etc aritilian. piatagg Vo rebinwg 2, fBB7. The Morning Passenger train for Lan or sad Philadelphia will leave the upper The to o at 12 minutes after 8 o'clock. oti tri in going westward will pass upper 'Utica! et 'I mi n utes after 12 o'clock, NOON. De Horrisburg accommodation train eastward rut psis at 26 minutes after 5 o'clock, in the Otrroon and returning arrive here; at 43 ,itotee after 6 o'clock in the evening. B y an act of the last legislature o d bigoed by Governor Curtin on the iith o f December last, log catchers are gloried My cents per log, and if not chimed and paid for within two months after ba ying been caught, the log is for feited to the catcher. Thio will be good owl to Marietta boys and will compen sate them for the trouble and risk. The compensation heretofore allowed was a a pittance, and many fine timber dicks were chopped up . and thrown op oo the wood pile rather than take the trifling compensation paid. • On account of pressing engage N ana is New York, Prof. Wells will not be able to lecture in this place until sosaiale in DI arch. Dr. Frank Taylor IA however, lecture on Friday evening 011 , (February 8), on " The age of Qvin Elizabeth." The Doctor is rep- Werited as being a very able lecturer Ind the age of " Queen Bess +'+ will car a.c!). furnish ample material for any of a lecture. It will be under the at the Marietta Literary Soci- ti Drury 6. 141agraw, formerly State I rFarer of Pennsylvania, but now a res.- :16t of l'ort Deposit Murylar d, where was last fall electod to the House of Dolegalps, was suddenly, whilst out walk. ,og with some friends, on Tuesday eve rag last, struck with apoplexy. Mr. IC .bout 53 years of ag , and was, a few crave since, a resident of Lancaster. gWe are glad to learn that Mr. prool'a writing school ia a most com- P:ccess; so large a crowd attend the trot everting that Mr. L. was Limii,2i:od to divide the °amber into two h, ,, eg, and meet on separate evenings. e have received the first num Pc bi monthly periodical called fhe Progresiiive Iteview,". published r Shirk and Stibgeo. It is neatly got iHip. The publishers are former Ma• ,ettiani We wish them success. G - The Lady's Friend for February on our table it is, as usual, very 'men; the engravings fake and the lit ary mutter first-class. For terms and pmituni+ see advertisement in another An election for three directors of ,e Columbia Fire Insaranee Co., will o place at the Company's office, on o 4111 of F, hruary next. I Gm A. 13, Matz, of the State tote nod Major E D. Roath, of the once will please accept oar thanks for gislative favors. tr Rev. John McNair, at one time auourd in Lancaster, died in that city ;Saturday evening last, aged 61 years. FREY PASSES. -We learn that the l'ilaqylvania Central Railroad Company avo at length wisely determined to be 4i liberal with their free passes, than laey have hitherto been. • Their kind- P , s in this respect ha., peen very much "'''Jed, and by none more so, than by members of our State Legislature, have importuned and begged pass " fmtn the Company, and then sold Ilea, in some instances, getting as high q5OOO apiece for them. This con we hold to be the essence of mean and we are glad that the Company put a stop to it.—Columbia Spy. can any more contemptible kind of oaduct be described ? This is mean "B personified. There is to doubt 4t the free pass system and courtesies !the company have been abused and, "ince this rescinding of passes has be ciale necessary. lit "lave you a cough ? Haseon's 1-o opound Syru p of Tar is an infallible "lady for coughs, colds, hoarsenese,sore throat, difficulty of breathing, pain in the P648 t , • asthma, bronchitis, and all the d ' 6 eaaes of the throat and lungs. Every. ' 4 ' l s should remember that a cough or '• 01 E1 neglected at the commencement , r ntletitly terminates in consumption. ` 4 e above preparation never fails in cur -I,i/g the most obstinate cases. For sale h 5 Britton and Masser" and Dr. H. Len to, Slerietta. It The Pennsylvania Railroad Com pepy ie busy digging out the bottom of thß canal and filling up the old towing Mb even with the railroad preparatory t laling the second track through town. tir Ou our first page will be found a , ew eztrocts from advance sheets of a funhcoming work on the " Holy Land." RIM the advertisement in another past of this week's paper . %if' A few - more left—of those care tally gotten-up blank leases.' Also, blink notes—at this office. it The Catholic Church itt ter Was considerably injured iire467 it "thY morning last. Polly insured, C9ACI . III7.WiC4 Died, January 20th, 1867,4 at the Peri dence of hie father, X. - erg., of Marietta,' john Havarti Carrel, in the lsth year of hie age. In the death of this estimable' youth we have another illustration of that saying: 'Death loves.a shining mark: lie was - very suddenly taken away ; having sickened and died within a week. 'His death has made a sad breach in the church, the family, the Bible class and school, of each of which be was so consistent and faithful a member. His teacher testifies that " he never made an excuse ; for be never failed in his dritsi." His paients tell us: he never disobeyed them;' but was uniformly kind, affectionate and prompt. His pastors add Unit testimony to his "walk and conversation," as "becoming the . Gospel of Jesus," which he fi rst professed, one year ago, in Columbia, under the ministry of Rev. R. A. Brown ; afterwards, by certificate, uni ting with the Presbyterian church of Marietta tc He seemed fitted," sail one, "both by nature and grace, for some, high mission." But "God seeth not as marx seeth." May his bereaved parents, brothers and friends fnd consolation in the thought, that "He doeth all things well." w. A. r. ..... ..... Resolutions of Condolence At a meeting of the students of the Colum bia Classical Institute, on the 31st ultimo, the following preamble and , sesolutions were adopted : WHEREAS, The afflicting hand of Provi dence has seen St to remove from our midst our beloved Friend and Schoolmate, J. How- ARD CAssat. Therefore RESOLVED, That we sincerely and deeply regret the loss from our midst, not only of his presence but his in any virtues and Christian example. That in him we feel we have lost a true Friend,.a worthy Schoolmate and a sin cere Christian. 'RESOLVED. As a token of respect and es. teem for his memory, nbers ofthis school wear crape cn their left arm for the space of thirty days ' Rasor.vrw, That we readily sympathize with his family in this sad dispensation of Providence, which has deprived them of an affectionate bon and brother. RESOLVED, That a copy of these resolu Cons be preseniccl -;, - ..-the bereaved family. D., Committee CitRISTJPIIER L. lieteti W. SCOTT WFI IT EFORD. DIED In this borough, on Saturday night last, Jolts . HOWARD CASSEL, on of A. N. and Mary Jane Cassel, in the 15th year of his age. " Where is the foot that sprang so light, My pleasure-hastene? step to meet; Where is the eye—so kind and bright, And where the lip so loud and sweet. " Each look I take—each step I tread, But brings some once-loved scene to view; How desolate—his presence lied, Bow blest when he beheld it too. " Hush ! m :urn ing heart—this wild dispair 111 suits the Christian's patient vow ; My God! thy all-sustaining care Has helped—can help me—even now. Marietta, January - 26,'67. J••••. On the 23rd instant, at Bainbridge, in this county, Mrs. Ann, relict of the late John B. Haldeman, of Conoy township. Important to Young Men and 'bathers. Every young man, whatever may be his future calling in life, will find a tho rough and practical business education his greatest aid to success. Such a course may be had by all, as the expense and time necessary for a thorough pre paration can readily be spared from the earnings of every industrious youth in the country. Three months only are necessary for a preparation that shall introduce any farmer's son, teacher or mechanic, into a business position that shall bring him a good salary, and that may lead him on to a business success. At Philadelphia, Pa, a system of in struction has been introduced into J. C. Mumford's Business and Telegraph College that must be thoroughly practi cal, and work a revolution in commer cial instruction in all schools having pupils enough so that it may be intro duced. Unfortunately this system of . instruction can only be carried out in a few of the larger schools in, the United States, as it requires for its successful operation a great•number of students in daily attendance. This course is re ceiving the encouragement and enthusi astic support of the leading business men and educators throughout the country, and is drawing for this College patronage from nearly every State in the Union. The practical arrangement of every department makes it profitable for young men to come hundreds of miles to enjoy its advantages, as at no other school in the country can equal advantages be had for business educa tion. REV.. ALEXANDER CLARK, Editor of Clarke's School Visitor, in a notice of that institution, said :—" The Commer cial College of J. 0. Momford combines in its plan more practicalities, and bet ter dieciplines its students for success ful business than any similar institution with which I am acquainted in the city, and but one in oar whole country in any wise compares with it, and that one pur sues a method somewhat the same but perhaps not as fully developed, Such a report from Rev, Alexander Clark is strong evidence of tbe charac ter and standing of this school. This College from its plan of instruction, in vites the attention -of the masses, and as it issues many publications explanatory of its working, which are mailed free of charge, we suggest that those interested in education send an application for cir cdlare,=as they will no doubt be furnish ed on receipt request. Addriek MVoiotd - 'Philadelphia Penns rill c- TH ?M A RIETTIAI~TI~ '% 55;ttial Notitts SCHENCK'S SEAWEED Toxic. This medi cine invented by Dr. J, H. Schenck, of Phila delphia, is , intended to 'dissolve the' food and make it into chyme, the first process of diges tion. By cleansing the stomach with Schenck's Mandrake Pills, the tonic soon restores the appetite, and food that could not be eaten be fore using it will be - easily digested. Consumption cannot be cured by Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup unless the stomach and liver is made healthy and the appetite restored, hence the Tonic and Pillkare required in nerd ly every case of consumption. A half dozen bottles of the SEAWEED TONIC and three or four boxes of the MA NDIULICE Plus will cure any ordinary case of dyspepsia. Dr. Schenck - makes -professionil visits in New York, Boston, and at his principal office in Philadelphia every week. See daily papers of each place, or his pamphlet on consump tion for his days for visitation. Please observe; when Ipurchasing, that the two likennesses of the Doctor, one when in the last stage of Consumption, and the othu as he now is, in perfect health, are on the dov ernrnent stamp. Sold by ili drUggists and dealers, price $1.50 per bottle or $7.50 the half dozen. All letters for advice should be addressed to Da. SCHENCK'S Principal office, No., 15 North 6th Street, Philadelphia, I a. General Wholesale Agents: Domes Barnes & Co., N. Y. ; S. S. Hance, Baltimore, Md. ; John D. Parke, Cincinnati, Ohio ; Walker & Taylor, Chicago, Ill.; Collins Bros., St. Louis. Missouri. [Oct. 20'66-ly-lstw. LADIES OF DELICATE'CoNTSITOTION - AND uncertain health are strenuously advised to throw aside the nauseous and useless prepara tions with which they are accustomed to drug themselves, and test the hygeian, body-and mind -strengthening virtues of Ilostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters. In all the com plaints and disabilities arising from various causes, they will find this cheering, refiesh ing and invigorating preparation of extraordi nary efficacy. Its regulating properties are wonderful, and as a remedy, for the languor, nausea, tremors, convulsions, hysteria, &c., which often accompany the developement of womanhood, it has no equal among the pre scriptions of the faculty or advertised medi cines. For the many. distressing feelings which usher in and often follow the period of maternity, and also for the painful and aaLgerou.s symptoths which sometimes accom pany "change of- life," Hostetter's Bitters are earnestly recommended .. ." 'NG other restor ative seems td suit so well the constitution; and the organization - of - the feebler sex. In all cases of Female Debility, where there is a want of brisk vital action, the bitters produce a most important change—relieving local weakness, and re-establishing the general health. To 01,17NENS OF H 0 RIM B AND CATTLF..- Tobias' Derby Condition Powders are warran ted superior to any others, or no psy, for the cure of Distemper, Worms,Bots,Coughs, Hide bound, Colds, &c., in Horses; and Coughs, Colds, Loss of Milk, Black Tongue, Horn Distemper, &c., in Cattle. These Powders were formerly put up by Simpson I. Tobias, son of Dr. Tobias, and, since his death, the demand has been so great for them, that Dr. Tobias has continued to mnnufacture them.— They are perfectly safe and innocent; no need of stopping the working of your animals.— They increase the appetite, give a fine coat, cleanse the stomach and urinary organs ; also increase the milk of cows. Try thera,and you will never be without . them. Hiram Wood- ruff, the, of trotting horses, has used them for years and recommends them to his friends. Col. Philo. P. Bush, of the •'Jerome Race Course," Fordham, N. Y., would not use them until he was told of what they are composed, since whist' he is never without them. Ile has over 20 running horses in his charge, and for the last three years has used no other \medicine for them. He has kindly permitted me to refer any one to him, Over 1000 other references can be seen at the depot. Sold by all the Druggists and Saddlers. Price 25 cents per box. Depot 56 Cortland street, New York. [23-7t ALLCOCR 2 S POROUS PLASTERS. La me Bock New-York, Nov. 23, 1859. T. A.llcock & Co. Gentlemen : I lately suffered severely from a weakness in my back. Having heard your plasters much recommen ded for cases of this kind, I procured one ? and the result was all I could desire. A single plaster cured me in a week. Yours, &c., J. G. Baum, proprietor of the Brandreth House. Cure of Crick in the Back, and Lumbago Lyons, N. Y., July 4, 1862 Messrs. Allcock & Co. Please send me a dollar's worth of your plasters. They have cured me of a crick in my back, which has troubled me for some tiT e, and now , my fath er is going to tiy them for difficulty about his heart. L. H. SHERWOOD. • Dr. Green, No. 863 Broadway, New York, informs us he sold, on Monday, June 22,.'62, two plasters to a young woman suffering very severely from lumbago. On Thursday she called to get two more for a friend, and then stated how the two she had purchased on Monday had releived her immediately after putting them on, and cured her in two days of a most distressing pain in her back and loins. Sold by all drug:ists. Ths Head of a Comet, according to Mil ton, is rendered tea-fold more terrible by its " Horrid Hair," and their are thousands of fiery human heads which might be rendered charming, by simply changing their tint to a mellow brown, or a perfectly natural black, with CAISTADORO'S HAIR Dim. It is re diculous to carry into society a grey, sandy or carroty head, when five minutes would render it as attractive as Nature could have made it in' her happiest'mood. Manufactur ed by J. CHRISTADORO, 6 Astor House, N. Y. Sold by all Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers. B - Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh, trea ted with the utmost success, by J. ISAACS, M. D., Oculist and Andel, (formerly of Ley den, Holland,) No. 519 PINE at., Philadel phia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city and country can beseen at his office. The medical faculty are invited tc accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificial Eyes inserted with . out pain. No charge for examination. MARRIAGE AND CELIBACY.—An essay of warning and instruction for young men : also, Diseases and Abuses which prematurely pros- . trate the Vital Powers, with sure means releff. pent free' 41 eNstge, in sealed letter` enyelnkies. Address, Szniz9.l7loDGE Tpig“oward4Aelsociation; No 2 South.Nintb: :t 0m.,. , T • 14%, t .17 Memakeal/; ' Wi*,,wh•do AND MEMORABLE •P L A CMS OF. THE HOLLY Comprising an acCount.of the -Ptatiarclii.," Po ets, Prophetsi - Apostles, Princes, Women, Warriorsatidges, Kings, -and ether cele bested. Persons of Sacred History, with a deieription of Ancient Cities and Vanerate&SlTines, BY, CHARLES W. ELLIOTT In the preparation of this work, some of the beet pens and most accomplished scholars have been selected. No paids or expense has been spared to make it a work of great and permanent Value, acceptable to old and young alike—a household book. It is not a work of theology, but of human life,ll of remarkable characters, "strange events, lofty poetry and startling history. ' This Work will contain careful and accurate account* I.—Of the lives and 'characters of the re markable men who have made the' Holy Land famous for an time. IL—Of Abraham the Wanderer, and Mo ses the Deliverer ; of Joshua. the Conqueror, and David.thecßelovedlroftMiriarti 'and Debo rah and Naomi ; of the Prophets of old, and Apostles of Jesus; of tl.e Baptist and the Women who knew and talked with the Sa viour, and also of the Great Herod,, and the III: Of the great deeds , stirNising events in which they were the principal act ors ; of the habits and manner of that Orient al Land. IV. _Of the ancient -Cities and ,venerated Shrines of'Egvgtin darkness; of Yerusalem and the Great Temple ; of Mount Sinai and the Dead Sea; of Bethlehem, and . Nazareth, and Tyre, and Damascus, and Antioch, and many ottier.places.: /t will contain - not only accounts .of Them in the Past, but as they'appear To-Day. The publishers are confident that this work will be regarded by all intelligent readers, and especially by the lovers of sacred literature, as one of great interest and permanent value. Coanymorre.The 'lfook -will• be printed from new Electrotype Plates, on good paper{; Its illustrations are in first style of Steel En gravings, by the: best Artieta- in the 'Country, consisting of beautiful scenes and celebrated characters of the Oriental'Land, and its value is increasedby Maps. , , , It will contain over 650 octavo pages, in cluding twelve pages of elegant Steel engrav ings, and be furnished to subscribers in a neat and substantial binding, at the following pri ces, payable on delivery: In extra fine English Cloth, with beveled and sprinkled edges, for $4; or same binding - with Gilt edges, fo: $4:50. ;cr. This work can be obtained ont. Y. through our distributing agents and will be SOLD , .ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION. , . . 11:PAgents wanted every County. For particulars, addrJes - J. B. BURR 4. CO., No. 18 ASYLUM-ST., HARTFORD, CT. February 2, 1867.-tf. I mcKLING& co , s. J: GREAT SALE OF WATCHES. On the popular one price plan, giving every patron a handsome and reliable watch for the low ?rice of Ten Dollars ! Without regard to v a lue, and not, to be paid for unless perfectly satisfactayl 600 Solid Gold Htinting Watches $250 to • $750 500 Magic Cased Gold " $2OO to 500 500 Ladies' Enamelled " 100 to 300 1,000 Gold Hunting Chronometer Watches 250 to 300 1,000 Gold hunting English levers 200 to 250 3,000 Gold hunting Duplex watch. es 150 to 200 5,000 Gold _hunting American watches 100 to 250 5.000 Silver Hunting Levers 60 to 160 5,000 Silver Hunting Duplexes 75 to 250 5,000 Gold Ladies' Watches 50 to 250 10,000 Gold Hunting Lepines 50 to 75 10,000 Miscellaneous silver Watches 50 to 100 25,000 Hunting Silver Watches 25 to 50 30,000 assorted Watches, all kinds 10 to '75 Every patron obtains a watch by this ar rangement, costing but $lO, while it may be worth $750. No partiality shown. Messrs. S. Hickling & Co.'s Great American Watch Co., New York City, wish to immedi ately dispose of the above magnificent stock. Certificates naming articles, are placed .in sealed envelopes. Holders are entitled to the articles named on their certificates, upon the payment of Ten Dollars, whether it be a watch worth $750 or one worth less. The return of any of our certificates entitles you to the arti cle named thereon, upon payment, irrespective of its worth, and as no article valued less than $lO is named on any certificate, it will at once be seen that this is no lottery, but a straight forward legitimate transaction, which may be participated in even by the most fasti dious! ' A single Certificate will be sent by mail, post-paid, upon receipt 0125 cents, five tor $l, eleven for $2, thirtyAhree and elegant premi um for $5, sixty-six and more valuable pre mium for $lO, one hundred and most superb Watch for $l5. To Agents or those wishing employment this is a rare opportunity. It is a legitimately conducted business, duly hu thonzed by the government, and open to the most careful scrutiny. Ts* us ! J. HICKLING & CO. 149 Broadway—near P. 0. Feb. 2-3m..1 City of New York. MONEY FREE AS -WATER. 10,000 Active Local and Traveling Agents, Male or Female, of all ages, are wanted to solicit trade in every City, Town, Village Fac tory, Hamlet and Workshop, throughout the entire world, for the most saleable novelties ever known. 500 PER CENT PROFIT and READY BALE WHEREVER OFFERED ! Smart men and women can make from $5 to $5O per day, and no risk of loss! A small capital re quired of from $2O to sloo—the more money invested the greater the profit. No money re quired in advance—we first send the article and receive pay. afterwards! It you actually wish to make Money rapidly and easily, write for full particulars and address. MILNOR & CO., (From Paris,) 210 Broadway, New-York City. Newspapers copying will be liberally dealt with. (Feb. 2, 1867.-Iy. ARMINIST.RATOWS NOTICE Estate of John McDuffee, late of Eas Donegal Township, deceased. Letters of Administration on said estate have been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delayfor settlement to the undersigned. HENRY FLETCHER, residing in East Donegal township. Marietta, Feb'y 2,1867-6 t. CI TO YES ! L STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES!!! COOK STOVES, COOK STOVES, STOVES, AT JOHN SPANGLER'S. I=l PARLOR STOVES, PARLOR STOVES PARLOR STOVES, GAS-BURNING STOVES AT JOHN SPANGLER'S. STOVES, STOVES,—VULCAN STOVES FOR HEATING , TWO. OR YOUR. ROOMS WITH ONE FIREFOUATII. SUPPLY .N'O W READY= CALL AND SEE THEM AT I. Spangler's 'Hardware and Stove Store Market -Stied, Marietta, -Pa.. TT EEP OUT THE FLIES ! Cheep' , mid' of momenta! dish covers of wire; litt JOHN SPANOLETOS. THE LADY'S FhLEND FOR 1807. THE LA. D Y S FRIEND announces for 1867, the following Novelets : a new sto ri- by Mrs. Henry Wood, author of 6 * East Lynne," "The Channinge . &c.; "How a woman had her way," by Elizabeth Prescott, author of " Tola by the Sun ;" "No • longer young," by Amanda M. Dottens author of "Intrust," & c.; and "Dora Castel:" by Frank lee Benedict. It will give a splendid double page finely colored Fashion Plate--engraved on steel—in every number. It will give a beautifully executed fancy steel engraving in every number. It will give u large assortment ef wood cuts, illustrating the fashions, fancy 'Work, &c., in every number. It will give a popular piece of music, worth the cost of the magazine in itself—in every number. It will give a copy of the beautiful Premium steel ereraving—"One of Life's Happy Hours" —26 inches long by 20 ii ches Wide—to every single (a 2.00)" subscriber, and to every person sendingon a Club. It offers, among its premiums, Wheeler & Wilson's sewing machines, Silver Plated tea sets, Spoons, and Pitchers; Gold and Silver watehes, &Able barrel guns, Allen's Rifles, IVleleAeonri, Clothes Wringers. Appleton's Cy clopeaias, &c TERMS. 1 copy (and the Tieinium Engraving) $2:50 copies 4 a "- - - 8:00 'and one gratis, 8:00 S at -and one gratis, 12:00 20 '" " and one gratis, 28:00 One copy. .uf The Post and The— ' Friend, one year, ' 4:00 The getter up of a, Club will always receive a copy of the 'Premium Enoaving. Members of a club wishing the premium engraving must remit One Dollar extra. Persons desirous of getting up Clubs or Pre ntiutn lists, should enclose 15 cents for sam ple magazine, containing the particulars. 'Address' DEACON & PETERSON, 319 Walnut-el., Philadelphia. N EW WINTER GOODS AT GABLE 5( STRICKLER'S, MARKET STREI, MARIETTA, PA., LOW for CASH 7 Hiving selected our stock •out of a lot of goods imported since the decline in gold, al lows us to - offer 'goods below New York and Philadelphia retail prices. 'OUR LADIES 'DEPARTMENT Consists ef choice styles - of embroidered Mo hair' in plain colors, silk plaid Mohair, French and Scotch wool plaids, -knglish:and- French merinos,- figured and plain delaines, all styleii of American DeLaines, and a full stock of la dieswear-generally. MEN AN D BOY'S WEAR. - English, French and Domestic cloths; Car• simeres and vestnags -in great variety; Beaver cloths for Overcoating ; undershirts and draw ers-,• hats and caps, Bic , &c., House-furnishing goods of all kinds ; flan nels from 35 cents to $1 per'yard ; large /ot o f bleached and unbleached Muslins, Dills and Cotton flannels. Glass and Queensware ; floor and table oil cloths; Groceries of all kinds ; Salt and Fish, all selling at correspond ingly low prices. Call and examine for your serves. - Marietta, Sept. 29. 1866. H-. LAN)DIS, . _ DB. .EfEATR Y At the "Golden Mortar," At the "Golden Mortar," Market Stre e t, Marietta, Market Street, Marietta, Keep constintly on hatia pit. HENRY LANDIS, o 1 4 ' P MT 41 FE. Fi 4 ; l:13 IP It IP a al g 25 s e P• '0 B 6 0. pa. r- 5 , 2 rt. s g e II a : }3 ti ' d A elt .?O Z• Prescrintions carefully compounded. Remember the place, Remember the place, Dr. Grove's old Stand. Dr.. Grove's old Stand. Give us a call. Give us a call. 171, STATE. OF FRED'S HEVERLING, _EA Late of the Borough of Marietta, Dec'd Letters Testamentary on said estate hay ing been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate settlement, and those having Claims or 'demands aga.nst the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersign d, residing in said Borough of Marietta. JOHN AUXER, Execu'or. Marietta, January 19, 1867.-6i] F. HINKLE, Physician and Surgeon. lIAS located permanently in Columbia, and offers his professional services to the citizens of that place. He may be found at his.officei at the resi dence of Benjamin Haldeman, on Locust-et., every day from '8 to 10 a. m., and 7 to 8 p. m. Persons wishing his services m special cases, between these hours, will leave word by note at hie office, or through the poet office. DR. J. Z. HOFFER, DENTIST, d r' THE BALTIMORE COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY, LATE OF HARRISBURG. OF FI CE —Front street, next door to R Williams' Drug Store, between Locust end Walnut streets, Columbia. fac te MARK THE SEASON! Another arrival of those incomparable Gas Burning Parlor Stoves. Also, THE IMPROVED VULCAN HEATER. Call and see them at J. SPANGLER'S. SOMETHING NEW! Patent clasp pock et books, no gum bands to renew, adapte 1 to any condition of the finance, at - JOHN SPANGLER'S. TH E celebrated Gutta Percba Oil Blacking makes a beautiful water proof polish. For boots, shoes, harness, &c. For sale only at Dr. Landis' Drug store. • COAL HODS, Coal Selves, Coal Shovels kers, Stove Grates, Cylinders and Li. nings of different kinds, kept on hand at JOHN SPANGLER'S. AHNESTOCK'S Nonpareil Chemical Writing Fluid now ready and for sale y ..lORN SPANGLER, .7- General Agent. , A CHOICE Lot of Books for children' called A indistructable Pleaeure Books t 'School and. Paper Hooks, Stationar3r). Pens, . Pen - holders Ere , HR. LA NDIS'. tiVitatX Anra , l74 W BITGLAINth RUN T0r',047..R 41 .0 41 0 0 ,L ' s Ta1,r 1 430A 113 nine Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry This remedy has long been cherished by the community for its remarkable efficacy in re- ieving, healing and curing, the roost obstinate, painful and long standing cases of Cough, CAd, Influenza, Sore Throit, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, C-oup, Asthma, Inflammation of the Lungs; while even Consumption Peed hea yielded to its magic influence when all other means have failed. Its whole history proves hat the bast has produced ncr remedy of equal 'alue, as a cure for the numerous and danger ous pulmonary affections which prevail all over the land UNSOLICITED TESTI If ON It From ANDREW ARCHER, Leg , of Tait child, Me. "About eight years since, my son, Henry A. Archer, now postmaster at Fairfield, t'orn erset county, Me., was attacked with spitting of blood, cough, weakness of Lungs, and gen' eral debility, so much so that our family phy sician declared him to have a " SEATED Cox susterrorr." He was under medical treat ment for a number of months; but received no benefit from it. At length, from the solicita tion of himself and others, I was inducco trr purchase one bottle of AVTAR'S BALSAM of WILD CHERRY, which benefitted him so much I obtained another bottle, which in short time restored him to his usual state of health. I think I can safely recommend this remedy to others in like condition, for it is. I think, all it purports to be—THE REAT Lun a REMEDY FOR THE TIMES ! The above statement, gentlemen, is my cot untary offering to you in favor of your Balsam and is at your disposal." Prepared by SETH W. FO 'A' LE & SON, IS Tremont St., Boston, and for sale by Drug gists generally. SCROFULA The Ilev. GEO. STORRS, of Brooklyn, N. V says, in the Bible Examiner, by way of apolo gy for publishing a medical certificate in his Magazine, of the cure of his only win, of Scro fula, "after dissolution appeared inevitable." "We publish this statement, not for pay, but "in gratitude to God who has thus answered "prayer, and in justice to Dr. Anders; being "satisfied that there is virtue in the lodine " Water treatment, which the readers of fills "Magazine will thank its Editor for bringing "to their notice." Circulars free. Dr. H. Anders' lodine Water is fur sale by J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, 36 Dey X., Ni. Y., and by all Druggists. 'Firg Bitibqi hi 'O7. BOWERS & STEACY, No. 61 Market Street, Marietta, Pa., ARE awake to the downfall in goods and the interests and wants of the people, will display on their counters, during the next week, for the inspection of the public, anoth er lot of those _ CHEAP GOODS ATSTILL A FURTHER DECLINE IN PRICES 1 Good 4-4 Brown Sheeting, only 20 cents; rr 74; a " 18 cents; R. 4 61 II 1.4 Cent'! Good 4-4 Wilt° Sheet n , UM, An+ " -j usu. , al price, 30c; good 4.4 White Sheeting, only 25e, usual price, 35c; Extra 4-4 White Sheeting, only 30c, usual price 40c; good Cotton Flan nels, 'lO and 2.2 c, usual price 35 and 40c; ex tra heavy all- Wool Twi led Flannels only 37 1-2 Cents GOOD CALICOES from 12i to 18; CENTS, Choice Balmorals from $1:75 to $2::0; Ladies and Gents Kid Gloves—all colors. A good assortment of Hosiery, from ISe per pair upwards, and everything in OUR LINE CHEAP! Come this way and get Bargains. For we will be governed by our old motto that a "Quick Fip is better than a slow Shil ling," that is to say that we would rather sell at a small advance, than not sell at all. in this establishment will always be found a choice lot of Teas, Coffees, Sugars and Syr ups. Having purchased our stock FOlt CASH enables us to offer bargains to purchasers. Marietta, January 12, 18137. P 0 Ego tt .0 m Ege 4. 45 ‘s`i gUO g sd m 1-1 ° 8 .ter_ #. ...1 e" . „ H n v i c pg-gl z r. vi a 13 17! g a ?.q 4 1 .4% Tit A. LINDSAY, MANUFACTURER & DEALER IN BOOTS & SHOES, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PENN. Would most respectfully inform the citizens of this Borough and neigb borhood that he has at this time the largest assortment of City made work ever offered in this Borough, amongst which may be named the new-style Totisi) Boot, ana Giobz-ilia FOR THE LADIES A. L. being a practical BOOT AND sßog MAKER enables him to select with more judgment than those who are not. Ile contin• ues to manufacture in the very best manner everything in the BOOT AND SHOE line. which he will warrant for neatness and fit. j'"Call and examine the new stack before oing elsewhere. TTENTION I SPORTSMEN !! 'ley's Gua Caps, Eley's Gun Wadds, Oupont , s Sporting and Glazed Duck Powder Baltimore Shot; Shot Pouches, Powder Flasks, sold at JOHN SPANGLER'S. DR.. H. LANDIS is the sole agent for the Sale of MISH LEA'S' BITTERS, in the Borough of Marietta. For sale at the G OLDEN MORTAR. JOB PRINTING of every destription en ecuted with neatness and dispatch at the Office of The Mariettian. ALARGE LOT OF BUFF WINDOW SHADES at remarkably low prices-- o close out JOHN SPANGLES. ROGER'S Celearated Pearl Cement and Oil Paste Bladking at " THE GOLDEN MORTAR. CORSET SKIRT SUPPORTERS an ex cellent article for ladies. Just received and for sale at MRS. ROTH'S Variety Store. ROOM HANDLES,fa choice lot received _llO and for sale at SPANGLE R'S. A LI; Kinds of Blanks, Deeds, &e. Vdr Sale at this office A LL Abdo of i3linka printed and for sale A it THIS aFFICE. T.:SON'S patiodical Drops, and aarkla Fe l/male 'Pills. - " The 'Gaielen Mortar 101pAttl4 * Main A iwa Preserving - TOWN SPATZGLE. i II I 3 # `i ":". - 00 - sE;$