I=l=l FRED'K L. BAKER. TEV.7fB jiar4tian is published weekly, , ! ..year, payable in advance. in -Lindsay's Building," hear o ffice corner, Marietta, Lan- L.;esty, Pa, will be inserted at the rates : One square, ten lines cents for the first insertion, 2,,,, t h 1 as for $1:50. Profession ..Boiness Cards, of six lines or less, Sotices an the reading col ,:ents a-line , general adver :,,,t,3 seven cents a-line for the first e,N, aid for every additional in for e:nts. A liberal deduc f,) yearly advertisers. put up a new Jobber press ;,letl a large addition of job type, Irtkr, etc., will enable the estab exteute every description of 7 ,r6 cud Fancy Finnan, from the cord to the largest poster, at and reasonable rates. I'ON 81. - IVIUSSER'S FAMLY DRUG STORE, liarPt Street, Marietta, Pa. limos Mrssza, successors to Dr. F. e , will continue the business at the 'old ACM they are daily receiviug additions stock, which are received from the ;:g resale importers and manufacturers. :icy 'mid respectfully ask a liberal share gc patronage. umv prepared to supply the de. of the public with everything in their rail mile. Their stock of DRUGS AND MEDICINES AND ever, RAVING JUST ARRIVED. - ?111 . 4 11,4410 ...,qqol-$ FOR .31EDICINAL USES ONLY, THE POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES. i;i:.'cits or all kinds, Fancy and Toilet .A.r tne+of every kind, alcoholic and Fluid atrette, Alcaluid and Resinuids, all the beat Trusses, Abdominal Sup poriors,Shoulder Braces,liteast Pumps, Nipple Shells and Shields, Nursing Bottles, A large eupply of MTH, NAIL AND CLOTHES BRUSHES. ?wd•T mid Pastes, Oils, Perfumery, Lida Dyes, laviAoratora, &C.; . ,;' I, tliiiiineys, Wick ,ate, r,.:isils supplied at reasona Lle rates. ..t.eee and Prescriptions carefully and se curupounded all hours of the dity and s H. Britton, Pharmaceutist, ;hvol gay especial attention to this branch :•,,Nl3,nei:;. Having had over ten years .:41 r.:tpertence in the drug busineas to ;Nam Wet entim satisfaction to all ' , sir:lbiza the new firm. imp supply of School Books, Stationary, ac.. always on hand. SUNDAY HOURS: -.S to 10, a. m.,-12 to 2, and b to 6 p. m. Britton. A. _Musser. A' , :ittlat October 20, 1866. 11-tf Established 1829. Old Established fjat, gtfur store, 1, 2) NORTH QUEEN STREET, • "34 , .." LANCASTER. I'A. \VElr'nl,l respectfully announce that our (or the mall and Winter -of 1866, e-4ttv te.dy, coneisting of D7ens silk, Cassimere, Plain and rut and Wool, or Caoimerett, tui Caisimere, Soft and Steel exten ted bias, and Flexible Self-ad juin% and D'Oreay Brim X-X 71E` • • 'new, novel and braififul designs, and at F.:: prices as to make it an inducement for I. ! ) pqn:ha.e. L'aPs I ClaiDll of Caps comprises all the newest Buys and Children's Fall and Fr wear, Our motto is, "Equality to all." • , : , Ilowe st selling price marked in figures on , itnicie, and never varied from, at SHULTZ Sr BROTHER'S, at, Cap and Fur Store, So. 20 North Queen-at.. Lancast.r. ,` 4 , - Ail Mode of Shipping Furs bought and lawn Cash prices paid. t F' 1-11. - .lc.faiEl-- PiLi.fai4;i.ati. and geaprtean-, I, z , , 'ested permanently in Columbia; ;.frers his professional serVigeo to fi Iva of that place. ""i'Y be ound at his office, at the reef- `•" hi Benjamin Haldeman, on Locust-qt, 4.) fro ;n 8 to to a. to., and 7 to 8 p. tn. Willing his services ,tn special cases, hose hours, will leave word by note ',.ir through the post office. . ult. J. z. OFFER, DENTIST, Or TUE BALTIMORE COLLEGE, - OF DENTAL SURGERY, 1-ATE OF HARRISBURG: f) c Prout street, pert door to R Drug Store, beiVieen Locus . ,`,Binut strevts, Columbia. IJENUY HARPER, SZO Arch. Street, Philadelph is ~ 1 1 , HAS A LARGE STOCK OF FIRE ifl IVAT! HES, JEWELLti . RIA RE AND SILVERa - PLArE.I I "uilabie for Holidqy er Bridal Presents. Member B. 1866.-2 m. worral: l , Surgc , :m Dentist, 11ARK,:l. STREET, ADJORtING pa iy(~r d! Rich's Store, second floor, t. 4 RIETTA, M!! . ~ a br t , vi m . B. FA.HNFigTOCIC, ~ 4.l.lC % t— MAtti-ST., BLEAALY._QP.R.Ca , B P , lngler & Patlerson'i Store . . ... FROM 7 TO 13,,A,.. A., ror • ieE !LOUR& 1 ' - 1 191) 2. ._ )9 6TO7r• X. - • 1 1 1 ) . _ . - k • a .. „ • • . - THEY SAY. They say—Ala I well, suppose they do, But can they prove the story true? Suspicion may arise from naught But malice, envy, want of thought; Why count yourself among the "they," Who whisper what.they dare not say? They say—but why the tale rehearse, And htklp to make the matter worse ? No good can possibly accrue , From telling what may be untrue ; And is it not a nobler plan To speak of all the best you can ? They say—W ell, if it should be so,' , Why need you tell the tale of woe ? Will it.the- bitterwrong-redress, Or make. one pang of sorrow less? Will it the erring, one restore, Henceforth to "go and sin no more ?" They say—O pause, and look within, See how thy heart's inclined to sin ; Watch, lest in dark temptation's hour Thou, too, • should'st sink beneath its power. Pity the frail, weep o'er their fall, But speak of good or not at all. YANKEE COURTERIP.—One evening as I was sitting by Hattie, and had work d myself up to the pciint of popping the question, sez I: Lia;tty, it'a fellow was to ask you to marry him, what would yoa , say 2" Then she laughed, and — aez she : " That would depend on who asked me." " Suppose it was Ned Then eez I: Willis ?" Sez she " I'd tell Nod Willie, but not you " That kinder staggered meo, but I was too cute to lose the opportunity, and so sez I agen " Suppose it was me?" And then you ought to •have seen her pout her lip, and - sez she : "I don't take no supposes." Well, now, you see there was nothing for me to du but touch the trigger and let the gun off. So bang it went. Sez I: " Lor, Hattie, it's me. Won't you say yes ?" And then there was a hullabaloo in my head, I don't know 'zactly what tuk place, but I thought I heard a " Yie " whispered somewhere out of the skrim mage. WHISKERS AND 11198E11.--Bire. Swiss helm, the anthorest, says, "she would as soon nestle her nose in a rat's nest of swingletow as have a man with whiskers to kiss her." We don't believe a word of it, The objections which some ladies pretend to have to whiskers all arise from envy. They debit have any. They would if they could ; but the fact is, the' continual motion of their lower jaw is fatal to their growth.. The ladies, God bless them l adopt our fashions as far as they can. Look at the depredations ..they have committed on our wardrobes the last few years. They have appro priated our shirt bosoms, gold studs and all. They have encircled their soft, be witching cheeks in our standing collars and cravats, driving us to flatties and turn downs. Their innocent little hearts have been palpitating in the inside of our vests, instead of the thumping against the outside, as naturally intend ed. They thrust their little feet and ankles through our unmentionables, un thiukabouts, and they are skipping along the streets in our high-heeled boots. Do.you hear? We say boots. gar litiall-A.incatcas whiskey:, accord ing to the Revenue Commission, may be made by the following delightful receipt : 40 gallons whiskey, 30 gallons of water, 5 gallons tincture of Guinea pepper, 1. quart•tincture of killitory (or killaliberal) 2 ounces acetic ether, 1i 'gallons strong tea. To improve the flavor, .adtl,3 ounc es pulverized charcoal, and 4- ounces_ ground rice to the gallon, and let it stand for a week, stirring daily. Little Willie G--.went with his pa rents and a friend 'to Greenwood ''catrie tery. -As they „were driving . through that beautiful city of the dead, he looked around in wonder and delight at the splendid monuments, ,green alleys, and flowery mounds, and laid, with ,a wise shake of the head—"they doesn't Way wicked folks here." Isar Slight changes make great digeren 7 cea, "Dinner for nothing is yery, good fun.; but, you. can't ( mg as inucti..sof thing for dinner." W by- is 11,0:tfia,h filend 44 . 1 e) letter r ?.: Attil:—;Betause, thotiftb,h34-_, the Hist 'id* pit y; - ft iv Abe( hitt Naptutauf Vansetania *anal for tie Nat eirdt. MARIETTA, PA., - SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1867. For the Mariettitm Noyamensing Prison. Mr. Editor.—Having had an opportu nity of visiting the above named prison I made inquiry of the physician, who accompanied the to the different depart ments, as to the cause why so many ( I think he said 567) werdconfined there; the answer was more '9-10 were brought there through intoxicating drink, there we conversed with the old men, standing near the grave, they told rat strong drink brought us here. I talked with middle aged men; men having wives and children, men once happy and useful and - respectable ; what brought you here, the same answer was given—stion - g drink. I talked to young men, who should have been the comfort of parents, pillars in the church and defenders of oar country's institutions. What brought you here, nearly the same answer, strong drink. One young man with tears in his eyes, said, "0 my mother knows not I am here—my mother, I love her still," be cried. " She told me of the conse quences of keeping bad company,' and urged me with tears not to drink intox icating liquors. Oh that I had obeyed my mother." Thousands of similar cae- i es are being enacted every day. The stimulus of intoxication impels its youthful votary to the gaming house, or the brothel, and then to relieve the con science, yet unseared, of its oppressive load, it conducts him to the tichools of infidelity, where he is happy, to be told, and struggles to believe, that no' crime however atrocious can entail upon its perpetrators any punishment beyond the grave. The rum traffic is an unmitigated evil. Not one honest word can be said in its favor. All other trades have just and honorable foundations ; but this is the trade of death. It has no regard for honor. It hears no cry of remon strance. It is savage—stealing upon its Victim with the subtlety of a ser pent, finding its refuge in a licensed bar room, and under that certificate sallies forth on its dreadful mission—prowling through our land with locks and handl and garments red and dripping with• in nocent blood. Oh, who that loves oar common humanity—who that loves his conntry—the peace and prosperity of all men, can be a rnmseller ? He destroys happy homes, causes thousands of brok en hearted parents to cry out, " Oh, my son, my son, would to God I had died for your Who would be a rum drinker, pouring down the accursed stuff which Ldestroys health, happiness, character and life. God grant the time may soon come when this evil shall be banished from our midst, then,,the bright star of hope will shine with unusual brightness upon the pathway of the pilgrim travel ing to an ,eternal world BAsnyuiskss.---The Phrenological Journal winds up a long article on " Bashfulness " with the following trib ute to the usefulness of dancing schools " We have a friend, now an old man, large, heavy, ciumsy, who weighed one hundred and eighty pounds the day he was sixteen, and was 13iX feet'and an inch high. He. was so mirkward, to use hie own statement, .that he could hardly. get into a room where there was ,company without hitting both sides of the door, and could scarcely sit down without knocking over the chair, knowing not 'what, to do with his feet, his ha4l3, nor himself. He chanced to have an eppor tunity to : attend a dancing school for three montle,, theugh they were not then at .all prevalent ; in the vicinity where he resided, and he was there train ed in the common civilities and courtes ies of society ft- how to , get into--and nut of a room,• how to be introduced, how to receive and - dismiss company. Though : he 'is a farmer, not , much used to society there is to-day,an l easy, quietgrace„and a polish of manners that ,woficld _pops apy where acceptably, and he_ attAPutep it to this-brief tuition in a dancing, school. While he may not remember much that I -he learned as a dancer, lie remembers,ol l'that he learned that-i&neceseary for per forming the common courtesies of 'the drawing-room: , Some 'persons =are- .ors ganized te ;be - bashful; they -eau not greatly modify, though they may be able to overcome that tendency. Certainly nothing is more; painful than.eruberrassi menr, unless it- is shame and remorse combined, and this is simplpthe painful action of the faculties which render one : bashful ,frilh the, tidtition .of ro i rded tiousnegs, produc Oongoien.ing:re morse. " 4 , ...n r,t sa V . Wby is. al.bililikrili..player:rilieLk. thief in ficliandl aea!intie)4o, *tale IP.F the-pciskais: t 8 BEM dir Why is a do_g__ A member of a large'` mercantile ilrm 'recently,gaye a bit of his early eueri ence in this wise:. I was seventeen years old when I left. the country store I had tended for three years, and came to Boston in search' of a place. Anxious, of course, to appear to the beet advantage, I spent an dune nal amount of time and solicitude .upon my toilet, and when it was Completed, I surveyed my reflection in the glass with no little satisfaction, glancing lastly and most approvingly upon a seal ring which embellished my little finger, and 'my_ cane, a very fine affair, which . 1. pure chasedwith' direct reference to this oc.'• casiotr. My first day's 'experience was not encouraging; I traversed street af ter streett---np on one side and down on the other—without success. I fancied, towards the last, the clerks all knew my busines the. moment . I entered the door, and they winked ill-naturedly at my die:, comfiture as I passed out. But nature endowed me with a good degree . of per. sistency, and the next day I started again. Toward neon I entered a> atom- Where an elderly gentleman stood talk ing• with a lady by the door. I waited till the visitor had left, and then .stated. my errand. " No, air," was the answer, given in a peculiarly crisp and decided manner. Possibly I looked the discour-: agement I began to,feel ;' for he added, in a kindlier tone, "Are you good at taking.a hint?" "I don't know," an= swered I, while my faceflushed painfully: " What I wish to say .is this," said he smiling at my embarrassment; "if I were in want of a clerk, I would not , m en gage a young an who came seeking employment with a flashy ring on his finger and swinging a fancy cane." For a minuent, mortified vanity strnggled against com'm'on sense, but sense got the vietciry, &lin replied—With rather' a shaky voice, am afraid—" Pm - very mach obliged," and - then beat` a hasty' retreat. As soon as I got out of 8414; I slipped the ring into my ;pocket, and walking rapidly to the Woroester , depot I left the cane in-charge of-the baggage master c,alled. is zthere now, for aught I know. At any rate I never called for it. That afternoon I obtained situation with the firm of which lam now a partmer. How much my unfortunate finery had injured my prospects the-previous-day I Shall never know, but I never think of the old gen: tleman.and his plain dealing without feeling, 'as I told Jam at the time, very much obliged to him. Mita, GRuNDY Spoke OUa Gruts.—Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, who, by the way, is u-good teacher„gives some good ad vice about the girls, and it is a pity his cohnsels could not be heeded. By-and by there wilt. be no girls and children, they will all be women from ten to twenty years eld. Mr. Beecher says: Cf. M. . "A girl is not allowed to be a girl at ter she is ten years old. If you treat her as though she were one, she will ask . you what yen mean. If she starts to run across the street, she is brought back to the nursery toiisten to a leoture on the propriety of Womanhood; Now it seems to me That a girl should be .nothing but a girl until she is seventeen.- .01 course there are proprieties belong ing to her sex which it is fitting for her to observe, but it seems to 'me that aside froth these she ought. to "have the utmost latitude. She ought to .be -en- . .couraged , to do mucl , ent of doors, to 1 run and exercise in,all those , ways which, are etalenlated to develop° the musdurar frame., Wlyyt ie,,true of, boys, th,e matter of bodily health, ia,,xdpeptly so ofgirls. It is all important that woman ,shotild be healthy, well developed. " votes, writes, ddes bullpen, etc., but; .wOtnatt is the teacher and-the !Pother-of .the world; andlnything that daterior: ateirecoman is alcompretietisive - plague on Aluteark". life' itself. flealtti am - cing womeii;ie - tt think that eve!) , malt, :who is wise and celiaiderite for' raoe; should more earnestly - seek and pro mote. te" BESIDES::!'. the ,thousancl_ tiattiral shocks that flesh is heirlto;' , lmokere are: liable to peculiar attacks upon the,tilerkeee! of.aightztind hearing and,:thefacalties , ,of will anctmemory. -Purely* of thelopt,iw nerve, - andttor:pnro col:doeffs; Ana Musing, noises in the ear, promonitory of : paral: sjeof tbe i rtnililiity llesve, ,are the Rine in!YiNSA l : l7 49o l l94 ta PliO t :ifl i P,;!:7°, 937 , 409,11, MedicLlM tcvtit 1'°8,8 1 tP.4,-, l * - . !hied tlvilellimeAtyieviin IPA 'WEIP .. I tg as&Aftra4llawOrivspi irsgg?loio,;:t . l ir, ii/ifFiej.Al tiAtviAuArts9l!"% ; !, qa„.P- - ti.cte§tvolivifte l laquil'intlD A _ 9 IV . , curtakikeefitivi OVA rtre.ol..,A 3.- . '.a tail A Ilterclialit's Stbri Lft 4. 0,.` Stir A Vast Story An Englishman was bragging of the speed on English railroadsi to trYankee" traveler seated at his side, in one. of the cars of a " fast train" in England. The engine-bell-wasrung as the`tra neared the station. It suggested to the. Yankee an opportunity of "taking down hie_ companiOn a peg or two." . " What"ti that noise?" innocently in quired the Yankee. " We are approaching a town," said the Englishmatii " they have to earn mance ringing about ten minutes before they get to ikstation, or else the train would run by before the bell could 'be heaid I Wonderful, isn't it? 1 sup pose they hitien!t invented bells in . Aiperica yet 2 1 . - Why, yea," replied the tankee, " we've got bells but can't use them on our railroads. We rqn so fast that the train. alwayskeeps ahead ,of the sound 3 no use whatever ; the sound never reach es the village till after the train, goes " Indeed I" exclaimed the. English "Fact," said the Yankee, "-had:.tix. give up bells. Then we tried steam whistles, but they wouldn't answer eith or. , I was on; a: locomotive ;when:-the whistle was tried.- We were going, at a tremendeus, rate ; hurricanes were -no whar, and I had to hold my hair on, We saw a- two-horse wagon—crossing, the engineer let the whistle on, screechy ing like a trooper. It screamed awfully but it wasn't'no use. The next thing I knew I was picking-myself out Ora pond by-the roadside; amid the fragments of 'a locomotive, dead horses, broken wagon; and dead engineer lying' beside file. Just then the whistle came along, retied up with some frightful oaths that I heard" the engineer use when hdliist " - saw 'the ,horses: Pdor felldw l' he was' dead he -fore his voice got to him. After'`-that - we tried lights, sqoCiii3g those, ItlonUi _travel 'faster , than sound. . We got one so powerful that the chickens woke up all along the road when we came by, sup; posing it to be morniug. But the loco 7 motive kepi ahead of:it still, and was in< the darkness with the light close on be 7 hind it. The inhabitants petitioned against it ; they couldn't sleep with so, much light in the night time. Einaily. -we had - to station electric telegraphs ,along the road with signal men to teie graph,when the train was in sight; and I have heard that some of the fast trains ,beat tbelightning.fifteen minutes , every ,fifty miles. But can't say as that is true; therest I do knot* to be: a fact." RAILROAD RlGHTS.—Alefitleman tra velling in the West lately put.to the test one of the exercises of "discretionary powers" which conductors in general are 'apt to carry to an extreme: He hid purchased - a first-de:a ticket, There were buttwo care in the train - one for. smoking and o,ne for ladies. The gentle man in question, having no travelling coMpanion of tlie tender sex, was !hied .ted by the, brakeman to go into the smo-. king car. He remonstrated and deman ded a first-class seat for. his, 'first class ticket. The condu,ctor, being appealed to, sustained the brakeman, and, the tra veller refusing_to_give,up his _ticket t ill he had received the ;equivalent deman ded, both officialenombined io forcibly e ject him fromthe train.- The •gentlem an immediately made waY back 'to •the • office of the ;railroad •company, And the managers made the;amehde honorable by ipayinglim , libetallY for hislost time, missing the :hffentling conduaof, and -promalgating :to all its eirkployes the Sen sible role that first-class tickets convey , a right to-firettelassle'ats: ----- sigr A Rica old dotard , wf seventy five 1 living.dear Springfield, 111.,' determined I not long agd•to marri-a-trim'yniing fdr- , 1 mu's dinghter. -- His'sonkiank opposed 2 the idea, and went`to work to' prevent * the match.''With great -ostentation he purchased acoffin and a horrid looking" ' me,a.t . -„ae, ctiid Ig,tilkein arranged in .state at .his father's house. Reversing , the order of things,: he declared the wed-, iding balked meats sh9uill coldly flireish . ,fo,rtbAfunerc i tl ; . that Tangy, instead:et: a , brt:l4g, stioald , bpa l nnFpne 4, that h is, ;fa t , ther might have a rapen,l,p! , .4 n ? ,,ve,0 4 .. , ding ; that, standing,there at-tha4hresh old or his paternal , minsibarhe'Woae, with Ltkat , same ' sitar tiene d,• - Meat. Ault* cleavleheirrein brawnAo-sole ; thatlthel colfmilpreparadewas for her decent- Ibw-' Hal; lind7finctlly; - ;„ that he was ready Mina self for the murderer's' gibbet iiili - cililtio atm ,was pail,T, l seneAci,l:ifd t - ;dBliilE, 't e `young i f it ,mo d ~ o V .l-1 1 / 4 44 41 1 t il l '', el lc d q e 41 :1 marriage Ital., ncleffipg, eliyipktiopid. , • ' 4 ;14.4a - -•~~. VOL. XIII.--NO. 23. In the Beginning " Where did you get your nice new warm sack?" asked a lady of a little girl. " From God, ma'am," said n little girl modeetly. " Why, did not your mother make it ?' asked the • lady. " Yee, mother sewed it," said the child. "'And did she not buy.the cloth of tire shopkeeper V" asked the lady. " tee," said the little, girl, '• but the shopkeeper bought "it from the factory where it:'Wes spun and wove, and the factory man bought the wool from the • . fernier, and the farmer took it from the . . lamb's, back, and the lamb got it from God, who clothes the little lambs with soft wool to keep them warm. The lambs could' not' dress themselves nor could' their mothers dress them. God dreiliee'tieM: So God is in the be guz ning, mother says, and without God should- not.have had it-" That, ie,the very first thing the Bible says r. 1- 1 In the beginning God created the hcavens and the earth." 4nd,scbsof everything in the world ; since everything, we eat, drink, wear, or _use, if;we follow them up to the begin ming,' We shall find God.- It is God. -God, God everywhere. HOW TO - MAKE A TON OF COAL Lam— An exchange gives a receipt far one species of — economy recommended to Jimse who desire to practice it. Some Jma,elinepers act upon the supposition that an 'add" itio'n of fuel will cause in crease' of combustion. and consequently develope additional warmth. This is an expensive Mistake. It is only smother .ing and retarding the fire to put in a thick layer of coal; or; els some do, fill the firebox, from a layer of two Inches of iguited,c9aLto its utmost capacity, fs4h, , fresli fuels No more coal should be put,on A fire, at .one time than will readily, ignite and,give offs pure white tatue 7 ppta blue flame, as that demotes - the presence oti uticonsamed gases. In clearing. the grates of coal stoves in the morning, there is always to be found a quantity of unburnt coal, which has -been externally subjected to combustion; It is coveted with ashes mid looks like cinder. It is often dumped into the ash box. The Tact is that the lump is onlyoast"ed on the outside, not even cooked, and it-is in a better condition for igniting than the green coal. Never waste it. Attention to these few hints, it is stated, will save many dollars in a minter: TM weriment is • at least worth trying. t or A certain Dutch justice of the peace in Berke :county had a case before ~h im in which one party charged the other 'with biting his pose off. The defendant .denied the accusation, stating that the plaintiff had bitten it off himself Our worthy Jadge,-after mature deliberation, delivered the following opinion a "Mit . ißrovidenbe everdings is r bossible. Veil , if Brotidena is willing a man shall pita .:his own nose off, he must do it. De brisoner is dischared, and de blaintiff caa go 'home and never do so no more. lee Where-there _is- the _necessity to use the poultice, no person who has once experienced the comfort of a pota to Poultice will again use bread. It is light, keeps hot a long time, can be re. heated, and, more than all, does not moisten the garments or bed clothes which it comes in contact with. Pare . and boil the'potatoes, strain, and then mach them with' a fork over the fire. `PIA them into a hag, and apply the poultice se e hot , as•tlie patient can bear . . _ air A young_gentlemanthe other day asked younglady what she thought of the married state in general " Not knowingj can't tell," was, the reply ; '" but if you and, I were to put our heads togetbar, I could soon give you , a deft- Ate answer.'! eir A pretty girl says "If our Ma ker thought it wrong (or Adam to live siogYlWhen there was not a woman on the earth, how critninally guilty are th old birhelors,:trith the world full of pret ty • Aga - Why are railroad,companies like. laundresses 7- Because they bate ironed t u ba-whole 'ibuntry,ausi `sometimes do a 4", It tip !. nith the • votes of men, as tritilittlfqA949,llB,; ilepe9de upon the way in w - hich you treat them. --fxPt when Walgrff4.? Pikhl6kAaNcfl, .010,8 words or. IhatlegiAct• Val a ..k...110 041 !!=!iElM=l!!E!ffl