroy and also as u preventiye for Bed Bugs, ti.c. Costar's Electric Powder for Insects, is for Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas Bed hp, Insects on Pluuts, Fowls, Animals, 113 — BER!! ! of an worthless tations. See that "POSTA ICS " name in on each Box, Bottle, and Flask, befoLe you lw, Address • HENRY R. COSTMZ, 454 Broadway, Netv-Iwk in Marietta, Pr., by nd all Druggists and Retailers ever; where. eosfßl'.:s CeAebi-itfeZ jiiplcilio'fo 6.:IiN For Cuts, Burns, Bruises, rounds, Boils, Can ners, Broken Breasts. Sure Nipples ; lileedis4, Blind and Painful Piles; Serofulons, Pori; and 111-conditioned Sores Ulsers, Gkonitii;ir Swellings, Eruptions, LA:animus Artecuia, Ringworm, Itch, Corn, Buniuns,lhnuns,Se Chapped Hands, Lips, &c.; Bites of Spiders, Insects, Animals, Sze., Sm. BOXE.S; A- 50 CENTS $• l NIZEN. Sold by all Druge:ists every where. anti by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot 484 Itrovikq‘Y, New York, and by Marietta, Pa cocrail's tbii6,3i-slll e(Dilif i•il.ilT> For Corns, Bunions, Warts, &c. Boxes, 25 cents, 50 cents, and One Doha: sized Sold by all druggists everywhere. and by Haroiev R. COSTA. , !ei%ot -ISI 8re3.1 way, I. Y., and by Marietta, Pa. costar's Paparotion of 5 3 3iitel'—,linet 10 (91-401ilmoilV, For lieautifyinzl Oe Complexion. Used to soften and beautify the Shin, re move Freckles, Pimples, Eruptions, Sc.. &r Ladies use it now in preference to all others BOTTLE 1„ ONE DOLLAR. bold by all druggists everywhere, and By HENRY R. COSTAR, depot 464 Broad way, New York, and by Marietta, Pa. COSTAR'S ne l9:l lbg COtin" • For Coughs, Colds, Hourguess, Sore Throat, Group, Whooping Cough, Influenza Asthma, Consumption, Bronchial alrection6, and all diseases of the throat and lungs. Bottles, 525 ets., 50 cts., and $ 1 sizes* r-:P' Sold by all druggists everywhere . n."..f — And by HENRY R. COSTAR, DW I 484 Broadway, N. Y. 11 3" And by— Marietta, Pa. CoAr.s ODIONfe O BigOp TiN. A UNIVERSAL DINNER PILL, For Nervous and Sick headache Costive ness, Indigestion. Dyspepsia' Biliousness Constipation, Diarrhea, Gabes:Chills, Fevers and general derangement of the digestive or, gans. - BOxes, 25 cts., 50 cts., and $1 sizes. Sold by all druggists everywhere. ilZr And by HENRY R. COSTA. II, 484 Broadway. 11. Y. • Da' And by-- r,7la Marietta, Pa,