The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, February 23, 1867, Image 2
lite pariettiatt. eSN „ IK. : ' '•;!;5, MARIETTA. PA : Saturday Morning, February 23. 1867, *Er Godey'lßaOy's. book for March is on our table. There ate -fifty engrav ings in this number. "Watching Baby," the steel engraving, is a most excellent design. Colored fashion plate—six beautiful figures and very truthful in the styles. "The Robbins," another beau tiful wood cut. An engraving of a handsome villiage or suburban res idence with plan, is also given in this number The literary department is filled with in_ teresting reading matter. Terme 83.00 per annum in advance. Address L. A. Godey, N. B. Corner of Sixth and Chest nut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. cir A.bill making it unlawful for any person to practice medicine, surgery, and midwifery, in Philadelphia, who has not a diplonia from some respectable college or university, under a penalty of $lOO for each offence, has been reported negatively by the General Judiciary com mittee ; as also has one inflicting a pen alty of $lOO for any, newspaper to pub lish any gift enterprise or scheme in the shape of lotteries to dispose of real es tate,jewelry, greenbacks, or other things, of value. eir The Secretary of War has decided that every bounty claimant re garded as having served to the end of the war, who enlisted for three years, and was mustered out with hie organize_ tion because the services of the latter were no longer required, and is there fore entitled to the additional bounty under the act of July 28th, 1866. This Is really a very important decision, as it admits the claims of a large class of soh Tiers for the additional bounty, who would otherwise be debarred from the privileges of that act. GT' Many persons injure themselves by absurd and foolish trials 'of physical strength. We are told' in one of bur exchanges of a young man at Milwaukie, who, bbasting of his strength, said he could knock , the panel • out of a door with a single blow of his fist. He tried the experiment, knocked the panel out, but his band has been paralyzed by the injury inflicted upon it, and is gradually withering up. lir John and Patrick McCcillougb, of St. Clair, Schuylkill county, had a hearing a few•days since on the charge of distilling and selling whisky without :% Government license. A. sample of the article made was obtained, and it is aid that among the materials used in tts manufacture were molasses and horse manure. What a palatable, beverage that must be! er So great is the destitution in :'Zorth Oarorina, and so stringent the pe • iniery affairs of the people, that the :sheriff of Pitt County was lately mob .3d, and ,Ltll his writs and executions ore burned ; and the Legislature has been forced to pass a "Relief Bill," un ,!or the provisions of which the payment a debt may be deferred one year. fir The New York Commercial Ad- , rtiser says that recently ei Connecti ' t farmer'awire, noted for a keen eye the finances . , was told by her husband 'lst the church had elected Mai de aeon, aereupon ehe eagerly inquired, " How :ich money will you get by it ?" o—Kentucky is sadly in need of mar - 11.1,l law. The State is most entirely Jed by lynch law. The Governor, nna e furnish State militia, has .been ,mpelled to ask for a detachment of Cnited States troops to preserve quiet. fir Samuel A. Cornmao, a young ,ember of the bar, pleaded guilty in the 1.. carter Sessions in Philadelphia, on Fri y, to a charge of forgery, and was sen . Jced by Judge Ludlow to an imprison ....nt of ehree' years. . The Kansas Legislature on Feb :•.Lry 6, ameAded the State suffrage bill striking out the word, "male"—or in • her words, extending the suffrage to ;men aw The Long , Bridge across the Po ,luae River at Washington was swept on. February - 5, by the breaking up the ice al" The Swatara, with Sarratt on ard,,arrived at the Washington navy ed, on Sunday night. - The prisoner io good health. far 13 enford Conover, indieted for per. y in ;:giving false testimony against Lincoln assassins was convicted on , The• ippointreent or 'Cowan, as aieter to.:Atistria, was rejected by the • • nate. AT Moscow had gas for the first time its eventful histOry, on the 15th of ifir The Home Amusement for March is received. It fully sustains its former reputation as one of thi! best and choicest lady's and family magazines published. Every number shows a decided improve ment on the preceding one, both in its choice selections, typographical execu tion and beautiful appearance. Its pub lishers have adopted a form and a style for a parlor magazine unsurpassed in this country. Every number is printed on the best p?re white book paper, sized and calendered, folded, stitched and trim med in book form, for binding. The magazine, for one year, complete, will comprize a beautiful volume, larger than Webster's Unnbridged Dictionary of 416 pages. This is sent semi-monthly for on ly $1 50 per annum. It is, therefore, the cheapest eemi-,monthly magazine pub lished in the United States. Its stories are all chaste, amusing and instructive. Every number contains two or three original stories, selected tales, a number of pieces, of selected poetry, amusing anecdotes, sparkling wit and hu mor. with a review_ of the fashions and passing events. The first, story of• the present number, entitled "How I Was Duped," a ,tale from French life, showing the cunning intrigue in metropolitan life to beset the young and unwary, is alone worth the entire subscription for one year for the lesson it .conveys. The second story, "The Miser and his Treasure," showing the vanity of ill got gain, is worth a volume of sermons to the young. Every mether should place this number in the hands of their sons ; and with each article ,and paragraph we could say the same. Large and valuable prizes, consisting of W heeler & Wilson's Sewing M achines, Washing Machines, Clothes Wringers, Hoop Skirts, Engravings, &c., are sent to persons rising clubs. It is sold by agents everywhere, Sam ple copies to agents raising clubs are sent free. Address the publishers of Home Amusement, 78 Nassau street, New York. l ir Mr. . ayard Taylor and his family sailed on Saturday for' Southampton It is Mr. Taylors intention to remain abroad for about a year and a half, spending the ensuing spring and summer in. Germany, and the autumn and-:Winter in Italy. He will also make short journals to places not heretofore visited by him— Sicily, the Balearic isles, &c. . air A. chiropodist in Buffalo has a huge sign on which is painted in flesh color a human foot, with as much of the leg as would reach up to the knee at tached, covered with warts, bunions, car buncles, contusions; swellings, and all manner of horrid and unnatural deform ities. Gir The most unhappy person in the world is the dyspeptic. Everything looks dark and gloomy ; . he feels "out of 'sorts" with himself and every body else. Life is a burden to him. This can all be changed by taking Peruvian Syr up (a protoxide of Iron). Cases of 27 years standing have been cured by it. d A,railroa i d from MartiusbUrg, to Hagerstown, Md., is projected and will soon be under way. It is to be an extension of the Cumberland Valley road running now , from Harrisburg to Hagers town. or In Washington county, Tenn., twenty miles northeast of Jonesboro, is an ancient birch tree, on tho bark of which is still legible the following in scription : "1771—D. Boone killed, a bar." garJalias Wintelmeyer, worth half a million dollars, died in St. Louis Onjan. 29th. He left all his wealth to his wife, with the exception of one dollar to each of his children. eir A bill has been introduced into the State Legislature for the repeal of all laws or parts of laws, providing for State Inspectors of flour, leather, whisky, bark, &c. ear The table' on which the Declara tion of Independence was signed and the "Hancock chair," are hereafter to be kept in Independence Hall,• Philadelphia instead of at Harrisburg. ear The dome of the Capitol at Wash ington is lighted by means of 1,083 gas burners. which Can be lighted in a mo ment by the agency of. electricity. • eir The Catholics of Erie have or ganized a temperance society, the mem bership in which is to be confined, to adherents of the church. rln Jackson county, lowa, one night last week, three brothers married three sisters. eir There is a young lady in: Marie:. burg who oatrplay two pieces at once on the piano, and at the same time shit; i On •Tuesday next, February 26th, the great Temperance convention will convene at Harrisburg. • Orr Had President Lincoln lived un til Tuesday last, (February 12th) be wouldatave-beep 58 yearn old. shr The negro suffrage is now the law of Tennessee. V ~ ~ .~i. R ~ ~ A News in 313thf 11532 They have a quick way of dissolving the matrimonial fauna in Chicago. One day last week a dissatisfied wife applied for divorce, the papers were made out, the alimony determined, the request granted, and the lawyers paid—all inside of four hours. A singular law-suit is now on trial at Albany. Two young men each married but a few weeks got sick of their wives and proposed to "swop," and very sin gularly the wives consented. But the husband of the homeliest promised to pay $3O "to boot," and as he has nsglect ed to hand over, suit has been brought to recover the money. Jay Cooke, the banker, has recently been buying some magnificent paintings for his grand residence; now nearly com• pleted, at. Cheltenham, near Philadelph ia. A picture by Nebling, "After the battle," cost him 5,000. Eight, years ago Jay Cooke was connected with a Cincinnati banking bonse•at a salary per year not half as much as he gave for, "Af. ter the battle." But he earned his.means and deserves his luxuries. The goldedriile for a young lady'is to converse with your young female friends as if a gentleman were present; and with young men as if your female companiOns were present.' Well warrant it to be chaste and becoming. Two Irishmen were traveling when they stopped to examine a guide board. "Twelve miles to Portland," said one. "Just sex miles apiece," said the other. And they trudged on, apparently well satisfied f at the small distance. The tax on whiskey will not be reduc ed, and whiskey offered for sale at 'a less price than the tax—s 2 per gallon—will be confiscated. The Ways and Means Committee of the Rouse have agreed upon the aboli tion of the tax on incomes under $l,OOO, and a five per cent. tax on all incomes over that amount. After a wearisome struggle that must have exhausted both friends and foes, the bill providing for the acceptance by the National Government of the gift of League Island as a site . for an Iron-clad naval depot has passed both houses of Congress in a concurrent shape and now goes to the President for signature. The bill amending the act organizing the several territories, conferring suffrage therein without regard to race or color, has become a law without the Presi dent's approval. It was presented to him on the 12th ult., aud•he had not re turned it within the ten days , allowed by the Constitution. The bill repealing the timnesty and pardon authority given to , the President, became a law in a sim ilar way. By a vote of the West Virginia Leg islature it has been decided that Mor gantown, in M onongahel a county, is to be the new capititl of that State. Hereto fore the seat of government has been at Wheeling, u the extreme northwest cor ner of West Virginia, MorgantOwn is situated on the Monongahela river. The Buffalo Commercial Advertiser states that the First National Bank of that city has, in a period of four years, accummulated a surplus greater than its original capital, and without impairing this surplus, it•paid its proprietors a div idend for the past year of fifty percent. Since 1821 Mexico has had twenty three presidents, seven dictators, two emperors, one president and one generalissimo—or an average of a new ruler every sixteen months. `lhe long est reign has been three years. Hon. C. V. Culver, who was connect ed with the great Beni failures in the oil regions, was tried before the Court at Franklin, and acquitted. A man in Fredericksburg, Va:, was knocked down by lightning, and cured of rheumatism. He don't recommend the remedy. • Rev. Father Ashley Pool, a distin guished. Methodist clergyman, died in his eighty-fifth year, recently, at his residence near Morgantown, West Vir ginia. The Senate -Foreign Committe hive reported against Cowan as minister to .Austria. There never was a.shadow .of a chance for him. A colored man has been finedll and costs in New London, Ct., for groaning like' a possum in meeting. George Everson.dropped dead while dancing at a ball in Burlington, lowa, one day,last week. ' The Schuylkill river. at Philadelphia has not been so thickly frozen as now; in the last fifteen years. The New. York Post says it requires an income of nearly ten thousand,dollars to live comfortably in New :York. The remains of the' ex-rebel, General Barksdale, have been removed from. the field of Gettysburg to Mississippi. ofthr, Delaware Legis lature. have rejected the canatitUtional hmendraent.' - A Catholic Church; explueivply for col- J oied people, ia to ,he hcilt at:St. Louis. Mr. Bancroft has declined the Boston _CollectOrship sr Some person has taken the time and trouble-to give us thefollowing cu rious facts. .Th 6 total mailer of human beings on: the earth is computed at 3,060,000,000, and they speak 3063 known tongues. The average duration of life is 334- years. One fourth of those born die before they are 7 years old, and one half before they. are the age of 17. Out of one hundred persons, only six reach the, age of 60. Out of five hundred persons, only one attains the age, of 80.. Sixty persons die every minute. Tall men live longer than short ones, Married men are longer lived than the single. Rich men live, on the average 42 years but the poor only 30. There is a drunkard to every 74. 60 - The Easton Express says : "Messrs T. & T. Miller, contractere of the Le high Company's Railroad, discovered, a short time ago, about half a mile from Seigfried's Bridge, an Indian grave-yard, on the property of Joseph Kleppinger. Upon making an examination, diey found the remains of seventeen Indians, and with them a large number of beads, with whieh, 'doubtless, these red men had one day bedecked themselves. A chief, ev idently, was buried udder an old apple tree. About his remains were found eighty beads of a large size, ninety rings, and about a'peck of small beads, besides a medal, dated 1824, his pipe, in good order, made of clay, one pair of scissors, one knife, a number of arrow•heads, &c. The discovery created considerable ex citement in the neighborhood, and par ties from all directions visited the spot to gratify their curiosity by seeing what was to be seen." tfr On Wednesday last, strange as it may seem, Secretary McCulloch appoin ted Solomon Johnson, a colored men, to a regular first-class clerkship, ha having previously passed the required examina tion, the rules of which were strictly en forced. Mr. Johnson is the first colored man who has occupied a clerkship in any of the Government departments. The apppointee was a soldier in the late war, is a practical phonographer, and has re_ ceived a collegiate , education. * The Democrats will be very much pleased to hear this. Ex-detective Baker testified be fore the Impeachment Committee to having once been in the possession of a letter, purporting to have been written by Andrew Johnson , during the early part of the war to Jefferson Davis. offer ing to join the rebellion on certain terms. Doubting the authenticity of this docu ment, he took it to the President's pri vate secretary who declared that the sig nature was unque tionably genuine. H e further states that the letter aforesaid is not now is his possession, but he pre sumed it can be reached. tor Mrs. Jenny Van Zandt, (daughter of Signor Blitz,) the favorite American prima donna, is playing at Warsaw, Russia. She has been engaged by the Russian government for six months from November 1; and made a success ful debut in " Lucia." Her Marguerite is also highly praised. She is engaged to sing in Vienna during the month of May. Her success in Warsaw is the more decided, as the company there is composed of the best artistes from her Majesty's and Covent Garden . , London. A son of Signor Blitz,. named Capt. John N. Blitz, died at Barbadoes, on the 28th'ef.December last, aged 31 years The West , Chester Jefferspnian says- "A few f .days since,. Mr. Cheyney Martin, of West Bradford township, was compelled• to kill a valuable cow, to re lieve her of, her •misery. Upon making a post mortem examination, five calves were discovered. Four of them had been living when the mother was killed, but the fifth had evidently been dead about a month. This is the most remarkable case we ever heard of." Oar Prof. Alex. Haßab Bache died at Newport, R. on Sunday last, aged 61 years. He Was a - great` grandson' of Benjamin Franklin. In 1853 he was ap pointed Superintendent of the United States Coast Survey, which position he held at the time of his death. fur Tlke statue. of Edward Everett has been completed, in , clay. by Mr. Story, and isiiow at Muojett ,ready for casting. It is expected to arrive: at Boston some time in May, and it will be dedicated in June.• • ... rar The report, that Postmaster Gen eral Randall had resigned is contradict. ed. All the`Cabinet officers, with the exception . of Mr.'Stanton, are asserted to be,"inaccord-with the President on the great questions of the day." eirmiss Mary Bards, who shot her seducer, .4arroughs, in the treasury building, at Washington, two years ago, has just been admitted, to the Insane Thineas T. Barnum, the great showman„ who resides at. Bridg'eport, Ct., has been nominated for Congress as the Republican candidate. • . ofir Horace Greeley, it is , said • will be Post Master General, and Ei-Gov. An drew, of Massachusetts, to succeed Sew ard, who is about , to resign. Important News.! Early Spring Styles. w - E have just replenished our Stock with the latest choice designs of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, purchased — at greatly reduced prices, and which we are selling at prices gratifying to purchasers. We have full lines of the best 'makes of 'Black and' Cblered"WoM Delames, Superior Black and Fancy Silks, Rich styles Silk Warp Poplins, Various grades black and colored Alpacas, French, Scotch and American Ginghams, 10000 yards Fanny and Mourning Prints, , Childrens, , Misses and Ladies-Balmoral', ... Swisses, Cambria and Jaconette, Cambric and Swiss edging and Inserting', Bleath and unbleached muslins of all .grades, Cassimeres and Cloths for Spring wear, Jeans, Cottonades and Denims,_ Plain arid'kaney`plaid Wool Shirtingi. BARGAINS For New Housekeepers. Tickings in all widths, very cheap, . Furniture Check, in great variety, . Linen and colored Cottrin Oinaburgs, Linen and Cotton, White and unbleached Sheeting, :Towels and Toweling, plain and figured, Cotton and Woolen, Bright colored Cov erlets, French and American Counterpanes, 100 pair white and colored Blankets, Ingrain, Venetian, Stair and Rag Carpets, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, all widths, Transparent Oil cloth and Holland blinds, Rosewood, Mahogany, and Walnat frame Looking Glasses, Wool, Linen and Cotton carpet Chain, Superior steamed live picked Feathers. QUEENSWARE. a, 67 and 110 ps.Setts Iron Stone Ware, Granite and Iron stone Chamber setts, Fine and Common Glass ware of ail kinds, Common Queensware in variety. GROCERIES. Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Dried Fruit, Salt, Fish, Spices, etc., etc. fir An early call is solicited. SPANGLER & RICH. LATEST FAIsiIIO_.S DEMAND Bradley's Celebrated Patent Duplex Elliptic LOR DOUBLE' SPRING] SKIRT ==l THE Wonderful flexibility and great com fort and pleasure to any I , tly wearing the 'Duplex hlliptic Skirt Will be experienced par tii.ularlY in all crowded assemblies, operas, carriages, railroad .cars church pews, aim chairs ler promenade and house dress, us the skirt cau be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a silk or muslin dress, an invaluable quality in crinoline not found in any single spring skirt. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic steel spring skirt for a single day, will never afterwards willingly dispense with their use. Fur children, misses, and young ladies they are superior to all others. They will not bend or break like the Single Spring, but will preserve their perfect and grace shape when three or four ordinary skirts will have been thrown aside as useless. The hoops are covered with double and twisted thread, and the bottom rods are not only, detible springs, but twice (or double) covefell4'pre renting them from }veering out when dragging down steps, stairs, &c:. The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all ladies and is univer:ally recommended by the Fashion Magazines as the standard skirt of the fashionable world. To enjoy the following inestimable advanta ges in crinoline, viz: superior quality, perfect tuanufitclure, stylish shape and finish, flexibil ty, durability, comfort and economy, enquire or J. W. B lt•A D L 'S Duplex Elliptic or Double spring Skirt, and be sure you get the genuine article. CAUTION :—To guard against imposition be particular to notice that skirts as "Du- FLEX" have the red ink stamp, viz - : "J. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs," upon toe waistband—none others are genuine. Also notice that every hoop.will admit a pin being passed through the centre, thus revealing the two (or double) springs braided together there in, which is the secret of their flexibility and strength, and a combination not to be found in any other Skirt. For sale in all stores where first class skirts are sold, throughout the United States and elsewhere. Manufactured by the sole owners of the patent, WESTS, BRADLEY If ,CA R Y, No. 97 'Phattrbers and 79 Br. 81 Beride.;Sts, N.I. Tanuarti . ;16,1867.-3m] NeW Trimming and Variety Store, Opposite Dffenback's old stand, and two doors West of the Golden Mortar Drug Store, Market Street. MRS. MARGARET ROTEL' BEGS leave to announce to the Ladies of the Elp borough of Marietta and vicinity, that she hag just returned from Philadelphia, where she laid - in an entire new stock- of fashionable and useful TRIMMINCIS AND FANCY AR TICLES, A OTIONS; &e., embracing all the Novelties of the Season', among which will be found the celebrated new style Trail Hoop• Skirts ; Plain, &; Fancy Garters; Qizien Hoods, Childrens Coats Sacques Plain and Fancy Mantua and Velvet Libbons, GianYs, Cords and 'tassels, and Buttons in' endless variety. Papee' . and Linen Collars and Cuff's for Ladies and Gents, libitery and Gloves, Linen & Emb'd Collars, Zephyr Shawls, ' Plain 8t H'dkfc. Opera Silk & Zephyr Scarfs Suspenders, Germantown Wool, Twilights ' Breakfast Coseys, , Braids and Shetlitiad Wool, Bindings, „Zephyr Yarn, Laces, - Neck-Ties, BALMORALS & SKELETON SKIRTS, Corsets; Belting, Etiging,.Ruflimg, Cord of all colors; Pangy Fans, Rid, Kid-ankh Silk and White Lyle Thread Gloves, Silk . Mitts, Embroidery,, Men's Gloves and Neck Ties ' Pearl'Coff Buttons, Belt Buckles of various_' TaVe — Trimming, Linen .'and Thread . . . Lace, Thinibles, Silk TAsels, Emery Bags, Fancy Soaps; Perfumery, Sm., &e.' Particular attention has been paid to the se lecting of small wares; such as 'Sewing Silk, Cotton and Linen Thread,' Whalebone, Hooks and• Eyes, Needles, Pins, &c.. 11:. The public are particularly requested' to call and examine for themeelves. P'Mrs. R. is agent, far the sale of the cel ebrated Singer "A! Fatally Sewing Machines which took the first premium at the late New York State Fair.,She will also instruct per sons purchasing rom her, how to Work tfie maChine. TO, JOHN PANGLERS. For useful things and things of sport, The gay ancl serious here resort. Superior Skates—Ladies Men's and Boys', Pocket Books—evefy variety, • All styles or Coal Oil Lamps; New styles, Ladies Morocco Satchels, Good-wife's COinliahions—new, , Latest novelty in Port Folios, Extra fine Pearl and Ivory - handled Pocket Repeaters, Sharpe Improved,. (Knives, Sleigh Bells-Lfirie'plated and white metal, Hair Brushes—durable and cheap., Axes, Hatchets`and' Hammers, Razor Strops—Emerson , s, • Duston's Hand and, Tennant Saws, Wringers. late . improved, All varieties of fine Ivory and common Table Rolling Pine, Washers, &c., (Cutlery, Eley's Amunition, Wads and Capp. . . _ , Dili Ritib4l if? 'ff people BOWERS & STEACY, No. 61 Market Street, Marietta, PR., ARE awake to the downfall In goods an th interests . and Wants of the will display on their counters during the next week, for the inspection of the public, anoth er lot of those only 20 cents; cents, CHEAP GOODS AT STILL A FURTHER DECLINE IN PRICES ! Go o O'd 7 4: 8 4 Brci , itn Sheeting, 0 "18 cents ; it 3-4 " " 12i Cents! W3ldoct;e good d eti 4 ng i o l n y lp hi t, ste G price, o n o l d4 tun only 25c, usual price, 35c; Ext,,r t g, - : :White 'Sheeting, only 30c, usual price 40c; good Cotton Flan nels, iio and 22c, usual price 35 and 40c1 ex ' tra' heavy all- Wool Twi led Flannels only 37 1-2 Cents, GOOD CALICOES from In to l 8 cEns, . Choice Balmorals from 'sl:7s to $2:0; Ladies and Gents Kid Gloves—all colors. A good assortment of Hosiery, from 15c per pair upwards, and everything in motto: OUR LINE CHEAP! Come this way and get Bargain s , u wi k ll b F e i governed isbe t ; e r byth than r a ol u j via_ ling,"tl iaFt.a we lh 'Q at ic is to say that we would rsther sell ate small advance, than not sell at all. in this establishment will always be foam a choice lot of Tema, Coffees, Sugars and r_ ups. Having purchased our stock roe enables us to otfer bargains to purchaaera. Marietta, January 12, 1867 Have now in store of my ov.o Lc:porta:iv:l and manufacture one of the lar,r,est and tuce oeautiful selections of FAN C Y for Ladies' and Childrens' wear, iu the eq. AiEo a fine assortment of Gem's FUR G OYES AND C LI I um enabled to dispose of gym- pods at very reasonable prices, and I would there:nre su!;- cit a call from my friends of I ancaster count; and vicinity. Remember the name number and street. above 7th, south side, P RI I, A DELP Wlt. I have no partner, nor conneetiln any other store in Philadelphia. 1.10-17 t, j HICKLING & CO'S GREAT SALE OF 'WATCHES On the popular one priue plait, giving every patron a han&oule and reliable watch for tho low rice of Ten Doi ! Without regtal to value, and not to be paid for unlei..s perfectly satisfact4ry ! WO Solid Gold Hunting Watches Vf:Ot, .500 Magic Cased God " Sl2oo to am 500 Ladies' Enamelled " lUb to 1,000 Gold liuntin.s.: Chronometer I,Vate;ms 1,000 Gold hunting English levels 'au is:2,o 3,000 Gold hunting, Dupiea weto t. 5,000 Gold hunting American watches 5,000 Silver Hunting Levers 5,000 Silver Hunting Duplexes 5,000 Gold Ladies' Watches :: 1 1 w 2.11 , 10,000 Gold Hunting Lepines Ill) to 75 10,000 Miscellaneous sbver Watches nO to lOU 25,000 Hunting Silver Watches ;11 to ho 30,000 assorted Watches, all winds 10 to 15 •Every patron obtains a tva;ca by this ar rangement, costing but ;,10, while it may be worth $700.. No pariiality Messrs. J. Ridding Ce.'s Grim American Watch Co., New Yorlr . . City, WWI to immedi ately dispose of the above inageilieent stoel.. Certificates naming Lintels s, are placed 1.1 sealed envelopes. Holders are retitled to tin articles named on their certificates, upon the payntent of Ten Dollars, whether it be a Wlii.Cll worth $750 or one worth less. The return of any of our certificates entitles you to the arti cle named thereon, upon payment, irrespective of its worth, and as no article %slued lose than $lO is named on. any certificate, it will at once be seen that this is no lottery, but 3 straight forivard legitimate transaction, which may be participated in even by the most fasti dious ! A single Certificate will be sent by mail, post-paid, upon receipt of 25 cents, fire for Sli 'eleven for $2, thirty-thiee and elegant !trend urn for ss ' 'siirty-six and more valonale pre mium for $lO, one huntixed and most supero Watch for sls.' To Agents or those wisaing employment this is a rare opportunity. It b a legitimately conducted business, duly 55 thorized by the government, and open to the most carelul scrutiny. Try toe'. J. HICKL,ING 1-19 Broadway—near P. tl. Feb. J City of New Tort. THE CHAMPION CLOTHES WRINGER! snd OLIN SPANGLER has just rceeived has for • sale this, celebrated Wriger , witi d l or. without cog-wheels: This is now regarde as the best machine in use. It is tore easily adjusted to the tub, and as wider than any me. - chine of the vice.. .No. I „without cog-whesls with with cog-wheels, ; teirinch rollers, is selling at .;;S 1 " 3 . e 11. inches, 3, with coghes, • ittXXIP WILLCOX & GIBBS NOISELES S mos simple complete and easily rosn' aged .Sewing .11a.ohnie . now in use. It does every, description, of, work—never stops ot all ar. needs to be helpe&pver seams, hut does its work rapidly. and well. The needle r?' in quires no adjustment—you cannot get It wrong—it makes any width of hem you Irish . does braiding beautifully. The Braider Is in the:foot of -every machine and [Pat of it, and is alwayS adjusted, never gets out of place. Call and examine them before porehs 64 any other, at H. L. & E. J. ZA.III I, S , Corrker,astortb .Queen , street and Centre Square, Sole Agents for Lancaster County. Lancaster, February 17, 1866.11. n. / feL4L ei fi f e ral , hi ) H. L. 6- E. J. ZAHAI, Corner of North Queen-St. ,, * - and Centre,Squgre, Lancaster, Pa. E are prepared to sell American snd .Swiss Watches at tlfe lowest cash rata! Me buy directly from the loptrs and Alan ufacturera, and , 'can, and sell Watches ss low as they can be bought in Philadelphia or Nev.:York. A fine stock of Zllocks Jewelry onstantly, Spectac on les. Silver and Silver-plated ware c hand. Every article fairly represented. Corner North Queen Street and Centre `qu ays LANCAsrEP Ladies' F :Ng FUIS! John Forefra's .LD ESTABLISHED it Nallufactorl, N. TIS ARCH wet, above 7th, Philadtlphia, MEM 100 to 2,11 ;AI io 7. to `l,, NEE