ill! Pal Sarittfian, ! Ark' Tirovning, ).ece , inbel - 22,1888. ebe Morning Passenger train for Lan oltersod Philadelphia will leave the upper , P o n it 12 minutes ajter 8 o'clock. The train going' westward will pass upper eif Hon 7 minutes afier 12 o'clock, 'moor. p ar s r t isburg accommodation train eastward „II pass at 26 minutes after 5 o'clock, in the oernoon and returning arrive here at 43 after 6 o'clock in the evening. 40. Our Carrier desires us to say that 0 4 oaks his accustomed New Year's 011, w ith a peat address, when he hopes to to bie patrons ` " at borne." i r The Pastor of the Presbyterian ttarch will preach ( V.) on next sithath evening a sermon especially to eung me n, Subject : Strength. Young od old are eareeetly iniited to attend. • ..... ar Bet Mr. Russel will preach in tostbutch, on Christmas morning, at ffilf pot ten o'clock. The public is in.. SA. or Oar Literary Society has com pleted arrangements for a Course of Loos, to be delivered by distinguish. d gentlemen, during the winter. The ofesiog One will be delivered in Tem sage Hall, on the evening of the ifirdofJonuary, 1867, by Rev. T. De Witt Talmage, of Philadelphia, whose rtpotenoti as an able and interesting Iginwr stands equal to any in the reentry; his lectures abound in the ablinfe and humorous ; the subject so ftleil is " Ulttlinliß & Co." The So- OF has put Family Tickets, and tickets ! Miffing, a Lady and 081:1 tlemar , to the Norse, so law, that all can avail them olm of the advantagos thus offered for itiellectanl culture, that, may be derived mn bearing the thoughts of master r:ciii.'Pickets for the course may be cwsiorti from either of the following !mmittife; Miss Margaret Childs, Miss g,lliiiie, %first's. Barr Spangler or G lc kNiiativy. Price : Family Ticket ',false - arm, 82:50 ; Ticket admitting !lady and gentleman, for the course, lidi; Single admission, Twenty-five :sots. We do hope this movement will recurs cordial sup part of every puil c , tog any pretensions whatever U.. .20 tuliure or taste, 11. L & E.. 1. Zahn!, Jewelers. ,:rfif Bunt corner of Centre Square and N,rth given et., Lancaster, have issued !very Lest pamphlet describing their Cfil,ftnaft and Holiday wares, with a Iffinisplice of their new building . em f'!!hirf4 the cover. This is the most idable house in this line west of Phila. !tyrffs, where a very large display of i.,,:t is always be found. The Messrs. L'im iii•e relieble, trustworthy and ebiiig -4 If The Elizabethtown Trumpet says : "William Taylor and his son were put a new pump stock into a well for :,Lluse Eby, of this place. As the ) , %g man was coming out of the iglti Slipped off, and he fell down. sell is about 22 feet deep, and con• la/ about 11 feet of water, and, strange al due young man only got, a duck- Cff Ws have had quite a cold spell ''te:!aatl,ty fact--snowing all day and r;Stabley night the Susquehanna river L9J—for the find, Limo this season, stiti as "•fight as a drum head.' ihtbeye are eejnying skating on the ;cal, and "all things considered," we etie the mitlat of cold and piercing otwinter. Ea From the appearance of oar ad nitiug columns it will be inferred that re are uo Holiday goods in town, ex itat John Spangler's. We do not hl ibis to be the fact, but we dr, know alba has a nice assortment of useful 51 fancy articles, suitable for Holiday rants, Drop in and see for your- Our young friend flurry Zook, for 4 time a conductor on the Columbia 411 . has resigned that position and ac- Pied his old one as Engineer on the exprees lino running through by way 4 untjoy to Harrisburg. Barry was sbliging and attentiru conductor. The Methodist revival, which was „ 405.fu11y continued for seven weeks, ft ° 4 ll se Sunday night last, after having tided one hundred and three to the t , 416 li•t• This is the most remarkable "NI ever had in this place. it The Lady's Friend for January is It 18 a handsome number. The 141 triegs Very fine and the double 'ht°ll P l ate exquisite. For terms, etc. 4 to soothe r column in this paper. /it Dr and Mrs. Worrell will hold a ! k eBt ib in the basement of the M. E. ` ti " llr thr li this ( Saturday ) evening at 7 °leek for the purpose of forming a 11°,1ing clans. St Now ie the time to renew your 4 , t eription a to that old family favorite, I,tih4b 6a mterday Evening Post," see ad. eat. ~* Very little sleighing here yet ; „ cold but little snow. ..... cok Leases, and " Notices to Quit , " 'lrlteid and for sale at this office. to lop blast in this place—raifiinge for Ten COLUMBIA BRIDGE MEETING : Pursuant to a call a meeting was held in the town hall, Columbia, on Thurs day the 13th inst., at which, representa- tives from Lancaster, York Wrightsville, Marietta, Manheim, Manor Township and Columbia took part. Mayor Sand erson was called to the chair. After some discussion as to the beet course to pursue in the premises, in which Col. C. S. Kauffman, Col. A. S. Green, H. M. North, W. G. Case, Gen. J. W. Fisher, Hon. A. E. Boberts and W. P. Brinton participated, when at length, on motion of Hon. A. E. Roberts, a committee of three from each district represented, was appointed to wait upon the officers of the Columbia Bridge company to see if they will re-build tho bridge ; if not, why ? and whether they will deliver up their franchisee. The following gentle men compose the committee : Columbia, J. G. Hess, Geo. Bogle, T. R Supple° ; Lancaster, Hon. A. E. Roberts, Wm. P. Brinton, J. J. Springer ; Wrightsville, Jas. Cook, Wm. McConkey, Geo. Har ris ; Marietta, John Barr, Samuel Hiestand, Barr Spangler ; Manheim,. Nathan Worley, Dr. J. M. Duplap, Henry Arndt; York, E. J. Case, C. F. Winters, Dr. W. Smith. Gen. Fisher moved that the Mayor of Lancaster and Chief Burgesses of each place should be members of the committee. After which the meeting adjourned to meet on Friday, 21st inst., at the Town Hall, Columbia. BALDEMAN'S IN COLUMBIA have taken advantage of the large stocks of goods thrown suddenly upon the market. They have just received from late NEW YORK SALES a general assortment of DRY GOODS bought at PANIC PRICES. BAR GAINS are offered in every DEPARTMENT and visitors to Columbia should not fail to post themselves With THIS WEEK'S PRICES at HALDEMAN'S. icir Just received at Britton & Mus ser's drug store, an assortment of hand- SUMO Bibles, Prayer Books, Methodist liymn Books, and a lot of fancy articles suitable for holiday presents. air There is to be a very pleasant Soi ree on Christmas Eve, in the Military Hall, Maytown. From the character of the young men getting it op, something very pleasant may be looked for. frir Quite a bloody fight occurred at the Donegal House, on Thursday night between a "couple of men of muscle" of our town, one of the belligerents had his ear bitten off. MARRIED Un Thilradiky last, by Rev. Mr. Mont gornery, at the residence of Mr. John Smyser, adjoining this borough, PHIL IP M. KLINE, to M MIME, daughter of Mr. John Smyser, all of -this borough. At the same time and place, by the same, limtv W. SMPEER, of this bo rough, to MISS ABBA. MATTEER, of Shippensburg, Pa. For the "good things for the inner man," which accompanied the above notices, the parties have our best wishes for a long life of connubial felicity. • Here are two eons of Mars who, for three long years, contended upon the tented fields of the rebellion, and now have surrendered to Cupid. Zinsfat Notitts CONTAGIOUS DISZASES. Water must be adapted to the nature of the fish, or there will be no increase ; the soil must be adapted to the seed, or there will be no returns; and the hu man body must contain impurities or there will be no sickness. The man whose bowels and blood have been cleansed by a few Brand reth's Pills may walk through infected districts without fear. "The life of the flesh is the blood." To secure health we muse use BRAND RETH'S Pills, because we cannot be sick but from unhealthy accumulations is the bowels or the blood, which Brandreth's Pills remove; this method is following nature, and is safe, and has stood the test of tome. See B. Brand reth in white letters in the government stamp. sold by all druggists. (D InvAsrox I Do you wish to have your hair cauter;zed from the scalp? L'o. Then be ware of the new brood of Vitriolic and Caus tic Dyes got up by nostrum mongers, who bear the same relation to the responsible chem ist that Pirates and Privateers do to honest merchantmen. Remember that the experi ence of years, and the very highest scientific endorsements, gaurrantee the superiority of Christadoro's Hair Dye over every other in use. It is purely vegetable_ infallible and in stantaneous. Mandactured by J. CHRIST- A DORO, 6 Astor House, New. York. Sold by all Druggists. Applied by all HairDressers.(D Fatuous or Yourn.—A gentleman who suf fered for years from Nervous Debility, .Pre mature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experi ence, can do so by addressing Jolts B. OG DEN, No. 13 Chamber St., New-York. EMPIRE SHUTTLE M4CHINES are superior to all others for family and manufacturing purposes ; contain all the latest improvements; are speedy, noisless, durable and easy to work. Illustrated Circulars sent free. Agents want ed. Liberal discount allowed. No consign ments made. Address EMPIRE S. M. CO, 616 Broadway, N. Y. [xiii:6-iy ET Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh, trea ted with the utmost success, by .f. ISAACS, Ad. D., Oculist and Auribt, (formerly of Ley den, Holland,) No. 519 PINE st., Philadel phia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city and country can be:seen at his office. The medical faculty are invited tc accompany their patients, as ha beano secrete in his practice. Artificial Eyes inserted with out pain. No charge for examination. (-% - r&THE 1 10- Dr. ScnEstex's Mandrake Pills a sub ' stitute for Calomel. These Pills are composed of various roots, having the power to relax the secretions of the liver as promptly and effeeft ually as blue pill or mercury, and without pro ducing any of those disagreeable or dangerous effects which often follow the use of the latter. In all bilious disorders these pills may be used with confidence, as they promote the dis- I charge of vitiated bile, and remove those ob structions from the liver and biliary ducts, which are the cause of bilious affections in general. Schenck's Mandrake Pills cure sick head ache, and ail disorders of the liver, indicated by sallow skin, coated tongue, costiveness, drow siness and a general feeling of weariness and lassitude, showing that the liver is in a torpid or obstructed condition. In short, these pills may be used with advan tage in all cases when a purgative °reiterative medicine is requued. Please ask for " Dr. Schenck's Mandrake Pills," and observe that the two likenesses of the Doctor are on the government stamp—one when in the last stage of Consumption—the ' other in his present hialth. Sold by all druggists and dealers. nice 2d cents per box. Principal office, No. lb N. 6th street, Philadelphia, Pa. General Wholesale Agents :—Demas Barnes & co., 21 Park-Row, N. Y.; S. S. Hance, 10S Baltimore-et., Baltimore, Md.; John D. Park, N. E. Cor. 4th and Walnut, Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker & Taylor, 134 and 136 Wabash Ave nue, Chicago, lll.; Collins Bros., S. W. Corner Second and Vine, St. Louie, Mo. [4 HABITUAL CONSTIPATION, How to effect a certain and permanent cure. Some occu pations of life predispose to Costiveness, es pecially those which, allow but little exercise. Persons who contract this unfortunate habit of body, under such circumstances, might pos sibly be relieved by changing their sedentary employments for others of a more active kind; but this is by no means certain. Habitual con stipation is a very obstinate disorder. All the ordinary so-called remedies invariably aggra vate it. Nothing can be more injurious than the continued use of strong aperients. They at first irritate, and finally almost paralyze the bowels—rendering them so torpid that enor mous doses of cathartic medicines have no ef fect upon them. A mild aperient, combined with a gentle stimulent, is the true remedy ; and a combination in the happiest proportion, of these ingredients, is found in "llostetter's Stomach Bitters." This famous' Stomachic in vigorates the whole intestinal canal, while quietly removing from its convulsions all im pediments to a free passage through them. No niece purgative has this double operation, No ordinary stimulant effects the desired ob ject. Cases of Constipation abandoned as hopeless by distinguished medical men have been cured in a few weeks by the Bitters. To those who have tried all the medicines of the dispensary in vain, we say try this irresistible stimulant and aperient. There is no real good reason why Constipation should be the conse quence of sedentary habits. Hostetter's Bit ters, by supplying the vigar which would oth erwise be derived from exercise, will in all cases enable the system to perform its excre tory functions regularly and healthfully. (D. A Humaue..—How often we hear this ex pression from persons reading advertisements of Patent Medicines, and in nine cases out of ten they may be right. It is over 19 years since I introduced my medicine, the Venetian Liniment to the public. I had no money to advertise it, so I left it for sale with a few druggists and storekeepers through a small section of country, many taking a with great reluctance; but I told them to let any one have it, and if it did not do all I stated on my pamphlet, no one need pay for it. In some stores two or three bottles were taken on trial by persons present. I was, by many, thought crazy, and that would be the last they - •would see of me. But I knew my medicine was no humbug. In about two months I began to receive orders for more Liniment, some calling, it my valuable Liniment, who bad refused to sign a receipt when I left it at their store. Now my sales are millions of bottles yearly, and all for cash. I warrant itaupertor to any other medicine for the cure of Croup, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, Vomiting, Spasms, and Sea sickenness, us an internal remedy. It is per fectly innocent to take internally, see oath ac companying each bottle,—and externally, for Chronic Rheumatism, Headache, Mumps, Frosted Feet, Bruises, •`'prarn, Old Sores, Swel- I ings, Sore Throats, &c., &c. Sold by all the Druggists. Depot_s6 Cortland street, N. Y. !Cr ITCH !—ITCH !—ITCH Scratch Scratch !! Scratch !! ! WH EATON'S OINT MENT will cure the ITCH in 48 hours. Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilbrains and all er iptiona of the skin. Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggists. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS & POTTER, sole agents, 170 Washing ton-st., Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the Union. ei.t