FRED'K L. BAKER. BRITTON & MUSSETs FAMILY DRUG SfORE. larket Street, liarietta, Pa. Dicta 8t MUSSER, BUCCOB9OIII to Dr. F ld vole, Will continue the butiness at the o o a, where they are daily'receiVing additions t stoat, which are received fromthe -titoteg liable importers and manufacturersi - T oy would respectfully ask s liberal share of public patronage. They are now prepared to supply the de mands of the public with everything in their De of trade. Their stock of DRUGS AND MEDICINES orSll AND PURE, UAVISG JUST AIinIVLD. ?tire , Nines aro Xletllol*s FOR NEDICINAL USE'S ONLY; All THE POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES, . pie Staffs of all kinds, Fancy and Toilet Ar ticles of every kind, Alcoholic and Fluid Emmet+, Alcaloid and Rosinoids, all the best Trusses, Abdominal.Sup porters,Shoulder Braces, Breast Pumps, Nipple Shells and Shieldlas, Nursing Bottles, A rge eupply of RAIR, TOOTH, NAIL AND CLOTHES BRUSHES. T o powder and Pastes, Oils, Perfumery, combs, flair Dyes, Invigorators, &c.; cal Oil, lamps, Shades, Chimneys, Wick, ikc, p.‘,l.,bine supplied at reasons Lie rates. ‘ldcais and prescriptions carefully and ac ,,c'elN c ompounded all hours of the day and tzt, by Charles 11. Britton, Pharmaceutist, ay especial attention to this branch the Solaces. Having had over , ten years experience in the drug business ens ;.P, I ; ;, ; ; to guarantee entire,sittsfaction to all patrobize the new firm. ssorr . 9 Compound Syrup of Tar, on ',/: , 11,11 , 1 for dale. Irt supply of School Books, Stations $' ' &c,. always on hand. ' SUN DAY HOURS: r. y to 10, a. M.,-12 to 2, and 5 to 6 p. m. (.' I ,(A; 11. Britton. A. _Musser. N-ritt:a. October 20, 1866. 11-tf _ _ WIDIES & LIQUORS. 6 , - Fl. D. 131',NJAMIN, DEILI Ea It' WINES & LIQUORS' , corner of Front-st.. and Elbow Lane, MARIETTA, PA. '' ' ' p. leave to inform the public that hi. Doll continue the WIN E & LIQUQIi. bud -611 its branches. He willConstaiftly L , tp3n hand all kinds of Itrotlifg, Wines, Gins, Irish and ScoteN .id.ey, Cordials, Bitters, 4•c., BENJAMIN'S Celebrated Rose Whisky; At.wAYs ON BAND, - cer) superior OLD RYE 'W.TIrSKEY. , received, which is warranted pure: All It. D. B. now make Of the'pubic Is careful examination of his stock and u hich will, he is confident, resillt in 'Ho' keepers and others finding it, tci'tilltit'kd' , : laiitko , to make their put amnia from' Min: J.ICOR LIBHART, JR., CABI?iF.'r MAKER ~*:NDLitIA.IO4:II., MARIETTA, PA `VMMo. most respectfully take this meth I) ud of informing the einem:4 of ' - rtrletta c 4 the public in general, that, Wring - laid in IC 01 leagued Lumber, is nOW, e* K to uovifactore an kinds of cABLVEZ' FURNITURE; style and variety, at short notice I,h, NI hand a lot of b'airniture'ef his own 4 thicactu,e, which for fine finish' arid goad will rival any City make.' .14 ecial attention paid to lle ~ also now prepared to attecidOnAll tta the iJ N 1/ERTAKIN9 busisess, eipplied with an excellent Herne.' large ir,nll Biers, cooling Pox, &C. ' ' () FFINS finished in any stYle — Pleit . • time Roam and Manefaetorr. 'near Mr I ova building, neat tire .6 4 Upper -Ste litrietta, Pa. [NO SS: S. 0 : -. Opposite the Buttoht10001;1:r* HERTZLER & GUIGS, , I•LcEmu TO 10111 f I.IEITT2LTI4I riIPORTERS AND DEALERS IN' WiNESAiii IJIQT_TC) ES:•= 4 . , .I'o. 821 Alaiket Sh e e t . PIIILADELPHIA. FIERTZLER.I LGT.O.+A. OVIOS . 11, hicr's — Herb Bittern for-aizle First National Bank Of Ilififeei#3 l Tills BANKING ASSO,CIATION'" to.k vt NG COMP LETiD ITO 'OldiiiiltAii ol,l Is now prepared to trauiact all kinds'of 1 3 AN KI N G B.IPSIN*a§g.; The Board of Directors meet- WO* " einesday, for discount and other business. .?Bank Mours : Frotik9 ¢. :II tq BANN., UNNJOHN HOLLING.ER, Pazunaie. BOWMAN, castitor. • KEROSENE & GAS STOVES. x-.. ILA &COFFEE BOILER% GLUE PIOTS!. OIL CANS, 9C. 4C t3•MI the cooking for alautilyinny.ed - q'be done with Kerosene Oil. orGesarg ; t.Nhth leas trouble and at less atr.-.131; "Pettee than any other fuel. -El ankle manufactured •br thia:CorripanY I f ' o gtakranteed to perform au that hvolainied r ICP' Send for Circular. Liberal Discount I* .therTo4o6 XEROSENE LAMP HEATER CO., "1 206 PneaL-Sr., New-Ycet2. - t- 4 N/El. G. BAKER ; ATTORNEY. .Ar LAW, LANCASTER; 'TA. i n , :—No. 24 Noitint STREET t ' ,,v," , te the Court HOlee, where he will et -4? to the w a di" o f hie piefeenon in all Re 1,04 4 branches. Vv. 'Nzvortalli surgeon Dentistv:.' % A EC TT STILEZT, A DICOMIAS. 'Spangler & Rich's StorSvfAcqickfigo.r, if ARI 2 T »A AA' ,0 L ANDLORDS, — grit' received, red sad Irish W I` . .f.K 'Da; allihkY; be pure, it H 4 •DlBerVegrirsinls•A - t. 't , , a^ +.l . -- --...,......._ (-- dr - - -.. TAIa.Aa4a.H. 6.`"—ltt--:4. lk 1 • q ' ' ' , a . t l' :,,...) - ~.,ifi j .4 ,i e4' 5. " 111 1 , k si; PR) ' ": " 1 ism 14 ' Lll e 97 b 45St i' 9 i l # 1 es! ..# 0 " - '.. 1 6 a: • tki ...., ',l' ~... • , 4 'f ,_ -, , t : Ci• iA. 4 6. 41 "'" •t VI a., biii3 UP 01 sB+f. 1 r:G i r , ~,I n , 41. , 1;' . 1 , 4 :"." -.$ iN.7 twir 0, , te:l,l .ri, Ai , it ' ig , 0 •e * 0 et , j ou! / LSI t . , , ,i , 'ts ': ,f 1 ',..; p., ,13‘ 1 g (1 , 1 t . 2.. - ':‘L 1 , • NEfe4A, . ~.,,, ~,. ~, .. ,_ , ~. . tr. '"- " '-''"' ' ' l ' ll 3 '" Vii )—T U l ! -. , a ----..-. - b".., - 7 1 0 - 1 , - -7,‘ 71 1 e l ll r.ado or ::..):,1 ,":-.;,, .1: ..., ~ , -..1 , .=, •' ; ''' ,--- ", -' .- ", "5,14 pLErt—Ms ', "1. '' l ' 6.41 81"" - ' - . r 'W.': . Z.', ,!-- ':, ; 5 ,.. 4. ' ;,.. •' ' -ili ' ll4 olliii.Nio e,104,b otit oval! of •Aio.,.A. il.l ; et?, 04•;64 ~'~SR:ArB. The 112 atieW0A 9 .PiiPlish4wOßY, at41:50 a-year, payable in,-aitt; - ance. Office in "Itindscty's Butiding;" near the Post office ,corner, _Marietta, Lan caster county,. Pa. Advertisements will be inserted at the following rates : One spare,tenlines or,less, 75 cents for the firat insertion, or three times for $.1:50. Profession al or Business Cards, of s lines or less, $5 a-year. Notices in.the reading col umns, ten cents a-line ; general adver tisements seven cents a-Zine for the first insertion, and for every additional in sertion, four cents, A liberal deducL tion made' to yearly eidliirtiseri. > Having put up anew Jobber press and added a large, additidn of job type, cuts, border, etc., will enable the estab lishment to execzte• every description of Plain, and _Fancy Printing; from'„the sinallest card to• the largest poster, at short notice and reasonable rates. Skating. ou. _the. RarL ifeetheatreinillit' o'er - th* paid: Flirting or,brthe , Thiele quite beyo nd, Olden Eijne en.l9: Went ;' Reallrit irnice; 9,4te"e*ce,etkit description— ^ -Skating on-the - - Here,the old and, youthful • Ddeeite on common ground, Here the gay , and headlamp Evermore , are found ; E'er° dc fashiou's laireet, Richest gems abound ; Sober lite Unbending` the.merry round.. . 6lasping little fingers, - Or a tany,waist: Bow the pressure lingers To the willing testi; Casting loving glances 'Ngt4llA the shoenheion!s,light, Its halo but enhances ' . Gentlemen in tmarr, kkOtifi it,er:y,w4lll, la pursuit , tinAtineCify 1 1 hfl with airCa4 ll gractf , , r, Feigning some t larm, Sl'sakened To take-hieproffered arm:- HO,ll ! boy, suriboOkeieo What. if I ntiould4fallf!" Never fe ar , m y tali tine, . 1-amlkt your daik I' l 4 . Tiiii no` aaiinar trindertanes, Thnii the A gallant eke (11/111f.‘ Thaii Gaines Miitteei 'Shoddy On hQr elljny Akatee, ''Oloieliiat4 ll .l4Obadi ":--- Wore are wortify inateit ; Next, a jeirecad dinify - Sportingiarmonetaohei , Evqtqatljt =KJ `Here, a la - "4iptimid - big*" ,Liecalprostrat" foica r , = W Ming 4findol9 help, W iowarmi 't s WPP9 e i dr#` l6 :4 oi ; Would the gallant ,swains. Sol swiftly 114 to ; itesene 4 With such gallaWpubuk? , - Tightly etriptiibteleatee IIR ,R _utpipg4 s raaeo:oes, 'Pnttigirsprue lent - A.lo*er . On a, broken pose Snottinrainbow neckties, P Bettang jaunty caps„ Fastening ribboirstreamers, Ad:justing all misliatia. There are IttAe l sidre,goopeli . .401PtifFPAbilitt: Coolisha see her escort, would cause. surprise ~lpßung l n'the bar room.:, Swearing at the. cold; Criticising - 401es manner. bold. . NefOrl * 1.4141-414 Neve froa f t, WhatsoWer'§ - the fashion ' Is:done at ,any.oost ; ;. PhaPC,, I- 79if Oumblet' T it again" um (hap Von nariatnever Umbra 14 rift -shire Ot pain: . i fiadnuning oieuthe - serface.444s. J 114,4 se - glees, • kto.orp:te Side toyeide we fisee-; w« f! ;1 tie' vet ity. pwif - - - 4t is after, - . /.\ t '" ateihitift 4111311elantivr fwt 4 . MI • - - - - - , )ot. • ,1 1 LW' .0,1... co • 4 g • pate -eitretr'• - - l ari6tpnaltut uum r.. 1 •D .. 711 ' . 16" ' ' • ;.- (4 • • J.- . d!¢/7 'doff eLi 14imille - W+ ,, c i`',iWV:i;;— ; .`. 1111114 t . ,4147. ;11.. if „ . „-. / . 4 Ay . pAI ITITRD Fl VEBRU lit go 186 P 101 - V1)0e " VOL Xlll —NO 26. .. bite !Sal thie • „ • atodil"E' 3 /Ct.' ; , . 7 MIME This, says Hall's jparnal of Health, may birgittelY demi When the day . is Astir, bgtyesp, sunrise and stklkset,,but On cloudy and, damp da,ye i&better to kindle ra fire and,thus ciente a draftzup the. chininei%' A bet skeziklutil*4ll ,, lbe ads lleireiel" honrebefere sundown, befoie it has htsd. time t e.lfinie n he evening It4illzriirredh - o waking up ora winter's itight;'*e gCt outi of bed throw all thb clothing ' the :nett , tobtani - thrct , it Thick; thte driveitll the confined ai away ' frOln Cho' bedding, wi"thoiiEl~lloaiiig if: tol u iir:ery cold ;, ICddition; 'the Would be' pissed over the etkiiiipf the whole -kiddy'. tunes "this "opiiiaticii3sie abcompaniedbiit degree ofirefresh'nien't and= a•feeling bf purity oil' enterilieth f i bad' vhicli more than pays for the troilble,' and it often' ra . - glade utelli pronwiei; enahlechi ft person to fidf bite alnnibei in `a fea+`` minutes'after hiving tieen twice: Shut fcittemouth ; when'iOing: from Mild to a hot; stmosplie a as woll ss'th'e' reverse ; this simple operation' Wine the temperature of either collo!hot air to theliatlital standard befoie it reaches , the lungs, by Making it take the 'Circuit of the head ; Whereas, ir,the month kept oPen, it ashes' d dostn into the lungs qi3"aitaick: *hethei..asieePor 'ooilayes Aepp, the month sjini; the advantage in, our; sleeping hours is that we don't snore I we don't have the nightmare ; kies, bugs and epiders don't crawl down the threat and we don't telltales in ,our drnitm_s ; the benefits:in in, daytime, er . 414 11 4 induces a more healthful, deep , Wand tree action of the lungs, prevents ipau-, ineratkie and, colds, and saves, Many,ii domestic sorrow. 1111111 In regulating the temperature of rooms, there_is -no.fiaed- standard, but Re are aomfartabledd church 11 Attalla height-AfAvie leet from the floor, the centre !tuft Abe. Fahrenheithi thermomotenstands tit 651egrees.-• But in c thisorespect.llo3 man should=-be- the guidefor,another. Some lequire more heatothangothersibubthere 4isr one . nil& 4:4aniversel.applicatio rule-which alimitse,of nc6excepticrisithe Itorld over; e i ch -persotb should, notice what teniper atpre ikeeps -him.comfortably warm; lend thus beairule to himself. But when a man has. takenia cold; or is becoming bilious, or ithe stays in doors s several flan heirequireli , more and.' more , and„ t it under such- cirotimstances, h'e would eat positively, nothing for a day or two, and keep on - piling up the, wood ao'as`to keep'up''t centiiinefi alight per the z cold would cut skort Off; a' flie biliodeaees would dia&ppene, in titieffour hotiri; in fact, many of one iclieS,liains 'and oilmento; would die appealeith an amazing promptness, if ice 'holild '0066E014 whenlhey are first noticed,lo only cease eating, Ute r i) watm, kebp ,qliet,`ard drink .abgn dent" of any, hot liquid ; but the great Misfortune is persona out ten - prieer'to take'ectnin kind of medl eine, however nauseous. They feet as if they Could not, spare>the time to btnink, sad would rather swallow a quart,of-the most, disgusting : compound if it only promises ,to„ care them Night away,'! with the resell always that-they are not cured right away; .hat „after dosing themselves , for, days and, "pelts with willittel'oragFa Piqbv:rjargtioh ooo es to advise,, they find themselves compelled at last,to consult aphysician, when the time kap .passed.for warmth and quiet to have any curative effect. - litany persons precipitate themsettes into the grave-byattempting-to bravado an iiiloldiktolie arid` at Out in ~dmfi ance-of it.,,' Iranythingrit all is thethat; ter siith , a ruin which*. is ;really diequie= should at leaetrthave; as much sense,a&a-pig; , .and ,go-- down: - I.Piga ire not: such' fools -as tomove around - id pain. It &Arrest better to-lie down aiidqgrunt. The reader bas, no donbtobservedAnaily times - that in _very severe winter. weather. htyremattue in' the house several days, the body; gets 'chili ly ; while you are warming the flat and haMis before the fire; the tfOlifiiiidhann &ken the haCki AIM the fire Wthtiiiiillifiw, r 't'o look upon the sikr,' - dfiegraeabl'e Sensation creep now all over the body; and' whetter in tfienif, oc`iindee'any other cireu n istarics;'piiiiione haieln I titiPleinimit',Whilli,4eitie,',lk the result of& chinflition'aitd an iiii pezkqt sir „it breathed, andao = MEE ) 7.3n.i.i.:iia1:z,: , :31A1).:; 41,:i. (“7,-_-,2-7-Zie: SEE • 'Chalk& f keir t thst, the, netyknent ie 4110 5 ,01 ml frAllwietiltel f 924 lestauCtiio94llFANO PC,OVAMAP/M/40914-retoWatlltl/44 Eil MI WPM ing4qlstert,Alid:PekolllPegiNtAPJC9ez:!. and.d,l%. 43aliletlikleP 11 44 11 1:4, 8 1 ( 1 1 41 , ,g the cool, oat ! door,e4T l , tins employment or pastime, and there , is .111" an entire 'change in the- Ole physical and ,i!ce,ll,!,pl, conditio n The , pre o L f life, kindles in eye, "alnYep . *die faci? and the man is liimse ` if`agam. . ex oliiiitriftitier of rOteritildite hays' not generally known that the daughter of thelate.,Qpße*l,2, - §:4,4 ziitp,Apion healtedA a Xre3l4Senlr.eniireasso hers (0. 4 1:Nw., 01 14 „nptgtve - hla consent to her marifigeirdEa ' and officer, who 'Fres'lnitieetioung Frenc Onagfe l in every -rialpect, eicapturgo.thet , 'General 86Cottrdid not 416' to : , traiiiita 2 schi:lngert agaihat , Whanfle bright flare , to dr`ew- his sword in the otoiliticif a oollitliati between France ruidollie Chited iBtatearieerhi'dh thritiritortii thrPhand , "br i hia dany,liter iroirldJtuive eariaditY as Frdiralkcernet Oommandevin-chief of the UnitedtStates army should ) rikkenter eritaug., lingralliances,?; wasiGeneratAcpttkohe; tinate4eply. tg hirmiaughter'e l and a ruife'l entreaties. Tko , PeQracOng la4Ki who; While StiALO PAPP-italgOsiele,PAPPM efelschookintlikwilaprA , :.44o ) ,Otn: - djai tingniabed,pn:aeßouut of key, remarkahle accomplishments, now, retied to a eon vPfto*Metift AY4 s4srt titoft-aqer wards.' VA IL -i6-I•Teier out Wan opportunity toqearn all yow Sir Siott'said'-that; evelk aitagii coach; he alwaye-founiVsemebodr wlio could tell him Soinethirtheidi not-know Conliebsetion:isfreqtrentlymfora itefid thrtiliihdokslorpiirfbsas of know= ledge. It is therefore, Olniiitake -to fbe iiiiioselliadlsilefititidiotiglasztons whom little-so ciability on your partwill drawttlferiniut, and..Akey ibilitich you some -04113019 matter hPigtoTAjoi474.4., l s 0 33 - ployment. Indeed, some of, the,most ea u gacions remarks are made by persons , of thii'dSscriPtion, partic nlar pursuit. Hugh - Miller, the Scotch geologist, owes not a littiooilhis fame to observations: made Arbon the-mast: a , j our. neymen .SteneMatiOn and working in a quarry. • Socrates...well Said: that there was hut :one good, which is knowledge, and one evil, which is ignorance. Every grain, of sane goes to make the heap. A gold digger takee 4 tliti Smallest nuggets, and is not "tool enough ti(throw them aWay . because he hopes to find huge know ledgelumpsome time. So m acgntr'ing ;' we Should'Uver (Rapists an,.o.ppor tunity however unpromising: If tfiere is' a' motneitt'aldieni.e, spend it' over good oY initriictivetalkineirith the first 'you' meet. • , DEFINITION OF A.GENTLEMAN tippler' is , but a gpprfemap 7r no . mcre,,,no fess ;. a diamond Relished that was solial mond in the rough - a gentlenifin is gen tle ; a gentleman is modest, a gentlman t courteous ; a gentleman is generous ; a gentleman is slow to= take , offence, as being she ithat nevit giveit it; a gentle men is slow evil, asheinglone that nevetthinkatotit ; tgentlentarrgoei ezmedionlyiinmenseibrisness , oftvight pia gentlenian subjecfshiVeßpetites ; a gm , . tiemanJirefuleseiris tiaetrumAtientlemen subduee his feelings ; a gentleman con trols his, aptectli..,,and• finally a. gentle gis 4.11 Ta ot4leut,g , tter.tilif NTT BO• - - ' ' 'L3. A ' 14,4 LANGUAGE Ot%- ,North; Oar, oljua ii is frequent among her fort's*, Of fat pine fora lOv'er in diiitress'.yo send the we fattObj'eat 'or als arectibns slut of its 1.7 staple production with an 'eye painted on it. This signifies, '1 favbra bleAo him; the' yonngllady, :aelents :from the Ato9dtpile the best' *anksmootheat specimen of a knot. This signilies,!!pide not." But if - on,the othmliand, she de test's, hilli,-Lifunels .no,, Middle. ground !:, f oren l detesfation Onpftpurttpt! Kith the young, volieti,--she buins one, end ,41a , ,5; } •:# 4. 't 7 , 1 t of lus message and this generefly throw s .t , 'tha young man in despair, for it means, tf make light 'of Ybui pining:" 7 r i rt? . . "!'Paddy, wlAire'orthe ivhiok4 gs`ve you to orelin'thWirikTOWiNithtr*'"foeif ilium 4rti Ijlll3l' :drank J { a,d,l MIRO kir I breAthe4 0 11 :0,40. 1 04 itlNrad be all tho etp,e;" ii r In marryintsledia vionanithlitilitessiiiilr 3rt you get i thin she 'r 664 y eti6n ' nu l 4. tg9 l 2i , 4 4 o44: ll 44 6 Y , PA l ti r ig nd ^ od d lOrtY • doliPkwa.blll9k VOL *AV; k iti Slod tEttliainitta 4 Ofelt MEE vibiagio =MEM tP1,19 , i CV, !,1 WM X %i-t; get csm "Lit lyeeXtract from 'advance, sheets of bte,ttacee of the Ho y t y Land" a very valnalile A work'soon to -be - published I .7.541 tt.' following description ,( in part, of saletn.ofyeuropean d ; Streets' iu ,Beesii of 11 # 1 '! la l . o ~ 433i l i a P PCq '4 . 1 t11 "1 1 9 . ,T °3 ` OrlentallCiti has ) , them, 'even in 4liitk'Whii,'"haii thousand :at!. *- t words to •'7ll express Carnel;„ - a sword, a onemare,, use scar~cel 'sr-Ord 1 Willasiti 1 kaAti, a street, A 1 1;febretv; had. the Anne p .4-t oVertiek speech • for suc h tho roughfare inthe Bioadwa4 the Oorso of the Streq, is cibiteinilip o otne ,to the East. Solomon . never stw,a boulevard. 4!Aad . RPTer , La) goill` 111 .0 1 . AI: 4-F0?„: city nlißkfilP 4 h€ o . ( l l s B /in;Thich P9PRI-94r 0 4 4 .! , Saart9.lthick 410k* 31% 0 P. 1 . 0 IPA; EPAFtnelk-itifftcri r Bn=l" h e n . , A t ifFAW3Tirbt& AIN greatness erytaeciNit,ai Prpwpo.k4 till flop/4, 1 4u a4t FOLikasl3.(44,XtPri;.llel4t-,,lkeecl - not have.Ake genies of t op,e,a s, , cutting 9ft 8r9.14341 a ch 0 4%11004 ark 'WI fiti E n t #•c, Its APP 9 P, IF 3I) 944,inrfAITRIPe; efamily n a.,,t,ribeos,profossiga . ,oncepying of be,, I,irocp is - a Tie.x4F• of it 591010110113. its own police , its. own public law, and being ;operated Oom the . contiguous .* quarters by gates a, ; etran g nr Lae no right to-pass. --Erse—communication from one to antitheriienokdesiferdl-and suchialleyEtte cahoot one quarter lvith atibtber,‘tieinitcbtsidered no inan'sland, arertareli honored with• a publin , risme. Only,two Aitieets 4144 mentioned; • the Bible ;:= Biker's .Street ' 'Jerustleiti, Straight= Street Damascus and theectivn examples twe 'bet even• the captions; td a- CoMmoiornle ilthe first being eiidently Biker's gee& Oh etteek oramarket'of that. trade ),'while the' rise= ondivias probably ;a Itennatraftirk: No true Oriental city has streets with 7 =ne: tive names. The greet- thoroughfare of Cairo is known, in one park e.5,14-rowell eo?.,anke,i in another, PP, ,Crccitfry Elace.,„lt is the some,. Aleppo ...and tagdad. Ten years' 'ago Stamboul en jPY94 t!,/ePa.!P? poverty, and and it wennot until the. Western armies oeceppied rera. and Soutari that the natives began to appreciate the Talukef this Frankish art........ The pious names, by belie of which , 'Ohristians , tfind their way `Jabout Jerusalem, mob < as ..DaVid Streit and - Aria Dolorosa; :emu - still ;mil knowntiotthenative • Except , s in the sooka and bacsarsAta streets are all. mptived. Herwthe natz oral rock iieepe-liut througlotthe , filth,f there;ailitone , ...of-the ' , grand:•DlU uTyiiaii size has fallen into the way, and nearly blocked it up; but„compionly, thejor face upon which you walk is , otippaed ofmud and san d . Cairo is'not , paved . Bagdad is not ,paved t: From tht•darl of poiman to those of,sciArcAjorlisikiti remained unPaved. ,Nor did that splen, did artist, though,hejsid the main street of Antioch with marble as a -kingly gift to the inhibitants, ever attempt todo the -same! greaVservice >for his hyeni thatillirfeikkothe priggigr : , ^; 1 , TV -`nAA 401 1 5. 1 r ,01,44: 1 #. 11 p04 5 ,11..R 01 44 the . R oo: Argo's only home, where he Janet: eat anordo4o4,, and ay and etjA., 744# he whihes....tie. he Ito tigehouttertiellefesi itriiind eilf ,e 64441.401" qq11°.'7 , 4 - Et ' 1-• , titstated times to the mosque itself ; for the' nioshie is the trite Moslem's home, ihicielie his a right to enter, and from isibict , cb'ntlicial van'drive him away . Inlhdholittif hisinekne he is sure to find'Aritter,lirtha sacred edifice be is saielir find shad& ' After finishing hip devotions he Martirdw himself on tie mats.aid sleep., No .verger has the pre tinsilin.tO expel.bim (rim - the honsa of CCOd ' ' tint 'the olikceis fOr which the so lemnity,of hie mosque would be npauita hie mast be dime in the public places where he,ufax belie .to 44 his camel, to fee . ,,hili iteS, and to dine and - . smoke ' Humble "onolie arid nafigehairait for him' • .1-1. , ~.- , , ' at the, street farriers. On three of fou r' lirci,kep' itOnee t the 'cook light:a a b u nch of stiCke; throws a few.olives and lee tils,. t a Piece of tit, a"handbil Of parched corn , into_i pin ; and holding this .pan over his embers { stirs and'simmera these edibles into i:in:p c is, the very smell of .h . let li ''‘n .itr h' soul A twist loh e.? L! -,r .P a. • .. of coarse dre ad, a mug ,of 'frpli water, iind:aßiPic:of ',l.,j:Shabni! tobaneo; make up, thViatnatOder.nehie meal, after which the tired wayfarer. will wrap file mint e about his_ face, lie_ down 'among thi, sto,ces,,accl pass thasoft summer aighT in,dreatniag, of that, happier beaveri, of hiS.Seedliplebieh..iheleei is never fir" and the, old:never frost,. in -which • the welleare always fall,- the _dates away ripe, and the virgins over young. The . Findlir Cirole. • ,y,there be any, bond ,in:life ,whin'. songht„to be prred!" guarded from every - tbips, !kink cap put • fit in peril, is that wbicn suites the members. of a TfithS,r,e, upon earth from which discord and strife should be ,baniihnd it is the fireside. There centre the fondest hopes, : and, the most tender affections How lovely ,tho,. spec4cle proiented b 3 that family which is governed by the right spirit! .4achstrivesio avoid giv. Ogloffonce, and Is studionaly considerate of thoDgers-happiness. , Sweet, loving 4 1 r1. 1 9E1417, 1 4ml by all, auel cach tries to surpass the other in his cfr forts forths, common harmony. Etta heart glows with love; and the benedic ; tion of heavenly peace seems to abide upon.that dwelling with such power that no black fiend of passion irare rear his head :within it. Who would not Tease this' lovlY picture? -It may be realised by ill who employ-the appointed means. Let the,precapts of the Gospel be ap plied as' they are 'designed .to be; and they ivilf be , found to shed a holy charm Upon the family circle, and make it what God designedit should be, the most hes yeti-Uhl) siene 'on earth. t = : kku/Or PvT4,"PO4 3 write there,',' Asia one to:a lad.who was writing with a dizonood pin,on a pane of glass in the window of a hotel. - :-."W hy skid he.' SißiKause you can't rub it out." There; are 'other things which man should not do,lbecaase they cannot rub them out. A 'h'eartis aching for vows. thy; and a cold, perhaps a heartless word iaispbken: :The impression•may be morn duiable'than; that of the diamond upon the glass. The 'inscription on the glass may bedestroyed by the fracture of the glass, but the impression on the heart may last forever. Or While Schuyler Colfax was re cently on,his,yr ay to lecture at Burling ton„Vermont, he got into the following conlcreation with a man with whom he Awful his swain the cars. Stranger : , j Going to the lecture ?" Mr. Colfax saidshe should probably , be there. "So aUVI.r ,I :Did you .43;v4. .hear Colfax?" ". 1 012 yes, very ofteß," was Mr. C's. reply. kind,of a man . ishe ? Is he c,g004 ;speaker ; does he know any- thing 7' "Well, really, I don't know as 'my opinion is worth much on that, My alike afai." 1 Strange min subsided, : , Betierj-a,Parisian paper ).re ,Applimende theJoliowing method for the mosagation,pf.eggs Dissolve four ,00ncy of beesasw in eight ounces of -Warn) taiVe this_put the tip of the .finger -And anoint,- the egg all round. The im immediately absorbed by the sheli,snd tbe iporss filled up with wax. If kept in asool place the eggs sfter two years will be as good as if fresh . ENE Who Aoston'acanscri t says that certain ldr. Coffin once being blessed ,27,44,k4ri t hoi0ori, ayriend offered ono 41,114114404 re for the privilege of nem :WOO:l.a The olter wen_ declined, how ever,. when it was proposed to christen the Ail& Mahogany. Hy "A poet sod prose alit or le dead. or,) n