oyotal » arititian. ------------ pstto49 Vol Ting, Vat'eh 2, 1867. The Morning Passenger train for Lan 0' Ind Philadelphia will leave the upper 0' st 12 minutes after 8 o'clock. The Apolt • ~"'n tios going westward will pass upper O tio , o i 7 minutes a ft er 12 o'clock, Noon. Immilictiaburg accommodation train eastward p op at 26dmitrutes -after 6 o'clock, in the arrive ening hure at 43 115° { te r 6 o itioltes We are under obligations to Mr. ( to, or the P. 0. Department, Wash too for various favors. B e v, Mr. Olawges, who has been teaching the school near "Boyd's" on be olke,sear this borough, during the 000,114 "as old fashioned school ey.- bibition" .on the anniversary of Wash_ logtoo's birthday, which, the old gentle mau pa ys, was of the most delightful elaracter. A.t "high-twelve" an excell dit dieser, prepared by the ladies, was Fpreod in the school room, to which eio bty.ftre sat down and partook The o hol exercises consisted of reading, pepping, arithmetic, grammar, geogra ptif d i e gi gues, single pieces etc. The „heal roo m was crowded and the whole opened off so well—to scholars and tetclier—as to call fora repetition; which eocderstanti, was granted. Although sr, old teacher, Mr. O. says he never, in 0 11 tie experience as a teacher, had a rare pleasant time—that the pupils be bayed well and performed their parts ad tobly, Mr. C. is, we believe the old isteacheriu this vicinity, and has always been a rem, favorite with parents and 611dren. ....... .... acpbs colored population of our dace, held during the last week, a series ,f religious and humorous entertain ment!, for the benefit of the "African Methodist Episcopal Church." The church was crowded—being almost as many 'white folks" as colored. The order was, we learn, uoue of the best,.hut aeo our "star Spangled " Constable ass there, whose very presence was ,nongh—in a horn—to make the disobe dient boys tremble. We think a little more real severity on the part of this of- Ick, would prevent a great deal of the truly conduct we are compelled to sub roil to from many of our ill mannered brIP upon nearly all occasion's of public keeps and concerts. Our neighbors of Columbia hate lud Miss Josephine Orr, daughter of Dr. Orr efict , ter county, a spiritual meth so, in their vicinity, and the Spy says At. has wonderfully pleased and inter ned Home of the denizens or the place, I.! her wonderful disclosures. The lady paid a visit to our place last summer. tR• The Legislature has passed the the Pennsylvania Rail road company to re-build the Columbia Bridge within two years or forfeit its franchises, allowing another company to go and build upon the old piers, allow -10? a (sir compensation for the piers tb , IS. used. The exhibition of Mr. Maxwell's leadenly, on Tuesday evening last, was smut complete success in every re- Epect. The pupils acquitted themselves creditably and the hall was crowded al restto suffocation. Forty-eight dollars Wag received at the door, which is to be divided, under the management of Mr. Lemuel Lyndeay, to the poor of our le The Pastor or the Presbyterian thinch will preach to the children on tat Sabbath morning. Subject : "!he ChM Samuel." Music by the children, lad by the choir. In the evening ho " 111 preach a sermon to youth. Subject: "Reading." The same music and songs in the evening. ......... Sir On Sunday afternoon last, there 'm a onion of the Presbyterian and l ethodist eahbath sehools, in the M. E. church for the purpose of hearing a lee tore from Mrs, Frances Dana Gage. In the evening Mrs. G. lectured on Tem perance in the same church. tir Washington's birth-day passed slivery quietly—and we might say un observed in our place, whilst our neigh bors of Columbia were more patriotic, most of their places of business being dosed. I=l 0' The "Open Temperance Society" Will meet on Monday evening next, an *Mad question will be brought up tor discussion. The public is cordially malted to attend. tr Read the advertisement of the R emington Fire Arms. These arms are sew regarded as the very best in this enontry. A reduction has just been made in their price list. lir The ausquehanna being - clear of ice at Columbia—as well as here—tbe Plusenger steamboat is now making reg biotin ( ' from Columbia to Wrightsville tad beck. fir The epring elections are drawing user. The Borough and Township aisle lions will take place on the third Friday in March. g reat revival bee been going on is Colombia for several weeks. The Spy kip eighty-five conversions bad token place up to its last issne. tit Mr., W. W. Buller offers a pair of %ale! for sale. see advertisement, The _New York National Work man says "Arrandale & Co., of this city are now sending out a great variety , of Dress, Coat, and Pant Patterns, Balmo ral Skirts, Boots, Shawls, and other val uable articles, in dry, and fancy goods, at one dollar each. We confess our in ability to see how this is done, but that it is done is beyond all question. Thie firm has had a long and honorable career, and is by no means to be confounded with the host of swindling and bogus concerns with which this metropolis so much abounds. We know , the proprie tors well and can personally vouch (or the just and faithful performance of their contracts." lir The Lady's Friend for March is on our table. 'The Truant's Return," a beautiful Steel Engraving, leads, off this number of the "Queen of the Month lies." Then we have the nsual elegant and refined Steel Fashion Plate, and a number of Patterns for Spring Dresses, Promenade Toilettes, Caps, &c. An engraving of a noted French Aquarium in Par-is, shows the large style in which they do things in the Old World. The Music this month is "Tillie's Passed Away." The Literary Matter is, as usu al, very flue. For terms, see advertise ment on, fourth page. Address Deacon Jz Peterson, 319 Walnut street Phila delphia. K-a - The Good Tempters of this bo rough gave an entertainment in the town hall on Thur:day evening last, which consisted of a striking exposition of the ruins and miseries of Intemperance, as described i 9 T. S. Arthur's " Ten Nights in a Bar room," under the management of Mr. J. P. Walter. The house was crowded, and the performers acquitted themselves well. We learn they int6nd repeating it on this (Saturday) evening. t1•.4" Al. M. btricaler and Davis A. Brown, the Johnson appointees for Rev enue Assessor for this county, were on Saturday last rejected by the U. S. Ben- iar Messrs Maltby & Case, of Col : emhin, have dissolved—Mr. ltdattley taking the rolling will and Mr. Case the dry goods.store s.„.„. olfar The citizens lavu7sTi;le to erecting a new Town Hall, will meet in tue High School Room, on Tuesday evening next, at 8 °clock. - og" The Susquehanna is now ie . fine running order, and we may almost daily look for something down the river. to - The Rinehart residence on Front street is offered for rent. See advertise- Mein. ow Britton & Musser have just re ceived another lot of Gold Fish and Globes; Birds and Bird cages. DIED n Maytown 0/1 the 24th inst., lonic H. soo of Henry and Sarah Hulsinger, aged 7 years, 7 months and 26 days. .spc.tiaL Nolittz Sett t:Ncit's SEAWEED TONIC. This medi cine invented by Dr. J. 11. .Schenck, df Phila do(phis, is interbled to dissolve the food and make it into chyme, the firAt process of diges tion. By clransing the stomach with Schenck's Mandrake Pills, the tonic soon restores the appetite, and food that could not be eaten be fore using it will be easily digested. Consumption cannot be cured by Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup unless the stomach and liver is made healthy and the appetite restored, hence the Tonic and Pills are required in near ly every case of consumption. A 'half dozen bottles of the SEAWEED TONIC and three or four boxes of the SIANDUAICE emu-, will cure any ordinary case of dyspepsia. Dr. Schenck makes professional visits i❑ New York, Boston, and at his principal office in PhiladelPhia every week. See daily papers of each place, or his pamphlet on consump tion for his days for visitation. Please observe, when purchasing, that the two likenneases of the Doctor, one when in the last stage of Consumption, and the o thit as he now is, in perfect health, are on the GoV ernment stump. Sold by an druggists and dealers, price $1.50 per bottle or $7.50 the half dozen. All letters for advice should be addressed to Da. SCHENCK'S Principal office, No. 15 North 6th Street, Philadelphia, I a. General Wholesale Agents: Damns Barnes & Co., N. Y. ; S. S. Hance, Baltimore, Md. ; John D. Parke, Cincinnati, Ohio ; Walker & Taylor, Chicago, Ill,; Collins Bros., St. Louis Missouri. , [Oct. 20'66-Iy-1131'w. KNow Tint DESTINY.—Madame E. F. Thornton, the Great English Astrologist, Clair voyant and Psychometrician, who has aston ished the scientific classes of The Old World, has now located herself at Hudson, N. Y. Madame Thornton possesses such wonderful powers of second sight, as to enable her to im part knowledge of the greatest importance io the single or married of either sex. While in a state of trance, she delineates the very fea tures of the person you are to marry; and by the aid cf an instrument of intense power, known as the Psychornotrope, guarantees to produce a life-like picture of the future hus band or wife of the applicant, together with date of marriage, position in life, leading traits of character, &c. This is no huinbug, as thousands of testimonials can assert. She will send when desired, a certified certificate• or written guarantee, that the picture is what it purports to be. By enclosing a small lock of hair, and stating place of birth, age, dispo sition and complexion, and enclosing duty cents and stamped envelope addressed to your self, you will receive the picture and desired informati)n by return mail. All communica tions sacredly confidential. Address in confi dence, MADAME E. F. THORNTON, P. O. Box 223, Hudson, N. Y. HELMBOLD'S Extract Buchu gives health and vigor to the frame and bloom to the pallid cheek. Debility is accompanied by many alarming symptoms, and if no treatment is submitted to, consumption, insanity or epi leptie fits ensue . L-Ar - r& , THE FROM A LADY West Milton, Saratoga Co., N. Y July 6, 1866. 5 Dr. Hostetter—Sir: I have long delayed writing to you my sincere thanks for the good you have done my daughter. I can truly say that nothing but the kind hand of Providence and your BITTERS have saved her from an early grave. For three years I have been doctoring her with syrups and all kinds of bit ters that have been recommended to me for her, besides having two first-rate physicians ; but all seemed to do her no good, while I was searching the almanacs and all the newspapers that I could get hold of, in hopes of, finding something that would suit her case. Acci dentally there came part of a newspaper around some goods that I bought at the Spa. In looking it over I saw at a glance that your Bitters was just what she needed. I sent the next day to Ballston Spa and got a bottle of your Bitters. She commenced taking them, and such a change in one week with- her ap- petite, and the distress that victuals occasion ed, and that burning in the stomach, I never saw in my life, as there was in her. She has taken three bottles, and is now able to work all the time. I think there is a little derange ment of the liver. Please send me three bot, ties more, which I think will cure her entire ly. We and others thought she had disease of the heart, but teat beating and fluttering that would almost stop her from breathing at times, is all gone. Yours,-with respect, MRS. AMANDA. MTHERSON A YoUNG LADY 'Mulling to her country home. after a sojourn of a few months in the city, was hardly recognized by her friends, In place of a coarse, rustic, flushed face, she had a soft ruby complexion of almost nimble smoothness, and instead of twenty-three she really appeared but eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the cause of so great a change, she plain. ly told them that she used the CIRCASSIAN 'ALM, and considered it an invaluable acqui sition to any Lady's toilet. By its use any . Lady or Gentleman can improve their porron al appearance an hundred fold. It is simple in its combidation, as Nature herself is simple, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in drawing im purities from, also healing, cleansing and beautifying the skin and complexion. By its direct action on the cuticle it draws from it all its impurities, kindly healing the same, and leaving the surface as Nature intened it should be, clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Price $l, sent by mail or express, on receipt of an order,by W. L. *CLARK & CO, Chemests, No. 3 West Fayette St., Syracuse, N. Y ., The only Anierican Agents for the sale of ht same To OWNERS OF HORSES AND CATTLE.- To bias' Derby Condition Powders are warran ted superior to any others, or no pey, for the cure of Distemper, Worms,Bots,Coughs, Hide bound, Colds, &c., in Horses; and Coughs, Colds, Loss of Milk, Black Tongue, Horn Distemper, in Cattle. These Powders were formerly put up by Simpson I. Tobias, son of Dr. Tobias, and, since his death, the demand has been so great for them, that Dr. Tobias has continued to manufacture them.— They are perfectly safe and innocent ; no need of stopping the .working of your animali:— They increase the appetite, give a fine coat, cleanse the ston, ach and urinary organs,; also increase the milk of cows. Try them,and you I will never be without them. Hiram Wood ruff, the trainer, of trotting horses, has used them for years and recommends them to his friends. Col. Philo. P. Bush, of the "Jerome Race Course," Fordham, N. Y., would not use them until he was told of what they are composed, since which he is never without them. He has over 20 running horses in his charge, and for the last three years has used no other medicine for them. He has kindly permitted me to refer any one to him, Over 1000 other references can be seen at the depot. Sold by all the Druggists and Saddlers. Price 25 cents per box. Depot 56 Cortland street, New York. [23-7t IMPORTANT QUA LlTlEd.—Brandretn pills so stimulate all the interior powers of the sys tem that every poison or impurity is forced from the blood into the bowels, and thus pas ses off. Recent cases of sicknesss will often be cured by the effect of 6 or S Brandreth's Pills, which, when the operation is full and complete, leave the blood as free from poison ous and unhealthy matter as that of a new born babe. In colds, inflammatory diseases, and even in Cholera, their use restores to health sooner than all other remedies, because they take from the blood and 'bowels those matters upon which pains, cramps and aches depend for continuance.. Captain Isaac Smith, of Sing Sing, says, thirty of Brandreth's Pills, taken according to directions, cured him of a very severe bronchi al affection after other means bad failed, and he wishes his numerous friends to know the fact, Brandreth's Pills, Principal Office, Brand reth house, New York. Sold also by all drug gists. See my name on Government stamp, without which the pills are spurious. r Frightful execution is done upon thous ands of grey heads, by endeavoring to darken them with metallic dyes that. Scorch aad blast the fibres from tip to root. D... 1-• Avoid these horrible dist' goring agents, and useonly the great toilet staple of America. CRISTADO RO'S Excelsior dye, which not only instanta neously: produces ail shades of black and brown, but also nourishes, strengthens and beautifies the hair. Manufactured by J. CRIS TADORO, 6 Astor house New York. •Sold by all druggists. Applied by all hair dressers. ir.".r Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh, trea ted with the utmost success, by J. IS4ACS, M. D., Oculist and Aurist, (formerly of Ley den, Rolland,) No. 519 PlNE'st., Philadel phia. Testimonials' from the most reliable sources in the city tuid country can be seen at his office. The medical faculty are invited tc, accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificial Eyes inserted with out, pain. No charge forexamination. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT Buchu and Im proved Rose Wash cures secret and delicate disorders in all their stages, at little expense, little or no change of diet, no inconvenient% and no exposure. It is pleasant in tact and odor, immediate in its action, and free from all injurious properties. • 3 TAKE no more unpleasant and unsafe remedies tor unpleasant and dangerous dis eases. Use Helmbold's Extract Bncbu and Improved Rose Wash. HELMBOLD'S Fluid Extract Beau is pleasant in taste and odor, ireeDna iikinti9us properties, and immediaie in its action. WONDEBSU 1. BUT TRUE.—Madame Rem ington, the world renowned Astrologist and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, while in a clair voyant state, delineates the very features of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an instrument of intense power, knifivn as the Psychomotrope, .guarantees to .produce ~ 4 perfect and life-like picture of the_ future hus band or wife of the applicant, vfith date of marriage, occupation, leading trigs of charac ter, &c. This is no impositionlas testimonials without number can assert. Ity stating place of birth, age; disposition, color of eyes and hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will re ceive the picture . by return mail, together with desired information. Mr Addressin obrifidence, MADAME GER TRUDE REMINGTON, P. O. Box 297, West Troy, N. Y. FREE TO EVERYBODY.-A large 6 pp. Circu lar, giving information of the greatest import tance to the young of both sexes. It teaches how the homely may beCome beautiful, the despised respected, and the for saken loved. No young lady or gentleman should fail to send their address, ana receive a copy post-paid, by return mail. Address P. O. Drawer, 21, Troy, N. Y. o:3 ITCH ! !—ITCH ! ! ! Scratch ! Scratch ! !—Scratch !!! WHEATON'S OINT MENT will cure the ITCH in 48 hours. Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilbrains and al ermtiona of the skin. Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggists. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS & POTTER, sole agents, 170 Washing ton-st., Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of postlke, to any part of the Union. MARRIAGE. AND CELIBACY.—An essay of warning and instruction for young men : also, Diseases and Abuses which prematurely pros trate the Vital Powers, with sure means of releif.k Sent free of charge, in sealed letter envelopes. Address, DR. J. &LILLIS? HOIIGII tor:, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. [july. I ,'66-Iy. EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINES are superior to all others for family and 'manufacturing purposes ; contain all the latest improvements are speedy, noisless, durable and easy to work. Illustrated Circulars sent free. Agents want ed. Liberal discount allowed. ho consign ments made. Address EMPIRE S. M. Co, 61 Broadway, N. Y. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT Buchu is the Great Diuretic. HELNBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT Both are prepared according to rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry, and are the most active that can be made. LP ENFEEBLED and delicate constitu- . tions,,of both sexes, use Helmbold , s Extract Bodin. It will give brisk and energetic feel ings, and enable You to sleep well. 113- THE Glory of man is strength—There fore the nervous and debilitated should imme diately use Helmbold's Extract Bnchu. II MANHOOD and youthful vigor are re gained by Helmbol, 1r SHATTERED Constitutions restoled by HelmboWs Extract Buchu. FittiO gxfilef Bucim Is a certain cure for diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROP SY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY and all diseases - of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in MALE .OR FEMALE, from whatever cause origmating and no mat- ter of Diseases of these organs require the use of a diuretic. . If no treatment is submitted to,' Consump tion or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are supported from these sources, and the that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. BELMBOLIPS EXTRACT BUCIIU, Established upwards of 18 years pre pared by H. T. H h.'I:MBOLD, DRUGGIST. 594 Broadway, New York and 104 South 10th street, Philadelphia, Pa. APAIR of good mules, one 4 years old the other 5, will work well in single or double haruess. The only reason for selling them is that they are too slow forthe business. Inquire of W. W. BULLAR, Maytown Accommodation Line. March 2,-3t. FOR RENT —A two story brick dwelling house and three lots of ground, with all necessary outbuildings and improirements, on Front street, long known as the Rinehart residence. For terms inquire of GEO. W. MEHAFFEY. 75 000 lisle G atD a l3 ü b i l a d r i g n a l Brick Inquire or of 4 J. R. STRICKLER, Feb. 23, 1867..3t. Maytown. B. BEANDRETH ONEY FREE AS WATER. 10,000 iv" Active Local and Traveling Agents, Male or Female, of all ages, dre wanted to solicit trade in every City, Town, Village Fac tory, Hamlet and Workshop, throughout the entire world, for the most - saleable novelties ever known. 500 PER CENT PROFIT and READY BALE WHEREVER OFFERED ! Smart men and women can make from $5 to $5O per day, and no risk of loss A small capital re quired of from $2O to sloo—the more money invested the greater the profit. No money re quired in advance—we first send the article and receive pay afterwards! It you actually wish to make money rapidly and easily,'write for full particulars and address. MILNOR & CO., (From Paris,) 210 Broadway, New-York City. Newspapers copying will be liberally dealt with. (Feb. 2, 1867.-Iy. Foy iuseful things and - Aings of spori, The gay ancl, serious here resort, Superior Skates—Ladies Men's and Boys', Pocket Books—every variety, All styles ot Coal Oil Lamps, New styles, Ladies Morocco Satchels, good-wife's Companions—new, • Latest novelty in Port Folios, Extra fine Pearl and IvMy handled Pocket Repevers. Sharp's Improved, '(lCnives, Slefghatelli—fine plated' and white metal, Hair Bruiehestrable and cheap, Axes; Ifatchets•and` Hammers, Razor Strop. Emerson's, Luston's Hand and Tennant Salve, Wringere. late iittprovesl,' All Varieties dfitie Ivory and demmon Table Balling Pins, Washers &c., , (Cugery, Wads au ,d Caps, SA.RBAPARILLA Is the Great Bllad Purifier Eitill HOW LONG STANDING HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, and Mules for Sale BRICK ! ! BRICK ! TO JOHN SPA.NGLERS. Important _Yews ! .Early Spring Styles. I'ITE have just replenished our Stock with yy the latest choice designs of Fancy an Dry Nude.— Aiiep. purchased at greatly reduced prices, and which we are selling at prices gratifying to purchasers. We have full lines of the best makes of Black and Colored Wool Delaines, Superior Black and Fancy Silks, Rich styles Silk Warp Poplins, Various grades black and colored Alpacas, French, Scotch and American Ginghams, 10000 yards Fancy and Mourning Prints, Childress, Misses and Ladies Balmorals, Swisses, Cambrics and. Jaconetts, Cambric and Swiss edging and Inserting!, Bleach and unbleached muslins of all grades, Cassimeres and Cloths for Spring wear, Jeans, Cottonades and Denim, Plain and FAcy plaid Wool Shirtings. BARGAINS For New Housekeepers. Tickings in all widths, very cheap, . ' Furniture Check, in great variety, Linen and colored Cotton Osnaburgs, Linen and Cotton, White and unbleached Sheeting, • ' Towels and Toweling, plain and figured, Cotton and Woolen, Blight colored Cov erlets, French, and American Counterpines, 100 pair white and colored Blankets, IngralifrVenetifrh, Srairitid Rag Carpets, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, all widths. Transparent Oil cloth and Holland blinds, Rosewood, Mahogany, and Walnut frame Looking Glasses, Wool, Linen and Cotton carpet Chain, Superior steamed live picked Feathers. QUEENSWARE. 46, 67 and 110 pe Setts.lron Stone Ware, Granite and Iron atone Chamber setts, Fine and Common Glass ware of all kinds, Common Queensware in variety. GROCERIES Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Dried Fruit, Salt, Fish, Spices, etc., etc. 1:3- An early call is solicited. SPANGLER & RICH REMINGTONS' A LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO DEALERS 200,000 fullislieo file tf. 5.6,060004 f Army Revolver, 44-100 inch Calibre, Navy Revolver, 36-100 5, " Belt Revolver. Navy-size Calibre, Police Revolver, 37 33 57 New Pocket Revolver, 51-100 in. Calibre, Pocket Revolver, [Rider's patentl 31-100 in. _(Calibre, Repeating Pistol, [Elliot patent j No. 22 and 32 Cartridge, [ridge, Vest Pocket Pistol. No. 22, 30, 32 and 41 Cart- Gun Cane, No. 22 and 32 Cartridge, Breech Loading Rifle, (Beale's) No. 32 and 38 • Cartridge, Revolving Rifle, 36 and 44-100 inch Calibre. E. REM/NGTON SONS, NEw-Yonit. ----o-- PRINCIPAL AGENTS. Moore & Nichols, New-York, Wm. Read, & Son, Boston, Jos. C. Grubb & Co., Philadelphia, ' tney & Trimble, —.Baltimore, Henry Folsom & Co., New Orleans, Johnson, Spencer, & Co., Chicago, Rumsey & Co., St. Louis, :Albert E. Crane, San Francisco March 2, 1867. 30-6 m. ASTROLOGY ! THE WORLD ASTONISHED AT THE WONDERFUL REVELATIONS MADE BY THE GREAT ASTROLOGIST, Madame H. A. Perrigo She reveals secrets no mortal ever knew. She restores to happiness those who, from doleful events, catastrophes, crosses in love, loss of relations and friends, loss of money, &c., have become despondent. She brings to gether those long separated, gives information concerning absent friends or lovers, restores last or stolen property, tells you the business you are best qualified to pursue and in what you will be most successful, causes ' , speedy marriages and tells you the very day you will marry, gives you the name, likeness and char acteristics of the person. She reads your very thoughts, and by her almost supernatural pow ers unveils the dark and hidden mysteries of the future. From the stars we see in the firm ament—the malefic stars that overcome or predominate in the configuration—from the aspects and_ positions of the planets and the fixed stars in the heavens at the time of birth, she deduces the future destiny of man. Fail not to consult the greatest Astrologist on earth. It costs you but a Wile, and you may never again have so favorable an opportunity. Consultation fee, with likeness and all desired information, $l. Parties living at a distance can consult the Madame by mail with equal safety and satisfaction to themselves, as if in person. A full and explicit chart, written out wilth all inquiries answered and likeness en closed, sent by mail on receipt of price above mentioned. The strictest secrecy will be maintained, and all correspondence returned or destroyed. References of the highest order urnished those desiring them. Write plainly the day of the month and year in which you were born, enclosing a small lock of hair. Address, MADAME H. A. PERDIDO, P. 0. Drawer 293, Buffalo, N. Y. N EW WINTER GOODS AT GABLE. Ft STRICKLER'S, MARKET STREI, MARIETTA, PA., LOW for CASH ! Having selected our stock out of a lot of goods imported since the decline in gold, al lows us to offer goods below New Yerk and Philadelphia retail prices. OUR -LADIES DEPARTMENT • Consists rf choice styles of embroidered Mo hair, in pliin colors, silk plaid Mohair, Frenth and Scotch wool plaids, English and French merinos, figured and plain delaines, all styles of American DeLaines, and a full stick of la dies wear generally. MEN AND BOY'S WEAR. English, French and Dona:estic cloths; Car simeres and vestmgs in gr.eat variety; Deaver cloths for Overcoating undershirts and drtiw ere ; hats and caps, &c., &c., House furnishino goods of all kinds; flan nels froth 35 cer.:cs e io $1 per yard; large lot of bleached and unbleached Mains, Dills and Cotton ii_annels. Glass and .+Q.Aleensware ; door 'and table oil cloths'; Groceries of all ; Salt and Fish, all selling at correspond . I.lagly low prices. Call and examine for your selves. Marietta, Sept. 29. 1866. ' W COI O SL E - G L I E B BE I I 39 igantag... OlatturLar i ttaciune. 1 The most simple, complete and easilyiman aged' SewingirMachine now in use. Itdoes every description of work—never stops at or needs to be helped over seams, but does all its work rapidly and well. The needle re-, quires no adjustnient—you cannot get it in arrongit 'makes any widthof hem yen wish —does braiding beautifully. The Braider is in the foot of every machine and part of it, and is allwrifs adjusted, never gets out of place. ball and examine them before purchasing any other, at H. - L. & E. S. ZAMA'S, - Corner North Queen street and Centre. Square' ' Sole Agents for Lancaster County.: Lancaster; February 11, 1866.-tf. ), • LATEST FASHIOAS DEMAND • Bradley's Celebrated Patent Duplex Ellipiir OR DOUBLE SPRING] SKI P. T. -x - TRE Wonderful flexibility and great com fort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced pat titularly in all crowded assemblies, operas, catringeoe-railroad cars, church • rims, am - chairs, for promenade and house dress, as the' skirt can be folded when in use to occupy small place as easily and conveniently ag S. silk or muslin dress, an invaluable quality crinoline not found in any single spring skirt, A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort - and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic steel spring skirt for a single day, will never afterwards willingly dispense with their use. For children, misses, and young ladies they are superior to all others. They will not bend or break like the Single Spring, but will preserve their perfect and grace shape when three or four ordinary skirts will have been thrown aside as useless. The hoops are covered with double and twisted thread, and the bottom rods are not only double springs, but twice (or double) covered; pre venting I hem from wearing out when dragging down steps, stairs, &c. The Duplex Elliptic is At great favorite with all ladiesind is universally recommended by the Fashion. Magazines as thestandard skirt of the fashionable world. To enjoy the following inestimable advanta ges in crinoline, viz: Superior quality, perfect manufacture, stylish shape and finish, flexibil ty, durability, comfort and economy, enquire or J. W. BRADLEY 'S Duplex Elliptic or Double Spring Skirt, and be sure you get the genuine article. CAuriolt :—To _guard against imposition be particular to notice that skirts offered as "Du- FLEX" have the red ink stamp, viz : 3. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs," upon tne waistband—none others are genuine. Also notice that every hoop will admit a pin being passed through the centre, thus revealing the two (or double) springs braided together there in, which is the secret of their flexibility and strength, and a combination not to be found in any other Skirt. For sale in all stores where first dass skirts are sold, throughout the United States and elsewhere. Manufactured by the solo owners of the patent, ,WESTS, BRA. DLEY 4. CARY, No. 97 Chambers and 79 & 81 Reade-ste, N.Y. Tanualy 26, 1867.-3 ml New Trimming and Variety Store, Opposite Diffenbacles old stand, and two doors West of the Golden Mortar Drug Store, Market Street. NES. XARGARET BOTH 3EGS leave to announce to the Ladies of the borough of Marietta and vicinity, that she as just returned froth Philadelphia, where sbe laid in an entire new stock of fashionable and useful TRIMMINGS AND FANCY AR- T/MRS, I OTIONS, &c., embracing all the Novelties of the Season, among which will be found the celebrated new style Trail Hoop Skirts; Plain & Fancy Garters; Queen Hoods, Childrens Coats t Sacques Plain and Fancy Mantua and Velvet Pibsbons, Gimps, Cords and Tassels, and Buttons in endless variety. Paper and Linen Collars and Cu f fs for Ladies and Gents, Hosiery and Gloves, Linen & Emb'd Collars, Zephyr• Shawls, Plain & Emb'd H.'dkfs. Opera Caps, Silk & 'Zephyr Scarfs Suspenders, Germantown Wool, Twilights, Breakfhst Coseys, Braids and Shetland Wool, Bindings, Zephyr Yarn, Laces, Neek-Ties, BALMORALS & SKELETON SKIRTS, Corsets, Belting, Edging, ,Ruliling, Cord of ail colors, FaMcy Fans, Kid, Kid-finish Silk and White Lyle Thread Gloves, Silk Mitts, Embroidery, Men's Gloves and Neck Ties, Pearl Cuff Buttons, Belt Buckles of various styles, Tape Trimming, Linen and Thread Lace, Thimbles, Silk Tassels, Emery Bags, Fancy Soaps, Perfumery . , &c. Particularldtention has been 'paid to the se lecting of sinall wares, such as Sewing Silk, Cotton and Linen Thread, Whalebone, Hooks l'and Eyes, Needles, Pins, &c. it .- The public are particularly requested to call and examine for themselves. lizy- Mrs. R. is agent for the sale of the cel ebrated Singer "A" Family Sewing Machines which took the find premium at the late New York State Fair. She will also instruct per sons purchasing from her, how to work the machine. AGREEABLE AND PROFITABLE rnizioginent feu , au.iee dine, MEBVLS. BLACKWELL & CO., M l lbspaper and Periodical Subscription Office, No. 82 Cedar-st., N. Y TI . ES.= to engage ONE good correspondent in each town, to extend their business in.the principal Magazines and Newspapers, for which they take subscriptions at the pub lishers' lowest prices. The business is respectable, pays well, and no capital is required: it is also suitable for ladies. Full particulars in our "Correspond ent's Circular, mailed free. Also, noW s ready, a new Edition of our third annual newspaper and periodical Catalogue (for 1867) containing over 200 different pub lications—a most useful thing to all lovers of literature. Free to any address. BLACICWELL & Co., Office,.B2 Cedar-et, N. Y. (P. O. Box 4298.) 'aitib4l BOWERS & STENCY) No. 61 Market Street, Marietta, Pa., ARE awake to the downfall in goods and the interests and wants of the people, will display on their counters, dunng . the next week, for the inspection of the public, anoth er lot of those CCIEAP GOODS AT ST'ilLji MUER DECLINE IN PRICES Good. 4-4 Brown Sheeting, only 20 cents; " 7-8 46 44. ." 18 tents"; 44 3-4 , c .64 64 12i 'cents? Good 4-4 White Sheeting, only 20 tents : usu al price, •30e; goad 44 White Sheeting, only 25e, usual price, 35c; Extra 4-4 White Sheeting, only 80e, natal price 40c; good Cotton Flan nels, 20 and 22c, usual price'3s and 40c; ex tra heavy all- I #o9/ TVA led Flannels only 3 , 71-2 Cents! GOOD tAtICDES frbm 1.2 i to In CENTS, Choice Balmorals from $1:75 to s2:'jo.; Ladies 'and Gents Kid Gloves—all colors. A 'good assortment of Hosiery, from 'lBc per pair upwards, and everythi'sg in OUR LINE CHEAP! Come this way and get Bargains For we will be gOverned by our old motto : that.a "Quick Tip is better tliffn . a slow Shil ling," that is to say that we Auld rather sell at a small idvance than not sell at all. In this establishment will always be found a choice lot of Teas, toffees, Sugars and Syr nps. Hiving purchased our stock roil cam enables us ta offer bargains to purchasers. Marietta, January 12, 1867. CIMETECING NEW ! Patent clasp pock -13 et books, no gum 'bands to renew, adapte to any condition of th'e lON SPANGLER'S. 1r) OGEIVS Celenrated Pearl Cement and Oil Paste Blacking at :‘ THE GOLDEN MORTAR. 11,EST Quality of Wines and Liquo re for medicinal purposes, at Dr. Landis 2. ID RASA porcelain lined preserving kettles, 'fflia cheap, at JOHN SPANGLER'S.