Watiettian. Zile 'T;;:r• 3,ef ' - MARIETTA. PA : Saturday Morning, January 6, 1867. air Several of the corLductow on _the Pennsylanift Rail—Road ''charged, with' embezzling, and Forge' acqiiit - ted; are about to commence-suits,- against Pink, erton, the Uhicago,detective, for darsag os. The bearing was.before G. U. Fran. cisen4. General Alient of the road, who is satisfied that if crime has been com mitted it has been to a very trifling amount. The conductors on the Read. jog Railroad; who . wera discharged a few years since on the oath' of Pinkerton, and made to disgorge lost sums of m on ey, have commenced suits for its recovery. 120" A great watch dog, t:elonging to a Philadelphia dry goods house, died re c,,utly, and the clerks could not easily set rid of the holy. Thej finally put it in a slacking case, nailed on the lid and marking it, A. 'l'. Stewart & Co ," left it over night on the sidewalk, first giving a hint to tho watchman on that beat. That same night a : furoit ;are wagon, with the horse ' s feet ii tfflyd in carp.t, droVe up, two men jumped out, quickly and qoietly put iu the box jumped in again and drove•away. . That was the last seen of the remains of that faithful animal. 41kr Mr. William Strut:bun, of New burg, lies in•his possession a manuscript copy of part of a ilistory of 13‘ornabism. written by John 11. Surrutt At the time of thu assassination of President Lincoln this manuscript was seied among the other papers of Surratt, and reeured by Mr. Robert Straehan, pho tographic reporter h the ;fudge Advo cate'il Court. Surrutt was engaged upon the plots work white plotting against the life of the President. liar A shucking affair took place re cently in a public school situated at Pleasant Valley, Erie county, New York. A young woman who was- the teacher, named. Haskins, undertook to correct one of her pupils, a little - girl, when ibe was set upon by an elder sister of the girl and cruelly beaten, rracturing her skull and leaving h - er : a maniac be yond hope of recovery. Printitig, type is being- Made' in England fronewulcanized India rubber; and it is being mtitlh used there. It is claimed to be quickly made, and sis as handsome and - itufable - as metal type at two-thirds. 6a cost. It is an American invention. not be surprised to see after awhile .knife blades made front prepared gingerbread. Colonel,Thoinas A. Scat. First Vice President of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, announces that es; elusion tickets will 'he issued on that road and on the Philadelphia and Erie road, to ail persons desirous of visiting Harrisburg on the occasion of the inau guration of General Geary, (governor. r An application for'a habeas corp. 1:19 in the case of Dr. Mudd lids been de= nied by Chief Justice Chase, who says, however, that this does not prevent a similar application from being made to some other judge or civil tribunal win Florida or elsewhere. . • eir The chaii originally used at the first meeting of Congress—CommonlY calla./ the John Hancock chair Land since that time in use by every stieitier of the - 1; nose. of Rt-presentatives of Penrsylvania, is to he returned t "lode prod...lwo Pluludelphis. 60 Frederick Daughts lectured in National Hall , Philadelphia, on Thurs day i-vetting last. Subj.-ct : "Sources or Danger to the Republie." The .. Btael; Swan " sang-before- and alter the bet:ire,' rite The Legisla•ure met on Tuesday Lonis W. Hall was elected speak. er .tt" the Senate and Goo W. 111111311..1 , rl , rk. 11l the .1 - lonse, Got. John I'. G Wnshitgton c. , unts Atte o:Pct.. ed .speaker anti -A.. W. Benedict. clerk. fur 11irs Jeanie' Cameron; daughter of nithe PI 00. Suomi Cameron, was married to tin 111'V, iv!). E-q . of Weft Chester, nu t .:15.11 of DeeP to her last. Ito J. Ruble) Danalit;nri, 0r IG« Phil adelphia ti . arg Pri vista Seerotary of the Gorernor elect; Geo. Goury tfeir A Nimes. 'lit:leg near the battle fietti tAiVitiris iitt:4 been eultietsting wheivillitilieo i et= , k.'re buried. cif A wiiitiotts grief is often very short, - her the f WO'S only for a esecund: 111.0 Pr4dustiorlilipt-Lp:rotiouneprilow I:retteh C4ok. :is!gividgDleetarea in Philadelphia on etig4drig. inAh. 1044% 865.theiH dud iti:Frarwa mit._ hundred.. ttusi _perliiini:it , yer one hueilred ;ream ' Quill pens xr.re tirt , t ui4id in 553'. A m, tu th" etas mum j uto use There am thirty-nue candidates for Ntb3.s . fn, 133ritf. . , 5, Mr. Ilarriot was Riesident .of a gold mining company„: in 'New—York. The company overissiied to croak to the a mount of $BO.OOO, and the fraud was dis covered. Mr. H. took a heavy dose of strychine to end his troubles, physicians saved his life, but his reason was lost. He is now a i aviu; maniac 1 - na lunatic asylum. Mr. liarriot resided at White Plains, was an influential member of the Methodist church, and had been minsid -erell-atf-tfpfight-liatif:' Ou Sunday, Put. Farrell attempte - d to break into a store on the Third Avenue, New York. Ile. was surprised by officer t itrescaPe, the o ffice r ordered hitn . to stop. He refused to do so, and the officer tired at him, inflicting a wound from which he , died on Monday. Before he expired, he sent far the officer, and sai ~" I forgive you because I know you was doing your duty." Major Still, the Pardon Clerk has been busily employed for sometime past in making ont u list of pardoned rebels, to be transmitted to the flouie of Rep resentatives, in answer to their resolution calling on the President to furnish the same, The list of all the high officers, members of Congress and graduates of West Point who joined the rebellion has been completed, and will be sent to the Olin. &bu rgl a r attempting to enter a house at Bury, Eng. through the chimney, stuck fai.t in the flu., and remained in that un comfortable position five hours, when his cries at last attracted attention, and the police fished him •out at the top of tho chimney, in a sorry plight. In New York, Leonard W. Jerome, a broker, recently invited a number of dies to his house, and placed on the plate of each a gift worth a thousand dollars. Some of the husbands of the ladies Were very indicrmt, and compolled them to send their presenti hock. Thomas Morris, a respectable citizen of Genesee. Wis., suffering from a tu mor in the throat, which ile . was convin ced would prove fatal, last week went back of his house, and hanged himself with the precision of a scientific execu tioner. , In Minn.eapolie, the other day, two young girls on their way to church were kidnapped. , A few days afterwed their mother received a leiter from her hus ha•id from whom she had separated, tell ing her that he hod the children and she would never again see them. Aletfer of Genetal Millen, president of the Fenian Military Council of Ire land, in which he denounces James Ste. phoneas a humbne and a rascal. is pub lished in the Dublin papers, uud has treated a profound sensation among the people. -. The President has received from James Lyons, of Richmond, a.cane made ofa Piece of the old frigate Constitution, The inscription on the gold head of the cane compliments Johnson as "the res torer of the Constitution." A new statue iu Missouri provides that all persomi who'are pieseuted by a grand jury as vagrants, and shall by a jury trial have been found to be such, shall be hired out , to labor by the sheriff for Fix months. In St. Louis recently six vagrants were presented, . Late one evening a couple of weeks ago, as Dail. Bryant was looking at the animals of Robinson's circus, in winter quarters at Cincinnati, an - elephant seized him and threw him about twenty fe'et. Dan. was more astonished than hurt. In Alilwaukie, during the pre - sent year, one rolling mill. two breweries. two. dis tilleries. six churches. 29 business blocks and 1:500 private residences have been erected. • Jase'pk S. Amery 11,35 - been fined - $2O and costs; F) , a Baas county ciitirt, for tiptiing 100 pounthl of pour on the result of the election for Governor. The editor - of the I.ouitiville (Miss.) Butte - lin is the keeper of the jail, and lives and prints his journal within •the . . wills of that establishment. A father in .. Williatn,Tort, whipped his daughter, eighteen years of . ttge, for "sitting up nights" with her lover. The peat day there was a runaway match in the neighborhood. 'the International Chulera Confer ence at Gonstantinople has recommend ed th.. neiverpul nholt,liment of sewers and the aduldion,of- "earth closets"' The Spanish religious journals recom mend the re-;stablishinent of the inquisi tion in Spain, as the sole means of saving society. , General lie it Ddite, the comrade of tht; guerilla John Morgan, is named as - a candidate for Governor of Kentucky. A pteir a rats well situated anti left entirely to ttienniultras 'und:sturheti, aril, in three years. have reaittil to 655,808. iittzoit; t h -e oldest kewopiper . extant. It is niiiv 'hi ita tiin h uud re? tit and 1 hi rty Fixtb The. totel cost ot- A.. T. , Stewart's munpictt~iu,New York, with its foinitur_e, will nut be less than 1;;;141,0011 • LAr'ra , TIIE MARIETTIAN.@,^ or A piper for tiveryfainily;titid . we mean not only every family, but :single people as well, when we recommend to all the .. , ,American Agriculturisf-the . l mast valuable and the cheapest journal ; in the world. We have received the first of the new Volume, which begins the Second Quarter century, and find it of unexampled-.excellence -and beauty while the publishers announce still greater things to,..coine;-• Mr. (flirt,' one o(the most; popular' and practical writers of.tlie country,. Is to join . .the already large and strong editorial force of the Agriculturist, and redular contributions are promised from the well known -"l'iin othy Banker, Esq ," the " Down_ East . , .... ..,, ..., .. Farmer." The Agriculturist is a mar vel of value and cheapness. Each num ber has 36 to 40 large double octavo pages, containing 23 to 35 or more costly beautiful and instructive Engravings; and is packed full of useful, reliable in formation. The publishers promise - to expend the present year at least'slo.ooo in engravings alone, and $15,000 in pro curing and preparing sterling reading matter, adapted to the work of the Farb', the Garden, and the Household, includ ing an entertaining end instructive de partMent for Children acd Youth. Nothing less than a - circulation of over 150,000, which reduces the expenses to a small sum each, could enable the pub lishers to furnish such a journal, for only $1.50 a year. We again advise every person to subscribe fur the Agticulttir ist. It is adapted to City, Village and Country. Orange Judd Sz - ..00., Publish ers, 41. Park Row, N. Y. City. CO Lieutenant Robert Wells son or Thaddeus Wells, shoti himself through, the head with a pistol in his father's stu dy. lie entered the room with a pistol in his hand, threw his - arm uround his father's neck, kissed him, exclaiming "fare well, ' and putting the pistol to his right temple, fired, the ball passing through his head. ,Lientenant W. was highly esteemed, and only 24.yeurs of age. He gained his ranks in the regu lar army. The heayy melancholy produ ced by the death otitis brother last sum mer, by the explosion of an engioo at Mare Island, California, is, believed to have been the cause of the rash act. Cr Thomas Pope, at Missouri City Junction, IlHattie, got-married, rented a! house, bought furniture, and went to" , housekeeping.: Ten days after the mar riage, MrS. Pope ran'away, came back, but Mr. Pope: wouldn't receive her.. She cient away again, and . again came back, and this time 'was received. In .a short time she again eloped, but in a. few daysafter some preliminary arrange ments through agents, she visited her hUshand io company with her paramour, a Mr. Murray: Mr. .11urray proposed to Mr Pope to buy his. wife, furniture etc... Pope agreed; fifteen dollars' was paid by Murray, and all was well. OW Some days ago un application was made by J. A. S. Rtdgely, of Baltimore, to Chief Justice Chase, fora writ of habe as corpus for the release of Dr. Mudd, one oftha persons condemned by the mil itary commission which tried the Booth conspirators to imprisonment for life,at the Dry Tortugas. it was returned by tha.ChiefJustice to the counsel with the following indorse,tnent "The within ap plication he's been considered and is de nied. This does not, however, preyent A similar application from being made to some other judge or civil tribunal in Florida or elsewhere." . John Wagner,' of Old Manheim township, York county, let a footman. get into a buggy with him a few dap since, and after they hail been tiding a fetv miles the•paesenger he had picked up asked him to smell at a phial which he uncorked. This Mr. Wagner did and knew nothing more until he found himself robbed and lying in alence cor ner next morning. So says the Hanover Citizen. Ise' There is a rumor that Miss Susan Denin, the well known actress, has unit ed her fortunes in marriage with-a well known young man named Peter Curley, The ceremony, so the story goes,. wst. performed at the Delavan House, Al hang, on Monday last. This is the fourth or fifth time that the " festive" Susan has been martied. - * A WESTERN NAN, speaking of the Electric Railroad, :eye it is one of the ••funniest coincidences in the world, that almost every alternate p ectinsof land on either side of the road belongs to some members of Congress." co- w. 8. Fargo', President of the American Fxpress Co.. was at one time a stave driver; - Cornelius Vanderbilt used to peddle vegetables from Staten' Island. - gar A Newark, N. J., beggar salmi for a pie and because he didn't get, it, hurled an iron bar through a window, to the astonishmentof an old gentlem an sitting within. lid goes to jail. . . 4E-4 . "Michael • Connor; convietetof rob bing tho mall in Ohio. and eenteneed in October. 105. A O flee; ~are iinprison ment, hes beep pardoned by Abe Presi dent:- • air..opelbuirld red t udisixteen.menibers of Congress have their wives, dtingtftellt or other ladies with thew at Washing- BURIED ALIVE.—Mrs. J. 11. McClure,l the wife of,a farmer living some miles eastabf the city, was taken sick on the iind the 4th she "ceased to breathe, and it, was apparent to every one that she was dead. On the sth she was buried in the faMily snit. An old lady, in company with the children of the,deceased,- visited„-the Nault, they were startled by bearing groans is• suing therefrom, which so frighteoed the old lady that she fainted. The chil dren, becoming terrified, ran home and , related the circumstauces to their father, who, with three or fuer of his i neighbors repaired to the, vault, broke open - the• door, raised the coin lid , and there- 77 Wiritia sight to meet a husband's eyo— was the living mangled form of his wife: . The flesh on her flitgers was torn arid bleeding, her faco was mutilated, and hairparfly torn out by the roots, in her efforts •to escape the living death to which-she bad been aseigned. What horror-Tervades the mind at the thought of being - buried alive What muethave been her sufferings, her imaginations: and her thoughts during the time Ehe was coulined alive in that lonely, narrow prison house of the dead 7 The mind wanders, and reason itself is prone to take its- flight at the bare contemplation of sup a horrible situation. She was immediately removed to tho house and medical attendance summoned, and we understand that she is now in a fair way of recovery,— Quincy (111-.) Herald. cur Everybody who is in the streets at a late hour of the night or early in the morning may_ notice individuals about the fronts of the restaurants ho tels.und bar-rooms, gathering from the streets and gutters the stumps of cigars that have been . swept out or emptied from spittoons, and will doubtless won der what posi;ibls use can be made of them. For the benefit of pipesmokeys and tobacco chewers we cum give FMB information , ;11 that subject. There are a number of es , ablishments in this city to which this filthy refuse is taken and sold, and where it 'goss through the fol lowing process; It is washed. dried in . the sun or over a fire, placed in a small mill and ground, and then neatly put up in small packages, and sold us a superior quality of fine cut chewing and smoking ; tobacco of various fancy , brands., TLe quantity of "old soldiers," as the, boys call them, thus gathered, emodelled and sold every day, is almost incredible. The general quality of the tobacco which goes through this process is said, to excellent. 77 Forney's. Press. • - at - A Detroit journal has the follow ing account of a mistake in the * inerring° service : Last evening Edward Thayer and Helen- F. Jelliman, attended by Mr. Austin Llumphrey and Annie E. CrauSe went to St. Paul's church, the former couple to get married, and the hitter to act as groomsman and bridesmaid. They all stood up before the altar and officiating clergyman, the Rev. Mr. Dean, supposing that both couples were to be married, requested the gentlemen to join bands with their respective la dies, which was done, and in a very short spaee of time the four Were madetwo. The titnation being fully realized by the latter couple they conciude'd to accept what:they could not very well help, and all adjourned to their boarding house quite well pleased with the result of the preacher's mistake. Not lobg ago a melodeon was purchased and used in the Methodist church at. College Corner, lud. Some of the members were strongly opposed to its introduction, and so much ill feel ing !vaulted that the,..young- piano was finally carried out of the church one night by. unknown,parties and burned up.- Recently another melodeon was procured and placed in the church; but it was also demolished. - ear State Treasurer, Wm. 11. lieinble, has directedto he propared at once a li , =Cof he soldiers of 1812 entitled to pensions from the State of Pennsylvania. Separate lists for each county will, as soon us they are completed, be forward. ed by Mr. Kemble to the treasurers thereof, whiCh officers will pay the semi annual pensions due on the Ist of Jana ary, 1867. ar The Nebraska News - states that there is more corn, ;wheat and ; cattle raised in, Nebrusku, in 'proportion to it s population; than any State in the Union. It says :that, this year ono county- alone has a surplus of wheat amounting to 250,000 bushels, and has sold . 80;000 head of beef cattle in the market since the . first of July last. far Captain Charles. A. Boutelle. of Augusta, Me, recovered a watch recent ly which was.stolen from him six years age, 10 Liverpool, England. Ile was in concert I•oo,tn,at the time it was stolen, and immediately made the fact known to the,detectives there, who, after six years succeeded in findfng it. •• 445- The first and only execution in Montgomery county, : ea., took place on the 12th of April; 1.788, when John 13rown was hung for burglary. They are , t6'hate•anothor in a few days. Morrissey , . air errissey in liongress may be a sbrewd voter if not a iletti, speaker, for he bits learned to diecriminate closely ZprziaL Mattes ALLCOCE'S POROUS PLASTERS. Lame Back. New-York, Ncv. 23, 1359. T. Adcock & Co.. Gentlemen: I lately suffered severely from a weakness is my back. Having beard your plasters much recummen dad for cases of this kind, I procured one, and the result was all I could desire. A single plaster cured mein a week. Yours, V. Br - twos, proprietor of the Brandreth House. ' 'Care of Crick in the Back, and Lumbago. Lyons, N. V., July 4, ISO. Messrs..Alleock St,Cn. Please send me a dollar's worth of your playlets. 1 hey have cured me of a crick in my back ; which has Troubled me fur some ti • e, and now mylfath•• er is going to t.y them rot difficulty about his heatt, „„„, . L. 11. S/1.1.:AVQ:0013,..,1) Dr. Gicen, No. KB Broadway, 1\ ew York, informs us he told, on Monday, June 22, '62, two plasters to a young woman suffering very severely from lumbago. On Thursday 6he called to get two more for a friend, and then stated' bury the two she had purchased on Monday had releived her immediately after putting them un, and cued her in two days of a most d.etressing pain in Ler _back and Sold by all druggists. 211 E RESPoNSIBLE ORGAN.— The stomach is the res; onsible organ of the systurt. if :he digestion is impelled', every member, every gland, ever• mthele, every nerve anti fibre is more or less out of order! All the fluids ate depraved.' The Wain is c,ou dtd. The spirit= are de,. ressel. All dyspep tics know this to be the truth. It is not, how ever, half the trd:h. Cofumns would be re quired to enunaci....-.le the pains and penalties of dy - rpepsia, nor - qould'a . rty pen do them j.zs ti,..c. Tens of thousands ftel them; no man can describe them. Can they- be prevented? Can they be re lieved? Can they be banished at once and forever? Unquestionably they can. No dy speptic hasi ever taken "li:stetter's stomach I.l.tters" its vstn. I.l.lieve no one who say s the complaint is incurable. The grrat vegeta ble stomachic will eradi, ate it—is eradicating it in thousands of casef over- which medical practitioners have Lhalren their heads omi nously, saying Nothing can be dons " The faculty has.its faltacies. line of them is that lndigestizm is the most difficult of ell the ordinary ailment: of mankind to combat and submit. This is a mistake- Nothing can be caner titan to conquer it, it' the I'rw specific be administered. Tins vegetable combination which has become fatuous tin od,gbout the civ ilized world as-llostetter's Stsmith B.lters is an antidote to the disease which has never been known to fail, and fintunately it is every where procurable. If you wish to pml with the dyspepsia, try the ph.rmacopcea prescrip tions. 11 3on want to rook it out and prevent its recurs( nee, take the bitters daPy. There is no discoant on the testimony in its favor if there is a mon or woman who has ever tried trot udigesti on. without benefitted, the feet has not tramspired. Universal, tiaciietra 7 dieted praise avouches its WOUdelful tonic vie !tics. - 1J A UM SUG.--liow often we hear - this ,ex pression from persons reading advertisements of Patent Medicines, and in mina cases cut of ten they tnay be tight. It is over 19 years since 1 inttuduccd my medicine, the Venetian Liniment to the public. I had nu money to advertise it. So I Bit it for sale with a few druggists and storekeepers thrrtu; o .l a small section of cmintry, many, tuki:ig it with great zeluctance; but I told them to let any one have it, aid if it dill not do all I stated on my pamphlet : no one need pay far it. In sortie stores two or three bottles were taken on trial by persons present. 1 was, by matiy, thought crazy, and that would be the last they would see of me. But•I knew my medicine was no humbug. In about two months I. began tto receive orders for more Liniment, some calling it my valuable. Liniment, who had refused to sign a receipt when 1 left it at their stole Now my sales are millions of bottles yearly, and all for- cash. I warrant it superior to any other medicine-for the cure of Croup, Diarrhe9, Dysentery, Colic, Vomiting, Spasms,. and t'ea sickenness, us an internal remedy. It is per fectly innocent to take intern illy, see oath ac companying each bottle,—and externally, for Chronic Rhetintatism, headache, Mumps, Frosted Feet, Bruises,' pram, Old Sores, Swel -1 ings, Sore Throats, &c., &c. Sold by all the Druggists. Depot 36 Cortland street, N. Y. SCIIF.NCICS SEA:WEED TONIC. This medi cine invented by - Dr. T. H. Schenck, of Phila.: delphiti, is intencici to dissolve , the fund' and make it into chyme, the first process of diges tion. By cli ansing the stomach with Schenck's Mandrake Pills, the tonic soon restores the appetite, and food that could not be eaten be fore using it - will be easily digested. Cormiim2tion cannotbe cured by Echenck's Pulmonic Syrup unless the stomach and liver is made healthy and the appetite restored, hence tt.e Tonic and 1 1 ,11 s are required in near ly every case of consumption. A half dozen bottles of the SEAWEED TONIC and, three nr four boxes of the MANDE I. HE FILLS will cure any ordinary case of dyspepsia. - Dr. Schenck makes professional visits in New York, Boston, and at his principal office in Philadelphia every week. Sec daily papers of each place, or his pamphlet on consump tion for his days for visitation. Please observe, when Purchasing, that the two liken/lasses of the Cidetor, Otte when in the last stage of Consumption, and the Ai Ott as he now is, in perfect health, are on the Gov ernment stamp. Sold by all druggists and deiders,,price $ :.60 per bottle or $7.1',0 the half dozen. All letters for advice should be addressed to Dc. Scuirica's Principal office, No. 15 Ns.rth 6th Street, Philadelphia, I a. General Wholesale Agents: Demos Barnes & Co., N. Y..; 'S. S. lluoce, Baltimore, Md.; John D. Parke, Cincinnati, Ohio . ; Walker & Taylor Chicago, Ill.; Collins Llios.,,St. Louis. MissOuri. oct. EDIPIRE UTTLE MACLUN ES are superior to, all °theta for family and ,nauufacturing purposes ; contain all the latest improvements; are speedy . , noisless, durable and easy to work. Illustrated Circulari sent flee. 'Agents Want. ea.. Liberal discount allowed. 1.0 consign ments made. Address .Erseraz S. M. Co, 616 Broadway, N. Y. [xiii;6-iy CORSET SKIRT SUPPORTERS an ex cellent sitiele for ladies. Just received an 4 for bale at *RS. RIOTIPS Variety Store. , DOOR ".111ATTS, Excellent quality: °cheap, JOHN SPA.LVIL#.42# Reasons why the Amen'ean Tri z t c h Made at [ VAL:MA.II, :tri ms. IS THE BEST. It is mace on the best principle. Its L m 3 is composed of solid plates. No in. can inter fere with the harmony if its wor.ines dno sudden shoe's can t 1 i's Ey_ cry piece is made and fin Zed by machinery (itself famous, tor its no , tk, „., 1, as forii ' s etrectiveness) and is leinte opesty The Watch is what nil I n c b,,,, i„a 00,11 be —accurate, simple, strong end.. cnnm,il Except some high gradvs, too nisi y t.„ usq,..forcign-wateLts are cnivity Imo, b y women and boys. Sach watcl.ee are cotsp. sed ofseverak hundred pieces, screwed and fir ° - =ited together, and rcquire constant repairs to keep them in any Lied or order. A:i per zea , whn have carried " ancres," " and. " English Patent Levers," ,re f.elly well aware of the truth of this statement. At the beginning of ow entetrize, mo re than ten ten years ap, it was our first o jl e t to make a thoroughly good tow priced watch for the million, to take the place of these f.r. eig,n impositions; the refuse of foruigu Into lies, - vhich were entirely unsaleable at home and pelectly worthless everywhere. How well well we have accomplished this, may be understood from the fact that Wier kJ many years of public trial, we now make niers than halt of all the watches sold in Lie Clot: e d States, and that no others have ever givertsl.l:ll univers;l satisfaction. While this department of our business is continued with inereae:dr, ci:rties for pet fect work, WO al . . at PreKqlt gaged in the manufacture of watches of the very llighe,f grade known t • Chronome ry, tun eagnalled by any thing hitherto made I y on:. selves, and unsurpassed by anything ut.de the world. For this purpose we have the are. pleat facilities. We hays erected au addition to our main building, and have fitted h with the best wart , men in our service. - New m a . chines and adpiiances have been colistructed which perform their work with consult-unts delicacy and exactness. - 1 he choicest and moat approved materials r:n y. are Li we challenge comparison between this grade of oar won and the finest iniporte.l cluilune terz. We du - not pretend to eel! our wate..es jar less mite!, ti.an fureign watchets, hut we co assert without fear of contradiction that fur the same mosey our pruiluti incomp3N. bly superior. MI our aatclus, of whibiver grad;, are fully waliant.d . an 11.1.; is good at all tr.aes ajainzt its Sr our 11,;,ents ii all parts of the world CA TI —The public are ca:::lonel tob..y only of reiv ctable dealers. All perJ.,s ing couple/fella will be prosecuted. llubbias Appleto, .1 1 / 6 ric./4 16:.! BROADWAY, N. Y Agents f,r the Dec.B-lulJ DIIIiIEI'IAACA DEM y, Suulk il'eSl Curlier of ilorket SyN:l],e, This Academy is a“uatel on the tta.,..f the Soati . deaan 7 in the pleaacahi. nu.u.7.7.: ii ' Aa:ci cuLaty, 1: a,.173 about 3000 tilltab::aata aao I:tut titltetettt ticauttattattons. to pazellid ca:: ha:e n diutee w 7,e,d:11 7 ; )outli. The P.misylva;.ia Lvai;..iry run tour l'al4enger Craw, pane wahing it easy a I a ces7 I root .1, e.11..1 of 1110 Mate, which r,nti2ts .1 peeahariy atrable to parents who may olall t auna'and ilaughtera nom :Wic to tA.: t.lve.ttet. p,eaClit P.inetpul 'eels gieitiy aged at t,.e pet...ohue etirem:ll to 'ard ehlerprite, that he le ni th:st eftall Le itit wldine to me he .1 onC of the fret schnol! lh the State fer ehtttin:;.; oducatio:l. T. .e braticlun t.:rJg!it em.:.: , :rn IR 0! a thorough English u. C,oss:c.:l 1,- rottrn With Fiebcti 61.4.11110t1, VOCal a, id than rat Eyery br.ibeb teugh: u. lec ebet eitiativr . 4V11.161. tin: principal will cconii:iitly make iheri i ingn 6CbOfa.9, ae siiii less importaii I tai i 1 , 2 M priftelpied. bett secure the pit . zeaL . ..tilt: co.wokted to ltt , 3 LeCtt.re. tldtOl I , e rt . . crud b.ellite toe si.oilioits au.i,g Lie „ . I.E Itltat —lll • ZelitiOt lizit I is nit.) LwJ_iCaaWtliUt -I. (.1 tV. Ct. ele. lu I 32.1.1 n eJat ue.,Laa; a in: t4ild I.lloutl.t3' in Liap:o .li Der dal atos.,4 a,lll O jell day iu F , r boarding, washing, and light sensiun uf Live Teitinn !u Enghsh brisuches, Fir and Getman —cacti extra, B)011 keeping, Leeborie at brewing, lustruine .tal Music, A regmur exaromstion will be held 3i ilia cloas of cue./ icrin. - • - Persoas wishing to pla:e their sons' or dilughter, in this lustitulion will eilLo early applitatiall ny lei t,r or S. .1.1.4. 1 i11r ELL, Pi2ncipat• REFERS ro Rev. J. J. Lame, R. ti'. Smith, Wri.flitsvitte, Lr. J. Levorgoud, Lanca.ter, Aaron Baker, Chatham, Cheater, at. Rev. Ro'aert Aleamnder, Little Maisie. D. Wilson, Baltimore, Samuel LandsaY, Mari,ltta, Calvin A. Behatrilei, t D. B..ejamM Dr. J. Cushman, .1 1):. V. Hinkie, g; Thomas se A N. Caiael, Jecob Roth, g; Gougge W. Stahl, " Alarie , ta, Feoruary 3, 1566.-qtf. TfiE C1L4.11-IPIOX OLOTIJES (Kb:INGER! 1011 N $1 , 71 , ... 7 a Elt has just—received and has Mr mile this celebialed Wrioger.wili; or without cog-wheels. This is how t egiodou as the best machine in use. It is more eabily alusteal to tho tub, and is wider than any o ur chine nt the price. No. I, %without cos-whe t t 3 with ten inch rollers, is selling at cb o• with cog-wheels, $9; No. 3, with tugwh ol6J 11 niches, $ll. N Al EL OF AMERICA, for beautiflina r) the complexion, softenntg the skia,le movim; tan, freck!e3 and pimples. Sale at Dr. Landis' "Golden :',Jortctr." LANDLORDS! anal received, Scotch and II I S K ft: S. a - arraa• ted to be pure. at 1I D. I?erzia.,;n,o. R"'ER'S Celehrated (earl Cement a Oil PROP Blacking at " TIIE GOLDEN IIIORTAR. . • - . PR AqS parcelisin HTIO , I prrQerviTe LPtrleop J-, cheap. at JOHN SPANOLVA'S. .... $.O OJ