The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, February 02, 1867, Image 2

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    the pariettian.
Saturday Morning, February 2, 1867.
Several years ago orGo.nroment.
imporecla lok#amels, 1111 on t h e
Western plains. 't he survivors now ear:
r yoire*taabatattaaamYsingiokawaito.ando
ADS t . 1 : 1 4, 1 1 4 ;0.1 L: YeYNIY94!SR Abe
strength, 81kilitve,mpre.than.twice the
eadaranee, aT1.4Y 11 01 ,, an4 ean,
carry burdens, gveryt,hing,
seems, lo,show.that they can be , readily
naturalized; yet, o w ing to some ptejctOco p.
no Patna Are taken for their P9r,P,Pow
flop, and the/Awe:dying put.
bn lhe26th r inst., GovernorGeerY
pardoned SISNATEAN BIEBER, of Berke
county, ajudge ofelection, who had bean
convicted in` the' Cock of Quarter Ses-
Mons of that , county for miademeanor in
rejecting the Vote of ode SABIOnt. Rend-
Ear, at the last 'October electiOn,'the
grond that REINERT was a deserter. It
was eVident that REIM ' ERT had deserted
from Company: G,l4th Pennsylvnia regi
ment, and.tbat BIEBER bad rejected his
vote in compliance with 'the provisions
of the act of Assembly of last session.
The Governor wee, therefore, unwilling
to see a good citizen punished for a mere
discharge of his duty Under the law, and
especially when this puniehment was at
the instigation of a man who had dehert-,
ed both the cause and the flag' of our
country in the hour of peril.
flir The re-constructed rebs wanted to
have a fine display at thlveston, Texas,
on the arrival of the remains of General
A. Sidney Johnson. The following cor
respondince took place.
Galveston, Jan. 24, 1867;
Major General P. H. Sheridan, command
ing Department of the Gulf,New Orleans:
The citizens of Galvestion wish - to
give a Civil escort fiom the steamer- to
the cars to the remains ofthineral John:
eon. General Griffin has issued ii,pro
hibitotY Order.. Will you'give authority
to the citizens here to give a civel escort
to his tannins; ?
Mayor of Galreaton, Texas.
SIR I respectfilly' decline to grant
your request. I bare - to mueh'regard for
the memory of the brave men who died
to preserve our Government to author
ize Confederate demonstrations over the
remains of any one who attempted to
destroy it. •
'tiffijor General 13.'8;A
ir•lt is. said •that a ..colored :boy
named Douglass, residing in Corry Pa.,
has iuvented a new and destructive fire
arm, in the shape of a rifle.battery, which
is on, sxbillition o.4Buffalo: It is 'con
structed in, such a, manner as to throw
one hundred and eight minnie balls at
one discharge from pefcussion,ebell amt.
ridges, and the machine can be kept rin
continual operation.- Experienced mili
tary men haveexamined the battiry, and
pronounCe it ofie ofthe Most formidable
pieces .of ordinitnei" yet invented.
ifir The diary of Wilke. Booth,. taken
from his body after hie .capture; is now
in the, bandstofithe proper investigating
oomtnittee, baVing-been banded over to
it by the .anthorititis. For some reason
its contents were not used in the trial.
It shows that he. was an agent of ;the
Confederate Government,. and'reeeiving
money from it, and that at one time, at
least, the plan was to kidnap Mr.' Lin
sir The South Rend, Indiana, Regis
ter says : Some' thirty years ago, Jobe
than Beckwith, a Young lawyer of deci_
dad promise; bought a 'pint'of whiskey,
and getting drudk, Windeted out on the
Terre (loupe° 'prairie, on a cold winter
night,'and was so badly friMen` that he
lost his reason and the use of his .limbs;
and has beeti, ever since, until ' two
weeks ago, an inmate of the county poor
house, an insane cripple, and his= keeping
has cost the county no less than $B,OOO.
Wit is stated that at the sinking of
the steamer Platte Valley, on , the Miss
issippi, near Vicksburg, on the night of
January 19th, a woman, '„by her own an_
aided exertions, *Hived the lives of her
Zing children and drunken --husband.
She waded through the later on the
hurricane !deck after the steamer ca
reened iOver; and carried them, one after
anothat, 1:o the wheel house, where she
placed -thorn in a position of safety.
U. Forney's paler: early, said : "The
Little Corporal is destined to become " the
great children's Paper of Anlerica."
The prdictioit is already fulfilled, The
Little CtirPoi•al:for'one year 'will do; the
children - more good than - a (jostler's
Terms;' Ong` Dollar a year',
Ertitpld 'Copy," ee th (hitt? A I . Li' SOvitill,
- -
rigyrsuakyd,-,g - 0 - , -- 11 - 9avits,l
liiitfiuita "mother ilaniliter were
married in the esm.e %slew
same time
FASTEST TIME 0' 0 Eal--• effilo - - i r ti
T re ar fifty-for
ing record, said tim rrec 1 ort
preserving. Do tle th " f tes
time " will be be n ore
'4,7' lasi
in °COSS . COM'
horses are so gre 'ly i prov ' e'd ieblood;
Ou .conr Ay at Is t"
endurance and training, that we shall
not stop here.
The fastest time on record : 1 mile .
~ p acing:,..Renahowbuir.42 - 4 3 .-3 -A -1, - L-Mil-e,-
trotting, Dexter, 2 18 3-8; 2 miles, trot
ting, Flora Temple, 4.50 k ; 3 miles, trotri
ting, Dutchman, 7.324.; 16 miles, irot
.'rinst:4,o 3 4S) (t,.; . „„2"...094, 4 1;31 . 49431,
Capt. McGowan, 59.34 ; 10) miles,
f,ltting, Conqueror, 8 55.53 . ; 100tmperil
double, Master Burke and Robin\ 1 10,11.
22 • i ir Girlifez z.. l2a4l
miles, running;_ Lexington, '1. 19 1 8.•
No man has been ,elected to the
Presidency from the'U"nite d States Sen
ate iiedt,
dents Were Senators; before ranching' the
highest gate. From an examination
of the sUbject by'the 'Boston ,Traveller,
it appears that fotir Presidenti—namely,
Washington, John. Adams, , 'jefferson,
and Taylor - , never belonged to either
branch of Congress ; that seven of them
—namely, John Quincy Adams, Jackson,
Harrison, Tyler, pierce, Buchanan and
Johnson—served 'in 'both branehen of
Congress ; that tour of there, Madisen,
Polk, Fillmnre and Lincoln, served only
in the House of Represetativen; arid
that two of them; Monroe arid Van Bri:
ran, served only in the Senate.
it- Miss Cunningham, regent of• the
Mount Vernod"Ladies' Assobiation,
states'that the receipts 'of the amnia-.
tion since its'organization have been
two hundred and sixty thousand 'dollars,
of 'which over sixty night tlieusand (tel
lers wire tontributedfas theproededs - of
the lectureesed essays of Hon. Ediard
Eierett, whodevoted a large share of
hie valuable time to this noble work.
Out of this amount, the entire purchase
money together with the litertiet money,
that hid iteetnimlated on the deferred
instalments, has beenpail] and twenti
three thousand dollars have been el-.
pended in necessary repairs to , the man
sion and out, buildings.
eir The :ifumbers .of the , tickets and
theTrizes. of the Crosby- Opera House
drawing have been certified-to -by . the
drawing •committee: Prize .-No.:-66, is
splendid portrait of General.Grant,•-_was
drawn by ticket 33,858, sold in Nati
York. The Mr. Lee, the person who
drew the , opera-house, is a country mil=
ler, worth About $2,008., It is ,under
stood that_ Mr. Crosby offer hini
$25,000 to 50,000 cash, - ,to, compromise,
and of. course be will have uo alterna
tive:. • •
-xar Another daily morning paper will
be started' in New York on the first of
March. 'His to be thoroughly radical in
tine, favoring impeachment, the ballot
for the negro - and the titter disfranchising
o't rebels. Charles A. Dasa is to be.
Chief editor, "George Wilke ` end a large
corps of able writers will be stacked to
thine* enterprise.
sr A novel race on Cayuga
Lake, a few days since, between H. 0.
Carr, champion, skater. of .New York
State, on skates, and a man named Cox
who ran without skates. The distance
was•seventy-five yards, and the skater
was beaten-by Cox, who arrived at the
goal ten feet ahead, winning a .stake of
V A farmer near Newark, N. J.;
was recently called on by a gentleman;
who c a me to pay for a basket of apples
he had stolen eroln the farmer's orchard
when a boy, sixteen years previous. He
insisted on paying interest;' together
with the originatvalne.
air Artists hive adopted different
emblems of charity. We wonder none
of them ever thought of a piece of India
rubber, which gives more than any other
sir The United States Senate reject
ed ex-Governor Wm. , F. Jol;nson, as
Collector of the Port, and Joseph
Flanigan, Naval Officer, at Philadelphia
ear A photograph (ram, 'mad e by a
New York, soldier oat of 7,110 pieces of
bog-wood, with a pen knife, is on exhi.
bition in Harrisburg. - - -
sir The - Oberlin, 0., News says "there
are probably 150 pianos jn this village,
bat no bowling. alleys or grog shops."
"Music bath charms."
4 Teeth are stopped with-gold, end
tongues may - be so, likewise: :A . mini
with a rich wife is oftenAlenced by her
throwing her'meney in his teeth,
sr, l3 . H. Crosby, on Sunday, last,
bought the Crosby Opera House, from
A. 11. Lee, the lucky , ticket holder, for
sr Ethan Allen; the`celebrated trot
ting horse was sold a few days since, to
BE. Simmons - of Nei York' city, for
ten thOnband dollars.
istr.Rev. Joseph Bobia mow ender
kielAt• ATlmer,t Canada 4Eastolor the
murder of his sister, a helpless cripple.
Adv. jc;ahtniiay lute been fUund
4.1"-• 4 -z• h e
guilty et A'lli on ; Orleans coun)y, 'N. Y.
" 34 '
rear449YklßMindolgeff IRO* 0.-00P,41111-
ted for Govenor of Tennessee, at the
next corention on the 22nd of February,
iro I ! ad ves Is in
sanden m c are
It is five hundred dollars fine in New
York to have the doors of public build
ings opened inwardly.
''' - '2rfolbrbiltiro'Fitlii4;s*Wwdiftwifto
drown bie dog, took a boat and
1.4 " 4- ` v riT b't*" - or
threw ..13.itu tos 4 erbe t ard. A:4n ing
the animal from tiro boat with Me oar, he
had nothie. dog held t , bim.up till tuaeig-.
, 4 ,"r ;
tellee Opel '4(11 110
The members Of the Maine Legisla- j
nre Vil=l"tiirroleargiTatirraclil
of - WebSter'e''Toihtliiiiii&rlifniibridgedy,.
Liptireidtve , :Glizeleeiir; Bibli;: and
$lO . ticiith'df-poetag&stam ps.
Some party or parties anknown entered
; ; p a.
the : stab le f Vhointo T
unl?:ant-,a"Cat etopgde out of
a VatZlehoree thitg°"
tleman. ,
~ ' ,
The old . German Reformed graveyard
in Reading is him cutup ifftct.buildtng
manin Norwieb, - Conneetient, bit
ten by erdng, obtained sBotldatnegee.
Gen. - Gyint is going to take ` his family
to the Parts EspoeiE on
The memory, of Dr. Wistar its embalm.
a4.ln the hearts, of thousands„ !hop? his
Bois= ,of -Wild Cherry hes cured of
congha,.! c01d5, . . . coosiamptiot,; or :son?e,
other form, of,Pfilmnnery,distasn ~ It is
now,over forty years since this-.prepara
tion was brorightlAtforejhe pnAkin e ent4
yet the demendlor, is: constantly
creasing. . .
One ' million' eix hundred and 'fifty.
thousand "dollars capital' is'invested'.~ in
the Cambria:lron Works at Johnstown,
Ps. Three:theusand two hundred men
are conataritly enipleyed at; wages vary:
lug from $1.43 to $4.00 per:day:- -Frbtii
a'mere village' these - Won' Works - liii*e"
caused "Johnstown` to expand - into a
good - sized-toxin'of fifteen tifizineald
No latindetope should, be exppsedito
the weatlaer, as it not, only iojareekthe
wpod-work; bat, the,sun'slayshardent.he
stone ,Bo -mgetk K9nkler,A.
useless. Neithar , aboals l ./t4P l 4illtwAftrr
as : the .. part : remaining,in. the yatey sop,
tens.ap ;Duch 'that it wears away. faster
than the other side ;. and tbaby a,',loft
place!' a.,statie_hae;rtylaen,frotxtAbia
can se , slope, and, no t,, utn . , any irmiltality
in the grit: -7 _ ,
- A negro wonian Suetin, inother of
ten children, sties'a White man- - fo'r
breach of proinise. •
. TheSupreme.Courp of New Jersey
hae deehlad that the liqaor lawof, that,
State is not legal:
• -A' oompanphair , been established- in
Hudson, N. J.,-for the 'ilial:ltifactrtrtr . .of ,
lead pencils: '*Thematerial.ised
American; and the-nompany empleY 115'
The question why printers d'o 'not'stic
ceedas well as brewers; Was thus 'an
swered : " Because irinters work for the
head, and brewers for the stomach, aid'
where twenty men have stomachs but
one has .brains." - . ,
A hotel proprietor of. Wiscgnsig.-had
his valise stolen while on .a tour in• the ,
southern part ofthe'State. On return :
ing home he found-the valise and thief
stoppihg at his house.
Garrett Dtivier, - present Senator;
been iirCppedin the fora Sen
ator the Kebtucky Lekialature.
inny be sent from lieniucky
let it not be Davie.
Gov!. Swan haenffected - the zbjent, of
his defection and ,ambition late last: , :On
Friday he- wakolected ll.:l3.BenatorbY
the Legislature ofMary.hind aislyeara
from the 4th - • •Ifitioh; - to succeed' the
able, the . accomplished andAoyal,Oreas-
The Judiciary"Conimittee'd the till=
ted Stites Seiiiite hai agrees to rePoit
an amendment to the Constitution prii=
viding that - the Pieiliderit shall not be
eligible to a second terai:° - •
The bill chringing the time for the
meeting ,of Congress has,been,signed by
the President. -,
Jas. Stephens is living in strict priva
cy, eta house in.Brooklyn,' Neiv- York.
It is .thought that be-is-doing penance
for his Poet - • "
Mrs. Col, ,Sam Colt is 'going to baild
$50.000 brown stone Episcopal churCh
at Harikeid, fOr the "Chin.Ch of tie doi t a
Shepherd," now nadir the *pasiorage of
Rev. H. W. Nelson, Jr.
Seth Scommon, of Stratham, N. H.,
has an Ayrshire cow, ten years old last
spring, that has given a little over eight
hundred pounds of,milk ten days.
A Gernian writer esiiinitee that 'an
acre of buckwheat yields folirteen pounds
of honey daily. Single hives gathered
three Rounds on fuiortible days..
° one °4nROTO43. tn:OPOnl?! 1 .rtOboOP
perished near.pallA.gtonio,Tepts,Aux
ing n snow. storrn,XawYear'
igibows lodnd sale
lefiboiitittergtitri ftrieql ti s e
*htlifylaia Ergiritatere.niittte
to erect a magnificent hotel in - 131iltP
i s
. ';
-':- pftliii2 Nirtit .: 'ft
867 , 7,8 LAi' K W , gil: L & p., have now!,
867-readyitheir ; VISZD t•,.TALOGUE OF
, ,
. 1.,
861 1 -NEAVP:PEas 0R)867,
...containing all
186 T—the principal publications; for"' which
1867—they receive subsript i tous at the;regular
1867—rates, and,onaapjf)Ofjlotnr`Offer the
1867—advantage of subscribing for 3 months.
1867—Send fora copy containing full details of
-1867—refer to the Publisher of this _
rar• „BLACtWELIA,PI,, fut
f ai'' 3 6plaWaY: 7 74l:, "Y . :( 0.A1.14the4298.)
Wri;ich ! 1 4 2 s iiratcX : 1 !! TVII EATON'S OINT
4KEN,T-Will cure the ITCH- in 48 , h0w5. , r41189 1 ,
- - cure" al -Rheum Ulcent
_ E
traptione of the skin. Price 50 cents. For
le,hy.alltdraggists.playathundl4g,fill i caM4 ,
WEEKS & PorTna,sole agents, 170 Washing
ton-st., Boston, fOfarirded by mail,
free of postage, to anfpart of the Union.
EMPIRE SHIiTTLE MAciartris are suPetior
to`all otliers fctr family and manufacturing
purposes'; tateit inapioliernentii;'
sire FipeedY, nbisless, easy world
Illustrated Circulars sent free. Agetifs
ed.. ,Liberal discount -allowed.' No, consign-.
ments made. %Addresikg.mpfar D. M. co, .616
Broadway, N. Y. • [xiii:6-iy -
A ,STRANGE OASE.-A bright little
girl, Of nine summers, -daughter- , of-M: F,
Mclntyre o of Girard, Erie county, was,
on Friday of last week. kidnapped .by,
her own mother, whom she had .not seen,
for six yeirs, Her mother was tuippos
ed to have died on the plains on ;the
road : to California six years no, wher,e
she was going,_ as ,she stated,,, get•.rid
of : _the i,ll treatment : of. her husband,.
He overtook her, and she wastakemsick
with the typhoid feiver, 'and-the husband ,
took the child and $5OO, all the money,
she had, and supposed that.his wife died.
Ste has boweverre-appeared and the
strangest , of all i.s,.that. the, child .recog
nized her in a moment. The sympathies
of, the Girardists go strongly with the
DEATH BED Col.! FESBION.-A man writ
itig f = rom Oil titty . tells this story • "0
January 6, 1867, John Franklin Worley,
a resident of this place for ahocit two
years, died 'from . the effects of a,'wou'nd.
recekved at the battle of Antietam. . On
his . 'dyipg bedhe stated that four years
ago be`left a. wife ' and' two' children near
Jrinifsville; Clearfield counti.. And now
he`feaies another Wife and Children
in this iihic'e,she notknowing that he
wort Fle' could not die.
without rifteatifig the feldts to -hil;igi
; d
asking for forgiveness'
*as well '
thought.. it right to,
. '
hisfirit. wife I
publish'this stateniefietor the .info'rina
tion of his widovied companion and fath
erless thildtetrio ' ' ', A.. . 5k...7' . 4
Ugenhoffi3of the Aug:
Wan n'av-Y4
Monday,- and took up his qUartets at-the
Continental, Hotel. -IYesterday , Morn:
int he proceeded„ its a-private. , carrikgs;
to .the Navy Yard, where4lie , was-ciffibidle
1y ;:received with the customary honors
A feet... inspec tin g thd Works!' tips; Alce' 'Tee:
ceivineehip,ttlie dry dock,. &c.,- }wits
handsomely. entertained.: by- Comniedord -
Selfridgeitconimendant , of tho.yard. , '-1 7 6-
company with Commodore=-Turner and
other- distinguished maval officers, tii`d
A - dmiral-probeeded • to- Leigue :Wand
for <thespnrpose of inspecting the'
clads there..Me is an ardent:ft - laid to
naval improvereents,—Forney'd-Press:
ei4r The approaching state canvass
in Tennessee will be a very exciting one.
The Govenor expeCted to issue 'his
proclaiOttion . tor the election of members
of congress in February, The Memphis
Post thinks it likely the legislature will
eafraechise the colo - red people. Al new
feature of canipaigh will be the in.
tioduction of porthern epeakers. It is
expecte4 t:ha't Wade, Sherman, Colfax,
Logan, Kelley, Bingham, Wilson, Bout.
well, Fred: Douglass and others,will,go
down' there.
_or It is believed thatethe Union then
or Maryland "
will formally call upon the
Senate' bethe United Stites to' inveeti
gate 4 the l— condlint' Of 'Thorilas 'Swann,
SetiatOr Ulidt rrenr
land, before-and during the recent elec
trons, andliarticularly • his efforts to re
store•the"Maryland rebels to full power.
It' ierinaiiifeet that tiale 88' ' l OO tiest ire=
terpolies'its'auth6rit'y the Union - m - eti of
Maryland will be ss` '
and proscribed as if they-lirie'd lb So n th
Carolina: -
Akr . 4. wedding took 'place the other,
night in Raleigh, North Carolina, at
which the guests receiving the .usualmar4l
of invitation,Vere required ::to pay the
ep trwn ce lee: of :fi ves.dollare; and' after. en- -
tering the charmed preciats 'were each
assessed:five dollars for refreshments,
The money ',was turned over-to _the bride
and. groom; i who ,lud , taken, this' method.
of raising money to start on their journ
ey through= life.
Isaac H. Leach, of Sonora, 111.,
in w riting to the New York Farmers'
Oink. says: " Whaie not lived long
enough to know how durahle : Osaga Or
ange hedge will, be, but so far ,experience
proves that the fence' is,,aspeceas, ,.. and
good against all . cattle,. horeee,..domand
men in from threeto four plan."
'7,14 , 1" ^43,,
ingottie Vallee of mitdei
dedenVolithet gambling lionafriif
Q: Hoadan 'Sahli:it tribe klailicinid
Ktinalteathatl3efficiiiii6t, n3B ee "
&tint Itintading
I;',= le
L', le trittiming oil Tart , Store,
t )I
sit nt inbacles st It, and two
4 • : . ‘ 4 1
boys We 4 ~df the' oz t Mortar
1 , k. - '
.r' , ku Store Mark .Street.
i ~,,.
BEGS leavef to announce to the Ladies of the
borough of Marietta and vicinity, that she
has just returned front Philadelphia, where
she entire nep or„Kof, fagiceple
usefulTßiMMlN(t§ AND FANCY Alt=
TICLES, NOTIONS, &c., embracing all the
Novelties of the Season, among which will be
tridiid the celebrated new style
Trail Hoop Skirts; Plain & Fancy Garters;
-adteen - lid`ottle, ChildrenliCodiS* Sac ties
Plain and Fancy Mantua and Velvet
1 I.4ions, Gimps, Cords and K ass a la;
and Buttons in endless variety.
Cuffs for Ladies. and Gents,
Hosiery and Gloves, Lipen & Ernb?d Collars,
'.Zephyr 'Plhin & Einb'd HAlkfs,
Opera, : Caps, -Silk '& Zephyr Scarfs
..Suspenders,, Girniantowa Wool,
Twilig,Ste, Breakfast . Casey%
-Braids , and '• • Shetland Wool,
Bindings, Zephyr Yarn,
, Laces,
COiSets, Belting, Edging, Ruffling, Cord of all
'colors; r Faney'Fans,%Ki4 Kid-finish' Silk
and .White Lyle Thread Gloves, Silk
Mitts,F.mbroldery, Men's Gloves
and , Week` Ties; Pearl Cuff
Buttons, Belt Buckles of
~various styles, Tape - ,‘
Trimming, Linen
and Thread
. . Lace,
Thimbles, Silk Tassels,- Emery Bags, Fancy,
Soaps, Perfumery, &c., &c.
Particular attention has been paid to the se
lecting of Smell wares, such as Sewing Silk,
Cotton and Linen. -Thread, Whalebone, Hooks
antEVes; Needles;Pins, &c: '
-1t The public are particularly requested to
call-and,examine,for themselves.
Mi l s. R. ii 3 agent for the sale of the cel
elirated-Singer:"'A” Family Sewing Machines
which took Hie:first premium at the late New
York State Fair._
: She will also instruct-per
sons purchasing born her, how to work the
Merchant .Tailor, and Clothier,
At P. J. Kramph's Old Stand, on the Got
ner of North. Queen. and Orange
Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a.
GR ATE& tr. Mu the Citiiens of Mariettu
and vicinity, for liberal patronage
heretofore exteadee, the undersigned respect
fatly solicits a"the same; as
suring them, that tinder alLeircumstances, no
efforts will be spared in renderings satisfactory
equivalent kir every : act of,cen fidence reposed.
such other. fashion and
the market furuishes„cons,taoily kept on hand
and mamilVtLiFeirtobidiT; promptly, and rea
sonably, as taste•oristy/er may suggest
ALSO,3IF,Ap, Y - . 11 ADE cLoilti /le o p
Gentlenia' GoondB
and such articles as,iisuallypelong to a Mer
chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment.
L...45", , ;E:J Z.,41-1211,
At: Corner' of 'North Queen-St.,
and Centre Squ a re Lcmcaster, Pa,
WE are prepared' to sell Amei•can and
Swiss MAWS' Sit - Therloweit cash rates!
We buy directly,froN,9e linprters and Man
ufacturers, and can, and do , sell Watches as
low inctlitytern-VeViligheilf Pliilidelphia or
New-York. '
A flue stock ofZlnciri, Jewelry, Spectacles,
Silver and Silve4raleiF`iiaire - constantly on
hand. Every article fairly represented.
Corner North Vern Streit and Centre square
N CAS rEit; 3 ".P9 .
s t cx. vv LE
2122 e.
The most simple; complete and Cagily man
aged Sewing - Miecinle* now lit - die. 'lt does
every description:Of -pork:;:-never stops at or
needs to be helped over seams, but does all
its work Tepidly find The needle re
quires no ildjistdiedtlirchi eannot it in
wrong—it inakievaispividthloT hem7you wish
—does braiding . beautifully,. 'The. Braider is
in the foot of every'Mzieliiith and pnrt of it,
and is always adjUstet never gets-out of place.
Call and examine pep.. l b e l u r e ,purchasing
any other, at
Corner North Qoeen s street4andCentre s square,
Sole AgentS'foi LaiMatileT' County.
Lancaster, FebruaryilrlS66.4l:
-For useful ti Z thtny,s of sport,
The gay and serioushere resort:
Superior Skates:=Vadieililen's and 'Boys',
Pocket Booker--ievekrvarietyp - :`1;- , 7 , -,
All styles ot Coal Oil Lamps,
New styles, Ladies Morocco Satehers,
Good-wife's Conipitnipashevc,v.
Latest novelty in Port Folios,
Extra fine-Pearl and,,lvory handled Pocket
Repeaters, Shartt'slnitirOved. .(Knives,
Sleigh Bells—filie'plitted and'white metal,
Hair Brusheadurable and 'cheap,
Axes, Hatchets and:Hammerr,
Razor Strops—Emerson's,
buston's Hind and Tennant
Wringers late iniproved,
All varieties fine Ivory. and common. Table
Rolling Pins, 'Wttehers " (Cutlery,
Eley's ..i,inunition',. , Wads and Caps. •
SHULTZ' (2. 4 I3BO 4 I'LLER'B,
NO: NoitTFi
A very cheice collection of Piney Furs.
Sable, Mink Sabie; Mink; " *-'
qrgt Russian,
ilrfttc,loe Martin
Capes, Victorines,
Berthas; C tiffs' an d Ere,
For Ladies' and,Childrens'ilreir.
;CP-Ladies' hildieLif Hods; Caps and
Fur Trimming,':Gentlemen'sFur , CollarN Caps
and Gloves in ail, qualities.„ .4 complete as
Hatters, Red Furriers.
Shipping Furs of all" kinds biniglit and the
highest cash pricespaid, - . e.'
I am now in the receipt:of the bested' Oysters
which will be `seivetnirrin the usual varie
ties of styles.," will Itayc fitted up for the
winter months; Werth and boinfortable rooms
on the first and second floors, for the
which deportment : , will receive ! particular
attention. G. U. GOODMAN;
GodirmifsieeiZheolp, ellSith;$410011.
Marietta & eeptginlmrll.s,il.B.66.
SIIAw.L.S I naimorals Gloves, blustery,
Belts and publokeeoErabroiticired•Handker
chiefs and Collars Mourning ,Collars and
Veils, Head Nets and Dress Tritnraings. A
full supply at SPANGIiERII6.RICEPS.
ENAMEL 0F41114/41eitty fOrT.W . tutifyink
the complaippegaftgainp,tlA.lkin, re
moving tin, freckle& and pimples.
Sale at Dr. Dandle' "Golden Mortar."
The American Artists' Union [established
ibo4l announce that in order to extend the
sale of the following well-known and hi ghlt
Popular Steel Plate ENGRAVINGS: -
Departure of the Pilgrim Fathers
for America, -
in 2
Landing. of the Pilgrim Fathcrs •
,.Su pper, , 2 746
Fallstafr Mustering his Recruits 26x42
, 2,5,3 0
Skakspeare and his Friends,
Cotter's Saturday Night, 27 x31
Village Blacksmith, 23x9.8
Manifest Destiny, [Fortune Tellin 2.7x32g] 21x28
' , The-Massacre - of V.Tyoming in 1776, 2946
Mount Vernon in the olden time,
or, Washington at 30 years old, 26 2 ,3 4
(The:escape Of Alaster McDonald
s The 1— hMa i . = thielMassacre of Glencoe, 26 44
hg; donna,
26 x3.1
„,,d xemed expedient to offe r th em
to-their friendsand the public, at ON E DOLLAR
• Fit t' Y CENTS Ts each, the price heretofore
h ng been $2 eaeh, and for the purpose of
a lating the getting up of clubs, they have
determined to award premiums to the getters
up of the clubs, and in addition thereto to di a _
tribute amongst the subscribers the sum of
in - money and paintings, as soon as the Baia.
shall have reached Iooiooo engravings, hi t
it is our intention to advertise very extensively,
and' as the engravings are very well known
throughout the whole country, lee have o o
doubt that with the low price we charge to
them and with the exertion which will be set
forth by our numerous friends, the number will
be reached in a very short time. .0s so.), a ,
it is reached, the subscribers, thro-gh their club
Akeht.§. wilt be notified by n circular letter
from us, naming the time and method of dis
tribution., .
, .
Engraving $l.OO each—by free.
For $l5 we will send 13 Eng. and 2 t o the
Club Agent.
For $2O we will send 15 Eng. and I to Cie
Liub Agents.
For $25 we viLil send 20 Fog. and to the
Club Agents:
For $3O we will .send 25 Eng. Dad o to the
Club Agent.
For.s3s we will send 30 Eng. i•nd 7 to the
Club Agent. •
For 850 we will send 50 Eng and a Si:wr
Watch. ,
For $75 we will send 80 Eng. and a Si:rer
For 100 we will send 110 Eng, and a Hunting
The Club packages will he very seenrely
packed and forwaided hi' Express.
Any porsoa may gat up clubs and forward
the amount either by Express, sliglit draft,
Post ( ffice order or in a registered letter, and
in all cases the engravings will be immediately
sent, - and for each engra‘ing - a numbered al--
Plicate and receipt %yid tar enclosed is the
C. ti. D. ORDERS.—Persons wiHbilig to
send for Engravings and pay the Express Cc.
when they are received, will be rrquired in
send -with their orner $2 to $5, according toils
amount, and this will be treilited in film bill.
One of $:10,0011 in money $lO,OOO
ki. 5,11 0 " 5,000
Five of 1,001) 0 " • 5,000
Ten of WO I, 5,000
Fifty of._ I,'.itt,. " 5,0011
One liitildied elegant Oil Painiingi. ricidy
:fripßett,-,4ndactspes aI : SW) each, 10,000
Two hundred elegant Oi l paint lig,i, ri,::i.
ly framed, rnteitor Virwiot ssUraeli KM
, .
• •
The Am' 4 r.ean A itists"niDE Woeld add
that these premiums ure to be considered only
in the light of a free gift to their pumas, 5,
the engravings are furnished theta h.dow their
market value, and an the cost of engrivihgt,
after the plates are procured, is very trOiiiiit.
they can easily afford to mairct he distribotien
arge as it is.
We trust that our numerous friends throng-,
nut the Country and CarlnfitiS will use their
utmost exustiona, so that if possible, [lid die.
trihntiori may be made soon, sod it eon be
done if they .are at all active' Ladies hsve
often made excellent Club Agen's for us, and
we solicit their kind efforts, which will not go
unrewarded. Let one or more estrgetic per
sons in every town and village in th. 2: country
r ommence as soi.n as they see this, and get up
as large a club 'as possible. By so doine they
will be the means of introducing elegant en
gravings into families, and thus aid in onitivs
hiug al* for tbe,beautiful and refined.
.. s " eiyik
SEC° I ' AltisTs , uNivrc,
14-34* J 25 Pine St., New York.
Bradley's Celebrated Patent Duplex Elliptic
ti HE Wonderful flexibility and great cord
fort and pleasure to any 1-dy - wearing the
Duplex 'Elliptic Skirt will be experienced psr
titularty.,,in all crowded assemblies, operas,
- carriages, -railroad cars, church pews, sun
ehaits for promenade and house dress, as the
skrrt,can i be-folded when in use to occupy H.
st'nall place as easily and conveniently as a
silk-or muslin dress, an invaluable quality
crinoline not found in any single spring skirt.
, A ladyhaving-enjoyed the pleasure, comfort
andgreatconvenience of wearing the Duplex
Elliptic steel spring skirt for a single day, will
never afterwards willingly dispense with their
use. , For children, misses, and young ladies
they are superior to all others.
They will not bend or break like the Single
Spring, but will preserve their perfect and
grace shape when three-or four ordinary skir t s
will have been thrown aside as useless. Tee
hoops_ are
.covered with doub:e and twisted
thread; and the bottom rods are not only double
springs, but twice (or double) covered; pre
venting them from wearing out when draggitq
down steps, stairs, &c.
The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with
alliadiesand is universally recommended hY
the Fashion Magazines as the stauddrd skirt of
the fashionable world.
To enjoy the following inestimable advanta
ges,itt crinoline, viz.: superior quality, perfect
manufaetuii, stylish shape and finish, flexibil
ty, R S A durabili comfort and economy,
or J. W.:6 DLE 'S Duplex Elliptic or
Double I , pring,,Skirt, and be sure you rat th e
CA 1:1110 :--To'gliard against imposittun be
pkticUllieto notice that skirts offered as ttllu
e.txxte have the red ink stamp, Yin ‘‘.
Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs," up on
tne - P7aistbdri'd--tionerethers are genuine. Also
notice that every hoop will admit a pin being
passed through the centre, thus revealing the
two (or double) springs braided together there:
in,. which is the secret of their flexibi li ty and
air ength combination not to be found at
any other Skirt. -
For sale in all stores where first class
skirts,are .sold, -throughout the United &telae
an - C,elsewhere. , 'Manufactured by the eo
owneis of ;the patent,
No.' 97 Cliambersind 79 & 81 Readessts, lo
•January 26, 1867.-3 ml
A large - 6pp Catalogue. teaching
Freckles, Pimples, Alotehes, Moth Patches,
Sallowness, Erupticid's"a-nd all impurities
of the ak in; how to force Wniskers,
Reitore; ,Curl and Beautify the
/ Hair ; Renew the age ; Cure
Drunkenness, Nervous
and other useful and valuable information.
Kr' Everybody send for it. Address ,
Chemist, 285 ver-st.,
<Dicember .
Troy, New-York.
110. - 620 Arch -Street, Philadelphia,
Ware, guitabie foe Holiday 4,-Bridal Proofs.
December 8, 1866.-2 m•