he Matiettiait. 11222 MARIETTA. PA : Saturday 111orningi December 29, 1866. $l-W ik e n nupblvto speak or tcjit, f r (it 14rilySiti l 14114 t tigilt!s) fore a wood fire in Dutchess county, on tabs=-20_._spartrafiewrouta.an041_ nited her clotitiogottrAtlT to speak or gyve any.„qtarm g ,t,he l ppor:crerttgre,;sat there ..TheJono.ke i 4sli,Dgaih,4 o llo4 VIPOPorI, II n 4 .I. 4 . ae•tigiOtti4YntigPh , o f #. 99l,3 lsPftg le hPl? B Pktfi d, . 3 Y4' 11 .11'1 iit4p r° OP :I; l 3PY,hai Jef!'d?..9i "? 5k !k momenta Imfore, EMI 4,- , gt - he corruiltion. of Legislatures is V. ieitChnd - by, the law, but it is encouraging Out a mnraber, of the New Jersey Legislaiure, „convicted ,of vote has i hepy i sentenced;to irei sonouen :for onn_year c fo,rerer preel4l.ll.iiin office. A. few exaipples of this ,kicid in our own tegi,slature might have a wholesokup. ef . sts a 413 ,edt. The trouble is, that whilethe ex. • ,t 6 isteoce of bribery is ,ikutnrlops, the fad% is nOt'haV • . , ar Jo liamberg o ßerke :week ,*a thief broke effelit'inrelrel and stole 'Boole sari agent The Icroasep-fladnd 3 a faded iiiieldeneh p oui tilhat sons ilitittrd o'r" f the smokehouse:wavelet edilie Z ifo r lild 'discharge: ' , On , , , M.Cindey-'merrnine. Mt. K., forgettiug, ell, about' ibrinii, , dpetind the,door, leheir.the4nnwivent Off, and Abe load entered hls-side,:from'the effeete of %which he. died,the same day. - Al a recent dinner, party, in Aick inane Va ji son oC Gen. E. Lee was asked t p jyintoast t0,47,,he iia4eEk' tic; rose and said :'"c/entlemen . this wilt not do. We are all paroled prisoner,. now have.,lent one,fag, and . that Is the flag of 94! ,c9n try,-- ; the glorious old stars, and I. can recognize no .otti: ! filgh 4 t...fizmin,n,,,9,the.r, u,nd will drink to no other' , . , . eir All the drafts awitr'ded' to* the captors of the assassins of President Lined have eh:l4dy be:eri Cashed_ by the Treaersii'Dipertro . en I,' - with : . but 4e exceplion;tlilit "McQuade, pri ; vete of 'the-101', ' York whose claim. 14noarits who, although *nearly a year has eliplibd has neir4i4Oiscrfor his' shah Of 'tie goVernment reWard: itannonneedthatizdk,site for' a new, Preaidebtial , mansioirat Washing ton has been? dates:mined...4mi! ~It4elto be located,abouttwo ncirthstreeetif W ashington, - Anti willtheisurrotindell , bir park. The land in,that neightinthond valued at 81.200 acre', bat'sbefore any tin e.l actin ra cam be.tekea dpoir 'the subject,, an appilirpriatidn 'must from 'cloogrii.se, , • 'rttii county Sylparintendents, in . , Coca repent conveution 7 u,6, arrispurg,' recommended the adoptton.of a law fix. FIT Six months instead of four, as the' minimum terfu t inthe Common Sghools•I of Penqsylyania • and, also, the t l School Directors ehourd, be anthoilae,d' to Purcha 4 ,9. 59 49 4) /.:4 31 P1 tg 1 41 )(4 i4. 138 at the ersiense . ef reepective,.Ais, tricts. - ,4r-ri Lenge be remembeied, "wit. r s Orfe4rthe witoeseee'fol' 3 l,bi 4 GOirtfirtineti, ease afPa e A tze l rotCl4crrOld ', 4 'llfro: Surratt - and'otheie'or the' ideheelnation ' clonsiiihitdre: ii t asqiefOie asathaify - ty of JOhO - the' oluidei'•of ' wow • has jnat,Amonneed his intention of fighting for hia4hrone, and has issued a proclamation to that e ffecti . isitso ;stating= titritt'al Inatro nal con : gressehitllibe:venvened :orVithsfikknost rittinpie tendlitfdralbaliie,o atidt.thloitcoa .,:kreseCshalli'dicide whOttieriths Empire thalPosontintieihilhe-fuinra. ; = = ; EillEtit ii 4/114 ° Mat i t glAti*JklO.Yial of Sur ratt pritate journ al of Booth-ju, mil:lb:the wrote a few hours before, ikie' and which has hitherto beeilkepitleareL lir i" co IniTO. in Cincinnati. tier .eirmilea Are" unique ; the le - j , ife!% - iapipi l itirieoe - ; Of , Johnson, to ti4naitiii•ihifeeter: " fird A•lady in , !Sammy; Athesi Rife lof a, barriaterOately commi,tted.auicide:. in, order , that her husbadd should get. het life insurance money and free himself from 'ask ' ""-* =t ' •Ctchtir leSfliat;?3,Virglaia,- trap:Min men 41* SOtattat iktiAbai) OPRIA,Itz tional- amendment. The recommenda. 'flan ats , 4l 4— , 40A; Sesksititg Xtetto oil company, is now in _,..Nspidg ton, having given bail to appear in needed. or A shipwrec ?d aigo unD Wa washed ashore at e trigh „Libel ing place in Eng nd fe ity. ago: i The barrels 4 t3r 1p b Atect i t tors who crowd s the hore, an "ma y drank until they dropped. One young man died on the spot, and near a hun dred others suffered desperately from tke-44, 1 0 1 34 2 4-.."...N.orrnWlikatit , El.o4 l /P:- bee of servant girls and married women who went down to the beach to see „the .41i wreck, were prevailed upon to tastee — the rum. The consequence can be conject sur("srYMcts tro'ntiiiserglifern",litcf' in a state of insensibility many, •i.f pot '4,ll—maid and matron—werellirl4sly, violated. One young woman, very well' _ .. . ,I."tril,MerfferriliWynojtkimierunKmaavel= Iderlylatilate, Nuammelipihildiamistß,Mi.e name iAlstetwaw tapiult, alloslcehtlaslio il'anPothe ce, „was*reated.AwitthAllefteltt -ot=triol'entef-thigibitobeen Attagapiiirity •thieiicrb filo:004 Slid w , o;44ooKetedi tto. iiitdiliotittin ltie ;night, ipithe Akin 4 jaaks ltfitifubton tb 01l and s a *44km-home 4 ' It . li ' WI • iirtte4 iyolfeen 624 «'e% illfa VAAPAPP_ .-0/al tip• gar of Car. liotilcqunty ,ate , rthe tifoll**giutirsene Stvit linetimasifeaclB6s4asipersassessmeht :;13 .1111.44 c.alt 'to ?ado vx Asa Packer, mktotio..slosl7o3. H1095;524.. C. G. Sheers, • 95;249. `lolintheitenrink, l ;44...; ti....:K.-i159,439. '="Giaditthißedflirdtt ik63;9.57. - etipoL , e52P48. These men elthrithieddeed4ifell'ii erate . cireumetancesit4u'dz'. Mid° their Ai.aw,„„-igiar,absty ‘ aciax abbritto tell:001e istouCilief' , o - ustice IChaserifory a =wait bfifabearcorrins iin.lbehalfs4ll.l).r. one, iof, the„ - zoilspiretors , 4p -the seasasinationtheelate!Presideot~Lin coln. and now ate confined.at the 4),ryv,T,or tuggis.:,s.AsAr..iLinesqn Avte,thed Gpm- Men der.lin-ehief ofithei army and the navy there is 'isomer dostlat,w,hether tithe :late decision of the SupremptCourtrialrogard toArials.by military, c.ommissions.covere .Ihlsiesse. 7,744 "1.,;,:cr; r Another shipment of ,prostttutes simiyr,l,B„,tho?ne whielk : wreut.down , ,w,lth they,verkingSter, Waß diadeon the inst., from the - City of New YR* „to Havana.. It•cansisted of 16 yourigladies 89.19810inmyee.APP3A9°°g. OP most beautiful brothels, the y city at, ; Ake ,of Madam Celestirip- DApiners who Tao 99TP....aRiooltigo.li to .11LOYille ..APT te.l4l)an ~hagrijoiztthiateoterip,,of,porthorric,,bertrii tolitftik-§P.h4PIAtto,P.B.I - - • , _Vit t Rior pays that ,the, Hon. Ben - off ew, 4 , 0 q ' • `Woo bogue.lottery notoriety, and Ek sc ..ljohn,lio w psey,congressman elect lockedhorns on the 'familiar , grounds of Faro on Wednesday night last. The witict .1 tilt resulting In favor , of the lottery gen eralissimo, and Ccliiiiii!ilie.iihOrildeilit ,terdsl24,ollo. 44kt, One , tim&in...theowen iiignWood•vvair the loser. to 'the 'extent 10f5,80,900, but: , coOk persistencw-indneed gullchange offortune!recorded above. .*„ vi c Eyx, • tiirtiELS" 2 4*°!i t g°Teg.tP ,l9l r , , l . „F or °lined the appoin to ,of eign At-' 0,, •!, Jamey to take chargf _of _the United' vt,./t.tav , Statemnits inEarope against the nubile lo 01.001 . L , - 47., ' mipertz,of 4 tlig ; ltiAl t woad„ he. o nfeAer- Apy.-It is .probable that Hon. 'l`. J. • ofty go r out, he. now beidg in the t . 4., • 1 .Z- 4 .3 • employ of the.- Government. He wae 1,3 F .. ,1 "; 6 , 6•0 Assistant Attorney General with .M© ss‘ .11 , A NT ir Amin. , .; Bates, and is a man or anility and sterl- Ltu1i.p....,./ '• • . 7 hS',O mtegrity. 3-zty;,, tfi z e l ' Ot k ; late' 'EI orPliiiiiALliViil;l4bliniiitli4hoOl - bequests :,.$5,000 to ttuir'triliitiesr Aterluzaseiriblytof-,the kips by-- teriap humoh 4. he ¥ State . .ffor, heluse tof du,clu•dittattledvmipieltstreuub4 nieltbellirltateins I , l 2B.,r ll .ettig - -s ma algus3,oftitolt.l(o,4,l39,atiant otesticANiasionitt tcanq.e.c,tedlttur= I,:sautefichexehz, vare,',,: • „ 41-V 4.4 4airkirdi="l4 a tcs. t rd." °yap otAeA . labatna is, also, A re.P° Tkgr Att Jl'l4 LeMPTeAltht, the Ofteliaio43 l 4 -ttat°01,9291'..193,1 114 1 grataNl Itattfrawlhe If they "go further they will fare•ma i rse.'.l The, est majority of the late loading* li ;kir rs S. 0 We , 1 0 p 0 Igfc ft op- . • • s - •:s * ' !talk . of "amenlimerit with.all their.,, inlihi e ee iti fe- a 514 t o t 11eir agdYom :16r,111hezi thrletitreak ..mannfasturing* States of the Union, ftre ,-, '.N.eivrACork,' Pennsylvania Eta - ,Massaehosetts—tpei: ialek.i;ftVely n nactl, lisiectiveirbeint 027 ; 76,530, 4 1i . 1.1' , 06tAT1; `10.1,b41;792. 0416 ' comes neat ' The 1 dea - tialtAl of manufacturing, heigd:lol l s ,4 itita the Teeple ofNeysEnglapd!is , ' mistaken' ;.00,6 ;>; y~,,: se- dtabolicdl" attempt ivaa Vthrott hraiu ' o the °timberland Valhay_Railroad froiiPAitel ',track, aflorti dis tance xiboire liipp s e -1 bUrgr:=Troti- , sbaralweryt4laced acr,ossithe: ,tiaelt;:btit.ziloitattrately -, ;.the..ltrainaNaa , moving alowfi; itt(l Atm y the, engine: pttlifed - the obatractionagl o 51 , ..,<...'tta adith:ta di j nd°. , aq mid' ' t,r4 wcit t te'BlantownereatfltheaoninibtO of Gattenbarg, Sweden, aorhalime,sinca t : provided "eith - drtheir vehicles with t a tamp avkw.et-' aat which :fg I waker , resvatr, MHz whtch t'heir passer r gore can quench gliefi. , fhirat ; t teril l avr y , now ex tended iitirotviiYetiftyliFevid . : - ing each traveler wit2rti newspaper. MEI r' - s--.y-f . 3T11111 MA_R, h j • r ' it 3F3 ' 11 ..'"'''' -.• , 11 , , . 1699 •an -1.., Lull , !C hick , on Fri y nig, went 4be 9! fter c ling t fild% ,p find % . 4t,_ o.t t f r gas. There was a dead Missourian in bed next morning John Thomas, a carpenter of Franklin on a grand spree, and died of delirium - V ma P i t ooLl ?Inuit Richard s gowden died in' New chloroform, taken for neuralgia. Hon. CalV.LX(..tilitieti v &T to3rd released; from jail at Freaklin, 'rind Jias gone to • zei.l J ..e.; 1 5,104 p Washington Lacompany, with the, er-i .74aft aweNuara. 4 ; geantat mins of, the floupe of.,Represen.'s 074;•'4 th at-4141 ,eal.e4its tailyes. ,noisiasi est# mOtihk.- 4 * Wit" to Ad.W4ll - tacielbt .th 4 gesttribgediantihitappdf-; ,Pillteedugd*Utkeireaerethief galutioteen the sgeljubtsatotteelAelerttivirclortrsitndslidili tereetzeis2o,olooteottegeo theta tool:tette sdt ,Ittots sig i ss_tt tiqcstt 4 :'4liasi K titia hitiPli Villablfe,latrif lieiteer=iditaiiilfpoulealfataaggonfiiiiie'f `the rellear pgipelitiat? ""Sgb Naiyqoobt 4g6V i grafttee sittmeelri..vrtl off .beleYtel eti v o.labz4l.l.44l.' Vkd . 444Pra4ikizYPS'Ag itt to tbarify Xorls,fter er M 49 0.. e ii.P.12e.1.9M01113 1 ,41.444 9 13-#2l , teggi,of §elnyulli.lk o Ejiimthe t ariskiAl* -44 P°Minagill , 44" ._ ~s~ ..:` ~ - ,•• IMME r Wzo°l4°44l "*"... A compelled to give up his enga gements l forileuttteeseutAhluesitit A large number of Fenlanethavit,elli ' - t tiftik °di at t:C orkl4 and ib tbiir vilor,te4for:, laity €,-d; to V . 'Thieves" Aloha the. eplire .washing. ! of ;-; in orphan asslatall.l Evapsville , atd, rarentlY. s , , ts iat.s 4.1 A crinoline { menu tac4urer , in j Saxony maifellart:ig the last, 4 ;;en , mrsAno less t.1314.,4-:dll764;e:l..Pstlrhs4Bl7ilet or e4oughto go around thp,Forld tA1.13 4t,ti Mjetto teen Limes a balf. -.. • ;• , a''Five brothers, Aribiiifogast 4to t TO ti fib , in Missouri City, Krathiairlinuntictfly last, when Elkin't flied Itikirdf Lb era. an deescitrieirto , ti - heuise`ttli`e're btertaken';;br theHP6:fr .- a an`d=killed I 'llie '74 I.*` the -Yor 11 In New k al. ~consqvative .1tuPP°q 4 ,4 3 ,9, 1. MY. licl.hP B 0ne91,9d to ,O.ttOP,tvtileit'.OPPßtitY l) l6.34 ItaPAIRg 1 taPAIRg themselves to a 7 - Democratic elab. 1 . 4 11 q 11 7 ' We e d ,h-a°, , , a,°!...1 - " thßyfx o.:94PAft , jOtoißg'°, l Kr° l :44° l 9 . .', o l;glt,okifOttln4 , 4O 4 Mr #Seward will soon follow him... The., otity4; survixingaodeseeridant fof 'Christopher Columbus;:zEtEe - " - disenerer :oftAmerieri,,is,soon to payer fisit toAthis continent , s;.11e; -fithidikee,,his,-aozestvipaiAl'os'a Thiv gdo Sr o k sylthivia A at ictri Vhictoie jG'efirigirtitiiene,'w - alkeedfrliffit VvViatfqo ¥f&a o Etiki 7lliiiia:lttre 4 ls6. Itfroi ritittazifti o 6; o e rme Ifotirfeen tirbiliatidudl3lliiiit.. 2 4 t •'• youniLlady of St.l..sais named Mary, vv'ahi was disappointed by a lover 'H and oft drowned herself .leaving ,a note stating . . that slip was 'unhap,py. and,coiald not help, committing the rash sict Eno ;schoblEv ate .t,o :TfolloifFuniNtirealt suffra„gw.inc2.the -)Distrk6t;. fortOolutjxbi a. Thiirdevaleoziridicalimealigratititrothiced. .'a e 3" 'IRA lig.= ' “Tlie - P'llesitent's`elit te . the ehlite, on . the 13th inst., oyer, 1500 appeintment r s tb , t. , -I.r ./1.4114:11 I, l wir mp,de b l y himhim durtng t he late t$ 1.-= r i'ktl t Z/ 3 "Ptflo,9lfttsY6...Wl6l:ej rat~se the ; tt i PP 4 34 : 4 l3re i d . l aA t b em .4 9 l l-4 b. l 44 ,nii iVic. he viANWti° at she e d o~ the goon eRt• 1-4 7-54:11,..,ur Lek: ThPAriaiaf Ignip.e.e4tatinlttAl killing of George Trumktkl,lCTßlV, of ~P @At9l 9 i, ' Ava§sizege.oltniedwor.!4th,9)l st h Apate.:.to k eplic 4:.cnialiglengliler.l:4§en htncP 140.11.9,1ReafjnetkeePD4ter4tiEgli- e settfilil'alieciefili'llik,e'n tytiii"-th`olfsiiiiitedidlerri3lo44 re ah;Va r fatet ist 4 SVloriiiiitiVl3lo late tur e it; eitiotilll I a 't hel h 1 11 cllitattatlY fi) hicit eel f • " i),l •elde s t` agokin tnr e , son of , , • • "a*: 4.. guoin .I,..tnrhtda ), (first Apßer.or. or Mexico ; died ,at the tcitel,2 -10, a tu New Yolk, 911,1,beRt. ne was ,. taken Ipa and with his palter and hror.her:"H" , ,e' was slightly deformed,' a wit, kind l a r 'sgreat f tg • t 3.11 fatorrte risexico. ' A i ppuding, „tpl,wpeq, 7iiVestprq,aqd,hlas,terp i yirginl4t4kt tthtbe, eSPAX l,ol Plef;XteJlile , Allit'lgreFP2°4*Jl l °', calkiktiP.o)lclill d: to*go QL4 14 0 F11 1 El 1 , 1 agd~sy~wpat„hized , with 4tuAttriggilthc l . witx 4 ; l bgf,mtext.-Ziygijtjallyt sing, v de r e, gjT e Aletn*PPo' an Ali ka PlP m PlP.3 4 , 34 ElhlnAtt 4 lire.( 3 liL la I thiibnoiEd*afdliß IGlS,lll 4 l.drahlfiell4dnlthosthd" . .Gbfili'n'ell' fitgWinfiittlili3;4l 4 ; l .difin tilltiti4l(eiltieffiettiefttPDettit Alrdiffif i ainT r , lentiell*Ared .eteittfilslkrfliilllo; l ' quid Idol gireVe't !;rolaodperl tinguished gallantry at Gettyebititallt p d 4 *4v,sith s lit'lgrof *; *:, 4,40. Father Kenney , a utitholie priest of Dubuque, lowa, has turned Proteetant. It is insisted that the' house formerly o feti"firttleSnfrettiVlrttfErtlC less than five di ereut tenants are eaid tal.;ediey fitetiteZeilfgm the house ; avers ) that she be self -8 • dtneadiitg4ts.haPs.clad,in " ..."'" B. WI - melts of serge in which she quitted this je A w out his knife, and, opepin r ,e q _4lYr pits d .... _llfrivith his teeth, cat the pit of R' s e friends (Arc A dyTer do tax in ew 4 l flash Which his crushed arm hung y, forAllevw*keel.ofkitilvancing his presi-` d en tki .i nt pira .orr timaia cobuntnwter a c t us the influence of the committee which was -fahaVidAsopkeinttianOsintstne the! friends of Judge-Chase.- - 441 Ara fta Siliacirrerl --- Ati — xd 'ram Thurrow wee was =pitted a mem-. Vr d f a til h gr P tir"Or e 3 "1 , o e an a an n , on On a .etwg-bwoliii.". 4w/two - mt.* wiwoot evenin alter . ajipirjtea * oppos4ro nerom ..!* 003 Rd/ 11.-9 1 08 a minority . ..of the ManagingUomairtfee. , wooarr aixo. This in mates that separation of tna'S#3l , ,-LIMIt elf# eed trom tne .tteu lioanparcy luvo out woo mon final 49M13.7 R-an ~w , a I O I Y EkA .199PhrErPritPigiVeteR 31 3uTifi N 4 .:LPa • kel!..E's U1t 3 .54 0 .4 7 1 5 .1001FAINWI 3 V,V2f, Jaie0M40.1 1 4g4.4Pr , 440145al XVIP Z AVLS t ar AM " Tig t . l ook tmagelypil t 14 , ‘ oirs.fiaff4Sit:lohvkaSU e 4140101atiatiitaar ill3rAtto !tiltertg. : 4 21Pheittitle•itifailftViti tette AfttitlYblldt, VigVh7liffturtrepsoWs magi sPeirday lisfentiess.ctme invant, 4gsts2oo!"Nti' l 4o vlaV INlAglindkrior. 4iferilrp4litOra% , erMfrq,kitgasilfrvo ;r via* iestrfrio. ovrl /16'ek N ui 1 °ll vve istPl ii)w - nt: 4 ! fl..sMaina hL P th oVrlPfigl a PsEW t u reti o r, y G E giif ) soldier RP ( rEr t3svjee , D9.I,99ISAURP, tP KW! MeArtdir.lYi9g4k,uß;iv,Sb:iv. t' - 'si l Phere'otavti troVfAvai Stray4lD oge - ii ,VAnlll23lsio'inlatl tcy fatuctgutiihk) maidgn vea itvit6Liv Verotles it it lid s ttrial dt P. a tel ati Sal tritin'• ig, `Be qiiiktfUreil heilptafeit,:r fdilgeivlb'eLle 'fit. .is didearoversl JOU to ,41 11 44 1° .-Ri ° X.W 4i91, 0 6}i °PP p4i9 rk. *Attlo393ofAhiraPt ISt"' Art .teMerfi a4i ge , couo./Pitf'•,,y ‘ t 5 ., ' ll 4 dekee - nt upcin a gim blin*h Ouse wail 'Made the , otliei evening , ico , Nevi. Ariziri Vtily-f , 36 in`p. , ''Bointit'ofittiemlnen- who — aspire _to ticinbre An'equegtrian statue add...area scat $2O 000 'glad mn a from guns captuted i a Atexice; is•to he 'placed on his grave at West Point 4. ~.t) A Prussian floldier receives six etints daily7-but. after the 44: s.9 r ltil." l 1 I WYk o. receive Get ttlit A , . 11 tergpie fire eccurred, :Phis :on tite'l.9fb, :in' a confectiona'sy el l die,%fi* ferkihs'witie esleep!on-the '3d hod . 41,11 SiarfOh: of thl3 Fire the' " originate in eear?rom u ow .1 . cause, and filled the upper stories:with eagit l ,t§VbtiCtf ifiJ.4 , ,;erelagt.The The Aix a.- loielliVi ri ktiaqettitg h i el r dw'ri , to the balcony on tfie'ld''FitOri °, :.' - JOhel,h 'l3l,7tilai s djurhpedfreha'the r 4fh . sidry n ito u d EMI& i `aW I d is 'fi l fel 46 AV IA 4 1541 t',Bl 4 1'8 aoB'o the tli b deb ildN';o4l3 lit on''a''Witidow shut- ILlVilfizi t grele4;"4liere i girth' Ve Art e "fir the' r©men. 0 . the rs 01feitiefielrfl'hiiii t tifs:1-ElTito i rY'ily :the tretneti f . Others jumped from"' the 4th story ap t dAp t ro t d i ttshe t d l tA r riteees on the stones. r. l • i. a I k a t—e, At Ottawa, Canada, on Friday, a young coquette; Jolla Waiter,qiid'made an appoititimetrtetozelope with-ti4British privateig.qhrt for the girt Ake soldier .waslseized, gag tked;thiippoth,hadtalarold . ..flame;`: Larry LaWlerowtoligullitlhatlijilte'd4 for: the iredstaisdotined,thal-uniforiri,'hipt the tryst, and was firbilvtiedAto,thelgirLtm :forelehordisooierallethomnietake a, ?rends , rinidst'priiiel4feedifor thw,oncasioni: The girl's mother had arranged , the •wh °lei dffatriafeJitilito professeiltlier • will-, ingness ~sOerl+lorsabhsnge+to`stavdias they #isirktAtlitfliineedVbriestilivallituibtiird" iiiigibetintiatigigA. 4:44 , 4 44 .7; gar RevalkiPtminAndact ntkigt, in the Independenl,..estimates the number: of l pseettietel.jricrety a york A ci.typt 10,-1 000 and tlie nember„of kept,,women r a'at 2 .909 30 iT kir u4, l AniffnYA ~nl.l o 2A) ,o nlln,innif3 9 elkl 4 6 t tl l 3 P qr%- S a.l 41 1 041.a1 3 1 1 11.WPin 7 Natloulge,(4lolll9l4 l , I tioikarg i ;f4l.ifeintles z postfiaesedly Piiewd.l IreE4 - ,ad d. Ain sfi kitth. o ,-- Pre orailArAgi;4 4 ll,9l,„„ youlll,make : 4i6Ai slimthan J4.0114 , 111311.13qui5Att.4!:1-I?Y.i: cquael. X:Ye UP,I 19.0.0 P.! w 1 141? eaft4 ki141 1 . 1 11:1 6 0314111 i ten.tiblate.lo l 9uPsitOPKtolAePttAiiatrt 3 l 3 l l '20,090-,l72,oootweiijdAmilearer ; the pr abjb number. ' spes-k ftr A California paper, tells or fx lady chit • •,G0 z , 11.61' at Alma, tejio hecitme agrandinother on aa;P die:Vita livatittpeilf 2 yUzeloid: tri meltd,i In this latitude esAtases are rare nab zrzT3 SA± 1211 1 .?.1 not in tropical countries whore numani ty comes to maturity muchsooner, NT..-- ma-any tan il fd entet Ti - t - ,, 1 1 :w a ned iad b y y 111,1 Alfi built x an m Wrig , t . t iy,-shington ,ooo , e, n c'unt. fo _il purpose of the env us i , , ' bile passing Is to somenit cry her dress caught, and in an in I t she was drawn in and her leg severed from her body. Her bus j.siWwWvrcApww2 t tc,tArp4 l , sistance ; but in endpavoring to catri- Epp her from her perilous position, got M.arm caught in the machinery, the latter tearing the limb nearly off. Put- carried tividixsy - Alstairmrhereiboth IMP As* ale t h y eAI iv4 .t atiroi4lc ems in- ! e tautly VATIAaid gra i a flip fat ed untilW4tslnt ane4tb suffer liße!A 4:Wrticesk h h hilit t i.l%: bu AsV l itatetaii Alma, terpia fie ;Noh, ••14 rite - he ode t in'u"ltq'o'€"ticelityfinil lionilititiNikirtiliettyrEitaVrialtiVeitisia, was railroad' v 4 3 , 1 ,1. Int , ,1t4,7 A trinV7ll.l7.a.A finittli9g l L l ,t, A la s . ,paid ith e a ' 9 sandotook tmoutpinan,,ldz i tlaya 4 49.,,Roaq. aenw.letks; twel telieraoand:4l3ir -Willi' ken dtitrimahleebriip alb train. 1111* 41.94 , 41 ai 4 ,1.02r44. I 4# ' Clikee"ee l 4/eat! V/12MM" 4'nr" Of" 1./ • Tr, 6,11,3-4 qiW 44e1f# 1 4.1.400 a 0.44414/ 2 04 OKA tqht *Val tatiiltseribil,swkerTasortr4rAss4 -ait t • .d 7 I Vlfrtii 1!1 i l fittOP g ales riSstan.l34s , f4 `AI ht tie 4 e o9 Pire1a 4 44i4,4"4P0.4 New spies, Ladies Morocco Satan:is, Caod:WM Extra.fi,ne. PearL d tv_ory , , Pod Repgateris Mitirnqkrfa*Al. 1 41.C.141. - es,: Sleigh iflejl3, , ttrieirattst t ) 4 vAiu4 l ie ca. i „V* -- rltiq t NA. Hair BrusheiLlrdrathe and ellep.n. • 1 N: , I " 1 .4e5,.1:114 hots ty 1 liavutre,s, 4 -. ~ lttizb7trfj '-4:llegoit l 6l 4 c,, i A - 1 Dustot4y. dAtfa,X9s u2lll Stvs,,% MI y,ar j rto74.l[4iiiir , .'"?;,j- -- t --id,,,''''-e,.?ttoton 'I able I Rel.hUg Pine', tVAII'APA, 7 -''' n tt" niVry, phy'A. , inunition,-WW,i6And.4oosif unet, EIV VO l lllt 1- '' l ''' •'' j '' ' '-'' ' 4. .t A 3.1 37 LH '4 .40 013 EI.'LY 0*:- .1 i Pikk.lok. !, : , .„..'i /... ,'r a....ia-iid; k.-7 • ,it--.64i.i.e 41 : ' I IfeltititOkkbii 8 .944 1 44.0.1t4 ST.-444; 3 (k I ..lifigx.wa.s.T4E.E.-7,;:,./NtAr ;1.4,.. ETTA P . tr AP vito.42 e I,tti:Sntio-n. 0 f PcrfPnVelitt 1 '6' , 8 f`. . am ~.acp. -14 h ..aiii 4 ''' o,..tft , btes4l nu to, their large allfd_l:e.lieit pi stork.,.treemelai'pur- Ited in-kiew• YorieiltuO t ,,l'ipiadt,lyilta. ; .I.'ull Prcjneli Merinoes. plain mid ' fign 4 ea - Wool ' sues,'al.' op IA 9, ',Rep 5: - I..qs:Vutit4 Scotch Plaids, Plin".4edpYast' .- ''''' ?" 44-PO4-5b4,4" / •:'N!‘ 6 -:4.,9AV( 5, 014'11'1 11 N i11.9:91 1 ,4 6 k,ikt.1ir !'V' 9 M+cAl ic . ! - N, solips: , ‘cr.N.qtc..-41 , N14,4. 1 t11s .-f..V4.E,:c e.. 1 . 1 ..t§' 40 1 VP.IYArds ; Priu ts!at.-1;7 1 , cents aud.upwit,rdei,:Cloptin fla 11- nels,,,,2s : ceipt,s,t,ttttl,upijii,n,i44;tna. .A,cetits and I np ; WUolen, .Flannels,Aeepiiiiiici b ep ; 'Picks , and Cliec4o.,at, 914 ia,uapr,i.e.a.„ , , ~ N.IAND..BOrS , 1„.R.1 •--• _ • . ylt ihie - „:1;144 - Fienqi• of the late.st designs, SlitfroetYs',ltlkof',.tteeeds I ,luyes, tz:c - , MI In this eatabliattfitent'*ill'alitrays". , be . ftpund - w.aibleci , lal T6es;: , CO& a ass - Sugars. nd , Bj 7 r- Vaiih ased. u r 'atock Foii AS ri enables ileto'ottjrbtifkaitts to purchasers. It:r An - early call is ooliciied .Mariettili:.s . titit.l ) 9 . ; 1866' 4011T 2 A 9 * 'UND S .411 N I ph. MANd FAC ru itER & DEAL ER J N ! t pgop s & - SH ot.:0; itrielt,ki: ST li'rET;MA' trr litN N. 7 : Itironitlmiiit:„reOVecitpilliaforid the j eitizentl :„ . of:itils ; gorouo:h brid iiiiViptOAl9bit tha,t h e'i3 as nitifs V. ttl e & lime it.aple rtrrtelif .13 f citY 'M ad e 1 workever tiffereil - fh'tbrh' goniugli; amongst ,whitermalibeate.iilect the'aiew-etyte.:., I, ,?bair OCIt °la tlittl 4 "iiiViitil)bili3. I ' FOR 'H ' LIDIE.s . . • .... _ _ .. A..j... betng.# pr ticigjioOT AND.,S 40E !..,,, AKtit eilfifite im,-to.,seleet with; more I .* 1 1 iri Id , ,'. - " . ":112. ati e who are 'sot. He coi s 4in.- , u ~"a. miin, tync ,` e in :14,4ry beet, manner 1 eiertlling,'ln the BOOT itiilD..s7loE line, Which Fe- pill ,warrentforneatneEis anti fit. I F . -KfCgll"4.iae.examine_qie tkpiv, stack 3.47for s e 1 - oina:velse wheke ' - • ' (,) OYi STElt6.'l-44t, . • - - - , .. :... . . - I inc.nci*nic . 4.lle-receipy:ofithre liest of Oysters -*Well *3ll::lie!raieivedmp-iir the riaikal;vfirie .... 'fleiropticytial Z. I,willr,:haveifitteif t us) icif.; the , wiiiter;nioitha7.*arm and comfo rtablOrn re s ~ ori t t7k gat iihd t4COlia tisiois,ztof tire.: 1.466:64.1401)7,4T10N1TiV i'll.g. 'bTA-DIES, a _ 4 ..' , , ~...., S- , .2 IliCh ;derfar ent . with. receive - particular ten.4tpa. i G. I.Z6ooDlitft ' r A 06))11Yanite , ,e 0) 8; Ousfek::;64l')orl• Marietta, September 15, ISG6.-tf. - powg-toEruismo. ea '..:',..A . ., - ,!',!..:11:',0:1",".-7-" ti:. '..'11.1.: tj ' ~WE:WI OP,EN, It,liMsW EK A Choice lot ; of Chop Dr y Goods ! ! . . . Purchased - since the decline -and will be sold, itaiß.'; - Catne,and seelusand you Will,go,,away satisfied that this is - the place)tol get , yourino ,BOWERSIerSTEACY, • '47,0:561 Market street, L ,bEeIION NOTICE.- ' ."4 .1.14.- - Z• o NireNATTONAL BANK of ''MARIETTA, - DECEMiE.ll7;5;e'l$64: sv An Election fei-,iguln directors of.thie Bank to serv o , the eqnlngyeaf, will he' lield at the lAnkineanuee, , ,on LTEgDAl;the:Btli day of 4 JATtIJARy next, Ifigtiv44 the 116 m -dill rand 3 o'clopk; P. - • - =,.- Annual meeting df StsickliOlders at, tliisarne deqe • tt.] - o.o l lli KR. 131- j;75:.1 - 10TFX-1: !DENVIST,.I -- 0 V Tal F.. is.A.Tumpx.r. C -- OF D h:I4TAT:2 S Uit 4244:y 0,E,24:Ay1111.1.113U - R(4.! CE:,-Fropt jtmg, ;text door to!li. lamis' 4 •Driig* Store,''bitween Locust.* tutvatreelS. -ftioTtgPeo - i144,4, 'talifiggOtvi is-. tott" . o-rattitt, Wydindere and Li `ifforant-kindarkßLowhand_at, ‘l2' oy,filiA,l",l,S; t rxtellent quality, cheap,!ll • Tv " „:.:SfeeSAR,2 tie n tllo . 64% - riVATEti 15r,071S fe" 4 ID enAnil " - 13011.LEAVS long celebrated GIN, H. D. BE NJ. AMIA.,_ Sat IMIM MR ~Y I??k fN' I Ili C.lT. 4 l?ltif! =I WRY SUFFFII Nxrrli 'iu.dh.a.,awie.dhdhAkM faigiihini*;LOATlMlll Z te413 . 4. MSDASE ISS ILICP ftgArIiTICA:M-RE CURED ANL t19.,r9,7,s 9![;', .47 0 4.: , 91:5,3914 - 1 9 9te ' -EiVOIII.446IYrtEIiAI).Ir.A.TE PROM ei ~z a;y a' ~s TIL.V..SXTINI Y B Tilt USE OF • TN, val r • - E ELIE'S • • tat,..0411,11 All llt A E E -404 '- ' 444 1.0.71 e i , f1.3 6 - • :-.6::,;17 !!3sll - ;:,r. - ' . - ' :ttlitAillrEll ' Zl/V:ILL SUR iLY 11E?,ar `eatt , • , , ' ' " rl . 0 7 N NI 1.) 1' I 0 N ••_ ;"..•.••• -SAS 4 ti* • 'after E,,, , . i...!5 , 11 1 .,:i.19 IN I:FF, INCiPiEi. E S . „ N 12' ‘ . F,111,5! Cure warranted if dirfedival are f ylitra, SING LE 1301"`1'L I. I AST 1 btu iT 1101-13 , 114 ' 4-- 4 .11.) ij R E *, ~,1 1, 1 :11 1 111 ils a crt111111:te8 '"..:''',. D A ),..7, 1 . 1 • E i! E: D . . Unused by utfeus,er ,t.cithon ' Caused by Catarrhal Ntlechor, SENSE 'OF 'SMELT Ii awned or destroy-, Ess 11 hea t ' Catip hal difficulties. .1 ; life Mk UPI TFE T N • Ale morefreiiiiently than otherwis4 roans by a t Mai., sliniy iiiiicon,4. falling front the hrn especially during the and resulting ho u 1” . 14 ,, Ar5 . ,,cri red by ,;t'.:42 ; , 1144..'; . 1 1 .; 4 R": :S LELY E' S • _ -r-aQi.l.tp-pAT,,k .11EMEIg! =I~T "B'~'. ._. :;~_-,: T M 5. The sy mptonis taturrh are at hitt sligßC-a co; gersonslind! that they have a col.i tlfat they. havefrequent attacks, and are :nor. sensitive to .the changes of temperature. 11 this'conditioti the muse may be dry, or a cligh disctiatge,dhin and acrid, aftertvards duck sn. adhesive, raayensue. t 'As rite disease beanies chronic, the disci:sr ges are increased in quantity and changed quality ; they are riots thick and heavy, at: ,arediriwkeffr. -o'coughed off. sectetioa are offensive, caullig almid breath; the vote,. thick and nasal.; .Y.he eyes ure v eak ; the sca' of sinellis lesseLed o; destroyed : deafitets ire quently takes* place. • - ifiliOthertomnion and important sympta PKVaprlifiskttnte .the person is ohligod t 1 clear his - throat .04.he.ritorning of a he o slimy iffifents,tt whialidrai fallen from the ta: dirring.thetilight.:. When this takes place, person maybe sure that his •lisease oil lt way to the lunge,° Brill should lose no Lillie Etife6liftglf.".; i The.thove,nr.e. - but few of the ow. Catarrh I"YmPreerds. ;Write' to our Laboratory fo our - phamphlet describin fully all symptom s iietkeillltgr INW amitfE; to ,-any addre:s• ads directions- where to procure the medicine. 1 re'ceiVifigletters from ail po i " 0 the',UOititi,',s 'and also. numerous testimonin friorn , thOse bearing the evidence its t Tina ..remedy' contains no MINEIIA .or4.9l,sppl;Oitlg-iSO.FLEDIENTs,hu!i.s pr! payed , ,ftom ysitable extracts EXCLL Alig . efor i dr : i.a 'PERFECTLY FlA!l'''.• LESS', even to.ge;most, tender and iclicat. neftiLt".*:)Ji, SEELY-VS CATARRH RIO! aPttake no other. If not sold hy int, Oki y they will order it to you.' 4- Piatetf2 - 200!paribottl e. Allippisprimuffering with any of the Iplenjz,b Throat. of Lungs, chould writes, oncelfdi mataphleritiny &grit:dug al totniptome_pertainung t !the dis e ases. :Tat Nlo.llrbofienS.efreelto-any addrge• affrctio .n..'...-il 2'.1.,i. Aritseagg it. , •-• .i - .ga,-,Pata..)....,11. ''BELYE & Ca, ~,, - 77,...,--1,---,..: ---,FREEPORT, ILLINOIS. B c . ' La: :13 3' tiff Wholesale isne Retell Drag?l'l9 7.,...._,„. - -- ! E.R CrEßia,' AGENTS, Fuller oliti` Df'' Park,- Cincinnati, Ohio; 'i -, EinctutkrtcHuller,,,Chicago,llll.l Burnhains 3V,,,anSishapek,,ittpcitigoiAlk. fee'inas Barrio • Co., New York ;-I.)n,let,ntsgm,Ez Co., B°f l6l° --141, -Yei-Farrandy.thelley-f.t.Co„ Detroit, Mich i igat ,-, -, Wieks lxitillbtteli,-, •Spaton, *Ws' re nChtftßielfirds Jkasiewt,i ePhilailelphis, i's, F .Rt-Sefiers - en nes-P4nehurgh, Pa. i Con'''' tio•i'd ; rie lial r.a.tiP—li-- Ward slltors',SElltbiliD,bMtef ,*,mealtes, k S Co I. A. Robinson qßitriearier Brorblemphisl,',e'7ElreiXt'R.ieliii,•Vt,;Th DT ." %Dexter s Isen & Block, Baltimore , ; ff.' ki UA., 4 f rr 4 " l -" I,"n a.tteg-8 AF m srong, °9!v-ej 1 john4on, Elio `eb''-Wison4PoieiS k Co., I.suisvllle, E), • Octohei 13, 15h13.-ly,