Zile ftratiettian. MARIETTA. PA : Satudg,ffigniDg,,FebraaTy 16, 1867, For The celebrated " immortal J. N" " is dead. J. 14. Free, for that Was 'his real name,- was,monornaniac,of,the,pu, rest water, who, yvhile l livingerejoiced in the rather elongated, if not egotistical title of "the irrimortaLij. N.' the great est orator; statesman and philosopher of theage"." . For:years past the .whole current of the d'eceesed'e , thoughts seem ed to be. directed ,to the thorough re construction of the Union, his theory being that in -the late war both sections were right and both wrong, a hypothe sis which ,bet few could comprehend, "J. N."- as he preferred, to style limself, while laboring under a singular hallucin_ ation relative to the adjustment of ou r national difficulties, tras,a man of con siderable intelligence and his insanity was of a perfectly harmleic nature., About fifty years bitclt a married couple, residing in Paris', adopted - a male child that had been found in the streets, although having a son of their own. The.two childien. were .brought up together, and readied the same ed ucation. The foundling went into busi ness and made a large fortune, while his benefactors met with reverse, and died ; leaving their , son, a clipple,,unprovided for. The • adopted son then devoted himself entirely,to hie _companien bit in fancy, refusing to marry in o rder not4o be forced to quit him, and has now just died, leaving him a fortune of nearly a million francs. , illar The Prince , of Wales is becoming' a rude, swaggering, drinking, gaming scallawag who can tie `restrained in his evil practices neither * by the iiiflizendes . of his mother, the protedtations of the Court Clergy, nor the consciousness of what appertains to royal dignity. If he were the son of a tradesman, everybody would call the chap a loafer—wit is, be gets the title of "the Merry Prince; sand his indiscretions are so notorious that , even the London,Timesjkas felt compell ed to,rebnke these in, stately editorials, ' demanding a reformation. as: due. to the honor of the British.nation. fad' Daniel .Gtillagher, residing in the neighborhood of Liicnst and Juniper streets, died on Monday of hydrophobia. Deceased had been bit by a dog a short time previouslY, whilb playing with. him but the wound in one of the thumbs was so alight that very little attention . was paid to it. Early, in the, morning the first symptoms of the terrible malady, appeared, and he grew worse up -to noon, when dmith reliefed hini of his sufferings. He was in the employ of the Chestnut and Walnut . Streets Rail way Company.---:Germantown Telegraph. fir Georgn Peabody, who'is in Wash. ington, has paid over one million of dot hue to a hoard of trustees, the income of which is to b'e appropriated to all the more deatitute*Youth of the Southern and southwestern States, for educatiOnalimr. poses. Miseiesippi" bonds (repudiated) to the amount of Over a million more; wee made over at the same time. There will be no distinction between colored and white youth, thus adding to the mu nificent gift. illar A. marriage of a rather extraor nary cliaracter . took place in Saginaw' City on Saturday, January . 26th, at:the house of Hon. P. C. Andre. Edward J. Stark, of Greenbusb, was united to Miss Francis Hammond, a teacher of music, these parties never having seen each other until the day they were mar ried. The courting was done by mail. It is to be hoped they will like , one another when they become acquainted. We see that the Bon. C: ver, a member .of Congress from this State, and Mr. J. S. Austin, who were tried on a charge of fraud in connection with the failure of the Oil City Bank and other matters, have been honorabli acquitted, and - the prosecutor John Duf field has been sentenced to pay the costs. sfir A noted guerilla and desperado , named Strawbridge, .was , taken 'out of the Danville (iKy.) jail last Wednesday night, by a mob, and hung, in College square. Vigilance couhrtittees are an . tive in the interior countieF, and making short work of horse thieVes and other bad characters. Or Gov. Curtin is about to take a trip to Europe. He goes alone, for the benefit of his health, and will be gone about six months. W'' The marble statue of Hijory . cbty, executed in Italy, by Bart, the -Ken tucky sculptor, has reached New-York. It will be set:up:in the Louisville court house, on the - anniversary-of Mr. -Clay's birth, April 12j INT Counnndore Charlei Ste - Wart Wm been seventy years in the American navy having entered in 1797, and be is still . inn of hia mantel fannilists. Or The Washingtoii f corres pondent s of Forney's paper of Th Isday last t Hays I O-, "Gen. Sickles was call 'to, NrawFarki I I last night by Ale atelliii;ncelif the silt ions illness of Mrs. Sickles, and this morning news was received of her death. Mrs. Sickles was the daughter of Profes sorSagi.oliorlew,,Ynrk, and,is remem bered as one of the most brilliant and fashionable women ever seen in Wash ington. She was elegantly educated and gifted with most fascinating manners , She was married to General Sickles very yoang, and her first appearance here, in the heigth of her youthful beauty daring General Pierce's administration, will be long remembared. Since' the 'terrible tragedy With.which her name was tinhap il7 connected shee has steadily excluded herselfirom all the: circles in which she was 'Wed°. time a, leading and welcome participant. irhs cause of her death was believed'to be the heart disease." Gir A Jew named Simon S. Barry, keeper of a cigar_store, whowas tried in the Supreme Court at Bosten, recently, on the charge ,of yiolating the Sunday law by keeping hie shop open on that day, was acquitted, the court holding that he was not amenable for doing business on the Christian Sabbath when he had already kept the Jewish Sabbath. The Jews generally, however, we believe, are not asking or expecting so much as this. In 'Baltimore', where there is a large Hebrew population, they desire and will petitibr(tor the privilege of engag ing ia such of their occupations as may be folloived'secidiledly on Sunday, but no others. They have sent a memorial to the Maryland I;egislature on the sub ject. - .IfirThe Empress of the French some time since accepted a gift of 178 sewing machines from M..Goodwn, the head of a great - manufacturingAnuse i'aris. The Minister of the Interior, desiring to carry out theqwishes of her-Majesty, has addressed a - letter to the t prefects, re questing each ~ of, them to forward the name 'of aia suitable person's, frofirwhom the Empress will select recipients of those valuable instruments.' The distri bation will be only to - private individtials whose condition in' life will make the gift a aaeful - one. ' A Cincinnati lawyer is in trouble, (not-an uncommon thing-for lawyers, by the way.) He received a letter. through the post office stating that as he. ( the lawyer ) had been on rather too inti. mateterms With his (the writer's) sister, he must either marry the young lady on or before the lat of March, 1867, or be prepared to die on that day, The lawyer insists that he never saw said sister, and that he don't want to marry, and don't !antic) die, , ger If an anthritito fire has been left for hours and heal:inn:it out into isshei and a person puts on fresh coal and nikes if cleir - of all :dust's° °as to let the drift revive it, out it goes. But if he puts on a little coal does' not rake it, but just leaves it for a quarter of an hour, then it will revive, the fresh coal kindles, And after that to rake away the oid d u et w ill: to make the fi r e . 'r burn famously, and then more coal Can be added. G' - The continued-illness of Mr. Sen • ator Guthrie, of'Kentucky, Who has not been in his - seat since the commence ment of the predent Cession. will. it is , . . now predicted, compel h un to resign, and thus pave the way for the election of ei-Senalor Lazarus W. Yowell'as his successor. It is believed that the ex pectation of this result induced the re election of Garrei David. • or A Harrisbrirg lady= closed the open oven-doors of her-kjtchen range, and made a fire in.said range. She left the kitchen for a. short time S end soon heard - a' moat fearful tumult in • that apartment. Hurrying back she opened the oven-doors,.whence the noise seem ed to come, and out rushed two partially roasted esti. - or The Bangor Whig says that splendid- trout are caught this season through We ice 'of the lakes and streams of Maine. ;Hon. Hannibal :Hamlin and his nephew 'went to Mt. Desert last week, in defiance of 'cold which would haiie .daunted an Eiquimaux, .and bioUght home. about a sleigh laid of these splendid fish. Or The:Country Gentleman is in formed, on what it considers good au thority, that nothing ill better for with drawing' the 'frost without injury to frozen ears, cheeks and. fingers, than the immediate application of kerosene— rubbing it on gently for - a time. ' Air Five years ago, -a man escaped, from the Ohio State Prison. A few days ago he returned, and expressed a desire to serve out , his term. '. Tha only explanation even - is; that while out of prisert he got married. It would be un gallant to say 'anything more. - ilkirU. S. Sena.t.or:Saulabury, of Dela, War/1i a ,notoriaai drunkard; haikajust, joiaddithe,Washingtori Tempbiatiee "So. ciety. .6or There-is a greater; length olvail waya-in)the!Unite,d-Rtatee than all other countries together. ._ ler A State Temperance Convention wilt man! - c 4l `l4—'73THE - DIAi IFMILAIN-ieg_itr; , - 3 l. 3l. Ask o t • • •• ~ a J 1. 41 'nattie if st fro 36r1 4 R; Thit*istsiu Ligislatire, by a tlote of 21.1tivaltlthe , S nate,sand , w ,f2) in the Assembly, 'has condemned the course of Senator Dolittle, and instruct ed him to resign. The State law parmittng ... thesale of negroes into slavery for crime has been abolished,by, the Maryland Legislature.' James Gordon Bennett, JIM, 'lately tendered his yact, Henrietta_, t 9 Prince Alfred as a present; but the Prince declined: ; • , • - i . • ; The Senate ' Tenur e Officebil, l pro libitiagiwthe-Bresidontarom imam:ging officers without the advice and consent of the Senate, was adopted in the House on February 2,by,a vote of 111 yeas to 38 nays. An amendmeat, including Cab inet officers among the others, was also , adopted. - The. north building of the Pennsylvan ia College at' Gettysburg was deetroyed by fire on January 25. A woman in Michigan asked for a divorce: from her husband bedtimes he refused to 'wear a moustache. • A weeping,father who testified in a Louisville Court, last week against his son, for forgery, confessed that he bad previously, paid between $15,000 and $17,000 of his forgeries. The citizens of Hancock-, Brooks. and Ohio counties, -( Pan Handle,) in Neat it.is stated, are aboutpa l peti tion Vide Legislature to be Aisannexed fromthat-Statei And to' become attach, ed to Pennsylvania.. „ A sacrilegiqus wretch in Buffalo has been detected in robbing the contribn- -, tions of a church. He was• let off by giving his check for $l5O. Mrs. Major.. Williams, formerly. Ale beautiful Mrs. Stephen A. ,Douglas presented her liege with an . heir th e . anniversary day of their m arriage., A young man named -.Baldwin, red& ing .at East Cleveland; was - =for some time confined in the ;lunatic asylum . at Newburg, but was sent home lately, par tially recovered. The ether day he , stabbed his mother, inflicting Wounds which will probably cause her 'd•datli. Re has been placed tinder restraint again. • .. The irifant eon of officer Charles , Gell er; of CaradSti, N. Y., died ;from Iniffoca tion, uriddr the - following singular" air cumbtances. It , appeard that the child slept in the same bed with an older one, who bechnfe"restless" during the :fight; ,, and when' the parents ' awcik'd "die morning, they found him lying across thelifeless body of ths 'infant. The Tennessee State, Senate has, re quested 11. S. Senator Patterson (son 4n law of President_JtAnson) to resign. The preemble•recites "his shamefel be trayal of the loyal Union men who gave him their confidence:and their votes.. It is estimatedthat4the cost of clear ing the streets of Boston of the supera-; bundance- of snow;that >fell .during they: two great -storms in January will amount to at leat3t40;000: ..! . An elderly gentletuan of-i3Oston, who is afflicted - with' lameness, !ivaeiissisted` into his sleigh at one 'of the horse rail_ road - stations slew diiis - sinCe, by a cou ple of young men, isho; under the cover of this steinYing - ftut 'of kindress; felietied his tiocket of Vl6OO. A body of priests,.of4hg order of San Francisco, who emigrated to Obsta Rios in Ncqepiber,,have been expeilpdfilap3 the country by the unanimous voice, of the peopie, who raised ~$5,090 to pay their, expences. The. citizens of _Schenectady, N. Y., have organized a,"doal,olrih," : which, e pledged - to sell all Itirids of, coal, at,o,ps dollar lees per ton : than , the price charged by the rooter , dealers. The Scotch Earli•Lord.Fife; gave. Mad: ame 'Pearls's lhonsand guineas to allow a cast to be'taken of her leg; the Earl died, - and this - cheriilied leg was recent ly sold for half a croirn. -. -The President has nominated deorge Bancroft, tke historian, to be Collector at Boston. in the place of Conch, reject ed, and he will doubtless be confirmed. The appointment .is a highly honorable The Presidential Mansion has been thoroughly. renovated and put in excell ent repair at an expensncf some $40)000. Ross Winans ; of :Baltimore, =has re 'ceiiedihe C'eritriist-tirbttild railroad ears and locoinotivas for thisltuiSiatrgovera: meet. A White man in - KIM tuckir murdered hie colored Mistreie Ail other 'ddY,. bat explained that he ives afraid she: would tall hie Wife of - the connection; and tucky justiae was.eatisfied. ' . The Lafayette (lod.) Courier repoits a well cletined case of insanity resulting from the use of hair dye, The Senate by ,- a vote 0f,31 yeq,..4 to 9 naye,and tbe,ltoune„by. vote of . 120 yeas,to 44 naye f (more tban two-thtrde in each body) Rinsed the -.mission' of Nebifyika, 7 .noto , ,i.s4 l stanAng t be. Position t'.a l yato,, IhnikboLt9 mos one of tbst Atatas,9l-tbet.4tnerOnn..TJA- ion— .Theaqt, "„align i tqg gplime4 . gsreons . to ride in public conveyances has finally 1 ,tiv,,,:' gap ZEIGLER, MeffIIIRDT , #-Co., 501 liffsbinit staid, elealideliiiti. hate now 3pr B,•antlifill LIU puglia t t, asork by 1 S I kl - d hi A? ''ior k. r. •. P. roc e t•, , an ~ •rs: &Ty E. ; i Vaughan, entitled "Nyainan's work in 1 the Civil War. 6 ';lt,...will be-illstrated with numerous fine steel engravings, by Rithie and Sartain, and will contain 700 octavo pages, including sketches of near ly temAundritilediee, and Brief 1.3 . 01498 of about "Emii:Hatilred Oilier's, while a just tribute will be paid to the thousands of namelesslierdidee, who 'sacrificed so much togive-ald and relief to out...suffer ! ing soldierk _The,wprk was commenced, more than three years ago, and prepared under - the sanction and approval - of - the -, United States Sanitary Commission, the- Western:t Sanitary Commission, and Christian Commission, and will be one of standard authority and great interest. It will-contain an Introductory Chapter by Dr. Bellows, :the late President of , the., Sanitary Commission. Agents wanted in- every locality: to• obtain subscribers for the work; as it can be obtained ONLY by subscription. ANEPYOAN GREATNEM-If the• Yank-v ees have acquired the name of greAt boastbrs they may, be - excused on the ground of, having so much .to be proud : of, evenan the natural• features of their, country. The greatesteave in themorld. is in Kentucky ; -the greatest river: ands the largest valley in the world are the Mississippi river and valley ; the largest inland sea in the world is Lake Superi or ; the greatest mass of solid iron is the_ Iron Mountain of Missoitri-; the Falls :of Niagaraiis the greatest, cataracts -in the • world , ; Chicago-ii the ISrgeSt.gmin port - aadolambEir market ;• New York has' the' largest acqueduct in the world, whiles Pennsylvania has the largest deposits_of anthracite, and Illinois the greatest.ex tent of bituminous- coal , fields -in the known world. George Peabody's donations to charitable and benevolent purposes, in cluAing the liberal, provisions for the surviving members ,of ,his, family, since hie last visit to his native•comntry, will amount to somelve millions of dollars. Of course ID thill sun is 40 - 99 1 Allt*iiie magnifiebut centriblition to the poor of London. The'fact,that his,fast gift of over tivii'iiiillionsTordollars shall be-idis tributed among the entire population of the South' and .Southwestern - States, "without other distinction than their needs," is a splendid refutation =of the mischievous charge that he Vast dint. Need to the ;Union cause throughout the war. W A Union man is under indictment in Johnson County,.North. Carolina, for stealing four pounds of meat from the so called , Confederate States. Government (these are vie exact worde,nsed in the bill), and f nnless the Government inter fere it is believed by his friends that he will be dragged to the whipping-post. The accused was a conscript soldier in ,the,rebel afmy, and when on duty in 1863 whlfirtiiilt starved, took" meat to keep life in his - body, and now will have to „ . !suffer for aiiract not against law, bet be cause heleand was a Union man.- 'skir Mr. William s": Webb , ship - briild_ ar hati b'enn 'Writing 'and Prititing his I'Bl idieito - the - qunition, "What his caused thelteacftillitig' off in I.merican ship. blinding Z" His answer,-condensed,- is : reereaseqn the cest'onabor-75 per cent ;2. •:Inereave- the-eoet- of meter to,6o - per cent..; 3. High tariff Clii Ameripan boys will not be`eppeentieed`to 'tradee, prEiferring be coutiter•jumpern, or something else that will enable - them to- live---without bona fide work: i , , The Charleston Mercury, of the Od, ultimo says that so far the law/ad mitting negre.testimony "has been atten ded with more than usual success. ' Tlie coloied witnesses appeared to be : fully impreesed with the obligations Placed upon' their!, and their eirideiice his been generally given with en evident desire totell,the. whole truth and nothing but the truth.' Sr One whO knows, a Philadelphia condUctor; says tliat to protect his feet from cold when all the tracks are sidte'd • • 4. he is obliged o wear that a oots re not only doubled-Soled; but= that have two thickn . eseee - or epper leather; and over these a pair of eMethick fur-Ur:led Moe casins, awl even then he suffer from ex. 491:9e,cptd The citycouncil .13as pro hibited,tiie use of Saltn the street. Among the means under consid eration _l3y C grilse 145 prevent•whiskey frauds, is the confiscation of all whiskey dffekd'for sale' at•less , than $2,00 algal- air Wistar's • Wild : Cherry balsam compound has become a home fixture. Let all whb safer and have in vain at ,tempted to cure ,their coughs, colds, bronchial or pulmonary complaints, mpl9 use•olthis uneiluelled.reioedy. It can be reliipf upon as' the mass of testi .mony thp4 has bepn, Since its introduction is ample r proof of its suffi ciency. , ear Henry Peffel, an old alderman an4, 1 .1%,54Ya1e the war ofl.Bl2', 4 died in Harriadri'on itooday last, aged '7B _ Er PIRECITOEB TRAIT,L.—The direc tor ' airier Ohicagoiand korthwest ertatailioadhi thus desctibld : "It is entirely different frouttauy car ever built and is more like a great ocean steamer than a car. „It is seventy feet long and twelve feet wide, and the centre part, where the parlor and bed rooms are Lip fifteen feet high. Over the wheels, on either side, is a room, twelve by twelve feetl4nlaid with oak, cherry, walnut, and ash, most beautifully. The sides are all isiarntit: 'A. hall leads front' either 'roan' toward the centre, four feet wide, and on piper side of the hall is a bath r4oni, and water closet. You then descend four-stepmt@the.bed-eroomerwhich -are of the same height as the parlor—this additional height being obtained by dropping all of the car between the wheels as near . the ground as is safe and practicable: From each of the bed rooms you enter the parlor, through most elegant walnut doors, with beautiful cat glass. The parlor 'is twenty-four by twelire,'fifteen , feet•liigh, most bemitiful ly frescoed—threeground glass windows on either side, fife - feet high and two and a half wide—and two panels between, on either .side,-are filled with beautiful mir rors, from ceiling to floor, elegant Brus sels carpet, ottomans, sofas, and easy chairs, equal to the finest parlor in New York,, and the beds and bedding the finest I ever slept on, will give you a faint - idea of this magnificent 'traveling palace. A small car is attached to it for a kitchen. I forgot to mention the piano.". THINGS TO BE REMEMBERED.—Romem ber that a printing office is no place for idling, loafing boys, and loungers; es pecially wlien, they are not subscribers. Remember never to ,abuse >a Newspa per, saying it• is- not.worth -subscribing for, and yet never _fail to run about to borrow the same paper to see what is in it. Remember when-yon do.go•into a print ing office not toirnelt atom:Attie copy the compositors are useing, nor look about the gallies where type are on. Remember when you do go into a print ing office, to never take a lighted cigar with you—but to walk in and . take the chair that is offered to you, and read the Papers about (if any there ba.) Remember all this and editor, compos itor, nor devil will frown on you. How TO, CLEAN OFF SNOW.—The. BDOW may be , easily-softened and cleaned from pavements and- yards; 'even - when it is hard frozen 'and trampled down, by sprinkling common table or fish salt over it. In ten, or• fifteen minutes it will be soft and may be swept off with a stiff broom. We have seen it tried frequent ly. Five cents worth of salt will be enough for the pavement in front of any house, and fifteen minutes after reading this YOU may - clean , up in front of the hone(); and Perhape save your neighbors a severe fall on the slippery walkway. How To . riu•lircw...=-Nothing is more easy, Stiys Mr. .Paulding, than to grow rich. It i&only4o;trnstlnobody ;to -be frienihnone ; to:-get , everything and - tave ati we - :get ;-•to stint ourselveund , every , body•Welonging-to vs ; -to .be the friend , of no man, and to have no man for your friend.; -to heap interest upon• interest, cent upon cent ; „to be mean, - miserable and despised, for - some , twenty -or ,thirty yearsoand• riches will- come as, sure •as diaease and ,disappointment: • far A. meersehaum.pipe, manufactured in America, and to, he sent to the Paris Exhibition, is on exhibition•in ,a neigh : boring,city. It is, eleven,„inchsts,,in length and the amber mouthpiece•eight inches-injength and two I . incheerthick. The carving on the trunk represents the meeting, of Macbeth and Banquo with therwitches, en4their.way from the battle field, The figures and -horses are four inches., in ,heigth. Surmounting the bowl: Shakspeare is seated in .a - chair, looking down upon the:scene. jar - Madame de Teschenberg, wife of the principal editor of the Vienna Ga zette had just supped gaily at a ball one evening, and was, about to depart, when a waltz striking up she told her husband she would just take three turns before going. Bnt after the first round she•requested her'partnei to • stop, and althost immediately expired. eir The , turning doirn of a wick of kerosene lamp, for the purpose of leav ing a low flame on going to ,bed, on `leaving the room of an evening, is high ly. unsafe. The low flame 'generatrei a poisonons al! in the room, different from but quite as, bad, if not worse in its ef fects, than gas from a coal stove. gar A youth of Detroit, an inveterate smoker, loa'ded his Meeischaum with logse tnbacco from his pocket and tip . plied a match. A terrific explosion fol lowed. Fortunately, be was not - 11010, but lived to realiie that he -had put,seveial ol cartridges with the tobacco in the pipe. tir A gentleman gave a $25,000 priut the'Loiadoit Telegraph, and eefit 'With the gift a lettei id" Which lie said :'"ln your paper, by judicious ed ;adieing; have inlasied` fditUng which enables ' me to offer this testiboily C. 4 T.4RliNi WHY SUFFER WITH. $, IS_DiiiiiGEROUS AND LOATIIVIIIa I==:= DISEASE WHEN IT CAN BE CURED AND ENTIRELY ERADICATED FROJf THE SYSTEM BY THE USE OF DR. SEELYEIS LIQUID CATARRH ItElllsol CATARRRA iLL SURELY RESULT iN T• 11- CONS UMPTION UNLESS CHECKED IN ITS INCIPIEN:` STAGES I=l IT NEVER FAILS! Cure warranted if directions are joilatred, -„-„„- - SINGLE BOTTLES WI LI LAST A MOMI COLD IN THE HEAD Relieved h a few miuutes. BAD BRE ATH Caused by offensive secglicois. WEAK EYES Caused by Catarrhal acetic:A. SENSE OF SMELL When lessened or destroytd. DEA. FN ESS When caused by Caiarrhal difficulties. All are cured by this remedy, AFFECTIOW'i, Are more frequently than otherwise tamed by a thiek, slimy mucous, falling from the head, especially during the night, and resulting front Catarrh, and .are cured by SEELYE'S UM LIQVID , CATARRII REMEDY! ff:M SYMPTOMS. The Symptoms ofTatarrh are at first very slight. Persons find that they have a cold, that they have frequent attacks, and are more sensitive to the changes of temperature. In this condition the nose may be dry, or a alight discharge, thin and acrid, afterwards thick and adhesive,- may ensue. - As tste disease becomes chronic, the diEhrie gee are increased in quantity and changed in quality • they are now thick and heavy, sod are hawked or coughed off. fhe secretions are offensive, causing a bad-breath ; the voice thick and nasal ; the eyes are v eak ; the sense of smell is lessened or destroyed ; deafness frc quently takes place. Another common, and -important symptom of Ca tairh'is,sthist the person is obliged to clear his throat iii the morning of a suck or slimy mucous, w henwthich has this falle n istakesfro pimtabeeeh,ead d the person. may be earn that his disease is ots way to the lunge, and should lose DO timen in arresting it. The above are but few of the moue Catarrh al symPtorne. Write to our Laboratory for ours phimphlet describing fully all symptoms it will be sent FREE to any address. Also directions where to procure the medicie. of We are receiving letters from all parts the Union, and- also numerous testimonial! " froth those using it, bearing the evidence 0/ its infallible merits. 11:2 - This remedy contains no MINERA L or POISONOUS I NGREDIENTS, butis p ". !: pared from vegetable extracts EXCLUSI: LY; therefore it is PERFECTLY HA"' LESS,`even to the most tender and definite child. ..co CALL FOR SEELYE'S CATARRH RE:il• EDY, and take no other. If not sold by drug_ gisiii in yOUr vicinity, they will order it for you. Price $2.00 Ler bottle. ra- All persons suffering with any affeotio n its at of the Head, Throat or Lungs, should wr once "for our pamphlet fully describing all symptoms pertaining to the above diseases. It will be sent free to any address. - . Annaass Ds. D. H. SEELYE CO., FREEPORT, 11.10018• Sold by all Wholeeale and Retail Druggists' GENERAL! S.. lee John D. Pack, Cincinnati, Ohio ; Finch & Fuller, ChiCago, Ill.; Burnhainss VanSchaack, Chicago 111. DeTDB9 .13!raD.r,3; Co., New York ; Li:Ransom & C0.,.y act'. N. y. ; Farrand, Shelley &Co,, Detrolfijr, igen ; Weeks & Putter, ytN tyleanii,a. ; BA. r neßsO BtODu, r Frech,Richar ds&C l PbiladelPlla Co/ 113 Wardß.n.seiiersa;turgh, .0. Bro's`. St. Louis, C0.,0. ; aßobinsci&t" lolieVlle, Hy:; Bigley &i.e_piis, ; B l) J ii . c E lr . , l ra P l u ti Y M ' o ll ie ic,h r fr t d' sr. DVe-75't r ;° r0 Tr o h`11?. goer, Albany, N. Y. ; Strong n-it, Clevelaed, Ohio; Wm. John:s,lll;7Z. Mich. ; Wilson' Peters & 1. I